Faculty & Staff

With a degree in public health from Georgia Southern University, you can join the world’s real-life superheroes — public health professionals. They travel across the globe, fighting the factors that cause disease, and save neighborhoods, communities — entire countries from dangerous viruses and bacteria.

Meet the teachers and mentors who will guide you into this rewarding career.

NamePhone NumberCampusBrief BioTeaching Philosophy
bharris@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=IgWEstIAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=ALUCkoUmIjSE846MJ8ZpETrZ8pfgVRsN0NEyTybJLcoMzbAut6WWejAp-MbgRffSi0qDPtW4GCfYhxQE4EUSI2NaBrandonn HarrisBrandonnHarrisInterim Department Chair and Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology912-478-7900Hollis Building 1103CStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Brandonn Harris currently serves as the Interim Chair and Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology in the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology. He is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC), a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), a National Certified Counselor (NCC), is listed on the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s (USOPC) Sport Psychology Registry and Mental Health Registry, and was named a Fellow for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) in 2022. Brandonn enjoys maintaining a very active involvement in various sport psychology professional communities. During his 21 years as a member of AASP, he has served on the Certification Council and was Chair for 2 years of his 5-year term in that group. He also served on AASP’s Ethics Committee for 9 years and as Chair for 4 of those years, in addition to serving as the former coordinator of the Youth Sport Special Interest Group. He also previously taught the AASP-sponsored ethics course. Brandonn is a Past-President for Division 47 of the American Psychological Association: The Society for Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology and served in two other executive committee roles for this organization prior to his term as President. At Georgia Southern, he has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of ethical issues in sport psychology, psychological aspects of peak performance, sport and exercise psychology interventions, team dynamics in sport, and supervised graduate students’ practica and internships in sport and exercise psychology. Brandonn is a founding member of the Georgia Southern Athletics Mental Performance Team, which is comprised of practitioners and administrators in sports medicine, counseling services, and sport psychology with the goal of providing comprehensive, holistic, and collaborative mental health and optimal mental training services to student-athletes and athletic department stakeholders. He currently serves as the Co-Director of Mental Training for South Georgia Tormenta FC, a team in the USL1 professional soccer league. As a practitioner, he utilizes an integrational approach to mental skills training and clinical mental health work drawing from various frameworks to ensure his clients receive the care and support that best suits their interests and needs. He continues to consult and serve numerous professional and collegiate athletes and teams, youth athletes, parents, and coaches on a variety of sport psychology-related topics. As a researcher, he has conducted and published several book chapters, peer-reviewed publications, and delivered numerous national and international presentations.
Teaching Philosophy
I have spent considerable time and effort developing my longstanding commitment to excellence in teaching. I have taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of sport and exercise psychology, research methods, and statistics. For all of my courses, I integrate a balance of theory, research, and applied/practical components to provide students with a multifaceted classroom experience. My teaching experiences have included “traditional” classroom formats, online courses, and an integration of both formats within individual courses. In my continued effort to create a dynamic course environment while addressing the various types of learning styles that students prefer, I strive to utilize a variety of teaching practices and assessment procedures in each of my courses. These include small group discussions, in-class activities, videos, readings from current texts or relevant articles, lectures, exams, reaction/reflection papers, presentations, case studies, and article critiques. In addition to these varied teaching approaches, I have made a point to incorporate technology in my courses to develop creative and innovative teaching methods that enhance the learning environment and classroom experience, whether an online or on-campus course.
  • Ph.D.; Sport and Exercise Psychology; West Virginia University
  • M.S.; Sport and Exercise Psychology; West Virginia University
  • M.A.; Counseling; West Virginia University
  • B.S.; Exercise Science; Truman State University
Research Interests
  • Professional and Ethical Issues in Sport and Performance Psychology
  • Provision of Sport Psychology Services to Youth Sport Participants
  • Coach and Athlete Burnout
  • Mental Health and Wellness in Collegiate and Professional Athletes
kspears@georgiasouthern.eduKaren SpearsKarenSpears912-478-2123Hollis 1128AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyClinical Instructor, Director of the Master of Foods and Nutrition and Dietetic Internship Program at Georgia Southern University. I have worked in various clinical settings and developed clinical programs (such as home infusion and osteoporosis clinic). I assisted in research at USDA Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center and the University of Nevada, Reno. Research emphases were clinical epidemiology, nutrition assessment, and intervention impact assessment.
Teaching Philosophy
Nutrition is an ever-evolving field of science; therefore, my goal is to ignite curiosity, provide the theoretical underpinnings for nutrition concepts, offer application opportunities (bridging theory to practice), and furnish experiences for students to practice the art of critical thinking and effective communication. In addition, we learn from each other. So, it is vital to create a safe environment that allows for bold, productive, and inclusive conversations.
  • Ph.D., University of Washington, 2001
  • M.S., Boston University, 1984
  • R.D. Internship, New England Deaconess Hospital, 1982
Research Interests
  • Nutrition and Program Assessment
bmelton@georgiasouthern.eduBridget MeltonBridgetMeltonProfessor of Exercise Science912-478-1973Hollis 1127Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Bridget Melton, EdD, ACSM EP-C, NSCA CSCS, FMS-2, is a distinguished Professor of Exercise Science at Georgia Southern University, boasting over two decades of dedicated service to the field. With a focus on promoting physical activity among diverse populations, particularly within tactical contexts, Dr. Melton has authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications and delivered over 200 presentations worldwide. Her impact extends beyond academia, as evidenced by her collaborations with local and state-level fire service and law enforcement agencies, aiming to enhance health and wellness outcomes. Notably, she has led groundbreaking initiatives, including a FEMA grant with the University of Kentucky to evaluate embedded providers in fire service and collaborations with esteemed institutions like the Georgia Public Safety Training Center and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. Dr. Melton's leadership extends to her affiliations with prominent organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the National Association of Kinesiology in Higher Education, solidifying her reputation as a leader and influencer in her field.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is surrounded by the idea that everyone needs to be equipped with both the knowledge and skills to make healthy behavioral choices. One’s personal health is the summation of one's own health choices. I try to instill this philosophy in my students, essentially educating them on how their choices (positive or negative) will directly impact their overall health. I also try to use my philosophies to inspire my graduate teaching assistants to help guide them as they educate others on health topics.
  • Ed.D., Specialization: Curriculum Studies, 2005
  • M.S., Kinesiology, Specialization: Exercise Physiology, 2000
  • B.A., Major: Movement and Sport Science, 1997
  • Fellowship, Physical Activity and Public Health, 2008
Research Interests
  • First Responder Health and Wellness
  • Physical Activity Promotion
  • Human Performance
Center for Rehabilitation and Independent Living, Human Performance Lab
abigailcjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduAbigail JohnsonAbigailJohnsonLecturer of Anatomy and Physiology912-478-0133Hollis Building 1119AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyAbigail C. Johnson is a Double Eagle alum of Georgia Southern University and Lecturer of Anatomy and Physiology in the Department of Health Sciences & Kinesiology. Ms. Johnson teaches undergraduate anatomy and physiology courses.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy is that the educator has the understanding and desire to create an environment that allows students to be held accountable while supporting their growth and educational development. I believe that the educator is responsible for more than just supplying knowledge relating to the coursework in a field of study. Rather, it is their moral obligation to be a guiding hand in the development of the young minds who will continue to shape the future in a positive manner. My philosophy can be broken down into three descriptive categories of Conceptualizations, Relations and Applications. As an educator, my goal is to continually create an environment that is host to four essential elements. This can be accomplished through Guidance, Autonomy, Reflection & Discovery. As an educator, I value communicative relationships and believe this cannot be achieved without Communication, Empathy & Acceptance. As an educator, it is important that I am Informed, Aware & Prepared. This combination allows me to create an encouraging environment where students have autonomy in their educational experiences but also understand that they have someone in their corner to support them along the way.
  • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2020
  • B.S.K, Georgia Southern University, 2018
Research Interests
  • Biomechanics
  • Sport Performance
  • Student Success
  • Motivation and Perception
vrawool@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/vishakha-rawoolVishakha RawoolVishakhaRawoolAssociate Dean for Research912-478-1158Ashmore Hall, Room 131-A, Armstrong; Hollis 1121-B, StatesboroArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science, Office of the DeanVishakha Rawool, Ph.D., CCC-A is the author of two widely used textbooks, numerous funded research publications, and an expert guest speaker at national and international conferences. She is a trilingual and highly experienced clinician. Her experiences include serving as a faculty member, department chair, journal section editor, and associate dean. She is the recipient of the Outstanding Researcher Award from the College of Education and Human Services, at West Virginia University. She was presented with the Dr. S. R. Chandrasekhar (Dr. SRCISH) Travel Fellowship of the Indian Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ISHA), in 2016 in recognition of excellent contribution, talent & service in the field of audiology.
Teaching Philosophy
Most students can rise to the challenges posed by their professors although not all students are initially fully aware of this capability. Keeping this in mind, I challenge, motivate, and guide students to master the relevant concepts. I engage students in the learning process through text, journal articles, case studies, case simulations, probe questions, and collaborative discussions to promote comprehension of the material and the ability to apply the information to real-life scenarios. I also provide personal feedback to students to meet any individual needs and to ensure the success of all students. I maximize the use of current technological tools to ensure learning efficiency.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow: Research fellow: Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University
  • Doctor of Philosophy. Purdue University, 1989
  • M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology. University of Texas at El Paso, 1984
  • Diploma in Education for Deaf Children. University of Bombay, India
  • Bachelor of Science. Audiology and Speech Therapy, Topiwala National Medical College, University of Bombay
Research Interests
  • Remote Collaborative Communication
  • Hearing Conservation
  • Auditory Processing Deficits
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Aging
dbotnaru@georgiasouthern.eduDiana BotnaruDianaBotnaruProfessor, Human Anatomy and Physiology912-478-5456Armstrong 154JArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Diana Botnaru is a professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology with over 20 years of teaching experience. Specializing in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Dr. Botnaru mentored numerous faculty helping to design, implement and disseminate their SoTL projects both individually and within Faculty Learning Communities. She is actively engaged in a plethora of collaborative SoTL projects that have resulted in over 100 peer-reviewed presentations and 24 scholarly publications. Dr. Botnaru chairs the SoTL Commons Annual Conference (2013-present) and the SoTL Advisory Board at the Faculty Center (2023-present). She is the recipient of the GS SoTL Fellowship (2012), GS SoTL Award (2012), GS Award for Excellence in Instruction (2020), Wates College of Health Profession Excellence in Teaching Award (2009, 2018 and 2024), University System of Georgia Chancellor’s Learning Scholar (2019-2021) and University System of Georgia Regents’ SoTL Award (2014).
Teaching Philosophy
Learning theorists have provided us with a set of ideas about how people learn. Since learning is dynamic and students are different, all of these theories intertwine to achieve optimal learning. Research has found that the brain plays a role in learning; the way the learning environment is constructed makes a difference; that learning is based on the associations or connections we make; learning occurs in particular social and cultural environments, and finally, that the different ways people think and feel about their own learning affects their development as learners. We, as teachers, can use learning theories to guide us in our teaching practice and to facilitate learning by using a variety of strategies. I believe that students are central in my career as a teacher, and my goal is to promote student learning and see my students succeed. I teach a foundational class for allied health majors, which is reported as “difficult” and “very difficult” by students. However, Human Anatomy and Physiology classes are also building blocks for future clinical decisions in nursing, athletic training, nutrition, community health and exercise science careers. I follow the best teaching practices and provide my students with well-defined learning outcomes for each topic, align assignments to support the learning outcomes, provide study guides to facilitate learning and communicate often to keep them on track. Diana Laurillard claims in her book Rethinking University Teaching (1993) that “teachers need to know more than just their subject. They need to know the ways it can come to be understood, the ways it could be misunderstood; they need to know how individuals experience the subject”. I realize that all my students are different and I use multiple teaching strategies in the classroom. Most importantly, I strive to help students learn new and often difficult material by explicitly discussing learning strategies, providing them with opportunities for retrieval and application of knowledge and by modeling these strategies in the design of my courses. My hope is to serve as a role model for learning and reflection on teaching and impart my dedication for life-long learning to students and other faculty.
  • MD, State Medical and Pharmacy University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
  • Master of Public/Health Policy and Management, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME9
Research Interests
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Motivation
  • Growth of SoTL
  • Grand Challenges in SoTL
rterry@georgiasouthern.eduRobert TerryRobertTerryAssociate Professor912-344-3606Gamble 239Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishRobert Terry teaches primarily technical and professional writing at Georgia Southern, drawing from his first career in information technology (1994-2002) and his training at the University of Louisville as well as his ongoing research into evolving professional communication strategies. He also teaches courses in digital storytelling, sequential storytelling/comics, and other areas.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that the best method for learning how rhetorical genres operate is to try to simulate their context in which they operate, so whenever possible, my courses use a project-based learning approach that feed into projects that can develop in stages over an entire semester.
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and Composition, University of Louisville
Research Interests
  • Professional and Technical Writing
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Games Studies
  • Gender Studies
bfeske@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/brent-d-feske-2Brent FeskeBrentFeskeInterim Associate Vice President of Research and Economic Development912-344-3210SC 1505Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsBrent D. Feske is a professor of Chemistry at Georgia Southern University, where he specializes in bioorganic chemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics. With a strong commitment to research, he has contributed significantly to the field of biocatalysis and the asymmetric synthesis of pharmaceutical precursors. Feske is dedicated to fostering student engagement and promoting innovative learning practices in his courses. He is also very active in the American Chemical Society and currently serves as chair elect for the Southeastern Region of the American Chemical Society. Dr. Feske currently serves as the Interim Associate Vice President of Research and Economic Development at Georgia Southern.
Teaching Philosophy
Feske is dedicated to fostering student engagement and promoting innovative learning practices in his courses.
  • BS Chemistry
  • Ph.D. Chemistry
Research Interests
  • Biocatalysis
  • Asymmetric Synthesis
  • Pharmaceutical Synthesis
COSM Core Research Lab
sksmith@georgiasouthern.eduSolomon SmithSolomonSmithAssociate Professor912-478-57422002, Interdisciplinary Academic BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistorySolomon K. Smith is an Associate Professor of Early American History and the American Revolution at Georgia Southern University since 2005. He teaches the U.S. Survey class as well as courses on Colonial America, First Contact, Military History, The Global Seven Years War, The Golden Age of Piracy in the Americas, the American Revolution and The History of Baseball. A native of Texas, he earned his Ph.D. in the history at the University of Georgia in 2009 and has authored several journal articles on both teaching and historical subjects.
Teaching Philosophy
My role as a teacher and a scholar are interdependent with my service to the university and the community. I put great value on the development of critical thinking skills amongst my students. Ultimately, I hope to teach my students to understand and make persuasive arguments about complex issues that are relevant to present conditions as well as those in the past. I have found that students are able to improve their analytical skills to their highest potential when they are actively engaged in a wide range of classroom and outside exercises that call on their reading, writing, listening, analytical, and verbal abilities. I constantly try to push the boundaries of my students’ knowledge and comfort levels on a wide range of subjects in the hopes of giving them the ability to see subjects and complex issues from a multitude of angles. I seek to instill a sense of wonder in my students and hope to awake in them a love of learning, a striving for knowledge. Simultaneously, I seek to create an atmosphere of trust and respect in the classroom to enable students to ask questions about a variety of historical perspectives and methodologies.Primary readings, scholarly essays, and monographs form the core of my course readings and classroom exercises. I have found that students reflect more thoroughly on these texts when they develop questions about the materials while completing the reading. I organize my class discussions around themes so that the students and I are better able to develop a context for the readings; helping the student make sense of them in their own time-frame as well as our own. By immersing students in primary sources, I have found that they are better able to form their own opinions about the issues being raised in textbooks and lectures. But I do not think it is enough just to peruse the documents, I want my students to understand how they were created, to know what historians do with them, and why? Regardless of class size, I try to make group discussions a centerpiece of my teaching style. My students have consistently responded positively to discussion, claiming it encourages them to take in consideration the views of their classmates as well as to think more precisely about the course materials. I routinely require students to carry out debates and to present primary documents, scholarly essays, and books to their classmates. During these presentations, students must provide their own interpretations of the materials and they are responsible for leading the subsequent classroom discussions. I provide additional contextual information when necessary during these exercises, but I mostly encourage the students to engage in debate on their own. During lectures, I frequently ask questions and solicit opinions from students so that they are engage with the learning process. My students often comment that this style keeps them more involved in lectures as well as encouraging them to feel more comfortable with debate and discussion as a basic fact of the course.
  • B.A. in History, College of William and Mary, 1998
  • M.A. in History, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2000
  • Ph.D. in History, University of Georgia, 2009
Research Interests
  • American Colonial and First Contact
  • Atlantic History
  • American Revolution
  • Piracy During the Golden Age
  • US Military History
channa@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/christan-hannaChris HannaChrisHannaAssociate Professor of Sport Management912-478-8013Hollis 2118AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Hanna was one of the sport industry’s most accomplished sport marketing professionals prior to earning his Ph.D. in Sport Administration from the University of Louisville then joining Georgia Southern University. His 15 years in intercollegiate athletics make him one of the most industry experienced Sport Management professors in the field. Among Dr. Hanna’s top accomplishments in Sport Marketing are leading the University of Illinois to the most National Association of Collegiate Marketing Administrators (NACMA) Awards over a five-year stretch in which Illinois led the Big Ten Conference in NACMA Awards in four of five years. He helped Illinois double season ticket sales, attendance, and football revenue in just two years—the only time this is believed to have been accomplished at any school in Big Ten Conference history. He helped Illinois sell out four games in consecutive seasons for the first time in 20 years and helped Western Michigan University sell out three games in one season for the only time in WMU history. He created some of the most memorable events in Illinois history including the pink shirt Illini Madness event that established a school record, hosted more than 50,000 fans for the World’s Biggest Basketball Practice, and worked with Bruce Weber to create A Night of Legends featuring two Illinois Final Four teams separated by more than a decade. Dr. Hanna is entering his ninth year at GSU, having earned tenure and promotion to Associate Professor. He has taught 17 different SMGT courses, teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Hanna enters the 2024-25 academic year with 12 publications and others working their way through the system. His peer-reviewed work is published in the International Journal of Sport Communications, Communication and Sport, Legal Aspects of Sport, Journal of Contemporary Athletics, Journal of Sport Behavior, Journal of African American Studies, and Quinnipiac Law Review among others. Dr. Hanna has 32 peer-reviewed oral academic conference presentations to his credit entering 2024-25. He is a regular presenter at the North American Society of Sport Management (NASSM) Conference where he has presented on nine occasions while also serving as a NASSM abstract reviewer three times. Hanna’s college practical sports background and academic research interests have led him to present at College Sport Research Institute (CSRI), the top college sport conference, 11 times. His Sport Law research interests have led him to present at the Sport and Recreation Law Association (SRLA) conference 6 times.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe the faculty member has an obligation to prepare all students as if they are going to need the information shared in the classroom in their professional career. While I am interested in helping the students achieve their academic goals, I am equally or more interested in making sure that when they leave my classroom the student has been given and assessed on their knowledge of information they will need to succeed in the field. This is a point of emphasis in my classrooms and something my students appreciate. I believe the faculty member should respect each student and provide a forum that allows for a comfortable exchange of ideas. Rather than talking at the students for the full course time in session after session, I strongly encourage and receive participation from the students. This creates a more lively and comfortable classroom which leads to the sharing of diverse thought and opinion. This creates a well-rounded classroom experience that more closely mimics the team environment found in the Sport Management industry.I believe the faculty member has an obligation to enter the classroom prepared and ready to pass on important information. I prepared myself by working in the field for 15 years prior to earning my Ph.D. in Sport Management. That preparation continues as I follow current events related to Sport Management, review journal articles, and conduct peer-reviewed research. All of this contributes to my ongoing education, which makes me a better teacher. I believe the faculty member should make notes during the course of each semester that can improve the class in future offerings. Seemingly small refinements to the syllabus and/or the presentation of class material can make a big difference. My students have noticed changes I have made from one semester to the next. They appreciate the fact I take their feedback seriously.I believe the faculty member should bring the material to life with real world examples when possible. Semester after semester my high teacher evaluation scores and positive comments from students are the result of the fact I bring current events to the classroom which brings the textbook material to life and adds life to the classroom. While it takes additional time for me to recreate significant portions of a class from one semester to the next to account for current events, the students notice and appreciate the effort.Finally, I believe the faculty member should focus first on teaching the students the information they need to successful in industry before being concerned about student grades. This includes making sure students have the writing experience and understanding of proper writing that is required for success in business. Therefore, I will always make sure my courses emphasize the most critical topics students will practically utilize in their careers in order to best prepare them to obtain a job and keep a job.
  • Ph.D - Sport Administration - University of Louisville
  • MBA - Marketing - Western Michigan University
  • BBA - Management - Nazareth College
Research Interests
  • Sport Communication
  • Sport Law
  • College Sports
  • Sport Policy
  • Pro Sports
cherringer@georgiasouthern.eduCarol Engelhardt HerringerCarol EngelhardtHerringerProfessor of History912-344-3349IAB 3094Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryCarol Engelhardt Herringer is Professor of History at Georgia Southern University. She has served as chair of that department (2019-2024) and as chair of the Department of History at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio (2010-2016). She is the author of Victorians and the Virgin Mary: Religion and Gender in England 1830-85 (Manchester UP, 2008) and a number of articles and essays on Victorian religion and culture, as well as the co-editor of Edward Bouverie Pusey and the Oxford Movement (Anthem, 2012). She is currently working on a book project on the cultural significance of debates over the Eucharist in the Victorian Church of England. She teaches HIST 1112: World History II, undergraduate courses on British history and vampires in history and culture, as well as graduate courses on the Decorative Arts and 19th century British history.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is simple: to give students, at whatever level, the appropriate tools and skills to discover, analyze, and use historical information. This means that I ask them to read closely, to understand historical debates, and to know the major discussions and thinkers in the area we are studying. I also ask students to write frequently, so that they can work out their ideas and present a convincing argument to others. While few of my students will choose a career as a professional historian, all will benefit from knowing how to research, read carefully, think critically, and write cogently and persuasively.
  • Ph.D., Indiana University - Bloomington, 1997
  • A.M., Literature and History, Washington University (St. Louis), 1990
  • A.B., English and History, Boston College, 1984
Research Interests
  • 19th Century British History
  • Religious History
  • Gender History
  • Cultural History
billallison@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.profbillallison.com/Bill AllisonBillAllisonProfessor of Military History912-541-3172IAB 3006Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryBill Allison is a scholar of American military history, specifically the Vietnam War. He is a Professor of History at Georgia Southern University, joining the faculty there as Chair of the Department of History in 2008. After earning a BA and MA in History at East Texas State University in 1989 and 1991, he completed his Ph.D. in history at Bowling Green State University in 1995. He then taught at the University of Saint Francis (Indiana) before joining the History Department at Weber State University from 1999-2008. During the 2002-2003 academic year, he was Visiting Professor in the Department of Strategy and International Security at the USAF Air War College and later served as Distinguished Professor of Military History at the USAF School for Advanced Air and Space Studies from 2010-2011. He also served two years as the General Harold K. Johnson Visiting Chair in Military History at the US Army War College (2012-2014). He is author of The Gulf War (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), My Lai: An American Atrocity in the Vietnam War (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012), Military Justice in Vietnam: The Rule of Law in an American War (University Press of Kansas, 2007), and American Diplomats in Russia: Case Studies in Orphan Diplomacy, 1917-1919 (Praeger, 1997), and is co-author with Janet Valentine and the late Jeffery Grey of American Military History: A Survey from Colonial Times to the Present (Routledge, 2020), among other works. He has presented and lectured at numerous conferences and universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, the University of Zurich, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Amsterdam, the Australian Defence Force Academy, the US Army Heritage and Education Center, and the USAF Air Command & Staff College. In addition to recent essays on war remembrance and commemoration, his current research includes book projects on the Tet Offensive and America in 1968.He is a former Trustee and Vice-President of the Society for Military History and was awarded the Society for Military History's Edwin Simmons Distinguished Service Award. He has served on the editorial board of the Journal of Military History and is editor for Routledge’s Critical Moments in American History series. He serves on the Department of the Army Historical Advisory Subcommittee and was awarded the Army’s Outstanding Civilian Service Medal in 2014. Since 2019, he is the series editor for Modern War Studies at the University Press of Kansas, and since 2023 is the Program Director for the Society for Military History Summer Seminar in Military History. He co-hosts with Prof. Brian Feltman (Georgia Southern University) the podcast Military Historians are People, Too!. Allison is a member of the Guild of Battlefield Tour Guides and is a guide with The Cultural Experience (Vietnam), a UK-based battlefield tour company. In 2023, he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.Born and raised in Sulphur Springs, Texas, he lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina with spouse Jennifer and black lab Tucker.
Teaching Philosophy
I like to teach.
  • Ph.D., Bowling Green, 1995
  • MA, East Texas State Univ, 1991
  • BA, East Texas State University, 1989
Research Interests
  • Military History
  • War and Society
  • Vietnam War
stedders@georgiasouthern.eduStuart TeddersStuartTeddersProfessor & Dean912-478-1922Hendricks HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesA native of Perry, Georgia, Dr. Tedders was an original member of the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health (JPHCOPH) when it was founded on January 1, 2006. Beginning his employment as an Assistant Professor in 2000 at Georgia Southern University, Dr. Tedders is a Professor of Epidemiology and currently serves as Dean of the college. Dr. Tedders earned his BS degree in Biology from Georgia Southern College in 1987. After graduating from Georgia Southern College, he earned a MS degree in Medical Entomology from Clemson University (1989) and a Ph.D. in Public Health from the University of South Carolina (1994). As a former Assistant Professor at Mercer University School of Medical (1994 - 2000), Dr. Tedders developed a keen interest in working with rural Georgia communities and was named Georgia Rural Health Researcher of the Year in 1999 by the Georgia Rural Health Association. As a faculty member in the JPHCOPH, Dr. Tedders has served in numerous faculty and administrative capacities prior to being named the Dean, including service as the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, the Director for the Center for Rural Health and Research, and the Director of the Office of Public Health Practice and Community Service. Dr. Tedders has worked with rural and underserved communities in Georgia for 30 years. His community interactions have involved the application of epidemiologic principles, including public health surveillance, to more fully understand the complexities of rural population health status. He has considerable expertise conducting Community Health Assessments and working with rural communities to design and evaluate health promotion programs. His research interests involve the social, economic, and educational factors that influence risk and risk perception. Dr. Tedders has served on health-related boards throughout the state including the Georgia Rural Health Association (Secretary, Treasurer), the Statewide Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Advisory Council, Morehouse School of Medicine AHEC Advisory Board, Chair of the Magnolia Coastlands AHEC, and Secretary of the State Office of Rural Health Advisory Board.
Teaching Philosophy
I understand that many college students are at a pivotal point in their lives, and even the most simplistic problems tend to be magnified in the eyes of the student. Therefore, my teaching philosophy is one which grounded in empathy for and responsiveness to student needs. I also recognize that my teaching philosophy is a work in progress that is constantly being refined in response to the environment as influenced by the unique blend of student-teacher interactions in a given semester. This environment and these dynamics are ever changing, so flexibility and adaptability as a teacher are essential. These interactions include the evolving nature of the health discipline, personal difficulties experienced by students, preferred learning styles of students, and the uniqueness of every student. This complex interaction of factors that occur every semester serves to present new challenges as teacher. However, these challenges serve as a catalyst for me to perform more effectively and efficiently in the classroom. My teaching philosophy also promotes the importance of communication, both oral and written. In the health field, effective communication is an essential pre-requisite for a successful health professional. I enhance communication skills among students by encouraging them to interact during class through question/answer sessions and oral presentations. Lastly, my teaching philosophy is also one which promotes activities designed to stimulate skills in problem-solving and critical thinking. As a result, I always attempt to integrate a problem-based approach in a didactic setting in order to reinforce the importance of these skills in addressing critical 21st century public health problems.
  • BS - Biology, Georgia Southern College (1987)
  • MS - Medical Entomology, Clemson University (1989)
  • Ph.D. - Public Health, University of South Carolina (1994)
Research Interests
  • Rural Health
  • Community Health Needs and Assets Assessment
  • Health Program Design and Evaluation
  • Perception of Risk
lcowan@georgiasouthern.eduLogan CowanLoganCowanAssociate Professor912-478-89212003 Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Cowan received his MPH degree from Brigham Young University and his Ph.D. in Epidemiology from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Cowan is a cardiovascular disease epidemiologist whose research focuses on identifying acute precipitants or triggers of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Cowan has taught epidemiology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. He particularly enjoys teaching epidemiologic and research methodology to public health students of all levels. Dr. Cowan is a member of several professional organizations including the American Public Health Association (APHA), the Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER), and the American Heart Association (AHA)
Teaching Philosophy
Principles of Epidemiology, Research Methods, Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology
  • Ph.D. in Epidemiology, University of Minnesota
  • MPH, Brigham Young University
Research Interests
  • Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology
  • Maternal and Child Health
hwimmer@georgiasouthern.eduhttp://www.ninjaprofessor.comHayden WimmerHaydenWimmerProfessor912-478-4121IT 2102Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyHayden Wimmer has a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland Baltimore County in Information Systems based in data mining and artificial intelligence applied to financial data. He also holds an M.S. is in Information Systems from UMBC, an M.B.A. from the Pennsylvania State University, and a B.S.in Information Systems from York College of PA.Prior to academia, he worked in industry for over 10 years in different capacities in Information Technology performing programming, web design and administration, server administration, network configuration, database administration, and of course technical support on all levels. He traveled the world in his professional capacities performing support and integration for a multinational company spending time in various U.S. locations as well as Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, Belgium, and China.Dr. Wimmer has multiple journal publications related to multi-agent systems, artificial intelligence, data science, and I.S. education; and serves in various editorial capacities including co-editor in chief, board member, and reviewer of various journals and conferences and is a member of the Association of Information Systems. He has taught courses such as programming, database management, project management, I.T. infrastructure, and healthcare informatics. His research is published in top journals such as Decision Support Systems (DSS), Expert Systems with Applications (ESwA), Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), Computers and Geosciences, and Computers in Human Behavior. Dr. Wimmer’s research and outreach has been funded for nearly $3 million as PI/Co-PI.
Teaching Philosophy
As a student, I observed that professors can make a profound difference in the lives of students and their future careers. Professors should not only be instructors of material but additionally mentors and role models. My philosophy involves being available to students and spending time with them on their academic projects and research. Due to this, I supervise many of our master’s projects and theses. Similarly, I supervise our undergraduate senior capstone students both face to face and online and often students complete projects that help advance my research when applicable. I mentored many students with many accepting top positions in well-respected organizations such as Intel, Robbins AFB, American Express, Microsoft, and Home Depot, and are often hired before graduation. I feel treating students as equals and with respect is the most viable method to engage the student and challenge them to learn. Similarly, each student, regardless of background, race, ethnicity, gender, and nationality brings unique and valuable experience to the classroom and research lab. I maintain an open-door policy with all students and always do everything in my power to be approachable and respectful. I engage students in thought and, as a technology instructor, I attempt to provide hands-on examples and in class lab assignments. I feel this time is beneficial to assist the student and class with the material which enhances their command of – at times – highly complex material. Additionally, I actively engage in research, but I do not permit myself to lose sight of the students with whom I am involved. My student reviews are highly positive employing this approach. I also seek to maintain a high level of academic rigor and excellence along with continually seeking new innovative pedagogical methods of instruction. In the end, I believe my duty is to instill computing knowledge, practices, and certifiable skills so that the students will be successful not only in their future courses, but in their future careers. The high success rates of students who work under my direction indicate that I am fulfilling this duty.
  • Ph.D. Information Systems
  • MSIS - Information Systems
  • MBA
  • BS Information Systems
Research Interests
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Cyber Security
  • Machine learning
  • Computing Education
Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Security Laboratory (DAC-lab)
jtatlock@georgiasouthern.eduJason TatlockJasonTatlockProfessor912-344-3126Hawes 103AArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDr. Tatlock completed his academic training in Canada, Israel, and the United States, specializing in the ancient world and religious studies. Prior to joining the Armstrong campus faculty in 2007, he was a visiting assistant professor at Morgan State University in Baltimore. He offers courses in world history, the ancient Near East, ritual studies, and Israel-Palestine.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Tatlock is concerned about student well-being and academic success. Like his colleagues, he believes that the university experience moves beyond career training and the passing along of information. He views academics as a give-and-take endeavor in which there is an exchange of ideas, concepts, and perspectives between faculty and students. He not only guides student learning, but is impacted to view things through different lenses or to consider new questions about the historical subjects he addresses. This is because students bring their questions and understandings into the classroom, helping to create a mutual learning experience.
  • Ph.D. and MA, University of Michigan
  • MA, Jerusalem University College
  • BTh, Prairie Bible College
Research Interests
  • Ancient Mediterranean History
  • Human Sacrifice
  • Religious Studies
  • Israel-Palestine
batchelo@georgiasouthern.eduRobert BatchelorRobertBatchelorProfessor912-344-2760Armstrong 109B, IAB 3013Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryI serve as the Chair of the History Department and Director of Digital Humanities at Georgia Southern University. Originally from Oklahoma, I completed my Ph.D. at UCLA and post-doctoral work at Stanford, where I began exploring how digital, experiential, and interdisciplinary methods can transform the humanities. My early research examined globalizing processes through maritime networks, as explored in my book London: The Selden Map and the Making of a Global City (University of Chicago Press, 2014), which traced the influence of East and Southeast Asia on London’s development as a global hub. This work expanded into innovative public history projects, including a board game (Fujian Trader), a digital app, experimental documentaries, and permanent art installations as well as solo shows.Currently, my research focuses on environmental borderlands and the relationship between media and ecology in the Pacific. This evolving interest in how global networks—both historical and contemporary—intersect with media and technology informs my involvement with the AI and the Human Research Network at Georgia Southern. With that group, I explore the history of AI, its implications for Disability Studies, and the regional dynamics of AI development. As Director of the Digital Humanities Lab, I continue to integrate cutting-edge digital tools into humanities scholarship.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that the study of History and the Humanities should go beyond the traditional lecture-based approach to engage students in experiential, hands-on learning. By immersing students in real-world applications of historical research, whether through fieldwork, archival research, exhibitions, or interactive digital humanities projects, we foster a deeper understanding of the past and its relevance to contemporary issues. This approach not only ignites curiosity but also cultivates leadership, professionalism, teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that are vital in today’s world.Recognizing the diverse learning needs of students is crucial to creating an inclusive classroom. Neurodiversity and different life experiences play significant roles in shaping how students absorb, process, and engage with material. I strive to create a learning environment where all students feel supported and valued, employing flexible teaching methods that accommodate a range of learning styles. This includes offering multiple avenues for participation and assessment, providing clear and structured guidelines, and encouraging collaboration that allows every student to contribute based on their strengths.Ultimately, my goal is to empower students to become active participants in their own education, fostering a lifelong passion for learning and a nuanced understanding of history that they can carry into their personal and professional lives.
  • BA Cornell University
  • Ph.D. UCLA
Research Interests
  • Global Environmental Borderlands
  • Ocean History
  • British and Irish History
  • Asian and Pacific History
  • Digital Humanities, AI, and the History of Technology
HUMN: Digital Humanities Lab
wmase@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/william-a-mase-2William MaseWilliamMaseProfessor912-478-69842016 Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Mase is an Professor of Health Policy and Management. He holds a doctorate in public health from the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, a MPH from the Ohio State University College of Public Health and a Master of Arts in Sociology from West Virginia University. He brings over 30 years of experience. Funded initiatives included rural hospital stabilization, local public health department accreditation, addiction recovery, and healthcare workforce development. Career grant funding is over $11,500,000 from the Food and Drug Administration, Health Services Research Administration, the United States Department of Health & Human Services, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Georgia Department of Community Health .
Teaching Philosophy
I would define my teaching philosophy as being in dedicated service to the next generation of public health professionals and leaders. As an educator I encourage my students to explore their knowledge of public health, search the foundations of their current understandings, and ultimately bring themselves to a heightened awareness of public health concepts. I endeavor to improve the quality of my courses by learning from suggestions and recommendations received from my students. I regularly make modifications in thecourses I teach.
  • Dr.PH - University of Kentucky
  • MPH - The Ohio State University
  • MA - West Virginia University
  • BA - Wright State University
Research Interests
  • Public Health System and Services Research
  • Rural Healthcare & Delivery Systems
  • Addiction Recovery
  • Academic Public Health
  • Health Law, Policy & Regulation
Center for Addiction Recovery, Center for Public Health Practice and Research
chendricks@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher HendricksChristopherHendricksProfessor of History912-344-2725Hawes 106BArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryChristopher E. Hendricks has taught at the Armstrong Campus of Georgia Southern since 1993. He has worked extensively in archaeology, historic preservation, and museum interpretation with many organizations including the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Old Salem, Inc., and the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts. He is the author of numerous publications, including The Backcountry Towns of Colonial Virginia, Old Southern Cookery, and The Piedmont Towns of Colonial North Carolina. He received his Bachelor of Arts in History and English from Wake Forest University and his Master of Arts and Doctorate in History from the College of William and Mary in Virginia, where he specialized in early American history and material culture.
Teaching Philosophy
I approach each of my classes with the basic idea that if you have high expectations, students will rise to meet them. I feel it is important in all of my classes, from freshmen surveys to graduate seminars, not only to present material to the students, but to also train them in skills that will serve them throughout the rest of their lives, i.e., to be able to research thoroughly, evaluate critically, and communicate effectively.
  • Ph.D. College of William and Mary in Virginia
  • MA with Apprenticeship in Historical Archaeology, College of William and Mary in Virginia
  • BA Wake Forest University
Research Interests
  • Colonial and Early National America
  • Religious History, the Moravian Church
  • Culinary History, Southern Foodways
  • Town Development
jbrawner@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4437-0762James BrawnerJamesBrawnerProfessor of Mathematics and Associate Chair, Department of Mathematical Sciences912-344-3186 University Hall 281AArmstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences Jim Brawner is a professor of mathematics on the Armstrong campus of Georgia Southern University, where he has taught since 1997. His research interests include algebraic geometry, combinatorics, and voting theory. In 2001 he received the Carl B. Allendoerfer Award from the Mathematical Association of America for his article, "Dinner, Dancing, and Tennis, Anyone?" in Mathematics Magazine. Since 2005 he has been the organizer of a student/faculty problem solving group, the Eagle Problem Solvers, which has published over 100 solutions, and had over 300 additional solutions acknowledged in mathematical journals. In his spare time he enjoys knitting and running marathons.
  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992
  • B.A., Williams College, 1985
Research Interests
  • Algebraic Geometry
  • Combinatoric
  • Apportionment and Voting Theory
woreilly@georgiasouthern.eduWilliam O'ReillyWilliamO'ReillyVisiting Instructor of Mathematics912-478-5390Math/Physics 2042BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesMr. O’Reilly is a visiting instructor of mathematics on the Statesboro campus . He joined the Georgia Southern University Mathematical Sciences department in 2024.
  • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2024
  • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2022
Research Interests
  • Graph Theory, Chemical Graph Theory
heisenreich@georgiasouthern.eduHeidi EisenreichHeidi EisenreichAssociate Professor, Mathematics Education Math/Physics 2310Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Heidi A. Eisenreich specializes in mathematics education for preservice K-8 teachers. Her teaching approach emphasizes collaborative learning, solving problems in multiple ways, and mathematical discourse to foster a deep conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts. Beyond the classroom, Dr. Eisenreich focuses on preparing preservice teachers for professional learning at conferences and supporting families through hands-on mathematics workshops. She holds leadership positions in the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and the Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics, demonstrating her commitment to mathematics teaching and learning.
  • Ph.D., Mathematics Education, University of Central Florida, 2016
  • M.A., Mathematics, Jacksonville University, 2016
  • M.Ed., Education, Cardinal Stritch University, 2006
  • B.S., Mathematics, Carroll University, 2001
Research Interests
  • Deepening Content Knowledge
  • Supporting Preservice Teachers to Present
  • Supporting Parents’ Content Knowledge
asills@georgiasouthern.eduAndrew SillsAndrew SillsProfessor of Mathematics and Statistics912-478-5424Math/Physics 3305 and University Hall 272Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesProfessor Sills joined the Georgia Southern faculty in 2007. His research interests include combinatorial number theory, especially integer partitions, and related topics including all areas of mathematics influenced by Srinivasa Ramanujan. He is the author of the book An Invitation to the Rogers–Ramanujan Identities published by CRC Press in 2017. More recently, he has expanded his research program to include mathematical statistics. He enjoys classroom teaching and individual mentorship of students in mathematics and statistics. Several of his student advisees have gone on to earn the Ph.D. degree.
  • Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2002
  • M.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1994
  • B.A., Rutgers University, 1989
Research Interests
  • Combinatorial Number Theory
Statistical Consulting Unit (SCU), Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science (DIMACS)
fhamzalup@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/felix-g-hamza-lup-2Felix Hamza-LupFelixHamza-LupProfessor912-344-2680Science CenterArmstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Hamza-Lup research centers on the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence, with a particular focus on advancing human cognition, haptic systems/robotics, augmented and mixed reality, and interactive 3D web-based simulation and training environments. In addition, he actively explores cutting-edge domains such as distributed ledger technology, ubiquitous computing, distributed sensor systems, and cryptography, applying these innovations to secure, decentralized systems. His ongoing projects include developing multi-modal training and simulation systems in critical areas like medical simulation. Felix is awardee of the Fulbright fellowship for outstanding research.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Hamza-Lup is deeply committed to professional growth, engaging in numerous development events aimed at refining course design, content delivery, and cultivating dynamic, meaningful interactions between students and instructors. By embracing cutting-edge pedagogical strategies, he ensures knowledge transfer, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. He adapts course content to the diverse needs of his students, creating an inclusive, stimulating learning environment. With a strong focus on integrating real-world applications into the curriculum, he empowers students to actively engage with the material, deepening their understanding and preparing them for real-life challenges.
  • Ph.D. Computer Science
Research Interests
  • HumanComputer Interaction
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Security
tan@georgiasouthern.edu https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/admin/workspace/personal/overview/Tuyin AnTuyinAnAssociate Professor of Mathematics Education 912-478-5335Math/Physics 2320Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Tuyin An has been a dedicated member of the Mathematical Sciences Department at Georgia Southern University since 2017. As a mathematics teacher educator, her research spans several critical areas, including reasoning and proof, geometry for teachers, technology in mathematics education, and teachers’ number sense. Dr. An is recognized as an MAA Project NExT Fellow and an AMTE STaR Fellow, reflecting her commitment to professional development and excellence in mathematics education. She also serves as a co-director of the Georgia Southern University Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of STEM educators.
  • Ph.D., Purdue University - West Lafayette
  • M.A., New York University
Research Interests
  • Reasoning and Proof
  • Geometry for Teachers
  • Technology in Mathematics Education
  • Teachers’ Number Sense
jgoshorn@georgiasouthern.eduJohn GoshornJohnGoshornAssociate Professor, Multimedia & Film Production912-478-0534Sanford 2007Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsJohn Goshorn is an Associate Professor of Multimedia and Film Production and coordinates the BS degree program in Multimedia and Film Production within the Department of Communication Arts. An alum of the University of Central Florida and James Madison University, he also teaches courses in the Interdisciplinary Minor in Film Studies.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching is primarily focused on the skills students need to think critically, think independently, and think creatively about the media arts. In so doing, my students are able to acquire essential tools to effectively participate in the cultural, intellectual, and economic discourse the media arts comprise, the inherent complexity of which lends itself well to such higher-level thinking, which is an asset to students of any academic discipline.
  • MFA in Film, University of Central Florida
  • BS in Media Arts & Design, James Madison University
  • Professional Acting Certificate in Meisner Technique, Truthful Acting Studios
Research Interests
  • Scripted/Narrative Film & TV Production
  • Screenwriting for Film & Television
  • Directing and Performance for Screen
Bfeltman@georgiasouthern.eduBrian K. FeltmanBrian K.FeltmanProfessor of History912-47'8-5835IAB 3014Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryBrian K. Feltman is professor of Modern European history. He has held research fellowships from the German Historical Institute and the German Academic Exchange (DAAD) and published articles on violence against prisoners of war, relationships between POWs and local women, German-Jewish war veterans, and the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. His first book, The Stigma of Surrender: German Prisoners, British Captors, and Manhood in the Great War and Beyond, received the Society for Military History's Coffman Prize for the best first-manuscript in the field of military history. His current project examines the visual and material culture of mourning in Germany from 1914-1933. In 2023 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is centered on student/teacher interaction and sharing my enthusiasm for history in a way that encourages students to develop a better understanding of their place in the world. In the process, they improve the communication and critical thinking skills that will benefit them regardless of the career path they choose.
  • Ph.D. in History, The Ohio State University
  • MA in History, Clemson University
  • BA in Secondary Education, Clemson University
Research Interests
  • Modern Germany
  • War & Society Masculinity
  • Visual & Material Culture
  • National Socialism
hsamawi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/hani-samawi-2Hani SamawiHaniSamawiProfessor of Biostatistics and Interim Chair912-478-1345Hendricks Hall 1012Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesPh.D. in Biostatistics from the University of Iowa (USA) in 1994. Full Professor of Biostatistics at Yarmouk University until 2006. Currently, I am a tenured Full Professor in Biostatistics and Interim Chair, since July 1, 2019, in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences, at Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. I served as the Karl E. Peace Center for Biostatistics Director from August 2008 to June 2016. Associate Editor of Frontiers in Child Health and Human Development. A guest editor for a special issue of the Internal Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. The issue focus is on innovative data and statistical applications in Public Health.
Teaching Philosophy
As a Biostatistician, my teaching philosophy focuses on providing students with practical tools and fostering critical thinking for success in Public Health, Medicine, and Engineering. I emphasize hands-on learning and curiosity-driven exploration to enhance understanding. My open-door "coffee hours" create a welcoming environment for discussion, and I promote teamwork through real-world data projects that bridge theory and application. At Georgia Southern University, I have guided theses and dissertations, with many students presenting and publishing their research. I integrate technology using software like SAS, SPSS, and R, and have successfully taught online courses since 2012.
  • Ph.D., The University of Iowa, 1994. Major: Biostatistics/Epidemiology
  • MS, The University of Iowa, 1991. Major: Applied Statistics
  • MS, Yarmouk University/Jordan, 1986. Major: Statistics
  • BS, Yarmouk University/Jordan, 1981. Major: Mathematics/Statistics
Research Interests
  • Statistical Methods for Medical Diagnostics
  • Resampling Methods, Bootstrap, Simulation, Monte Carlo Methods, Mcmc Methods
  • Inference for Complete and Missing Data Analysis
  • Meditation Analysis for Different Types of Modeling
  • Ranked Set Sampling
Karl E. Peace Center for Biostatistics and Research
cschachner@georgiasouthern.eduCasey SchachnerCaseySchachnerAssociate Professor of Art912-344-2556Annex II Room 104Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtCasey Schachner is an Associate Professor of Art at the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art at Georgia Southern University. Her research activity explores various traditional and contemporary sculptural mediums as well as temporary site-specific installations and permanent public artworks. Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and featured in numerous publications. Recent accomplishments include being selected as one of three recipients of the 2022-2023 Georgia Sea Grant for Artists, Writers, and Scholars program for her collaborative research with the Biology department in exploring the Intersection of art, science, and marine conservation using algal biomass waste.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on collaboration and inclusivity in the engaging environment of a fine arts studio. I encourage students to think critically in their creative endeavors and be curious with each new artistic medium and technique.
  • M.F.A., University of Montana, 2019
  • B.F.A., Baylor University, 2010
Research Interests
  • Sculpture
  • Public Art
  • 3D Foundations
  • Art + Science
jlangdon@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jody-l-langdon-2Jody LangdonJodyLangdonProfessor912-478-5378Hollis 1101BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Jody Langdon is a Professor of Exercise Science and Coaching Education at Georgia Southern University. Reinforcing the teacher/scholar model, her research focuses on the provision of autonomy support in sport and academic settings. This work has resulted in her being awarded the Georgia Southern University SoTL Scholar Award along with the University System of Georgia Regent’s Award for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. She has also earned recognition as a Center for Self-Determination Theory International Scholar and as a National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Fellow.
Teaching Philosophy
Meaningful learning happens in spaces where students are actively engaged, supported by mechanisms that allow for progress without penalty. Aligned with this idea, I teach students with active learning in mind, utilizing technology and high-impact practices where appropriate. Students are taught in an environment where it is ok to fail and try again, understanding the true process of learning.
  • Ph.D.
Research Interests
  • Self-Determination Theory
  • Coach Education
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
jgibson@georgiasouthern.eduJoshua D. GibsonJoshua D.GibsonAssistant Professor912-478-78262268 Biological SciencesStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research is focused on understanding the genetic and evolutionary basis of phenotypic traits that vary between insects. I’m particularly interested in traits that contribute to speciation by acting as barriers to gene flow, either by stopping mating or reducing the fitness of hybrids. I’m also interested in the mechanisms and evolution of sociality in ants. My work integrates genetics, physiology, and behavior to understand how traits evolve and interact to produce the diversity of life we see today.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on creating an inclusive and flexible learning environment that accommodates diverse learning styles and backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging for every student. By combining adaptability with high academic expectations, I strive to challenge students while providing the support they need to achieve their fullest potential.
  • Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2013
  • MS, Arizona State University, 2011
  • BS, Loyola College in Maryland, 2003
Research Interests
  • Speciation
  • Genetics
  • Evolution
  • Sociality
  • MitochondrialPhysiology
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
jchopak@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/admin/workspace/personal/overview/Joanne Chopak-FossJoanne Chopak-FossAsociate Professor912-478-15301022 Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Chopak-Foss is an Associate Professor and director of the MPH program in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Chopak-Foss received her Ph.D. and M.S. from Penn State University in Health Education and a B.S. degree in Physical Education from the University of Delaware. During her academic career, she has been a leader in curriculum development for both undergraduate and graduate education in public health and has developed over 10 different classes for the University.
Teaching Philosophy
Throughout my tenure at the institution, my teaching philosophy has evolved into the belief that learning is a process and that students who are active learners will be more successful in individual classes and in their programs of study. I have worked diligently to create original authentic assignments that applied meaningful and relevant skills integral to public health practice. My passion for teaching is expressed in providing an inclusive environment in which the expectation is for ALL students to be successful and continually updating curriculum that contributes to the success of the student beyond the classroom. I have a simple philosophy that has guided my teaching for over 30 years
  • BSPE University of Delaware
  • MS in Health Education Penn State University
  • Ph.D. in Health Education Penn State University
Research Interests
  • Maternal and Child Health Issues
  • Improving Health Literacy Among Adolescents
  • Improving Breastfeeding Duration and Exclusivity in Low-Income Women
  • Antecedents for Adolescent Pregnancy and Early Pubertal Timing
  • Sexual Health Curriculum Development for K-12
hongjiewang@georgiasouthern.eduHongjie Wang WangHongjie WangWangAssociate Professor 912-344-3130Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryPh.D. in History from Brown. Research interests include Chinese history, food culture, and US-China relations.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning without Thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous
  • Ph.D. in History at Brown University
Research Interests
  • Political History of Medieval China
  • Food Culture
aadhikari@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/atin-adhikari-2Atin AdhikariAtinAdhikariProfessor of Environmental Health Sciences912-478-2289Hendricks Hall, Room 2025Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Adhikari's extensive research spans critical public health areas, such as environmental air quality, occupational health, and respiratory health. As a Principal Investigator, he has conducted laboratory and field studies on bioaerosol exposures and their impact on respiratory health among farm workers. His work also involves overseeing grants focused on immunomodulator bioaerosols, pesticide residues, and the effects of air pollutants on children's respiratory microbiome. Currently, he is spearheading projects aimed at improving indoor air quality and implementing sustainable methods to reduce pesticide exposures. Additionally, he has actively contributed to US DTRA projects related to inactivating hazardous microorganisms.
Teaching Philosophy
I strongly support a curriculum that combines environmental health with basic sciences and emphasizes hands-on experiences. This approach will help students apply what they learn to real health problems. Instructors should clearly communicate the practical aspects of environmental health. An engaging, active learning environment is important for a successful graduate course on environmental health. At the undergraduate level, instructors should introduce students to various environmental and occupational health and safety problems. Teachers should be committed and able to effectively communicate the practical aspects of environmental health through a mix of lectures, discussions, and group activities in classes and online discussion forums.
  • BSc
  • MSc
  • Ph.D. in Science
Research Interests
  • Environmental Health
  • Air Quality
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Biodefense
Core Public Health Laboratory
jajones@georgiasouthern.eduJeffery JonesJefferyJones912-478-74222005 Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Jeff Jones, MA, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Community Health at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Georgia Southern University.
Teaching Philosophy
Engaging students involves building on knowledge they have already mastered and expanding upon it.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), University of Kentucky
Research Interests
  • Health Informatics
Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Center for STEM Education (i2STEMed), Center for Public Health Practice and Research, Institute for Water and Health
knti@georgiasouthern.eduKwaku NtiKwakuNtiAssociate Professor912-344-2701108 B Hawes HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryBorn and raised in Ghana, Kwaku Nti attended University of Ghana, Legon, University of Cape Coast, and University of Ghana, again, where he taught in the Department of History from 2000 to 2003. In 2003, Nti came to the United States. He graduated from Central Michigan, 2005, and Michigan State University, 2011, Nti has been teaching African and World History courses in Georgia Southern University since 2011. He is the author of Maritime Culture and Everyday Life in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Coastal Ghana: A Social History of Cape Coast (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2023).
Teaching Philosophy
Always aiming at creating a learning community in every teaching encounter through systematic presentation of facts to enable students confidently do insightful interpretations.
  • Ph.D., Michigan State University
  • M.A., Central Michigan University
  • M. Phil., University of Ghana
  • P.G.C.E., University of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • B.A. (Hons.), University of Ghana
Research Interests
  • African History
  • African Diaspora
  • History of Ghana
  • Youth, Expectations, and Society in Africa
  • Globalization in World History
Center for Africana Studies
kharp@georgiasouthern.eduKimberly HarpKimberlyHarpAdministrative Assistant III912-478-5195Hollis 2123C and Ashmore Hall 138Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsWaters College of Health Professions, Office of the DeanI am double eagle currently serving as the communication officer and marketing liaison for the Waters College of Health Professions.
  • B.S. Child and Family Development, 2007
  • Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Management, 2013
  • Master in Public Administration, 2014
tmbrown@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/tricia-brownTricia Muldoon BrownTricia MuldoonBrown Department Chair and Professor912-344-3244 University Hall 277Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciencesnonw
  • Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2009
  • M.S., University of Kentucky, 2005
  • B.S., Marshall University, 2003
Research Interests
  • Algebraic Combinatorics
  • Recreational Mathematics
aiacob@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pf-wvHQAAAAJ&hl=enAlina IacobAlinaIacobProfessor of Mathematics912-478-5839Math/Physics 3323Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences Alina joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences in 2007. Her research is in Homological Algebra, and applications to Commutative and Noncommutative Algebra, and to Model Category Theory. Her publications include one book, a book chapter, and 40 journal articles. She has advised six Master’s Theses at Georgia Southern so far.
  • Ph.D., University of Kentucky 2005
Research Interests
  • Homological Algebra
  • Commutative Algebra
KDUNN@GEORGIASOUTHERN.EDUhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kerry-dunnKerry DunnKerryDunnSenior Lecturer/Clinical Coordinator912-344-3352Ashmore Hall 146Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceKerry Dunn is the Clinical Coordinator and Senior Lecturer for the Radiography Program at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia. She teaches didactic, laboratory, and clinical courses within the Radiologic Sciences Degree Program and Radiography Concentration.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on clinical leadership and mentoring in medical imaging and radiography in order to provide high-quality medical imaging and patient care.
  • Ed.D., Georgia State University, 2022
  • M.Ed., The University of Georgia, 2011
  • B.S.Ed., The University of Georgia, 2004
  • A.M.Sc., Emory University, 2006
Research Interests
  • Clinical Leadership
  • Mentoring
  • Medical Imaging
  • Clinical Supervision
ekartchner@georgiasouthern.eduEric KartchnerEricKartchner912-478-5303IAB 2053Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesEric Kartchner is an associate professor of Spanish. For his bachelor’s, he studied French, Spanish, and Philosophy; his master’s studies were in Hispanic literature and Romance linguistics; and his doctoral studies focused on early modern Hispanic literature, with minors in Hispanic linguistics and comparative literature. He enjoys teaching a wide variety of courses in language, literature, and linguistics. His research ranges from the Spanish Baroque to the Latin American Boom to best practices in language pedagogy.
Teaching Philosophy
Demonstrate, practice, perform, review, repeat.
  • Ph.D. Indiana University, Bloomington
  • MA University of Nevada, Reno
  • BA Weber State University
Research Interests
  • Hispanic Literature
  • Hispanic Culture
  • Hispanic Linguistics
  • Spanish Language
  • Foreign Language Pedagogy
abelzer@georgiasouthern.eduAllison Scardino BelzerAllison ScardinoBelzerProfessor912-344-3120Hawes 103BArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & Humanities, Honors CollegeDepartment of HistoryDr. Allison Scardino Belzer, Professor of History at Georgia Southern University, specializes in modern European history, focusing on women’s experiences in Italy and Britain. Her research explores gender, war, and social activism in 19th-20th century Europe. Her book, “Women and the Great War: Femininity under Fire in Italy,” was published in 2010. She regularly contributes to edited volumes and journals and has authored texts for classroom use. A dedicated educator with multiple teaching awards, she’s passionate about undergraduate research and using innovative methods. Her current research examines Jewish women artists in post-Risorgimento Italy and the Ashurst family’s activism in the Victorian era.
Teaching Philosophy
I foster student engagement and critical thinking using innovative methods and rigorous coursework, emphasizing primary source analysis. I employ diverse pedagogical approaches, including Reacting to the Past role-playing, to deepen understanding and develop essential skills. My courses balance content with skill development, emphasizing writing, discussion, and collaborative learning. I bring my scholarship into the classroom, modeling historical research methods and involving students in archival work. My goal is to cultivate empathy, critical analysis, and a passion for lifelong learning. I have authored OER projects and published texts for classroom use with Oxford and Pearson.
  • Emory University, Ph.D. (2002),
  • M.A. (1999)
  • Vassar College, A.B. (1993)
Research Interests
  • Modern Britain & Modern Italy
  • Family Identity & Women's History
  • Cultural History of the Two World Wars
bsammons@georgiasouthern.eduElizabeth SammonsElizabeth SammonsAdministrative Specialist912-478-1859Hollis 2124-Statesboro Campus and Ashmore 138-Armstrong CampusArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsWaters College of Health Professions, Office of the Dean20 years of service to Georgia Southern University. Currently the budget manager for the Waters College of Health Professions as well as a Notary Public
wlynch@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=G4aIDPEAAAAJWill LynchWillLynchProfessor of Chemistry; Chair, Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics912-344-3144Nursing Chemistry Building, 2003B, Math / Physics Building, 2005, Science Center 2603Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Lynch received his B.A. degree from Kalamazoo College in 1986. He did research with Dr. Thomas Smith studying quadruple bonded molybdenum complexes. His Ph.D. was awarded in 1991 under the direction of Dr. Richard Lintvedt at Wayne State University studying oxygen atom transfer reactions in osmium complexes. Dr. Lynch completed a postdoc at the University of Georgia with Dr. Donald Kurtz on the activation of molecular oxygen using copper complexes. Dr. Lynch joined Armstrong State College in 1993, now Georgia Southern University. Dr. Lynch’s research interests include the use of metal complexes for catalysis and modeling biological systems, coordination chemistry, coordination polymers and halogen bonding interactions.
  • Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1991
  • B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1986
Research Interests
  • Materials Science
  • Xray Crystallography
  • Bioinorganic Modeling
  • Coordination Chemistry & Catalysis
COSM Core Research Lab, Center for Advanced Materials Science
agarrity@georgiasouthern.eduApril GarrityAprilGarrityProfessor912-344-2864Armstrong Center 254Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceApril Garrity, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is professor of communication sciences and disorders at Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Campus in Savannah. She teaches courses in neurogenic communication disorders, dysphagia, and research methodology. Her interests include life participation and quality of life among individuals with neurogenic communication disorders, and the scholarship of teaching and learning, specifically service-learning and trauma-informed educational practices. April maintains an active clinical practice and she is also a trained yoga and meditation instructor.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in the development and implementation of engaging, meaningful experiential learning activities for students. I frequently utilize elements of the flipped classroom model so that my students and I can work together in class on activities such as clinical cases, role playing scenarios, and other problem-based and group learning exercises. I also incorporate service-learning and trauma-sensitive teaching and learning strategies to support habits of mind that promote students' resilience and growth mindset.
  • Ph.D.
Research Interests
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
samanthamcdaniel@georgiasouthern.eduSamantha McDanielSamanthaMcDanielAssistant Professor, Graduate Program Director912-344-2786Armstrong Center, Room 248Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceSamantha L. McDaniel is an educator, clinician, and researcher in the field of speech-language pathology. She has 20 years of clinical experience with patients ranging from neonates to centenarians and has a passion for clinical work, supervision, and research in acquired neurogenic communication disorders. Dr. McDaniel teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses within the Communication Sciences and Disorders program.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy emphasizes real-world application, interaction, and student-centered learning in speech-language pathology. I believe that students construct knowledge through experience and collaboration, fostering meaningful dialogue and continuous learning. I incorporate experiential learning, problem-based learning (PBL), and guest speakers to enhance critical thinking and practical skills. Additionally, I promote a growth mindset, encouraging students to embrace challenges and view mistakes as opportunities for development.
  • Ph.D.
Research Interests
  • Adult Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders
  • Cognitive-Communication
  • Cognitive Screening
  • Geriatrics
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Rite Care Center for Communications Disorders
hrosko@georgiasouthern.eduHelen RoskoHelenRoskoAssistant Professor of Geography912-478-8040Herty, 1113Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityDr. Rosko is a human-environment geographer whose research program is situated at the intersection of international and domestic development processes, climate change adaptation, and livelihoods (rural). Working with vulnerable populations in the Global South (sub-Saharan Africa) and the United States (the Southeast and Central Appalachia), Dr. Rosko employs a critical lens to understand how wider development processes are conceived, implemented, and intersect the everyday lives of individuals and communities. Her driving research goal is to better understand the individual, community, and institutional contexts of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation to explore practical pathways for more sustainable and just futures.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Rosko teaches human geography courses and especially those related to human-environment geographies. Her pedagogical motivation is to disrupt student knowledges, encouraging students to question what they know about various socio-environmental processes in the world (ontology) and how they know about them (epistemology). She welcomes all students, regardless of background, identity, or experience to her courses.
  • Ph.D., Clark University
  • M.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • B.A., College of Charleston
Research Interests
  • Human-Environment Geography
  • Development
  • Livelihoods
  • Social Dimensions of Climate Change
Socially Engaged Environment & Development Lab (SEED), James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
jjimenez@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jos%C3%A9-a-jim%C3%A9nez-2José A. Jiménez José A.Jiménez Assistant Professor912-478-4051Nursing/Chemistry Building, Room 3216AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsJosé A. Jiménez earned a Ph.D. in Applied Chemistry in 2009 at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, focusing on optical properties of doped glasses. Following a post-doctoral stint at New College of Florida, in 2011 he joined the Department of Chemistry at University of North Florida. In June 2015, he joined BASF Corporation (Union, NJ) as materials scientist to develop glasses for solar cells and inorganic coatings for Li-ion batteries. In August 2019 he joined Augusta University and in 2021 received the Visiting Faculty Award at SRNL to study nuclear waste glass simulants. He is currently at Georgia Southern University and also serves as Editorial Board Member for the journals Scientific Reports and Applied Sciences.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe teaching science involves communicating information in a clear and straightforward way without sacrificing or compromising reality and accuracy. It also seeks to develop skills in students with the objective of preparing them to become competent and responsible professionals/scientists. I consider critical thinking and a student-centered classroom to be key in the teaching-learning process. It is central to help the students in connecting new knowledge with existing one and integrate it into the cognitive structure to apply it. I believe promoting an environment of respect, trust, and responsibility in the classroom is essential for academic success.
  • Ph.D., University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, 2009
Research Interests
  • Materials Chemistry and Physics
  • Glasses and Thin Films
  • Optical Materials
  • Nanomaterials
  • Luminescence
Center for Advanced Materials Science
jkelly@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jacque-l-kelly-2Jacque L. KellyJacque L.KellyProfessor of Geology912-478-8677Herty 0105Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityJacque L. Kelly is a Professor of Geology in the School of Earth, Environment and Sustainability. She teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses for the Geosciences Program, where she strives to make complex topics engaging for students of all backgrounds. Her research focuses on using geochemical and geophysical tools to explore a variety of coastal processes. She is passionate about fostering student curiosity and hands-on learning in the classroom and in the field.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on fostering active engagement and critical thinking. I incorporate diverse teaching methods, including traditional lectures, flipped classrooms, case studies, and student response systems to accommodate different learning styles. By creating interactive learning environments, I encourage students to take ownership of their education, apply concepts to real-world problems, and develop lifelong skills for inquiry and collaboration.
  • Ph.D. University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, 2012
  • M.S. University of Wisconsin at Madison, 2006
  • B.S. Northland College, 2004
Research Interests
  • Groundwater Geochemistry
  • Coastal Hydrology
  • Electrical Resistivity Tomography
  • Stable Isotope Geochemistry
  • Radioactive Isotope Geochemistry
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
smccarroll@georgiasouthern.eduSarah McCarrollSarahMcCarrollProfessor of Theatre912-478-5615Sanford Hall 3015Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Sarah McCarroll is a creative scholar whose work centers on the intersection of actors’ bodies onstage and historical costume. She focuses on the theatre and drama of late-nineteenth-century England and Ireland and can often be found showing people pictures of her favorite stage costume – Ellen Terry’s 1888 Lady Macbeth gown, which is embroidered with beetle wings. Dr. McCarroll teaches courses in Script Analysis, Theatre History, Irish Theatre and Costume Design, and is the resident costume designer for the Theatre program. She spends her summers as the Costume Shop Manager and Wardrobe Supervisor for the Tony-Award-winning Utah Shakespeare Festival.
Teaching Philosophy
I think a lot about bodies, and to me the body is always the complete person – physical, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional in one place. Bodies are the essential tool of my creative scholarship and are central to my publications. They are ever-present in the students who share classroom space with me and with whom I work on productions. In all of my teaching, whether it’s in a classroom setting, or the lab environment of the costume shop, I hope to metaphorically bring bodies into the space: to support students as they build the skills and confidence to make their own ideas an integral part of the production process, and to provide every student with exemplars who they can recognize in the authors and theatrical practitioners we study.
  • Ph.D, Indiana University, 2011
  • MFA, University of Alabama, 2004
  • B.A., University of Missouri, 1997
  • A.F.A, Young Harris College, 1995
Research Interests
  • Historical Body
  • Historical Costume
  • Nineteenth Century British Theatre
  • Irish Drama
  • English Renaissance Theatre
Center for Irish Research & Teaching, Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
skersey@georgiasouthern.eduScott KerseyScottKerseyProfessor of Mathematics912-478-1963MP 2308Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Kersey's research focuses on Approximation Theory and Computational Science, with expertise in Splines. His work includes function Approximation and Optimization using B-Spline Quasi-Interpolants on Tensor Product and Sparse Grids, as well as the Mathematics of Curves, Surfaces, and Machine Learning applications. In his Numerical Analysis course, students engage with Matrix Factorizations (SVD, QR) and tools for Image Compression, PCA, Classification, and Least Squares. Dr. Kersey also oversees the LaTeX Thesis Template for graduate students and manages the WeBWorK server for undergraduates.
Teaching Philosophy
My primary goal in teaching is to make complex mathematical concepts accessible to students while equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed for success. I reinforce their understanding through low-stakes, take-home assessments, such as homework, online assignments, written exercises, take-home midterm exams, and programming projects. This approach promotes active learning, encouraging students to engage deeply with the material and better prepare for high-stakes assessments.
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, The University of WIsconsin-Madison
Research Interests
  • Interpolation and Approximation Theory
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Tensor Product and Sparse Grid Techniques
  • Spline Curves and Surface Modeling
mmbyrd@georgiasouthern.eduMegan ByrdMeganByrdAssociate Professor, Sport and Exercise Psychology Program Director912-478-2274Hollis 1103bStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Megan Byrd, CMPC, is an Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology and a member of the University Mental Performance Team. Dr. Byrd is also the Co-Director of Mental Performance for South Georgia Tormenta FC. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in sport and exercise psychology and supervises graduate students' practicum and internships. She is involved in many committees for the Association of Applied Sport Psychology and the Executive Board of APA Div 47. Dr. Byrd has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Eastern Kentucky University, a master’s degree in sport studies from Miami University, a master’s degree in counseling and a Ph.D. in sport and exercise psychology from West Virginia University.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is rooted in creating a positive classroom community, being a scholar-teacher, and utilizing application-based teaching techniques.
  • Ph.D. in sport and exercise psychology from West Virginia University
  • MA in counseling from West Virginia University
  • MS in Sport Studies from Miami University
  • BS in psychology from Eastern Kentucky University
Research Interests
  • Perfectionism
  • Concussion Recovery
  • Mental Performance
  • Anger and Aggression
Sport and Exercise Psychology lab
czhao@georgiasouthern.eduChunshan ZhaoChunshanZhaoProfessor912-478-0088MP 2305Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesChunshan Zhao is a Professor in the College of Science and Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences on the Statesboro campus of Georgia Southern University.
Teaching Philosophy
Every student has their own unique talents, skills, challenges, and background. Motivated students learn best. We must give every student equal opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Iowa, 2006
  • M.S. in Applied Mathematics, Xian Jiaotong University, 1997
Research Interests
  • Nonlinear Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
kharbaugh@georgiasouthern.eduKristina HarbaughKristinaHarbaughDoctor912-344-3017Solms HallArmstrong CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthService on committees directed at serving under-represented students and advancing inclusive excellence.Participation in programs aimed at increasing the pipeline of under-represented groups entering higher education.Mentoring of under-represented students.Address barriers facing under-represented groups in access to education, health care, economy, social mobility, or participation in creative endeavors.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as an educator is to incorporate interdisciplinary content, inquiry based learning, and interactive teaching strategies in the classroom. I feel that this strategy is imperative in helping students in my classes develop the skills and self confidence that they need to become successful public healthcare professionals.
  • DrPH DrPH, Community Health Behavior and Education, 2020
  • Master of Healthcare Administration, 2015
  • Bachelor of Science, Health Promotion and Education, 2013
Research Interests
  • Cancer Prevention
rbohler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/robert-m-bohler-jr-2Robert BohlerRobertBohlerAssistant Professor912-478-1259Hendricks Hall Room 2014Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Bohler is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy & Community Health at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. He completed his Ph.D. in Social Policy with a focus in behavioral health policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University as a T32 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism pre-doctoral fellow. He is trained in epidemiology, health services research, and health policy. Dr. Bohler has a strong passion for working with colleagues and communities to develop innovative responses to the addiction and overdose crisis in the United States.
Teaching Philosophy
I would define my teaching philosophy as being committed to preparing the next generation of public health professionals and leaders to improve population health.
  • Ph.D. from Brandeis University
  • MA from Brandeis University
  • MPH from Georgia Southern University
  • AB from University of Georgia
Research Interests
  • Substance Use Disorder Treatment
  • Opioid Crisis
  • Harm Reduction
  • Addiction Recovery
  • Drug Policy
Center for Addiction Recovery
dnazaruk@georgiasouthern.eduDziyana Nazaruk DziyanaNazaruk Associate Professor 912-344-2686Solms 109 CArmstrong CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Nazaruk became a faculty member at GSU in January 2018. She also serves as an Internship Coordinator for the graduate students at JPHCOPH. Dr. Nazaruk implemented multiple qualitative research projects in the past 10 years that have focused on designing and implementing community-based interventions and improving health and wellness in women and children locally and globally. Dr. Nazaruk has spent the past ten years working on community-driven actions to examine health outcomes while working with rural and hard-to-reach populations and mentoring students to practice in community organizations. Those efforts have contributed to her commitment to addressing the social determinants of health and promoting health equity. 
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Nazaruk is dedicated to providing a learning environment that is exciting and empowering for all students. She believes that it is important to treat each student as an individual and to continue her professional growth. She treats her students with respect and encourages each student to express their individual needs. Dr. Nazaruk is an avid supporter of diversity among students and she feels she has much to learn from them as they share their unique perspectives. She also believe that students will be more successful, if they are actively engaged in the pursuit of knowledge. As a means of facilitating this active engagement, Dr. Nazaruk implements assignments to help students apply new skills and tools in practice.
  • DrPH
  • MPH
  • MSSM
Research Interests
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Community-Based Research (CBR)
  • Qualitative Research
  • Obesity Prevention Research
mbrown@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew BrownMatthewBrownSenior Lecturer of Mathematics; Director, SMART Center912.344.3165Science Center 133Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesMatt Brown is an alum of the University of Kentucky and is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. He teaches math classes on the Armstrong campus and online. He is also the Director of the Science & Mathematics Academic Resource & Tutorial (SMART) Center that provides free peer-led tutoring in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics to Georgia Southern students on the Armstrong campus and in a virtual environment.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as an educator is to have a classroom focused on the students. Giving all students every opportunity to succeed in class is my goal. Georgia Southern students are involved with countless other things in their lives such as full-time jobs, families, and adjusting to moving to a new city for college. This, however, does not mean being a pushover and changing expectations. It is my belief that every student that passes my class should be able to continue to any other higher level math class at Georgia Southern and not be at a disadvantage to the rest of the class. Bringing standards up to the highest level and motivating students to achieve them are the keys to fulfillment of these expectations.
  • M.A., University of Kentucky, 2004
  • B.A., Illinois College, 2002
jccolongaud@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/j-checo-col%C3%B3n-gaud-2J. Checo Colón-GaudJ. Checo Colón-GaudProfessor of Biology; Associate Dean, Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies912-478-0053Biological Sciences Building, Room 3328Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & Mathematics, Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesDepartment of BiologyI'm a freshwater ecologist interested in the role that consumers play in organic matter processing and how they may influence stream ecosystem functioning. My research is directed towards understanding the ecology of freshwater systems, particularly focusing on food web structure and organic matter dynamics. Most of my recent and ongoing work has focused on tropical headwater streams, coastal plain rivers and wetlands in the southeastern US.
Teaching Philosophy
I incorporate active learning and inquiry-based methods, along with traditional methods, while presenting information in a variety of ways to suit the various learning styles of my students. I also strive to incorporate local and current issues that relate to course material as much as possible, as this can make class discussions more relevant and interesting to students.
  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 2008
  • M.S., Louisiana State University, 2003
  • B.S., The University of Texas at El Paso, 2000
  • Freshwater Ecology
Research Interests
  • Community Ecology
  • Coastal Plain Rivers
  • Tropical Ecology
beross@georgiasouthern.eduBarbara RossBarbaraRossSenior Lecturer912-877-1914Liberty Campus, 118Liberty CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesBarbara E. Ross is an alum of Georgia Southern University and is a Senior Lecturer of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. Ms. Ross teaches core math courses on the Liberty campus.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on the idea that all students can learn and appreciate mathematics. I encourage students to use collaboration and active learning strategies to foster a growth mindset toward the learning of mathematics.
  • Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2003
  • MEd., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 1996
  • BSEd., Armstrong State College, 1989
wdhury@georgiasouthern.eduWasimul Q. ChowdhuryWasimul Q. ChowdhuryAssociate Professor912-478-4731Natural Sciences Building, Room 2204BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy name is Wasimul Q. Chowdhury and I am an Associate Professor (NTT) in the Department of Biology. I received my Ph.D. from Osaka University in 1996. I teach different ranges of biology courses which include microbiology, concepts of biology, principles of biology, etc. I have been teaching Georgia Southern for the last 11 years. My aim is to make every student of mine an avid fan of biology!
Teaching Philosophy
I believe learning is a process, not a product. Learning involves change in knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, or attitudes. This change unfolds over time. Learning is the direct result of how students interpret and respond to their experiences and conscious and unconscious, past, and present. To enhance students’ learning process, I believe that it is my duty to provide a healthy learning environment. So, my goal is to create an engaging, student-centered, and creatively inducing learning environment. To achieve these learning outcomes, I design my course learning objectives to encompass critical thinking and application of skills. To achieve this goal, I attempt to create a classroom atmosphere that helps with such learning.
  • Ph.D, Osaka University, 1996
  • MS, Dhaka University, 1989
  • BS, Dhaka University, 1987
Research Interests
  • Biodegradable Polymer
  • Protein Translation
  • Renewable Energy
jvillavargas@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jorge-villa-vargas-2Jorge Villa-VargasJorgeVilla-VargasLecturer912-478-0051Math/Physics Building, Room 2043Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsJorge Villa-Vargas is s Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics at Georgia Southern University. He joined Georgia Southern in 2013. His research interest is centered on the evolution of galaxies and the effect of galactic interactions using computer simulations.
Teaching Philosophy
In what ways should my students be different as a result of completing my courses? My compromise as a teacher is to facilitate a student’s learning experience which helps them understand fundamental concepts and principles of physics, and apply them to problems in an organized and logical way. I wanna help them to become better thinkers and problem solvers! The acquired knowledge and skills must contribute to their professional and personal success, when used as tools to appreciate things, evaluate situations and make decisions. Students should discover science as the best instrument we have to understand the things around us and find joy in that understanding.
  • Ph.D., University of Provence, France, 2006
Research Interests
  • Galactic Dynamics
  • Evolution of Galaxies
  • Galactic Interactions
  • Numerical Simulations
  • Physics Education
dnivens@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/delana-gajdosik-schartnerDelana Gajdosik SchartnerDelanaGajdosik SchartnerProfessor of Chemistry, Assistant Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Executive Director, Institute for Innovative and Integrated Studies912-344-2954Georgia Southern Research Labs #1002, Mowhawk Street SavannahArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Schartner leads initiatives to enhance adult and online learner enrollment, degree completion programs, and workforce development, while also serving as State Authorization coordinator. Since 2000, she has secured over $7.6 million in grants for STEM education and diversity. Her research includes 24 peer-reviewed publications and over 100 presentations. A graduate of the USG Executive Leadership Institute, she held numerous administrative roles at Georgia Southern, including as a former Dean of COSM. She helped create three degree programs at Georgia Southern and co-founded the Alliance for Women in STEM and the DEI Collaborative.
  • Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 1998
  • BS Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, 1993
Research Interests
  • Chemistry/STEM Education
  • Diversity in STEM
  • Environmental Analytical Chemistry
lyu@georgiasouthern.eduLili YuLiliYuKEP endowed Chair, Professor912-478-1278Hendricks Hall 1013Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesI am KEP endowed Chair and a professor in JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University. I graduated from The Ohio State University, department of Statistics in 2007. Then I joined Biostatistics discipline in JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University as an assistant professor. My main research is survival data analysis. We develop new techniques for heteroscedastic survival data based on the accelerated failure time model. We also analyze survival data to investigate the effects of risk factors on the survival time based on Cox model.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe teaching is about inspiring students to think critically and develop a love for learning. I use active learning techniques, such as group discussions and problem-based learning, to ensure deep engagement with the material. I connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications to make learning more relatable. I’m committed to creating an inclusive classroom that values diverse perspectives and adapts to student needs. I provide continuous assessment and feedback, helping students reflect and grow. My goal is to foster a supportive environment for lifelong learning and critical thinking.
  • The Ohio State University
Research Interests
  • Survival Data Analysis
  • Missing Data Analysis
lancemcbrayer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bj0jkOQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoLance McBrayerLanceMcBrayerProfessor & Curator of Herpetology912-478-0545Biological Sciences 1160Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMcBrayer is an integrative organismal ecologist interested in understanding how phenotypes respond to natural selection and variation among habitats.
Teaching Philosophy
McBrayer teaches courses in herpetology, comparative vertebrate anatomy, and evolution. He strives to provide challenging, real-world experiences for students so that they may develop skills sets that are applicable to any career path.
  • B.S. Biology, Berry College
  • M.S. Biology, Buffalo State College
  • Ph.D Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Ohio University
Research Interests
  • Organismal Ecology
  • Herpetology
  • Behavior
  • Physiology
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
jhodgson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bEk_tlgAAAAJ&hl=enJay HodgsonJayHodgsonProfessor912-344-3043Science Center 1004Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Jay Hodgson is a Professor in the Department of Biology and teaches a mixture of undergraduate and graduate courses covering a variety of subjects including Introductory Biology, Microbiology, Ecology, and Evolution.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers around building trust with students and promoting their success. I teach the way I would want to be taught by being transparent and enthusiastic to help encourage students to feel safe to ask questions, follow their curiosity, and challenge themselves. I want to instill a sense of wonder of the natural world and teach students to critically think like biologists so they can make informed decisions as citizens and excel in the workplace as employees and leaders.
  • Ph.D., The University of Alabama, 2009
  • M.S., University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, 2002
  • B.S., St. Norbert College, 1999
Research Interests
  • Limnology
  • Aquatic Ecology
  • Predation
  • Long-Term Ecological Data
sopoku@georgiasouthern.eduSamuell OpokuSamuellOpokuProfessor912-478-6985Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthSamuel T. Opoku, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Community Health, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health. Dr. Opoku received his Ph.D. in Health Services Research Administration and Policy from The University of Nebraska Medical Center. Dr. Opoku’s research has sought to generate actionable evidence that would improve the health and healthcare access of disadvantaged populations through stakeholder engagement and the use of innovative research methods. He has disseminated his work through publications in reputable journals, policy briefs and technical reports, and presentations at several scientific and practice conferences as well as to state and local community leaders and policymakers.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is to approach my duty as a teacher and an agent of societal change, focusing on nurturing critical thinking and providing students with the tools needed to question, innovate, and create solutions to the world’s problems.
  • Ph.D.
  • MBChB
Research Interests
  • Rural Health
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Access to Care
ldbrown@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=G4Q4gKoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sraLisa BrownLisaBrownAssociate Professor912-478-5857Biological Sciences 3358Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Lisa D. Brown earned a Ph.D. from Louisiana State University and completed postdoctoral training at Vanderbilt University. She currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, where she instructs undergraduate and graduate courses in microbiology and immunology.
Teaching Philosophy
In my approach to teaching biology, I aim to cultivate a deep and thorough comprehension of the subject matter. This involves delving into the intricacies of biological concepts and processes, and emphasizing their relevance to real-world scenarios. By fostering a holistic understanding, students can develop a strong foundation that enables them to apply their knowledge effectively in practical situations.
  • Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2016
Research Interests
  • Insect Immunology
  • Medical and Veterinary Entomology
  • Arthropod Vector Biology
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
tjroberts@georgiasouthern.eduTheaonica Joy RobertsTheaonica JoyRobertsClinical Coordinator, Radiation Therapy Program912-344-2834Armstrong Center 237Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceMy name is Theaonica Joy Roberts. I'm the Clinical Coordinator of the Radiation Therapy Program for the Department of Clinical Sciences. I have a Masters degree in Public Health and a Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology in Radiation therapy, both from Armstrong Atlantic State University. I have been a radiation therapist for 23 years beginning my career at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL and returned to Savannah at the Anderson Cancer Institute at Memorial Health. My experiences have created a passion in dedicating my time, and talent to fostering a positive, compassionate and engaging learning environment for students. My free time is dedicated to my husband and two children, community service and long walks. Philippians 4:6-7
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in a commitment to fostering a supportive, engaging, and ethically responsible learning environment. I aim to empower future healthcare professionals to be knowledgeable, compassionate, and adaptable, ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving field.
  • Master of Public Health, 2014
  • Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences, Radiation Therapy, 2001
kpatton@georgiasouthern.eduKelly PattonKellyPattonAssistant Professor of Physics 912-344-2920Science Cetner, Rm 2020Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsI have been at GSU since the fall of 2019. Before that I was an assistant professor at Georgia Gwinnett College. Before that I completed three postdocs: one in Germany, one at LSU, and one in South Korea.
Teaching Philosophy
People learn by doing.
  • Ph.D, University of Georgia, 2006
Research Interests
  • Ultracold Atomic Gases
  • Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
  • Quantum Information
sgremillion@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MVmfiwIAAAAJ&hl=enSara GremillionSaraGremillionProfessor912-344-2671Science Center 1016Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research and teaching interest is in fungal biology.
Teaching Philosophy
I aim to provide inclusive instruction to all students.
  • Ph.D. Plant Pathology
  • B.A. Biology
Research Interests
  • Fungal Biology
  • STEM Education
  • Inclusive STEM Teaching
cchamp@georgiasouthern.eduCharles ChampCharlesChampProfessor912-478-5477Math/Physics room 3308Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI am originally from Arkansas growing up in the back waters of the Mississippi Delta. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Louisiana-Lafayette in 1986, a MA degree in Statistics from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1982, and a BS and MS in Mathematics from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, Arkansas 1971 and 1973, and a AA degree from Southern Baptist College now Williams Baptist University in 1968. I begin my teaching career as a high school mathematics teacher in a small high school in Brookland High School in Arkansas. Although it has been thirty-seven years since obtaining my Ph.D., my research interest is mainly in the area of statistical quality control. I have published several papers in this area.
Teaching Philosophy
I am interested in providing instruction at all levels including supervising student research projects. Over the years, I have taught a wide variety of statistics courses. These experiences influence courses that I presently teach. I routinely teach an elementary statistics courses. On occasions, a senior course in statistics; and as we have students, various graduate courses. Further, I am actively involved in our Statistics Group’s Seminar Series which supports the academic growth of our faculty. I plan to continue these activities.
  • Ph.D. in Statistics, University of Louisiana-Lafayette
  • MS in Statistics, University of Missouri-Columbia
  • MS in Mathematics, Arkansas State University
  • Associate of Arts Degree, Williams Baptist University
Research Interests
  • Statistical Quality Control
  • Design of Experiments
  • Multivariate Analysis
  • Change Point Analysis
  • Analysis of Means
Statistical Consulting Unit
rkvance@georgiasouthern.eduscholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/r-kelly-vance-2Robert Kelly VanceRobert KellyVanceProfessor of Geology912-478-5353Herty 2116cStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityRobert Kelly Vance completed B.S. and M.S. degrees in geology at the University of Kentucky in Lexington and worked at the Institute for Mining and Minerals Research conducting Devonian oil shale research before entering doctoral studies at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Dr. Vance teaches Environmental Geology labs, and Mineralogy, Petrology, Field Methods, and Economic Geology courses for geology majors on the Statesboro campus. Dr. Vance has taught field-based conservation and environmental geology courses on St. Catherines Island where he continues saltwater intrusion research with colleagues.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching style includes building a “foundation” knowledge of geological features, principles and processes followed by application of this knowledge base to recognition, interpretation, critical thinking, and problem solving. The application of geology to understand and appreciate the natural processes that shape our planet, and local environment is essential to my teaching. Field trips in advanced geology courses, generate enthusiasm and camaraderie in the student cohort and appreciation for nature and the science of Geology. My teaching integrates lectures with the development of practical lab, field, research and communication skills to graduate students equipped to begin a professional career or graduate studies.
  • Ph.D. New Mexico Tech
  • M.S. University of Kentucky
  • B.S. University of Kentucky
Research Interests
  • Igneous Petrology & Geochemistry
  • Economic Geology
  • Carolina Terrane Geology
  • Barrier Island Environmental Geology
  • Ground Penetrating Radar Applications
leege@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/leege_lissa/Lissa M. LeegeLissa M.LeegeProfessor of Biology912-478-0800Biological SciencesStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyLissa M. Leege is a Professor of Biology, trained as plant ecologist with an interest in threats to biodiversity and ecosystem restoration. Current work focuses on 1) sand dune ecology and restoration on Tybee Island and 2) the impacts of non-native species invasions in wetlands. Dr. Leege teaches environmental biology, botany, plant ecology and sustainability-related courses and has enjoyed the opportunity to teach study abroad in Italy and Ireland. She is involved in sustainability-related service at the local and state level.
Teaching Philosophy
The driving force behind Dr. Leege’s teaching has always been to engage her students in the process of science and to teach critical thinking skills that will outlast any memory of course content. In recent years her key learning outcomes have also expanded to include engaging students in the development and implementation of solutions to sustainability challenges. The approach to these learning outcomes varies by course level, but includes a diversity of teaching strategies (experiential learning, original research projects, service-learning, etc.) that speak to the different learning styles and seek to engage every student.
  • Ph.D, Michigan State University, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
  • Secondary Teacher's Certification. Westminster College of Salt Lake City
  • B.A. in Biology with Departmental Distinction, St. Olaf College
Research Interests
  • Coastal Sand Dune Ecology and Restoration
  • Non-Native Plant Invasions
  • Ecology and Management of Rare Plants
  • Plant Conservation Ecology
  • Plant Population and Community Ecology and Threats to Biodiversity
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
meimeilin@georgiasouthern.eduMeimei LinMeimeiLinAssociate Professor of Geography912-344-2974Science Center 2009Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityMeimei Lin is an Associate Professor of Geography in the School of Earth, Environment & Sustainability and an affiliate faculty member at the Institute of Coastal Plain Science. She is a broadly trained geographer and environmental scientist who utilizes mathematical, statistical, and geospatial technology to study human-environment interactions, focusing on land change science, urban analytics, regional planning, agricultural sustainability, and corporate social responsibility. Dr. Lin teaches a variety of geography courses, mentors students, and actively engages in community outreach.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on developing students' critical thinking and self-directed learning skills to foster independence and lifelong learning. I integrate lectures, hands-on exercises, discussions, and projects to connect concepts with real-world applications in an engaging, student-centered environment. I continuously refine my courses using student feedback, clear grading rubrics, and professional development to enhance clarity and effectiveness.
  • Ph.D., Miami University
Research Interests
  • Geographic Information Science (GIS)
  • Remote Sensing and Urban Analytics
  • Regional and Urban Planning
  • Agricultural Sustainability
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
smateer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=RMcEABMAAAAJ&hl=enScott C MateerScott CMateerProfessor of Biology912-344-3101SC 1021Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI am a first-generation college student and was the first in my family to earn a bachelor’s degree. I went to graduate school with the sole purpose of becoming a biology professor, aiming to join an institution focused on student learning. This is why I decided to join the biology faculty at Armstrong Atlantic State University. While I now find myself at an institution striving to become a research university, my focus remains dedicated to undergraduate education in the sciences.
Teaching Philosophy
I strive to create a student-centered classroom by using evidence-based practices that emphasize hands-on activities, team projects, and real-world problem-solving. My goal is to have students take ownership of their learning and to reflect on how they are learning so that they become the lifelong learners needed to be successful throughout their academic and professional careers.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia, 2004
  • DrPH, University of Texas, 1998
  • BS in Biology with a Philosophy Minor, University of Nebraska-Omaha, 1989
naggarwal@georgiasouthern.eduNeelam AggarwalNeelamAggarwalSenior Lecturer912-4782375MP 2043AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI joined Georgia Southern in 2012 as a Math faculty. Currently I serve as a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics. My teaching assignments include both in-person as well as online classes over a wide range of courses, such as Calculus I, Survey of Calculus, Trigonometry, College Algebra, and Math Modeling. I have been involved in various COSM committees, such as Gateway to Completion (G2C) for Calculus, Core Curriculum Committee, Scholarship (Statesboro campus), Course Assessment coordinator for Math 1113/1112, (Pre-Calculus/ College Trigonometry), Faculty Grievance Committee, COSM Faculty Senate (as an Alternate member), and Co-chair of Junior Varsity Math Competition hosted by the Math Department of Georgia Southern University.
Teaching Philosophy
I see my role as a facilitator, encouraging collaboration among students through group activities and study sessions. I implement class activities rooted in teamwork so that the students can work on course-related problems together in groups in class and outside by forming study groups. I promote the use of the free tutoring facilities offered by the university and by the Math department, which significantly boosts student success. After over 30 years of teaching across different locations, I have been blessed to experience smiling students walking out of the last class session with a sense of pride in their accomplishments and the ability to successfully advance to their future endeavors.
  • Effective Online Teaching Practices, 2022
  • MS Philosophy, Mathematics, University of Delhi, 1986
  • Master of Arts, Mathematics, University of Delhi, 1984
  • BA Mathematics, University of Delhi, 1982
Research Interests
  • Functional Analysis
ccosta@georgiasouthern.eduCynthia CostaCynthiaCostaPrincipal Lecturer of Art History912-344-2699Solms Hall, 214AArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtCynthia Costa specializes in ancient Egyptian art and architecture. She earned an undergraduate degree in painting in 2000 and a terminal degree in Art History in 2009, focusing on Egyptian art. Since then, she has served as Principal Lecturer of Art History at GSU, where she has developed and taught a wide range of courses on ancient art and architecture. With multiple certifications in online education and best-practice teaching, graduate teaching status, numerous presentations, and notable publications, Cynthia’s research has also a range of historical subjects speaking to her depth and breadth of knowledge which she has contributed to resources in major art history textbooks.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is based on the belief that art history provides insight into human experience, allowing students to explore how cultures express identities, beliefs, and values through visual art. With a focus cultural and other contextual traditions, I aim to inspire curiosity and critical thinking about art’s role in history. I emphasize active dialogue and engagement, showing students the relevance of art history today. Visual literacy is a core goal, teaching students to analyze visual media in cultural contexts. Inclusivity, adaptability, and integrating research into teaching are key, encouraging students to develop their own interpretations and become lifelong learners.
  • M.F.A. in Art History, SCAD, Savannah, GA
  • B.F.A. in Painting, SCAD, Savannah, GA
  • A.A. in Painting, Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Illinois
  • Certificate in Effective Instruction
Research Interests
  • Ancient Egyptian Art History
  • Canonical Eye Types found in Ancient Egyptian Sculpture
  • History of Art
  • Materials & Techniques
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
fturner@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/felicity-turner-2Felicity M. TurnerFelicity M.TurnerAssociate Professor History; Provost Faculty Fellow for Interdisciplinary Education912-344.3611Hawes 105BArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryFelicity M. Turner is an Associate Professor of US History. Before coming to Georgia Southern, Dr. Turner was a Law and Society Fellow at the Maurer School of Law at Indiana University in Bloomington; the Law and Society Fellow at the University of Wisconsin Law School in Madison; and a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. Studies Center at the University of Sydney in Australia. In addition to her 2022 book, Proving Pregnancy: Gender, Law, and Medical Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century America, she has published several articles and essays on the legal history of reproduction in the nineteenth-century U.S., one of which received the 2014 Nupur Chaudhuri Award from the Coordinating Council of Women in History.
Teaching Philosophy
As an historian, I demonstrate how a range of historical actors contributed in meaningful ways to the shaping of the American past, even as they were denied access to formal structures of power and state governance. This approach informs my teaching, in which my overarching objective is to challenge all learners to rethink the conventional historical narratives with which they are so familiar.
  • Ph.D., Duke University
  • MA, La Trobe University
  • BA (Hons), Monash University
Research Interests
  • Legal History
  • Medical History
  • US South
  • Women & Gender
  • Reproductive Justice
Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Institute for Innovative and Integrated Studies (I3S)
wtu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/wei-tu-2Wei TuWeiTuProfessor of Geography and Geographic Information Science912-478-52332100 E HertyStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityDr. Tu teaches GIS and regional and thematic geography courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Tu’s recent research focuses on the influence of place and space effects on health outcomes. He has authored or co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and served as the mapping supervisor for the Metro Atlanta Equity Atlas project in 2012. Dr. Tu was selected as a Governor’s Teaching Fellow for the University System of Georgia in 2019. He received the International Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Sciences Education Excellence Award in 2021, and he was a Social Determinants of Health & Place Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2024.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe teachers should empower students to become life-long learners, creative thinkers, passionate practitioners, and effective communicators. Education is a lifelong journey, measured by students' ability to learn independently and use their talents for the greater social good. Teachers must foster critical thinking, encouraging students to see the world from diverse perspectives. I advocate for maps as vital tools for understanding global issues and developing spatial thinking skills. I value experiential learning. As the Chinese proverb says, 'It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books,' highlighting the importance of real-world experience over theoretical knowledge.
  • Ph.D. from Texas A&M University
  • M.S. degree from East China Normal University
  • B.S. degree from East China Normal University
Research Interests
  • Geographic Information Science
  • Spatiotemporal Models
  • Health Geography
  • Spatial Epidemiology
  • Sustainability Science
Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
yan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yan-Wu-62Yan WuYanWuProfessor of Applied Mathematics912-478-0382MP2325Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Yan Wu is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at Georgia Southern University. His research interests include adaptive control of nonlinear dynamical systems with uncertainties, fractional-order dynamical systems and control, and machine learning. He has been collaborating with scholars across the disciplines such as electrical, mechanical, and biochemical engineering. He actively engages students in research in addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering an inclusive learning environment where each student is encouraged to develop learning skills on a daily basis. I uphold the value of student success centered instruction, not only their success in my classes, but also prepare students to succeed at the next level.
  • Ph.D. Applied Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, University of Akron, 2000
  • M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Akron, 1996
  • B.Sc. Computational Mathematics and Computer Science, Beijing University of Technology, 1992
Research Interests
  • Adaptive Control Systems
  • Disturbance Rejection Control
  • Fractional-order Dynamical Systems and Control
  • Differential Algebraic Systems
  • ANN, CNN, WNN and Machine Learning
kveronee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kenna-e-veroneeKenna VeroneeKennaVeroneeAssistant Professor912-478-5845Foy 1004Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicKenna Veronee is an alum of Florida State University and is an Assistant Professor of Music Education in the Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music where she also serves as the Coordinator of Music Education.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on professional preparation. I want my music education students to be as prepared as possible to enter their future classroom upon graduation and believe that the careful planning and execution of their curriculum content and experiences sets them up for that success.
  • Florida State University, Bachelor of Music Education
  • Florida State University, Master of Music Education
  • Florida State University, Ph.D. in Music Education
Research Interests
  • Preservice Teacher Education
  • Effective Teacher Behaviors
  • Nontraditional Music Education
  • Preservice Teacher Self-efficacy
gmoore@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/georgianne-mooreGeorgianne MooreGeorgianneMooreProfessor of Ecohydrology912-478-8660Biological Sciences 2266Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyThe Moore Ecohydrology Lab seeks to understand how land management and global change affects the water cycle. Distinctly interdisciplinary, our research spans many types of ecosystems from coastal wetlands to tropical montane forests, and utilizes advanced measurement tools. An overarching theme of the Moore Lab is to narrow the knowledge gap between ecohydrology and climate research. Our current research focuses on impacts of sea level rise on barrier island forests. We are developing novel methods to better understand how coastal forests respond to saltwater intrusion, and how salt stress impacts tree health and function. Ultimately the goal of this research is to help protect coastal communities from flooding.
Teaching Philosophy
By design, I link my teaching, research, and service, by exposing students to current priorities for land management and ecosystem restoration. Further, I share with students my networks with management agencies to open doors for employment and advanced degrees. These linkages elevate the impact of my teaching as evidenced by outcomes through student success. My courses emphasize high-impact learning. Hands-on activities provide opportunities for students to observe and engage in scientific practice. Writing assignments help students think and communicate like professionals. It is within this writing framework that students gain enthusiasm and insight for topics that link science to society.
  • Ph.D., Oregon State University, 2003
Research Interests
  • Plant Physiology
  • Forest Hydrology
  • Global Change Biology
  • Coastal Barrier Islands
  • Tropical Forests
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, COSM Core Research Lab, Institute for Water and Health
jthornton@georgiasouthern.eduJames ThorntonJamesThorntonMAJBldg 262 (Military Science)Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceMAJ Thornton was born and raised in East Bernard, TX. He has a Bachelors in Political Science from Texas A&M University and a Masters in Military Operational Art and Science from the Air Command and Staff College. His military education includes the Artillery Officer Basic Course, Artillery Captain’s Career Course, and the Air command and Staff College. MAJ Thornton commissioned as an artillery officer through the Officer Candidate School on 6 January 2005 as a college option. MAJ Thornton has deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan and has served forward deployed in both Germany and the Republic of Korea.
Teaching Philosophy
Efficient, collaborative, teambuilding thru experiential learning
  • Bachelors in Political Science
  • Military Officer Candidate School Graduate
  • Military Officer Basic Course Graduate
  • Military Captains Career Course Graduate
  • Masters in Military Operational Art and Science
Research Interests
  • Military Operational Art and Science
  • Leadership & Team Building
btankersley@georgiasouthern.eduBenjamin TankersleyBenjaminTankersleyAssistant Director of Graduate Programs912-344-3413Hawes Hall 110D/Parker College of Business 3305Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessGraduate Programs OfficeBenjamin Tankersley is the Assistant Director of Graduate Programs for the Parker College of Business. His main responsibilities program-level assessment of Georgia Southern's MBA programs, advising current students, developing student support infrastructure, and assisting in managing the Graduate Programs Office.
  • M.Ed. Higher Education Administration, Georgia Southern University
  • B.A. Journalism, University Of Georgia
B.A. Journalism, University of Georgia
johnmurphy@georgiasouthern.eduJohn MurphyJohnMurphyDirector of Development - Parker College of Business912-478-2277College of Business Building 2200aStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessUniversity Advancement(From LinkedIn) An experienced leader with a demonstrated history of success in unique and eclectic settings both in Higher Education and Professional Levels. Skilled in Management, Development, Sports Psychology, Recruitment, Public Speaking, Curriculum Development and various Media formats. An author of two books and an instructional DVD series, is also a nationally recognized speaker and clinician. A lifelong learner who has earned multiple professional certifications, a Master of Science Degree in Kinesiology, a member of Pi Lambda Theta for Educators, and currently in the dissertation phase of a Doctoral Degree in Curriculum Studies at Georgia Southern University.
Teaching Philosophy
Do no harm.
  • Dissertation Phase Of A Doctoral Degree In Curriculum Studies
Research Interests
  • Sociology Of Sport
  • Philanthropy
cfaires@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher FairesChristopherFairesAssistant Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management912-478-5488PCOB 3352Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementChris Faires’s primary research area lies at the intersection of reverse logistics and risk management, focusing on how firms can reduce uncertainty in the return process. Other research areas include last-mile logistics, vehicle routing, and simulation modeling. Prior to joining academia, Chris worked professionally as a web developer for both nonprofit and fitness equipment companies.
Teaching Philosophy
In the classroom, Chris strives to help students recognize their role as participants in supply chains and understand how logistics and supply chain management have a daily impact on their lives.
  • Ph.D., Supply Chain Management, Iowa State University
Research Interests
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Omnichannel Retail
  • Last-Mile Logistics
Omnichannel retailLast-mile logistics
jfrederick@georgiasouthern.eduJoshua FrederickJoshuaFrederickAssistant Professor912-478-5577Parker College of Business Room 3344Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceJoshua Frederick is an assistant professor of finance at Georgia Southern University. He received his BBA (finance) and MBA from Georgia Southern University and his Ph.D. (risk management and insurance) from The University of Georgia. Frederick’s research focuses on internal financing, mergers and acquisitions, health insurance, social insurance, and insurance regulation. Published research outlets include The North American Actuarial Journal, The European Journal of Operational Research, The Journal of Insurance Issues, and Risk Management and Insurance Review. Prior to his career in academia, Frederick worked in banking and insurance.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching goals are to share the knowledge in my area of expertise, to provide my students with applicable real world skills, and to continuously work to adapt and improve my courses so the material delivered fits the ever changing educational landscape.
  • Ph.D., University Of Georgia
  • Mba, Georgia Southern University
  • Bba, Georgia Southern University
MBA, Georgia Southern UniversityBBA, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Internal Financing
  • Health Insurance
  • Social Insurance
  • Insurance Regulation
Health insuranceSocial insuranceInsurance regulation
hannamd@georgiasouthern.eduMark HannaMarkHannaProfessor912-478-5511PCOB 3327Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementA native of Darjeeling, India, Mark Hanna, Ph.D., is professor of operations and supply chain management in the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University. He formerly served as associate dean of the College and chair of the Department of Information Systems and Logistics. He was on the faculty at the Richard T. Farmer School of Business Administration at Miami University from 1990–2001. He earned a Ph.D. in industrial management and an MS in management from Clemson University.
Teaching Philosophy
If there is no impact on the learner the teacher has not taught. As a result, it is imperative that the teacher adopt a learner-centered development-focused approach (in contrast with the historic norms of instructor-centered content-focused approaches). Because information is readily available from many sources and can be delivered asynchronously with ease, given reasonable class-sizes university instructors' allocation of effort should be heavily weighted toward engaging students with active applications of course content, assessment of learning, providing learner-focused personalized feedback, and ongoing improvement of instructional content and practice.
  • Ph.D., Industrial Management (Clemson University)
  • M.S., Management (Clemson University)
  • B.A., Mathematics (Letourneau University)
M.S., Management (Clemson University)B.A., Mathematics (Letourneau University)
Research Interests
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Operations Management
  • Quality Management
  • Instructional Effectiveness
Operations ManagementQuality ManagementInstructional effectiveness
dpham@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/duong-pham-2Duong Katie PhamDuong KatiePhamAssociate Professor of Finance912-478-6015PCOB 2238Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceDr. Duong “Katie” Pham, Ph.D., is an associate professor of finance at Georgia Southern University’s Parker College of Business. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Central Florida. With a background as an auditor and business consultant, Dr. Pham smoothly transitioned into academia. Her research interests span corporate governance, executive compensation, corporate finance, and real estate. Dr. Pham’s scholarly contributions have been published in respected peer-reviewed finance journals such as the Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, and Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy consists of three important goals. The first goal is to be effective in communicating, transferring and sharing my knowledge with students. The second goal is to always be clear and specific in my requirements from student. My third goal is to prepare my students for their career by broadening class materials, sharing career advice, helping them with professional examinations and encouraging them to seek networking events, internships and career opportunities early in their college life.
  • Ph.D., University Of Central Florida, 2017
  • Mba, Marshall University, 2012
  • Bba, Foreign Trade University, 2009
MBA, Marshall University, 2012BBA, Foreign Trade University, 2009
Research Interests
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Executive Compensation
  • Real Estate
Corporate FinanceExecutive CompensationReal Estate
kcruz@georgiasouthern.eduKevin CruzKevinCruzAssistant Professor of Management912-478-0466PCOB 3329/Hawes 208FArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementKevin’s research develops new insights into how psychological and sociological factors impact the negative and positive relationships that employees develop and maintain with their employers (e.g., psychological contract breach), leaders (e.g., social networks), team members (e.g., conflict), and co-workers (e.g., co-worker exclusion).
Teaching Philosophy
My primary goal as a teacher is to develop students’ critical, analytical, and reflective thinking skills through active learning techniques so that they have a competitive advantage on the job market and are high-performing employees.
  • Ph.D., University Of Pittsburgh, 2011
  • B.S., University Of South Florida St. Petersburg, 2007
  • A.A., St. Petersburg College
B.S., University of South Florida St. Petersburg, 2007A.A., St. Petersburg College
Research Interests
  • Employer – Employee Relationships (E.G., Psychological Contract Breach)
  • Leader – Follower Relationships (E.G., Social Networks)
  • Team Member Relationships (E.G., Conflict)
  • Co-Worker Relationships (E.G., Co-Worker Exclusion)
Leader – Follower Relationships (e.g., social networks)Team Member Relationships (e.g., conflict)Co-Worker Relationships (e.g., co-worker exclusion)
lrich@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cTsAv88AAAAJ&hl=enLeigh E. RichLeigh E.RichProfessor912-344-2655UH 154FArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyIn the vein of Chekhov, Leigh E. Rich has followed two passions: medicine and the media. A medical anthropologist, she teaches courses in bioethics, health law and policy, health communication, and special topics such as “Literature and Medicine,” “TV’s Take on Medicine,” and “Medicine at the Movies.” Her research focuses on bioethics and the body, health law, pop culture, and gender. A longtime “culture critic,” she has worked for various publications, including as editor of the “Journal of Bioethical Inquiry” and host of “Listening to Literature.” She is an award-winning writer and has worked in Australia, Denmark, Italy, Russia, and Switzerland. She operates an independent publishing company whose books speak to the human condition.
Teaching Philosophy
A Socratic, interdisciplinary approach grounded in epistemology, theoretical perspectives, primary sources, cultural competence, and bridging theory and praxis, particularly in the collaborative and quickly changing fields of health care, bioethics, narrative medicine, law, policy, and the media.
  • Ph.D. Health And Behavioral Sciences (University Of Colorado, 2004)
  • M.A. Cultural And Medical Anthropology (University Of Arizona, 1997)
  • B.A. Cultural Anthropology (University Of Colorado, 1994)
  • Certificate World In World Art History (The Smithsonian Associates, 2019)
M.A. Cultural and Medical Anthropology (University of Arizona, 1997)B.A. Cultural Anthropology (University of Colorado, 1994)Certificate World in World Art History (The Smithsonian Associates, 2019)
Research Interests
  • Bioethics And The Body
  • Health Law
  • Medical Anthropology
  • Pop Culture And Medicine
  • Gender
Health LawMedical AnthropologyPop Culture and MedicineGender
yau@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kfwpH2AAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoYoris AuYorisAuProfessor912-478-5999PCOB 2202AStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsDr. Yoris A. Au is chair and professor of the Department of Information Systems and Analytics. Dr. Au he has directed various extensive IS/IT projects and infrastructures. As the Internet was emerging in the 1990s, he worked with investors to establish and operate an Internet service provider company. His areas of research include economics of information systems, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and big data technology. His current areas of teaching include artificial intelligence and machine learning, business intelligence and analytics, enterprise infrastructure and security, and cloud computing (AWS).
Teaching Philosophy
Through teaching, I believe that we have many opportunities to create a meaningful and lifelong impact on our students and help improve their lives. We do this not only by teaching them academic and professional skills but also by fostering their self-esteem and helping them realize and believe that they can achieve their dreams.
  • Ph.D. In Information And Decision Sciences, Carlson School Of Management, University Of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn
  • Mba, Katz Graduate School Of Business, University Of Pittsburg, Pittsburgh, Pa
  • Bachelor Of Civil Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
MBA, Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburg, Pittsburgh, PABachelor of Civil Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia
Research Interests
  • Economics Of Is/It
  • Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence For Business
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Business
kschieber@georgiasouthern.eduKasie SchieberKasieSchieberGraduate Recruitment Coordinator912-344-3401Hawes 110FArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessGraduate Programs OfficeKasie grew up in rural Illinois and earned her bachelor's in fine arts with a focus in graphic design, marketing, and communication from Western Illinois University. After earning her Master of College Student Personnel Administration from Illinois State University, Kasie moved to the Savannah, Georgia area. Here, she served as the Alternative Breaks Coordinator at Georgia Southern for three years, where her passion for community engagement and leadership development were ignited. Kasie now serves as the Graduate Recruiter for the Parker College of Business, where she is able to utilize her skills in relationship building, marketing and outreach, graphic design, and social media management.
jhroberts@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=g3rAPysAAAAJ&hl=enJames RobertsJamesRobertsAssociate Professor912-478-46872228 Biological SciencesStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI am a fish ecologist with particular interests in population and community dynamics, dispersal ecology, population and conservation genetics, and environmental change. I apply a variety of field, genetic, and modeling methods to address key questions in fisheries management and conservation biology. At GSU, I teach Fisheries Biology, Ichthyology, Conservation Biology, Evolution and Ecology, Landscape Genetics, Wildlife Management, Research Methods, and Environmental Biology.
Teaching Philosophy
Don't overdo it.
  • Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2012
  • M.S., Virginia Tech, 2003
  • B.S., University Of Georgia, 2000
M.S., Virginia Tech, 2003B.S., University of Georgia, 2000
Research Interests
  • Fish Ecology
  • Vertebrate Population Dynamics
  • Landscape Genetics
  • Fisheries Science
  • Conservation Biology
Vertebrate population dynamicsLandscape geneticsFisheries scienceConservation biologyJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
tdrake@georgiasouthern.eduTara DrakeTaraDrakeExecutive Assistant912-478-5107Parker College of Business Room 2253Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessAssociate Dean's OfficeExecutive Assistant to the Associate Dean of Parker college
dserrano@georgiasouthern.eduDiana SerranoDianaSerranoDr.912-344-3618Gamble Hall 206Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesI am originally Quito, Ecuador. I have a B.S.in English from Mt. St. Mary´s University, an M.A from Georgetown University in Latin American Studies with a concentration in Latin American Literature, and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida in Latin American Literature. I have been an educator for almost 30 years.
Teaching Philosophy
I have student centered approach to teaching. I focus on student´s success and what students can do and accomplish.
  • B.S. Mt. St. Mary´S University, 1993
  • M.A. Georgetown University, 1997
  • Ph.D. University Of Florida, 2004
M.A. Georgetown University, 1997Ph.D. University of Florida, 2004
Research Interests
  • Colonial Latin American Literature
  • Latinos In The United States
  • Second Language Acquisition
  • Technology Use In Second Language Acquistion
Latinos in the United StatesSecond Language AcquisitionTechnology use in second language acquistion
smoss@georgiasouthern.eduSteve MossSteveMossProfessor of Information Systems and Analytics912-478-07572213Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsProfessor of Information Systems and Analytics
  • Ph.D. Decision Sciences, Georgia State 1994
  • Mba, Georgia State, 1985
  • Bba, U. Of S. Florida, 1982
MBA, Georgia State, 1985BBA, U. of S. Florida, 1982
Research Interests
  • Forecasting
  • Mega Sports Events
  • International Travel
Mega Sports EventsInternational Travel
srossi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/stephen-rossiStephen RossiStephenRossiProfessor and Associate Dean, Office of the Dean912-478-8557Hollis 2123Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyIn my role as Associate Dean of WCHP, I manage institutional effectiveness data processes. I oversee curriculum reviews and modifications. I lead student recruitment, retention, and success initiatives. I supervise faculty searches, tenure, and promotion proceduresand manage Statesboro campus operations in the Dean's absence.
Teaching Philosophy
My approach to teaching is grounded in showing students the respect they deserve, challenging them through rigorous coursework, and evaluating their progress fairly to provide everyone an opportunity to succeed.
  • Ph.D., Health, Leisure, And Human Performance Oklahoma State University
  • M.S., Exercise Science Appalachian State University
  • B.A., Physical Education And Health University Of North Carolina Wilmington
M.S., Exercise Science Appalachian State UniversityB.A., Physical Education and Health University of North Carolina Wilmington
Research Interests
  • Sport And Human Performance
rachelsmith@georgiasouthern.eduRachel SmithRachelSmithAssociate Professor of Management912-478-0759Parker College of Business Room 3332Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementRachel Williamson Smith, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Management in the Parker College of Business. She joined the faculty at Georgia Southern in 2021 after holding a position at Louisiana State University where she served as the Director of the Industrial/Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Program. She has published over 27 scholarly articles and received the Gary M. Davis Excellence in Research Award from the Parker College of Business in 2024. Dr. Smith teaches courses on organizational behavior and human resource management at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on challenging students to think critically and apply what they have learned beyond the classroom, develop meaningful relationships with students, and inspire students with an active learning approach.
  • Ph.D., University Of Georgia, 2018
  • M.S., University Of Georgia, 2015
  • B.A., University Of South Carolina, 2012
M.S., University of Georgia, 2015B.A., University of South Carolina, 2012
Research Interests
  • Employee Well-Being
  • The Work-Life Interface
  • Workaholism
  • Scale Development
  • Quantitative Research Methods
The work-life interfaceWorkaholismScale developmentQuantitative research methods
dbrickey@georgiasouthern.eduD. Travis BrickeyD. TravisBrickeyLecturer of Marketing & Director of the Center for Sales Excellence912-478-5588Parker College of Business, #3333Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingTravis Brickey comes to Parker College of Business from Pellissippi State Community College, where he taught undergraduate marketing/sales, management, and business courses in various classroom environments. In addition to his teaching experience, Brickey has 20 years of corporate marketing, sales, and advertising experience. Having worked for companies such as Disney, BBDO, University of Tennessee Medical Center, and U.S. Bank, he brings a wealth of practical hands-on experience into the classroom—providing context to theory. As the director of the Center for Sales Excellence, Brickey leads the one of the top rated sales programs in the nation!
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of education encourages a learning environment that supports intellectual curiosity, academic achievement, and personal growth. I encourage critical thinking, engaging students to not only learn business concepts and theory but to understand them in practice, not afraid to question norms. My teaching philosophy stems from this innate sense of natural curiosity that we all possess. As an educator with 20 years of professional real-world experience, my classes are rooted in reality. Textbook theory and definitions are taught, but then I couple it with real-world examples, which help the students better relate to the material.
  • Mba, King University, 2014
  • Bs, University Of Tennessee, 2001
  • Ama Professional Certified Marketer - Sales Management
BS, University of Tennessee, 2001AMA Professional Certified Marketer - Sales Management
Research Interests
  • Marketing & Sales Foundational Education
Center for Sales Excellence
mlamboyruiz@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eRqJHOgAAAAJ&hl=enMelvin Lamboy-RuizMelvinLamboy-RuizAssociate Professor of Accounting912-478-2228Parker 2230Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyMelvin Lamboy-Ruiz is an Associate Professor at the School of Accountancy (SOA). He is a Certified Public Accountant and received his Ph.D. in Management (Accounting) from Purdue University. Melvin teaches undergraduate and graduate financial accounting courses at the Parker College of Business. His primary research interest is the impact of accounting information quality on socially significant outcomes in the healthcare industry. Melvin’s research articles have been published in several academic research journals. He dedicates his service efforts to assessing student learning at the SOA and increasing diversity and inclusion in the academic community.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning is active. I foster experiential accounting learning, blending lectures, AI tools, real-world cases, and hybrid methods to engage students, respect diversity, and nurture accounting and business skills.
  • Ph.D. In Management (Accounting) From Purdue University
  • Master’S In Health Services Administration From The University Of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences
  • Bsba (Accounting) From The University Of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Master’s in Health Services Administration from the University of Puerto Rico-Medical SciencesBSBA (Accounting) from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez
Research Interests
  • Accounting Information Quality
  • Healthcare Accounting
  • Fraud And Forensic Accounting
Healthcare accountingFraud and forensic accounting
szafar@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/sana-zafarSana ZafarSanaZafarAssistant Professor of Management912-478-7089PCOB 2243Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementSana Zafar joins the Parker College of Business from the Warrington College of Business, where she worked as a Post-Doctoral Associate. Her research interests focus on (1) gender issues in management, and (2) entrepreneurial cognition and behavior. Sana is passionate about teaching and has taught several courses including Startup Funding, Small and Family Business Management, Strategic Management, and Principles of Management at Auburn University and the University of Florida. She is excited about supporting her students in their journeys as future entrepreneurs and leaders.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that every student learns differently and is motivated by unique factors. My goal is to create a classroom that embraces cultural, linguistic, and learning differences while challenging diverse thinking patterns. I design courses that promote student engagement through group projects, case studies, and guest lectures, focusing on real-life applications of what students learn. I see it as my responsibility to continually improve my teaching by incorporating student feedback. I understand the impact a good teacher can have, and I strive to bring about positive changes in my students' lives.
  • Ph.D. In Management, Harbert College Of Business, Auburn University
Research Interests
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gender
ascheetz@georgiasouthern.eduAndrea ScheetzAndreaScheetzAssociate Professor of Accounting912-478-8661PCOBStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyAndrea Scheetz, Ph.D., CPA, CFE received her Doctorate and Masters from Case Western Reserve University, and BBA from Niagara University. Dr. Scheetz is a Certified Public Accountant as well as a Certified Fraud examiner. She has professional practice experience in both audit and corporate accounting. Dr. Scheetz teaches undergraduate and graduate financial accounting and fraud-related courses. Her research focuses primarily on judgment and decision making related to whistleblowing following the discovery of fraud. Andrea has published in journals such as: Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Crime, Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, and Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Information Systems.
Teaching Philosophy
I wholeheartedly believe that learning is a partnership between teacher and student. It is the teacher’s role to guide the student and to inspire the student to learn, and just maybe the student will learn to love the subject matter. It is the student’s responsibility to put in the effort to learn by studying, coming to class, participating, asking questions, and doing whatever is necessary to make sure they understand.
  • Case Western Reserve University - Doctor Of Philosophy In Accounting
  • Case Western Reserve University - Master Of Accountancy
  • Niagara University - Bachelors Of Business Administration In Accounting
Case Western Reserve University - Master of AccountancyNiagara University - Bachelors of Business Administration in Accounting
Research Interests
  • Whistleblowing
  • Fraud
scharlier@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/steven-d-charlier-2Steve CharlierSteveCharlierProfessor and Department Chair912-478-5985PCOB 3355Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementSteve Charlier is a professor and chair of the Department of Management. He held managerial positions in a variety of industries prior to joining academia. He has been a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) since 2003, and has consulted with a number of organizations. Steve’s primary scholarly interests are focused on the impact of technology on the modern work environment and in management education. His research has been published in several top journals, and has been featured in popular press outlets like Forbes, Inc., Entrepreneur, and the BBC. Steve is a former associate editor for Human Resource Management and Academy of Management Learning & Education and currently sits on the editorial boards for four academic journals.
Teaching Philosophy
The foundation of my teaching philosophy is rooted in practical application. Some keywords that drive my teaching methods include passion, respect, organization, challenge, and connection.
  • Ph.D., University Of Iowa
  • Mim, University Of Denver
  • Bba, College Of William And Mary
MIM, University of DenverBBA, College of William and Mary
Research Interests
  • Virtual Teams
  • E-Learning
  • Management Education
E-learningManagement education
wgato@georgiasouthern.eduW. Eric GatoW. EricGatoProfessor912-478-59222235 Nursing/ChemistryStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Worlanyo Eric Gato is a Professor of Biochemistry, specializing in prediabetes in developing countries, toxicogenomics, and proteomics. His research focuses on the biochemical and toxicological impacts of environmental contaminants. Dr. Gato has mentored over 50 students, providing them with hands-on research experience and opportunities to present their findings at national meetings, including the Society of Toxicology and NOBCChE national meetings. His students have won best presentation awards. He was nominated for the 2020 Faculty Research and Discovery & Innovation Excellence Award. He actively supports student participation through various travel awards, fostering a collaborative and dynamic research environment.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching at GSU allows me to educate, mentor, and train future scientific leaders. Each year, I meet new students and ensure they know they matter. Recognizing diverse backgrounds and expectations, I use varied teaching methods to engage every student. My courses include Biochemistry I & II, Principles of Chemistry I & II, Principles of Biochemistry, and Toxicology of Nanomaterials. I emphasize hands-on exploration, real-world application, and problem-solving skills. My evaluations reflect my commitment to student success. In research, I mentor students, guiding them through projects and fostering their growth. Continuous improvement and student engagement remain my priorities.
  • Bs Agricultural Science, University Of Cape Coast, Ghana
  • Ms Environmental Science, University Of Nottingham, Uk
  • Ph.D. Biochemistry, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo Mi
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Il, Carbondale Il
MS Environmental Science, University of Nottingham, UKPh.D. Biochemistry, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MIPostdoctoral Fellow, Southern Illinois University Carbondale IL, Carbondale IL
Research Interests
  • Toxicogenomic And Proteomic Response Of Rodents And Mammalian Cells To Dietary Environmental Contaminants
  • 2. Susceptibility Of Offspring To Metabolic Syndrome (Insulin Resistance) After In Utero Exposure Using Animal Models
  • 3. Elucidating Diabetic Cause And Trends In Emerging Economies Using Ghana As A Case Study
2. Susceptibility of offspring to metabolic syndrome (insulin resistance) after in utero exposure using animal models3. Elucidating Diabetic Cause and Trends in Emerging Economies Using Ghana as a Case StudyJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
clwaller@georgiasouthern.eduCarol Lott WallerCarol LottWallerAdmin912-478-5926Parker College Room 3356Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessOffice of Marketing & Media
  • Ba English
fziegler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/françois-ziegler-2François ZieglerFrançoisZieglerAssociate Professor912-478-1969Math/Physics 2322Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesFrançois Ziegler has been in the Mathematical Sciences department since 2004. His research centers on the correspondence between homogeneous symplectic manifolds and unitary group representations, or in other words, the relationship between classical and quantum mechanics. He has advised four Master’s theses.
Teaching Philosophy
Teach the Math!
  • Ph.D. In Mathematics, Université De Provence (Aix-Marseille I), 1997
  • B.S. In Physics, Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology (Eth Lausanne), 1988
B.S. in Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Lausanne), 1988
Research Interests
  • Symplectic Geometry
  • Unitary Group Representations
Unitary Group Representations
pmooney@georgiasouthern.eduPaula MooneyPaulaMooneySenior Lecturer912-478-0227Parker College of Business #1110Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyA senior lecturer in the Parker College of Business School of Accountancy, Paula Mooney, CPA, CFE, CGMA has held positions in both the private sector and academia. Before returning to Georgia Southern, Mooney served as CFO for a mulit-million dollar non-profit and the quality control director for a CPA firm. Mooney has received numerous awards in recognition of her teaching and service to Georgia Southern and the accounting profession.
Teaching Philosophy
Mooney's teaching philosophy can be summed up in the quote, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." As a professor, the valued added to students is the most important aspect of the job. The style and techniques used in conveying knowledge and information to the class must be reflective of the deep desire to see each and every student succeed, although most will never have Mooney's passion for the subject of accounting.
  • Macc, University Of Georgia, 1985
  • Bba In Accounting, University Of Georgia, 1983
BBA in Accounting, University of Georgia, 1983
Research Interests
  • Audit Quality
  • Leadership/Development Of Self And Others
  • Not-For-Profits
Leadership/Development of Self and OthersNot-for-Profits
gstuart@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=_JYA-lwAAAAJGloria StuartGloriaStuartSenior Lecturer of Accounting912-478-0404Parker College of Business, Room 2227Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyGloria Stuart is a senior lecturer in the Parker College of Business School of Accountancy. She joined the faculty in 2004 and currently teaches financial accounting and taxation. Gloria is also a site coordinator with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. She is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed in Georgia. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Georgia Society of CPAs.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is centered around students and encompasses three core beliefs. First, I recognize that each student is unique and learns in their own way. Second, I strive to cultivate a positive and engaging classroom atmosphere that fosters collaboration between faculty and students. Finally, I believe that students enhance their learning when they can connect classroom concepts to real-world experiences, such as through experiential-learning opportunities. These guiding principles shape my lesson planning, learning activities, and assessment design.
  • Macc, Georgia Southern University
  • Bba (Accounting), Georgia Southern University
BBA (Accounting), Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Taxation
  • Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
rszymanski@georgiasouthern.eduRobert (Bob) SzymanskiRobert (Bob)SzymanskiLecturer912-478-0481Parker College of Business Rm 2210Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsRobert “Bob” Szymanski is a lecturer in the Information Systems and Analytics Department and serves as the faculty coordinator for the SAP Academic Alliances program. He has also served as chair on the North American Academic Board for the SAP University Alliances. Bob owns and operates a private consulting firm which specializes in SAP consulting and education. His consulting work has included many Fortune 500 companies as well as SAP America. Bob also holds many professional certifications in SAP. As well as holding these professional certifications, he serves as a leading SAP TS410 certification instructor in the Americas.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is quite simple and is led by one main principle: I measure my success on the success of my students. In essence, that is what it comes down to for me. To achieve success for my students, I strive to provide them with as much value as possible from the classroom. My industry experience in operations and software consulting spans several roles: consultant, manager, and front-line employee. This allows me to provide students with multiple perspectives that are practical and backed up with real world examples that reinforce content in the courses I teach. This approach also leads to greater engagement with students who then become more inclined to ask questions, leading to dialog.
  • Mba(1998), Boston College Carroll Graduate School Of Management
  • Bs (1986) Boston College
BS (1986) Boston College
Research Interests
  • Enterprise Systems
bnarendrapurapu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LwNkeJwAAAAJ&hl=enBeulah NarendrapurapuBeulahNarendrapurapuSenior Lecturer912-478-5876Nursing and Chemistry Bldg., Room 2215Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsBeulah Narendrapurapu is an alum of the University of Georgia where she received a Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry. She is a Senior Lecturer of Chemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics. She is a coordinator for Comprehensive General Chemistry course (CHEM 1310) and teaches undergraduate courses on the Statesboro campus and online.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on the idea that learning resembles the growth of a crystal, building on existing knowledge in a structured manner. I strive to "seed" this learning by carefully selecting examples and guiding students to develop analytical skills, encouraging them to engage deeply with the material rather than passively absorb information. By using tailored teaching methods and promoting a respectful classroom atmosphere, I aim to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and a genuine appreciation for scientific methodology among my students.
  • Ph.D., Computational Chemistry (The University Of Georgia)
  • Ms, Chemistry (Indian Institute Of Technology Bombay)
  • Bs, Chemistry (St. Ann'S College, Osmania University)
MS, Chemistry (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)BS, Chemistry (St. Ann's College, Osmania University)
Research Interests
  • Chemistry Education: My Research Interests Focus On Enhancing Teaching Practices In Chemistry Through The Development Of Innovative Educational Materials And Interventions. I Have Led Projects Such As The Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant, Which Aimed To Create A Low-Cost, Interactive Textbook For The Comprehensive General Chemistry Course, Resulting In Significant Cost Savings For Students. I Have Also Been Involved In The Development Of Animations To Clarify Complex Concepts And Interventions Aimed At Fostering Student Engagement And Success In Chemistry Education.
timwhel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/timothy-whelanTimothy WhelanTimothyWhelanProfessor Emeritus, EnglishStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishTimothy Whelan has published more than 70 articles on American and British Puritanism, Religious Nonconformity, Print Culture, Baptist History, and British Romanticism between 1650 and 1850. Among his publications are Other British Voices: Women, Poetry, and Religion, 1766-1840 (2015); Nonconformist Women Writers, 1720-1840, 8 vols. (2011); Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1741-1845 (2009); and Politics, Religion, and Romance (2008). His work in digital humanities has resulted in three substantial websites: Nonconformist and Dissenting Women’s Studies, 1650-1850; Nonconformist and Dissenting Studies, 1650-1850; and Mary Hays: Life, Writings, and Correspondence.
Teaching Philosophy
Making literature and history interesting to students by close readings of the texts, relevant and accurate historical background, and humorous anecdotes whenever possible.
  • Ph.D., University Of Maryland
  • M.A., University Of Missouri-Kansas City
  • B.A., Tennessee Temple University
M.A., University of Missouri-Kansas CityB.A., Tennessee Temple University
Research Interests
  • British Romanticism, 1790-1840
  • British Baptist History, 1650-1850
  • British Nonconformist Women Writers, 1650-1850
  • British 18Th Century Print Culture
  • Manuscripts And Archival Research And Digital Humanities
British Baptist History, 1650-1850British Nonconformist Women Writers, 1650-1850British 18th Century Print CultureManuscripts and Archival Research and Digital Humanities
nbingham@georgiasouthern.eduNicholas BinghamNicholasBinghamProfessor of Military Science912-478-0034Military Science Building, room 1007Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceLTC Nick Bingham was born and raised in Memphis TN. He graduated from the University of Mississippi and was commissioned through their reserve officer training corps (ROTC) program in 2006. Throughout his career he was stationed throughout the US and deployed multiple times overseas. Nick is returning to Georgia Southern University after previously being assigned as an instructor on campus. He is currently serving as the Department Chair and Professor of Military Science.
Teaching Philosophy
We are here to create qualified and competent Second Lieutenants in the United States Army who are well prepared to lead subordinates and advise superiors. To do that, we must maintain a positive organizational environment where our students trust their instructors to assist in their professional growth. Lastly, remain positive - positive attitudes lead to productivity.
  • Master In Supply Chain Management From Univ Of Kansas
  • Bachelors In Education From Univ Of Mississippi
Bachelors in Education from Univ of Mississippi
Research Interests
  • American History
  • Leadership Principles
Leadership Principles
bnewell@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/bobbie-j-newell-2Bobbie NewellBobbieNewellAssistant Professor912-478-1258Hendricks Hall 2039Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesBobbie J. Newell is an Assistant Professor and Assessment Specialist in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences at Georgia Southern University, where she has been a faculty member since 2011. Her research and teaching focus on environmental health and justice, with interests in built environments, climate justice, sustainability, and disaster preparedness. Bobbie is dedicated to community-based research that supports vulnerable, underserved, and rural populations. As an Assessment Specialist, she develops and implements assessment strategies, creates data repositories, and delivers actionable reports, helping inform decisions across library units while promoting data-driven practices.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is grounded in a student-centered approach that promotes active learning, critical thinking, and real-world application. Focused on environmental health and justice, including built environments, neighborhood effects, climate justice, sustainability, and disaster preparedness, teaching emphasizes the intersection of science and social justice. A key component is community-based research, engaging students with vulnerable, underserved, and rural populations. Students are encouraged to propose equitable, sustainable solutions to environmental health challenges through diverse methods, fostering responsibility, empathy, and ethical decision-making.
  • Jiann-Ping Hsu College Of Public Health Georgia Southern University, Expected May 2025 Degree: Doctor Of Public Health Concentration: Public Health Leadership
  • Georgia Southern University 2012 Degree: Master Of Education Major: Teaching & Learning In Biology
  • Georgia Southern University 2004 Degree: Bachelor Of Science Major: Secondary Science Education
Georgia Southern University 2012 Degree: Master of Education Major: Teaching & Learning in Biology Georgia Southern University 2004 Degree: Bachelor of Science Major: Secondary Science Education
Research Interests
  • Environmental Health
oardakani@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/omid-ardakani-2Omid ArdakaniOmidArdakaniAssociate Professor912-344-3163Armstrong Campus - Hawes Hall Room 208CArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsDr. Omid M. Ardakani is an Associate Professor of Economics and the Solomons Economic Research Fellow. His research spans econometrics, monetary policy, and asset pricing. His research integrates Bayesian and data mining techniques to provide insights into economic and financial problems. Currently, he studies methodological approaches and applications of information and extreme value theories. Dr. Ardakani has been recognized with several awards for his academic contributions and serves as co-editor of the Economics Journal and section editor of the Financial Statistical Journal. He is the editorial board member of the Journal of Information Economics and International Finance.
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator with an academic background in analytics, econometrics, macroeconomics, and finance, Dr. Ardakani's teaching philosophy has evolved through diverse teaching roles, ranging from undergraduate lectures to graduate classes. His approach is rooted in the belief that education is both about conveying knowledge and inspiring students to discover their potential and guiding them in applying theoretical concepts to real-world problems.
  • Ph.D. Economics, University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • M.A. Economics, University Of Tehran
  • B.A. Economics, Yazd University
M.A. Economics, University of TehranB.A. Economics, Yazd University
Research Interests
  • Econometrics
  • Computational Finance
  • Monetary Economics
Computational FinanceMonetary Economics
rquirino@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=sovnOW8AAAAJRafael Lopes QuirinoRafaelLopes QuirinoClair Colvin Distinguished Research Professor912-478-23453234, Nursing/Chemistry BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Quirino came to Georgia Southern University (GSU) in 2012 after a post-doc at Iowa State University, where his research focused on the functionalization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and on the preparation of polyurethanes from vegetable oils. His research group at GSU studies the behavior of CNTs when exposed to microwaves, as well as bio-based thermosets, and biomass torrefaction. With interests in polymer science, pyrolysis, oleochemistry, and bio-based materials, the Quirino Research Group carries-out student-driven, original research in the Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics Department. The Group’s activity is centered on the use of triglycerides for different chemistries from a materials perspective.
Teaching Philosophy
Student-centered, fostering a welcoming learning environment to promote inclusive teaching.
  • Post-Doc Iowa State University (2011-2012)
  • Ph.D. Iowa State University (2011)
  • M.S. University Of Brasilia, Brazil (2006)
  • B.S. University Of Brasilia, Brazil (2004)
Ph.D. Iowa State University (2011)M.S. University of Brasilia, Brazil (2006)B.S. University of Brasilia, Brazil (2004)
Research Interests
  • Polymer Science
  • Pyrolysis
  • Oleochemistry
  • Biorenewable Materials
pyrolysisoleochemistrybiorenewable materialsCenter for Advanced Materials Science, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
cwhitlock@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=9bY6dOUAAAAJChristine WhitlockChristineWhitlockProfessor912-478-5682Nursing/Chemistry 3214Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsChristine R. Whitlock is an alum of the University of Alabama and is a Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics. She teaches general chemistry, organic chemistry, and drug design primarily on the Statesboro campus.
Teaching Philosophy
For 30+ years, I have enjoyed the opportunity at Georgia Southern University to serve as a teacher-scholar. It is my professional ambition to help others understand chemistry and appreciate it as much as I do. In the classroom, I strive to provide an ideal learning environment, and communication is the key. Rather than simply distributing knowledge, I act as a guide to the learning process. I define objectives regularly and use my expertise in the subject to direct the students. They are expected to be actively involved in the learning process through out-of-class assignments, in-class groupwork and laboratory discussions.
  • Ph.D., The University Of Alabama
Research Interests
  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Heterocyclic Chemistry
  • Open Education Resources
Heterocyclic ChemistryOpen Education Resources
gkaramemis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=af9k9IwAAAAJ&hl=enGulver KaramemisGulverKaramemisAssistant Professor of OM/SCM912-478-7439Parker College of Business 3351Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementGulver Karamemis is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at Georgia Southern University where she teaches operations management, international supply chain systems at the undergraduate level and applied multivariate methods at the graduate level. Her research focuses on outsourcing/sourcing decisions and competition. Her current research interests include extending economic models in designing optimal channel structures, sustainable operations and social networks. She has recently published articles in such journals as European Journal of Operational Research and Journal of Cleaner Production. Karamemis serves as an ad-hoc referee for Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences Journal, among others.
Teaching Philosophy
A valuable education is one that a student can apply throughout their career, one that stimulates curiosity and encourages them to raise questions. I believe critical thinking, analysis and independent problem solving are skills that are valuable in all facets of life and not limited to the workplace. A crucial aspect of an academic career is the student and teacher interaction, a key relationship in an inclusive and engaging learning environment. I thoroughly enjoy making this connection with my students and helping them bridge the knowledge gap of their chosen career. As a believer in continuous improvement, my goal is to create a knowledge base they will find effective in their careers, not just in the classroom.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida (Operations Management), 2016
  • Ms, University Of Florida, 2011
  • Msc, University Of Florida, 2008
  • Bsc, Istanbul Technical University, 2007
MS, University of Florida, 2011MSc, University of Florida, 2008BSc, Istanbul Technical University, 2007
Research Interests
  • Outsourcing/Sourcing Decisions
  • Channel Coordination/Competition
  • Sustainable Operations
  • Social Networks/Social Capital
  • New Product Development
Channel coordination/competitionSustainable operationsSocial networks/social capitalNew product development
jking@georgiasouthern.eduJohn KingJohnKingProfessor912-478-03883324Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsJohn King, Ph.D., is a professor of economics at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. and MA degrees in economics from Vanderbilt University and his BA in economics from Western Kentucky University. Professor King has been at Georgia Southern, where he primarily teaches courses in microeconomics, since 2002. Before coming to Georgia Southern, he taught courses at Duke, Elon, and Vanderbilt Universities. His published research includes applied and theoretical articles on firm and consumer decision making under a variety of market conditions and informational assumptions as well as economics pedagogy. He was the 2008 recipient of the T.J. Morris, Jr. Faculty Award for Excellence in Research in the Parker College.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy stems from the idea that the primary responsibility of an instructor is towards the subject matter rather than any other stakeholder. I see two primary risks involved in the teaching process. The first is that we water down the material so that more students experience “success” in the form of higher grades while not achieving a real understanding of the material and the second is that we fail to generate enough excitement to spark the students’ own intellectual curiosity so that the learning process continues beyond the classroom. I try to balance these two risks in order to provide my students with a course that is rigorous and challenging but still interesting enough for them to actually want to show up and learn.
  • Ph.D., Economics, Vanderbilt University
  • Ma, Economics, Vanderbilt University
  • Ba, Economics, Western Kentucky University
MA, Economics, Vanderbilt UniversityBA, Economics, Western Kentucky University
Research Interests
  • Microeconomics
  • Cultural Economics
  • Information Economics
Cultural EconomicsInformation Economics
sloney@georgiasouthern.eduSam LoneySamLoneyMilitary Science Instructor912-478-0037Military Science BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceI was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield with 1st Ranger Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment where I served in various positions to include Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman, Fire Team leader, Multi-Purpose Canine Handler, and Multi-Purpose Canine Section Leader. I have deployed four times in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel and Operation Inherent Resolve.
Teaching Philosophy
As a ROTC Military Science Instructor, I focus on developing future leaders through a blend of leadership education, experiential learning, and personal mentorship. I believe in teaching cadets to lead by example, reinforcing the Army values, and preparing them for the physical and mental demands of a profession in the Army. My goal is to foster adaptable, ethical, and resilient leaders who can thrive in any environment they are placed in. Through hands-on training and critical thinking, I challenge cadets to grow into well-rounded individuals ready to serve.
  • Bachelors In Business Administration. U.S. Army Ranger School, Airborne School, Advanced Ranger First Responder, Small Unit Ranger Tactics (Surt), Fast Rope Infiltration And Exfiltration Master (Fries), Von Liche Basic Handlers Course, 75Th Ranger Regiment Advanced Handlers Course, Basic Leader Course (Blc), And The Advanced Leader Course (Alc),
Research Interests
  • As A Rotc Instructor, My Research Interests Focus On Leadership Development, Resilience, And The Impact Of Emerging Technologies On Modern Military Leadership. I Am Also Interested In Exploring Diversity, Inclusion, And The Role Of Rotc Programs In Building Civil-Military Relations And Preparing Future Leaders For The Challenges Of The Modern Dynamic Battlefield.
dweaver@georgiasouthern.eduDyvon WeaverDyvonWeaverAssistant Professor of Military Science/ Operations Officer912-478-00422006 Military Science BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military Science1LT Weaver is from Jefferson City, TN. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/ Marketing from Carson-Newman University. 1LT Weaver commissioned as an Armor Officer through ROTC at Carson-Newman University in May 2022. He most recently served as a Scout Platoon Leader and Squadron Plans officer in 5th Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1ABCT, 3rd Infantry Division at Ft. Stewart, Georgia. His awards include the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Army Service Medal, and the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge. .
Teaching Philosophy
As a Military Science Instructor, I focus on developing leaders through military leadership application and education, peer mentorship, and character development. I believe in teaching cadets to take challenges head on, take risks, and learn from mistakes. My goal is to foster adaptable, ethical, and resilient leaders who can succeed and thrive in any occupation, hardship, or environment. Through practical training, critical thinking, and leadership opportunities, I hope to challenge cadets to become well-rounded and adaptable leaders who are motivated to serve their community and country.
  • Military Education Includes: Master Educator Course, Common Faculty Development Instructor Course, Armor Basic Officer Leader Course, Army Reconnaissance Course, And M2A4 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Commander’S Course.
  • Civilian Education: Bachelor'S Of Science In Business Administration/ Marketing, Carson -Newman University, Master'S Higher Education Candidate, University Of Louisville
Civilian Education: Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration/ Marketing, Carson -Newman University, Master's Higher Education Candidate, University of Louisville
Research Interests
  • As A Rotc Instructor, My Research Interests Focus On Leadership Development, Rapid Decision Making Skills And Processes, And The Impact Of The Junior Officer On The United States Army. I Am Also Interested In Exploring Emotional Intelligence, Diversity, Inclusion, And Preparing Young People To Take Up New And Evolving Roles In The Ever-Changing Work-Force And Battlefield.
wachia@georgiasouthern.eduBill AchiaBillAchiaLecturer912-478-71571115Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementBill Achia teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Operations and supply Chain Management in both face-to-face and online classroom environments. Prior to academia, Bill worked for over 12 years in supply chain management in both the Pharma (Cardinal Health) and Steel (ThyssenKrupp Stainless) industries in Chicago, IL. Bill has a strong interest in sharing knowledge with students on the analytical aspects of operations and supply chain management.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering critical thinking, practical application, and lifelong learning. I believe that the dynamic nature of supply chains requires students not only to grasp foundational theories but also to apply these concepts in real-world contexts. By integrating case studies, simulations, and interactive discussions, I encourage students to engage deeply with the material and develop problem-solving skills that are essential in the fast-paced global market. My goal in the classroom is to create an inclusive and stimulating learning environment where diverse perspectives are valued, collaboration is encouraged, and students are empowered to innovate.
  • Ph.D. (Abd), The University Of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
  • M.S. (Industrial Logistics), Illinois Institute Of Technology
  • Mba, Maharishi International University
  • Ba (Economics), Maseno University (Kenya)
M.S. (Industrial Logistics), Illinois Institute of TechnologyMBA, Maharishi International UniversityBA (Economics), Maseno University (Kenya)
Research Interests
  • Supply Chain Systems
  • Humanitarian Logistics
Humanitarian logistics
gburke@georgiasouthern.eduGerard BurkeGerardBurkeProfessor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management912-478-14953318 Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementGerard (Jerry) Burke joined the Georgia Southern faculty in 2005. His extensive teaching experience spans various modalities in undergraduate and graduate courses in operations, intermodal transportation, sourcing, negotiation and international business. Dr. Burke’s scholarly contributions include publications in top academic journals as well as timely teaching cases to support the Intermodal Association of North America (IANA) Applied Research Challenge. Beyond service for undergraduate student success and professional development through IANA and the GSLA, Jerry’s professional service is highlighted by serving on the Production Operations Management Society's (POMS) Board of Directors (2015–2021; 2023-25) and as President of POMS (2024).
Teaching Philosophy
Business is an applied discipline of higher education. Therefore, educational programming in business schools should build conceptual and analytical foundations to ready students for practical, managerial decision-making and professional interactions. Thus, my general teaching approach is geared toward developing hard and soft skills needed for business graduates to advance in their careers, and I develop and deliver courses which motivate students to qualitatively and quantitatively investigate, analyze and efficiently address challenges in coursework that contain properties of problems faced in managerial practice. Furthermore, I actively engage with industry to develop and deliver experiential learning opportunities for students.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida
  • M.S., University Of Florida
  • M.B.A., University Of Florida
  • B.S., University Of Florida
M.S., University of FloridaM.B.A., University of FloridaB.S., University of Florida
Research Interests
  • Production Operations Management
  • Sourcing
  • Inventory Management
  • Transportation Management
  • Intermodal Logistics
SourcingInventory ManagementTransportation ManagementIntermodal Logistics
bmalmir@georgiasouthern.eduBehnam MalmirBehnamMalmirAssistant Professor of Information Systems & Analytics912-478-0631Parker College of Business Room 1125Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsBehnam Malmir earned his doctoral degree in business information technology from Virginia Tech, where he had the honor of receiving prestigious awards such as the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and Cunningham Fellowships. His primary research focuses on developing models that enhance human decision-making processes. Behnam has applied techniques such as text mining, machine learning, social network analysis, MCDM, and statistical modeling across diverse domains, including supply chain management, online reviews, social media, blockchain, decision support systems, and sustainability.
  • Ph.D. (Business Information Technology), Virginia Tech, 2023
  • Ms (Industrial Engineering), Kansas State University, 2018
MS (Industrial Engineering), Kansas State University, 2018
Research Interests
  • Social Media, Data Mining, Blockchain
ecampbell@georgiasouthern.eduEsma CampbellEsmaCampbellAssistant Professor912-344-2900Ashmpore, 165Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceI have been teaching at this institution since 2007. It was Armstrong State University at the time. My background is radiography, interventional cardiology, and interventional radiology. Prior to accepting my position at Armstrong/Georgia SOutherm, I was manager of invasive and non invasive cardiology, and interventional radiology for St. Joseph's / Candler.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of education is that all students are unique and must have a stimulating educational environment where they can grow mentally, emotionally, and socially.This environment must prepare them for the rigor they will face in a healthcare field. It is my desire to create this type of atmosphere where students can meet their full potential. I will provide a safe environment where students are invited to share their ideas . They should be able to have choices and let their curiosity direct their learning as I operate as a facilitator.
  • Associate Degree, Applied Science, Virginia Western College, Roanoke, Virginia
  • Bacchelors Degree, Public Health, Armstrong State University
  • Masters, Public Health, Armstrong State University
Bacchelors Degree, Public Health, Armstrong State UniversityMasters, Public Health, Armstrong State University
Research Interests
  • Cardiovascular Medicine
mwilliam@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew WilliamsonMatthewWilliamsonAssociate Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology; Director of the Body Donation Program; Editor of the Occasional Papers of the Turks and Caicos Islands National Museum912-478-1820Herty 0103Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Williamson holds a doctorate in Anthropology from Purdue University with an emphasis in Bioarchaeology. He also earned a Master of Arts in Anthropology with an emphasis in Forensic Anthropology and a Bachelor of Science in Biology both from the University of South Carolina - Columbia. He has conducted research pertaining to prehistoric Native American health in the Southeast and Midwest U.S. and has conducted cemetery research in the Caribbean. He has served as a forensic anthropology consultant for law enforcement agencies in Georgia, South Carolina, Illinois, and Indiana. He teaches courses in Human Anatomy and Physiology and Pathophysiology on the Statesboro campus and online.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers around practical application and hands-on participation. Students in my classes leave not only with a deep understanding of the structure and function of the human body but also with an appreciation of how human anatomy and physiology and pathophysiology inform the clinical practitioner and form the basis of patient care.
  • Ph.D. (Anthropology), Purdue University, 1998
  • M.A. (Anthropology), University Of South Carolina - Columbia, 1992
  • B.S. (Biology) University Of South Carolina - Columbia, 1990
M.A. (Anthropology), University of South Carolina - Columbia, 1992B.S. (Biology) University of South Carolina - Columbia, 1990
Research Interests
  • Human Osteology
  • Human Biological Variation
  • Paleopathology
Human Biological VariationPaleopathology
bhowells@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/h-elizabeth-howells-2Helen Elizabeth HowellsHelen ElizabethHowellsProfessor of English912-344-2867Gamble and NewtonArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishBeth Howells is a Professor of English and Chair of the English Department at Georgia Southern University. She teaches on both Armstrong and Statesboro Campuses.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is rooted in creating an active and engaged learning environment. I believe that students learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Through rigorous coursework, thoughtful discussions, and real-world connections, I strive to foster a space where students can develop their critical thinking skills, enhance their writing abilities, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. By emphasizing the interconnectedness between reading, writing, and thinking, I aim to empower students to become confident and articulate communicators.
  • Ba In English And Art History, University Of Notre Dame
  • Ma In English, University Of Alabama
  • Ph.D. In English, University Of North Carolina At Greensboro
MA in English, University of AlabamaPh.D. in English, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Research Interests
  • 19Th Century British Literature
  • Composition Studies
  • Rhetoric
  • Administration
  • Cultural Studies
Composition StudiesRhetoricAdministrationCultural Studies
cbrunt@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher BruntChristopherBruntShirley & Philip Solomons Endowed Chair, Full Professor of Economics912-478-8011Parker College of Business room 3306AStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsDr. Brunt is formally trained in health economics and industrial organization and has published in well-respected economics, health service research, and health policy journals such as Health Affairs, Health Economics, Health Services Research, and the International Journal of Health Economics and Management. His research has primarily explored the impact of regulated price restrictions under Medicare on provider behavior and how these changes influence access to care, quality, and costs. He received the Health Economics Distinguished Author Award in 2016, the William A. Freeman Outstanding Professor of the Year Award in 2020, and is a two-time recipient of the Gary M. Davis Excellence in Research Award (2015, 2023).
  • Ph.D. (Economics), Wayne State University, 2009
  • M.A. (Economics), Wayne State University, 2006
  • B.S. (Mathematics And Economics), Eastern Michigan University, 2004
M.A. (Economics), Wayne State University, 2006B.S. (Mathematics and Economics), Eastern Michigan University, 2004
Research Interests
  • Health Economics
  • Industrial Organization
  • Health Policy
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities
  • Physician Behavior
Industrial OrganizationHealth PolicySkilled Nursing FacilitiesPhysician Behavior
khoffman@georgiasouthern.eduKEVIN HOFFMANKEVINHOFFMANMilitary Science Instructor404-670-7395Military Science BLDGArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusMilitary ScienceDepartment of Military ScienceSFC Kevin R Hoffman was born and raised just outside Pittsburgh PA in a smalltown called Beaver. After completing High School at Western Beaver High, heenlisted in the United States Army, 15 March 2000. He underwent Basic Training atFt Benning GA and his advanced training at Ft Jackson SC. Notable awards:Meritorious Service Medal, four Army Commendation Medals, Four ArmyAchievement Medals, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, ArmedForces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, GlobalWar on Terror service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M device, GeorgiaMeritorious Service Medal, and two Georgia Commendation Medals. Hoffman wasalso awarded the Presidential unit citation.
Teaching Philosophy
Its not about you its about the person to the right and left of you!
  • Associates In Criminal Justice
Research Interests
  • Constitutional Law
michaelp@georgiasouthern.eduMichael PembertonMichaelPembertonProfessor912-478-8454Henderson Library 2208B; Newton 1120CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Michael A. Pemberton is Professor of English and director of the University Writing Center. A past president of the International Writing Centers Association, he has published six books and more than 100 articles and book chapters on research in writing. He is Series Editor of ATD Books, Director of the CWPA Consultant-Evaluator Service, and Associate Publisher for Journals at the WAC Clearinghouse. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and recipient of the Outstanding Service Award from IWCA and the Ruffin Cup from the GSU’s College of Arts & Humanities. From 2017-2023, he also conducted research as co-PI of the Text Recycling Research Project.
Teaching Philosophy
Teach with care, meet students where they are, be a resource and a guide, treat every student as an individual, encourage exploration, respect diversity, do my best and expect students to do theirs.
  • Ph.D. English & American Literature/Composition Studies, University Of California, San Diego 1990
  • English, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 1984
  • Motion Picture/Tv Production, University Of California, Los Angeles 1975
English, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo 1984Motion Picture/TV Production, University of California, Los Angeles 1975
Research Interests
  • Writing Studies
  • Writing Center Studies
  • Writing Across The Curriculum
  • Writing Program Administration
  • Ethics And Writing
Writing center studiesWriting across the curriculumWriting program administrationEthics and writingUniversity Writing Center
apirok@georgiasouthern.eduAlena PirokAlenaPirokAssociate ProfessorIAB 3096Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryAlena Pirok received her Ph.D. from the University of South Florida and is an Associate Professor of Public History and U.S. History in the Department of History. Dr. Pirok teaches graduate and undergraduate Public History and U.S. History courses at Georgia Southern.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on maintaining accessibility, and encouraging engagement.
  • Ph.D. University Of South Florida, 2017
  • Ma University Of South Florida, 2013
  • Ba Southern Illinois University, 2011
MA University of South Florida, 2013BA Southern Illinois University, 2011
Research Interests
  • Public History
  • Museum History
  • U.S. History
  • Historical Memory
  • Folklore
Museum HistoryU.S. HistoryHistorical MemoryFolklore
cmoore@georgiasouthern.eduChristy MooreChristyMoorePrincipal Lecturer, BSRT Ladder Program Director912-344-2887Ashmore Hall 127Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceChristy Moore has her Doctorate in Health Science from A. T. Still University, a Masters of Adult Education, and a BS in Respiratory Therapy from Georgia Southern University (formally Armstrong State University). She teaches on the Armstrong campus in the Department of Clinical Sciences. She specializes in neonatal and pediatric cardiopulmonary care.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every student feels valued and respected. My teaching philosophy revolves around promoting critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning. I aim to inspire and empower my students to become lifelong learners and critical thinkers who can apply their knowledge to real-world situations. I believe in using a variety of teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and to keep the classroom dynamic and engaging. My goal is to foster a love for learning and to help students reach their full potential.
  • NBRC Registered Respiratory Therapist, Registry #91702
  • NBRC Neonatal Pediatric Specialist
  • NBRC Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist
NBRC Neonatal Pediatric SpecialistNBRC Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist
jwu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=t03G7LAAAAAJ&hl=enJi WuJiWuProfessor912-478-0850Room 3235 Nursing and Chemistry BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsJi Wu received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from Texas Christian University in 2007. He then joined Dr. Bruce Hinds’ laboratory at the University of Kentucky and worked on the synthesis, characterization, and applications of carbon nanotube membranes. He is now a tenured professor of analytical/materials chemistry at Georgia Southern University, whose research focuses on the synthesis of advanced nanomaterials for electrochemical energy storage and controllable drug delivery. He has so far contributed 70 peer-review journal articles, two book chapters, and one U.S. patent.
Teaching Philosophy
How to become a qualified chemistry teacher? The actual answer may vary from person to person, but my answer would be ‘Dedication’, ‘Passion’, ‘Enjoyment’, ‘Patience’, and ‘Adaptability’. Teaching also requires instructor to be extremely patient because students in our classrooms have different majors and a wide distribution in learning capability. In my classroom, I always do my best to make sure most students understand the basic concepts and know how to solve practical problems before I move on to the next topic. Instructor has to be highly adaptable when teaching different chemistry courses. It is because different courses have different structures and challenges, as well as various students’ background.
  • Ph.D. Degree In Chemistry From Texas Christian University In 2007
Research Interests
  • Electrochemical Energy Storage Using Advanced Nanomaterials
  • Electrochemical Sensors Based On Nanoporous Membranes
  • Programmable Drug Delivery Using Multifunctional Smart Nanomaterials
• Electrochemical sensors based on nanoporous membranes• Programmable drug delivery using multifunctional smart nanomaterialsCenter for Advanced Materials Science, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
LindsayLevine@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hL2g_hsAAAAJ&hl=enLindsay LevineLindsayLevineProfessor of Marketing912-478-0513Parker College of Business Room 2209Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingDr. Levine completed her graduate work in social cognition at Yale University under the advisement of John A. Bargh, and Ezequiel Morsella. After completion of the doctorate, Levine held several faculty positions within Psychology Departments, teaching topics in cognitive psychology, social psychology, and organizational psychology. She completed her post-doctoral work in Marketing at the University of Florida’s Warrington College of Business, applying her expertise in psychology to the field of consumer behavior. As a social psychologist, Levine has research interests focused on judgment and decision-making. Her work has been published in a variety of academic journals, and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Levine currently teaches in the areas of marketing management and professional sales both at the undergraduate and graduate level, to include courses for the Military MBA at Fort Stewart, and the Georgia WebMBA. She has also served as faculty mentor on the capstone research projects of several Parker College honors students over the years, and as a Master's Dissertation Committee member for the Psychology Department.
  • Ph.D., Yale University
  • M.Sci., Yale University
  • M.Phil., Yale University
  • Post-Doctoral Certificate, University Of Florida
  • B.A., Vassar College
M.Sci., Yale UniversityM.Phil., Yale UniversityPost-Doctoral Certificate, University of FloridaB.A., Vassar College
Research Interests
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Judgment & Decision-Making
Judgment & Decision-MakingCenter for Sales Excellence
csjeffreys@georgiasouthern.eduShannon JeffreysShannonJeffreysDirector of Choral Activities and Assistant Dean for Student Experience in the College of Arts and Humanities912-478-2319Foy Music BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Shannon Jeffreys is Professor of Music, Director of Choral Activities, and Assistant Dean for Student Experience in the College of Arts and Humanities at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. Her focus is the Southern Chorale, teaching in the undergraduate and graduate conducting and music education curriculums. Dr. Jeffreys has led these choirs in six international choral competitions and two national competitions where the choirs won significant awards. In 2019, she received the Conductor’s Award from the Ave Verum International Choral Competition in Baden, Austria. Choirs under her direction have also been featured at multiple state and national conferences.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is to inspire and challenge students to achieve their highest potential in choral performance, fostering a passion for learning and excellence. I support student success through an open-door policy, ensuring they feel comfortable seeking help. My rehearsals and lectures are organized, energetic, and pedagogically sound, aimed at developing critical thinking, musical literacy, and intrinsic motivation. I model curiosity and passion, providing quality instruction to help each student realize their individual and ensemble potential in both music and broader life skills.
  • Doctor Of Music Arts, Choral Conducting; University Of South Carolina
  • Master Of Music, Choral Conducting; University Of Mississippi
  • Bachelor Of Music, Vocal Performance And Theology; Birmingham-Southern College
Master of Music, Choral Conducting; University of MississippiBachelor of Music, Vocal Performance and Theology; Birmingham-Southern College
Research Interests
  • International Choral Competition
adupon@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UYoruPQAAAAJ&hl=enAdam Du PonAdamDu PonAssistant Professor912-478-3940Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyAdam du Pon earned his Ph.D. from Virginia Tech in accounting & information systems. He has taught accounting analytics, managerial accounting, and accounting information systems, all of which coincide with his primary teaching interests. Adam’s research interests are at the intersection of financial accounting and management accounting. His research examines how accounting influences managers’ decisions related to operations, investment, performance, and corporate misconduct. He is a Certified Management Accountant and worked for eight years in the gold mining and automotive manufacturing industries in various management accounting and corporate finance roles.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a teacher is to prepare students for a successful career. This involves providing students with the most relevant business acumen, accounting frameworks, and technological skills to succeed in a variety of endeavors. It also necessitates helping them cultivate their professional integrity along with problem-solving and communication skills. I capitalize on my professional experience in corporate finance and accounting, my continuously expanding business/analytics toolset, and my networking with professionals who inform me of the changing business landscape, to achieve this overarching teaching objective.
  • Ph.D., Virginia Tech
  • Macc, University Of Utah
  • Bs Accounting, Cum Laude, University Of Utah
MAcc, University of UtahBS Accounting, Cum Laude, University of Utah
Research Interests
  • Accounting
  • Operations Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Misconduct
Operations ManagmentSupply Chain ManagementCorporate FinanceCorporate Misconduct
ipark@georgiasouthern.eduIsaac ParkIsaacParkProfessor912-478-58952272 BiologyStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyIsaac W. Park is an alumnus of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. Dr. Park teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at the Statesboro campus. His research examines the impacts of changing climate on terrestrial ecosystems at local to continental scales, with particular emphasis on variation in wildfire dynamics and in the timing and synchrony of seasonal events such as plant flowering, bird fledging, and insect emergence over space and time.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on providing hands-on research experiences where students are encouraged to think critically apply their knowledge to diagnose and troubleshoot real analytical challenges, while guiding their own research questions in a supportive and inclusive environment.
  • Ph.D., University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • M.S., Clemson University
  • B.A., St. John'S College
M.S., Clemson UniversityB.A., St. John's College
Research Interests
  • Phenology
  • Plant Ecology
  • Fire Ecology
  • Geospatial Ecology
  • Bioclimatology
Plant EcologyFire EcologyGeospatial EcologyBioclimatology
gmichals@georgiasouthern.eduGrzegorz (Greg) MichalskiGrzegorz (Greg)MichalskiSenior Lecturer912-478-1339Math/Physics, 3025AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesGreg Michalski has been a faculty member of the Department of Mathematical Sciences since 1998. He teaches lower-division courses. In his free time, he likes to run, swim, or cycle.
  • Ph.D. In Mathematics, Notre Dame University, 1996
  • M.S. In Mathematics, University Of Warsaw (Poland), 1986
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Warsaw (Poland), 1986
Research Interests
  • Mathematical Logic
jbutler@georgiasouthern.eduJoseph ButlerJosephButlerMaster Sergeant912-344-2668ARCArmstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceMSG Butler currently serves as a Military Science Instructor for Georgia Southern – Armstrong Campus and Savannah State University. MSG Butler, born and raised from New Hampshire enlisted into the Active Duty Army in April of 2006 with the Military Occupational Specialty 14E Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator/ Maintainer. MSG Butler has been assigned to various duty stations with multiple job titles. Previous assignments include Fort Hood and Fort Bliss TX, Camp Carroll and Suwon AB South Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Vehicle Driver, Team Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Master Gunner. Some of his awards include Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Overseas Ribbon, Master Gunner Badge, and Driver’s Badge.
Teaching Philosophy
Will create qualified and competent Second Lieutenants in the United States Army who are well prepared to lead subordinates. Positive attitudes leads to valued and respected environments.
  • Master Leaders Course & Basic Army Instructor Certification
Research Interests
  • Military Defense Systems
epitts@georgiasouthern.eduEdwin PittsEdwinPittsAssistant Professor of Military Science912-344-3161Armstrong Recreation CenterArmstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceCaptain Ed Pitts, from Springfield, VA, joined the Eagle Battalion as an Assistant Professor of Military Science in July 2020. A graduate of West Point with a Bachelor’s in Systems Management, he was commissioned in Field Artillery in 2011. He served in various leadership roles, including Platoon Leader and Fire Direction Officer, and deployed to Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. Pitts later served in key positions, including Assistant Brigade Fire Support Officer and Commander of two different units. His awards include the Bronze Star and Meritorious Service Medal. He is married to Pamela Muscher and has a son, Hudson.
Teaching Philosophy
Thayer Method
  • M.B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2023
  • B.S. United States Military Academy, 2011
B.S. United States Military Academy, 2011
Research Interests
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Terrorism Studies
  • Army Doctrine
Terrorism StudiesArmy Doctrine
rlawrence@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/raymona-h-lawrence-2Raymona LawrenceRaymonaLawrenceProfessor912-478-2489Hendricks Hall, 2006Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Raymona H. Lawrence, Professor of Health Policy & Community Health at Georgia Southern University, is a trailblazer in community engagement, focusing on rural, hard-to-reach populations and sickle cell disease. As a dual principal investigator on a $9.7 million PCORI grant, she has lead transformative research on transition care for young adults with sickle cell. A Certified Diversity Executive®, Dr. Lawrence directs the Office of Health Equity and Community Engagement and serves as Director of Research for the Sickle Cell Community Consortium. She is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association and an award-winning coach for the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Lawrence's teaching philosophy centers on fostering an inclusive learning environment where community engagement is key to shaping impactful public health solutions. She believes in empowering students by connecting them with real-world challenges, encouraging critical thinking, and ensuring that all voices, especially those from marginalized communities, are heard and valued. Through this approach, she aims to inspire future leaders who are equipped to drive meaningful change in their communities.
  • (Drph) Doctor Of Public Health In Community Health Behavior And Education
  • (Mph) Master Of Public Health In Community Health
  • (B.S.) Bachelor Of Science In Kinesiology
  • Cde® Certified Diversity Executive
(MPH) Master of Public Health in Community Health(B.S.) Bachelor of Science in KinesiologyCDE® Certified Diversity Executive
Research Interests
  • Community Engagement In Rural, Minority Populations
  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion (Dei)
  • Psychological Safety In Multi Stakeholder Teams
sickle cell diseasediversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)psychological safety in multi stakeholder teams
amypotter@georgiasouthern.eduAmy E. PotterAmy E.PotterProfessor of Geography, Honors Global Scholars Faculty Fellow for Honors College912-344-3612Science Center 1014Armstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Wexford, IrelandCollege of Science & Mathematics, Honors CollegeSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityDr. Amy E. Potter is a Professor of Geography at Georgia Southern University and an Honors Global Scholars Faculty Fellow. She has published over 30 journal articles and book chapters, along with two books: Remembering Enslavement (University of Georgia Press, 2022) and Social Memory and Heritage Tourism Methodologies (Routledge, 2016). Dr. Potter has secured over $950,000 in NSF grants for projects on museums and racialized Southern heritage landscapes. She has received several awards, including the 2024 Excellence in Teaching Award and the 2022 Excellence in Service Award. As Honors Global Scholars Faculty Fellow, she leads a six-week study abroad program in Wexford, Ireland.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on creating a positive, open, and supportive classroom where students can thrive. I emphasize meaningful discussion and active engagement to encourage critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the material. I am dedicated to undergraduate research, guiding students to explore academic projects and present at conferences, enriching their learning and preparing them for professional success. By staying current with workshops and refining my practices, I aim to provide a dynamic classroom experience, both online and in person. Ultimately, I am deeply invested in my students' success, both academically and in their future careers.
  • Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2011
  • M.A., University Of Kansas, 2006
  • B.S. University Of Kansas, 2004
M.A., University of Kansas, 2006B.S. University of Kansas, 2004
Research Interests
  • Cultural And Heritage Tourism
  • Community-Based Resilience And Sustainability
  • Museum Geographies
  • Black Geographies
  • Transnational Migration And Media
Community-based resilience and sustainabilityMuseum GeographiesBlack GeographiesTransnational Migration and MediaCenter for Africana Studies, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
amackelprang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XP0IHDIAAAAJ&hl=enAlan MackelprangAlanMackelprangProfessor912-478-0379PCOB 3306BStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementAlan W. Mackelprang is professor and director of the logistics and supply chain management Ph.D. program at Georgia Southern University. He received his Ph.D. in operations management from the University of South Carolina. His research interests lie in the intersection of supply chain management and operations management. He has published in Decision Sciences Journal, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Supply Chain Management and Journal of Operations Management, among others. He is currently on the Senior Editorial Team at the Journal of Operations Management and is an Associate Editor at the Journal of Supply Chain Management.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in creating a collaborative and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to think critically and develop a lifelong passion for learning. My teaching methods emphasize active engagement, problem-solving, and real-world applications. I strive to provide personalized support and feedback to help students reach their full potential.
  • Ph.D. In Operations Management From The University Of South Carolina
Research Interests
  • Supply Chain Management
lmooney@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/julian-lowell-mooney-2J. Lowell MooneyJ. LowellMooneyDirector of Graduate Studies & MBA Director; Professor of Accountancy912-344-3402Hawes 110 CArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of Accountancy, Parker College Graduate Programs OfficeJ. Lowell Mooney, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA, CMA, CFM, directs Graduate Studies & the MBA program at Parker College of Business, Georgia Southern University. As a Professor of Accounting and former director at the School of Accountancy, he holds a Ph.D. in accounting with a minor in MIS from the University of Georgia. Mooney's past includes work in the information systems of a major telecom firm. He’s served as Chair of the Georgia Society of CPAs and is involved in various professional groups. His research focuses on performance evaluation and emerging issues in academia and practice. Awards include the Georgia Southern Leadership Excellence Award, and the Parker College Bishop Award for Sustained Excellence.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in a selective, merit-based approach to higher education, emphasizing personal responsibility and sacrifice for those pursuing a college degree. As an educator, my role is to guide students in developing analytical skills and independent thinking, fostering lifelong learning. Effective teaching, for me, involves preparation, acting as a role model, and facilitating an interactive learning environment. My classroom is a space for enthusiasm, respect, and continuous improvement, aiming to not only educate but also to inspire ethical and professional growth.
  • Ph.D., The University Of Georgia, 1989
  • Macc, The University Of Georgia, 1979
  • Bba, The University Of Georgia, 1978
  • Professional Certifications: Cpa, Cgma, Cma, Cfm
MAcc, The University of Georgia, 1979BBA, The University of Georgia, 1978Professional Certifications: CPA, CGMA, CMA, CFM
Research Interests
  • Performance Evaluation Systems
  • Emerging Professional Issues
Emerging professional issues
laAdams@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/laurie-adamsLaurie AdamsLaurieAdamsChair, Department of Clinical Sciences912-344-3382Armstrong Center 227Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceLaurie Adams is an Associate Professor in Radiologic Sciences, Program Coordinator of the Radiation Therapy Program, and Chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences. She is also an RT(T)(ARRT) credentialed Radiation Therapist. She has moved between clinical practice and education at various points in her career and has been a Chief Radiation Therapist in a hospital setting, a Clinical Coordinator for Radiation Therapy, a Program Coordinator for Radiation Therapy at four institutions, the Interim Associate Dean of the Waters College of Health Professions before becoming Department Chair for Clinical Sciences. She primarily teaches undergraduate courses in the radiation therapy program.
Teaching Philosophy
Students in clinical programs make tremendous sacrifices of relationships, time and money and I believe it is my responsibility to enter into a partnership with them to meet their academic goals. Simultaneously, I believe it is my responsibility to ensure that graduates are able to think critically and develop confidence to ask questions in order to safely deliver radiation therapy for patients under their care. It is my desire that every student in the Radiation Therapy Program will become far more than competent radiation therapists. I strive to prepare them to become leaders in the healthcare setting as well as educators and mentors for future allied health professionals and hope that I serve as an example of what they can achieve.
  • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 1998
  • M.H.S., University Of North Florida, 1992
  • B.S.R.S., University Of Central Florida, 1987
  • A.A., Indian River Community College, 1985
M.H.S., University of North Florida, 1992B.S.R.S., University of Central Florida, 1987A.A., Indian River Community College, 1985
Research Interests
  • Higher Education Leadership
  • Radiologic Science Education
  • Interprofessional Education
Radiologic Science EducationInterprofessional Education
dbringman@georgiasouthern.eduDavid BringmanDavidBringmanAssociate Professor, Admissions Coordinator Physical Therapy912-344-3362Armstrong Center 235Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDavid Bringman joined the staff in January 2009. He teaches primarily in the neurological and geriatric assessment and treatment coursework. He is a member of Neurology sections of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). He is the Admissions Coordinator for the DPT program. Dr. Bringman's research interests center around holistic admission processes.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching is grounded in making a meaningful connection with my students so they can appreciate that we are learning together and that I am invested in their future as a healthcare provider. This engagement is my way of demonstrating the relationship that they will need to create with their patients. If I can teach them that they need to care deeply for their patient, then they in turn will understand why they must care about learning in the classroom and ultimately becoming a lifelong learner.
  • Dpt, Simmons University, 2011
  • Ms Physical Therapy, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002
  • Bs Physical Therapy, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002
MS Physical Therapy, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002BS Physical Therapy, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002
Research Interests
  • Holistic Admissions
ssazzed@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/site/salimsazzed/Salim SazzedSalimSazzedAssistant Professor912-478-2727IT 2319, Statesboro CampusStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceSalim Sazzed is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia Southern University, previously serving as a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Memphis, TN. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Old Dominion University in 2023. Dr. Sazzed’s research interests lie in various subfields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), and Machine Learning (ML), with a particular focus on their applications in Data Science, Bioinformatics, and Social Computing. He has authored over 50 papers in peer-reviewed venues and serves as a reviewer and program committee member for leading academic journals and conferences.
Teaching Philosophy
Salim Sazzed's teaching philosophy is grounded in four key principles. He prioritizes student-centered learning, tailoring his methods to accommodate diverse student needs and learning styles. In his interactive and collaborative classroom, he fosters active participation and peer engagement, encouraging students to learn from one another. For practical learning, he implements hands-on activities, projects, and real-world applications that enhance students' technical, presentation, and writing skills, effectively preparing them for future challenges. Lastly, he promotes inclusiveness by creating a culture of respect and open communication, ensuring an environment where all students feel valued and supported.
  • Ph.D., Old Dominion University, Usa
  • Ms, University Of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • B.Sc. , University Of Dhaka, Bangladesh
MS, University of Dhaka, BangladeshB.Sc. , University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research Interests
  • Artificial Intelligence (Ai)
  • Natural Language Processing (Nlp)
  • Computer Vision (Cv)
  • Bioinformatics
  • Data Science
Natural Language Processing (NLP)Computer Vision (CV)BioinformaticsData Science
mpowers@georgiasouthern.eduMark PowersMarkPowersVisiting Non-Tenure Track Instructor of Physical Therapy912-344-3341Armstrong Center #229Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Powers is a visiting instructor in Doctor of Physical Therapy program. He is a thirteen-year experienced physical therapist, orthopedic fellow, APTA credentialed clinical instructor, and residency and fellowship educator.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers around an interactive teaching style which allows students to remain engaged and strengthen their critical thinking skills. I often utilize small group work to facilitate problem solving strategies and have an interest in team based learning.
  • Dpt., Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • The Role Of Clinician Language In Rehabilitation Outcomes. .
  • The Benefits Of Utilizing A Combination Of Pain Science Education And Progressive Strengthening In Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain
The benefits of utilizing a combination of pain science education and progressive strengthening in patients with chronic low back pain
carr@georgiasouthern.eduOlivia Carr EdenfieldOlivia CarrEdenfieldProfessor of English912-478-0155Newton 2220_BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishOlivia Carr Edenfield, Professor of English, has been on faculty since 1986. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in American literature and serves as the Director of the American Literature Association.
Teaching Philosophy
I strive to enrich my students' critical thinking skills by encouraging active participation in class discussions and them in current scholarly conversations. I see our majors as scholars in the making and am devoted to undergraduate and graduate student research.
  • Ph.D. University Of Georgia, 2002
  • Ma In English, University Of Iowa, 1986
  • Ba In English, Georgia Southern College, 1982
MA in English, University of Iowa, 1986Ba in English, Georgia Southern College, 1982
Research Interests
  • The American Short Story
  • Andre Dubus
  • Andre Dubus, Iii
  • American Modernism, In Particular Ernest Hemingway, J.D. Salinger, And Cormac Mccarthy
Andre DubusAndre Dubus, IIIAmerican Modernism, in particular Ernest Hemingway, J.D. Salinger, and Cormac McCarthy
ksmith@georgiasouthern.eduKathlyn M. SmithKathlyn M.SmithProfessor of Geology912-478-5398Herty 1116AArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & Humanities, College of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityKathlyn M. Smith (she/her) is a Professor of Geology in the Geosciences Program of the School of Earth, Environment, & Sustainability and the Curator of Paleontology for the Georgia Southern Museum. Her research primarily focuses on fossil elephants and their extinct relatives. She teaches introductory and upper-level courses for undergraduate students including Dinosaurs, Extinctions, & Disasters, Historical Geology, and Paleontology.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy is to provide students with the tools necessary to understand and discuss geological and paleontological issues relevant to modern society, to cultivate a deeper appreciation of and connection to the physical and biological world, to foster critical thinking in students by encouraging use of the scientific process, and to utilize technological advances to explore historical sciences. In enacting this philosophy, I seek to amplify the voices of underrepresented and historically uncredited scientists to the development and advancement of geology as a science.
  • Ph.D., University Of Michigan, 2010
  • M.S., Michigan State University, 2004
  • B.S., Purdue University, 2001
M.S., Michigan State University, 2004B.S., Purdue University, 2001
Research Interests
  • Vertebrate Paleontology
  • Pleistocene Megafauna
  • Paleoecology
  • North American Mastodons
  • Southeastern U.S. Fossils
Pleistocene megafaunaPaleoecologyNorth American mastodonsSoutheastern U.S. FossilsGeorgia Southern University Museum, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
dapanaskevich@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/dapanask/Dmitry ApanaskevichDmitryApanaskevichProfessor912-478-0554Room 3061, Math/Physics BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology, School of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityBy education I am taxonomist in the fields of acarology and entomology. I am Assistant Curator of the US National Tick Collection which is part of the Smithsonian Institution and the major scope of my research is in systematics of ixodid ticks.
Teaching Philosophy
My major philosophy of teaching is to provide knowledge in the discipline, get students involved in education and scientific processes and teach students to analyze and arrive at logical conclusions using scientific methods. Moreover, I focus my teaching on assisting students in acquiring an interest in the topic and help them to identify their future directions in science through teaching.
  • Ph.D.: Zoological Institute, Russian Academy Of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • Msc: St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
  • Bsc: St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
MSc: St. Petersburg State University (Russia)BSc: St. Petersburg State University (Russia)
Research Interests
  • Taxonomy Of Ixodid Ticks (Family Ixodidae)
  • Phylogeny Of Ixodid Ticks (Family Ixodidae)
  • Host-Parasite Relationships Of Ixodid Ticks (Family Ixodidae)
Phylogeny of ixodid ticks (family Ixodidae)Host-parasite relationships of ixodid ticks (family Ixodidae)James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, United States National Tick Collection
marahman@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=V8II13oAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1M Arif Imtiazur RahmanM Arif ImtiazurRahmanProfessor434-466-2946IT-2329Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceI envision myself motivating eager minds through my research, mentorship, and teaching. Together we will be developing new ideas and applications to harness the power of data to make informed decisions and contribute to the forefront of technological advancements that can positively impact the functional safety of AI based safety-critical applications in healthcare and beyond.
Teaching Philosophy
As an instructor and advisor, my goal is to create an inclusive environment where the students feel excited and empowered to learn necessary skillset that will technically enhance our world. Specifically, drawing on my background in Computer Science, I aim to teach students how to design technology with a critical awareness of ethics, robustness, and scalability.
  • Ph.D. In Computer Science, University Of Virginia
  • Mcs In Computer Science, University Of Virginia
  • B.Sc. In Computer Science, University Of Engineering And Technology (Buet)
MCS in Computer Science, University of VirginiaB.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Research Interests
  • Cognitive Assistants
  • Safety-Critical Applications
  • Healthcare With Ai
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Sensor Network
Safety-Critical ApplicationsHealthcare with AINatural Language ProcessingSensor NetworkData Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Security Laboratory (DAC-lab), Center for Public Health Practice and Research
fmercado@georgiasouthern.eduFrances Mercado-RodriguezFrancesMercado-RodriguezDirector of Clincal Education & Assistant Professor912-478-0500Ashmore Hall - 125Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Frances Mercado-Rodriguez is an alum of Georgia Southern and is the Director of Clinical Education & Assistant Professor in the Respiratory Therapy Program in the Department of Clinical Sciences. Dr. Mercado-Rodriguez teaches undergraduate courses on the Armstrong Campus.
Teaching Philosophy
As a respiratory therapy educator, I am dedicated to fostering a learning environment that is both challenging and supportive. My philosophy is grounded in the belief that effective teaching involves creating meaningful connections between theoretical concepts and practical applications. I strive to inspire students to become critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and compassionate healthcare providers. By emphasizing evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning, and patient-centered care, I aim to equip my students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the dynamic field of respiratory therapy.
  • DHSc, AT Still University
Research Interests
  • Cardiopulmonary Diseases
mdonato@georgiasouthern.eduMark DonatoMarkDonatoDirector912-478-7358Parker College of Business Room 3356AStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessParker College Office of Marketing & MediaMark is the director of the Office of Marketing & Media for the Parker College of Business. He is a double eagle with over a decade of experience in graphic design and website development.
Teaching Philosophy
Never stop learning.
  • MBA, Georgia Southern University
  • B.S Information Technology, Georgia Southern University
B.S Information Technology, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Marketing
  • Media
hjoesting@georgiasouthern.eduHeather JoestingHeatherJoestingAssociate Professor of Biology912-344-2998Science Center 1007Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyHeather Joesting is an Associate Professor of Biology and the Senior Scientist for Georgia Southern's Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center on the Armstrong campus, as well as the College of Science and Mathematics Administrative Fellow for Undergraduate Research. Dr. Joesting teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the Armstrong campus and to all three campuses through online courses.
Teaching Philosophy
The foundation for my teaching approach is based on my passion for biology and my enthusiasm to share that passion with my students. I thoroughly enjoy teaching, and it is my goal in the classroom that students succeed through their own initiative. To achieve this goal, I provide engaging lectures and activities that foster critical-thinking skills in an inclusive learning environment.
  • Ph.D., Wake Forest University (2011)
  • M.S., Ohio University (2005)
  • B.S., University of North Carolina at Wilmington (2001)
M.S., Ohio University (2005)B.S., University of North Carolina at Wilmington (2001)
Research Interests
  • Coastal Plant Ecology
  • Nursery Production Of Native Species For Restoration
  • Plant Morphological And Physiological Adaptations To The Environment
Nursery production of native species for restorationPlant morphological and physiological adaptations to the environmentCollege Office of Undergraduate Research, Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center (SARC), James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
jxkersey@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jing-kersey-2Jing KerseyJingKerseyAssistant Professor of Biostatistics912-478-5958Hendricks Hall 1011Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Jing Kersey is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Environmental Health Sciences at Georgia Southern University. She joined the university in August 2022. With a focus on statistical methods, Jing's research interests lie in the areas of diagnostic accuracy, Bayesian data analysis, and modeling in infectious diseases. Through her work, she aims to contribute to the understanding and advancement of these fields, ultimately making a positive impact on public health and healthcare decision-making.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is centered on creating an inclusive, engaging, and transformative learning environment. With over a decade of experience in teaching mathematics and statistics, I aim to inspire students to grasp complex biostatistical concepts through clear, well-organized instruction, supplemented by applied examples. I prioritize accessibility and support, ensuring students from diverse backgrounds succeed by offering tailored resources, regular feedback, and collaborative opportunities. My commitment to continuous professional development and integrating innovative methods in my teaching ensures that students are well-prepared for their academic and professional futures.
  • DrPH in BIostatistics, Georgia Southern Univerisity
  • Ms in Statistics, Georgia Southern University
Ms in Statistics, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Statistical Methods In Diagnostic Accuracy
  • Mathematical/Statistical Modeling In Infectious Diseases
  • Machine Learning In Alzheimer'S Disease Prediction
mathematical/statistical modeling in infectious diseasesmachine learning in Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
yuanli@georgiasouthern.eduYuan LiYuanLiAssociate Professor912-478-7479Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingYuan Li is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the Department of Marketing. Her research interests focus on marketing design and visual marketing. Before her academic career, she held management and consultancy positions at Nielsen and Dell. She earned her Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on the idea that effective learning involves engaging students in a value co-creation experience, driven by curiosity and inspiration. I believe in the transformative power of education and strive to foster an excitement for learning and self growth both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Ph.D., Marketing
Research Interests
  • Marketing Design
  • Visual Marketing
  • Human And Ai Interactions
  • Luxury Consumption
  • Cross Cultural Research
Visual MarketingHuman and AI InteractionsLuxury ConsumptionCross Cultural Research
lkimsey@georgiasouthern.eduLinda KimseyLindaKimseyAssociate Professor & MHA Program Director912-478-2008Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Kimsey holds both a Ph.D. in Public Administration and a MHA from the University of Kentucky. At Georgia Southern University, she teaches Health Administration and Leadership courses. She also works with the Center for Public Health Practice and Research, assisting rural hospitals in strategic, operational, and financial planning. Her primary areas of research interest are: military healthcare and rural health systems, where application of systems thinking to complex adaptive organizations is essential.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is founded on the principle of co-production, where the best outcomes are achieved through the active contributions of both the teacher and the learner.
  • Ph.D. Public Administration University of KY
  • Master of Health Administration Univ of KY
  • Bachelor of Science Accounting Univ of TN
Master of Health Administration Univ of KYBachelor of Science Accounting Univ of TN
Research Interests
  • Health Services Research
  • Rural Health
  • Military Health System
Rural HealthMilitary Health SystemCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
ldusenberry@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lisa-dusenberry-2Lisa DusenberryLisaDusenberryAssociate Professor912-344-2733Gamble 141Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishLisa Dusenberry is an Associate Professor of English at Georgia Southern University. Her research focuses on psychological safety, collaboration, and 21st century technical communication teaching strategies. She also investigates intersections between technical communication and children's media, especially analyzing reader-player dynamics (demonstrating how texts operate as interfaces to shape participation) and incorporating coding/design thinking concepts into storytelling. Her work has most recently appeared in Technical Communication Quarterly and Computers and Composition.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Dusenberry's teaching philosophy centers on adaptability and design thinking, a process for creative problem-solving. Johndan Johnson-Eilola and Stuart Selber highlight the need for technical communicators to be “reflective problem solvers,” continually learning new skills. By viewing communication as a design-thinking process, my students—regardless of discipline—develop skills to curate information, present it effectively, and collaborate. Through ethical reflection and empathy, students critically revise their work, embracing communication as a complex, evolving negotiation with diverse stakeholders.
  • Ph.D. in English, University of Florida, May 2013
  • M.A. in English, University of Florida, May 2007
  • B.A. in English and Liberal Arts, Colorado State University, May 2005
M.A. in English, University of Florida, May 2007B.A. in English and Liberal Arts, Colorado State University, May 2005
Research Interests
  • Teaching Technical Communication
  • Psychological Safety
  • Design Thinking And Computational Thinking
  • Game Design
  • Children'S Media
Psychological SafetyDesign Thinking and Computational ThinkingGame DesignChildren's Media
jschiman@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/site/jeffschiman/Jeffrey SchimanJeffreySchimanAssociate Professor of Economics912-478-2280Parker College of Business, 3345Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsJeffrey Schiman is an Associate Professor of economics in the Parker College of Business. He is currently the department’s Solomons Fellow of Economics and is a past recipient of the college's William A. Freeman Professor of the Year Award and the W.A. and Emma Lou Crider Award for Excellence in Teaching. He received his Ph.D. and MA in economics from the University of Illinois at Chicago and his BA in economics from Calvin College. Dr. Schiman's research focuses on applied microeconomics including the fields of labor, health, and education where he has studied the labor market for K-12 educators, the determinants of student academic and labor market success, and health investments and health outcomes.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe everyone is capable of growth, so I meet students where they are and then push them to grow.
  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • MA in Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • BA in Economics, Calvin College
MA in Economics, University of Illinois at ChicagoBA in Economics, Calvin College
Research Interests
  • Labor Economics
  • Economics Of Education
  • Health Economics
  • Forensic Economics
Economics of EducationHealth EconomicsForensic Economics
aking@georgiasouthern.eduAmanda KingAmandaKingProfessor of Economics912-478-0535Parker College of Business Room 3320Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsAmanda King, Ph.D., professor of economics, has taught at Georgia Southern University since 2002. Prior to coming to Georgia Southern she taught for two years at Elon University. King’s recent research interests center around the types of signals people use to determine when to purchase experience goods. Her most recent studies consider the market for Broadway Theater tickets. She teaches in the online Master of Science in Applied Economics program as well as introductory and intermediate macroeconomics and money and banking.
Teaching Philosophy
I first came to enjoy economics because I saw how it affected my life. It was immediately clear to me how the topics in my first economics class related to the events that were happening in the world around me. Thus, helping students see how economics is relevant to them has become an underlying focus in my economics classes.
  • Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 2000
  • MA, Vanderbilt University, 1999
  • BA,Agnes Scott College, 1995
MA, Vanderbilt University, 1999BA,Agnes Scott College, 1995
Research Interests
  • Experience Goods
  • Signalling In Markets
  • User Reviews Vs. Critical Reviews
Signalling in marketsUser reviews vs. critical reviews
mborquez@georgiasouthern.eduManuel BorquezManuelBorquezSenior Military Science Instructor312-478-0038Military Science BuildingArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusMilitary ScienceDepartment of Military ScienceMSG Manuel Borquez, Jr. joined the Eagle Battalion as the Senior Military Science Instructor in August 2024. Originally from Bisbee, Arizona, he joined the Army as a cannon crewmember on June 07, 2007, and conducted Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sill, Ok.
Teaching Philosophy
Military science is the study of military processes, institutions, and behavior, along with the study of warfare, and the theory and application of organized coercive force. It is mainly focused on theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with national defense policy.
  • Common Faculty Development Instructor Course
Research Interests
  • Military Science
cschiman@georgiasouthern.eduCuiping SchimanCuipingSchimanAssociate Professor912-478-8594PCOB 1109Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsCuiping Schiman is an Associate Professor of economics in the Parker College of Business. Her research combines economic theory and modern empirical tools to analyze questions in the markets for healthcare and labor. She has published on the effects of Medicare prescription drug insurance and Medicaid physician fees on various healthcare outcomes, the effects of early childcare policies on human capital development, and the long-term effects of early-life human capital investments. Dr. Schiman received her Ph.D. and MA in Economics from the University of Illinois at Chicago and her Bachelor of Medicine from Shandong University. She also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is to help my students develop their skills to expand their potential.
  • Ph.D. in Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2015
  • MA in Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012
  • Bachelor of Medicine, Shandong University, 2008
MA in Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012Bachelor of Medicine, Shandong University, 2008
Research Interests
  • Economics Of Health Care And Labor
jamesthomas@georgiasouthern.eduJames ThomasJamesThomasSenior Lecturer912-478-0713Hendricks Hall 2027Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. James Thomas a Senior Lecturer in the department of Health Policy and Community Health at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health. Dr. Thomas holds a MPH and DrPH in Community Health Behavior and Education from Georgia Southern University. Dr. Thomas has over 10 years of community engagement experience working with rural communities in southeastern Georgia in addressing health disparities within underrepresented populations. Dr. Thomas currently researches health risk behaviors and health disparities in minority populations living in rural areas.
Teaching Philosophy
Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, once stated, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man”. If someone were to ask me to write a book on my teaching career, I feel this quote encapsulates my philosophy as an instructor in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health. I believe in using innovation and creativity to encourage critical thinking and problem solving hands-on and practical experience in the classroom.
  • DrPH
  • MPH
  • BSPH
Research Interests
  • Minority Health
  • Rural Health
  • Men'S Health
  • Social Determinants Of Health
Rural HealthMen's HealthSocial Determinants of Health
csglover@georgiasouthern.eduCaroline GloverCarolineGloverAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5322Hollis 2123Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsWaters College of Health Professions, Office of the DeanI have served in the Dean's Office since 2010, and have worked on a multitude of projects including, but not limited to: search process, scheduling internal and external visitors to the Dean's Office, planning and organizing college events.
Teaching Philosophy
  • B.A. English
Research Interests
  • Remove
kepeace@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/karl-e-peace-2Karl PeaceKarlPeaceProfessor and Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar912-478-2674Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Karl E. Peace’s generous gift in honor of his wife, Dr. Jiann-Ping Hsu, made the establishment of the JPHCOPH possible. He is a Georgia Southern graduate and earned a Ph.D. in biostatistics from the Medical College of Virginia (VCU). He spent decades in the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the development of drugs for Alzheimer's disease, gastrointestinal ulcers, and cardiovascular risk reduction. Transitioning to academia, he established 21 endowments, including the College’s Eminent Scholar Chair in Biostatistics. He also founded the Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. A Fellow of the American Statistical Association, Peace has authored over 150 publications and 15 books advancing biostatistics and public health.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Karl Peace’s teaching philosophy is grounded in his extensive industry experience and commitment to student success. His teaching in clinical trial methodology and drug research is driven by the belief that students must be prepared to contribute to real-world challenges in healthcare. Dr. Peace emphasizes practical applications of biostatistics, integrating case studies from his pharmaceutical career to bridge theory and practice. He is dedicated to mentoring students, and helping them navigate their career paths with the same rigor and passion he brings to his work. His industry experience not only enriches his teaching but also positions students to excel in the evolving field of public health and biostatistics.
  • Ph.D. in Biostatistics, Medical College of Virginia, 1976
  • M.S. in Mathematics, Clemson University, 1964
  • B.S. in Chemistry, Georgia Southern College, 1963
M.S. in Mathematics, Clemson University, 1964B.S. in Chemistry, Georgia Southern College, 1963
Research Interests
  • Clinical Trials
  • Drug Research And Development
  • Biostatistics
Drug Research and DevelopmentBiostatisticsKarl E. Peace Center for Biostatistics and Research
hlorden@georgiasouthern.eduHeather LordenHeatherLordenDr. Heather Lorden, PT, DPT, PCS912-344-2767Armstrong Center 238Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science, Office of the DeanDr. Lorden received both her Bachelor of Science in Health Science and Master of Science in Physical Therapy degrees from Armstrong Atlantic State University. She then earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Medical College of Georgia. She has an extensive clinical background in both geriatrics and pediatrics. She continues to practice at a local outpatient pediatrics clinic. She achieved her Pediatrics Clinical Specialty (PCS) certification in 2019. This accreditation is awarded through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS).
Teaching Philosophy
For my graduate Doctor of Physical Therapy students, my aim is to foster the development of professionally exceptional clinicians, regardless of background or barriers. Regarding my undergraduate students, my aim is to facilitate excitement for the clinical professions while maintaining a high rigor of learning such that students are prepared to excel in their path to graduate school.
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy
  • Master of Science in Physical Therapy
  • Pediatric Clinical Specialist
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Science
Master of Science in Physical TherapyPediatric Clinical SpecialistBachelor of Science in Health Science
Research Interests
  • Caregiver Training Related To Gross Motor Development Of Children
  • Care Of The Obstetric Patient
  • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning In Physical Therapy Education
care of the obstetric patientscholarship of teaching and learning in physical therapy education
lcwilliams@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HVW6A_QAAAAJ&hl=enLeah WilliamsLeahWilliamsSenior Lecturer of Biochemistry & Chemistry912-478-5968Nursing/Chemistry room 2234Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsMy goal has always been to use my training and experience in the field of Chemistry Education to support student success in chemistry. My background has given me extensive experience in teaching introductory chemistry concepts, curriculum alignment, course-based undergraduate research, and the use of open-education resources. I have used, and will continue to use, this experience to refine my teaching here at Georgia Southern. Much of my background has informed the design, implementation and assessment of my general chemistry, survey of chemistry, and graduate level courses.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that it is our role as instructors to encourage persistence, motivation, and interest in chemistry for students. In my classes, constructing new knowledge and building connections between concepts is a group effort. I use traditional lectures minimally to provide an introduction to new topics and then rely heavily on group work and collaboration to help students learn new content, connect it to previous knowledge, and engage in scientific practices. I provide a mixture of resources, ranging from the textbook and readings to videos and worksheets, to accommodate a wide range of learning preferences. Any new content I introduce is rooted in student prior knowledge and is tied to future applications and real-life examples.
  • Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2015
  • B.S., Georgia College and State University, 2010
B.S., Georgia College and State University, 2010
Research Interests
  • Chemical Education Research (Cer)
  • Discipline-Based Education Research (Dber)
  • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning (Sotl)
Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER)Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
kparker@georgiasouthern.eduwww.kendrarparker.comKendra R. ParkerKendra R.ParkerAssociate ProfessorArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English, Affiliate Faculty in Africana StudiesKendra R. Parker (Ph.D., Howard University) is an associate professor at Georgia Southern University. She is the author of She Bites Back: Black Female Vampires in African American Women's Novels, 1977-2011 (Lexington, 2018), co-editor of The Bloomsbury Handbook to Octavia E. Butler (Bloomsbury, 2020), and author of Understanding Octavia E. Butler (University of South Carolina Press, 2025).
Teaching Philosophy
“the classroom should be an exciting place, never boring” ~bell hooks
  • Ph.D., Howard University
Research Interests
  • African American Literature
  • Octavia E. Butler
Octavia E. ButlerCenter for Africana Studies
mbrister@georgiasouthern.eduMonica BristerMonicaBristerAcademic Services Coordinator912-478-6986Hendricks Hall 1018Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthJPHCOPH Office of the DeanI am Monica Brister and currently work as the academic services coordinator for JPHCOPH
  • M. Ed. Counselor Education
joycewhite@georgiasouthern.eduJoyce WhiteJoyceWhiteAssistant Professor912-478-04553302B NewtonStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishJoyce White is Assistant Professor of English in Gullah Geechee Literature and Cultures at Georgia Southern University. She received her Ph.D. in Humanities with a primary focus in African American Studies from Clark Atlanta University and earned a BA and MA in English, with a focus in Creative Writing and literature, from Florida State University. Her research interests include 19th, 20th, and 21st century African American and diasporic literature, as well as African cosmological and spiritual continuities in diasporic literature.
Teaching Philosophy
My approach to all courses is to not only emphasize the connection between reading, writing, and critical thinking, but to also emphasize the importance and role of cross-discipline learning and engagement. This allows the classroom to transform student engagement and instructor facilitation beyond the physical space and to shape lifelong student citizens and learners who effectively transfer acquired skills into other academic areas and their lives.
  • Ph.D. Clark Atlanta University
Research Interests
  • African American Literature
Gullah-Geechee Heritage CenterCenter for Africana Studies
coglobli@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=A9zfR2cAAAAJConstantin OgloblinConstantinOgloblinProfessor912-478-5375Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsProf. Ogloblin Joined Georgia Southern University in 2000. The courses he regularly teaches are Principles of Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics (graduate), and International Economics (graduate). He has extensive experience developing and teaching online courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He also has much experience authoring course materials for principles of economics, intermediate microeconomics, and international economics. His research interests lie in applying econometric methods to examine relevant economic and social issues.
Teaching Philosophy
Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think.—Albert Einstein.
  • Ph.D., Kent State University
Research Interests
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Health Economics
  • Economic Systems
Health economicsEconomic systems
jburson@georgiasouthern.eduhttp://cah.georgiasouthern.edu/history/home/faculty/burson/Jeffrey D. BursonJeffrey D.BursonProfessor912-478-8532IAB 3010Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryJeffrey D. Burson specializes in the history of the Enlightenment and the era of the Atlantic Revolutions. He is the article of over thirty peer-reviewed articles and chapters, and is currently the author or editor of five books, including The Culture of Enlightening: Abbé Claude Yvon and the Entangled Emergence of the Enlightenment (Notre Dame, 2019); The Rise and Fall of Theological Enlightenment: Jean-Martin de Prades and Ideological Polarization in Eighteenth-Century France (Notre Dame, 2010); and Enlightenment and Catholicism in Europe (Notre Dame, 2014) co-edited with Ulrich Lehner.
Teaching Philosophy
The symbiotic interdependence of scholarship and teaching, and the continued relevance of history as both research method and critical foundation of global citizenship are the cornerstones of my teaching philosophy.
  • Ph.D. (History) George Washington University (2006)
  • M.Phil. (History) George Washington University (2003)
  • B.A. (History/Political Science) Concordia University--Ann Arbor (1999)
M.Phil. (History) George Washington University (2003)B.A. (History/Political Science) Concordia University--Ann Arbor (1999)
Research Interests
  • Intellectual And Cultural History Of The Global Eighteenth Century
  • Enlightenment Catholicism
  • Eighteenth-Century And Revolutionary France
  • Early Modern Europe
  • Age Of Revolutions, C. 1750 - 1850
Enlightenment CatholicismEighteenth-Century and Revolutionary FranceEarly Modern EuropeAge of Revolutions, c. 1750 - 1850
slandge@georgiasouthern.eduShainaz LandgeShainazLandgeAssociate Professor of Chemistry912-478-1883Nursing Chemistry 3213Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Shainaz Landge joined Georgia Southern University in August of 2010. She completed her M.S. degree in Organic Chemistry (2000) from the University of Pune (India), after which she worked as a project assistant at the National Chemical Laboratory in Pune. In 2008, she completed her Ph.D. research at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and then moved on to a postdoctoral position at Dartmouth College (NH). In her spare time she likes to read, write, watch movies and hang around with friends and family members.
Teaching Philosophy
I strongly believe that: a Teacher is the one who introduces a new perspective; invokes curiosity; enhances critical thinking; challenges misconceptions and promotes motivation to improve students’ abilities. My teaching philosophy is simple: I aim to create an interactive, positive learning environment where the students are engaged and interested in the learning process.
  • B.S. University of Pune, India (1998)
  • M.S. University of Pune, India (2000)
  • Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Boston (2008)
  • Postdoctoral Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (2010)
  • Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia (2010 - present)
M.S. University of Pune, India (2000)Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Boston (2008)Postdoctoral Dartmouth College, New Hampshire (2010)Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia (2010 - present)
Research Interests
  • Chemosensors
  • Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis
  • Detection Of Toxins And Sugar Molecules
  • Chemical Education
  • Student Motivation
Microwave Assisted Organic SynthesisDetection of toxins and sugar moleculesChemical EducationStudent MotivationVertically Integrated Projects (VIP), National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
rewhitworth@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ruth-e-whitworth-2Ruth WhitworthRuthWhitworthAssistant Professor912-478-7904Hendricks Hall, Room 1032Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health Sciences, Public Health GeneralMs. Whitworth has been part of Georgia Southern University since 2004, originally hired to work with the KE Peace Center for Biostatistics in the School of Public Health. After the School transitioned to become the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health in 2006, Ms. Whitworth transitioned to work for the Dean of the College. Over the years, she has contributed to the growth and development of the College, utilizing her experience in information systems and public health. Her role encompasses administrative coordination, teaching, and participation in university and college committees.
Teaching Philosophy
Ms. Whitworth believes that effective teaching is a dynamic process where both instructors and students learn from each other, enriching the educational experience. She emphasizes essential concepts for students' future careers, ensuring they develop both theoretical understanding and practical skills. Engaging in reflective teaching, she continually sharpens her expertise and adapts her methods to stay current in her field. She is committed to creating a safe, inclusive learning environment where diverse perspectives are encouraged, fostering engagement and dialogue to enhance learning.
  • MPH in biostatistics, Georgia Southern University, 2011
  • MBA in information systems, University of Memphis, 1997
  • BBA in finance, Abilene Christian University, 1984
MBA in information systems, University of Memphis, 1997BBA in finance, Abilene Christian University, 1984
Research Interests
  • Public Health
jmurdock@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jason-murdockJason MurdockJasonMurdockAssociate Professor912-478-5167Art Building 2003Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtJason Murdock has been a faculty member in the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art at Georgia Southern University since 2017. He received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Visual Communication Design from the Herron School of Art & Design (Indiana University), and a Master of Fine Arts degree in Visual Communication Design from Kent State University (2016). His research interests include typeface design, branding & visual identity design, design processes, and graphic design history. Jason has presented his research both nationally and internationally, and has won awards for teaching as well as for his work as a graphic designer.
Teaching Philosophy
Design education is rooted in the pre-industrial master-apprentice model. Today, however, technological know-how is no longer the primary requisite for entrance into the design profession. As the tools of the profession become more democratized and many of the tasks that designers perform are being automated, designers must be as strategic in their thinking as they are technologically savvy and as process-oriented as they are aesthetically-inclined. In the classroom, this requires an approach that sometimes strays from traditional methods of instruction to resemble Postman and Weingartner's “inquiry method”, where asking divergent questions may be more appropriate and instructive than providing convergent answers.
  • M.F.A., Kent State University, 2016
  • B.F.A., Indiana University, 2003
B.F.A., Indiana University, 2003
Research Interests
  • Typeface Design
  • Branding & Visual Identity Design
  • Design Processes
  • Graphic Design History
Branding & Visual Identity DesignDesign ProcessesGraphic Design HistoryCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
csparks@georgiasouthern.eduChad SparksChadSparksMSG912-344-2668Armstrong Recreation Center Rm #218Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceMSG Sparks joined the Army in 2006 as an Infantryman. He has served with the 2nd ID (2006-2013), 4th ID (2013-2017), 198th Infantry BDE (2017-2019), 2nd Cav Regt (2019-2022), and now with Georgia Southern Eagle BN (2022-current). MSG Sparks has 3 Combat deployments to Afghanistan (2009, 2012, & 2014), 1 Rotational deployment to Poland (2020), and 1 Operational deployment to Romania (2022). He has served as a Reconnaissance Scout, Recon Team Leader, Operations Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, Company First Sergeant, Brigade Future Operations NCOIC, and currently a Military Science Instructor. MSG Sparks has a combined total of 34 military awards/badges and graduated 26 military schools throughout his tenure.
Teaching Philosophy
Evolved critical thinking and problem solving through experiential learning in a collaborative environment. Utilizing doctrinal foundation and variable assessments students grow through student-teaching roles and responsibilities during laboratory roles in a 'train the trainer' concept.
  • Master Leader Course
  • Army Instructor Certification
  • Military History Instructor Certification
Army Instructor CertificationMilitary History Instructor Certification
Research Interests
  • Advanced Tactics
  • Military History
Military History
jharris@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/john-harrisJohn HarrisJohnHarrisAssociate Professor of Management912-478-5997College of Business 3350Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementJohn N. Harris is an Associate Professor of Management in the Parker College of Business. He received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources from Florida State University in 2017. His research largely focuses on the areas of leadership, organizational politics and political skill, and individual differences in organizational effectiveness, though much of his recent work is in management education. He currently serves as the Human Behavior in Organizations (WMBA 6000) Course Lead for the University System of Georgia’s WebMBA, as a Co-Advisor for the Georgia Southern University Society for Human Resource Management student chapter, and as a member of the Academy of Management Learning & Education Editorial Review Board.
Teaching Philosophy
John Harris’s teaching philosophy and much of his current research has explored the incorporation of games and gaming into business classrooms to facilitate experiential learning that is impactful, accessible, and fun for students. He has presented this work and facilitated workshops focused on effectively utilizing games in the classroom at a range of national and regional academic conferences and professional conventions. He currently teaches in the areas of organizational behavior and leadership at both the graduate and undergraduate level.
  • Ph.D., Florida State University, 2017
Research Interests
  • Leadership
  • Organizational Politics
  • Experiential Learning
  • Games In Education
  • Management Education
Organizational PoliticsExperiential LearningGames in EducationManagement Education
aakturk@georgiasouthern.eduAhmet AkturkAhmetAkturkAssociate Professor of History912-478-5776Interdisciplinary Academic Building, Room 3089Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryI am an Associate Professor of History specializing in Modern Middle East history. My area of interest is the late Ottoman Empire and early Turkish Republic, with an emphasis on the emergence and development of the modern Kurdish identity movement vis-à-vis Ottomanism and Turkish nationalism. I particularly trace the story of the princely Kurdish Bedirkhan family from the late 19th century through the first decades of the 20th century. I also enjoy teaching courses on the Modern Middle East and the wider Muslim world, from the time of Muhammad to modernity, as well as World History since roughly 1500.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is an essential component of my scholarly pursuit. Both my survey and upper-level courses aim to familiarize students with the wider world, particularly by understanding people and countries on their own terms and within their historical contexts. I teach my courses on world history, the Middle East, and the Muslim world in a way that encourages students not only to grasp the differences between 'other' cultures and their own but also to recognize surprising similarities. Finally, my courses aim to equip students with skills such as identifying multiple narratives of the same historical events and critically analyzing primary sources, much like they do with present-day information.
  • Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2013
  • M.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2006
  • B.S., Middle East Tehnical University, Ankara, Turkiye, 2004
M.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 2006B.S., Middle East Tehnical University, Ankara, Turkiye, 2004
Research Interests
  • Late Ottoman Empire And Modern Turkey
  • Kurdish National Movement
Kurdish National Movement
tmayogamble@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/dr-tilicia-l-mayo-gambleTilicia Mayo-GambleTiliciaMayo-GambleAssociate Dean of Practice and Research912-478-1249Hendricks HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Tilicia Mayo-Gamble is the Associate Dean for Practice and Research and an Associate Professor in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. She is a health services and healthcare disparities researcher with a research agenda focused on implementing community and patient engagement methods to facilitate self-care behaviors and enhance patient-centered care among adults with chronic diseases and marginalized populations.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Mayo-Gamble uses a backward teaching design that focuses on outcomes and the student-centered approaches necessary to accomplish those outcomes. She teaches Public Health Communication and Advocacy, Research Methodology, and Community Needs Assessment.
  • Ph.D. in Health Behavior
  • MPH in Social and Behavioral Science
  • MA in Applied Communication
  • BA in Media Arts
  • CHES
MPH in Social and Behavioral ScienceMA in Applied CommunicationBA in Media ArtsCHES
Research Interests
  • Patient Engagement
  • Community Engagement
  • Community-Based Methodology
  • Health Communication
  • Sickle Cell Disease
Community EngagementCommunity-based methodologyHealth CommunicationSickle Cell Disease
aschrey@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lyy7R1UAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoAaron SchreyAaronSchreyProfessor912-478-5487SC 1010Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyProfessor of Biology
Teaching Philosophy
  • Ph.D.. Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2007
  • MS Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2001
  • BS University of Evansville 1999
MS Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2001BS University of Evansville 1999
Research Interests
  • Epigenetics
  • Molecular Ecology
  • Population Genetics
  • Networks In Biology
Molecular EcologyPopulation GeneticsNetworks in BiologyJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
taylors@georgiasouthern.eduSharon TaylorSharonTaylorProfessor912-478-0266MP 2324Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI have been teaching at Georgia Southern since 1996. My interests are mathematics education, statistics education, and the teaching of calculus. I am the Chief Reader for Advanced Placement Calculus and spend much of my time working with high school teachers who teach the course.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe most students need to be in a classroom to learn. I know this is not in step with the current proliferation of online courses and programs. Motivated and dedicated students can survive in an online environment, however the vast majority need to be taught by someone who knows their subject matter and truly cares about student learning. I want every student to succeed and work hard designing notes, assignments, and tests to challenge my students and have the grade they earn in my course mean something as they move through their academic career.
  • Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1993
  • MA, Sam Houston State University, 1989
  • BS in Education, Southwest Texas State University, 1987
MA, Sam Houston State University, 1989BS in Education, Southwest Texas State University, 1987
Research Interests
  • Mathematics Education
  • Statistics Education
  • Calculus Teaching And Learning
Statistics EducationCalculus Teaching and Learning
ericjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=O6bWlekAAAAJ&hl=enEric JohnsonEricJohnsonSenior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Chemistry912-478-7266Nursing/Chemistry 2232Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Johnson is originally from Asheville, NC. He received his B.S. in Chemistry from Centre College in 2010 and his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of Utah in 2016. He has been teaching at Georgia Southern since 2016. His research interests are in Chemistry Education and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Dr. Johnson has presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference in Savannah, GA and at the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. In his free time, Dr. Johnson enjoys reading and hiking.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a teacher is to engage every student in my class. My aim is to spread my enjoyment of chemistry to the students in my class and to make my class a positive learning environment. In my classroom, I use PowerPoint slides and the whiteboard as my primary teaching tools. I also use periodic extra credit pop quizzes to help keep students engaged in my classes. These extra credit pop quizzes encourage students to study between classes and to practice their chemistry. I also use low stakes assessments, such as regularly schedule quizzes to check student understanding. Finally, I constantly adjust my teaching based on student feedback from previous semesters.
  • Ph.D. Physical Chemistry, University of Utah, 2016
  • B.S. Chemistry, Centre College, 2010
B.S. Chemistry, Centre College, 2010
Research Interests
  • Chemical Education Research
  • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
mmachingura@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C11&q=marylou+machingura&oq=marylou+mMarylou MachinguraMarylouMachinguraAssociate Professor912-344-2588SC112Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMarylou C. Machingura is an Associate Professor of Biology with a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Dr. Machingura teaches botany and other plant related courses, and research focuses on improving crop photosynthesis, drought tolerance, physiological and molecular mechanisms of various crop plants.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering critical thinking and a deep appreciation for plants among students and society at large. I emphasize student-centered goals and diverse teaching strategies, using case studies and groupwork to enhance understanding and engagement. My experience spans teaching various plant biology courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels, where I integrate research concepts into the classroom to provide real-life context. I believe in setting high, achievable goals and using multiple forms of feedback. My aim is to cultivate an environment where students can question, explore, and appreciate the complexities of biology as it relates to life and the environment.
  • Ph.D.. Southern Illinois University 2012
  • MS, Wageningen University and Research Center
  • BS Africa University
MS, Wageningen University and Research CenterBS Africa University
Research Interests
  • Co2 Assimilation In Algae
  • Polyaspartic Acid And Plant Growth
  • Physiology Of Yaupon Holy
Polyaspartic acid and plant growthPhysiology of yaupon holyCollege Office of Undergraduate Research, Botanic Garden, COSM Core Research Lab, Business Innovation Group (BIG)
sdavis@georgiasouthern.eduSarah DavisSarahDavisSenior Lecturer912-478-7402Hanner Fieldhouse 2320CStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologySarah Davis is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology at Georgia Southern University. Since 2016, she has helped develop the Physical Activity and Lifestyle (PAL) program, guiding students to lifelong wellness. Davis holds multiple certifications, including CSCS and FMS. Davis regularly presents at national conferences and incorporates the latest exercise science research into her work. Davis also volunteers as a youth sports coach and serves as treasurer for the Ebenezer Elementary PTO, reflecting her passion for mentoring and community involvement.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Kinesiology has been a fulfilling journey for me, centered on a student-focused, active learning approach. I aim to inspire students to take ownership of their fitness, apply wellness strategies, and develop coaching skills in strength and conditioning. My approach emphasizes meeting students where they are, using tailored methods based on pre-assessments to ensure progress at their own pace. I integrate wellness concepts through reflective assignments and diverse modules, fostering holistic growth. In strength coaching courses, hands-on learning builds competence and confidence. My goal is to instill lifelong passion for fitness and learning.
  • Armstrong State University, Savannah, Georgia M.S., Sports Medicine, 2008 Thesis: “The Relationships Between Field Tests and Novice Success of Olympic Weightlifting” Advisors: Armstrong State University, Savannah, Georgia B.S., Health and Physical Education, 2006
Research Interests
  • Strength And Conditioning, Tactical Athletes, Lifelong Wellness
ieiacob@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ionut-e-iacob-2Ionut IacobIonutIacobAssociate Professor of Mathematics912-478-0164Math/Physics 3328Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Ionut Emil Iacob holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a MS in Mathematics (both from the University of Kentucky) and a BS in Electrical Engineering (Politechnica University of Bucharest) and joined the Department of Mathematical Sciences in 2007. He has advised numerous undergraduate students and graduate students who completed their MS theses under his direction. Emil has served/serves in numerous department committees, program committees for conferences and editor for journals, and performed numerous reviews for conferences and journals. His research interests include data science and computational mathematics. Emil teaches graduate and undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics courses on Statesboro campus.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that a good teaching career is built on excellent knowledge about a topic and passion for communicating that knowledge to others. The main goal of education is, of course, learning. Although students have to learn certain facts, factual knowledge by itself does not lead to acceptable scientific progress. I emphasize creative and critical thinking by students and I believe that teaching is also a learning experience. I learn that teaching the same material to different classes requires different teaching strategies. So I have learned to be flexible in approach and methodology. I pay attention to students’ questions and observations, as I consider them a great opportunity to learn from and about students.
  • Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Kentucky, 2005
  • MS Mathematics, Computer Science, University of Kentucky, 2002
  • BS Electrical Engineering, Politehnica University Bucharest
MS Mathematics, Computer Science, University of Kentucky, 2002BS Electrical Engineering, Politehnica University Bucharest
Research Interests
  • Data Science
  • Computational Mathematics
Computational Mathematics
tcyronak@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/tyler-cyronakTyler CyronakTylerCyronakAssistant Professor912-344-3086Armstrong Science Center 1006Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology, School of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityI lead the Coastal Carbon Laboratory (CCL) at the Institute for Coastal Plain Science at Georgia Southern University. Our research centers on the carbon cycle within coastal ecosystems, including estuaries, marshes, coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrass beds. We are particularly interested in understanding the critical role these ecosystems play in the global carbon cycle, how they are impacted by climate change, and their potential to contribute to carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal is to cultivate curiosity, critical analysis, and practical skills in the next generation of scientists. Critical thinking forms the cornerstone of science, and I strive to help students develop and sharpen this skill across all levels of education, from introductory courses to advanced graduate seminars. For environmental science students, learning extends beyond the classroom. Immersing students in the ecosystems they study is vital for a deeper understanding of the subject matter. I incorporate field trips and hands-on research projects into my courses, ensuring that students gain direct experience with the environments they are learning about.
  • Ph.D. 2014 Biogeochemistry, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia
  • MS 2007 Marine Biology, University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • BS 2004 Biology & English, University of Miami, FL
MS 2007 Marine Biology, University of North Carolina WilmingtonBS 2004 Biology & English, University of Miami, FL
Research Interests
  • The Carbon Cycle
  • Marine Biogeochemistry
  • Carbon Dioxide Removal
  • Coastal Ecosystems
  • Global Environmental Change
Marine biogeochemistryCarbon dioxide removalCoastal ecosystemsGlobal environmental changeJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
ccasey@georgiasouthern.eduCarly CaseyCarlyCaseyVisiting Instructor of Mathematics912-478-5390Math/Physics 2042CStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesMrs. Casey is a visiting instructor of mathematics on the Statesboro campus . She joined the Georgia Southern University Mathematical Sciences department in 2024.
  • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2024,
  • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2022.
B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2022.
Research Interests
  • Representation Theory
  • Combinatorics
rcohen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/risa-cohenRisa CohenRisaCohenProfessor and Interim Chair of Biology912-478-5487Biological Sciences 3338; Biological Sciences 1136; Science Center 102Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Risa Cohen is a Professor of Biology at Georgia Southern University. She received her B.S. in Biology and Environmental Studies from Tufts University, and earned her Ph.D. in Biology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include aquatic community structure, nutrient dynamics, restoration ecology, and ecotoxicology. Since arriving at Georgia Southern, she mentored graduate students while conducting projects in freshwater and coastal systems in Georgia, studying rivers, coastal marshes, and subtidal rocky reefs. She is currently investigating how changes in these environments affect organisms, communities, and ecosystems to address applied issues, including monitoring and restoration.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that successful classes are those designed to have students take an active role in their learning. As an instructor and mentor, I include new topics and current events, and develop innovative activities to interest and motivate students in both face-to-face and online environments. I make course material relatable to the students, and use combinations of aural, visual and written methods with multiple types of technology in an inclusive environment. I also incorporate research ideas and techniques whenever possible in my laboratory courses to produce well-trained, career-ready scientists with critical thinking skills. Courses I teach include: Toxicology, Aquatic Ecology, Evolution & Ecology, Research Methods, and Applied Biology.
  • Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
  • B.S., Tufts University, 1996
B.S., Tufts University, 1996
Research Interests
  • Coastal Ecology
  • Wetland Restoration
  • Water Quality
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Nutrient Dynamics
wetland restorationwater qualityecotoxicologynutrient dynamicsJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
caumack@georgiasouthern.eduCraig AumackCraigAumackAssociate Professor912-478-5894Biol 2270Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research focuses on the physiological, biochemical, and ecological adaptations of both macro- and microalgae to their environments as well as their influences on overall community structure. I am currently working in polar sea ice communities, specifically changes in their community and chemical composition resultant from varying abiotic factors associated with local climatic shifts. This includes the contribution this material has on underlying marine communities once exported from the sea ice and how those contributions may vary in a rapidly changing polar system.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe the most effective teaching strategies combine elements of introductory topic explanation, active learning through organized thought exercises, followed by application of newly learned material into unfamiliar circumstances. This progressive strategy facilitates students’ ability to understand presented material beyond simple memorization and further develops their capacity to learn and retain new concepts, ultimately developing skills necessary to succeed in science. Additionally, I believe both written and oral communication skills are essential for student success because they are required elements for most professional scientific endeavors and explaining concepts, using your own words, typically increases subject retention.
  • B.S. University of California Santa Barbara
  • M.S. The University of Texas Marine Science Institute
  • Ph.D.. University of Alabama Birmingham
M.S. The University of Texas Marine Science InstitutePh.D.. University of Alabama Birmingham
Research Interests
  • Macroalgae
  • Microalgae
  • Chemical Ecology
  • Sea Ice Communities
MicroalgaeChemical EcologySea Ice Communities
jbeck@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U0moR5kAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoJason BeckJasonBeckAssociate Professor912-344-2536Hawes Hall 210BArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsDr. Beck received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Kentucky in 2009. His research interests include industrial organization, behavioral economics, labor economics, and real estate economics. His work has appeared in journals such as Real Estate Economics, Applied Economics, Business Economics, and Journal of Housing Research. He has served as the director of the Coastal Georgia Center for Economic Education since 2010.
Teaching Philosophy
I strive to make my courses challenging, interactive, and applicable.
  • Ph.D., Economics, University of Kentucky (2009)
  • MA., Economics, Miami University (2003)
  • BA., Economics, Bellarmine University (2001)
Ph.D., Economics, University of Kentucky (2009)MA, Economics, Miami University (2003)BA, Economics, Bellarmine University (2001)
Research Interests
  • Industrial Organization
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Real Estate Economics
Labor EconomicsReal Estate EconomicsHealth EconomicsCoastal Georgia Center for Economic Education
twu@georgiasouthern.eduTiehang WuTiehangWuProfessor912-478-5489Herty 2108Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research includes the relationship of microorganisms to plant production, focused on molecular approaches to understand diversity and communities of soil organisms under different land management practices and at a global scale. The goal of my research is to apply the theory of microbial ecology and molecular microbiology to understand microbial community interactions and the relationships of soil microorganisms to plant health, sustainable plant production, and environmental qualities. In recent years, I have been focusing on the research of soil microorganisms and nitrogen cycling in ecosystems, aimed to provide fundamental knowledge in maintaining healthy soils, sustaining plant productivity, and enhancing water and air quality.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy encompasses the principle that each student has the ability, dignity, and worth to achieve his or her full potential; and that this potential can be reached by developing their self-esteem and desire for an education with a positive encouragement and respect. My responsibility is to inspire the interests and talents of students and help them to fulfill their full potential.
  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
  • Molecular Microbial Ecology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Soil Ecology
  • Mycorrhizal Fungi
  • Molecular Biology
Environmental MicrobiologySoil EcologyMycorrhizal FungiMolecular BiologyJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
cminchey@georgiasouthern.eduCoral MincheyCoralMincheyLaboratory Coordinator - Biology912-344-2702SC 1017Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyCoral grew up in Savannah, GA and enjoys learning about and exploring the local marshes, rivers, and ocean.
Teaching Philosophy
Everyone learns differently, but we all have a passion for something. Use the passion and creativity to engage the masses and the individuals.
  • B.S. in Biology, Armstrong Atlantic State University
  • M.S. in Marine Sciences, Savannah State University
M.S. in Marine Sciences, Savannah State University
Research Interests
  • Effect Of Pahs On The Reproduction Of Grass Shrimp
bmckay@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3wjTFmUAAAAJ&hl=enBritton McKayBrittonMcKayAssociate Dean912-478-5582Parker College of Business 2253DStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyBritton McKay is the associate dean for students and external affairs for the Parker College of Business. She earned her Ph.D. in accounting from Southern Illinois University in 2007 and joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University that same year. She was promoted to Professor in 2018 and joined the deans’ office in 2020.McKay has co-authored over 20 publications in journals including Journal of Information Systems, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Taxation, and Journal of Accountancy. Her research has been cited hundreds of times in both academic circles and popular press. She is known for being an approachable problem solver in Parker College, and someone who truly cares for her students.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning should never stop. As educators we should constantly seek out new knowledge, teaching methods, technologies and strategies that can help in our research and teaching. Our research should help guide our teaching and we need to be open to learning from and with our students. Growing ourselves to grow others.
  • Ph.D., Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2007
  • Master of Accountancy, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2003
  • B.S. Accounting, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2001
  • B.S. Finance, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2001
Master of Accountancy, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2003B.S. Accounting, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2001B.S. Finance, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2001
Research Interests
  • Tax Practitioner/ Application
  • Forensic Accounting/ Whistleblowing
  • Accounting Information Systems
Forensic Accounting/ WhistleblowingAccounting Information Systems
dgleason@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/daniel-gleasonDaniel GleasonDanielGleasonDirector, School of Earth, Environment & Sustainability912-478-5178Herty 1110AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityIn my current position I promote interdisciplinary research and education directed toward the sustainable use and management of Earth’s physical and biological resources. I also maintain research programs in both tropical and temperate marine ecosystems. Recent work on Caribbean reefs has been focused on coral reproduction and recruitment and the role these processes play in the repopulation of degraded reefs. My temperate work is conducted on benthic hard bottoms of the South Atlantic Bight and most recently has focused on the ability of marine invertebrates to withstand the combined effects of reductions in sea water pH and increases in temperature resulting from carbon dioxide emissions.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a biology educator is to cultivate thoughtful, curious, and competent scientists who can apply their understanding of biology to solve real-world problems. By emphasizing hands-on learning, inquiry, and critical thinking, I endeavor to inspire a sense of wonder about the natural world and equip students with the tools to become informed and active participants in positively shaping the future.
  • Post-doctoral, University of Houston, 1992-1996
  • Ph.D., University of Houston, 1992
  • M.S., University of Houston, 1984
  • B.S., Furman University, 1980
Ph.D., University of Houston, 1992M.S., University of Houston, 1984B.S., Furman University, 1980
Research Interests
  • Benthic Marine Ecology
  • Marine Invertebrates
  • Reproduction And Recruitment
  • Climate Change
  • Ocean Acidification
Marine InvertebratesReproduction and RecruitmentClimate ChangeOcean AcidificationJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
svives@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lM7Z4gwAAAAJ&hl=enStephen VivesStephenVivesProfessor912-478-5954Biological Sciences 1140Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyStephen P. Vives received his Ph.D. in Zoology, with a minor in Applied Statistics, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and he joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University in 1990. Currently a Professor in the Department of Biology, he served as the Department Chair of Biology from 2002 to 2022. Dr. Vives received a University Award of Excellence in Leadership in 2021. His regular teaching assignments include the Biological Basis of Animal Behavior, Vertebrate Zoology, Ichthyology, Ornithology, and Graduate Seminar. Research is focused on aquatic ecology of the Coastal Plain, with an emphasis on fishes.
Teaching Philosophy
I strive to offer courses that are positive experiences, with lifelong impact, to every student in the course. I believe that anyone with the required prerequisite knowledge can be successful in the courses I teach. I utilize a variety of teaching methodologies including traditional lecturing, project and research-based learning, peer-peer learning, and laboratory-based skill development. I regularly participate in continuing education related to instruction and have a certificate from the Association of College and University educators and the American Council on Education in Effective College Instruction, and I am a former Governor's Teaching Fellow.
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Arizona State University
  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.S., Oklahoma State University
  • B.S., Oklahoma State University
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-MadisonM.S., University of Wisconsin-MadisonM.S., Oklahoma State UniversityB.S., Oklahoma State University
Research Interests
  • Ecology Of Fishes
  • Animal Behavior
  • Conservation Biology
  • Aquatic Ecology
  • Vertebrate Zoology
Animal BehaviorConservation BiologyAquatic EcologyVertebrate ZoologyJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
emondor@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ggf6oDkAAAAJ&hl=enEd MondorEdMondorAssociate Professor912-478-7908BIOL 1124Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyEd Mondor is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biology. Along with teaching three courses every semester, he has almost 40 peer-reviewed publications in journals such as Global Change Biology, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, and Journal of Insect Behavior, and has had his research featured in Science Magazine. In addition to his studies on insect behavior, ecology, and evolution, he is the only Forensic Entomologist in Georgia. Over the past 12 years, he has contributed to over 30 death investigations by determining the “time of death” of human decedents using insect evidence.
Teaching Philosophy
I consider teaching to be an essential part of science, as biology is not just a collection of facts, but a dynamic field best taught by individuals actively involved in the research process. Information acquired through research gains new meaning when it is integrated with current knowledge and distributed to a larger audience. I believe that courses are best taught by enthusiastic, knowledgeable instructors, as students become genuinely excited about biological concepts only if the instructors are truly interested in the material being presented.
  • Ph.D., Simon Fraser University, 2001
  • M.Sc., University of Alberta, 1996
  • B.Sc., Brandon University, 1993
M.Sc., University of Alberta, 1996B.Sc., Brandon University, 1993
Research Interests
  • Insect Ecology
  • Forensic Entomology
  • Community Safety
Forensic EntomologyCommunity SafetyInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
mcutwa@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=KMJ9CnUAAAAJMichele CutwaMicheleCutwaSenior Lecturer912-344-2520Science Center 141Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMichele Cutwa is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biology. Ms. Cutwa teaches majors and non-majors courses, and is the Armstrong Campus Biology Greenhouse manager.
Teaching Philosophy
In my courses, I try to create an engaging classroom experience that fosters curiosity, promotes critical thinking, and active discussion. Standards are set with the expectation that students will be motivated to investigate scientific problems and appreciate biodiversity as lifelong learners.
  • M.S. Florida Institute of Technology 1997
  • B.S. Nazareth College 1991
B.S. Nazareth College 1991
Research Interests
  • Mosquito Taxonomy And Ecology
  • Fish Feeding Ecomorphology
  • Freeze-Tolerance In Herptiles
Fish feeding ecomorphologyFreeze-tolerance in herptiles
mtiemeyer@georgiasouthern.eduMichael TiemeyerMichaelTiemeyerAssociate Professor912-344-2929University Hall 279Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Tiemeyer is a teacher and scholar at Georgia Southern University. He has worked in academia since 2010, teaching both face-to-face and distance learning courses. His major field of research is graph theory with a focus on cycle decompositions of large graphs.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in teaching students for life. To do this, I use an eclectic collection of tools, techniques, and theories that I match to content, context, and learners in order to engage students with the following objectives in mind: 1) My job is to make myself obsolete, and 2) We learn by doing for ourselves.
  • Ph.D. Auburn University, 2010
  • M.A.M Auburn University, 2008
  • B.S. Auburn University, 2006
M.A.M Auburn University, 2008B.S. Auburn University, 2006
Research Interests
  • Graph Theory
jhoopes@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer HoopesJenniferHoopesExecutive Assistant II912-344-2565Ashmore Hall 131Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsWaters College of Health Professions, Office of the DeanJennifer had careers in communications, and healthcare administration in her home state of Montana before becoming Executive Assistant to the Dean at Armstrong State University in 2016. She negotiates and manages over 1,000 Student Affiliation Agreements for the Waters College of Health Professions with healthcare facilities across the country. In 2021 she earned her Master’s degree from Georgia Southern in Professional Communication and Leadership. Jennifer is proud to be a responsive Go To person for staff, faculty and students. She is also passionately involved with the development of the Health Professions Physic Garden outside Ashmore Hall.
Teaching Philosophy
Jennifer is a life-long learner who completed her Bachelor’s degree at 40 when online education was in its infancy. She earned her Master’s degree when her contemporaries were stepping into retirement. Based on those experiences she readily champions older, non-traditional students. Her philosophy is that faculty who recognize and appreciate the non-scholarly wisdom older students bring to class, enrich both themselves and the balance of the cohort.
  • M.A. Georgia Southern University, 2021
  • B.A. Montana State University, 2001
B.A. Montana State University, 2001
Research Interests
  • The History Of Medicinal Plants
  • Effective Cross Cultural Communication In Healthcare
Effective Cross Cultural communication in healthcare
kours@georgiasouthern.eduKatharine OursKatharineOursAdministrative Assistant II912-478-0829Carroll Building, Room 2287BStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesI am the administrative assistant for the Department of Political Science and International Studies. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Applied Mathematics from Fresno Pacific University.
kberecz@georgiasouthern.eduKasey BereczKaseyBereczExecutive Assistant II912-478-6068Veazey Hall Suite 2000Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDean's Office
tcsmith@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/t-christopher-smith-2Thomas SmithThomasSmithAssistant Professor912-478-8545IAB 3077Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyNCIDQ certified and registered interior designer with licenses in both Georgia and Florida, Chris has over twenty years professional design experience. He has practiced residential and commercial interior design attaining both CAPS and EDAC certifications. For over a decade he has focused on teaching, scholarship, service, and student success initiatives in higher education. Drawing upon his extensive practical experience in the building arts, he has been able to apply critical, industry-relevant knowledge to create curriculum for, and at times oversee coordination of, various CIDA accredited undergraduate interior design programs across the US.
Teaching Philosophy
I see design curricula as a means of guiding creative and unique opportunity seeking resolutions and provides the foundation for a strong understanding of how humans interact with and respond to their environments
  • MFA Interior Design, SCAD, 2013
  • BFA Interior Design, AIA, 2007
BFA Interior Design, AIA, 2007
Research Interests
  • Universal Design
  • Design Pedagogy
Design Pedagogy
bradleysturz@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/bradley-r-sturz-2Brad SturzBradSturzProfessor912-344-2846SolmsArmstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyBrad earned his B.A. (2002), M.S. (2004), and Ph.D. (2007) all from Auburn University. His teaching interests include Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods, Statistics, and Evolutionary Psychology. His research interests are broad within the realm of learning, memory, and cognition, and his recent research focuses on spatial learning, memory, and cognition. Utilizing virtual-environment technology, he is interested in determining the basic mechanisms underlying orientation and navigation for the purposes of informing research and theory on how humans (and other mobile organisms) process, store, and utilize spatial information.
Teaching Philosophy
I desire to promote and facilitate learning. I wish to engage, instruct, and inform my students in relevant subject matter through research, personal knowledge, personal experience, and class discussion. Ultimately, I strive to develop and utilize innovative teaching methods in both the classroom and the laboratory to foster skill acquisition, promote curiosity, and encourage life-long learning.
  • B.A. Psychology
  • M.S. Psychology
  • Ph.D. Psychology
M.S. PsychologyPh.D. Psychology
Research Interests
  • Learning, Memory, And Cognition
  • Spatial Orientation
  • Spatial Navigation
Spatial OrientationSpatial Navigation
acurrence@georgiasouthern.eduAnna Currence O'NealAnnaCurrence O'NealAdministrative Assistant II912-344-2593University Hall 226Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesBetty Foy Sanders Department of Art, Department of Criminal Justice & Criminology, School of Human Ecology, Department of Political Science & International Studies, Department of Psychology, Department of Public & Nonprofit Studies, Department of Sociology & Anthropology.Anna is a graduate of Georgia Southern's Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art (BFSDoA) and has worked full-time as an Administrative Assistant for Georgia Southern since 2018. During that time, she has been using USG's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) to work toward her masters in Professional Communication and Leadership. Anna is also a professional visual artist and runs the brand ANCO Artistry with her husband. Apart from her career and educational efforts, Anna has an intense loyalty to her family (including found family) and devotes most of her free time to hosting them in Savannah or traveling to visit.
Teaching Philosophy
I am not a teacher by profession. But, my philosophy is that a teacher should be a life-long learner and instill the value of that trait in their students. I don't want to learn from someone who thinks they know everything; I want to learn from someone who knows they don't and unceasingly tries to find / clarify answers.
  • BFA from Georgia Southern
  • In-progress: MA from Georgia Southern
In-progress: MA from Georgia Southern
Research Interests
  • Art
  • Art History
  • Communications
Art HistoryCommunications
aptyson@georgiasouthern.eduAshlie TysonAshlieTysonAdministrative Assistant II912-344-2762Science Center 201Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology.
Teaching Philosophy
  • .
Research Interests
  • .
tdaily@georgiasouthern.eduTekitha DailyTekithaDailyAdministrative Assistant I912-344-2896Armstrong Center Room 256Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceTekitha Daily is an Administrative Assistant at Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus. With a background in business administration, she brings strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and a proactive approach to supporting daily operations. Tekitha is passionate about creating efficient workflows and providing excellent administrative support to both faculty and staff. In addition to her role at the university, she is pursuing a bachelor's degree in business administration, which complements her professional skills. Her expertise includes proficiency in Microsoft Office, BANNER, and Qualtrics Surveys.
sgoel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/swgoel/Swati GoelSwatiGoelAssistant Professor912-478-7312Interdisciplinary Academic BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologySwati Goel is an Assistant Professor of Interior Design at Georgia Southern University. She recently got her Ph.D. in Planning Design and the Built Environment from Clemson University, focusing on healthcare design and research. She also received a Bachelor’s in Architecture in 2013 from the School of Planning and Architecture in India and a Master of Science in Architectural Design and Research from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 2018. She believes design should be rooted in evidence-based research and is currently researching the impact of the critical care environment on family-centered rounds, staff workflows, and family and staff satisfaction with care.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is an acquired skill that evolves with practice. Adopting a growth mindset and listening to understand is vital, especially as a teacher or mentor. The principles of self-regulated design learning (Powers, 2016) emphasize mastery over performance. A teacher's role is to provide support and instructional guidance to facilitate meaningful and coherent knowledge exchange. A teacher or student should strive for balance to be effective and open to feedback. At the same time, it is equally important to set appropriate standards for assessment to encourage intrinsic motivation. The 'teach back' technique in design and research settings can be used to share ideas among students and teach them to self-advocate.
  • Ph.D. in Planning, Design, and the Built Environment, Clemson University,
  • Master of Science in Architecture Design and Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  • Bachelor of Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India
Master of Science in Architecture Design and Research, University of Michigan, Ann ArborBachelor of Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India
Research Interests
  • Design Of Pediatric Care Settings
  • Patient Room Design For Intellectually Disabled Adults
  • Designing To Improve Family And Staff Experiences
  • Workflows And Processes Fo Family-Centered Rounding In Pediatric Settings
Patient room design for intellectually disabled adultsDesigning to improve family and staff experiencesWorkflows and processes fo family-centered rounding in pediatric settings
mtippy@georgiasouthern.eduMaria TippyMariaTippyAdministrative Assistant I912-344-2735RiteCare Center Suite 25Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceAdministrative assistant in the RiteCare Center providing support to clinical instructors, student clinicians, and clients of the RiteCare Center.
Teaching Philosophy
  • Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Social Science
Research Interests
  • Remove
Rite Care Center for Communications Disorders
nradko@georgiasouthern.eduNick RadkoNickRadkoSenior Lecturer912-478-5640Herty 1100DArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityNick Radko has earned degrees in Geology, Environmental Science, and Archaeology and worked in gold exploration and cultural resource management before becoming an educator. He has been a faculty member at Georgia Southern since 2013, and primarily teaches Environmental Geology lectures and labs within the School of Earth, Environment, and Sustainability on the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses.
Teaching Philosophy
My goals as an educator have increasingly focused on creating a classroom environment that accommodates and embraces students from a wide variety of backgrounds who exhibit diverse learning styles. By making the study of Earth inclusive and accessible, and showcasing my passion for the subject, I encourage students to develop their own interests and connections to our planet.
  • M.S., University of Georgia, 2011
  • B.S., University of Virginia, 2008
B.S., University of Virginia, 2008
Research Interests
  • Geoarchaeology
lorenzabeati@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lorenza-beati-zieglerLorenza BeatiLorenzaBeatiProfessor/CuratorRoom 3058B, Math/Physics Annex in Natural SciencesStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology, School of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityI have been at Georgia southern University since 2004. I am professor in the Biology Department and Curator of the U.S. National Tick Collection. My research centers on tick systematics, with emphasis on morpholgical and molecular taxonomy, evolution, phylogeography, and population genetics. I am sometimes also involved in the study of tick ecology and tick-borne diseases. Having a medical degree, I am also involved in research on micro-organisms carried by arthropod vectors. My primary mission is to do research, but I have taught undergraduate and graduate classes.
Teaching Philosophy
Because I am primarily a researcher, I like to involve students in my field and laboratory work. I like to take them along the scientific process in order to prepare the next generation of scientists.
  • Ph.D., Université d'Aix-Marseille (France)
  • MD, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
  • Doctor in Medicine, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
MD, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)Doctor in Medicine, Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
Research Interests
  • Tick Systematics
  • Evolution
  • Medical Entomology
  • Population Genetics
  • Tick-Borne Diseases
EvolutionMedical EntomologyPopulation GeneticsTick-Borne diseasesJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, United States National Tick Collection
sstoddard@georgiasouthern.eduSidney StoddardSidneyStoddardAssistant Professor of Physical Therapy, Director of Clinical Education912-344-3315Armstrong Center, Room 234Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Sidney Stoddard is an Assistant Professor and the Director of Clinical Education for Georgia Southern University’s Doctor of Physical Therapy Program in Savannah, GA. Clinically, Dr. Stoddard has worked in outpatient orthopedics and sports medicine. Dr. Stoddard has helped athletes at the amateur, high school, collegiate, and professional levels return to their associated sports. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Stoddard worked as a cardiopulmonary and critical care physical therapist at Lehigh Valley Health Network. He has served as the principal investigator on award-winning research and co-authored multiple peer-reviewed publications in sports and human performance journals.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in the belief that education is a transformative process that empowers students to become compassionate, competent, and innovative clinicians. My approach is centered on three core principles: student-centered learning, evidence-based practice, and lifelong learning. I believe that students learn best when they are actively engaged. Physical therapy requires continuous learning and adaptation. I strive to inspire a passion for lifelong learning in my students and I encourage my students to pursue ongoing professional growth by fostering a mindset that values curiosity and self-improvement.
  • Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Teaching and Learning, University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Quinnipiac University
  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Health and Science Studies, Quinnipiac University
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Quinnipiac UniversityBachelor of Science (B.S.) in Health and Science Studies, Quinnipiac University
Research Interests
  • Functional Performance Testing
  • Neurocognitive Task Development
  • Return To Activity Screening
  • Human Performance Optimization
  • Tactical And Occupational Athlete Performance
neurocognitive task developmentreturn to activity screeninghuman performance optimizationtactical and occupational athlete performanceBiodynamics and Human Performance Center
ydillon@georgiasouthern.eduYvonne DillonYvonneDillonLecturer/Director of Clinical Education - Sonography912-344-2779Ashmore Hall 152Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceI am committed to guiding students to become the best professionals they can be by targeting their strengths throughout their learning. I have been teaching in the classroom and laboratory setting since 2016. Prior to that I was a clinical preceptor at one of our clinical facilities. I am a diagnostic medical sonographer, registered in Abdomen and Obstetrics and Gynecology. I have a passion for interprofessional education and have completed numerous interprofessional projects with multiple departments in the Waters College of Health Professions.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of teaching has evolved as I have. As a student myself, at the start of my career in academia, I felt well suited to teaching and incredibly relatable. I have two main principles that guide me in my teaching. Those two principles are communication and lifelong learning. Using these two principles in the lab, classroom and life in general keep me informed about my students and my field. These principles allow me to stay ahead of the game.
  • M.Ed, Adult Education, Georgia Southern University 2018
  • B.S., Radiologic Sciences - Sonography, Armstrong State University 2012
  • B. A., Broadcasting, Georgia Southern University 2003
B.S., Radiologic Sciences - Sonography, Armstrong State University 2012B. A., Broadcasting, Georgia Southern University 2003
Research Interests
  • Interprofessional Education
jbradshaw@georgiasouthern.eduJan BradshawJanBradshawAssociate Professor912-344-3159Room 252, Armstrong CenterArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceJan Bradshaw received her Ph.D. in Communications Sciences and Disorders from Louisiana State University in 2014. She is an associate professor in the Communications Sciences and Disorders (CSDS) program in the Department of Clinical Sciences. Her clinical experiences are within schools, early intervention, and university clinics. Her research interests include multicultural counseling, pediatric social communication skills, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where critical thinking, problem-based learning, active engagement, and evidence-based practices intersect to promote high-level learning and clinical application. My goal is to inspire lifelong learners who are prepared to navigate complex challenges in clinical settings and encourage them to be leaders in their education.
  • Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2014
  • M.C.D., LSU Health Sciences Center, 2007
  • B.S., University of South Alabama, 2004
M.C.D., LSU Health Sciences Center, 2007B.S., University of South Alabama, 2004
Research Interests
  • Multicultural Counseling
  • Pediatric Social Communication Skills
  • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
Pediatric Social Communication SkillsScholarship of Teaching and LearningRite Care Center for Communications Disorders
aamason@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/allen-c-amason-2Allen AmasonAllenAmasonDean, Parker College of Business912-478-0958Parker College - Dean OfficeStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDean OfficeAllen C. Amason is Dean of the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University. He holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Management and International Business from the University of South Carolina and has taught at Mississippi State and the University of Georgia, where he was Chair of the Department of Management. Dr. Amason has published widely, served on editorial boards of leading journals, and was Associate Editor of the Journal of Management Studies and the Journal of Management. He authored the textbook Strategic Management: From Theory to Practice and is a Fellow of the Southern Management Association. An award-winning teacher and consultant, he has worked with clients like Exide Technologies, Johnson & Johnson, and AMD.
Teaching Philosophy
I am a professor of strategic management, and my teaching philosophy emphasizes fostering critical thinking, adaptability, and ethical decision-making based on long-term value. I guide students beyond traditional concepts, encouraging them to tackle complex, real-world challenges.My goal is to apply strategic management principles to help students achieve superior outcomes for customers, organizations, and stakeholders. This preparation enables them to analyze, adapt, and lead in dynamic environments while considering the broader impact of their decisions. Effective strategic leaders align business objectives with sustainable, value-driven results, and I am committed to cultivating these capabilities in my students.
  • Ph.D., University of South Carolina
  • BBA, Georgia Southern University
BBA, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Strategic Management
  • Strategic Decision Making
Strategic Decision Making
Asiccardi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=11cxGdB8kfYvhwp2kyWTMFVtzPhrA5i77Anthony SiccardiAnthonySiccardiAssistant Professor912-344-2844Science Center 262Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research interests include aquaculture of commercially important fish and shellfish species, aquaculture nutrition, algae production for biofuel and bioproducts, and Algal Turf Scrubber systems. More specifically I am interested in the development of aquatic diets for fish reared in aquaponics systems, the use of algal turf scrubbers to remove nutrients from aquaculture and natural systems, and the development of sustainable aquaculture/aquaponics feeds and production systems. Students in my lab have worked on nutritional, algal turf scrubber and aquaponics projects using sea urchins, striped bass, tilapia, blue gill, and hybrid striped bass.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy emphasizes the idea that learning should be an interactive andcollaborative process. I try to help students feel comfortable and encourage them too actively participate in the classroom as much as possible. I strive to make my classroom one that is learning centered in a tolerant environment. I have always believed that you must set high, but achievable, expectations for students and that it is important to treat students fairly, equitably, and with the respect they deserve. I am also committed to the idea of teaching science through research. I firmly believe that the undergraduate students who get an opportunity for research are far better equipped than their peers for the next stage in their careers.
  • Ph.D. - Nutrition - Texas A&M University
  • M.S. - Mariculture - Texas A&M University
  • M.S. - Environmental Science - New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • B.S. - Marine Biology - Long Island University Southampton
M.S. - Mariculture - Texas A&M UniversityM.S. - Environmental Science - New Jersey Institute of TechnologyB.S. - Marine Biology - Long Island University Southampton
Research Interests
  • Aquaculture
  • Algal Turf Scrubber Systems
  • Aquaponics
  • Nutrition
Algal Turf Scrubber SystemsAquaponicsNutritionSustainable Aquaponics Research Center
wbaird@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kDnveVEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoWilliam BairdWilliamBairdProfessor of Physics912-344-2708SCIC 2014Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsBill Baird is a Professor of Physics in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physics. He received a B.A. in physics from Johns Hopkins University and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of South Carolina.
Teaching Philosophy
I think teaching is the most important function of this university. Conducting publishable research keeps faculty current in their field and is an opportunity to involve undergraduates in the academic process.
  • Ph.D., University of South Carolina
  • B.A., Johns Hopkins University
B.A., Johns Hopkins University
Research Interests
  • Sensors
  • Exploration Of Physics Concepts In Everyday Life
Exploration of physics concepts in everyday life
kstarks@georgiasouthern.eduKatina Starks-ParrishKatinaStarks-ParrishAdministrative Assistant II912-344-2549Ashmore Hall 102Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceKatina A. Starks-Parrish is an alum of Valdosta State University and is an Administrative Assistant II in the Department of Clinical Sciences on the Armstrong campus.
  • M.Ed., Valdosta State University, 2018
  • B.S., DeVry University, 2004
B.S., DeVry University, 2004
jcarroll@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/john-m-carroll-2John CarrollJohnCarrollProfessor912-478-4587BiologyStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyAs a researcher with broad interests in patterns and processes in marine systems, my research program focuses on widely applicable topics including seascape ecology, species interactions, and functional redundancy. My lab incorporates both field and laboratory methods aimed at bridging basic ecological theory and applied research questions in marine ecology. Research in my lab focuses on applying fundamental ecological concepts in a framework to inform management and restoration of marine resources by focusing on key species and interactions in coastal habitats, with a focus on restoration of shellfish populations.
Teaching Philosophy
I use a multi-pronged approach to student learning that combines enthusiasm for the subject and engagement with the materials. I thoughtfully incorporate high quality visual materials and frequently break lectures up with activities and questions designed to promote class discussions, creating an active learning environment. My strategies include “Learning by Teaching” by incorporating student-led discussions and presentations, as well as group work, and “Learning by Doing” by providing experiential opportunities and high impact practices including field trips, laboratory and in-class activities, and research projects that help reinforce lecture concepts and provides practical experiences and critical thinking skills.
  • 2012 Ph.D. in Marine and Atmospheric Science - Stony Brook University 2012
  • 2004 BS in Marine Science - Southampton College of Long Island University
2004 BS in Marine Science - Southampton College of Long Island University
Research Interests
  • Benthic Ecology
  • Shellfish
  • Restoration
  • Coastal Habitats
ShellfishRestorationCoastal HabitatsJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
mgreen@georgiasouthern.eduMikah GreenMikahGreenAdministrative Assistant II912-344-2970Ashmore Hall 107Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceMikah Green is an Administrative Assistant II in the Department of Clinical Sciences
chladik@georgiasouthern.eduChristine HladikChristineHladikAssociate Professor912-478-0338Natural Sciences 2201AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityI am interested in applying geospatial data, including remote sensing, GIS, and GPS, to meet ecological and management goals. My research includes remote sensing of estuarine water quality and tidal wetland habitats. My M.S. thesis focused on using close-range remote sensing to predict chlorophyll concentrations in coastal waters, and my dissertation used LIDAR and hyperspectral imagery to map elevation and plant distributions in salt marshes. My research integrates multi-sensor imagery and field observations to improve the accuracy and interpretability of geospatial data to monitor environmental conditions and predict climate change impacts on coastal areas.
Teaching Philosophy
I teach the foundational concepts of geospatial science while fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I emphasize the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of science, essential for addressing large-scale environmental challenges. Remote sensing and geospatial technologies play a key role in tackling these issues. Through diverse instructional activities and my interdisciplinary research, I guide students in the scientific process, equipping them with the analytical tools to engage with the world, articulate ideas, and make informed conclusions. My goal is to share my passion for science and inspire students to ask questions and seek answers.
  • Bachelor of Science, magna cum laude Creighton University, Department of Environmental Science
  • Master of Science Creighton University, Department of Atmospheric Science
  • Doctor of Philosophy University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences
Master of Science Creighton University, Department of Atmospheric ScienceDoctor of Philosophy University of Georgia, Department of Marine Sciences
Research Interests
  • Remote Sensing Of Wetlands, Estuaries, And Coastal Waters
  • Use Of Remote Sensing To Predict Climate Change Impacts
  • Use Of Multi-Sensor Data In Ecological Monitoring
  • Lidar, Hyperspecteral, Satellite, Aerial Remote Sensing
use of remote sensing to predict climate change impactsuse of multi-sensor data in ecological monitoringLIDAR, hyperspecteral, satellite, aerial remote sensingJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
ptschida@georgiasouthern.eduPaul TschidaPaulTschidaLecturer912-344-2731University Hall - 154PArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyCurrently, I am a Lecturer for the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology. I have a background in athletic training / sports medicine. I enjoy teaching students and watching them learn and apply their insights to the world around them.
Teaching Philosophy
I focus on the three Cs: student centered, ensure competency, and instill confidence.
  • B.S Health Sciences / Athletic Training (University of Central Florida)
  • M.S. Sports Management (The Florida State University)
M.S. Sports Management (The Florida State University)
Research Interests
  • Supporting My Department And The Faculty And Staff Involved In Research Endeavours
agrossmann@georgiasouthern.eduAxel GrossmannAxelGrossmannProfessor of Finance912-478-5512Parker College of Business 3323Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceDr. Axel Grossmann is the Freeman Chair of Free Enterprise and a Professor of Finance at the Parker College of Business. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), where he also completed his MBA. Additionally, he holds a Bachelor of Engineering from the University of Applied Sciences, Germany. His research has been published in several journals, including the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Journal of Corporate Finance, and the Journal of International Money and Finance. He has received multiple awards for his teaching and research and serves as the faculty advisor for the Finance Association and the Southern Investment Association.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on igniting in each of my students a lasting interest in the field of finance while fostering critical thinking. My lectures aim not only to prepare students for successful careers but also to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world applications. To support this goal, I maintain relationships with potential employers and alumni to ensure that the topics covered are relevant to current industry demands and experiences. I employ a blended teaching methodology that combines passive and active learning. Ultimately, the future success of our students is our greatest asset, and my teaching philosophy is tailored to uphold and enhance this asset.
  • Ph.D. (Finance), University of Texas-Pan American
  • MBA, University of Texas-Pan American
  • Bachelor of Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Giessen-Friedberg, Germany
MBA, University of Texas-Pan AmericanBachelor of Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Giessen-Friedberg, Germany
Research Interests
  • International Finance
  • Corporate Finance
  • Investments And Asset Pricing
Corporate FinanceInvestments and Asset Pricing
cpadgett@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=oAV2NCcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdateClifford PadgettCliffordPadgettProfessor of Chemistry912-344-2719Armstrong Science Center Rm. 2005Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Clifford Padgett's research focuses on X-ray crystallography, computational chemistry, and science education. He specializes in the synthesis of novel halogen-bonded complexes, using both computational methods and X-ray crystallography for their characterization. In addition to research, he is dedicated to science education, contributing to journals like The Physics Teacher and developing innovative teaching methods and lab experiments. He has authored numerous publications in journals such as Tetrahedron Letters, Crystal Growth & Design, Sensors, Acta Crystallographic, and the Journal of Coordination Chemistry.
Teaching Philosophy
  • Postdoctoral, North Carolina State University (2003-2006)
  • Postdoctoral, Clemson University (2003)
  • Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Clemson University (2002)
  • M.S., Chemistry, Clemson University (1999)
  • B. S., Chemistry & Physics, Erskine College (1997)
Postdoctoral, Clemson University (2003)Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Clemson University (2002)M.S., Chemistry, Clemson University (1999)B. S., Chemistry & Physics, Erskine College (1997)
Research Interests
  • Computation Chemistry – Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Ab Initio Calculation, Genetic Algorithms In Chemistry, Mathematical Methods In Chemistry
  • Materials – Physical Properties Of Nanomaterials, X-Ray Crystallography, Halogen Bonding
Materials – Physical properties of Nanomaterials, X-ray Crystallography, Halogen Bonding
hworst@georgiasouthern.eduHaley WorstHaleyWorstDr.912-344-2732Armstrong CenterArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Haley Worst has had twenty years of clinical experience in a variety of orthopedic and sports physical therapy settings. She is a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedic Physical Therapy. Dr. Worst is an active member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Academy of Education, APTA Academy of Sports, and the APTA Academy of Orthopedic Physical Therapy. Dr. Worst has served on multiple committees and in leadership positions within the APTA at the state and national levels. She is currently an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, GA and continues regular clinical practice.
Teaching Philosophy
I have been very fortunate to have wonderful teachers and mentors throughout my professional life. I try to take the lessons I have learned from them and apply those examples to the classroom. I attempt to create enthusiasm for the topics I teach in order to impart the same love for physical therapy that I possess to each of my students. My teaching philosophy consists of my desire to create independent critically thinking students, implementing high academic standards to maximize the professional potential of my students, and serving as an example of a clinician who strives for lifelong learning to encourage my students to become physical therapists with a thirst for knowledge.
  • Doctor of Education Degree from University of North Georgia
  • Transitional-Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree from Northeastern University
  • Master of Science Degree in Physical Therapy from University of North Georgia
  • ABPTS Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedics
Transitional-Doctor of Physical Therapy Degree from Northeastern UniversityMaster of Science Degree in Physical Therapy from University of North GeorgiaABPTS Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopedics
Research Interests
  • Injury Prevention
  • Educational Methods
  • Physical Therapy Interventions
  • Dpt Student Mental Health
Educational MethodsPhysical Therapy InterventionsDPT Student Mental Health
ctcowart@georgiasouthern.eduCara CowartCaraCowartAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5216Parker College-3310Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceGSU Alumni, Grad date Dec. 2005
jcromley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/jamie_cromley/Jamie CromleyJamieCromleySenior Lecturer912-478-2291Hendricks Hall 2002Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthMrs. Cromley is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Health Policy and Community Health, JPHCOPH. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Masters of Public Health degree from the University of Georgia. Mrs. Cromley has been teaching for over ten years in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health. Having taught over 10 different undergraduate courses, she is known for her diverse teaching background. Her expertise is in instruction and she has a passion for teaching. Mrs. Cromley is currently the Undergraduate Internship Coordinator for JPHCOPH. Mrs. Cromley serves on a number of committees and boards at Georgia Southern as well as in the community.
Teaching Philosophy
Mrs. Cromley's teaching philosophy centers on fostering an inclusive, student-centered learning environment where critical thinking and collaboration are encouraged. She creates a space where diverse perspectives are valued and students feel supported to engage deeply with the material. By using high impact teaching methods, service learning projects, internships and reflective activities, she connects theory to practice. Mrs. Cromley empowers students to become lifelong learners and leaders by equipping them with the skills to think critically, act ethically, and contribute positively to improve health outcomes in their communities.
  • Masters in Public Health
Research Interests
  • Community Health
  • Nutrition
  • Maternal And Child Health
NutritionMaternal and Child Health
sdechennepeters@georgiasouthern.eduSue Ellen DeChenne-PetersSue EllenDeChenne-PetersAssociate Professor912-344-3086Science Center 1009Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI spent 10 years in molecular biology research before I found my love of teaching college biology. I have been teaching since 1997. I have taught Introductory to graduate courses in biology and science education. I have been conducting science education research since 2006 and that is the focus of my research group now.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that all students can learn. My overarching learning objective is to develop students as line-long learners. I provide a learning environment that encourages the success of all students. I believe that the process of science is best taught by engaging in science.
  • Ph.D. in Science Education Oregon State University
  • M.S. in Genetics and Cell Biology Washington State University
  • B.S. in Microbiology Washington State Univeristy
M.S. in Genetics and Cell Biology Washington State UniversityB.S. in Microbiology Washington State Univeristy
Research Interests
  • Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences
  • College Biology Teaching
  • College Biology Learning
College Biology TeachingCollege Biology Learning
gshah@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=hPFMckwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdateGulzar ShahGulzarShahProfessor and Department Chair912-478-2419209A Hendricks HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Gulzar Shah is the Department Chair and Professor of Health Policy and Community Health at Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Georgia Southern University. With over 25 years of experience in public health practice and academia, Dr. Shah has secured multimillion-dollar extramural grant funding and authored more than 176 peer-reviewed articles and 172 conference presentations. His expertise spans statistics, public health, demography, and sociology. Dr. Shah has led multiple national and international public health initiatives, including research on health disparities and barriers to healthcare access for marginalized populations. He serves as Editor or Associate Editor for several prominent public health journals.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy emphasizes a commitment to inclusive teaching and fostering student success through innovative pedagogical approaches. I believe in creating a student-centered, experiential learning environment that values diversity and interdisciplinary perspectives. By facilitating active participation and critical thinking, I aim to equip students with practical skills in public health research, policy, and practice. My goal is to prepare students as independent thinkers and collaborative professionals, while constantly adapting teaching methods to support their individual learning needs and professional development.
  • Ph.D., Sociology (Demography, Sociology of Health)
  • MSS-Statistics, Anthropology, Sociology
  • MStat, Statistics
  • BSc, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
MSS-Statistics, Anthropology, SociologyMStat, StatisticsBSc, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
Research Interests
  • Public Health Informatics: Advancing The Integration Of Electronic Health Records (Ehrs) And Health Information Exchanges (Hies) To Improve Public Health Data Systems And Informatics Capacity.
  • Hiv Care And Prevention: Investigating Factors Affecting Patient Adherence To Antiretroviral Therapy (Art), Barriers To Hiv Care, And Outcomes, Particularly In Low-Resource Settings.
  • Health Equity And Social Determinants Of Health: Addressing Health Disparities By Examining The Roles Of Local Health Departments In Promoting Equity, Particularly Through Public Health Interventions.
  • Public Health Workforce Development: Studying The Capacity, Training Needs, And Policy Implications For The Governmental Public Health Workforce, Including The Impact Of Accreditation And Performance Metrics.
  • Public Health Systems And Services Research (Phssr): Focusing On The Infrastructure, Workforce, Accreditation, And Financing Of Local And State Health Departments To Optimize Public Health Service Delivery.
HIV Care and Prevention: Investigating factors affecting patient adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), barriers to HIV care, and outcomes, particularly in low-resource settings.Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health: Addressing health disparities by examining the roles of local health departments in promoting equity, particularly through public health interventions.Public Health Workforce Development: Studying the capacity, training needs, and policy implications for the governmental public health workforce, including the impact of accreditation and performance metrics.Public Health Systems and Services Research (PHSSR): Focusing on the infrastructure, workforce, accreditation, and financing of local and state health departments to optimize public health service delivery.
nrickert@georgiasouthern.eduNicolette RickertNicoletteRickertAssistant Professor912-478-7105Brannen Hall 1026Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyNicolette Rickert received her B.A. in Psychology from Willamette University and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Psychology from Portland State University with a concentration in Developmental Science and Education and a minor in Quantitative Statistical Methodology. Her research is focused on how the complex social ecologies of youths’ school and family lives shape the development of their academic engagement and motivation. More specifically, she examines the collective, similar, and differential impacts of parent and teacher involvement, interpersonal relationships, and malleable self-theories on youths’ educational success. Her work also studies methodological strategies for capturing developmental pathways across social contexts.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Rickert’s teaching interests cover lifespan human development, adolescent development, motivation and engagement, research methods and statistics, and advanced topics in developmental science and quantitative statistics. Her teaching style employs mastery grading and fostering a respectful and positive classroom climate with the goal of creating a life-long passion for learning in all students. She enjoys incorporating students’ interests, experience, and feedback to provide relevant, diverse content across learners and strives to overcome barriers to understanding research methods and statistics by making content approachable, applicable, and interesting.
  • Ph.D. Applied Psychology, Portland State University, 2020
  • M.S. Applied Psychology, Portland State University, 2016
  • B.A. Psychology, Willamette University, 2013
M.S. Applied Psychology, Portland State University, 2016B.A. Psychology, Willamette University, 2013
Research Interests
  • Youths' Academic Engagement And Motivation
  • Collective Effects And Complex Social Ecologies
  • Parent And Teacher Warm, Supportive Involvement
  • School Transitions
  • Developmental Science And Education
Collective effects and complex social ecologiesParent and teacher warm, supportive involvementSchool transitionsDevelopmental science and education
erahilly@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZsS73HUAAAAJ&hl=enElizabeth RahillyElizabethRahillyAssistant Professor of Sociology912-344-3527University Hall, #227Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyElizabeth Rahilly is Assistant Professor of Sociology, with a joint appointment in the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program. She completed her Ph.D. in Sociology from U.C. Santa Barbara, and also holds an undergraduate degree in Anthropology from NYU, where her passion for the social sciences was first ignited. Her research and teaching interests concern gender, parenting, LGBT+ studies, political discourse, and qualitative methodology. Her work has been published in many journals, including Gender & Society, Sexuality & Culture, Journal of Family Studies, Discourse & Society, Sociological Inquiry, and LGBTQ+ Family. She also has a book with NYU Press, Trans-Affirmative Parenting: Raising Kids Across the Gender Spectrum.
Teaching Philosophy
Throughout my classes, I seek to spark students' "sociological imagination," where they become aware of the wider social forces that impact everyday lives and experiences. My teaching is reflective, student-centered, respectful of the diversity of students, multimodal, and focused on student learning outcomes. I also aim to advance students' skills in research, writing, and effective communication, with direct application to a wide array of career interests, including law, healthcare, social services, therapy, education, criminal justice, marketing and business, and more.
  • Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • B.A., NYU
M.A., University of California, Santa BarbaraB.A., NYU
Research Interests
  • Gender
  • Parenting
  • Lgbt+ Studies
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Political Discourse
ParentingLGBT+ StudiesQualitative research methodsPolitical discourseCenter for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
elo@georgiasouthern.eduEdward LoEdwardLoAssistant Professor of Geology912-478-4259Herty 1100BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityDr. Lo leads the Sedimentary Environments Analysis Laboratory (SEAL). He conducts fieldwork and lab analyses such as grain size, X-ray fluorescence, sand petrology, and clay mineralogy to understand how wetland and floodplains, particularly in the Global South, record and respond to global environmental change. Research projects strive to include Traditional Ecological Knowledge in a culturally sensitive way, and community engagement in study areas is key. Dr. Lo was raised in Cobb County, GA and speaks Portuguese, Spanish, and Mandarin. He was a McNair Scholar, Fulbright Fellow in Brazil, NSF Graduate Research Fellow, and Southern Regional Education Board Dissertation Fellow. Outside of work, he enjoys roller skating, kayaking, and biking.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Lo teaches with emphasis on place-based education and inclusive pedagogy. His primary learning outcome is for students to understand how the earth sciences are essential to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and apply concepts with ample community collaboration. Students should be able to integrate foundational tools such as Adobe Illustrator into learning about modern sedimentation and stratigraphy. Students should also be able to describe how systems of oppression and individual thinking processes as geoscientists influence varying communities of people. In the field, safety encompasses both physical well-being and identity, so Dr. Lo prioritizes holistic safety while providing rigorous field training.
  • Lyman T. Johnson Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Kentucky
  • Ph.D., Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, 2023
  • Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning, 2022
  • MS, Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, 2017
  • BS, Geology, Louisiana State University, 2013
Ph.D., Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, 2023Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning, 2022MS, Geological Sciences, University of Kentucky, 2017BS, Geology, Louisiana State University, 2013
Research Interests
  • Geochemistry
  • Sedimentary Petrology
  • Quaternary Geology
  • Limnogeology
  • Environmental Justice
Sedimentary petrologyQuaternary geologyLimnogeologyEnvironmental justiceInstitute for Water and Health
mguidone@georgiasouthern.eduMichele GuidoneMicheleGuidoneDr.912-344-3183SC 1005Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyAs a broadly trained ecologist, my research primarily explores how abiotic, biotic, and anthropogenic factors influence species interactions and overall community assemblages. Within this theme, research projects in my lab have largely focused on marine habitats utilizing macroalgae, marsh plants, and/or marine invertebrates as the study organisms. This research has encompassed a range of subjects including eutrophication and resultant macroalgal blooms, invasive species, epibiont fouling of marsh plants, parasite impacts on host behavior, and microplastic pollution.
Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher-scholar, my teaching philosophy centers on fostering curiosity and critical thinking in my students. I believe that biology is not just a collection of facts but a dynamic field that connects life processes to real-world issues. I utilize diverse teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles and aim to increase student engagement through active learning opportunities in lecture and incorporating guided inquiry and course based undergraduate research experiences in lab. By encouraging discussions and teamwork, I help students develop essential communication and problem-solving skills. My goal is to equip students with the knowledge needed to tackle global challenges in health, ecology, and sustainability.
  • B.S. University of Connecticut
  • M.S. Southern Connecticut State University
  • Ph.D. University of Rhode Island
M.S. Southern Connecticut State UniversityPh.D. University of Rhode Island
Research Interests
  • Community Ecology
  • Algae
  • Marsh Plants
  • Trophic Relationships
AlgaeMarsh PlantsTrophic Relationships
rpiltner@georgiasouthern.edu https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/reinhard-e-piltner-2Reinhard PiltnerReinhardPiltnerAssociate Professor912-478-0368MP 3038Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesReinhard E. Piltner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Science at Georgia Southern University. He joined Georgia Southern in 2004.During the academic year 2012/2013 he was a Visiting Professor at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany. Reinhard had research experiences at the following departments: Institute for Mechanics, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany; Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA; Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA; Pattern Recognition Lab, Dept. of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany; Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, USA.
Teaching Philosophy
My primary interest in teaching classes at the university is to help the students learn and to pass on some of the positive learning experiences I had during my own student years. In order to achieve the aim of leading the students to learning successes, it is important to challenge the students’ thinking. It is not enough to just present material to the students in the classroom. In addition to learning the fundamental content of a course, it is important that students get a grasp on a variety of methods to solve problems.
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Engineering) Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Research Interests
  • Computational Science Modeling
  • Finite Element Methods
  • Boundary Element Methods
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Medical Imaging
Finite Element MethodsBoundary Element MethodsComputational MechanicsMedical Imaging
aluna@georgiasouthern.eduAmy LunaAmyLunaDirector, Psychology Clinic912-478-16851002A Psychology ClinicStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Amy Luna earned her Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Oklahoma State University and has been licensed to practice psychology in Georgia for over a decade. She serves as the Director of the Psychology Clinic and enjoys training the next generation of psychologists. Dr. Luna was trained as a generalist and has worked in inpatient and outpatient settings. She most enjoys working alongside older adults and those who experience severe and persistent mental health difficulties, including borderline personality disorder. Dr. Luna has specialized training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy and is proud to be a Star Behavioral Health Provider for military members and their families.
Teaching Philosophy
I do not teach.
  • Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Oklahoma State University
  • B.S. in Psychology, Drury University
B.S. in Psychology, Drury UniversityPsychology Clinic
mvanwilligen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://georgiasouthern.academia.edu/MariekeVanWilligenMarieke Van WilligenMariekeVan WilligenDr.912-478-54261019 CarrollStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. Van Willigen's research focuses on the impact of social inequality on physical and mental health. Most recently she has worked on studying the experiences of college students with varying modes of instruction and pedagogical techniques. She has also worked on differential impacts of natural disasters.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Van Willigen teaches courses in Global Sociology, Social Statistics, and Medical Sociology. She teaches both face-to-face and online courses. All of her courses include a variety of different types of assessment strategies to allow students to express their knowledge in a variety of ways. She also strives to create engaged classroom environments. Her office hours are held both face-to-face and online to provide opportuities for all students to have one-on-one conversation.
  • Ph.D. Sociology The Ohio State University
  • MA Sociology The Ohio State University
  • BA Sociology Ithaca College
MA Sociology The Ohio State UniversityBA Sociology Ithaca College
Research Interests
  • Mental Health
  • Gender
  • Higher Education
  • Lgbtq+ Community
GenderHigher EducationLGBTQ+ community
gdcarroll@georgiasouthern.eduDenise CarrollDeniseCarrollPrincipal Lecturer912-478-5807Bio Sci 1170Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI am a dedicated educator and researcher focused on STEM education strategies, student assessment, and the environmental impacts of human activities on aquatic ecosystems. With over a decade of teaching experience in biology and environmental science, I have contributed to understanding aquatic community dynamics and secured significant educational grants, including NSF funding for STEM teacher preparation. Recently, I’ve focused on enhancing student engagement and fostering belonging in learning environments. I have co-authored posters and presentations on problem-based learning, recruiting future STEM educators, and AI integration in student engagement.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is rooted in a deep passion for learning and the belief that education should empower students to achieve their goals. I focus on active learning techniques, encouraging students to engage in problem-solving, collaboration, and independent thinking. I emphasize practical skills over rote memorization, aiming to equip students with tools for personal growth and future success. My teaching approach includes Team-Based Learning, metacognitive strategies, and Supplemental Instruction to accommodate diverse learning styles. I prioritize building confidence, critical thinking, and lifelong learning, fostering collaborative environments where students support one another.
  • PhPh.D. in Hydrology from the University of Georgia
  • M.S. in Forestry from Mississippi State University
  • B.S. in Biology from Augusta State University (Concentration in Fisheries Science)
M.S. in Forestry from Mississippi State UniversityB.S. in Biology from Augusta State University (Concentration in Fisheries Science)
Research Interests
  • Student Learning Strategies
  • Student Engagement
  • Assessment Of Student Learning
  • Effects Anthropogenic Activities On Aquatic Communities.
Student EngagementAssessment of Student LearningEffects anthropogenic activities on aquatic communities.
jsoo@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jhy-charm-soo-2Jhy-Charm SooJhy-CharmSooAssistant Professor912-478-2292Hendricks Hall 2035Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesI am an assistant professor at Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences, Jiann-Ping Hsu College Public Health (JPHCOPH), Georgia Southern University. Prior to joining the JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, I held an industrial hygienist position in the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). During my research career of over 8 years at NIOSH, I have carried out extensive research on the performance evaluation of particle size-selective sampling, direct-reading instrument for VOCs identification, and barrier performance of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Teaching Philosophy
I always believe students need to build up a solid foundation in the discipline they are pursuing. On the other hand, to keep the students interested and passionate in the environmental health science profession without losing their original enthusiasm during the learning process, I believe adopting the flipped classroom approach, hands-on experience, operation demonstration, field trips, special discussion, and guest speakers to make my course and my teaching more interesting, diverse, and practical.
  • Ph.D. in Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
  • B.S. in Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Chang-Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan
B.S. in Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Chang-Jung Christian University, Tainan, Taiwan
Research Interests
  • Occupational And Environmental Health Science
  • Aerosol And Gas Sampling And Analytical Method Evalution
  • Personal Protective Technology
Aerosol and Gas Sampling and Analytical Method EvalutionPersonal Protective Technology
apeden@georgiasouthern.eduAngie PedenAngiePedenAssociate Director, Center for Public Health Practice and Research and Senior Lecturer912-478-2581Hendricks Hall 1020Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthAngie Peden, MPH, is the Associate Director of the Center for Public Health Practice and Research at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health (JPHCOPH) at Georgia Southern University. Ms. Peden focuses on connecting JPHCOPH with the Georgia public health and rural healthcare practice community and facilitating practice-based research and technical assistance through grants and service contracts. Over the past thirteen years, she has worked with the Center to bring in over 6 million dollars in grant and contract funding. She excels at project and budget management, communications, and internal and external report development.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a public health educator is to create an engaging, thought-provocting, and responsive learning environment. I prioritize connecting students with the local and national public health and rural health practice communities as well seeking out opportunities for students to engage and interact with professionals in these communities.
  • MPH, JPHCOPH, Georgia Southern
  • BS, James Madison University
BS, James Madison University
Research Interests
  • Public Health Practice
  • Rural Health Systems
Rural Health SystemsCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
mkrahman@georgiasouthern.eduMunshi RahmanMunshiRahmanAssistant Professor912-478-6029Herty 2113Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityMy undergraduate and graduate education was in Geography & and Environment. Later I completed another Masters degree in Geography, and lastly I did my Ph.D. in geography at Kent State University. After my Ph.D. graduation I worked several places as a Postdoc and Instructor. Over the years I have taught several of courses both in Geography, Environmental Studies, and the Geospatial Science and Technologies to students from diverse backgrounds.
Teaching Philosophy
I am a broadly trained geographer with a strong educational background and appreciation for all facets of geography, people, and the environment. I believe that combination of my educational background, teaching and research experience, and integration of my research with teaching enables me to make my courses relevant to the diverse student groups. Being able to utilize modern tools and technology such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and Global Positioning System (GPS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for geospatial analysis and Geovisualization of our world help me to presenting geography matters and societal issues in a better way. I love connecting real-world societal problems to my teaching and learning.
  • Ph.D., Geography
  • M.A. and MS in Geography
  • BSc in Geography & Environment
M.A. and MS in GeographyBSc in Geography & Environment
Research Interests
  • I Am Very Interested In Geography Matters That Are Mostly Related To People And Environmental Issues. More Specifically, I Am Interested In Understating The Dynamics Of Human-Environment Interactions And Adaptation To Changing Environments. In My Research I Incorporate Modern Geospatial Technologies Such As Geographic Information System (Gis), Global Positioning System (Gps), Spatial Video, And Remote Sensing To Address Socio-Economic And Environment Related Issues.
James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
kmau@georgiasouthern.eduKari MauKariMauAssociate Professor & Graduate Program Director912-344-2852Ashmore Hall, Rm. 265Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI am a doctorally prepared nurse practitioner, educator, and lifelong learner. I continue to practice clinically at the Chatham County Health Department and teach in both undergradaute and graduate nursing programs. My clinical expertise is women's healthcare.
Teaching Philosophy
I embrace my responsibility to kindle lifelong learning in nursing students. I commit to excellence in teaching, scholarship, clinical practice, and servant leadership. I ascribe to pluralistic foundations rooted in nursing theories and educational philosophies. As a scholar, I embrace and engage in inquiry-based and theory-based research. As a clinician, I approach clinical practice with a constant pursuit of excellence and expect a similar commitment in my students. I serve others through listening, encouraging, collaborating, and building personal relationships with students, other nurses, and other healthcare providers.
  • Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP), Arizona State University, 2008
  • Master's of Nursing, Arizona State University, 2002
  • BSN, Purdue University, 1996
Master's of Nursing, Arizona State University, 2002BSN, Purdue University, 1996
Research Interests
  • Breast Cancer, Stds, Women’S Health Issues, Lgbtq; Nursing Education, New Grad Transition To Practice; Caring In Nursing Education
mel@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa GarnoMelissaGarnoProfessor of Nursing912-478-1781Nursing Building Room 4021Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Garno joined Georgia Southern University in 1998 as a faculty member in the School of Nursing. Dr. Garno earned an EdD in Curriculum Studies from Georgia Southern University in 2003. She assumed the role of BSN Program Director in 2010. From 2012-2014 she also served as a Program Assessment Leader with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness while maintaining her faculty and administrative roles. Dr. Garno's administrative leadership in the School of Nursing turned full-time as Associate Chair from 2018-2020, and direct appointment as Chair from 2020-2024. In 2024 she returned to her calling in a full-time teaching role as Professor in the School of Nursing.
Teaching Philosophy
I approach my role as an educator as one of collaboration and mentoring. My teaching philosophy reflects my fundamental beliefs in humanism. I believe teachers and students are collaborators in educational endeavors, which means I must allow for self-discovery in the educational process. I am responsible for designing experiences geared toward achievement of anticipated outcomes, but I am simultaneously a co-learner with my students regarding what will be discovered along the way.
  • EdD, Curriculum Studies
  • MSN, Mental Health Nursing and Nursing Education
  • BSN
MSN, Mental Health Nursing and Nursing EducationBSN
Research Interests
  • Nursing Education
  • Mental Health Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
jzettler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IHsjBPkAAAAJ&hl=enJennifer ZettlerJenniferZettlerProfessor912-344-2714Science Center, room 1019Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyJennifer Zettler’s interest in teaching biology began when she was an undergraduate student at the University of Florida. There, she had the opportunity to teach a laboratory section for a non-majors Six-Legged Science course and the “bug” to continue teaching persisted. She moved to South Carolina where she was a graduate teaching assistant while pursuing degrees in Entomology (M.S.) and Zoology (Ph. D) from Clemson University. She is now a Professor of Biology at the Armstrong Campus in Savannah where she has been a faculty member since 2002. With her interests in entomology, field biology, ecology and conservation, Dr. Zettler teaches courses with field experiences that allow students to explore Savannah’s diverse coastal ecosystems.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that students should think beyond definitions and formulas and grasp the subject by asking questions. By incorporating hands-on activities and field experiences, students in my courses are encouraged to make firsthand observations which naturally generate inquisitive questions. Enthusiasm is contagious and I strive to ignite a passion for biology through interactive discussions and collective sharing of scientific discovery.
  • Ph.D., Clemson University, 2002
  • M.S., Clemson University, 1996
  • B.S., University of Florida, 1994
M.S., Clemson University, 1996B.S., University of Florida, 1994
Research Interests
  • Using Biological Materials To Create Sustainable Art Media
  • Ecological Effect Of Invasive Insects
  • Millipede-Symbiont Interactions
  • Insect-Symbiont Interactions
Ecological effect of invasive insectsMillipede-symbiont interactionsInsect-symbiont interactionsJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
bethmcgee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NEGtojQAAAAJ&hl=enBeth McGeeBethMcGeeAssociate Professor of Interior Design912-478-0477IAB 3061Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyBeth McGee is an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University in the School of Human Ecology. She has passed the NCIDQ exam and is a LEED AP. Her focus areas in teaching, scholarship and service are through service-learning and biophilic design (nature-inspired). She follows a mission to do good through design by working with stakeholders for optimal outcomes including greater place attachment and restorative environmental design.
Teaching Philosophy
Our lives as designers of the built environment become a tapestry of places, people and events where interior design is a people centered endeavor. This is where we weave together global-minded design decisions with health, safety and welfare. Since the interior is where many of us spend the majority of our lives, we merge the work of interior decorating, product design, graphic design and architecture and so have the unique ability of benefiting or harming people. The built environment becomes part of who we are as a culture and who we are as individuals through lived experiences inside. Design decisions thus need to be based in a fundamental knowledge of business practices and understanding people, place, and the planet.
  • Ph.D. of Philosophy, University of Florida, concentration in Interior Design
  • M.S. in Interior Architecture, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
  • B.F.A in Interior Design, Kendall College of Art and Design
  • A.A. Muskegon Community College
M.S. in Interior Architecture, University of North Carolina-GreensboroB.F.A in Interior Design, Kendall College of Art and DesignA.A. Muskegon Community College
Research Interests
  • Biophilic Design
  • Community-Engaged Design
  • Trauma-Informed Design
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Service-Learning
Community-engaged designTrauma-informed designEnvironmental PsychologyService-learningInstitute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities, Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
tboyer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ty-w-boyer-2Ty BoyerTyBoyerProfessor912-478-5122Brannen Hall, Room 1024Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyTy W. Boyer, Ph.D., is a Professor and Department Chair in the Georgia Southern University Department of Psychology. Dr. Boyer earned a B.S. from Arizona State University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, and then spent time as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the University of Chicago Department of Psychology and as a Research Associate in the Indiana University Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. Dr. Boyer studies cognitive and perceptual development, and, more specifically, how we perceive and represent number, probability, space, and actions, reason and make decisions, and how these processes are attributable to early-emerging biases, learning, and maturation.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy coincides with one of my guiding research themes, namely, cognitive development. Minimally, I hope students leave my classes and research training with a set of concepts that they did not possess prior, which, of course, is a form of development in and of itself. My overarching goal, however, is that what I teach changes how students interact with the world and interpret information they encounter in their daily lives, with particular emphasis on critical thinking, information literacy, and evidence-based decision-making.
  • Postdoctoral Research Associate, Psychological & Brain Sciences and Cognitive Science, Indiana University
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology, University of Chicago
  • Ph.D., Psychology, University of Maryland
  • M.A., Psychology, University of Maryland
  • B.S., Psychology, Arizona State University
Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology, University of ChicagoPh.D., Psychology, University of MarylandM.A., Psychology, University of MarylandB.S., Psychology, Arizona State University
Research Interests
  • Cognitive Developmental Psychology
  • Perceptual Developmental Psychology
  • Numerical And Spatial Cognition
  • Action Perception And Representation
  • Eye-Tracking Research
Perceptual Developmental PsychologyNumerical and Spatial CognitionAction Perception and RepresentationEye-tracking Research
cdrodriguez@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher RodriguezChristopherRodriguezAssistant Professor912-344-3257Ashmore Hall 259Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Rodriguez received his Associate of Arts (AA) and Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from Armstrong State University. He then received his Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) with a concentration as a nurse educator and his Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) from Georgia College & State University. His clinical nursing practice includes Emergency and Forensic specialties. He holds his national board certification as a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN). He is currently teaching in the undergraduate program for the School of Nursing.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching nursing students requires the instructor to engage students in both the classroom and clinical settings. Socratic questioning is an excellent method for students to achieve higher levels of cognitive learning. This allows students to express their knowledge while connecting content with patient care. Using this teaching strategy helps instructors evaluate students' clinical reasoning skills. Another helpful teaching modality is simulation. This modality provides students with real-life applications of knowledge. The use of simulation can be done in the classroom or clinical setting. Combining these strategies engages learning and helps foster active learning practices.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse Educator
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Associate of Arts
Master of Science in Nursing, Nurse EducatorBachelor of Science in NursingAssociate of Arts
Research Interests
  • Lgbtq Population
  • Professionalism / Incivility
Professionalism / Incivility
cposick@georgiasouthern.eduChad PosickChadPosickProfessor912-478-7098Carroll Building 2218Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyChad Posick is a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. He is also co-director of the National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center. His research interests include victimization, biopsychosocial perspectives on behavior, and statistical methodology. He teaches in the areas of victimology, family violence, and statistics. He serves on the board of directors of Child Advocacy Services of Southeastern Georgia.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching approach connects academic work to public policy and practice. Students engage in lively and open debate where all students are encouraged to share their unique views on important criminological topics. My classes are centered on examining rigorous social scientific research, learning practical analytic techniques, and partaking in unique experiences such as classes that take place inside prison.
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology and Justice Policy. Northeastern University, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Master of Science in Science, Technology, and Public Policy Rochester Institute of Technology, Department of Science, Technology, and Public Policy
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Rochester Institute of Technology, Department of Criminal Justice
Master of Science in Science, Technology, and Public Policy Rochester Institute of Technology, Department of Science, Technology, and Public PolicyBachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Rochester Institute of Technology, Department of Criminal Justice
Research Interests
  • Victimization
  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Public Policy
  • Biopsychosocial Perspectives
Quantitative AnalysisPublic PolicyBiopsychosocial Perspectives
ryarbrough@georgiasouthern.eduRobert A. YarbroughRobert A.YarbroughAssociate Professor of Geography912-478-0846Herty 1113BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityDr. Yarbrough's research areas include critical cultural geographies, nature-society geographies, and community geography. He has published research on immigrant residential settlement geographies in the U.S. South, and how racialization has affected these newcomers. More recently, he has examined the emergence and impact of ecotourism in northwest Ecuador and is the co-author with Dr. Mark Welford (University of Northern Iowa) of Human-Environment Interactions: An Introduction. (2021): Palgrave MacMillan. He has co-led study abroad trips to Ecuador and India and is teaching at Georgia Southern's Wexford, Ireland campus during summer 2024 and summer 2025.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Yarbrough has taught courses ranging from large undergraduate general education/core courses (e.g., World Regional Geography) to a graduate level Seminar in Geographic Thought. In all of his courses, Dr. Yarbrough strives to create a welcoming, open, and respectful classroom environment, wherein he encourages student participation through a variety of active learning approaches. He has participated in numerous workshops focused on diverse, equitable, and inclusive teaching practices and is committed to incorporating these pedagogical approaches in his teaching.
  • Ph D Geography, University of Georgia
  • MA Geography, University of Georgia
  • Graduate Certificate Women's Studies, University of Georgia
  • BA History, Roanoke College
MA Geography, University of GeorgiaGraduate Certificate Women's Studies, University of GeorgiaBA History, Roanoke College
Research Interests
  • Critical Cultural Geographies
  • Nature-Society Geographies
  • Community Geography
Nature-Society GeographiesCommunity GeographyCenter for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
jdechantal@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.juliedechantal.comJulie de ChantalJuliede ChantalAssociate Professor of History and Public History Coordinator912-478-4478IAB 3012Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDr. Julie de Chantal is an Associate Professor of History and Public History Coordinator. She teaches African American History. Dr. de Chantal’s research interest include community activism, transnational activism, and Black women’s history, especially in the North.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering an inclusive and engaging learning environment where students are encouraged to think critically and apply their knowledge to real-world challenges. I believe in the power of active learning and strive to create a classroom atmosphere that promotes collaboration, curiosity, and continuous growth.
  • Ph.D. History - University of Massachusetts Amherst - 2016
  • MA History - Université de Montréal - 2008
  • BA History - Université de Montréal - 2005
MA History - Université de Montréal - 2008BA History - Université de Montréal - 2005
Research Interests
  • African American History
  • Women'S History
  • Boston
  • Grassroots Activism
  • Public History
Women's HistoryBostonGrassroots ActivismPublic HistoryCenter for Africana Studies
jkies@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/joshua-kiesJoshua KiesJoshuaKiesRN-BSN Program Director & Assistant Professor912-478-5770521 C.O.E. Drive / Nursing & Chemistry Building / Office 2002H Statesboro, GA 30458Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingJoshua M. Kies is a three-time graduate of Georgia Southern University and is the RN-BSN Program Director and Assistant Professor within the School of Nursing. Dr. Kies teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in the School of Nursing on both the Armstrong and Statesboro campuses and also online.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on promoting individual student success through inclusive learning opportunities, consistent support, and application of knowledge using critical thinking. Active learning and open communication fosters an environment of personal and professional growth, the ability to overcome barriers, and bolster self-confidence.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Georgia Southern University
  • Master of Science in Nursing (FNP), Georgia Southern University
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University
Master's of Science in Nursing (FNP), Georgia Southern UniversityBachelor's of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
  • Infectious Disease Management
  • Public Health
  • Student Success
Public HealthStudent Success
cbrady@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/caitlin-brady-2Caitlin BradyCaitlinBradyAssistant Professor of Criminal Justice & Criminology912-478-8036Carroll 1095Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Caitlin M. Brady is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. She received her Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the University of Central Florida in 2020, her M.A. in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Mary Washington. Her research interests focus on juvenile justice, justice system responses to youth, use of juvenile risk assessment instruments, and mental health among justice-involved individuals. Her research has been accepted for publication in journals such as Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Journal of Criminal Justice, and American Journal of Criminal Justice.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Brady typically teaches undergraduate and graduate classes on juvenile justice, mental health and criminal justice, and criminology. The undergraduate mental health course has been designated a high impact practices (HIPs) class at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Brady's teaching philosophy focuses on student success and creating an engaging/supportive environment. Students are encouraged to critically consider, discuss, and apply course content.
  • Ph.D., University of Central Florida, 2020
  • M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2015
  • B.S., University of Mary Washington, 2012
M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 2015B.S., University of Mary Washington, 2012
Research Interests
  • Juvenile Justice
  • Justice System Responses To Youth
  • Use Of Juvenile Risk Assessments
  • Mental Health Among Justice-Involved Youth
Justice System Responses to YouthUse of Juvenile Risk AssessmentsMental Health Among Justice-Involved YouthNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
sguggino@georgiasouthern.eduSteve GugginoSteveGugginoAssociate Professor of GeologyHerty Room 1104BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityI'm originally from Tampa, FL, where I earned my BS and MS geology degrees from the University of South Florida (2001, 2004). I moved to Arizona where I worked for an environmental consulting firm for about a year. My heart was in academia, so in 2005 I quit consulting and began teaching geology courses at the community colleges within the Phoenix area. In 2006, I enrolled at Arizona State University and earned my Ph.D. in geology in 2012. I continued to teach at the Phoenix-area community colleges until 2015, when I moved to Statesboro to teach geoscience courses at Georgia Southern. Overall, I have been teaching geology for nearly 20 years. My expertise is in stable-isotope geochemistry, invertebrate paleontology, and igneous petrology.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in offering students a comprehensive, rigorous, well-rounded, and well-structured learning experience facilitated by an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and well-organized professor. My job as an instructor is never static as I work to assist students achieve their goals. I am continuously reevaluating my instruction to make any necessary improvements to my curricula. I am a student of my own craft, and I constantly endeavor to discover and learn new methods, products, and strategies that enhance the learning experiences successes of my students.
  • Ph.D. Geology: Arizona State University (2012)
  • MS Geology: University of South Florida (2004)
  • BS Geology: University of South Florida (2001)
MS Geology: University of South Florida (2004)BS Geology: University of South Florida (2001)
Research Interests
  • Stable Isotope Geochemistry Of Marine Invertebrate Fossils
  • Geochemistry Of Mantle And Volcanic Rocks
Geochemistry of mantle and volcanic rocks
aharvey@georgiasouthern.eduAlan HarveyAlanHarveyProfessor912-532-5784BSCI 2262Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI have taught in the Department of Biology at the Statesboro campus for 26 years. I've taught over 20 different classes at Georgia Southern, with subjects ranging from field-based ecology to computer programs for graduate students.My research interests span ecology, evolution, and behavior. I have studied a broad range of organisms ranging from paramecium to duckweed to hermit crabs. I have a special weakness for oddball organisms like lichens and peculiar behaviors like wheel locomotion.Outside of work I enjoy nature and the outdoors, ceramics and photography, and cooking. I often explore the interface between art and science; e.g., I have produced a number of short, biology-themed films, and I make paper from invasive plants.
Teaching Philosophy
The most consistent aspect of my teaching philosophy, whether in lecture, lab, or studio courses, is that the most effective way for students to master a subject is through hands-on experiences. In addition, if at all possible I try to increase the relevance of the information they learn by including a real world component, an opportunity to make a contribution that will persist long after the class itself has ended.
  • Bachelor of Science; Stanford University, Stanford, California (1981)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology); University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1988)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology); University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1988)
Research Interests
  • Ecology And Biogeography Of Invasive Species
  • Potential, And Limitations, Of Citizen Science As A Research Tool
  • Intersection Of Science And Art
  • Ecology And Behavior Of Larval Tiger Beetles
Potential, and limitations, of citizen science as a research toolIntersection of science and artEcology and behavior of larval tiger beetlesJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
jmlewis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=H43IX60AAAAJJohanne LewisJohanneLewisAssociate Professor Comparative Animal Physiology912-478-5480Biological Sciences 2238Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyAs comparative animal physiologist, Dr. Lewis’s research uses research uses an integrative approach to study how various mechanisms and adaptations allow animals to cope with environmental challenges such as fluctuations in temperature, oxygen, and salinity.
Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher-scholar my goal is to foster a creative, engaging, and inclusive learning environment. I strive to design and teach courses deliver content in unique ways that not only provide students with a solid foundation in physiological concepts but also facilitate the development of skills that are transferable to their future academic and non-academic careers. I regularly teach Physiology (BIOL 3131), Comparative Animal Physiology (BIOL 5230), Physiological Ecology (BIOL 5237), and Endocrinology (BIOL 5247) as well as mentor students in independent research experiences.
  • Ph.D., Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2008
  • M.Sc., Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2002
  • B.Sc., University of Guelph, 1999
M.Sc., Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2002B.Sc., University of Guelph, 1999
Research Interests
  • Comparative Physiology
  • Environmental Stress
  • Bioenergetics
  • Cardiorespiratory Physiology
Environmental StressBioenergeticsCardiorespiratory Physiology
astokolos@georgiasouthern.eduAlex StokolosAlexStokolosProfessor912-478-5298MP 3326Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesAlex Stokolos grew up in Odessa Ukraine. Majoring in mathematics and math education, he received his undergraduate degree at Odessa Mechnikov National University (OMNU). He received a Candidate of Science in Mathematics degree from Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. He received his Doctor Habilitated dergee from the University of Worclaw. After a two year postdoctoral fellowship at University of Connecticut and 6 years at DePaul University, he joined Georgia Southern in the fall of 2009. Currently he is a Full Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences GSU.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Stokolos has a diverse portfolio of courses taught in several schools globwise, including Odessa Mechnikov National University (Ukraine), University of Wroclaw (Poland), Lousiana State University, University of Connecticut, DePaul University
  • Odessa Mechnikov National University, Odessa, Ukraine. Diploma in Mathematics and Math Education, 1982.
  • Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia. Candidate of Science in Mathematics, 1984.
  • University of Worclaw, Wroclaw, Poland. Doctor Habilitated, 1998.
Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia. Candidate of Science in Mathematics, 1984.University of Worclaw, Wroclaw, Poland. Doctor Habilitated, 1998.
Research Interests
  • Harmonic Analysis
  • Approximation Theory
  • Dynamical Systems
Approximation TheoryDynamical Systems
coverholser@georgiasouthern.eduCandice OverholserCandiceOverholserAssistant Professor of Nursing912-344-3381AH 243Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingCandice Overholser is an alum of University of West Georgia and is an Assistant Professor of Nursing in the Waters College of Health Professions. Dr. Overholser teaches in the School of Nursing on the Armstrong campus.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on student success and creation of a learning environment to develop the skills required for life-long learning. Nursing is a profession of continuing education with opportunities to work in multiple environments with varying specialties. I believe active classroom learning supports student success and life-long learning by challenging students to use clinical judgment and critical thinking to address real-world issues in a safe environment.
  • BSN, College of Coastal Georgia
  • MSN, Georgia Southwestern State University
  • Ed.D., University of West Georgia
MSN, Georgia Southwestern State UniversityEd.D., University of West Georgia
Research Interests
  • Nursing Education
cndaluka@georgiasouthern.eduChristina NdalukaChristinaNdalukaSenior Lecturer912-478-3351Natural ScienceStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI am a Senior Lecturer for the Department of Biology. I teach the Foundations of Microbiology which is a service course for Pre-Health students. My class is required for the Nursing program, so I have a lot of motivated students.
Teaching Philosophy
I consider myself a lifelong learner. I also understand that everyone learns differently, so when you combine the two you end up with a flexible teacher who meets students where they need to be met. I then take them with me when we go deeper into the material.
  • Ph.D. in Microbiology from the Colorado State University
Research Interests
  • Zoonotic Diseases
mhubbard@georgiasouthern.eduMandy HubbardMandyHubbardAssistant Professor912-559-2710ArmstrongArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingMandy graduated from Georgia Southern University in 2004 with a BSN degree and then in 2008 she received her MSN as a Family Nurse Practitioner and begun working as a nurse practitioner. She began caring for those with mental health disorders in 2016 and then furthered her education in 2018 by becoming dual certified as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and then completed her education with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2020. Mandy started in academia in 2020 as a lecturer of nursing and then an assistant professor starting in 2021. She teaches in the graduate and undergraduate level courses in mental health, pediatrics, and the APRN courses.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of teaching is to create an open environment for learning. One of my goals is to provide a learning environment that allows students to explore their own strengths and weaknesses in ways that are comfortable to them and that will enhance their learning. The best way to accomplish these goals is to provide learning environments that are conducive to different types of students. I believe that learner-oriented teaching promotes learning that is both purposeful and enduring. By conducting learning that accommodates every student, I can create learning goals that helps build connections between what the student already knows and the new understandings they seek to learn.
  • DNP
  • MSN
  • BSN
Research Interests
    • Mental Health
sgreiman@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=c37xhpYAAAAJ&hl=enStephen GreimanStephenGreimanAssociate Professor912-478-1251Bioscience RM3362Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyResearch in my lab is focused on global parasite diversity, with a focus on parasitic flatworms. My lab employs a variety of techniques and methods for answering research related questions, including: classical parasitological techniques (field collecting, proper fixation, staining, slide mounting, and light microscopy); electron and confocal microscopy; real-time PCR; sanger single gene sequencing; next generation metagenomic and whole genome sequencing.
Teaching Philosophy
I employ both traditional and modern teaching techniques to increase overall retention of the material. My courses include real-world examples and hands on research experience.
  • Ph.D. In Biology, University Of North Dakota
  • Previous NSF Postdoctoral Fellow At University Of New Mexico
Previous NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at University of New Mexico
Research Interests
    • Parasitology
    • Evolutionary Biology
    • Systematics
    • Taxonomy
Evolutionary BiologySystematicsTaxonomy
restevez@georgiasouthern.eduRebekah "Bekah" EstevezRebekah "Bekah"EstevezAssistant Professor912-478-7929Brannen HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyBekah (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in the PsyD, Clinical Psychology program. She completed her master’s in Professional Counseling (2016) and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology (2022) from the University of Georgia. Bekah’s teaching interests include multicultural psychology, psychotherapy skills, advocacy, and helping students learn the art and science of psychotherapy grounded in strengths-based, culturally-responsive approaches. In clinical, advocacy, and research pursuits, she works to use her privilege as a white queer cisgender woman to explore the lived experiences of risk and resilience of those living at the intersections of oppressive systems.
Teaching Philosophy
Within and outside of the classroom, Bekah's goal as an instructor is to develop critical scholars who have the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to engage in culturally responsive psychology that makes a difference. Through active, applied, and process-oriented strategies, she endeavors to help students construct a critical and self-reflective framework that can be applied to all areas of professional psychology. She uses three pedagogical foci in her instruction: (1) cultivate community through collaboration, (2) emphasize the value of social justice and a liberatory stance, and (3) foreground the application of knowledge to the science and practice of psychology.
  • Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University Of Georgia, 2022
  • MED, Professional Mental Health Counseling, University Of Georgia, 2016
  • BS, Psychology, Berry College, 2014
MEd, Professional Mental Health Counseling, University of Georgia, 2016BS, Psychology, Berry College, 2014
Research Interests
    • Health Inequities In Lgbtqia+ Communities
    • Resilience In Response To Chronic, Systemic Stress
Resilience in response to chronic, systemic stress
esnyder@georgiasouthern.eduElizabeth SnyderElizabeth SnyderAssociate Professor, Interim Associate Chair912-344-2815Armstrong Hall 258-Armstrong Campus; NURS/CHEM 3024 StatesboroArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingElizabeth Snyder, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC is an Associate Professor and the Interim Associate Chair in the School of Nursing. Dr. Snyder has 30 years of clinical nursing experience with 26 years as a Family Nurse Practitioner. She has worked in family practice, internal medicine, emergency medicine, retail health, home based primary care, and currently part-time performing Hospice care recertification visits. She has been an educator full-time since 2014.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Snyder is passionate about ensuring student-centered learning is at the heart of all classes she teaches. As an advanced practice provider she also feels teaching evidence-based practice principles is key for new nurses and nurse practitioners.
  • Doctor Of Nursing Practice (DNP)- University Of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • Master Of Science (Family Nurse Practitioner), Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
  • Bachelor Of Science In Nursing, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
  • Bachelor Of Science (Psychology/Business Management), East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
Master of Science (Family Nurse Practitioner), Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina Bachelor of Science in Nursing, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TennesseeBachelor of Science (Psychology/Business management), East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
Research Interests
    • Integration Of Telehealth Into Nursing Education
    • Palliative And Hospice Care
    • Incivility And Bullying Issues In Nursing And Higher Education
Palliative and Hospice Care Incivility and bullying issues in nursing and higher education
lamcgrath@georgiasouthern.eduAllison McGrathAllisonMcGrathNursing Instructor912-344-2534Ashmore 260Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingAllison McGrath is a graduate from Georgia Southern University and serves as a Nursing Instructor on the Armstrong Campus. She teaching in the undergraduate BSN program, providing both didactic and clinical instruction. Allison has been a nurse for over 20 years. During this time, she has served in a variety of nursing rolls, including staff nurse, supervisor, educator, and unit manager. Teaching at GSU allows her to use her experience and knowledge as a nurse while teaching our students of tomorrow. Her goal is to develop each students' skills and make them the best nurses they can be.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe each student is unique. Their backgrounds are unique. Their needs are unique. How they learn may require a variety of different options. That means teaching requires a variety of teaching/learning methods for the students. I like to incorporate other means of learning, beyond lecture, into class. Group work, gaming, and oral presentations are a few things I use. My teaching philosophy encourages open discussion and engagement among students. I want them to think and understand the "why" behind what they are learning. It is my job as an educator to support my students allowing for the best learning opportunities available.
  • DNP, Georgia College And State University, In Progress
  • MSN-Ed, Western Governors University, 2022
  • BSN, Georgia Southern University, 2002
MSN-Ed, Western Governors University, 2022BSN, Georgia Southern University, 2002
Research Interests
    • Mental Health Care Among Military Spouses
mspencer@georgiasouthern.eduM. Dylan SpencerM. DylanSpencerAssistant Professor912-478-0328Carroll Building, Office 1093Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Dylan Spencer specializes in criminology with a focus on conservation-related crime. He utilizes spatial and quantitative methods to understand and address issues in this field, emphasizing prevention rather than explanation. Through interdisciplinary research, he seeks to connect criminology with conservation science, providing insights into the relationship between human behavior and environmental damage.
  • Ph.D., University Of South Carolina, 2022
  • M.A., Radford University, 2018
  • B.S., Virginia Tech, 2014
M.A., Radford University, 2018B.S., Virginia Tech, 2014
Research Interests
    • Conservation Criminology
    • Spatial Analysis
    • Crime Prevention
    • Policing
Spatial analysisCrime preventionPolicing
mecawilliams@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/meca-williams-johnson/Meca Williams-JohnsonMecaWilliams-JohnsonAssociate Dean and Professor of Educational Research 912-478-53251100-B College of Education Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDr. Meca Williams-Johnson holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology and is the Associate Dean in the College of Education at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. Her research interest includes exploring race and emotions and their influence on teaching and learning. Additionally, Dr. Williams-Johnson investigates undergraduate research experience, efficacy beliefs, parental involvement, African American homeschooling, and rural educational opportunities. Through planning, conducting, and publishing several research studies, Dr. Williams-Johnson has contributed to the larger body of knowledge and reported recommendations for high-quality educational experiences possible for all students.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching approach emphasizes the transformative potential of education. I challenge students to not only understand theoretical concepts but also consider their practical implications for creating equitable educational environments. By linking theory with practice, I hope to inspire students to become advocates for change in their communities.
  • Ph.D., University Of Georgia, 2006. Major: Educational Psychology Supporting Areas Of Emphasis: Applied Cognition And Development Dissertation Title: Choosing The Alternative: The Psychosocial Factors That Influence African American Parents To Choose Homeschooling.
  • MS, Florida State University, 1998. Major: Secondary Education Supporting Areas Of Emphasis: Social Sciences
  • BS, Southern University And A & M College, 1997. Major: Secondary Ed. In Social Sciences
  • Qualitative Research Certificate, University Of Georgia, May 2006
MS, Florida State University, 1998. Major: Secondary Education Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Social SciencesBS, Southern University and A & M College, 1997. Major: Secondary Ed. in Social Sciences Qualitative Research Certificate, University of Georgia, May 2006
Research Interests
    • Race And Emotion In Education
    • Parental Involvement
    • Efficacy Beliefs
    • Rural Educational Opportunities
Parental Involvement Efficacy Beliefs Rural Educational Opportunities Center for Africana Studies
mcawthor@georgiasouthern.eduMichelle CawthornMichelle CawthornAssociate Professor912-478-5758Biological SciencesStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyBorn in Texas, I grew up in Hampton Roads Virginia. After attending ODU for undergraduate and MS degrees, I earned a Ph.D. at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, did a postdoc at Indiana University, worked as a lecturer at Ball State University in Indiana, and finally began a job at Georgia Southern.
Teaching Philosophy
All students can learn. It is up to us as instructors to provide the opportunities for learning through active-learning and engagement. To engage students, I use case-studies, real-world examples, data analysis, reading and analysis of primary (or secondary, depending on the level) literature, and lab (or lab-like) activities during class. I use all of these tools no matter the size of the class. In large classes (+ 180), I also use personal response systems as a way of providing both engagement and formative assessment. I treat students with respect and understanding, and foster a sense of inclusion in classes by interacting with as many different individuals as possible, and use group work to promote collaboration among students.
  • BS Old Dominion University 1981
  • MS Old Dominion University 1984
  • Ph.D. Bowling Green State University 1989
  • Post-Doc Indiana University 1990-1992
MS Old Dominion University 1984Ph.D. Bowling Green State University 1989Post-doc Indiana University 1990-1992
Research Interests
    • Ecology And Behavior Of Small Mammals
    • Learning How Different Pedagogies Impact Learning
learning how different pedagogies impact learningJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
tmaurer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/trent_maurer/Trent MaurerTrentMaurerProfessor of Human Development and Family Science912-478-1522Interdisciplinary Academic Building, Room 3079Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Trent W. Maurer is a Professor of Human Development and Family Science [HDFS] in the School of Human Ecology at Georgia Southern University. He teaches undergraduate HDFS courses at the Statesboro campus and online. For decades, Dr. Maurer has taught multiple introductory-level courses, and he finds it incredibly rewarding to work with students at the “ground level” of the discipline, igniting their spark of interest in the field and helping them establish a solid foundation upon which future learning can be built. Dr. Maurer’s research concerns the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning [SoTL]. His focus aligns with ISSOTL Grand Challenge #5 to improve the practice, use, and growth of SoTL, and efforts to enlarge the field of inquiry.
Teaching Philosophy
My Teaching Philosophy can be found on my University Webpage: https://sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/tmaurer/
  • Ph.D., University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign
  • M.S., University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign
  • B.A., University Of Notre Dame
M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignB.A., University of Notre Dame
Research Interests
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning [Sotl]
    • Issotl Grand Challenge #5
    • Undergraduate Research
ISSOTL Grand Challenge #5Undergraduate Research
rshaddad@georgiasouthern.eduRita HaddadRitaHaddadExecutive Assistant to the Dean912-478-0958Parker College Dean Office 2254Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDean OfficeRita Haddad holds an MBA from the American University of London and currently serves as the Executive Assistant to the Dean at the Parker College of Business. With over 10 years of experience in executive support, she excels in organization, communication, and strategic planning. Previously, Rita was the Marketing Manager for a Mercedes-Benz dealership in Jordan, where she developed impactful marketing strategies and enhanced brand visibility. Her diverse background combines a strong understanding of business operations with a passion for the automotive industry.
Teaching Philosophy
  • Mba - Management Information Systems And Marketing
  • Ba In Management Information Systems
BA in Management Information Systems
Research Interests
makcaoglu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/mete-akcaoglu-2Mete AkcaogluMeteAkcaogluProfessor912-478-0003COE 3131Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentI am a professor in the Instructional Technology program at Georgia Southern University, Leadership, Technology, and Human Development department. My research is focused on the design and evaluation of technology-rich and innovative learning environments for developing critical thinking skills in K-12 children. I am particularly interested in using game-design activities as a means of scaffolding students’ problem-solving skills and STEM interests.
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator, I always strive to get my students to reach mastery of the learning outcomes, while creating a comfortable and flexible learning environment. My experiences designing and delivering learning experiences in diverse contexts has allowed me to understand the commonalities, differences, and intricacies regarding instructional design and delivery.
  • Ph.D., Michigan State University
  • M.A., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkiye
  • B.A., Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkiye
M.A., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TurkiyeB.A., Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkiye
Research Interests
    • Game-Design
    • Problem-Solving
    • Online Learning
    • Motivation Theories
    • Instructional Design
problem-solvingonline learningmotivation theoriesinstructional design
askipper@georgiasouthern.eduAlan SkipperAlanSkipperAssociate Professor 912-478-0389School of Nursing Room 3025Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI attended the College of Coastal Georgia graduating in 2005 obtaining my Associate of Science Degree in Nursing. I then decided to further my education attending Georgia Southern University receiving my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in 2008, and Master’s Degree in Nursing from Valdosta State University in 2012. Then, I went on to complete my Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree from the University of Alabama. I am a Georgia Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Family Nurse Practitioner, and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I have worked as Nurse Practitioner in the areas of Oncology, Primary Care, Mental Health, and Aesthetics.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as an educator is to work collaboratively with students in a mentor role as opposed to a traditional role of seeing a "teacher" as someone in an authoritative role. I like to work with students to empower them to use prior knowledge combined with new knowledge to create a synergistic phenomenon to create new ideas and build new concepts related to their expertise areas.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (Aprn)
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN)Family Nurse Practitioner Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
Research Interests
    • Chronic Care Management
    • Lgbtq Health
    • Aging Adults
LGBTQ Health Aging Adults
xfwang@georgiasouthern.eduXinfang WangXinfangWangProfessor912-478-0523PCOB 3317Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems and AnalyticsXinfang Wang is a Professor of Business Analytics at the Georgia Southern University Parker College of Business. She received her Ph.D. in Management Science from University of Cincinnati. Her scholarship focuses on the application of optimization modeling to product design and humanitarian logistics. She has published in journals such as Management Science, Decision Support Systems, Transportation Research Part B & Part E, OMEGA, and International Journal of Production Economics.
Teaching Philosophy
She has taught Business Analytics Foundation I & II (undergraduate core); Predictive Analytics (major required); Advanced Analytics (major elective); and Managerial Decision Analysis (graduate).
  • Ph.D., University Of Cincinnati, 2007
  • B.E., Shanghai University, 1999
B.E., Shanghai University, 1999
Research Interests
    • Optimization Modeling
lbsoares@georgiasouthern.eduLina SoaresLinaSoaresProfessor of Middle Grades and Secondary912-478-7644University Hall -265Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationI am a Professor in the Department of Middle and Secondary Education at Georgia Southern University. As a function of the department, I predominantly teach graduate classes, and I chair and serve on education specialist and doctoral committees. Additionally, I am a specialist in gifted education. I have conducted numerous research presentations from international to state settings, focusing on effective pedagogical practices for content area teachers, adolescent literacy including critical literacy, and teacher leadership.
Teaching Philosophy
I find that a philosophy of teaching is a necessary antecedent to learning. Learning is acquired through collaboration - collaboration between students and between students and the teacher. Put another way, I support the theory that learning is not viewed as an isolated skill, but rather, learning involves discussion and student collaboration in meaning-making activities. Simply stated, I teach to engage students in active learning that is relevant to their own lives. In addition, my teaching philosophy emphasizes inclusion because I believe the recognition and affirmation of diversity is one fundamental way we, as educators, can promote democracy and understanding in the minds and actions of the students we teach.
  • Ph.D., University Of North Carolina Charlotte, 2009
  • Ms, National University, 1993
  • Ba, University Of North Carolina Greensboro, 1974
MS, National University, 1993BA, University of North Carolina Greensboro, 1974
Research Interests
    • Critical Literacy
    • Content-Area Reading
    • Gifted Education
    • Effective Online Pedagogy
Content-Area ReadingGifted EducationEffective Online Pedagogy
ecain@georgiasouthern.eduElise CainEliseCainAssociate Professor912-478-5341COE 3124Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentElise J. Cain, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at Georgia Southern University. She is also the Program Director of the Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership. The themes of student-centeredness, theory-to-practice, and diversity and social justice serve as guiding principles in her work. Dr. Cain’s research focuses on college students from rural areas, place-based identities, and historically underrepresented populations in STEM fields. She has several scholarly publications, presentations, and funded grant projects related to these topics.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching and learning have been (and always will be) cornerstones of my professional career. I aim to stimulate students ' intellectual curiosity about education and themselves through multiple pedagogical approaches, continual professional development, frequent evaluation, one-on-one interactions, and program coordination. Beyond simply absorbing concepts, I emphasize the application of knowledge within a holistic perspective of students. It is my hope as a faculty member that my actions not only assist the students in my classes but create a ripple effect of positive social change within education for the future.
  • Ph.D., Binghamton University
  • M.S.Ed., St. Bonaventure University
  • B.S., St. Bonaventure University
M.S.Ed., St. Bonaventure UniversityB.S., St. Bonaventure University
Research Interests
    • College Students From Rural Areas
    • Place-Based Identity
    • Historically Underrepresented Populations In Stem Fields
Place-Based IdentityHistorically Underrepresented Populations in STEM Fields
tsellars@georgiasouthern.eduTonya R SellarsTonya RSellarsABSN Program Director/Senior Lecturer912-344-2622Ashmore 264Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI attended Georgia Southern College Graduating in 1988 with my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I then decided to further my education and obtain a graduate degree attending Georgia Southern University where I received my Masters Degree in Nursing focusing on Adult Health in 1996. After coming to Armstrong State University as an undergraduate instructor I returned to earn my Doctorate and Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner graduating in 2018 from Augusta University. I am a Georgia Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with an Adult Gerontology-Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Certification from the American Nurses Credentialing Center. I have worked primarily in adult health medical surgical and critical care.
Teaching Philosophy
I incorporate a Holistic approach toward my students. A student's ability to focus and learn is affected by many factors including social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development. Remaining student-centered helps me focus on the best approach for my students to learn.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice
  • Ancc Certified Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
  • Master Of Nursing - Focus On Adult Health
  • Bachelor Of Science In Nursing
ANCC certified Adult Gerontology Nurse PractitionerMaster of Nursing - focus on Adult HealthBachelor of Science in Nursing
Research Interests
    • Gerontology
    • Chronic Illness
    • Adult Health
Chronic Illness Adult Health
MLowrimore@georgiasouthern.eduMadelyn LowrimoreMadelynLowrimoreLecturer912-478-5056Statesboro Campus-Nursing Chemistry Building 3008Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingMadelyn Lowrimore is an alumna of Armstrong Atlantic State University and Western Governors University. Mrs. Lowrimore is a lecturer within the School of Nursing and teaches undergraduate courses on both the Armstrong and Statesboro campuses.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in constructivism, where I view learning as an active, student-centered process. I believe students build knowledge through experience, collaboration, and reflection. My role is to guide and facilitate by creating an environment that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and the application of nursing concepts to real-world situations. By promoting inquiry and discussion, I help students connect new information to their existing knowledge, fostering deeper understanding. Ultimately, I aim to empower students to take ownership of their learning, preparing them to be lifelong learners and skilled nurses.
  • MSN-Ed, Western Governors University, 2022
  • BSN, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2012
BSN, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2012
Research Interests
    • Nursing Education
    • Interprofessional Collaboration
    • Curriculum Design & Development
    • Simulation
    • Innovative Technology
Interprofessional CollaborationCurriculum Design & DevelopmentSimulationInnovative Technology
bserianni@georgiasouthern.eduBarbara SerianniBarbaraSerianniAssociate Professor912-344-2635University Hall 260Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationBarbara Serianni is an alum of the University of Central Florida and is an Associate Professor of Special Education in the Department of Elementary and Special Education. Dr. Serianni teaches graduate courses and supervises in the department’s full online master’s degree programs.
Teaching Philosophy
As a special education professor dedicated to training future educators, my teaching philosophy emphasizes the importance of understanding learner variability and fostering an inclusive environment where all students can thrive. I am committed to equipping my candidates with best practices grounded in current research and evidence-based strategies that they can apply in their P-12 classrooms. By encouraging critical thinking and reflective questioning, I empower future teachers to navigate the complexities of special education.
  • Ph.D., University Of Central Florida
  • M.A., University Of Central Florida
  • B.B.A., Florida Atlantic University
M.A., University of Central FloridaB.B.A., Florida Atlantic University
Research Interests
    • Students With Disabilities In Stem
    • Online Teacher Preparation
    • Ai And Instructional Technology
Online teacher preparationAI and Instructional technology
klancaster@georgiasouthern.eduKristina LancasterKristinaLancasterRecruitment and Engagement Coordinator912-478-5884Armstrong Campus: Ashmore Hall 237 Statesboro Campus: Nursing/Chemistry Building 1004Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingKristina completed her bachelor's degree in Sport and Leisure Management at ETSU and master's degree in Kinesiology with a specialization in Sport Psychology and Motor Behavior at UT-Knoxville. After working previously in athletics at other institutions, she started as an academic advisor on the Armstrong campus in 2016 for secondary admit programs. In 2021, she switched over to working in the Office of Career and Professional Development for all colleges and departments on the Armstrong Campus as a Career and Internship Advisor. Kristina is now the Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator in the School of Nursing to recruit students into the Nursing program as well as assist in connecting them to employment opportunities upon graduation.
Teaching Philosophy
I enjoy working with students to assist them in reaching their academic and career goals. I believe that higher education is a place to prepare each student for employment upon graduation and work to create an environment where students can feel comfortable in asking for help to reach their career goals.
  • Master of Science In Kinesiology, Concentration In Sport Psychology And Motor Behavior
Research Interests
    • Academic And Career Development
areyes@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/alexandra-j-reyes-2Alexandra J. ReyesAlexandra J.ReyesAssociate Professor912-478-5092College of Education, 4109Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Alex Reyes is an associate professor at the College of Education at Georgia Southern University and serves as the ESOL endorsement coordinator. Dr. Reyes prepares pre-service and in-service teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students, and to integrate arts and literature across the curriculum to increase equity and access. She draws on her diverse experiences working in P-12 education, non-profit organizations, and higher education (in Connecticut, Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia) to direct her service and scholarly interests.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Reyes' teaching, research, and service interests focus on the intersections of language, culture, and identity, and how they inform learning experiences for bi/multilingual and other marginalized communities in informal and formal settings. Dr. Reyes is also interested in study abroad experiences, as well as arts integration pedagogies and methodologies, particularly as means to lowering barriers for students from linguistically and culturally marginalized backgrounds.
  • Ph.D., University Of North Carolina At Chapel Hill, 2018
  • M.Ed., Northern Arizona University, 2009
  • B.S., Southern Connecticut State University, 2003
M.Ed., Northern Arizona University, 2009B.S., Southern Connecticut State University, 2003
Research Interests
    • Multilingual Learners
    • Language And Culture
    • Esl/Esol/Tesol
    • Teacher Education
    • Arts Integrated Pedagogies
language and cultureESL/ESOL/TESOLteacher educationarts integrated pedagogiesCenter for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
adean@georgiasouthern.eduAdam DeanAdam DeanLecturer912-478-0327Carroll, 1089Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyMr. Dean holds a Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Lamar University. He also holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of West Georgia. He completed his undergraduate degree at Dalton State College, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. Mr. Dean has spent his career in the field of Juvenile Justice. He worked for the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice where he served as a Juvenile Probation/Parole Specialist II & III. He supervised the High Intensity Supervision program in Whitfield & Murray Counties. Mr. Dean also worked for the Georgia Division of Family & Children’s Services (DFCS) where he spent much of his career in Child Protective Services and supervision.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded around the principles of servant leadership, adaptability, student-centered teaching, dynamic classroom engagement, creating a safe and inclusive classroom environment, and learning from diverse populations. Effective teaching requires a deep commitment to supporting students in their learning journey, while also fostering an environment that encourages collaboration, critical thinking, and growth. By embodying these principles in my teaching practice, I strive to empower students to take ownership of their learning, develop their skills and knowledge, and become engaged and active members of their communities.
  • M.S., Criminal Justice
  • M.P.A
  • B.S., Criminal Justice
M.P.AB.S., Criminal Justice
Research Interests
    • Juvenile Justice
    • Child Welfare Policy & Practice
    • Hate Crimes
    • Lgbtqia+ Issues In Criminal Justice
Child Welfare Policy & PracticeHate CrimesLGBTQIA+ issues in Criminal Justice
kcrawford@georgiasouthern.eduKathleen CrawfordKathleenCrawfordAssociate Professor of Elementary Literacy912-478-0353COE #4131Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationKathleen Crawford, Ed. D. is currently an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University, where she supervises student teachers in K-5 settings and teaches elementary literacy courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prior to joining the faculty at Georgia Southern, she was a K–5 literacy coach and fourth and fifth grade English language arts teacher. Her research interests include engaging literacy experiences, enhancing elementary teacher education, mentoring beginning teachers, exploring the emotional dynamics involved in teaching and learning, and designing and implementing engaging online teaching practices.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy as a teacher educator centers on the belief that students are active participants in their own learning, each bringing unique perspectives and diverse experiences to the classroom. I am dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and challenging environment where every student feels encouraged to reach their potential. I prioritize a student-centered approach, ensuring that my practices are rooted in care, engagement, and expertise that consistently place students at the heart of my instructional practices. Just as I encourage teacher candidates to meet the social, emotional, and academic needs of their future elementary students through asset-based practices, I strive to nurture the “whole teacher” in my college-level classes.
  • Ed.D. Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
    • Elementary Literacy
    • Teacher Education
    • Emotions Involved In Teaching And Learning
    • Humanizing Online Instruction
    • Mentoring Beginning Teachers
Teacher EducationEmotions involved in Teaching and LearningHumanizing Online InstructionMentoring Beginning Teachers
wwofford@georgiasouthern.eduRobin WoffordRobinWoffordClinical Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology912-478-0443College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Wofford joined Georgia Southern University in the Fall of 2021 after a 40-year career in P-12 Education. His teaching experiences include roles as a band director, school librarian, and technology integration specialist in Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia public schools.
Teaching Philosophy
My pedagogical approach prioritizes active learning and critical thinking. Guided by principles of compassion, kindness, and the innovative potential of online education, I design assignments and activities that encourage students to apply their knowledge to real-world contexts and engage in substantive discussions. Timely and constructive feedback is provided to support student growth and development.
  • Doctor Of Education (Ed.D.) In Instructional Technology/School Improvement - University Of West Georgia, 2014.
  • Specialist (Ed.S.) In School Library Media - University Of West Georgia, 2007.
  • Master Of Education (M.Ed.) In Library Media - State University Of West Georgia, 2002.
  • Bachelor Of Science In Music Education - University Of Mississippi, 1981.
Specialist (Ed.S.) in School Library Media - University of West Georgia, 2007.Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Library Media - State University of West Georgia, 2002. Bachelor of Science in Music Education - University of Mississippi, 1981.
Research Interests
    • The Potential Of Online Learning.
    • Educator Burnout And Compassion Fatigue.
    • Self-Censorship In School Librarians.
Educator burnout and compassion fatigue.Self-Censorship in school librarians.
scaslerfailing@georgiasouthern.eduShelli Casler-FailingShelliCasler-FailingDr. 912-478-5983College of Education 4117Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationShelli Casler-Failing, Ph.D. is an Assoc. Professor of Middle Grades and Secondary Mathematics Education in the Dept. of Middle Grades and Secondary Education. Shelli has taught in both P-12 and higher education settings. As a classroom teacher, Shelli coached a First LEGO League team for six years, led robotics professional development workshops for teachers, and instructed numerous summer robotics camps. Shelli focuses much of her research on teacher education, mathematics education, productive struggle, and integrating robotics technology into mathematics curricula.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching and learning are collaborative endeavors; teachers must create engaging, responsive, and interdisciplinary experiences for their students and students must be part of the decision-making process. In my experience teaching mathematics, students learn best when they are engaged with, and enjoy, the material. I strive to create learning environments in which students experience the joy of learning through exploration and am always searching for innovative ways to improve my lesson plans and teaching strategies, often seeking feedback from my students. I purposefully model these practices when teaching to ensure that pre-service teachers learn how to support their grades 4-12 students in doing math in addition to learning about math.
  • Ph.D. – Curriculum And Instruction In Science And Mathematics Education, University At Albany, Suny – Albany, Ny
  • Master Of Science In Secondary Education (Mathematics), University At Albany, Suny – Albany, Ny
  • Bachelor Of Science (Mathematics), University At Albany, Suny – Albany, Ny
Master of Science in Secondary Education (Mathematics), University at Albany, SUNY – Albany, NYBachelor of Science (Mathematics), University at Albany, SUNY – Albany, NY
Research Interests
    • Robotics – Dash And Ti-Innovator Rover
    • Middle Grades And Secondary Teacher (Mathematics) Education
    • Productive Struggle
    • In-Service Teacher Professional Development
    • Stem Education
Middle Grades and Secondary Teacher (Mathematics) EducationProductive StruggleIn-Service Teacher Professional DevelopmentSTEM Education
kcornett@georgiasouthern.eduAriel CornettArielCornettAssistant Professor of Elementary Social Studies Education912-478-76914139 College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationAriel Cornett, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Social Studies Education. Her research interests focus on the place-based teaching and learning of social studies in elementary classrooms and communities. She has been awarded a number of internal and external grants to support her scholarship. She has (co-)authored peer-reviewed publications in the following journals: Theory & Research in Social Education (TRSE), Journal of Social Studies Research (JSSR), Social Studies Research and Practice (SSRP), Social Studies and the Young Learner (SSYL), Teaching Social Studies in the Peach State (TSSPS), American Journal of Education (AJE), The Teacher Educators’ Journal (TTEJ), and School Community Journal (SCJ).
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Cornett teaches undergraduate and graduate elementary social studies methods courses. As a social studies teacher educator, my teaching philosophy focuses on place-based education (PBE) with inquiry-based approaches that center the perspectives and/or experiences of local peoples in context. To teach in these ways, you must know your students, their families, and their communities. Identity, intersectionality, Funds of Knowledge (FOK), as well as students’ and families’ assets are recognized; additionally, community assets are explored. Furthermore, you must know yourself - as an educator. Knowing yourself as an educator requires reflecting on and adjusting your practice in response to feedback.
  • B.A. (History), University Of Virginia
  • Mat (Elementary Education), University Of Virginia
  • Ph.D. (Curriculum & Instruction: Social Studies Education), University Of Virginia
MAT (Elementary Education), University of VirginiaPh.D. (Curriculum & Instruction: Social Studies Education), University of Virginia
Research Interests
    • Elementary Social Studies Teaching And Learning
    • Influence Of Context (I.E., Classroom, School, Community, District Or State) On Elementary Teachers’ Instruction And Students’ Classroom Experiences
    • Place-Based Education
    • Rural Education
    • Teachers' And Students' Use Of Artificial Intelligence (Ai) In Social Studies Classrooms
Influence of Context (i.e., classroom, school, community, district or state) on elementary teachers’ instruction and students’ classroom experiencesPlace-Based EducationRural EducationTeachers' and students' use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in social studies classrooms
salbeck@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiLqOiso6-JAxUy4ckDHSLYGLwQFnoECBIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fscholars.georgiasouthern.edu%2Ffiles%2F15127627%2FScott_Beck_CV_2020_May_-_Scott_Beck.pdf&usg=AOvVaw2v36Fp6INQt8Gxze2QTc7I&opi=89978449Scott BeckScottBeckProfessor of Language & Literature Education, Innovation Faculty Fellow912-478-0354COE 4136Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationBefore Georgia Southern, Dr. Beck worked in the US Peace Corps, migrant health and education, and as a middle school teacher. He holds degrees from Cornell University, UNCG, and UGA. He teaches courses regarding children's literature and culturally & linguistically diverse students. His research focuses upon controversial literature for young people, Latino identities in the rural South, and an instructional game that he designed and coded.In 2024, he was selected as Georgia Southern's Inaugural Innovation Faculty Fellow. In this role, he evaluates university intellectual property for commercializability and supports innovators' efforts toward IP protection, start-up formation, development funding, and technology licensing.
Teaching Philosophy
Every day when my students join me in class or online, my job is to help them to form lasting memories. Thus, each class should feel novel, welcoming, relevant, challenging, and engaging.
  • B.A. In Linguistics. Cornell University, College Of Arts And Sciences, Ithaca, Ny.
  • M.Ed. In Middle Grades Curriculum And Instruction. University Of North Carolina At Greensboro, College Of Education, Greensboro, Nc.
  • Ph.D. In Language Education. University Of Georgia, College Of Education, Athens, Ga.
  • Currently Enrolled: Paralegal Certificate (Aba), Clayton State University, Morrow, Ga.
  • Formerly Certified: Middle School Teacher In Nc & Ga
M.Ed. in Middle Grades Curriculum and Instruction. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, College of Education, Greensboro, NC.Ph.D. in Language Education. University of Georgia, College of Education, Athens, GA.Currently enrolled: Paralegal Certificate (ABA), Clayton State University, Morrow, GA.Formerly certified: Middle School Teacher in NC & GA
Research Interests
    • Controversial Literature For Young People
    • Latino Identities In The Rural South
    • Designing, Coding, And Implementing Online Instructional Games
    • Intellectual Property And Research Commercialization
    • History
Latino identities in the rural SouthDesigning, coding, and implementing online instructional gamesIntellectual property and research commercializationHistoryBusiness Innovation Group (BIG)
dpeacock@georgiasouthern.eduDanielle PeacockDaniellePeacockSenior Lecturer, Simulation Program Coordinator912-344-3283Ashmore Hall 250Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDanielle Peacock is an alum of the University of Missouri - Kansas City and the University of Central Missouri. Mrs. Peacock is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and teaches simulation in undergraduate nursing courses on the Armstrong Campus. Additionally, she is the School of Nursing Simulation Program Coordinator for the Armstrong Campus and the Director of the Simulation Center in the Health Professions Academic Building.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is learner-focused. I believe that every learner has value and dignity and deserves to be treated in a respectful, kind way. As a Simulationist, I hold to the Basic Assumption: Every student I encounter is intelligent, cares about doing their best, and wants to improve. I believe that students should be engaged through the use of dynamic teaching strategies. Everyone learns differently and educators have a high calling to adjust their teaching methods to reach as many students as possible through the various methods of learning. My teaching style is the guide from the side. Learners need encouragement to apply the knowledge they have learned and receive guidance when needed.
  • Master of Science In Nursing, University Of Missouri - Kansas City
  • Bachelor of Science In Nursing, University Of Central Missouri
Bachelor's of Science in Nursing, University of Central Missouri
Research Interests
    • Nursing Simulation
    • Screen-Based Simulation
Screen-based SimulationSimulation Center
sdogan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/selcuk-doganSelçuk DoğanSelçukDoğanAssociate ProfessorArmstrong Campus - University Hall 258 Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationSelçuk Doğan is an Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction at Georgia Southern University, focusing on curriculum development, teachers' professional learning, and educational technology integration. With expertise in online learning, he collaborates with educators to enhance student engagement through innovative strategies. Selçuk's research centers on AI in education, exploring how teachers learn and implement AI in their practice. He is developing practical guides to help faculty use AI tools like ChatGPT for lesson and course design. He also has extensive experience designing online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses, receiving recognition for his work in online education.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering a collaborative and reflective learning environment where students are encouraged to think critically and apply knowledge in practical contexts. By leveraging AI and educational technology, I aim to create inclusive spaces that promote active learning, creativity, and problem-solving. I believe in equipping students with the skills and adaptability needed to thrive in an evolving educational landscape. My goal is to empower both students and educators to become lifelong learners, capable of integrating new tools and methodologies, such as AI, to address real-world challenges.
  • Ph.D. In University Of Florida, M.Sc. In Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, B.Sc., Bogazici University, Istanbul
Research Interests
    • Curriculum Development And Instructional Design Teachers' Professional Learning And Development Educational Technology Integration Ai In Education And Its Role In Teaching And Learning Online And Hybrid Learning Environments Enhancing Student Engagement Through Innovative Teaching Strategies
sarahrene@georgiasouthern.eduSarah ReneSarahReneAdministrative Assistant II912-478-1498PCOB 3309Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain Management
xsun@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CwkXHwIAAAAJ&hl=enXiaodi Ivy SunXiaodi IvySunSenior Lecturer912-478-5527PCOB 2246Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementXiaodi “Ivy” Sun joined the faculty at Georgia Southern University in Fall 2019. She earned her Ph.D. in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Purdue University in 2018. Her research interests focus on foodservice management, food safety, and consumer behavior, and she has published in prominent journals such as the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management and the Journal of Foodservice Business Research. Ivy brings teaching experience in principles of management, event management, and foodservice management. She is also a Certified ServSafe® instructor, registered ServSafe proctor, and Certified ServSafe Alcohol®. Outside of work, Ivy enjoys ballroom dancing and watercolor and gouache painting.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in Benjamin Franklin's quote: "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." My teaching philosophy places a strong emphasis on experiential and active learning. I believe that students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in practical and meaningful ways.
  • Ph.D., Purdue University, 2018
  • M.S., Purdue University, 2014
  • B.A., Wuhan University, 2012
M.S., Purdue University, 2014B.A., Wuhan University, 2012
Research Interests
    • Foodservice Management
    • Food Safety
    • Consumer Behavior
Food SafetyConsumer Behavior
ayenipazarli@georgiasouthern.eduArda YenipazarliArdaYenipazarliProfessor of Operations Management912-478-80103354Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementArda Yenipazarli's research focuses on sustainable operations and closed-loop supply chain management, exploring how firms can turn green initiatives into profit and competitive advantage. His work, featured in journals like Decision Sciences and European Journal of Operational Research, examines the strategic integration of sustainability practices, the operational challenges they present, and the role of policy in promoting green innovation. Yenipazarli has earned several awards, including the 2017 ENRE Young Researcher Award of INFORMS. At Georgia Southern University, he teaches courses on operations management and supply chain analytics. He also actively serves as a reviewer for top academic journals and holds editorial board positions.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is centered on fostering a student-centered, interactive, and supportive learning environment. I see teaching as a partnership, where students are active participants who contribute their perspectives and engage deeply with the material. By integrating diverse instructional methods, including real-world examples, collaborative problem-solving, and hands-on activities, I aim to make learning relevant and practical, connecting course concepts to students' future careers. I am committed to maintaining high academic standards that promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and intellectual resilience. My approach encourages students to challenge themselves, think analytically, and take ownership of their learning.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida, 2012
  • B.S., Sabanci University, 2007
B.S., Sabanci University, 2007
Research Interests
    • Sustainable Operations And Environmental Innovation
    • New Product Development And Lifecycle Management
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Competitive Operations Strategy
New product development and lifecycle managementSupply chain managementCompetitive operations strategy
mwiggins@georgiasouthern.eduMichael WigginsMichaelWigginsLecturer912-478-71411127 PCOBStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyMichael Wiggins is a lecturer of legal studies in the School of Accountancy. He joined the faculty at Georgia Southern in 2008 and has taught courses in the law, fraud, and accounting. He serves as editor in chief of the School of Accountancy magazine "Eagle Accountant." He formerly was a corporate and private practice attorney. Mr. Wiggins is the author of the textbook: "White-Collar Crime: A Corporate Approach," and has published in a number of academic journals. He previously served as staff editor for the Journal of Legal Studies in Business. He has been a bar member since 1995 and is a Certified Fraud Examiner. Mr. Wiggins delivers continuing professional education seminars for CPAs throughout the country.
Teaching Philosophy
Treat students the way you would want to be treated: inspire them, push them to their limits, and prepare them to achieve the most with the gifts they've been given.
  • J.D., University Of Arizona, 1994
  • Ms, University Of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2020
  • Mba, University Of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2008
  • Bfa, Wichita State University, 1989
MS, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2020MBA, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2008BFA, Wichita State University, 1989
Research Interests
    • Fraud And White-Collar Crime
    • Ethics
pshannonbaker@georgiasouthern.eduPeggy Shannon-BakerPeggyShannon-BakerAssociate Professor912-344-3530University Hall 208Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDr. Peggy Shannon-Baker is an award-winning mixed methods researcher who studies critical international teacher education and culturally responsive mixed methods research. Dr. Shannon-Baker works as an Associate Professor of Educational Research and Affiliate Faculty Member of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Program at Georgia Southern University (USA) where they teach courses in mixed methods as well as other forms of research. Their scholarship has been recognized by awards from the Mixed Methods International Research Association and American Educational Research Association Division on Measurement and Research Methodologies. Shannon-Baker has also consulted on grants in education and nursing.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is informed by Paris and Alim’s culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP). CSP is characterized by an ongoing process and environment that fosters cultural pluralism; centers the values, knowledge, narratives, and experiences of marginalized communities; disrupts anti-Blackness and other forms of oppression; and encourages creativity and cultural production that embraces cultural pluralism. I demonstrate CSP by building on students’ prior knowledge in research methods, applying Gholdy Muhammad’s culturally and historically responsive literacy, modeling critical self-reflection like in the ways white supremacy shows up in my teaching, emphasizing creativity in assessments, and mentoring students in community.
  • Ph.D. In Educational Studies, University Of Cincinnati (2015)
  • Graduate Certificate In Asian Studies, University Of Cincinnati
  • Ma In Women'S Studies, University Of Cincinnati (2010)
  • Ba In English, Wheaton College (Ma) (2007)
Graduate Certificate in Asian Studies, University of CincinnatiMA in Women's Studies, University of Cincinnati (2010)BA in English, Wheaton College (MA) (2007)
Research Interests
    • Mixed Methods Research
    • Culturally Responsive Research
    • International Education
    • Teacher Education
    • Lgbtq+ Studies
culturally responsive researchinternational educationteacher educationLGBTQ+ studies
aflanigan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/abraham-e-flanigan-2Abraham FlaniganAbrahamFlaniganDr.912-478-84892107 COEStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDr. Abraham Flanigan is an Associate Professor of Education Psychology. Dr. Flanigan has held leadership positions in the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and the Scholarly Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education. Dr. Flanigan has been recognized as one of the the most productive educational psychology scholars among early career researchers (Fong et al., 2022) and regardless of rank or title (Kubik et al., 2023).
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on my passion for promoting self-regulation oflearning: I embed self-regulated learning strategy instruction into content instruction, so my students can develop into independent, lifelong learners. I believe that a strong foundation of student-instructor rapport is essential for student motivation and engagement in higher education classrooms.
  • Doctorate In Educational Psychology (University Of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  • M.A. In Educational Psychology (University Of Nebraska-Lincoln)
  • B.S. In Psychology (Northwest Missouri State University)
M.A. in Educational Psychology (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)B.S. in Psychology (Northwest Missouri State University)
Research Interests
    • Self-Regulation Of Learning
    • Student-Instructor Rapport
    • The Motivation To Learn
    • Digital Distraction
    • Note-Taking Processes
Student-instructor rapportThe motivation to learnDigital distractionNote-taking processes
csorgen@georgiasouthern.eduCarl SorgenCarlSorgenAssociate Professor912-478-3108College of Education, Room 3107Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Carl H. (Kip) Sorgen is an Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership program at Georgia Southern University, specializing in higher education administration. He prepares students for careers in colleges and universities through teaching in master’s and doctoral programs. His research focuses on supporting LGBTQ+ students in higher education, emphasizing inclusive environments. Dr. Sorgen’s administrative experience includes roles in faculty development, institutional research, LGBTQ+ student services, residence life, and annual giving. He holds a Ph.D. from Penn State, an M.A. from NYU, and a B.S. from Ohio University.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on intentionality and student engagement. When instructing graduate courses in higher education administration, I place students at the heart of learning. I prioritize diverse teaching methods, challenging students while offering strong support. I design courses with clear goals and purposeful readings that connect theory to practice. Reflection and feedback are key, helping students synthesize knowledge and track their growth. My goal is to foster leaders and scholars who can apply their learning and drive change in education.
  • Ph.D. In Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University
  • M.A. In Higher Education Administration, New York University
  • B.S. Ohio University
M.A. in Higher Education Administration, New York UniversityB.S. Ohio University
Research Interests
    • Lgbtq+ College Students
    • Rural College Students
    • Higher Education Faculty
Rural college studentsHigher education faculty
ashenderson@georgiasouthern.eduAnn HendersonAnnHendersonLecturer912-478-7292PCOB 1129Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyAnn Henderson is a Certified Public Accountant and has over 30 years of experience teaching at the university level.
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy includes teaching in a clear and concise manner, motivating students to make earnest and industrious attempts to push themselves to learn and contemplate complicated concepts, and to show students that I value each one of them as an individual human being by my acceptance and openness towards a diverse student population.
  • University Of Tennessee, Master Of Accountancy
  • University Of Tennessee, Bachelor Of Science In Business Administration
University of Tennessee, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
daniellesmith@georgiasouthern.eduDanielle L. SmithDanielle L.SmithDirector, Experiential Learning & Corporate Relations912-478-6047College of Business, 3330BStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessOffice of the DeanDanielle has worked in higher education for 15 years in a variety of faculty and administrative roles. Her current position is broadly responsible for internships, corporate relationships, study abroad & away programming, and support of high-achieving student groups. Her teaching and academic background is in the fields of history and international affairs.
Teaching Philosophy
Centers on creating programs and opportunities that connect students with exploratory, practical experiences to complement classroom technical skills by enhancing critical thinking, human relations skills, and applied knowledge.
  • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2009
  • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2006
B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2006
Research Interests
    • New Imperialism
    • Identity Commodification
    • Wwii & Post-War Europe
    • Nationalism
    • Political Violence
Identity CommodificationWWII & Post-War EuropeNationalismPolitical Violence
wosborne@georgiasouthern.eduChris OsborneChrisOsborneAssistant Director of Development & Alumni Relations912-478-5377Suite 2200, Parker College BuildingStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessOffice of Development & Alumni RelationsChris Osborne is the Assistant Director of Development and Alumni Relations at Georgia Southern University’s Parker College of Business. At the Parker College Chris lead’s the College’s comprehensive alumni development and fundraising programs and works to build the overall Parker College Brand though the college's events, marketing, and corporate relations. Chris coordinates the activities of the Parker College Advisory Board and Young Alumni Board and created the annual Parker College Gala.
  • Mba, Clayton State University, 2021
  • A.B., University Of Georgia, 1994
A.B., University of Georgia, 1994
ysaadatmand@georgiasouthern.eduYassaman SaadatmandYassamanSaadatmandProfessor and department chair912-344-3202Armstrong campus Hawes 208BArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsShe received her MBA from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA, and her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH.  She taught at Colby College in Maine before joining Armstrong College in Savannah, GA.  She has been the chair of the Department of Economics at Georgia Southern since 2018.
Teaching Philosophy
I am flexible and respectful of students, and I continuously refine my teaching style as students change over time and their interests and educational backgrounds evolve.
  • Ph.D. In Economics And Over Thirty Years Of Teaching Experience.
Research Interests
    • Factors Affecting Female Statues Around The Worldorld
charter@georgiasouthern.eduChuck HarterChuckHarterProfessor and Director912-478-0103PCOB 2203AStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyChuck Harter is the Director of the School of Accountancy at Georgia Southern University. Prior to joining Georgia Southern, he was chair of the department of accounting and information systems at North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota. Prior to obtaining his master’s degree Chuck worked in public accounting with the firm Kennedy and Coe, LLP. He has published in a variety of accounting and finance journals including the Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, Journal of Accounting Education, and The Journal of Accountancy. He is a CPA and CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner) and past president (2012/2013) of the Southeast Chapter of the Georgia Society of CPAs.
Teaching Philosophy
I enjoy the opportunity to help shape a student’s career. My philosophy is that employers are my customers and the students in my classes are the raw material that I must mold into a valuable finished product. I take every opportunity to talk with potential employers to help me determine what they need from the students they will employ. My classes focus on student learning, meaning that my classes are demanding, but fair. Each class I teach is different, but in every class I use various approaches to promote student learning. I make class interactive with group problems and student presentations. I don’t hesitate to call on students for answers to questions.
  • Ph.D. In Accounting University Of Nebraska - Lincoln
  • MS In Finance University Of Wyoming
  • BS In Accounting University Of Nebraska - Lincoln
MS in Finance University of WyomingBS in Accounting University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Research Interests
    • Capital Markets
    • Financial Statement Fraud
Financial Statement Fraud
mdeleon@georgiasouthern.eduMargaret "Maggie" DeLeonMargaret "Maggie"DeLeonLecturer912-478-0498University Hall 226Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyMaggie H. Deleon is a Lecturer in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in Education at the University of the South in 2009 and earned her Juris Doctorate from the Walter F. George School of Law in 2012. Prior to her tenure with the Department, Maggie spent nine years as a special victims’ prosecuting attorney in the Chatham County District Attorney’s Office, handling homicides, sexual assaults, kidnappings, and other violent felonies. Maggie was also an active law enforcement instructor and trainer for several agencies in domestic violence, sexual assault, and vulnerable adult crimes, strongly focusing on evidence-based investigations and trauma-centered techniques.
Teaching Philosophy
Within all my classes, I am to create a supportive learning environment that emphasizes mastery of the material through practical knowledge and real-world scenarios while promoting students’ individual growth as well as their critical thinking and writing skills. It continues to be my life’s goal to share my passion for the law through academia and to use my specialization to educate those interested in the criminal justice field through mentorship and to assist them with networking for employment.
  • Juris Doctorate, Walter F. George School Of Law, Mercer University
  • Bachelor Of Arts- Major: English, Minor: Education, Sewanee: The University Of The South:
Bachelor of Arts- Major: English, Minor: Education, Sewanee: The University of the South:
Research Interests
    • Intimate Partner Violence
    • Evidence Based Investigations
    • Trauma Centered Interviewing
Evidence Based InvestigationsTrauma Centered Interviewing
adadkins@georgiasouthern.eduAmee AdkinsAmeeAdkinsProfessor of Education, Chair of Middle Grades and Secondary Education912-344-2778University Hall 201Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationAmee Adkins earned her Ph.D. in Social Foundations of Education from UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Adkins is a Professor of Education and Chair in the Department of Middle Grades & Secondary Education. Dr. Adkins serves undergraduate and graduate students on the the Armstrong and Statesboro campuses.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in commitments to active student learning and inclusive and engaging learning environments. I scaffold supports for student success and encourage students to think critically.
  • Ph.D., University Of North Carolina--Chapel Hill, 1997
  • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 1992
  • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 1990
M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 1992B.A., Georgia Southern University, 1990
Research Interests
    • Sociology Of Education
    • Qualitative Research Methods
    • Equity In Education
Qualitative research methodsEquity in education
mtoma@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=2_yUm1wAAAAJ&hl=enMichael TomaMichaelTomaFuller E. Callaway Professor of Economics912-344-2538212 Hawes HallArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Economics.
Teaching Philosophy
  • Pd.D Economics
Research Interests
    • Region Economics
    • Real Estate
    • Macroeconomics
    • Public Choice
real estate macroeconomicspublic choice
csproul@georgiasouthern.eduCurtis SproulCurtisSproulAssociate Professor912-478-5310PCOB 2245Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementDr. Sproul teaches entrepreneurship and strategic management. His research has been published in academic journals such as Organizational Dynamics, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice and the Journal of Small Business Management. Dr. Sproul’s work has also garnered attention from major media outlets, including The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Entrepreneur Magazine, and MLB.com.
Teaching Philosophy
To prepare students not for a job, but for a career, with strong critical thinking skills and deep knowledge about critical subject matter.
  • Ph.D., West Virginia University (2017).
Research Interests
    • Venture Finance
    • Organizational Culture
Organizational Culture
stolman@georgiasouthern.eduSteven TolmanStevenTolmanAssociate Professor912-478-5971COE 3102Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentSteven Tolman holds a Doctorate from Rutgers University, a Master’s from Texas Tech University, and a Bachelor’s from Central Michigan University. His previous roles included serving as a HIED faculty member and 12 years as a student affairs administrator. His research is theoretically informed and guided by the tenets of student development theory. In particular, he explores the application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Kolb’s Experiential Learning, Sanford’s Model of Challenge and Support, and Astin’s Theory of Involvement. This theoretical framework is intertwined with the two streams of his scholarly agenda: 1) The profession of student affairs and 2) The residential and co-curricular experience of college students.
Teaching Philosophy
I am involved in higher education professionally because I believe I can positively impact the lives of our students. I am especially attracted to teaching, as it allows me to inspire students academically, generate sincere interest in higher education/student affairs, and develop students’ critical thinking abilities. As a teacher-scholar, my research informs my teaching and enables me to engage with my students as scholars. To this end, I am deeply committed to challenging and supporting students to gain the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to propel them to begin their careers in higher education.
  • Ed.D., Rutgers University, 2016
  • M.Ed., Texas Tech University, 2005
  • B.S., Central Michigan University, 2003
M.Ed., Texas Tech University, 2005B.S., Central Michigan University, 2003
Research Interests
    • Higher Education/Student Affairs (He/Sa)
    • Professional Preparation
    • Leadership, Supervision, And Management
Professional PreparationLeadership, Supervision, and ManagementInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics, National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
ascroggins@georgiasouthern.eduAlthea ScrogginsAltheaScrogginsAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5161P.C.O.B.- 3355Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Management
marivera@georgiasouthern.eduMelanie RiveraMelanieRiveraMedia Designer912-478-84883356BStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessParker College Office of Marketing and MediaAfter receiving a bachelor’s in Theatre Performance from Kennesaw State University (with a minor in Photography), Melanie grabbed her camera and began to travel the world. She has visited 11 countries so far. In 2005, she made a trip around the globe by flying from London to Shanghai to L.A. to Atlanta and back to London to study for her master’s in Arts Management at Goldsmiths, University of London.Since 2001, Melanie has worked as a professional graphic designer and photographer on location and in the studio. She’s worked for Polaris Photo, Kaleidoscope Pictures, and The Picture People retail studios, as well as working on a freelance basis under the name Melanie Avita Photography.
  • 2004 Ba Theatre And Performance Studies At Kennesaw State University
  • 2006 Ma Arts Administration And Cultural Policy At Goldsmiths University Of London
2006 MA Arts Administration and Cultural Policy at Goldsmiths University of London
mtabi@georgiasouthern.eduMarian TabiMarian TabiProfessor912-478-5998Nursing & Chemistry Building, RM 3030Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingMy tenure as professor of nursing at Georgia Southern University has included teaching undergraduate and graduate courses including research, biometrics, bioethics, and grant writing; and serving as chair and co-chair on DNP students’ clinical research projects, mentoring undergraduate and graduate students on research projects, and contributing to the education and preparation of pre-licensure, post-BSN to Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and post-master’s DNP. My contributions to nursing education have focused on preparing clinicians for practice in rural, HPSAs, and MUAs. I have secured several federally funded grants to prepare nurses for practice in rural settings to narrow the gap in health disparities and improve health outcomes.
Teaching Philosophy
My personal philosophy of teaching is centered on mentoring individual students to learn and succeed. As a mentor, I serve as a teacher, sponsor, guide, exemplar, and counsel. My goal is not only to convey information but also to help students gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own future.
  • Ph.D., Mph, Rn
Research Interests
    • Hiv/Aids Research
    • Health Disparities And Vulnerable Populations
    • Nursing Education And Workforce Diversity
    • Quantitative And Qualitative Research Methods
    • Diabetes And Chronic Disease Management
Health Disparities and Vulnerable PopulationsNursing Education and Workforce DiversityQuantitative and Qualitative Research MethodsDiabetes and Chronic Disease Management
mhoward@georgiasouthern.eduMelanie HowardMelanieHowardAssistant Professor912-344-3507Ashmore Hall 238Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingMelanie Howard is an alum of Emory University and Armstrong Atlantic State University and is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Howard teaches in the School of Nursing at the Armstrong Campus. She is passionate about the profession of nursing and empowering the next generation of nurses to nurture and lead our communities.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy encompasses an active and engaging learning environment that individualizes each person's learning styles. Students will be able to use their nursing education and critical thinking skills as a foundation for becoming an active and engaged member of the nursing profession.
  • Emory University Doctor Of Nursing Practice
  • South University Post Master's Certificate Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Armstrong Atlantic State University Master of Science Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Armstrong Atlantic State University Bachelor of Science Nursing
South University Post Master's Certificate Family Nurse PractitionerArmstrong Atlantic State University Master's of Science Clinical Nurse SpecialistArmstrong Atlantic State University Bachelor's of Science Nursing
Research Interests
    • Health Promotion And Wellness
    • Primary Prevention Vaccinations
    • Innovative Methods For Teaching In Nursing Education
    • Impact Of Simulation-Based Training On Nursing Learning Outcomes
    • Complementary Medicine
Primary Prevention VaccinationsInnovative Methods for Teaching in Nursing EducationImpact of Simulation-Based Training on Nursing Learning OutcomesComplementary Medicine
dsikora@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/searchAll/index/?search=david+sikora&pageSize=25&showAdvanced=false&allConcepts=true&inferConcepts=true&searchBy=PartOfNameOrTitleDavid SikoraDavidSikoraProfessor912-478-6975PCOB 2214Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementDavid Sikora, professor of management, teaches a variety of human resource management courses. His research interests include strategic human resource management and the business impact of employee management practices. He has published his research in such journals as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Human Resources Management Review, and Human Resources Management.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning is best achieved through student engagement, interaction, and knowledge application within a learn by doing environment. Specifically, my teaching strives to help students become more knowledgeable about important management principles, and to effectively apply these concepts as both managers and as employees.
  • Ph.D., Business Administration, Florida State University – Emphasis In Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management
  • Bachelor Of Science, Industrial & Labor Relations, Cornell University – Emphasis In Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Science, Industrial & Labor Relations, Cornell University – Emphasis in Human Resource Management
Research Interests
    • Strategic Human Resource Management
    • The Business Impact Of Employee Management Practices
The business impact of employee management practices
tdiamanduros@georgiasouthern.eduTerry DiamandurosTerryDiamandurosProfessor of School Psychology912-478-1548Room 2103, COE BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Terry Diamanduros is a professor and program director of the School Psychology Program. Her research interests focus on childhood trauma and its impact on boys, cyberbullying, and the impact of social media on child and adolescent development. She is a member of the National Association of School Psychologist (NASP) and Georgia Association of School Psychologists (GASP). She has served as a NASP delegate and member of the GASP Executive Board. She also serves on the editorial board for the School Psychology Review; Psychology in the Schools; Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma; and Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.
Teaching Philosophy
As a professor, I am committed to utilizing a student-centered approach to teaching. I strive to establish a classroom environment that is engaging and inclusive so that students feel supported and valued. It is my goal to create a climate in which they feel safe to express their thoughts, ask questions, and engage with others in the classroom so that they can be successful.
  • Ph.D., New York University, 2004
  • M.A., New York University, 1991
  • B.A., Clemson University, 1982
M.A., New York University, 1991B.A., Clemson University, 1982
Research Interests
    • Childhood Trauma
    • Impact Of Trauma On Boys
    • Cyberbullying
    • Impact Of Social Media On Child And Adolescent Development
Impact of trauma on boysCyberbullyingImpact of social media on child and adolescent development
gwcampbell@georgiasouthern.eduGlynnece W. CampbellGlynnece W.CampbellLecturer912-344-2975Ashmore 168Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Glynnece Campbell is an alum of Rutgers University School of Health Professions and is program director for the Medical Laboratory Science Program at Georgia Southern Armstrong campus. She teaches several courses within the MLS program.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on fostering critical thinking skills in my students. This is done by creating an engaging environment that coordinates didactic and laboratory practices with current events in healthcare.
  • Doctorate In Clinical Laboratory Science, Rutgers University
  • Masters Of Business Administration, Concentration In Healthcare Administration, South University
  • Bachelors In Medical Technology, Augusta University
  • Bachelors In Biology, Gardner-Webb University
Masters of Business Administration, concentration in Healthcare Administration, South UniversityBachelors in Medical Technology, Augusta UniversityBachelors in Biology, Gardner-Webb University
Research Interests
    • Medical Laboratory Science Consultation
kmercer@georgiasouthern.eduKatie MercerKatieMercerAssistant Professor912-478-1343Hendricks Hall 2007Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Mercer is a newly-transitioned non-tenure track to tenure track faculty member at the JPHCOPH. Previously she has published in the area of environmental health and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She persists to move forward her research agenda through multidisciplinary collaboration. Dr. Mercer focuses her research efforts on LGBTQ+ health issues, medical billing and coding, and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). She currently is working on projects related to barriers to seeking and/or receiving care among the LGBTQ+ population, medical coding data related to the SDoH, and vulnerability amongst university professors as it relates to teaching and learning.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching with vulnerability is important for me as a public health professional.
  • Augusta State University, Ba Sociology 2003
  • Armstrong Atlantic State University, Mph 2005
  • Georgia Southern University, Drph 2014
Armstrong Atlantic State University, MPH 2005Georgia Southern University, DrPH 2014
Research Interests
    • Lgbtq+ Health
    • Knowledge Of Sotl
    • Medical Billing And Coding
Knowledge of SoTLMedical Billing and CodingCenter for Public Health Practice and Research, Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
melissacampbell@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa CampbellMelissaCampbellAdministrative Assistant912-478-5767Hawes Hall, Room 110Armstrong CampusParker College of BusinessOffice of Graduate Programs
estewart@georgiasouthern.eduErrol StewartErrolStewartAssociate Professor of Accounting912-478-8009Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyDr. Errol Stewart teaches auditing and financial accounting courses. He conducts archival research in auditing and his projects include auditor regulation, audit quality and reporting and audit pricing. Prior to commencing his academic career, Errol was a Senior Manager at Deloitte in Jamaica. He has several years’ experience in external and internal auditing in many industries He also spent several years in corporate roles. This includes serving as chief executive officer, chief financial officer and chief investment officer for companies in the financial and manufacturing sectors. His entrepreneurial activities include co-founding several companies with a group of investors as well as a family retail business.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal is to stimulate and develop my students’ deep understanding of the subject matter,thereby ensuring that we are producing capable graduates who are ready for the world of work. I accomplish this in my classes, for example, by establishing the importance of understanding the business’s operation and environment, and the nature of its transactions as prerequisites to knowing how to record, report, review, interpret and audit transactions and events.
  • • Ph.D. (Business Administration), Florida Atlantic University
  • • Ms (Accounting), University Of The West Indies
  • • Bs (Economics), University Of The West Indies
• MS (Accounting), University of the West Indies• BS (Economics), University of the West Indies
Research Interests
    • Auidt Market
    • Auditor Regulation
    • Auditor Quality
auditor regulationauditor quality
jlwilliams@georgiasouthern.eduJoshua WilliamsJoshuaWilliamsProfessor & Chair of Criminal Justice and Criminology912-478-0337Carroll Building 1087AStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Josh Williams earned his B.A. in Health & Kinesiology from Purdue University in 2004 and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology (Experimental) from the University of Tennessee in 2009 and 2011, respectively. Across all research endeavors, he encourages a great deal of undergraduate and graduate involvement so students have the opportunity to apply what they learn in the classroom, explore topics of interest in greater detail, gain experience with novel technology (e.g., eye-tracking), and experience the full process of experimental research from beginning to end.
Teaching Philosophy
In all of my courses, I strive for perpetual improvement in content, up-to-date evidence-based activities, and real-world applications. These aspects are extremely important as I want my students to develop transferrable knowledge and skills as they transition into graduate education and/or careers. Students will find that in all courses I teach, I am enthusiastic for the subject matter and always find ways to individualize instruction.
  • B.A., Health & Kinesiology, Purdue University
  • M.A., Psychology (Experimental), University Of Tennessee
  • Ph.D., Psychology (Experimental), University Of Tennessee
M.A., Psychology (Experimental), University of TennesseePh.D., Psychology (Experimental), University of Tennessee
Research Interests
    • Correlates And Impact Of Celebrity Worship
    • Psychological Variables In Crime And Criminology
    • Visual Attention (Eye-Tracking) And Cognition
    • Perceptual-Motor Development
    • Active Learning In Higher Education
Psychological Variables in Crime and CriminologyVisual Attention (eye-tracking) and CognitionPerceptual-motor DevelopmentActive Learning in Higher Education
kdelgado@georgiasouthern.eduKristy DelgadoKristyDelgadoAdministrative Assistant I912-344-2550ArmstrongArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceNone
  • None
Research Interests
    • All
fgrossmann@georgiasouthern.eduFlorinda GrossmannFlorindaGrossmannMrs.912-478-52742215Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementFlorinda Grossmann joined Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University as a part-time lecturer in August 2023; and she holds a life and health insurance license with a specialty in IULs (Indexed Universal Life).
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is to create a challenging but caring learning environment where my students can thrive.
  • Mba
  • Bba In Management
BBA in Management
Research Interests
    • Management
    • Life Insurance
    • Finance
Life InsuranceFinance
srhodes@georgiasouthern.eduSam RhodesSamRhodesAssistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics Education912-478-52364126 College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationSam Rhodes, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics Education in the Department of Elementary and Special Education. Dr. Rhodes is an alum of Georgia Southern University and teaches undergraduate and graduate mathematics content and methods courses for pre-service teachers. His work centers on the cognitive, metacognitive, and affective factors influencing problem-solving success. He has also served as a Co-PI and PI on multiple successfully funded projects aimed in increasing student success in problem solving, and is an Associate Editor of the MTLT journal.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in constructivism. Within this, I work to create student-centered lessons that engage students in critical thinking, discussion, and problem solving. In addition, equity is a focal point of my teaching. My goal is to create environments in which students feel safe to learn, grow, and critically analyze the world around them.
  • Ph.D., William & Mary
  • M.A.E.D., William & Mary
  • B.S., William & Mary
M.A.E.d., William & MaryB.S., William & Mary
Research Interests
    • Problem Solving
    • Metacognition
    • Executive Function
MetacognitionExecutive Function
ehwilliams@georgiasouthern.eduEllen WilliamsEllenWilliamsSenior Lecturer; Program Coordinator for BS in Psychology912-478-5580Brannen Hall, 1035Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyEllen H. Williams earned her B.S. in Psychology from Furman University and her Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Tennessee. She currently serves as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychology, where she is the program coordinator for the undergraduate psychology degree. Dr. Williams teaches courses on both the Statesboro campus and in the online program.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is centered around implementation of evidence-based teaching strategies that inspire student engagement, critical thinking, and academic success. I am dedicated to cultivating collaborative learning environments where students can actively participate in the discovery process and develop essential skills for both academic and professional success.
  • Ph.D., University Of Tennessee, 2009
  • B.S., Furman University, 2004
B.S., Furman University, 2004
Research Interests
    • Evidence-Based Teaching Practices
    • Academic Honesty And Ai Usage
Academic honesty and AI usage
pstepanek@georgiasouthern.eduPeggy StepanekPeggyStepanekDirector of Budgets and Administration912-478-4445Parker College of BUsinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessParker College Dean's Suite
  • Ba In Accounting From University Of Iowa
stephaniedevine@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/stephanie-m-devine-2Stephanie DevineStephanieDevineAssociate Professor912-478-52444103, College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationStephanie M. Devine, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Special Education in the Department of Elementary and Special Education at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Devine is also the Executive Director of EAGLE Academy at Georgia Southern, which is an inclusive postsecondary education program for young adults with intellectual disability. Her research focuses on preservice and in-service teacher preparation; the use of Universal Design for Learning, technology, and peer mentors to support successful postsecondary transition; and competitive integrated employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disability.
Teaching Philosophy
All students deserve an inclusive learning environment where diverse needs are met, and every student can succeed. Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in my instruction, I strive to offer varied paths to engagement, representation, and expression, so each student can access content meaningfully. I hold high expectations and foster a belief that every student can achieve excellence. Learning is an iterative journey. By incorporating regular, targeted feedback, I encourage students to revisit and refine their understanding, promoting growth and mastery over time. My goal is to create a supportive classroom where each student feels empowered to take risks, learn from mistakes, and build resilience in their academic and personal pursuits.
  • Ph.D. In Special Education, University Of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2018
  • Med In Special Education, University Of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2010
  • Ba In English, California Lutheran University, 1998
MEd in Special Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2010BA in English, California Lutheran University, 1998
Research Interests
    • Intellectual Disabilities And Autism
    • Inclusive Postsecondary Education
    • Preservice Special Education Teachers
    • Postsecondary Transition For Students With Disabilities
    • Universal Design For Learning
inclusive postsecondary educationpreservice special education teacherspostsecondary transition for students with disabilitiesUniversal Design for LearningEAGLE Academy
jarvaisjackson@georgiasouthern.eduJarvais J JacksonJarvais JJacksonAssistant Professor of Culturally Responsive Teaching; Co-Program Director, MAT ELEM ED912-478-0635University Hall - 261Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Jarvais Jackson is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy at Georgia Southern University, where he champions equitable learning and supports teachers’ growth. Dr. Jackson promotes family engagement, especially within Black communities, and his research focuses on Black educational wellness through African Diaspora Literacy and Community Cultural Wealth. Nationally, he serves on NCTE’s Professional Dyads of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (PDCRT) and shares his insights at conferences like AERA and NCTE, inspiring educators to become transformative, justice-driven teachers.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is rooted in equity, inclusion, and the belief in every student’s potential. I aim to create an environment where students feel seen, valued, and empowered to think critically about social justice in education. Drawing from African Diaspora Literacy and pro-Black pedagogies, I guide students to recognize and honor diverse experiences in their classrooms, fostering a commitment to culturally responsive teaching. My role is to support future educators in becoming advocates for all learners, encouraging them to meet students where they are while inspiring transformative learning for a better, more just world.
  • Ph.D., University Of South Carolina
Research Interests
    • Pro-Black Pedagogies
    • Family Engagement
    • Black Research Methodologies
    • Classroom Management
    • African Diaspora Literacy
Family EngagementBlack Research MethodologiesClassroom ManagementAfrican Diaspora LiteracyCenter for Africana Studies, National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
alockwood@georgiasouthern.eduAshley LockwoodAshleyLockwoodDr. 912-344-3166University Hall, Rm 219Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyAshley Lockwood is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. Currently, Dr. Lockwood conducts research surrounding the influence of adverse childhood experiences on juvenile court outcomes. Her research has been accepted for publication in peer-reviewed outlets such as Criminal Justice and Behavior and Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. Dr. Lockwood teaches courses on the Armstrong campus.
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator, I believe it is important to promote an environment for learning centered around respect for others while still providing a platform for open dialogue. It is my goal for students to develop comprehension of course material while also developing skills that can be applied outside of the classroom. Through my course, I am hopeful students learn that engagement is important to their success, and that respectful and diverse communication allows for both personal and professional growth.
  • Ph.D., University Of Central Florida, 2024
  • M.S., Fort Hays State University, 2020
M.S., Fort Hays State University, 2020
Research Interests
    • Juvenile Justice
    • Mental Heath In The Justice System
    • Trauma/Aces
mental heath in the justice systemtrauma/ACEs
vhannes@georgiasouthern.eduVictoria HannesVictoriaHannesClinical Instructor912-344-3247University Hall 213 Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyMs. Victoria Hannes is a Double Eagle from Georgia Southern University, receiving both her Masters and Bachelor degrees from the university. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the Armstrong Campus.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy at the core encourages critical thinking and engagement in the learning environment, where students are motivated to apply their knowledge to real-world challenges and scenarios. I believe in dynamic learning and push to create a classroom that fosters an inclusive environment that stimulates collaboration, interest, and development.
  • M.S., Criminal Justice And Criminology (2024) Georgia Southern University
  • B.S., Criminal Justice And Criminology (2022) Georgia Southern University
B.S., Criminal Justice and Criminology (2022) Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
    • Digital Forensics
cwalsh@georgiasouthern.eduClare WalshClareWalshSenior Lecturer912-478-14732269B Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. Walsh is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology who received her MA in Women Studies from the University of South Florida in 2007 and her Ph.D. in Sociology with a Concentration in Women’s Studies from the University of Florida in 2013. She joined the faculty at Georgia Southern University in 2015. Dr. Walsh teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate level on the Statesboro campus and online.
Teaching Philosophy
My pedagogical focus is to create an active, positive learning environment. I work to help students develop skills to critically evaluate the social system they live in and see how their own life experiences and the experiences of others form that social world. Since many topics and experiences discussed in class may bring reactions of anxiety, confusion, embarrassment, tolerance, and even anger, I strive to create a class environment encouraging mutual respect. Experiences of others may be different and seem strange to students, but I work to help students recognize any differences are to be appreciated and are not to be judged.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida, 2013
  • Ma, University Of South Florida, 2007
  • Msed, University Of Kansas, 1990
  • Bsfrc, University Of Florida, 1982
MA, University of South Florida, 2007MSEd, University of Kansas, 1990BSFRC, University of Florida, 1982
Research Interests
    • Sexualities
    • Gender
    • Family
    • Intersectionality
ericlanders@georgiasouthern.eduEric LandersEric LandersAssociate Professor 912-478-15494102Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationEric Landers holds a Ph.D. from the University of Florida, specializing in children with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD). His experience includes working as a classroom teacher for students with EBD, serving as a professor at both West Virginia University and Georgia Southern University, and working as an independent consultant in school-wide behavioral systems. Dr. Landers' expertise centers on bullying prevention, addressing challenging behaviors, and implementing school-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator, my role is to create an inclusive, empowering environment where students with diverse abilities can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
  • Ph.D. University Of Florida
Research Interests
    • Bullying Prevention
    • Classroom Management
    • School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions And Supports (Pbis)
Classroom Management School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
cbodkin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/candice-pippin-bodkinCandice BodkinCandiceBodkinAssociate Professor, MPA Core Faculty912-478-5589Carroll Building, 1082Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesCandice Pippin Bodkin, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public and Nonprofit Studies and the Co-Director of the Institute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities. Her research and teaching primarily focus on social equity, human resource management, local government management, and their intersections. She uses quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods approaches to examine how institutional and organizational policies mitigate or exacerbate inequalities in the workplace and public service provision.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in creating learning communities where students feel supported and engaged in the ownership of their learning process and goals. I strive to provide hand-ons learning opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and critical-thinking skills to solve real-world community problems.
  • Ph.D. In Public Administration From Nc State Univeristy
  • Master Of Public Administration (Mpa) From Nc State University
  • Master Of Education In Secondary Social Studies Education From The University Of Florida
  • Bachelor Of Arts In Anthropology And Political Science From The University Of Florida
Master of Public Administration (MPA) from NC State UniversityMaster of Education in Secondary Social Studies Education from the University of FloridaBachelor of Arts in Anthropology and Political Science from the University of Florida
Research Interests
    • Local Government Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Social Equity, Diversity, And Inclusion
    • Community Resilience
Human Resource ManagementSocial Equity, Diversity, and InclusionCommunity Resilience Institute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities
hjin@georgiasouthern.eduHui JinHuiJinAssociate Professor517-604-1558232 University HallArmstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationJin’s research focuses on learning progressions, mathematical thinking in science, data reasoning, technology-enhanced science assessment, automated scoring, and science teachers’ AI literacy. Her research is funded by external grants totaling over $3 million. Her edited book, Handbook of Research on Science Learning Progressions, was ranked #3 in Science and Technology Teaching Materials on Amazon in August 2024. Her publications appear in journals such as Journal of Research in Science Teaching and Science Education. The National Association for Research in Science Teaching included two of her papers in the Research Worth Reading List for teachers. Wiley recognized her paper as a top-downloaded paper in Science Education Journal in 2020.
Teaching Philosophy
My goal as a teacher educator is to equip my students with the competencies and dispositions that will enable them to become successful teachers, researchers, and teacher educators, capable of empowering their students to succeed and thrive in a rapidly changing world. These competencies and dispositions include innovation and creativity, critical thinking abilities, a lifelong learning mindset, sociocultural responsiveness, and digital, data, and science literacy.
  • Ph.D In Science Education
Research Interests
    • Science Learning Progressions
    • Mathematical Thinking In Science
    • Data Reasoning
    • Automated Scoring
    • Science Teachers' Ai Literacy
Mathematical Thinking in Science Data ReasoningAutomated ScoringScience Teachers' AI Literacy
jweaver@georgiasouthern.eduJohn WeaverJohn WeaverProfessor912-478-1079COE Building 2125Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingJohn A. Weaver has been at Georgia Southern University since 2001. His research interests include the philosophy and history of science and the posthuman condition.
Teaching Philosophy
Education is a journey, not steps to follow or certificates to earn. It is a path to be created by a curious mind that wishes to read broadly and deeply. A university is not a site for job training, it is holy ground of the mind so that individuals may wonder freely and think incessantly without economic or political consequences. A society that does not allow this is not free but tyrannical.
  • Bachelors Of Art History And Political Science Alderson-Broaddus College, Philippi, Wv
  • Masters Of Art History Villanova University
  • Ph.D. Comparative Education University Of Pittsburgh
Masters of Art History Villanova UniversityPh.D. Comparative Education University of Pittsburgh
Research Interests
    • Science, Democracy, And The University
    • The Posthuman Condition And The Humanities
    • Curriculum Studies
The Posthuman Condition and the HumanitiesCurriculum Studies
avalauri@georgiasouthern.eduAnne ValauriAnneValauriAssistant Professor912-478-5204University Hall #233Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationAnne Valauri, Ph.D.. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Elementary and Special Education and the Program Coordinator for the Birth-Kindergarten Teacher Education program at Georgia Southern University. Her research interests include transformative family engagement in theory, practice, and teacher education, as well as play and teaching body diversity in early childhood. Before coming to Georgia Southern, she spent several years as a teacher/researcher at an early childhood center in the U.S. Midwest with a large immigrant population of diverse regional origin, and taught in a bilingual Head Start program before that.
Teaching Philosophy
I follow a philosophy of culturally responsive pedagogy and modeling this for our students, which means holding high academic expectations while also treating students with empathy, dignity, and respect. This also means teaching cultural competence while also reflecting students’ funds of knowledge as they work toward or continue their experience as educators of children. Lastly, this looks like helping them expand and develop their critical consciousness towards both the institution of education and the lived experiences of their students and the families they serve.
  • Ph.D., Ohio State University, 2021
  • M.Ed. University Of Texas At Austin, 2014
  • B.S. Northwestern University, 2009
M.Ed. University of Texas at Austin, 2014B.S. Northwestern University, 2009
Research Interests
    • Transformative Family Engagement
    • Equitable Childhoods
    • Body Diversity
    • Multilingual Learners And Families
    • Multicultural Children'S Literature
Equitable ChildhoodsBody diversityMultilingual Learners and FamiliesMulticultural Children's LiteratureNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
kfisher@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=4iAYuzcAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AL3_ziiSiZeZpSBR6oqM2gJQTIcogu6y971R7V1TVfAsjl9quqagyqkqoG4NoiBVFH1qZ9c8k3AM3G6CWBGyHJIhKarin FisherKarinFisherAssociate Professor of Special Education912-478-12684130 College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Karin Fisher is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Georgia Southern University, where she leads both undergraduate and graduate courses, supports field supervision, and contributes extensively to service and scholarship in her field. With a Ph.D. from the University of Central Florida, Dr. Fisher’s research primarily examines the impact of STEM extracurricular activities on students with disabilities and explores effective teacher preparation strategies. She is a Fulbright Specialist, an active participant in the Georgia Council of Exceptional Children, and a published author in notable journals on special education. Her work is recognized through multiple awards, including the University Award of Excellence for Academics.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Karin Fisher’s teaching philosophy centers on modeling evidence-based practices, particularly explicit instruction and the gradual release method. She guides students through structured steps—"I do, we do, you do"—to promote skill mastery and independent application. Dr. Fisher incorporates technology, classroom simulations, and service learning to create engaging, real-world learning experiences. Known for her high expectations and rigorous feedback, she supports her students' growth through consistent practice, high standards, and scaffolded support, preparing them to excel as future educators of students with disabilities.
  • Ph.D. In Special Education
  • Graduate Certificate In Severe And Profound Disabilities And Autism
Graduate Certificate in Severe and Profound Disabilities and Autism
Research Interests
    • Students With Disabilities And Stem Extracurricular Activities
    • Special Education Law
Special Education Law
Emuhammad@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/edward-a-muhammad/E. Anthony MuhammadE. AnthonyMuhammadAssistant Professor of Educational Research912-478-1547College of Education Building, Rm 3134Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingE. Anthony Muhammad is an Assistant Professor of Educational Research and affiliate faculty in the department of Africana studies at Georgia Southern University. His research interests include Black Existential Philosophy, the phenomenology of Black embodiment, philosophical hermeneutics, the intersection of racial and religious alterity, and qualitative inquiries into the Nation of Islam. E. Anthony holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Southern University and A&M College (a Historically Black College/University), a Master’s degree in I/O Psychology from the University of Baltimore, and a Ph.D. in Qualitative Research Methodologies from the University of Georgia.
Teaching Philosophy
In keeping with the ever-changing educational landscape, my pedagogical styles have varied from face to face to online instruction. Though I thoroughly enjoy traditional classroom instruction and having direct interactions with my students, I am cognizant that online pedagogical methods continue to proliferate in academic departments throughout the nation. Therefore, I have been fortunate to gain invaluable experience in both academic settings. Given the diversity of students, it is my notion that faculty should present information in ways that are clear and exhilarating to the student. As a result, I pride myself on being a student’s professor who's always available to further their intellectual growth.
  • Ph.D., University Of Georgia, 2019
  • M.S., University Of Baltimore, 2006
  • B.S., Southern University And A&M College, 1997
M.S., University of Baltimore, 2006B.S., Southern University and A&M College, 1997
Research Interests
    • Black Existentialism
    • Critical Race Theory/Racial Realism
    • Afropessimism
    • Africana Phenomenology
    • Racial And Religious Alterity
Critical Race Theory/Racial RealismAfropessimismAfricana PhenomenologyRacial and Religious AlterityCenter for Africana Studies
rarogers@georgiasouthern.eduRebecca Ansley Thompson-RogersRebecca AnsleyThompson-RogersAssistant Professor of Literacy912-478-5300College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingWith over two decades in the field of education, I have a deep commitment to equipping future educators with effective, research-based practices for reading/literacy classrooms.
Teaching Philosophy
I focus on evidence-based literacy practices that support diverse learners through engaging classroom instruction and hands-on teaching practices. I also believe in partnership-based teaching and service activities to ensure students' success.
  • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2016
  • Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2005
  • M.Ed, Georgia Southern University, 2003
  • Bsed, Georgia Southern University, 2002
Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2005M.Ed, Georgia Southern University, 2003BSED, Georgia Southern University, 2002
Research Interests
    • Early Literacy
jherrington@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Lmk0dU0AAAAJ&hl=enJoshua HerringtonJoshuaHerringtonAssistant Professor of Psychology912-344-2767Science Center 229Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyJoshua Herrington has a broad interest in developmental neurobiology and behavior. His research program explores the behavioral effects and biological mechanisms of early life experiences on behavior and physiology across the lifespan. He has conducted research in perceptual development, learning, and epidemiology in both human and non-human animal models including birds, non-human primates, and rodents. Currently, he and his collaborators are exploring the link between prenatal and early postnatal exposure to oxidative stress and a broad range of developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder.
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator, Joshua Herrington employs high-impact practices and didactic learning in his classes. He has experience teaching general, physiological, cognitive, emotional, health, and developmental psychology, as well as research methods.
  • B.S. In Psychology - Virginia Polytechnic And State University
  • M.S. In Psychology - Florida International University
  • Ph.D. In Psychology - Florida International University
  • Postdoctoral Fellow - University Of California Davis
M.S. in Psychology - Florida International UniversityPh.D. in Psychology - Florida International University Postdoctoral Fellow - University of California Davis
Research Interests
    • Developmental Psychobiology
    • Comparative Animal Research
    • Biomedical Research
Comparative Animal Research Biomedical Research
ybodur@georgiasouthern.eduYasar BodurYasar BodurProfessor and Interim Associate Dean912-478-7285COE 4138Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationYasar Bodur is a Professor of Elementary Education. He received his graduate degrees in Elementary Education from Florida State University. He has worked at Georgia Southern University since August 2006 in different capacities, including faculty, department chair, and interim Associate Dean.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is based on the idea of presenting relevant information to learners in engaging, authentic, and student-centered ways.
  • Ph.D. In Elementary Education, Florida State University, 2003
  • Master Of Science In Elementary Education, Florida State University, 1998
  • Bachelor Of Science In Elementary Education, Gazi University, 1993
Master of Science in Elementary Education, Florida State University, 1998Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, Gazi University, 1993
Research Interests
    • Preservice Teacher Education
    • Diversity Issues In Teacher Education
    • Structure Of Field Experiences In Teacher Education
Diversity issues in teacher educationStructure of field experiences in teacher education
chodges@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/charles-b-hodges-2Charles B. HodgesCharles B.HodgesProfessor of Instructional Technology912-478-04973112 College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Hodges earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mathematics from Fairmont State University and West Virginia University, respectively, followed by a Ph.D. from the Instructional Design and Technology program in the School of Education at Virginia Tech.  He served as Editor-in-Chief of the AECT journal TechTrends from 2014 until 2024, and had edited/co-edited two Springer books: Self-Efficacy in Instructional Technology Contexts and; Emerging Research, Practice, and Policy on Computational Thinking. His research instructional technology, with a focus on self-efficacy, online learning, and the integration of technology in education.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Charles B. Hodges’ teaching philosophy centers on fostering self-efficacy and leveraging the systematic process of instructional design to create effective, efficient, and enjoyable learning environments. He believes in empowering students through the development of their confidence in their abilities, particularly in online and technology-enhanced settings. By integrating emerging learning technologies and evidence-informed practices from the learning sciences, Dr. Hodges aims to enhance student motivation, engagement, and achievement. His approach is characterized by a commitment to continuous improvement and reflective practice, ensuring that students find their learning experiences relevant and impactful.
  • Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2005
  • M.S., West Virginia University, 1992
  • B.S., Fairmont State University, 1990
M.S., West Virginia University, 1992B.S., Fairmont State University, 1990
Research Interests
    • Instructional Technology
    • Self-Efficacy
    • Online Learning
    • Emerging Learning Technologies
    • Instructional Design
Self-efficacyOnline LearningEmerging Learning TechnologiesInstructional Design
aunal@georgiasouthern.eduAslihan UnalAslihanUnalProfessor912-478-54414135 College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Aslihan Unal is a professor at Georgia Southern University, where she has been teaching in the Department of Elementary and Special Education since 2013. Her program, Curriculum and Instruction -Accomplished Teaching is fully online and designed for K-12 teachers pursuing their master's degrees. Some of her research interests include assessment in education, the flipped classroom, parental involvement, artificial intelligence in K-12 classrooms, diversity, case studies, and technology usage in education. She also serves on various departmental, college, and university-level committees, such as the Elections Committee, departmental and college-level Tenure and Promotion Committee, and the Faculty Development Committee.
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator, I prioritize mastery learning, formative feedback, and continuous improvement to foster rich learning experiences, promoting academic and personal growth. I make myself available, adopt a mastery-learning approach, and model pedagogy and content knowledge. I stay updated through conferences and research, informing my teaching and ensuring students receive high-quality instruction.
  • Elementary Education, Doctorate (Ph.D.) May 2006 Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida, United States
Research Interests
    • Artificial Intelligence (A)
    • Assessment In Education
    • Technology In Education
    • Diversity
    • Classroom Management
Assessment in EducationTechnology in EducationDiversityClassroom Management
aleckie@georgiasouthern.eduAlisa LeckieAlisaLeckieAssistant Dean of Partnerships and Outreach; Professor of English Learner Education912-663-0832University Hall - 268Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationAlisa Leckie is a Professor at Georgia Southern University and Assistant Dean for Partnerships and Outreach. Her work focuses on the education of culturally and linguistically diverse students and adolescent literacy. Currently she is working with local school districts to help them address the growing numbers of English learners in their classrooms through collaborative coaching and the modification of materials and assessments for emergent English learners. She also leads the Eagle E.D.G.E. program (Professional Development Schools, Paid Residency, Apprenticeships, and Return to Home). Prior to moving to Georgia, Alisa taught Language Arts, Spanish Language Arts and ESL for 18 years at a middle school in southern Arizona.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in the dual roles of language and cultural competence in the teaching/learning process. I believe that learning happens through language. When students are producing language related to the content, they strengthen their understanding of those content concepts. Additionally, I believe it is essential that students develop an understanding of how language is used to construct and represent knowledge in different disciplines and across different cultures.
  • Ph.D. - University Of Arizona
Research Interests
    • Multilingual Learners
    • Recruiting And Retaining Quality Educators
Recruiting and retaining quality educators
mamos@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/michelle-amosMichelle AmosMichelleAmosAssistant Professor, ReadingCollege of Education 2101Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingMichelle L. Amos is a graduate of the AEGIS program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has nearly three decades of teaching experience, working with students from sixth grade through graduate school in four different states. She has worked with academically, linguistically, and culturally diverse students in rural, urban, and suburban settings. She is an Assistant Professor of Reading, working with both graduate and undergraduate students online and at the Statesboro campus.
Teaching Philosophy
My core belief is that education is the purest form of social justice. I recognize that the ability to read and understand the complex world we share is essential for a productive and fulfilled life. I seek to make a difference in the lives of students by engaging them where they are, building the skills they need, and supporting them in realizing their potential. I hope to foster a non-judgmental openness to others’ lived experiences, which is vital for personal, professional, and academic growth. I have found that students will return the passion, compassion, and support that is invested in them.
  • Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University, 2015
  • M.A.Ed., Teachers College, Columbia University, 2011
  • M.Ed., University Of Florida, 1996
  • B.A., University Of Florida, 1995
M.A.Ed., Teachers College, Columbia University, 2011M.Ed., University of Florida, 1996B.A., University of Florida, 1995
Research Interests
    • Transformative Learning
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Literacy Development
    • Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Learners
Scholarship of Teaching and LearningLiteracy DevelopmentCulturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
jhkim@georgiasouthern.eduJackie KimJackie KimProfessor912-344-2707UH 264Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Jackie HeeYoung Kim has extensive experiences providing professional development workshops for Georgia teachers through the Teacher Quality Grant and other statewide initiatives. Her research interests include technology self-efficacy, K-12 teacher professional development in differentiated instruction, flipped learning in K-8 and higher education, faculty scholarship development, computational thinking, digital distraction, generative AI in higher education, and online learning pedagogy.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on listening to students’ needs and feedback to tailor instruction. By communicating about class progress and incorporating their suggestions, I meet diverse needs and develop materials suited to their learning styles and pace. Understanding their skill levels and systematically analyzing tasks ensures effective and personalized teaching.
  • Ed.D., University Of Houston
  • M.A., University Of Houston
  • B.A., Korean Chonnam National University
M.A., University of HoustonB.A., Korean Chonnam National University
Research Interests
    • Flipped Learning In K-8 And Higher Education
    • Generative Ai In Higher Education
    • Online Learning Pedagogy
    • Digital Distraction
    • Computational Thinking
generative AI in higher educationonline learning pedagogydigital distractioncomputational thinking
kent_r@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kent-a-rittschof-2Kent RittschofKentRittschofProfessor of Educational Psychology912-478-0672College of Education Building 3127Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingKent Rittschof is a Professor of Educational Psychology and Chair of the Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading. His expertise is in learning, cognition, psychological measurement, and psychological foundations of education. His recent research has emphasized contemporary measurement approaches for examining student attitudes, cognitive abilities, and quantitative reasoning in science. Prior to serving as department head, he served his institution as interim Director for Faculty Development and the Center for Excellence in Teaching, and as Assessment Coordinator for the College of Education.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is one of caring and eclecticism in support of students making, creating, exploring, finding, and discovering connections among ideas, motivations, and solutions.
  • Ph.D. Arizona State University
Research Interests
    • Psychological Measurement
    • Human Learning
    • Stem Education
Human LearningSTEM Education
abossler@georgiasouthern.eduAdam BosslerAdamBosslerProfessor of Criminal Justice & Criminology912-344-2526University Hall 249Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Adam M. Bossler's research primarily focuses on examining the application of traditional criminological theories to various forms of cybercrime offending and victimization and the law enforcement response to cybercrime. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Bureau of Justice Assistance, and the United Kingdom Home Office. He is a co-author of three books: Cybercrime and Digital Forensics: An Introduction, 2nd edition (Routledge); Cybercrime in Progress: Theory and Prevention of Technology-Enabled Offenses (Routledge) (winner of the 2017 Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences’ International Section Outstanding Book Award); and Policing Cybercrime and Cyberterror (Carolina Academic Press).
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Bossler teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on cybercrime. He wants all students to be able to understand the ever growing impact of technology on all aspects of society, including crime. He thinks that CRJU 1210 Introduction to Cybercrime should be a mandatory class for all Georgia Southern students.
  • Ph.D., University Of Missouri - St. Louis, 2006
  • M.S., Illinois State University, 2000
  • B.S., Truman State University, 1998
M.S., Illinois State University, 2000B.S., Truman State University, 1998
Research Interests
    • Cybercrime
aschueths@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AD1yEJYAAAAJ&hl=enApril M. SchuethsApril M.SchuethsProfessor of Sociology912-478-2368Carroll 1060Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyApril M. Schueths, Ph.D., LCSW, is a sociology professor at Georgia Southern University. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and a Master of Social Work from the University of Nebraska. Dr. Schueths teaches courses in social services/human services within sociology, including child welfare, social welfare policy, counseling skills, human behavior in the social environment, and internships. Her research primarily addresses social inequality and social policy, child welfare and family, immigration and intersectionality, and community health, often with a focus on rural contexts. Much of her work is qualitative, interdisciplinary, and involves collaboration with students.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is a privilege; therefore, I understand the immense responsibility of the students I encounter daily, whether as their professor or mentor. As a dedicated teacher-scholar, I create a challenging, supportive, and collaborative learning environment where students actively engage in their learning process, preparing for future careers. As a reflective teacher, I am constantly modifying and changing my courses and improving and updating my skills to best prepare my students for the applied and scholarly world ahead. An excellent sociology class empowers students to use the course materials in their community and work to improve it.
  • Ph.D., University Of Nebraska
  • Master Of Social Work (Msw), University Of Nebraska
  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker (Lcsw), Georgia
Master of Social Work (MSW), University of NebraskaLicensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Georgia
Research Interests
    • Child Welfare And Families
    • Stratification
    • Community Health
    • Qualitative Research
StratificationCommunity HealthQualitative Research
jmcbrayer@georgiasouthern.eduJuliann McBrayerJuliannMcBrayerAssociate Professor912-478-7104College of Education 3108Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentJuliann Sergi McBrayer, Ed.D. is an Associate Professor and Co-Director of the National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center at Georgia Southern University. She also serves as the Program Director for the Educational Leadership master’s and educational specialist programs. She has served 20 years as an educational leadership associate/assistant professor, educational program coordinator, instructional school leader, professional development and federal programs coordinator, classroom teacher and teacher leader.
Teaching Philosophy
My educational leadership and teaching philosophy when working with students is to bridge research, theory, and practice, as I prepare educational leaders. As a scholarly practitioner my work is intended to support community and school improvement through evidence-based practices and strong P-20 partnerships.
  • Ed.D., Doctorate Of Education, Educational Administration, Georgia Southern University
  • Ed.S., Education Specialist, Educational Leadership, Georgia Southern University
  • M.Ed., Master Of Education, Secondary Education In Science, Ohio University
  • B.A., Bachelor Of Arts, Biology, State University Of New York College At Buffalo
  • A.A.S., Associate Of Applied Science, Culinary Arts, Johnson & Wales University
Ed.S., Education Specialist, Educational Leadership, Georgia Southern UniversityM.Ed., Master of Education, Secondary Education in Science, Ohio UniversityB.A., Bachelor of Arts, Biology, State University of New York College at BuffaloA.A.S., Associate of Applied Science, Culinary Arts, Johnson & Wales University
Research Interests
    • Educational Leadership Programming
    • Purposeful, Collaborative, And Sustainable Professional Learning
    • Community And School Safety
    • Youth Advocacy And Restorative Justice
    • Mental Health And Well-Being
Purposeful, Collaborative, and Sustainable Professional LearningCommunity and School SafetyYouth Advocacy and Restorative JusticeMental Health and Well-BeingNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
ehogan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=My4iE_wAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdateEric HoganEricHoganAssistant Professor912-478-85222134 College of Education BuildingArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingI grew up in Virginia Beach, VA. I graduated with my Bachelor's in Psychology from James Madison University in 2011. I then received my Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Auburn University in 2018. During my time in graduate school, I had the unique opportunity to build and construct school gardens to enhance student learning. In 2020, I started as an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. Aside from my education and professional background, I try to always find a good hike and pet as many dogs as possible.
Teaching Philosophy
With an educational psychology background, I teach primarily courses focusing on learning theories, motivation, development, and assessment. These four areas help provide a foundation for undergraduate and graduate students wanting to improve their craft as educators and practitioners. I want my students to have a worthwhile experience that betters them currently and for their futures. In any course I teach, I incorporate three core principles. These include: 1) creating community, 2) culturally responsive pedagogy, and 3) impactful assignments.
  • Ph.D. In Educational Psychology, Auburn University
  • Bachelor'S In Psychology, James Madison University
Bachelor's in Psychology, James Madison University
Research Interests
    • Assessment Autonomy
    • Reflective Practice
    • Social Processes In Community
Reflective PracticeSocial Processes in Community
kbrkich@georgiasouthern.eduKatie BrkichKatieBrkichProfessor912-478-76894141 College of Education BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Katie Brkich is a professor of elementary science and has been at Georgia Southern since 2011. Her teaching focuses on preparing elementary teachers to teach science in age-appropriate ways using 3D science instruction that also promote culturally sustaining pedagogies and using students’ funds of knowledge. Her scholarship focuses on similar ideas, but extends beyond practice to theory and policy.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that effective science instruction in elementary classrooms should be grounded in an “explore before explain” approach, allowing students to investigate and ask questions before introducing formal concepts. By centering inquiry-based learning, I encourage students to discover through hands-on exploration, making learning both active and personally meaningful. I view each student as a reservoir of rich cultural experiences and knowledge, which I aim to incorporate into the classroom environment. Embracing a culturally sustaining pedagogy, I strive to honor and integrate students’ diverse backgrounds, fostering an inclusive space where every child can see themselves as a scientist, capable of curiosity, discovery, and contribution.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida, Curriculum & Instruction
  • M.Ed., University Of Florida, Elementary Education
  • B.S., University Of South Florida, Environmental Science And Policy
M.Ed., University of Florida, Elementary EducationB.S., University of South Florida, Environmental Science and Policy
Research Interests
    • Elementary Science Education
    • Inquiry-Based Science Teaching And Learning
    • Science For Social Justice
Inquiry-based science teaching and learningScience for social justice
acarreon@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C11&q=adam+carreon&btnG=&oq=adamAdam CarreonAdamCarreonAssistant Professor912-478-52084108Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationAdam Carreon is an assistant professor of special education in the Department of Elementary and Special Education at Georgia Southern University. Carreon is an alum of University of Kansas and Northern Illinois University (2x). He is a former educator from the northern Illinois region where he taught elementary and high school special education He specializes in instructional design, technology, and innovation for the classroom. Carreon’s research interests include the use of emerging technology to provide effective instructional, adaptive and social emotional intervention and assistance. Specifically, the use of extended realities, 360-video, and artificial intelligence to enhance the classroom for students with disabilities.
Teaching Philosophy
Grounded by integrating choice and options, my teaching is focused on (a) providing students relevant and real-world practice, (b) integrating meaningful and current technology, and (c) building rapport.
  • Ph.D. Special Education, University Of Kansas
  • Ms.Ed Advanced Special Education, Northern Illinois University
  • B.A. Special Education, Northern Illinois University
MS.Ed Advanced Special Education, Northern Illinois UniversityB.A. Special Education, Northern Illinois University
Research Interests
    • Innovation
    • Immersive Technology
    • Assistive Technology
    • Instructional Design
    • Extended Reality
Immersive TechnologyAssistive TechnologyInstructional DesignExtended Reality
acarter@georgiasouthern.eduAshley CarterAshleyCarterMs.912-478-5648COE 4142Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationAshley Carter is a dedicated educator and proud alum of Charleston Southern University and Augusta University, where she focused on educational leadership. Currently, Ashley teaches undergraduate courses at the Statesboro campus as an Elementary Education instructor. With a passion for guiding future educators, she also engages in pre-service teacher supervision, ensuring that aspiring teachers are well-prepared to enter the classroom with confidence and skill.
Teaching Philosophy
I believe in fostering an engaging and inclusive learning environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive. My goal is to nurture the growth of future educators by providing the support and encouragement they need to become outstanding teachers. I am committed to inspiring each of my students to reach their full potential, contributing to a future where classrooms are welcoming, dynamic, and supportive spaces for all learners.
  • Ed.S, Augusta University, 2023
  • M.Ed, Augusta University, 2022
  • Bsed, Charleston Southern University, 2011
M.Ed, Augusta University, 2022BSEd, Charleston Southern University, 2011
Research Interests
    • Literacy Instruction
    • Classroom Culture And Management Strategies
Classroom Culture and Management Strategies
jschreiber@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/joanna-schreiber-2Joanna SchreiberJoannaSchreiberAssociate Professor of Technical and Professional Communication912-478-5908Newton 2222-CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishJoanna Schreiber teaches plain language and accessibility; usability and user experience (UX); information design; technical and professional editing; technical communication; and business writing courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels . Dr. Schreiber’s research interests include trends in professional and technical editing; accessible and inclusive information design and UX; project management communication and genres; and efficiency management communication and genres. Her research has been published in IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, Technical Communication, Technical Communication Quarterly, and other peer-reviewed journals and collections.
Teaching Philosophy
The primary goal of technical communication theories and practices is to serve audiences by making complex information meaningful, engaging, accessible, and useful. In the classroom, these theories and practices serve as a toolkit for students to critically engage current best practices in content development and curation in order to prepare them to develop effective user experiences and the best practices of the future.
  • Ph.D., Rhetoric And Technical Communication, Michigan Tech, 2013
Research Interests
    • Accessible Information Design
    • Performance Assessment Genres
    • Project Management Genres
    • Technical Editing
Performance assessment genresProject management genresTechnical editing
lwiggins@georgiasouthern.eduLori WigginsLoriWigginsAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5204COE 4127Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & Reading, Department of Elementary & Special Education, Department of Leadership, Technology & Human Development, Department of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationI am currently a student at Georgia Southern University. Getting my degree in Interdisciplinary Studies.
kharris@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-3276-6927Kymberly HarrisKymberlyHarrisAssociate Professor912-478-5041COE 4112Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Harris earned her Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Teacher Preparation from the University of Alabama. She is the program director of the MEd in Curriculum & Instruction and teaches undergraduate courses in special education
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is rooted in creating an inclusive, student-centered environment that prepares future educators to be reflective and equity-driven. In special education, I guide undergraduates in applying inquiry-based approaches to real-world challenges while embedding research to foster a strong foundation in evidence-based practices. As director of a large online graduate program, I prioritize accessible, rigorous coursework encouraging reflective practice and professional growth.
  • Ph.D., University Of Alabama
  • Med, Special Education, University Of Alabama
MEd, Special Education, University of Alabama
Research Interests
    • Undergraduate Research
    • Classroom Climate
    • Positive Behavior Supports
    • Instructional Coaching
    • Curriculum Design
Classroom climatePositive behavior supportsinstructional coachingCurriculum design
dderlic@georgiasouthern.eduDragana DerlicDraganaDerlicAssistant Professor912-478-0469Carroll 1065Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDragana Derlic is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. Dragana’s primary research focuses largely on corrections, jail and prison programming, program evaluation, and the use of mixed methods. Her research has been published in the Journal of Correctional Healthcare, Crime & Delinquency, and the Journal of Applied Juvenile Justice Services. Dragana has taught a variety of undergraduate courses and considers pedagogy an important part of her scholarly career.
Teaching Philosophy
As an educator, Dragana is committed to fostering a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that empowers students to reach their fullest potential. Dragana's teaching philosophy centers on three key principles: accessibility, creativity, and student engagement. Through these principles, Dragana aim's to inspire a passion for knowledge, equip students with essential skills, and encourage a mindset of continuous growth.
  • Ph.D., Criminology (2021) The University Of Texas At Dallas
  • M.S., Criminal Justice (2015) Wayne State University
  • B.S., Criminal Justice (2012) Wayne State University
M.S., Criminal Justice (2015) Wayne State UniversityB.S., Criminal Justice (2012) Wayne State University
Research Interests
    • Corrections
    • Offender Rehabilitation
    • Mixed-Methods
Offender RehabilitationMixed-Methods
sross@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/sabrina-ross/Sabrina RossSabrina RossProfessor912-478-0696COE 2133, University Hall 268Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingSabrina Ross, Ph.D. is a Professor of Educational Research at Georgia Southern University. Her scholarship involves intersections of race, gender, and power within formal and informaleducational contexts. Recent publications have explored these topics through critical geographical and Black feminist lenses. Included in her published works are articles in Educational Foundations, Educational Studies, The International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, The Journal of African American Males in Education, and Teaching in Higher Education.
Teaching Philosophy
I teach in order to participate in efforts that I believe will make the world better. My pedagogy focuses on transformative learning and social justice education and is based on the work of scholars and activists who have articulated differences between schooling and education (e.g., Freire, 2001).One of the most important things that I can do as an educator is foster a learning space within which students are provided opportunities for critical thinking and addressing real-world problems within community.
  • Ph.D., Curriculum And Teaching/Cultural Studies, The University Of North Carolina At Greensboro
  • Ms, Educational Research, Georgia State University
  • Ms, Human Development And Family Studies, The University Of North Carolina At Greensboro
MS, Educational Research, Georgia State UniversityMS, Human Development and Family Studies, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Research Interests
    • Influence Of Race/Ethnic And Gender Identities On Schooling Processes And Outcomes
    • Critical Geography
    • Contributions Of Black Feminist And Womanist Theorizing To Educational Praxis
    • Urban Education
Critical GeographyContributions of Black Feminist and Womanist Theorizing to Educational PraxisUrban Education
awall@georgiasouthern.eduAmanda WallAmandaWallProfessor912-478-9532College of Education 4132Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationAmanda Wall is a professor in the Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education.
Teaching Philosophy
Docendo Discimus - By teaching, we learn.
  • Ph.D., University Of North Carolina, Greensboro
  • M.A.T., University Of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • A.B., Brown University
M.A.T., University of Massachusetts, AmherstA.B., Brown University
Research Interests
    • Middle Level Education
    • Interdisciplinary & Integrated Curriculum
    • Adolescent Literacy
interdisciplinary & integrated curriculumadolescent literacy
ctoledo@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/courtney-toledo-2Courtney ToledoCourtneyToledoInstructor of Elementary and Special Education770-912-0714College of Education, 4107Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationCourtney Toledo has over 14 years of experience teaching elementary students with disabilities and college-aged students pursuing their initial teaching certification in elementary and special education. Her research interests include preparing pre-service teachers for collaborating with families, including their involvement in IEP meetings, as well as pre-service teacher self-efficacy and well-being.
Teaching Philosophy
My beliefs about teaching are rooted in my experience as a student, combined with the characteristics I have admired from the educators in my life who have made a difference, and from what I have learned as an educator of fourteen years. One of the key tenets that guides my teaching philosophy is the belief that learning is socially constructed. Everyone within a given learning space holds equal responsibility for the learning that occurs. I aim to engage students in learning through experience to co-create knowledge. Learning must be hands-on and collaborative. As a learning community, my students and I construct knowledge together.
  • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University
  • M.Ed, Georgia State University
  • Bs.Ed, Georgia Southern University
M.Ed, Georgia State UniversityBS.Ed, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
    • Preparing Pre-Service Teachers For Collaboration With Families And Other Educators
    • Preparing Pre-Service Teachers For Iep Meetings
    • Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy
    • Pre-Service And In-Service Teacher Well-Being
Preparing pre-service teachers for IEP meetingsPre-service teacher self-efficacyPre-service and in-service teacher well-being
bnafziger@georgiasouthern.eduBailey NafzigerBaileyNafzigerAssistant Professor912-478-2212COE 4140Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationBailey Nafziger began her career in K-12 public education as a middle school science teacher and elementary school gifted specialist in both urban and rural settings. After earning her EdD in May 2022, Bailey joined the College of Education at Georgia Southern University. Her professional interests include science education and gifted education professional learning for teachers.
Teaching Philosophy
  • Ed.D., University Of North Dakota, 2022
  • M.A., Northern Arizona University, 2017
  • B.S., The College Of St. Scholastica, 2012
M.A., Northern Arizona University, 2017B.S., The College of St. Scholastica, 2012
Research Interests
    • Elementary Science Education
    • Gifted Education Professional Learning
    • Social Justice
    • Engineering
    • Critical Thinking
Gifted Education Professional LearningSocial JusticeEngineeringCritical Thinking
cfiori@georgiasouthern.eduCeleste FioriCelesteFioriAssistant Professor of Counselor Education912-478-0502College of Education 2110Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentIn addition to her role as an assistant professor, Dr. Celeste A. Fiori, LPC, NCC is a mental health counselor. She focuses on relationship-based interventions that utilize strength-based approaches to address the needs of children, caregivers, and families who have experienced traumatic events. Celeste is passionate about intervention-based research that directly benefits underserved groups through the application of humanistic and systemic frameworks. Additionally, Celeste has a particular passion working with pediatric medical trauma and equipping medical settings to support children and their families’ post-traumatic events.
Teaching Philosophy
Students carry a sense of curiosity, wonder, and drive to grow into their own potential. I view learning as a continuous process that needs to be nurtured and assessed to guide students on their self-learning journey. My role is to exhibit cultural sensitivity, dedication to diversity, and empathic understanding towards all learners. I prioritize being present in the moment to establish collaborative relationships with my students. Listening conveys a sense of being heard and acknowledged while collaboration invites the student’s individual process into the space. It is where self-discovery is honored, and the learning process can expand.
  • Ph.D., University Of Wyoming, 2024
  • M.A., Northwestern University, 2019
  • B.S., Psychology, Unc Charlotte, 2017
M.A., Northwestern University, 2019B.S., Psychology, UNC Charlotte, 2017
Research Interests
    • Pediatric Medical Trauma
    • Parent-Child Relationship
    • Mental Health
Parent-child relationshipMental health
abrady@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/anna-c-brady-2Anna Brady AnnaBrady Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology912-478-5921Education Building 2129Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingAnna C. Brady is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading. Brady’s research explores students’ academic outcomes through the lens of motivation and self-regulated learning. She is particularly interested in identifying interventions and instructional approaches that support self-regulated learning, with the ultimate goal of enhancing engagement, learning, and achievement. She is especially interested in the impact of these interventions in STEM contexts. Brady currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Experimental Education and the executive board of the American Educational Research Association Teaching of Educational Psychology Special Interest Group.
Teaching Philosophy
  • Ph.D. In Educational Psychology From The Ohio State University
  • M.A. In Educational Psychology From The Ohio State University
  • B.S. In Psychology From Florida State University
M.A. in Educational Psychology from The Ohio State University B.S. in Psychology from Florida State University
Research Interests
    • Self-Regulated Learning
    • Motivation
Motivation National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
jjsmith@georgiasouthern.eduJanel Janiczek SmithJanel Janiczek SmithSenior Lecturer912-344-3249University Hall, #270Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Janel Janiczek Smith, is a senior lecturer in the Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Smith has an educational background in mathematics and elementary education from the University of Pittsburgh and received her doctorate in 2013 in the field of Curriculum Studies. After teaching for nine years in public elementary and middle schools in Georgia, she transitioned to higher education. She has taught in both undergraduate and graduate level courses in curriculum, math education methods, and embedding literacy into content areas. In addition, she supervises students within field placements throughout the region.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Smith's philosophy centers on the student as an active and involved participant in the learning process. Her instructional strategies focus on active participation in recognition of best practices while reflecting on classroom application through video observations. Dr. Smith continues to develop her teacher identity along students by actively exploring their positions as teachers and learners within changing places and spaces, both within the classroom walls and the community.
  • B.S. In Mathematics, University Of Pittsburgh, 2004
  • M.A.T., University Of Pittsburgh, 2006
  • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2013
M.A.T., University of Pittsburgh, 2006Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2013
Research Interests
    • Mathematics And Literacy
    • Adult Learners
    • Teacher Preparation
    • First Generation Students And Supports
Adult learnersTeacher preparationFirst Generation Students and Supports
sgsmith@georgiasouthern.eduSharon Gilliard-SmithSharonGilliard-SmithAssistant Professor912-344-2986Ashmore Hall Suite 154Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceI am a Registered Radiographer who worked at a Level One Trauma Center in Savannah and began my teaching career in 1999. As the two careers paths overlapped, I am a Registered Radiographer for over 44 years and as an educator for over 23 years. I am married; I have two children and four grandchildren. We also have three grand dogs (Jack, Rudy, and Rocky). With each year that passes, I have come to appreciate family time much more than I did as a younger adult. I love sports particularly basketball, football, baseball, almost all of the summer Olympics and tennis. I am very active in my church as well as throughout community and to devoting time to numerous Community Service projects.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning is a process by which a person gains information and understanding of a study or experience. There is a saying that says “Lead by example. Leading by example simply implies that one is being watched and observed. The individual is an example for someone else to pattern their behavior after. Education is a formal means to promote learning. A structured classroom setting is set up for the individual to learn. British novelist Williams A. Ward was once quoted as saying “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” This statement reminds me of a very vivid image of a small bird who is just learning to fly.
  • Doctor Of Education-Valdosta State University-2023
  • Master Of Health Science-Armstrong Atlantic State University-1999
  • Bachelor Of Health Science-Armstrong State College-1996
  • Registered Radiologic Technologist-1979
  • Online Teaching Certification
Master of Health Science-Armstrong Atlantic State University-1999Bachelor of Health Science-Armstrong State College-1996Registered Radiologic Technologist-1979Online Teaching Certification
Research Interests
    • The Challenges Of Teach In Higher Education
amoldavan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/alesia-moldavan/publications/Alesia MoldavanAlesiaMoldavanAssistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics and Science Education912-344-2809University Hall, Room 266Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationAlesia Mickle Moldavan, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics and Science Education in the College of Education at Georgia Southern University. Previously, she taught at diverse Title I schools in Georgia as a secondary mathematics instructor and served as an elementary STEM Saturday Enrichment program instructor. She designs and implements various STEM professional development focused on ethnomathematics, social justice, and robotics. Her research interests include equitable teaching practices, culturally responsive pedagogy, and the use of digital technology in teacher education. Her recent work focuses on developing innovative curricula in teacher education promoting cultural awareness and justice-oriented advocacy.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Moldavan teaches elementary mathematics and science methods courses for preservice and in-service teachers, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in diverse, high-needs schools. Her teaching emphasizes research-based evidence and hands-on project-based learning, integrating best teaching practices, culturally responsive instruction, and effective technology use (e.g., simulations, robotics, AI). Her goal is to foster meaningful learning experiences while developing teachers who can assess students’ strengths and areas for growth, cultivate positive STEM identities, and serve as ethical advocates and agents of change for all learners.
  • Ph.D. In Teaching And Learning In Mathematics Education, Georgia State University
  • Qualitative Research Graduate Certificate, Georgia State University
  • International Education Graduate Certificate, Georgia State University
  • M.Ed. In Mathematics Education, Georgia State University
  • B.S.Ed. In Mathematics Education, University Of Georgia
Qualitative Research Graduate Certificate, Georgia State UniversityInternational Education Graduate Certificate, Georgia State UniversityM.Ed. in Mathematics Education, Georgia State UniversityB.S.Ed. in Mathematics Education, University of Georgia
Research Interests
    • Elementary Mathematics And Science Education
    • Teacher Education
    • Culturally Responsive Teaching
    • Social Justice
    • Technology
Teacher EducationCulturally Responsive TeachingSocial JusticeTechnologyNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
ahackney@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/amy-hackney-2Amy HackneyAmyHackneyProfessor912-536-1302Brannen 1028Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyAmy Hackney earned her bachelor's degree in psychology from Indiana University and her Ph.D. in Psychology from Saint Louis University. Dr. Hackney's research examines how stereotypes and prejudice impact decision-making within legal and educational contexts, and she develops and assesses interventions to mitigate these effects. She teaches undergraduate courses on the Statesboro campus and coordinates the Master's in Experimental Psychology Program.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy centers on fostering a sense of belonging and purpose within the college classroom. I aim to encourage an inclusive community of learners where each member contributes to the learning process. I strive to help students synthesize psychological concepts with real-world applications so that ultimately, students are empowered to apply psychological insights to improve their lives and communities.
  • Ph.D., Saint Louis University, 2003
  • B.A., Indiana University, 1994
B.A., Indiana University, 1994
Research Interests
    • Stereotypes, Prejudice, And Discrimination
    • Social Cognition
    • Legal Decision Making
    • Bias Reduction
Social cognitionLegal decision makingBias reduction
epiedmont@georgiasouthern.eduErin PiedmontErinPiedmontAssistant Professor of Elementary Social Studies912-344-3251273Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Piedmont teaches social studies methods and field experience courses across the BSED, MAT, and MED programs at Georgia Southern University. She is a former elementary general and special education teacher in culturally and linguistically diverse Title I schools. Her research interests are focused on preparing preservice and inservice teachers for culturally responsive and critical social studies pedagogy. Her work currently explores how inquiry and place-based pedagogical approaches in social studies methods courses foster the sociopolitical and critical consciousness of teachers and teacher candidates.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Piedmont's teaching philosophy is rooted in Constructivism and Critical Theory. She models teaching and prepares teacher candidates for inquiry-based social studies that fosters higher-order thinking skills. She believes that place-based learning enhances student engagement and problem-solving skills, and promotes meaningful and relevant learning opportunities. Dr. Piedmont also teaches through a critical lens, engaging her students in examining local social issues and considering solutions for making communities for equitable.
  • Ph.D. In Social Studies Education, Purdue University
  • M.A. In Literacy Studies, University Of Nevada, Reno
  • B.S. In Elementary And Special Education, University Of Nevada, Reno
M.A. in Literacy Studies, University of Nevada, RenoB.S. in Elementary and Special Education, University of Nevada, Reno
Research Interests
    • Critical Historical Inquiry
    • Place-Based Learning
    • Inquiry-Based Learning
    • Anti-Oppressive Elementary Social Studies
    • Critical Civic Education
place-based learninginquiry-based learninganti-oppressive elementary social studiescritical civic education
nhenderson@georgiasouthern.eduNancy HendersonNancyHendersonAssistant Professor912-344-3207Armstrong CenterArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Henderson teaches Orthopedics in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Dr. Henderson is board certified and has extensive outpatient clinical experience in both military and civilian facilities and currently treats patients in a local military PT clinic on a weekly basis. She developed two educational programs for military service members. She is the program director for the Soldier Athlete Human Performance Optimization (SAHPO) program (in-person educational model) and the Tactical Athlete Certificate (TAC) (online educational model). She is spearheading a large scale DOD grant assessing the effectiveness of these two educational models. She has presented nationally and published on a variety of Orthopedic topics.
Teaching Philosophy
In my teaching, I strive to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and real-world clinical experience. I believe that a hands-on, practice-oriented approach in the classroom is essential for preparing students to excel in the clinic environment. By bringing practical scenarios and problem-solving exercises into the learning experience, I aim to make the material relevant, tangible, and directly applicable. Student engagement is at the heart of my teaching philosophy. I create an interactive environment where students feel comfortable asking questions, discussing cases, and practicing skills that they will use in the clinic.
  • Ph.D.
  • Dpt
  • Ocs
  • Cert Mdt
  • Cmtpt
Research Interests
    • Injury Prevention
    • Assessing Meaningful Change
    • Diagnosis Of Musculoskeletal Disorders
    • Diagnostic Ultrasound
    • Running Form
Assessing meaningful changeDiagnosis of musculoskeletal disordersDiagnostic ultrasoundRunning form
ksweeney@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/kara-bridgmansweeney/Kara Bridgman SweeneyKaraBridgman SweeneySenior Lecturer of Anthropology; Director, Digging Savannah at Georgia Southern University912-344-3141University Hall 211Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral and Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyKara Bridgman Sweeney (Ph.D. University of Florida, 2013) is a Senior Lecturer of Anthropology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Georgia Southern University. She joined Georgia Southern in 2014. Dr. Bridgman Sweeney directs the Digging Savannah public outreach initiative for archaeology at Georgia Southern University, and her experience is in community archaeology and cultural heritage management.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida
  • M.A., University College Cork (Ireland)
  • B.A., South Carolina Honors College, University Of South Carolina
M.A., University College Cork (Ireland)B.A., South Carolina Honors College, University of South Carolina
Research Interests
    • Community Archaeology
    • Cultural Heritage Management
    • Southeastern U.S. Archaeology
cultural heritage managementSoutheastern U.S. Archaeology
cpfund@georgiasouthern.eduCeline PfundCelinePfundAssistant Professor of Nursing912-478-5685Nursing Chemistry Bldg #3019Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health Professions, Overload in the College of Education as neededSchool of NursingDr. Celine Pfund has been a registered nurse (RN) since 1994 and a nursing educator since 2010. She teaches in the traditional undergraduate BSN program at Georgia Southern University (GSU) in Statesboro Georgia. She received a BSN from the University of Pittsburgh and an MSN in nursing education from Robert Morris University, both located in Pennsylvania. In 2019 she received an Ed.D. in Curriculum Studies, with an emphasis in issues of social justice and multicultural education, from the College of Education at GSU. Dr. Pfund also teaches an elective online course on multiculturalism in healthcare. She was nominated for a teaching excellence award in 2020.
Teaching Philosophy
Progressive education and student centered learning using the Socratic method
  • RN
  • BSN
  • MSN-Ed. In Nursing Education
  • Ed.D. Curriculum Studies
BSN MSN-Ed. in nursing education Ed.D. curriculum studies
Research Interests
    • Diversity In Nursing
    • Competency Based Education
    • Medical Trauma
Competency based educationMedical Trauma
sallybrown@georgiasouthern.eduSally BrownSallyBrownProfessor of Literacy Education 912-478-62782130Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingSally Brown is Professor of Literacy Education at Georgia Southern University and earned a Ph.D. in Language and Literacy from the University of South Carolina. Currently, she teaches graduate students in the M.Ed. and Ed.S. Reading programs. Before working at the university level, she taught in South Carolina public schools for 13 years. She is the former co-editor of Talking Points, a National Council of Teachers of English journal. Sally’s research has been published in journals such as Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, Reading & Writing Quarterly, Language Arts, and The Reading Teacher. Her current book, Multimodal Funds of Knowledge: Countering Deficit Narratives of Diverse Families (2025) was recently published by Routledge.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is grounded in culturally relevant, student-centered learning that captures students’ interests and builds on their background experiences. I expect, plan for, and encourage students to be active learners in the classroom. This means that students must invest time and energy into both the in-class learning opportunities as well as the out-of-class assignments. As part of this experience, expectations are established in terms of student responsibility to ensure students are engaging in learning tasks. Moreover, students are provided with opportunities to express their understanding of course content in multimodal ways that offer choices, including the use of digital tools.
  • Ph.D. University Of South Carolina - Language And Literacy
Research Interests
    • Literacy Practices Of Emergent Bilinguals
    • Multimodal And Multilingual Literacies
    • Diversity In Family Literacies
    • Early Childhood Literacies
Multimodal and multilingual literacies Diversity in family literacies Early childhood literacies
kdickens@georgiasouthern.eduKristen DickensKristenDickensAssociate Professor912-478-53092114Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentKristen Dickens, Ph.D., LPC, NCC, ACS is an Associate Professor in the Counselor Education Program at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Dickens trains graduate students to become professional counselors in clinical, community, and school settings. She has experience working in a variety of mental health settings, including university counseling centers, inpatient treatment centers for eating disorders, and private practice.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy emphasizes student-centered, experiential learning inspired by Pestalozzi's "head, heart, and hands" approach (Brühlmeier, 2010). I design activities that engage students’ thoughts and emotions, fostering connection and encouraging open dialogue. Grounded in the work of Belenky et al. (1997), I support students’ shift from received to constructed knowledge. I strive for transparency in curriculum design and focus on cultivating a growth mindset, respecting students' diverse backgrounds and experiences. Compassion, reflection, and a safe, supportive environment are essential to my approach, helping students see how each learning experience shapes their counselor identity.
  • Ph.D., Counselor Education And Supervision, The University Of New Orleans
  • M.A., Counseling, Marriage And Family Therapy Concentration, East Tennessee State University
  • B.A., Psychology, Furman University
M.A., Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy concentration, East Tennessee State UniversityB.A., Psychology, Furman University
Research Interests
    • Counselor Education And Preparation
    • Multicultural Competency Of Counselors In Training
    • Ethical Issues In Counselor Education
    • Leadership And Identity Development Of Counselors
Multicultural competency of counselors in trainingEthical issues in counselor educationLeadership and identity development of counselorsNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
jhobe@georgiasouthern.edujhobe@georgiasouthern.eduJohn HobeJohnHobeProfessor Elementary Education912-344-2619University Hall 237Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationRegular Elementary And Special Education Teacher 1968-1991 Armstrong State University/Georgia Southern University Elementary and Special Education 1991-Present
Teaching Philosophy
Using effective teaching practices to differentiate instruction and assessment so all children meet lesson accuracy and fluency criteria..
  • Ed.D. University Of San Francisco Curriculum And Instruction
Research Interests
    • Effective Instructional Design And Instruction.
    • Managing Differentiated Instruction And Assessment.
    • The Instructional Alignment Construct.
Managing differentiated instruction and assessment.The instructional alignment construct.
almastevenson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=B2KpcnYAAAAJ&hl=enAlma D. StevensonAlma D.StevensonProfessor of Literacy Education912-478-5545Colege of Eduation, Room 3129Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingI am a Professor of Literacy. My research explores the power of home languages and cultures to support educational equity and positive identity formation. I seek to construct empowering curricula and pedagogies that advocate for social justice. I examine the role of multicultural, diverse, and content-relevant literature as a resource to foster culturally responsive and sustaining literacy pedagogies. I foster teaching that advances literacy skills among socially diverse students, including bilingual and multilingual learners.
Teaching Philosophy
My commitment to equity and social justice has inspired me to research, develop, and model instructional practices that engage my students’ interests while helping them meet the needs of our diverse society. An essential element of this approach is reflective teaching to continually theorize and enrich my own classroom practice. I devote many hours each semester to improving my course lectures, activities, assignments, and assessments.
  • Ph.D In Curriculum And Instruction/Reading - New Mexico State University
  • M.Ed. In Bilingual Education - University Of Texas At El Paso
  • Bachelors In Mass Communications - Instituto De Technologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, Mexico
M.Ed. in Bilingual Education - University of Texas at El PasoBachelors in Mass Communications - Instituto de Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico
Research Interests
    • Role Of Literature To Advance Students Literacy Skills
    • Socio-Culturally Responsive Literacy In Stem
    • Education Of Migrant Farm Workers' Children
    • The Role Of Home Languages And Cultures
    • Language And Literacy In The Content Areas
Socio-culturally responsive literacy in STEMEducation of migrant farm workers' childrenThe role of home languages and cultures Language and literacy in the content areas
ccbailey@georgiasouthern.eduCaroline BaileyCarolineBaileyElementary Education Visiting Instructor912-478-2212Education Building Office #4141Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationCaroline C. Bailey is an alum of Georgia Southern University and is a visiting instructor of Curriculum and Methods, Pre-Internship, and Internship 1 in the Department of Elementary and Special Education. Mrs. Bailey teaches undergraduate courses on the Statesboro campus as well as supervises pre-service teachers in elementary schools in surrounding counties.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy focuses on modeling and instilling a passion for lifelong learning. My goal is to cultivate a new generation of educators who are reflective, collaborative, and committed to educating and empowering their students.
  • M.Ed. Curriculum And Instruction Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
    • Teacher Preparation
boblake@georgiasouthern.eduRobert LakeRobertLakeProfessor of Curriculum Studies912-478-0355Room 2126-College of EducationArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingRobert Lake is a Professor of Curriculum Studies and Social Foundations of Education at Georgia Southern University's Statesboro Campus.
Teaching Philosophy
True education should consist of a dialogue between teachers and students wherein knowledge is co-constructed in a caring, inclusive and respectful environment for all.
  • B.S. Empire State College
  • M.S. State University Of New York At Albany
  • Ed.D. Georgia Southern University
M.S. State University of New York at AlbanyEd.D. Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
    • Imagination In Education
    • Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
    • Critical Pedagogy
    • Educational Biography
    • The History Of Ideas
Culturally Sustaining PedagogyCritical PedagogyEducational BiographyThe History of Ideas
msmithey@georgiasouthern.eduMontana SmitheyMontanaSmitheyDr.912-478-80164113 College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationMontana Smithey is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics Education in the Department of Elementary & Special Education. Dr. Smithey teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the Statesboro campus.
Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy informs all facets of my teaching at Georgia Southern University—the desire for students to have their ideas valued, use knowledge to understand the world, and enjoy learning and thinking. My teaching philosophy is informed by my experience as an elementary classroom teacher (Kinder, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th) and my experiences working alongside other classroom teachers and their children. I also bring multiple lenses to my teaching, including social constructivist theory, culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogy, and experiential learning theory.
  • Ph.D. Educational Studies: Teacher Development (Focus In Mathematics & Science Education); University Of North Carolina Greensboro, 2020
  • M.Ed Elementary Education: Focus In Mathematics Education; University Of North Carolina Greensboro, 2011
  • B.S.Ed. Elementary Education; Elon University, 2007
M.Ed Elementary Education: Focus in Mathematics Education; University of North Carolina Greensboro, 2011B.S.Ed. Elementary Education; Elon University, 2007
Research Interests
    • Questioning Strategies
    • Problem Solving
    • Social Justice
    • Problem-Based Learning
    • Experiential Learning
Problem SolvingSocial JusticeProblem-Based LearningExperiential Learning
hhuling@georgiasouthern.eduHeather HulingHeatherHulingAssistant Professor912-478-0571COE 4133Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationHeather Huling is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education in the Elementary and Special Education department. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on arts integration, children's literature, English Language Arts methods, and supervises pre-service teachers on the Statesboro Campus.
Teaching Philosophy
y teaching philosophy focuses on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and encouraged to engage. I believe that when students are involved, feel safe, and are comfortable sharing their ideas, they learn best. Through application-based learning, I strive to connect our studies to real-life situations, helping students see the relevance of their education. This approach not only builds critical thinking and problem-solving skills but also sparks a lasting love for learning, empowering students to take charge of their own educational journeys.
  • B.S. Ed. Georgia Southern University, 2008
  • M.Ed. , Georgia Southern University, 2012
  • Ed.D , Georgia Southern University, 2023
M.Ed. , Georgia Southern University, 2012Ed.D , Georgia Southern University, 2023
Research Interests
    • Teacher Education
    • Literacy Education
    • Innovative Teaching Practices
    • Equity In Education
    • Diverse Children'S Literature
Literacy EducationInnovative Teaching PracticesEquity in EducationDiverse Children's Literature
dwcalhoun@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel CalhounDanielCalhounProfessor and Program Director M.Ed. Higher Education Administration912-478-1428College of Education 3103Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDaniel W. Calhoun, Ph.D., is a Professor of Higher Education Administration at Georgia Southern University. He previously served over 10 years as a Higher Education Administrator, primarily within Residence Life. He holds a Ph.D. from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Master’s from Western Illinois University, and Bachelor’s from SUNY College at Geneseo. His research focuses on the preparation, development, and support of graduate students and educational leaders, particularly in the areas of mentorship, technology, and supervision.
Teaching Philosophy
My role as an educator extends beyond teaching content; I cultivate a safe, inclusive, and collaborative environment that encourages students to actively engage in their learning. Through intentional assignments, I guide them to connect personally with the material, aiming to enhance their professional practice. I challenge students to be reflective learners and critical thinkers who embrace constructive feedback. By building authentic relationships, I strive to instill a sense of duty to advocate for themselves and others, empowering them to become change agents in 21st-century education.
  • B.S.Ed., State University Of New York At Geneseo
  • M.S., Western Illinois University
  • Ph.D., University Of North Carolina At Greensboro
M.S., Western Illinois UniversityPh.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Research Interests
    • Development Of Educational Leaders – Focus On Continuous Growth And Preparation Of Leaders In Higher Education And Student Affairs.
    • Graduate Student & New Practitioner Preparation – Emphasis On Supporting Graduate Students And Early-Career Professionals In Their Development.
    • Methods Of Professional Development – Exploration Of Formal And Informal Development Avenues, Such As Mentorship, Supervision, And Professional Competencies.
    • Integration Of Technology & Professional Identity – Interest In How Technology And Perceptions Of Self Shape Professional Practice And Academic Growth.
    • Reflective Practice & Personal Experience – Commitment To Incorporating Personal Experiences As Both An Administrator And Faculty Member To Enhance Scholarly Work And Teaching.
Graduate Student & New Practitioner Preparation – Emphasis on supporting graduate students and early-career professionals in their development.Methods of Professional Development – Exploration of formal and informal development avenues, such as mentorship, supervision, and professional competencies.Integration of Technology & Professional Identity – Interest in how technology and perceptions of self shape professional practice and academic growth.Reflective Practice & Personal Experience – Commitment to incorporating personal experiences as both an administrator and faculty member to enhance scholarly work and teaching.
tnorman@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/taylor-norman-2Taylor NormanTaylor NormanAssociate Professor of English Language Arts Education912-478-0825 College of Education - 4105Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationTaylor Norman is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education at Georgia Southern University. After a career as a rural high school English teacher, Taylor attended Purdue University for her graduate degrees in English Education. Taylor’s research stories the identities and practices of preservice and inservice middle grade and secondary teachers in order to build bridges between theory and practice.
Teaching Philosophy
As a teacher educator, my teaching philosophy is committed to preparing future teachers to be life-long learners by providing culturally relevant and innovative curriculum and coursework that offers authentic, student-centered, and technology-rich learning opportunities.
  • Ph.D., Purdue University
Research Interests
    • Critical Literacy
    • Adolescent Literacy
    • New And Multimodal Literacies
    • Culturally Responsive Teaching
Adolescent LiteracyNew and Multimodal LiteraciesCulturally Responsive Teaching
nroy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://works.bepress.com/nalanda-roy/Nalanda RoyNalandaRoyProfessor912-344-3608University Hall 217Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesNalanda Roy serves as the Coordinator of the Asian Studies program and holds the titles of Certified Diversity Executive and Inclusive Excellence Faculty Fellow. Dr. Roy has been recognized with prestigious awards including the Dr. Saba Jallow Inclusion Champion award, the Award of Excellence, and the Georgia Southern Women in Research Soar award. She also received the Campus Museum of Service Award for her creation of the An Integral History: Asian Studies Digital Archive. An accomplished author, Dr. Roy has penned several books and contributed numerous peer-reviewed articles to journals and book chapters. Dr. Roy has served as the section program chair for ISA’s South Asia in World Politics and much more.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Roy mainly focuses on global politics, comparative politics, international relations, and South, Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific studies.
  • Ph.D., Rutgers- The State University Of New Jersey, 2013
Research Interests
    • Global Affairs
    • International Law And Security
    • Human Rights/ Security
    • Social Movements
    • South, Southeast Asian, Asia Pacific Studies
International Law and SecurityHuman Rights/ SecuritySocial MovementsSouth, Southeast Asian, Asia Pacific Studies
ljouben@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1-U1Ph-glsYp3ECipo7Kid_HmDn9KGAsW/view?usp=drive_linkLindsay JoubenLindsayJoubenLecturer912-478-5698Carroll Building 2203Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Lindsay Jouben is a Lecturer at Georgia Southern University. Her main research interests include institutional design in Microfinance and its impact on poverty alleviation efforts, and how development programs for the poor need to focus on local conditions and solutions. As an educator in Higher Education, she has seen how issues of equity and belonging can impact student engagement and success and has focused on social capital creation in Higher Education. Dr. Lindsay Jouben believes that programs that foster mentorship and diversity among Professors is important because it promotes a sense of belonging that is essential for student achievement.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Jouben focuses mainly on Political Science core classes: American Government and World Politics.
  • Ph.D., West Virginia University, 2020
  • Ma Rutgers-Newark, 2008
  • Ba Mississippi State University, 2006
MA Rutgers-Newark, 2008BA Mississippi State University, 2006
Research Interests
    • Institutional Design In Microfinance And Its Impact On Poverty Alleviation Efforts
    • How Development Programs For The Poor Need To Focus On Local Conditions And Solutions
how development programs for the poor need to focus on local conditions and solutions
amathews@georgiasouthern.eduAshley Loren MathewsAshley LorenMathewsSenior Lecturer912-478-1164Biological Sciences, Room 1164Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Mathews was born in Florida but grew up in Peachtree City, GA (near Atlanta). Her love for the ocean took her back to Florida for her undergraduate and graduate degrees in marine and aquatic sciences, respectively. She joined Georgia Southern's Department of Biology in 2013. Dr. Mathews has a passion for teaching and community outreach, but she still enjoys actively participating in research on the Georgia coast and monitoring our local waterways.
Teaching Philosophy
My focus is on student success which begins with recruitment and continues through the admission, retention, and graduation of future alumni. My efforts to increase student success aligns with the University’s mission to provide a “learner-centered culture” both inside and outside of the classroom to prepare students “to think, lead, teach, and serve”. I “promote talent and economic development” by equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to apply themselves in the real world and passionately pursue their careers. I seek to “enhance quality of life” of my students by supporting their scholarly pursuits, creating a cultural enrichment learning environment, promoting student life, and encouraging community engagement.
  • Ph.D., University Of Florida, 2013, Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
  • Ma, University Of Miami, 2007, Marine Affairs & Policy
  • Bs, University Of Miami, 2005, Marine Science & Biology
MA, University of Miami, 2007, Marine Affairs & PolicyBS, University of Miami, 2005, Marine Science & Biology
Research Interests
    • Estuarine Ecology
    • Coastal And Inland Water Quality
    • Human Alterations Of Ecosystems
coastal and inland water qualityhuman alterations of ecosystems
jscalera@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ECC_yRXhgA8ppwGTn2gYzhTdMMvYZ4D7/view?usp=share_linkJamie Scalera-ElliottJamieScalera-ElliottDepartment Chair and Professor912-478-4204Carroll Building 2287AStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Scalera-Elliott specializes in the field of International Relations, with a focus on international organizations and international political economy. She is committed to the advancement of women in Political Science and International Studies through her research and service to the profession. She currently serves the ISA as a member of the Nominating Committee (2022-2025), a member of the Long-Range Planning Committee (2022-2024), and as a member of the editorial board for International Studies Quarterly.
Teaching Philosophy
Her primary research agenda focuses on the legitimacy of international organizations (IOs), broadly construed as the appropriate and effective exercise of authority to govern state members. As such, her research examines factors influencing IO legitimacy, including their institutional design (such as rules of membership or intra-institutional politics) and their strategic choices. She also studies public perception of IOs and mechanisms by which IOs can affect their levels of perceived legitimacy.
  • Ph.D In Political Science, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Cahmpaign
  • M.S. In Political Science-International Relations, University Of Florida
  • B.A. In International Studies, Stetson University
M.S. in Political Science-International Relations, University of FloridaB.A. in International Studies, Stetson University
Research Interests
    • International Relations
    • International Organizations Legitimacy
    • Women In Political Science And International Studies
International Organizations LegitimacyWomen in Political Science and International Studies
wbiebuyck@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1zLIfVSraLHkc29j7tNjnWJtg9QAWVd79/view?usp=share_linkWilliam BiebuyckWilliamBiebuyckAssociate Professor912-478-2229Carroll Building 2207Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Biebuyck received his Ph.D. in Political Science & Political Economy from Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada) in 2014. Before arriving at Georgia Southern, he taught course on European Politics & Society, EU Governance, Global Political Issues, and the Politics of Food at Carleton University and the University of Ottawa. Dr. Biebuyck’s primary research interests fall in the areas of global agricultural politics, transnational political economy, and the use of interdisciplinary methods for exploring the history of social power within industrialized societies.
Teaching Philosophy
His published work appears in venues including the European Journal of Social Theory, the Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Comparative European Politics, and The International Studies Encyclopedia. Dr. Biebuyck is currently completing a book project, based on his doctoral research, which fashions a history of governance and political rule in Western Europe from the perspective of food, farming and rural populations.
  • Ph.D Political Science & Political Economy, Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada)
Research Interests
    • Global Agricultural Politics
    • Transnational Political Economy
transnational political economy
cmbrown@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://democraticpurgatory.org/Christopher BrownChristopherBrownAssociate Professor912-478-7946Carroll Building 2209Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesBorn and raised in Philadelphia, Dr. Brown attended University of Florida and Temple University where he pursued his BA in Political Science as student-athlete in the sport of rugby. His research addresses normative issues of democratization and democracy theory broadly with a regional specialization in the Caribbean Basin. He has recently completed a manuscript on “Democratic Purgatory” and how democracies can break down through democratic means. Currently, he is beginning a new project on the concept of “verisimilitude” as an artifact of post-materialist civic engagement in advanced democracies as well as continuing his research into the intersection of sports and conflict resolution through an examination of Irish Rugby.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Brown earned his Ph.D. from Florida International University’s School of International and Public Affairs in Miami, Florida in 2009. He teaches and researches in the discipline of International Studies, specializing in democratization and democratic theory.
  • Ph.D
Research Interests
    • Normative Issues Of Democratization And Democracy Theory, Particularly Regarding Representation And Policy Implementation
    • Sustainable Development
    • Blue Economy
    • Political Campaigning
Sustainable DevelopmentBlue EconomyPolitical Campaigning
kcook@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ldVsYTPmBTION-GJAFb7cXe5i7YeitLc/view?usp=share_linkKevin CookKevinCookSenior Lecturer912-478-7298Carroll Building 2206Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesAfter receiving an M.A. in political science from Georgia Southern University in 1991, Cook was hired as a temporary instructor. Appointed as a lecturer in 2012, he teaches several large sections of American Government. Cook serves as advisor to the Political Science Club and the Georgia Southern chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the National Political Science Honor Society.
Teaching Philosophy
American Government
  • M.A. Political Science, Georgia Southern University
Research Interests
    • American Government
bcurry@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1pOL24ntZShd9KuTf8M_Xlcmfyv2x-Adq/view?usp=share_linkBrett CurryBrettCurryProfessor912-478-7076Carroll Building 2202Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Curry received his Ph.D. in political science from The Ohio State University in 2005, and has been a faculty member at Georgia Southern since 2006. He teaches and researches in the field of American politics, with a general focus on law and courts. Curry’s research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Politics, Law & Society Review, American Politics Research, Law & Social Inquiry, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Political Research Quarterly, and Politics & Policy. He has coauthored two books, Decision Making by the Modern Supreme Court (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and U.S. Attorneys, Political Control, and Career Ambition (Oxford University Press, 2019).
Teaching Philosophy
Judicial decision making, United States Attorneys, Constitutional law, American government, American political institutions, and research methods.
  • Ph.D Political Science, The Ohio State University
Research Interests
    • Judicial Decision Making
    • United States Attorneys
    • Constitutional Law
    • American Goverment
    • American Political Institutions
United States AttorneysConstitutional LawAmerican GovermentAmerican political institutions
jdacruz@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/19r8o0PoiVYx6XKSlWDJb2MtPrD5fnWF9/view?usp=share_linkJosé de Arimatéia da CruzJoséde Arimatéia da CruzProfessor912-344-2679University Hall 234Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesProfessor of International Relations and International StudiesGeorgia Southern UniversityDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesResearch Professor U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies InstituteResearch Fellow Brazil Research Unit Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)
Teaching Philosophy
Latin American and African Foreign Policy, Latin American and African National Security, Latin American Media and Politics, North-South Relations: Drug Trafficking & Transnational Organized Crime, Women and Politics in Latin America & Africa, Civil-Military Relations in Latin America & Africa, National Security and Cyber Security, Global Cyber Security, and Human Aspects of Cyber Security
  • Ph.D. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
  • Master In Public Health (Mph Public Health Generalist) Georgia Southern University, Savannah, Ga (Jack N. Averitt College Of Graduate Studies, 2018)
  • M.A. Professional Communication & Leadership Armstrong State University, Savannah, Georgia (Degree Awarded: Summer 2015)
  • M.S. Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia (Criminal Justice With An Emphasis In Cyber Affairs & Security; Degree Awarded: May 2012)
  • M.A. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (Political Science/Political Philosophy; Degree Awarded: August 1992)
Master in Public Health (MPH Public Health Generalist) Georgia Southern University, Savannah, GA (Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies, 2018)M.A. Professional Communication & Leadership Armstrong State University, Savannah, Georgia (Degree Awarded: Summer 2015)M.S. Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, Georgia (Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Cyber Affairs & Security; Degree Awarded: May 2012)M.A. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (Political Science/Political Philosophy; Degree Awarded: August 1992)
Research Interests
    • Latin American And African Studies
mflynn@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZHRMJbV5UCcivGbe9-yt9ypkKEcZe4mw/view?usp=share_linkMatthew FlynnMatthewFlynnProfessor912-478-2213Carroll Building 2205Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Flynn is a Professor of International Studies. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin in December 2010. Dr. Flynn received his Masters in Sociology from the London School of Economics and Social Science (London, UK) and holds a BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University (Washington, DC).
Teaching Philosophy
His research focuses on political economy, globalization, and human rights. He has authored several articles focused on Latin America including a recent book publication Pharmaceutical Autonomy and Public Health in Latin America: State, Society, and Industry in Brazil’s AIDS Program (Routledge 2015). His current research is examining the immigration detention complex. In the past, he has worked as a consultant for the Pan American Health Organization and Texas’s Department of State Health Services, as well as foreign correspondent in Brazil.
  • Ph.D, University Of Texas At Austin
  • Masters In Sociology, London School Of Economics And Social Science (London, Uk)
  • Bs Foreign Service, Georgetown University (Washington, Dc)
Masters in Sociology, London School of Economics and Social Science (London, UK)BS Foreign Service, Georgetown University (Washington, DC)
Research Interests
    • Political Economy
    • Globalization
    • Human Rights
globalizationhuman rights
sjallow@georgiasouthern.eduSaba JallowSabaJallowAssociate Professor EmeritusStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Jallow received his Ph.D. from West Virginia University and he has been teaching at Georgia Southern University since 1989. He came to Georgia Southern from the University of Virginia, where he was a Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Carter G. Woodson Institute.He initiated the Southeast Model African Union simulation in Georgia, which is now held annually by the University System of Georgia Africa Council. He was the chair of the University System African Council for four years. He also served as the director of the Center for Africana Studies at Georgia Southern University.
Teaching Philosophy
Classes he taught at Georgia Southern include American Government, African Politics, Introduction to Africa and its Diaspora, Model African Union Seminar, Comparative Politics, Rural Economic Development, Scope and Methods, International Political Economy, Congress and Public Policy and Fulani.
  • Ph.D, West Virginia University
Research Interests
    • African Politics
Center for Africana Studies
joshuakennedy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1G9zeRgd7aS1CphiyyYxnTYX3kFgrn5Uo/view?usp=drive_linkJoshua KennedyJoshuaKennedyAssociate Professor912-478-7928Carroll Building 2210Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Kennedy received his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 2014. His principal area of study and teaching is in American politics, with a more particular focus on the presidency and the federal bureaucracy. Kennedy has presented his work at numerous conferences, including the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association and the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association. His research has appeared in such outlets as American Politics Research, Research and Politics, and Presidential Studies Quarterly.
Teaching Philosophy
The American presidency, presidential power, federal bureaucracy, inter-branch relations, principal-agent dilemmas, Congress, state politics, and political institutions.
  • Ph.D, University Of Colorado At Boulder
Research Interests
    • American Presidency
    • Federal Bureaucarcy
    • State Politics
federal bureaucarcystate politics
jlubecki@georgiasouthern.eduJacek LubeckiJacekLubeckiProfessor912-478-1149Carroll Building 2211AStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Jacek Lubecki was born in Poland and studied law and romance languages at the Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan. He received his Ph.D. in International Studies from the Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver in 2000 and taught at University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (1998-2000, and at Millikin University (2000-2005) in Decatur, Illinois. Between 2005-2012 was Coordinator of International Studies and of Middle Eastern Studies, and Assistant, and, since 2009, Associate Professor of Political Science, at University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He came to Georgia Southern University in 2012.
Teaching Philosophy
His publications include articles such as “Echoes of Latifundism” (Eastern European Politics and Societies, winter 2004), “Poland in Iraq” (The Polish Review, summer 2005), and “Reconstructing Galicia” (Europe-Asia Studies, 2010). He also published articles on Polish military history in the popular journal “The Armchair General.” His article on Jozef Pilsudski as a military leader was published in The Polish Review in 2011. Since then, he published several books, mostly on topics of defense policies of East-Central Europea and the Balkans.
  • Ph.D International Studies, University Of Denver
Research Interests
    • East/East-Central European And Middle Eastern Politics
pnovonty@georgiasouthern.eduPatrick NovontyPatrickNovontyProfessor912-478-1391Carroll Building 2204Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesProfessor Novotny received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1995 and has been a faculty member at Georgia Southern since then. Novotny’s research has been published in journals such as the Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, The Georgia Historical Quarterly, and Social Science Computer Review. His latest book, This Georgia Rising: Education, Civil Rights, And The Politics Of Elections In Georgia In The 1940s, was published with Mercer University Press in 2007.
Teaching Philosophy
He teaches and researches in the field of American politics, with a general focus on Georgia political history, political parties, and politics and the media.He has recently completed a book manuscript on the study of qualitative research methodology in Political Science and is currently completing another book manuscript on the history of politics and the media in American political history from the 18th Century through the present.
  • Ph.D Political Science, University Of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Interests
    • American Government
    • American Political Insitutions
    • Qualitative Research Methodology
    • Political Parties
    • Politics And The Media
American political insitutionsqualitative research methodologypolitical partiespolitics and the media
kperry@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1eBV3Pj0LnwXTi1RKc4IoItjYt6ak67zN/view?usp=sharingKate PerryKatePerryAssociate Professor912-478-0838Carroll Building 2208Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesKate Perry received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Missouri. She completed her MA in International Relations at Western Illinois University and received her BA in Political Science from Monmouth College. She has been at GSU since the fall of 2019.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Perry specializes in gender and human security in international relations. In her research, Dr. Perry examines the ways in which gender influences and is influenced by global security phenomena within and beyond the traditional concept of military security. Her work has explored Women as decision-makers in positions of leadership, as victims of crime, and as individuals impacted by the foreign policy decisions of typically male decision makers. Her core research goal is to build a body of work that helps to improve the circumstances of girls and Women around the world. Principally, Dr. Perry has focused her research on the topic of human trafficking, a heavily gendered issue that sits at the nexus between human security and gender.
  • Ph.D Political Science, University Of Missouri
  • Ma International Relations, Western Illinois University
  • Ba Political Science, Monmouth College
MA International Relations, Western Illinois UniversityBA Political Science, Monmouth College
Research Interests
    • Gender And Human Security In International Relations
    • Human Trafficking
human trafficking
rpirro@georgiasouthern.eduRobert PirroRobertPirroProfessor912-478-7297Carroll Building 2271Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Robert Pirro came to Georgia Southern in 1997 after finishing graduate work at U.C. Berkeley (Ph.D. 1996) and undergraduate work at Harvard (B.A. 1986). Professor Pirro has many scholarly interests including the politics of tragedy, the political thought of Auschwitz survivor, industrial chemist, and writer Primo Levi, the political theory of the German-Jewish refugee-turned-American Political theorist Hannah Arendt, and the politics of film. He welcomes conversations with students about movies, politics, tragedy, the links between American and German culture, Socrates, and where to find the best secondhand bookstores.
Teaching Philosophy
He covers most of the department’s survey courses in political theory/philosophy (Ancient Political Thought, Modern Political Thought, Contemporary Political Thought, American Political Thought, Feminist Political Thought). Film and Politics is the newest addition to the political theory/philosophy courses he offers. In teaching American Government and Introduction to Political Science, he does NOT use textbooks but instead tries to convey to students the excitement and challenge of politics by studying in some depth examples of important political phenomena including revolution, populism, corruption, utopianism.
  • Ph.D, University Of California Berkeley
  • Ba, Harvard University
BA, Harvard University
Research Interests
    • Politics Of Tragedy
    • Politics Of Film
politics of film
mstobb@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://maureenstobb.academia.edu/Maureen StobbMaureenStobbAssociate Professor912-478-5765Carroll Building 2203Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesMaureen Stobb received her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Texas at Dallas. She completed her B.A. in Political Science at the College of New Jersey and obtained a J.D. from the University of Notre Dame. She was an intern at the fifth session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court and at Amnesty International’s London office. She also practiced law for seven years, primarily as an immigration and asylum attorney.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Stobb specializes in law and courts, and immigration policy. In her research, Dr. Stobb examines the impact of the use of legal concepts and arguments, and reliance on courts, to address public policy problems. In particular, she studies the use of law and legal processes to promote international norms of human rights and dignity, to address challenges posed by human migration, and to define the rights and duties attached to citizenship. Dr. Stobb’s current research agenda focuses on the formulation, implementation and impact of citizenship and immigration policy.
  • Ph.D Political Science, University Of Texas At Dallas
  • J.D. University Of Notre Dame
  • B.A Political Science, College Of New Jersey
J.D. University of Notre DameB.A Political Science, College of New Jersey
Research Interests
    • Law And Courts
    • Immigration Policy
immigration policyNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
htecklenburg@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1uV3FrFBKCpwuXpUb_Zhlq9LcpXrXD4-F/view?usp=share_linkH. Chris TecklenburgH. ChrisTecklenburgAssociate Professor912-344-3160University Hall 215Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. H. Chris Tecklenburg received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Florida. He completed his B.A. in Political Science at the University of South Carolina, and his J.D. from the University of South Carolina School of Law. Prior to pursuing graduate studies, he practiced two years focusing on corporate, real estate and insurance disputes. His primary teaching areas include American Government and the Courts.
Teaching Philosophy
American Government, American Constitutional Law, and Judicial Politics.
  • Ph.D Political Science, University Of Florida
  • J.D. University Of South Carolina School Of Law
  • B.A. Political Science, University Of South Carolina
J.D. University of South Carolina School of LawB.A. Political Science, University of South Carolina
Research Interests
    • American Government
    • American Constitutional Law
    • Judicial Politics
American Constitutional LawJudicial Politics
kimberlymartin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1xJuEPNkMarcw5DpZlOkH3qqqs9WOJV6Y/view?usp=sharingKimberly Martin TecklenburgKimberlyMartin TecklenburgAssistant Professor912-344-2698University Hall 235Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDr. Martin Tecklenburg received her Ph.D. in Political Science – Public Policy from the University of Florida where she also completed an M.A. in Political Science – Public Affairs. She attended Sweet Briar College, where she received a B.A. in Government. She has experience in both higher education and the public sector. She worked as the Special Assistant for Secretary of Education Belle Wheelan and former Governor Mark Warner of Virginia. While at the University of Florida, she worked with former Senator and Governor, Bob Graham, to establish the Bob Graham Center for Public Service. After graduation, she moved to Tennessee where she served as the Assistant Director of Research at the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
Teaching Philosophy
She teaches courses in American politics, research methods, leadership, and public policy. Her past experiences have influenced her current research interests, which focus on education policy, political leadership, state politics, and LGBTQ+ policy.
  • Ph.D Political Science - Public Policy, University Of Florida
  • M.A. Political Science - Public Affairs, University Of Florida
  • B.A. Government, Sweet Briar College
M.A. Political Science - Public Affairs, University of FloridaB.A. Government, Sweet Briar College
Research Interests
    • Education Policy
    • Political Leadership
    • State Politics
    • Lgbtq+ Policy
political leadershipstate politicsLGBTQ+ policy
lwessel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1plwNuSCN02UOluBSU8mcPdWyURo3Ly0G/view?usp=drive_linkLara WesselLaraWesselAssociate Professor912-344-2683University Hall 221Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesLara Wessel earned her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. She also completed her MA in Political Science at UWM. She attended Ohio University and earned her BA in Communications from Cardinal Stritch University. She has been at the Armstrong Campus of GSU since the fall of 2011.
Teaching Philosophy
Dr. Wessel specializes in political ideology and its impacts on political behavior, media, and decision making. In her research, Dr. Wessel examines ways in which political ideology influences behavior both within the formal political sphere, and in other areas of life not traditionally thought of as political. For example, she analyzes the influence of political ideology in popular music and sports. Her research goal is to encourage students to understand the significance of political ideology in their lives. She is currently analyzing the relationships among political ideology, rhetoric, and political violence.
  • Ph.D Political Science, University Of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Ma Political Science, University Of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Ba Communications, Cardinal Stritch University
MA Political Science, University of Wisconsin MilwaukeeBA Communications, Cardinal Stritch University
mallen@georgiasouthern.eduMary Kate AllenMary KateAllenCommunications Manager912-478-1044RosenwaldStatesboro CampusProvost OfficeOffice of the Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Bs In Journalism, 2004, Georgia Southern University
  • Ma In Journalism/Emerging Media, 2025, University Of Georgia
MA in Journalism/Emerging Media, 2025, University of Georgia
barogers@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/baker-rogers-2Baker RogersBakerRogersAssociate Professor of Sociology912-478-5731Carroll 2278Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyBaker A. Rogers is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Georgia Southern University. Their research focuses on inequality, specifically examining the intersections of gender, sexuality, and religion in the U.S. South. Their book, Conditionally Accepted: Christians’ Perspectives on Sexuality and Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights, was released in December 2019, their book, Trans Men in the South: Becoming Men, was released in January 2020, and their book, King of Hearts: Drag Kings in the American South, was released in 2021. Their work is also published in Men and Masculinities; Journal of Interpersonal Violence; Gender & Society; Qualitative Sociology; and more.
Teaching Philosophy
Baker's goal as a teacher is to help students connect theory to real world problems through a social justice lens.
  • Mississippi State University, Ph.D., 2015
  • Winthrop University, Msw, 2011
  • Presbyterian College, Bs Sociology, 2007
Winthrop University, MSW, 2011Presbyterian College, BS Sociology, 2007
Research Interests
    • Gender
    • Sexualities
    • Trans Studies
    • Masculinities
    • Southeast
SexualitiesTrans StudiesMasculinitiesSoutheast
mcampbell@georgiasouthern.eduMyka Bussey-CampbellMykaBussey-CampbellAssociate Chair, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Coordinator912-344-2787AH 103Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceI am the Associate Chair of Clinical Sciences and Program Coordinator of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program on the Armstrong campus located in Savannah, GA. I earned my undergraduate Bachelor of Radiologic Sciences degree from Augusta University. Upon graduation, I earned certifications in the speciality areas of Radiography and Diagnostic Medical Sonography. I pursued Master's degree in Adult Education with an emphasis on Instructional Technology from Georgia Southern University (formerly Armstrong State University). Ultimately, I earned a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Georgia from the Mary Frances Early College of Education. I have served as an educator in imaging profession for approximately 20 years.
Teaching Philosophy
I view students based on their personality and characteristics including assessing their level of compassion, professionalism, humility, motivation for learning, cognitive and learning styles, and their existing skill set. Regarding what is being learned, I emphasize reading and reviewing provided information, skill development, and highlighting theory, physics, and principles defined by credential and accreditation agencies and field experts.Students must be able to relate acquired knowledge to real-life experiences through personal or educational encounters while in the program. This will enable one to develop compassion through moments of empathy or sympathy when dealing with patients and other health professionals.
  • Bachelor's Of Radiologic Sciences
  • Master's Of Adult Education - Instructional Technology
  • Doctorate Of Philosophy (Education)
  • Registered Radiographer
  • Registered Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Master's of Adult Education - Instructional TechnologyDoctorate of Philosophy (Education) Registered RadiographerRegistered Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Research Interests
  • Student Success
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing in Higher Education
Student SuccessMental Health and Wellbeing in Higher Education
jdyer@georgiasouthern.eduJohn DyerJohnDyerProfessor912-478-5223PCOB 1114Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsVery successful in all components of teaching, research, service, student success, and professional growth, having successfully developed and taught a multitude of courses in information systems, statistics, quantitative methods, decision sciences, and finance. Developed and maintained a research agenda, with a current emphasis primarily within the field of IS education, having 26 refereed publications, and 9 referred proceedings. Continuous support of the institution and professional organizations through service. Extensive skills and experience within IS areas related to teaching business applications software, database, and ERP.
Teaching Philosophy
Learning is, of course, the main purpose of education. It is the goal of every student and the task of every teacher to increase knowledge and understanding in the classroom, towards development of independent thought, idea sharing, effective teamwork, as well as social and mental development.
  • Ph.D. Statistics - University Of Alabama
  • M.S. Statistics - University Of Alabama
  • Msis Management Information Systems - Georgia College & State University
  • M.B.A. Emphasis Finance & Quant Methods - University Of Alabama At B'Ham
  • B.S. Business Emphasis Finance & Quant Methods - University Of Alabama At B'Ham
M.S. Statistics - University of AlabamaMSIS Management Information Systems - Georgia College & State UniversityM.B.A. Emphasis Finance & Quant Methods - University of Alabama at B'hamB.S. Business Emphasis Finance & Quant Methods - University of Alabama at B'ham
Research Interests
  • Database Programming
  • Applied Business Analytics
Database ProgrammingApplied Business Analytics
mmaxwell@georgiasouthern.eduKathi MaxwellKathiMaxwellDr440-522-9816University Hall Rm 262Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationKathi is a Georgia Southern alum and is a visiting instructor in the Middle Grades and Secondary Education program. Dr. Maxwell teaches graduate courses and enjoys working with future teachers.
Teaching Philosophy
As a professor of education, my primary goal is to inspire and empower the next generation of educators to think critically, act compassionately, and engage meaningfully with students in diverse classrooms. I believe that education is not just the transmission of knowledge, but the development of a deeper understanding of the world, the self, and the interconnectedness between the two. My role as an educator is to create a learning environment that fosters curiosity, collaboration, and reflection, where students feel both challenged and supported as they develop their skills and knowledge.
  • Ed.D. In Curriculum Studies
  • M.Ed. In Educational Leadership
  • B.S. In Biology
M.Ed. in Educational LeadershipB.S. In Biology
Research Interests
  • STEM education
  • Effective instructional strategies
STEM educationEffective instructional strategies
svpool@georgiasouthern.eduScot PoolScotPoolPart-time instructor, Legal Environment of Business912-352-1190SavannahArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyMr. Pool has been practicing law since 1996 and teaching at Georgia Southern since 2003. He often considers teaching the highlight of his day.
Teaching Philosophy
It is Mr. Pool's responsibility to make his class both interesting and important to you in your college career and life thereafter.
  • Juris Doctor, The University Of Georgia School Of Law, 1996; Bachelor Of Arts, Cum Laude In Political Science, Emory University, 1993
Research Interests
    jliu@georgiasouthern.eduJun LiuJunLiuAssociate Professor of Quantitative Methods912-478-50852225Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsJun Liu is Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods at the Department of Information Systems & Analytics, Parker College of Business, Georgia Southern University. He received his Ph.D. in Business Statistics from the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research interest includes linear and nonlinear/nonparametric time series analysis, forecasting methods, machine learning, and business applications of statistics.
    Teaching Philosophy
    To create the conditions under which students can reach their fullest potential as practitioners and scholars
    • Ph.D. In Business Statistics
    Research Interests
    • Nonparametric statistics
    • Business Analytics
    Nonparametric statisticsBusiness Analytics
    shairston@georgiasouthern.eduStephanie HairstonStephanieHairstonAssociate Professor 912-478-5127PCOB 2249Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyDr. Stephanie A. Hairston, CPA, is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of Graduate Accounting Programs at Georgia Southern University, where she has been a faculty member since 2014. She previously served as an Assistant Professor and has contributed significantly through her research in capital markets, derivative accounting, and top management composition. Dr. Hairston earned her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Memphis and her M.S. and B.S. in Accounting and Finance from Wake Forest University. Before joining academia, she gained valuable experience at Ernst & Young LLP as an Assurance Services Accountant, enhancing her expertise in financial reporting and auditing.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Stephanie A. Hairston’s teaching philosophy centers on creating an engaging, student-focused learning environment that encourages critical thinking, active participation, and practical application. She believes education is an interactive journey, where students not only acquire knowledge but also develop the skills to analyze, question, and apply concepts in real-world scenarios. Recognizing the diversity in learning styles, Dr. Hairston is committed to adapting her approach to meet varied student needs, fostering an inclusive classroom atmosphere that supports intellectual curiosity and empowers students to reach their highest potential in accounting and beyond.
    • Doctorate Of Philosophy In Accounting, University Of Memphis
    • Masters Of Science In Accounting, Wake Forest University
    • Bachelor Of Science In Finance, Wake Forest University
    Masters of Science in Accounting, Wake Forest UniversityBachelor of Science in Finance, Wake Forest University
    Research Interests
    • Derivative Accounting
    • Auditing
    • Education
    Derivative AccountingAuditingEducation
    jsarji@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=uKsNfBcAAAAJ&hl=enMatt SarjiMattSarjiAssistant Professor912-478-2204Parker 2226Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyMatt Sarji earned his Ph.D. at Virginia Commonwealth University. His primary research interest is in managerial accounting and incentivizing creativity in the workplace. In addition, Matt is a licensed CPA in the state of Virginia with three years of professional experience.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Matt's teaching interests include both managerial accounting and financial accounting topics as well as data analytics. As a first-generation college student, Matt believes nothing is more important than helping students grow as individuals and realize the opportunities that a career in accounting can provide.
    • Ph.D.
    Research Interests
    • Incentives
    • Control Systems
    • Creativity
    IncentivesControl SystemsCreativity
    janicebrown@georgiasouthern.eduJanice BrownJaniceBrownAdministrative Assistant II912-478-2228Parker College of Business, Room 2203Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyFrom Sylvania, GA. Been with GS and School of Accountancy for almost 15 years. Married to Wallace Brown. One son, Wally; daughter-in-law, Kaitlyn; 1 year old grandson, Tripp.
    Teaching Philosophy
    ssipe@georgiasouthern.eduStephanie SipeStephanie SipeProfessor of Legal Studies in Business912-478-1223Parker College of Business 1103Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyStephanie Sipe joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University in 2005. Professor Sipe practiced law for 12 years, where she developed an expertise in employment law issues. She has appeared in state and federal trial and appellate courts, including the Virginia Supreme Court, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and was counsel of record on a case appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. Professor Sipe has an active research agenda with numerous publications in academic journals. She currently serves as the Chair of the Parker College Inclusion and Belonging Committee and represents the College on the President’s Inclusive Excellence Advisory Board.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering critical thinking, practical application, and ethical responsibility for both undergraduate and graduate students. I aim to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to critically analyze the law’s role within society and reflect on its practical implications. By designing assessments that prioritize analytical skills and ethical considerations over rote memorization, I aim to prepare students to recognize and comply with current laws governing business practices. Ultimately, my goal is to equip students with the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to navigate the legal landscape so they excel in their professional lives.
    • Juris Doctorate, University Of Georgia
    • Masters Of Science, James Madison University
    • Bachelors Of Arts (Cum Laude), Wake Forest University
    Masters of Science, James Madison UniversityBachelors of Arts (cum laude), Wake Forest University
    Research Interests
    • Employment Discrimination
    • Whistleblower Law
    Employment DiscriminationWhistleblower Law
    tbuckhoff@georgiasouthern.eduThomas BuckhoffThomasBuckhoffAssociate Professor of Accounting912-486-0809Parker College of Business, Room 3301Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyThomas Buckhoff is Associate Professor of Accounting at Georgia Southern University. He is also a partner with Forensic Solutions, LLC—a professional firm specializing in forensic accounting and litigation support services. Dr. Buckhoff received his Bachelors and Master of Accountancy degrees from Brigham Young University (BYU) and his Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Kentucky. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and is Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF) by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He currently serves on the Editorial Boards for the Journal of Forensic Accounting Research and the Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Students learn best by applying what they learn to a real world problem.
    • Ph.D., Accounting, University Of Kentucky
    • Master Of Accountancy, Brigham Young University
    • Bachelor Of Science, Accounting, Brigham Young University
    • Certified Public Accountant (Cpa) And Certified In Financial Forensics (Cff)
    • Certified Fraud Examiner (Cfe)
    Master of Accountancy, Brigham Young UniversityBachelor of Science, Accounting, Brigham Young UniversityCertified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified in Financial Forensics (CFF)Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
    Research Interests
    • forensic accounting
    • expert witnessing
    forensic accountingexpert witnessing
    mwhatley@georgiasouthern.eduMaliece WhatleyMalieceWhatleyPrincipal Lecturer912-344-3167Hawes Room 208DArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyMaliece Whatley is a CPA with over 40 years of experience. She began her career as an auditor with Coopers & Lybrand, and then moved into a management postion at BellSouth Enterprises. She is actively involved in professional organizations, serving on the Leadership Council of the Georgia Society of CPAs. Her previous leadership roles have included: past President of the Educational Foundation of the Georgia Society of CPAs and past President of the Georgia Association of Accounting Educators. She received the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award from the Educational Foundation of the Georgia Society of CPAs in 2012. She teaches undergraduate Principles of Accounting courses.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My main objective in leading students in the learning process is to develop curious independent thinkers with the skills to confidently solve problems. My courses are structured to be inclusive, interactive, engaging, and student centered. My class learning activities are designed for active and collaborative learning, leading to confident students….students that are confident to speak up, confident to ask questions, and confident to share. I try to create an interest in accounting. Students that are interested in the subject are more motivated and tend to do better in the course. Throughout the semester I discuss current events that are relevant to accounting and relate these issues to the topics in the textbook.
    • Macc, University Of Georgia
    • Bba, University Of Georgia
    BBA, University of Georgia
    dsneathen@georgiasouthern.eduL. Dwight Sneathen Jr.L. DwightSneathen Jr.Associate Professor of Accounting912-478-0167College of Business 2223Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyDwight Sneathen is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Georgia Southern University where he arrived in 2005. Sneathen worked in public accounting and private industry prior to entering academia. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Arizona, he is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Fraud Examiner, and he is active with the Georgia Society of CPAs.Sneathen primarily teaches financial accounting at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He was voted Professor of the Year in the School of Accountancy in 2007 and 2011, Outstanding Faculty of the Year in the Georgia WebMBA in 2023 and 2024, and Outstanding Accounting Educator by the Georgia Society of CPAs Educational Foundation in 2022.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have many goals in my role as a professor. My job is to prepare students to be successful outside the classroom. While I am addressing the importance of the guidelines for financial accounting, I need to connect that to real world applications. This includes discussion of the application of accounting in practice, and projects that help to reinforce the need for students to understand the concepts and apply them to different situations. In all of the courses that I teach there is always an ongoing discussion of the need to develop our professionalism in the way we communicate, in the work ethic we display, and through our independent search to be the best version of ourselves.
    • 2001 Doctor Of Philosophy, University Of Arizona
    • 2000 Master Of Accounting, University Of Arizona
    • 1996 Bachelor Of Science, University Of Arizona
    2000 Master of Accounting, University of Arizona1996 Bachelor of Science, University of Arizona
    Research Interests
    • The impact of firm characteristics on audit planning decisions and outcomes.
    The impact of firm characteristics on audit planning decisions and outcomes.
    kboakye@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kwabena-g-boakye-2Kwabena BoakyeKwabenaBoakyeProfessor of Information Systems and Analytics912-478-5799Parker College of Business Room 3341Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsKwabena G. Boakye, Ph.D., is a professor of information systems and analytics in the Parker College of Business, Georgia Southern University. Kwabena is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt by the American Society for Quality. His research interests include healthcare and service operations strategy, quality management, and information technology post-adoption.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is to help my students improve their critical thinking skills as they face problems or challenges in life. I believe in establishing a dynamic relationship-based teaching environment that (1) engages students, (2) helps students discover their own talents and potential, and (3) provides students with the crucial soft skill of critical thinking.
    • Ph.D., University Of North Texas, 2013
    • M.S., University Of Idaho, 2010
    • Bsc., Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science And Technology (Knust), 2006
    M.S., University of Idaho, 2010BSc., Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), 2006
    Research Interests
    • Healthcare and Service Operation Strategy
    • IT Post-Adoption
    Healthcare and Service Operation StrategyIT Post-AdoptionCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
    gbrock@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GJMtFvYAAAAJ&hl=enGregory BrockGregoryBrockProfessor912-478-55793322 PCOBStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsProf. Gregory Brock has a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He is a full professor of economics in the dept. of economics in the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA USA. His collected works can be found on google scholar
    Teaching Philosophy
    • Ph.D.
    • Ma
    • Ba
    Research Interests
    • Mexican Economy
    Mexican Economy
    bdai@georgiasouthern.eduBo DaiBoDaiAssociate Professor of Marketing912-344-3288Hawes Hall 208HArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingBo Dai is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Georgia Southern University, USA. She received her Ph.D.s from the University of North Texas and Auburn University. Her research interests include retail strategies, customer service experience, and retail patronage. She has published in journals including Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I measure my success as an educator by my students’ ability to apply their learning beyond the classroom, whether they are launching marketing campaigns, analyzing consumer insights, or leading strategic initiatives. My role is to guide, support, and challenge them to become innovative, ethical, and impactful marketers.
    • Ph.D. In Marketing
    Research Interests
    • Customer Service
    Customer Service
    ddavtyan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/davit-davtyanDavit DavtyanDavitDavtyanAssistant Professor, Marketing912-478-6625COBA 3339Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingDavit Davtyan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marketing at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in Advertising, Marketing, and Media Analytics from The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Davtyan’s research focuses on brand placements, effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and diffusion of innovations. Prior to his academic career, Dr. Davtyan held various managerial positions in marketing, telecommunications, and business consulting.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a dedicated teacher-scholar, I am committed to creating a dynamic, engaging, and inclusive learning environment that nurtures curiosity and inspires students to become lifelong learners. In my classes, I integrate theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, encouraging students to think critically and embrace creativity. My goal is to make each class a meaningful and stimulating experience for every student.
    • Ph.D., The University Of Texas At Austin, 2017
    • Mba, American University Of Armenia, 2009
    • B.S., Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute, 2004
    MBA, American University of Armenia, 2009B.S., Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Diffusion of Innovations
    • Advertising Effectiveness
    Diffusion of InnovationsAdvertising Effectiveness
    rressler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CVCAbhcAAAAJ&hl=enRand ResslerRandResslerAssociate Dean912-478-00862253CStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsRand Ressler is the Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs for the Parker College of Business. He has (co) authored more than thirty peer-reviewed publications in academic journals such as Economic Inquiry, Southern Economic Journal, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, Review of Industrial Organization, and Public Choice, among others. His works have been cited hundreds of times by other scholars of applied microeconomics and have been referenced in U.S. Senate hearings. He is an enthusiastic instructor who cherishes time in the classroom.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I strive to present students with examples that resonate with them in order to keep my courses relevant.
    • Ph.D. In Economics, Auburn University
    • B.S. In Business Administration (Economics), Auburn University
    B.S. in Business Administration (Economics), Auburn University
    Research Interests
    • Labor Economics
    • Public Choice
    Labor EconomicsPublic Choice
    rmcgrath@georgiasouthern.eduRichard McGrathRichardMcGrathProfessor of Economics912-344-2626Hawes 208JArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsRick McGrath Has been a faculty member on the Armstrong Campus of Georgia Southern University since his arrival at Armstrong in 1997. He is a Past-President and Fellow of the Academy of Economic and Finance. His teaching focuses on microeconomic theory and policy-oriented courses for undergraduate and graduate students.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I engage students in recognizing the applicability of solutions across seemingly unrelated problems. This facilitates treating new problems as an extension of those we have already solved rather than as something that must be dealt with from scratch. This approach is particularly important in evaluating policies related to new technologies where we have little experience to draw upon.
    • Ph.D., University Of Virginia
    • M.A., University Of Virginia
    • B.A., Framingham State College
    M.A., University of VirginiaB.A., Framingham State College
    Research Interests
    • Mitigating Survey Bias
    • Applied Microeconomics
    Mitigating Survey Bias Applied Microeconomics
    aellis@georgiasouthern.eduAmie EllisAmieEllisSenior Lecturer912-478-7738Parker College of Business 1132Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementExperienced Lecturer in the higher education industry with a demonstrated history of nearly 20 years in leadership positions at General Motors Corporation, Delphi Corporation, and Group Schneider. Skilled in Lean Six Sigma, Continuous Improvement, Statistical Data Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, and Quality Management. Practicing academic with a MS focused in Manufacturing Management from Kettering University formerly GMI Engineering & Management Institute.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on equipping undergraduates, as future leaders, with the knowledge and skills for effective problem-solving and decision-making. I create an environment that encourages exploration of both theory and practice through a multi-faceted approach: presenting key concepts, practicing with examples, reinforcing ideas through assignments, and offering individualized support. I emphasize tools and methods relevant to today’s business challenges and prioritize students' success after graduation. In class, I foster values such as accountability, respect, empathy, and excellence, nurturing integrity, diligence, and teamwork essential for the professional world.
    • M.S. Manufacturing Management - Gmi Engineering & Management Institute (Now Kettering University)
    • B.S. Industrial Engineering - State University Of New York At Buffalo
    B.S. Industrial Engineering - State University of New York at Buffalo
    Research Interests
    • Process Improvement
    • Quality Management
    • Operations Management
    Process ImprovementQuality ManagementOperations Management
    sellis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=V7eLViEAAAAJScott EllisScottEllisProfessor and Department Chair912-478-3371PCOB 3309AStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementScott C. Ellis is a Professor and Chair of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Department at Georgia Southern University. Previously, Scott held tenure-track appointments in supply chain management at the University of Kentucky and Clemson University. Dr. Ellis holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from GMI Engineering and Management Institute, an M.S. in manufacturing management from Kettering University, and a Ph.D. in supply chain management from the State University of New York at Buffalo (University at Buffalo). Complementing his academic background, Scott has 18 years of managerial experience in the automotive industry at General Motors and Delphi Corporations.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Ellis has led supply management, operations, logistics, and organizational change coursework within Ph.D., Executive M.B.A., M.B.A., B.B.A., B.S. and executive education programs. Additionally, he has mentored more than 100 organizational change projects with student teams and regional industrial partners. In doing so, Dr. Ellis emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning approaches to complement the presentation and discussion of core course topics. Student participation, rich interaction, and continuous improvement characterize Dr. Ellis's pedagogical approach.
    • Ph.D. In Business Administration Specializing In Supply Chain Management
    Research Interests
    • Supply risk
    • Supplier-driven innovation
    • Buyer-supplier interactions
    • Supply chain technologies
    Supply riskSupplier-driven innovationBuyer-supplier interactionsSupply chain technologies
    diyengar@georgiasouthern.eduDeepak IyengarDeepakIyengarProfessor and Masters and Certificate Program Advisor912-478-6019Statesboro / SavannahArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementDeepak Iyengar, professor, focuses his research and teaching in the areas of bottom-of-the pyramid supply chains and last-mile logistics. He is currently the Program Advisor for the Masters and Certificate programs in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.He has taught in academic institutions in the U.S., India, and Qatar including University of Kentucky, Indian Institute of Management Indore, Qatar University, Central Washington University, and Florida Southern College prior to joining Georgia Southern University. His industry experience includes working in Glaxo India Limited and Group Usha. He is an advocate of quality management and has taught courses and led projects in lean six sigma.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers around helping students gain real world experience. As a proponent of lean management philosophy, I embrace the idea of continuous improvement and listening to the voice of all stakeholders in the world of education.
    • Ph.D., University Of Maryland
    • Mib, Indian Institute Of Foreign Trade
    • B.Com (Hons)., Iimc, Osmania University
    MIB, Indian Institute of Foreign TradeB.Com (Hons)., IIMC, Osmania University
    Research Interests
    • last-mile logistics
    last-mile logistics
    mcuellar@georgiasouthern.eduMichael CuellarMichaelCuellarProfessor912-478-4060PCOB 2222Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsMichael Cuellar was previously at North Carolina Central University before coming to Georgia Southern. Prior to entering academia, he spent 25 years in industry working for such firms as EDS, Computer Sciences Corporation, and Lockheed. In industry, he was a programmer, team leader, project/program manager and engagement manager. He has experience in outsourcing relationship sales and management. His research interests include the philosophy, social theory and ethics for information systems, scholarly capital and the deaf effect in project management. He is a member of Project Management International and the Association for Information Systems
    Teaching Philosophy
    I attempt to convey to the students not only the factual data of the course but also to convey some of the “reality” of the field of IS and my excitement to be a part of it. Therefore, I utilize a “flipped” classroom. Students study the “book” material and then we engage with it by means of case work, class discussion, projects and exercises. My assessments are tailored to the learning objectives: multiple choice questions for Bloom’s level 1 and 2 type questions; projects and Exercises for higher level Bloom’s areas of learning. My examinations tend to be a series of questions based on example business situations in which the students are required to apply the course materials.
    • Ph.D. (Computer Information Systems), Georgia State University, 2009
    • Ms (Computer Information Systems), Georgia State University, 2004
    • Bsba (Finance), University Of Central Florida, 1976
    MS (Computer Information Systems), Georgia State University, 2004 BSBA (Finance), University of Central Florida, 1976
    Research Interests
    • Philosophy and Social Theory of Information Systems
    • Scholarly Capital of Researchers
    • The Deaf Effect in Project Management
    Philosophy and Social Theory of Information SystemsScholarly Capital of ResearchersThe Deaf Effect in Project Management
    mtabatabaei@georgiasouthern.eduManouchehr TabatabaeiManouchehrTabatabaeiInformation Systems and Analytics912-478-7425PCOB 3302Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsManouchehr Tabatabaei is on the faculty of Information Systems and Analytics Department, Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University where he teaches online and offline courses. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Information Systems from Arizona State University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Effective learning is never a passive experience nor is it a one-way street. It requires good instruction and prepared receivers. Students retain the least when they listen, more when they read, and the most when they do. Therefore, I include hands-on experiences in all my classes. I strive to provide the latest to my students by reinforcing textbook and lecture materials with timely/relevant articles. I use case studies, ethics guides, simulations, projects, research, and guest speakers to enforce teaching and demonstrate the application of materials covered. I emphasize critical thinking systems thinking, collaboration communication, team building teamwork in all my classes. These are the skills most important to employers and success.
    • Ph.D., Arizona State University (Computer Information Systems)
    • M.B.A., Golder Gate University (Management Information Systems)
    • B.S., California State University (Computer Science)
    • B.S., California State University (Management Information Systems)
    M.B.A., Golder Gate University (Management Information Systems)B.S., California State University (Computer Science)B.S., California State University (Management Information Systems)
    Research Interests
    • Interface Design & Human-Computer Interaction
    • Project Management
    • Online Learning
    • Information Systems Education
    Interface Design & Human-Computer InteractionProject ManagementOnline LearningInformation Systems Education
    frios@georgiasouthern.eduFernando RiosFernandoRiosProfessor, Electrical and Computer Engineering912-478-5005IT Building Room 1329Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringFernando Rios is a Full Professor in the ECE Department at GSU. His scholarship can be classified into three main categories: Robotics and Control, Applications of AI, Embedded Systems Design and Engineering Education. In these areas he has published more than 60 articles in peer reviewed conferences and journals and he has been successful in receiving internal and external funding research grants. Dr. Rios’ main scholarship accomplishment at GSU has been to establish the formation of the robotics research group and the creation of the Robotics and Intelligent Operation Systems (RIOS) Laboratory at GSU.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am committed to quality teaching and student-centered learning through interactive teaching, participation, motivation, inspiration, and mentoring. I have tried to develop in my students lifelong learning skills that would be applicable to their professional life. I have a compelling performance in teaching, for which I can list: a)The creation of original course material that includes new lectures, lab manuals, and simulation programs; b)The creation of new courses, c) Been an instructor and supervisor for teams of students doing their capstone senior design projects, d) Been faculty advisor for the IEEE student branch and the Robotics Club and other academic student groups.
    • Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, La; 2000
    • M.S. Electrical Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, La; 1998
    • M.S. Microelectronics, National Institute Of Astrophysics, Optics And Electronics, Puebla, Mexico; 1970
    • B.Sc. Electronics Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico; 1968
    M.S. Electrical Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA; 1998M.S. Microelectronics, National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics, Puebla, Mexico; 1970B.Sc. Electronics Engineering, National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico; 1968
    Research Interests
      • Robotics And Control
      • Applications Of Artificial Intelligence
      • Embedded Systems
      • Engineering Education
      • Robotics And Intelligent Operation Systems (Rios) Laboratory
    Applications of Artificial IntelligenceEmbedded SystemsEngineering EducationRobotics and Intelligent Operation Systems (RIOS) Laboratory
    naslsabbaghpourhokma@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/neda-sabbaghpour-73262238/Neda AslsabbaghpourhokmabadiNedaAslsabbaghpourhokmabadiAssistant Professor912-478-6994IT Building #2106Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyI have been teaching in the IT department since 2018, after transitioning from a career in the Canadian industry. I hold both graduate and undergraduate degrees in Computer Science, with a focus on computer vision and machine learning. Outside of work, I enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy focuses on creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment where students feel valued and motivated to reach their full potential. I believe in fostering critical thinking, encouraging active participation, and promoting collaborative learning. My goal is to make complex concepts accessible by connecting theory to real-world applications and presenting diverse perspectives that stimulate curiosity. I view education as a dynamic, two-way process in which both students and I learn from one another. I strive to cultivate a classroom culture that emphasizes curiosity, respect, and lifelong learning.
    • M.S. In Computing Sciences, University Of Alberta
    Research Interests
      • Computer Vision
    ssiddiqui@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/salman-a-siddiqui-2Salman SiddiquiSalmanSiddiquiSenior Lecturer of Electrical and Computer Engineering912-478-5612IT Building, Room 1323Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Salman Siddiqui, a Senior Lecturer in Electrical and Computer Engineering, has served at Georgia Southern University since 2013. He earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Florida State University. Recognized for his dedication to student success and excellence in teaching, he has received several honors, including the “Outstanding Advocate for First-Year Students” award (2018), the “College of Engineering and Computing’s Faculty Award for Teaching” (2019), and the “University Awards of Excellence for Teaching” (2024). Dr. Siddiqui advises the IEEE Robotics Club, and his work focuses on robotic systems, STEM outreach, and the integration of innovative teaching methods into classroom instruction.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe every student can learn and succeed with the right support. Inspired by Einstein’s view that teaching is about creating conditions for learning, I see my role as a facilitator who fosters an inclusive, welcoming environment tailored to diverse learning styles and aspirations. By sparking curiosity and encouraging experiential learning, I aim to build skills, confidence, and a passion for lifelong learning. Committed to professional growth, I model adaptability and critical thinking, empowering students to collaborate, think critically, and thrive in a complex world, reflecting Georgia Southern University’s vision: “People. Purpose. Action.”
    • Ph.D., Florida State University, 2012
    • M.S., Florida State University, 2002
    • B.S., Florida State University, 2000
    M.S., Florida State University, 2002B.S., Florida State University, 2000
    Research Interests
      • Applications Of Evidence-Based High Impact Teaching Practices
      • Applications Of Robotic Systems
    Applications of Robotic Systems
    blvlcek@georgiasouthern.eduBrian VlcekBrianVlcekProfessor, Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering912-478-5721Engineering Building 2121Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Brian L. Vlcek is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro Georgia. His general area of research interest has been Tribology with emphasis on fatigue failure, rolling element bearing failure, probabilistic and Weibull modeling of fatigue failure, tribological properties of biolubricants and biofuel-contaminants, vapor lubrication, and surface analysis. Dr. Vlcek has been on the faculty of Georgia Southern since 1997 and has served as department chair since 2013.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching students how to learn on their own.
    • BS Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    • MS Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    • Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    MS Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic InstitutePh.D. Mechanical Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Research Interests
      • Tribology
      • Probabilistic And Weibull Modeling Of Fatigue Failure
      • Sudden Death Testing
      • Vapor Lubrication
      • Wear With Biofuels And Biolubricants
    Probabilistic and Weibull Modeling of Fatigue FailureSudden Death TestingVapor LubricationWear with BioFuels and BioLubricants
    svinaykumar@georgiasouthern.eduSajina VinaykumarSajinaVinaykumarLecturer912-478-5950Room 270, Science Center, Savannah Campus. IT Building: 2124 — StatesboroArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyI have completed my EDUCATION at Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA• Master of Science in Information Technology May 2019 I also completed the following certifications• Graduate Certificate in Health Information Technology • Graduate Certificate in Enterprise IT Management • Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Foundation • Software Productivity Certificate (Microsoft Office Productivity) I completed the following education degrees from India• Master of Arts, University of Kannur, India • Master Education, University of Mangalore, India • Bachelor of Education, University of Mangalore • Bachelor of Arts, University of Calicut
    Teaching Philosophy
    1. I believe that a teacher should balance the different learning needs of students. 2. I help students with different learning methodologies:3. Encourage student Interactions: 4. Create an active learning environment:5. Dedication to work:
    • MS In Information Technology
    • Master's in Education
    • M.A. in Literature
    Master's in EducationM.A. in Literature
    Research Interests
      • Health Information Technology
      • Web Development
      • Project Management
    Web DevelopmentProject Management
    LChen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lei-chen-2#:~:text=Lei%20Chen%20is%20Tenured%20Full,China%20in%202000%2C%20and%20Ph.D..Lei ChenLeiChenProfessor, Graduate Program Director912-478-1256IT Building 2118Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyDr. Lei Chen is a Tenured Full Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Information Technology at Georgia Southern University. He earned his B.Eng. in Computer Science in 2000 and Ph.D. from Auburn University in 2007. Before joining Georgia Southern in 2015, he was a Tenured Associate Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator at Sam Houston State University. Dr. Chen’s research focuses on security, privacy, and digital forensics in networks, cloud, and wireless systems, with work in AI and multimedia networking. He has published 150+ scholarly works and received over $3M in research funding, including grants from the NSA and NSF.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving, and practical application. I believe in creating an engaging, inclusive environment where students connect theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. By integrating hands-on projects, collaborative learning, and emerging technologies, I encourage students to take ownership of their learning. My goal is to prepare students for dynamic IT careers by equipping them with technical expertise, adaptability, and a lifelong passion for learning.
    • Ph.D. In Computer Science And Software Engineering From Auburn University, Usa (2007)
    • Full Professor And Secured Tenure At Georgia Southern (2018) And At Sam Houston State University (2013)
    Full Professor and Secured Tenure at Georgia Southern (2018) and at Sam Houston State University (2013)
    Research Interests
      • Cybersecurity
      • Digital Forensics
      • Ai & Machine Learning
    Digital ForensicsAI & Machine Learning
    doyunlee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/doyun-lee-186089239/Doyun LeeDoyunLeeAssistant Professor912-478-60281101H Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Lee's research focuses on advancing robotics equipped with visual sensors to navigate construction environments, understand surrounding semantics, and perform complex construction tasks. His recent work includes developing real-time automated mobile robotic systems to improve project outcomes, address safety concerns, and mitigate labor shortages. At Georgia Southern, Dr. Lee will expand his research on computer vision-based robotics in construction, with a focus on Autonomous Robotic Infrastructure Maintenance (ARIM). His lab aims to create a comprehensive framework for ARIM, with potential applications including automated welding, crack detection and repair, and data-driven pipe inspection systems.
    Teaching Philosophy
    From his teaching experiences, Dr. Lee has gleaned valuable insights into the three pivotal elements that significantly impact effective instruction. First and foremost, motivating students emerges as a top priority. He can create a conducive learning environment by igniting their excitement about their potential achievements. Secondly, he firmly believes in the power of students learning-by-doing. Thus, he devoted himself to crafting engaging hands-on course materials that facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Lastly, he is committed to providing unwavering support to my students. His willingness to assist them, both academically and personally, ensures their continuous growth and development.
    • Ph.D. In Civil Engineering At North Carolina State University
    • M.S. In Electrical Engineering At North Carolina State University
    • M.S. In Architectural Engineering At Kyung Hee University
    • B.A. In Architectural Engineering At Kyung Hee University
    M.S. in Electrical Engineering at North Carolina State UniversityM.S. in Architectural Engineering at Kyung Hee UniversityB.A. in Architectural Engineering at Kyung Hee University
    Research Interests
      • Construction Automation
      • Construction Robotics
      • Computer Vision
      • Automated Welding
      • Visual Inspection
      • Artificial Intelligence
    Construction RoboticsComputer VisionAutomated WeldingVisual InspectionConstruction Automation & Robotics LaboratoryAutomation, Robotics, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory
    aroyster@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1eBBVfgx4Dg7FqCKp13E87VnTSC7C6LkjAmari` RoysterAmari`RoysterRecruitment and Engagement Coordinator912-478-7443IT BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDeans SuiteAmari Royster is the Recruitment and Engagement Coordinator for the College of Engineering and Computing at Georgia Southern University. In this role, Amari is responsible for overseeing recruitment efforts and fostering engagement with prospective students. Her background in communications and passion for education drive her to connect students with the opportunities and resources available at the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing.
    • Bachelors of Science in Public Relations
    jkhairabadi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1SinceZhB6-Iic49WhXGl81UxSEkgODMGJahangir KhairabadiJahangirKhairabadiElectrical & Computer Engineering Lab Supervisor912-478-8900Allen E. Paulson Engineering Building Room 2106AStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringMSEE Georgia Southern University
    Teaching Philosophy
    Endure the Process of Excellence!
    • MSEE
    Research Interests
    • Viable Ai Power
    Electrical Engineering Lab
    hgong@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1-iXbnaHldshoZVD4T_gryCjHBxuQH-H0https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qtmj5jIAAAAJ&hl=enHaijun GongHaijunGongAssociate Professor of Manufacturing Engineering912-478-2554ERB 2067Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringDr. Gong’s research interest concentrates on 3D printing metals and polymers and their mechanical properties. He is interested in applying the 3D printing for advanced manufacturing. Dr. Gong is also interested in lightweight structure design and high-performance material applications.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy for additive manufacturing focuses on fostering creativity, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills. I emphasize hands-on learning, enabling students to design, prototype, and iterate using AM technologies. By integrating interdisciplinary knowledge, from material science to design optimization, I encourage innovative thinking and real-world application. I strive to create an inclusive, collaborative environment that nurtures curiosity and critical analysis, preparing students to adapt and lead in the dynamic field of additive manufacturing.
    • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, University of Louisville, 2013
    Research Interests
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • 3D Printing
    • Lightweight Design
    • Mechanical Characterization
    3D PrintingLightweight DesignMechanical CharacterizationManufacturing (Solid Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, CNC Machining)
    bminhas@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Zh7yqLjA2x2TfeM8MTlkeCGXlZIe7ugABabar MinhasBabarMinhasVisiting Instructor912-478-1313IT Bldg, Room 1301 AStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringBabar K. Minhas is a Visiting Instructor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He received his Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico and currently teaches at the Statesboro Campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a course instructor of engineering subjects, I want my students to grasp the fundamental concepts of the subject, to be able to see the practical applications of the course material, to solve real world engineering problems and to have a desire to learn more about the subject being taught after the conclusion of the course.
    • Ph.D., University of New Mexico
    Research Interests
    • Applied Electromagnetics
    • Metamaterials
    • Optical Metrology
    MetamaterialsOptical Metrology
    htaheri@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1_GFpmY5QQOJIqpWCL5c6ib6bxVt4hPMqHossein TaheriHosseinTaheriAssociate Professor912-478-7463Engineering and Research Building - Room 2055Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringDr. Hossein Taheri is an associate professor in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering at Georgia Southern University and the director of the Laboratory for Advanced NonDestructive Testing, In-situ monitoring and Evaluation (LANDTIE). He is also an affiliated faculty member of the Institute for Health Logistics and Analytics (IHLA). He completed his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University's Center for Nondestructive Evaluation (CNDE). His research focuses on nondestructive evaluation, advanced manufacturing, and material characterization, as well as smart sensing and technologies supporting robust and efficient systems in both manufacturing and health logistics applications.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Taheri's focus of teaching and mentoring philosophy is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to foster critical thinking, experiential learning and problem solving from multiple perspectives. He believes in using multiple pathways for teaching, especially based on course content and fundamentals of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Therefore, Dr. Taheri integrates a variety of teaching methods including lectures, small group discussions for team-based learning, and the use of evidence-based learning technology in my teaching.
    • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, 2018
    • Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Iowa State University, 2018
    Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Iowa State University, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Nondestructive Evaluation (Nde)
    • Smart And Sustainable Manufacturing
    • Structural Health Monitoring
    • Material Characterization
    Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)Smart and Sustainable ManufacturingStructural Health MonitoringMaterial CharacterizationLaboratory for Advanced NonDestructive Testing, In-situ monitoring and Evaluation (LANDTIE)
    ssalekeen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fGUKDi6x-2xwfNQPHGP5Dw4xy4fkjT3HSirajus SalekeebSirajus SalekeebAssistant Professor912-478-2347Room 3016, IT BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringCompleted BS in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh, then completed MS and D. SC in Mechanical Engineering from United States. Two years of Industrial experience as Mechanical Design Engineer and about 24 years teaching experiences.
    Teaching Philosophy
    To provide student focused career ready learning environment and to prepare students with growth mindset, provide equal opportunity for everyone to grow.
    • B. Sc in Mechanical Engineering
    • M. Sc. in Mechanical Engineerig
    • D. Sc (Doctor of Science) in Mechanical Engineering
    M. Sc. in Mechanical EngineerigD. Sc (Doctor of Science) in Mechanical Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Composites And Nano_Composites Materials
    • Mechanical Design And Fea
    • Statistical Analysis Of Experimental Data
    Mechanical Design and FEAStatistical Analysis of experimental dataNanocomposite Material Science Laboratory
    jongyeopkim@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ovFJdv0TS62Dl7WIjyCz-ORv-U2hcodphttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GnOEPTsAAAAJ&hl=enJongyeop KimJongyeop KimAssistant Professor of Information Technology912-478-7413IT 2124 Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyJongyeop kim received the B.SC. degree in computer science from korea national open university, seoul, south korea, and the m.sc. and ph.d. degrees in computer science from oklahoma state university. His research interests include machine learning, deep learning, image & signal processing, blockchain technology, cybersecurity, quantum computing, and big data analytics, with a focus on application design that leverages it technologies across various domains.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on empowering students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge of IT technologies and practical problem-solving, while equipping them to leverage the latest tools and platforms to thrive in an ever-evolving technological landscape. Additionally, it aims to equip students with the skills required to excel in industry or academia.
    • Ph.D in Computer Science, Oklahoma State University, 2016.
    • MS, Computer Science, Oklahoma State University, 2009.
    • BS, Computer Science,Korea National Open University, 1997.
    MS, Computer Science, Oklahoma State University, 2009.BS, Computer Science,Korea National Open University, 1997.
    Research Interests
    • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
    • Block Chain Technology Applications
    • Image & Signal Processing
    • Cyber Security
    • Quantum Algorithms
    Block Chain Technology Applications Image & Signal Processing Cyber Security Quantum Algorithms
    mjeong@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1C94C-sMPRkrIm0H6ffiN1W5PUFG-XEsrM. Myung JeongM. MyungJeongAssociate Professor912-478-7284ENGR 1125Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Jeong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction. As a program coordinator for the Construction Engineering program, he teaches courses for both the Civil Engineering and Construction Management programs. Prior to joining Georgia Southern, he spent two years as a project manager and pavement specialist with an engineering consulting firm: Wood plc. (formerly AMEC Forster Wheeler)
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on bridging theory and practice in civil engineering and construction management. With multiple years of industry experience, I bring real-world examples into the classroom and integrate hands-on learning with traditional instruction. I emphasize the balance between theoretical understanding and practical application, addressing industry expectations for graduates who are skilled in new technologies and independent problem-solving. My goal is to continually adapt my teaching to advancements in the field, ensuring students leave equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the evolving infrastructure industry.
    • Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2010
    • M.S., Virginia Tech, 2005
    • B.S., SungKyunKwan University, S. Korea, 1998
    M.S., Virginia Tech, 2005B.S., SungKyunKwan University, S. Korea, 1998
    Research Interests
    • Asphalt Pavements
    • Construction Quality Assurance
    • Construction Safety
    • Engineering Education
    Construction Quality AssuranceConstruction SafetyEngineering EducationAsphalt Laboratory
    tmurphy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1L_qvhefnKnjVG7ncml9NpTEG8X2Ob_peThomas MurphyThomasMurphyAssociate Professor912-344-2709University Hall 251Armstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Thomas Murphy received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Florida. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus. His research interests are in digital systems, embedded systems, control systems, signal processing, engineering education, and open educational resources. He is a member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the IEEE Education Society. He currently teaches courses in Computing for Engineers, Logic Circuit Design, Digital Design Lab, Introduction to Signal Processing, Circuit Analysis, and Linear Systems courses
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching has focused on undergraduate education and I enjoy teaching and working with undergraduate students. Classes involve active and coopoerative learning activities when possible. Modern software tools are incorporated into project and lab activities.
    • Ph.D., University of Florida, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Embedded Systems
    • Signal Processing
    • Open Educational Resources
    Signal processing Open educational resources
    mxu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Lu_IV8iBhWjBoHYwm9cm3OFS-rszjNrIhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BCZ3Li4AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1Mingzhi XuMingzhiXuAssociate Professor912-478-8449ERB 3059Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringMingzhi Xu received his Ph.D. in Metallurgical Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology in 2015. His research on ferrous metal casting has won multiple national awards. He is the Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF) Key Professor and the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST) Steel Professor at Georgia Southern. He teaches materials science, materials process, and metal casting/steel making related courses on Statesboro campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Incorporating real-world examples through videos, plant tours, and labs into the courses. Encouraging critical thinking and problem solving skills through challenging group projects.
    • Ph.D., Missouri University Science and Technology, 2015
    • B.S., Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2010
    B.S., Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2010
    Research Interests
    • Metallurgy
    • Metal Casting
    • Steel Making
    • Material Characterization
    • Manufacturing
    metal castingsteel makingmaterial characterizationmanufacturing Carruth Foundry Lab
    nmoazzam@georgiasouhern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=13stu9cbCiQk-A91LxXHyJh8O4qO2chO7Nick MoazzamNickMoazzamSenior Lecturer of Electrical and Computer Engineering912-478-1311IT Building, Statesboro, Room 1301Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringNick H. Moazzam is an alum of University of New South Wales, Australia and is a Senior Lecturer of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Moazzam teaches undergraduate courses on Statesboro campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Throughout my teaching career, I’ve worked with diverse students across various disciplines and education levels. My approach emphasizes adaptability, focusing on active participation and problem-solving rather than rote learning. I tailor my methods to different learning styles, teaching subjects from multiple perspectives and encouraging collaboration or independent work as needed.
    • Ph.D., University of New South Wales, 1998
    Research Interests
    • Wireless Sensor Networks
    Electrical Engineering Lab
    hahmed@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1tdqU-0aZFQPVYVW1_r4pvmlG30vkO6vFhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=HQVX_yMAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdateHossain AhmedHossainAhmedAssistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering912-478-8537I.T. Building, Statesboro Campus, Statesboro, GA 30460Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Ahmed has approximately 18 years of industrial and academic experience, with over 10 years dedicated to computational and experimental nondestructive evaluation, structural health monitoring, mechatronics, and automation. His research group at the MetaMaterials and Mechanical Structure Research Laboratory (M3SR) focuses on acoustic metamaterials, additive manufacturing, AI-based process automation, composite structures, and structural health of additively manufactured parts and electrochemical devices.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Ahmed is committed to creating a classroom environment where every student feels supported and has the opportunity to succeed. He focuses on helping students think critically and apply their knowledge to solve real-world engineering challenges. His teaching includes courses in structural mechanics, such as Statics, Dynamics, Mechanism Design, and Machine Design, as well as solid modeling, with an emphasis on CAD.
    • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2020
    • M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2016
    • M.B.A. in Management, University of Dhaka, 2014
    • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2004
    M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2016M.B.A. in Management, University of Dhaka, 2014B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Non-Destructive Evaluation
    • Structural Health Monitoring (Shm)
    • Shm Of Additive Manufacturing
    • Shm Of Lithium Ion Batteries
    • Carbon Fiber Composite Materials
    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)SHM of Additive ManufacturingSHM of Lithium Ion BatteriesCarbon Fiber Composite MaterialsMetamaterials and Mechanical Structure Research Lab
    jqing@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1is_rPcOXmE87ZG0FV81g7TgEq54Y9m6LJingjing QingJingjingQingAssociate Professor (AIST Foundation Steel Professor)912-478-6013ERB 2022Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringDr. Qing graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science & Engineering from Missouri S&T in 2016. She is an AIST Foundation Steel Professor. Before joining Georgia Southern, she was a Research Assistant Professor and a Senior Research Specialist on Electron Microscopes at Missouri S&T. She has over 14 years experience on ferrous metallurgy research, focused on characterizations using microscopies (SEM, TEM and optical microscopy). Her research on cast irons won 2019 American Foundry Society Howard F. Taylor Award. She is the first author of three AFS best paper awards . She has over 35 publications on ferrous metals. Her research on ferrous metals are funded by NSF, AIST, AFS and DIS.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Qing teaches class on materials science and steel heat treatment, as well as sustainability and green manufacturing. She encourages students to interact with her in the classroom. She focused on students' learning progression and gives credit for participation and demonstration of efforts.
    • Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering, Missouri S&T, 2010-2016
    • BS Materials Science & Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in China, 2006-2010
    BS Materials Science & Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University in China, 2006-2010
    Research Interests
    • Ferrous Metal
    • Microstructure Impacts On Properties
    • Solidification Of Metals
    • Materials Characterization
    • Electron Microscopy And Optical Microscopy
    Microstructure impacts on propertiesSolidification of metalsMaterials Characterization Electron microscopy and optical microscopyMaterials Research Laboratory
    rhamidi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1_IiTx1SqL2RrGiEJZIXspkrTDRXzp8V-Reza HamidiRezaHamidiAssisstant Professor912-478-2574IT Building, 1327Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Hamidi is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, a Senior Member of IEEE, and the Founding Director of the Electric Power System Protection and Condition Monitoring Laboratory. With over a decade of industry experience, he earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with a focus on power system diagnostics from the University of Nevada-Reno. Dr. Hamidi's research emphasizes practical solutions for modern power grids, ensuring resilience and sustainability in the face of evolving energy challenges.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, my teaching philosophy centers on fostering critical thinking, innovation, and collaboration among my students. I strive to create an inclusive learning environment where students feel empowered to explore complex concepts, challenge assumptions, and develop practical solutions to real-world problems. My approach emphasizes active learning through problem-solving, interdisciplinary connections, and hands-on applications, particularly in power systems.
    • Ph.D., University of Nevada-Reno, 2017
    Research Interests
    • Electromagnetic Transients And Simulation (Emt)
    • Digital Twins
    • Condition Monitoring And Ndt
    • Power System Protection
    • Component And System Modeling
    Digital TwinsCondition Monitoring and NDTPower System ProtectionComponent and System Modeling Electrical Power System Protection and Condition Monitoring (EPSP&CM)
    mezazi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1lzb_apBfxwCob93RHZWOErfgmGkBS23Zhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=a1yCB6sAAAAJ&hl=enAmin EzaziAminEzaziAssistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering912-478-0518Engineering & Research Building (ERB) - Room 3061Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Amin Ezazi is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing at Georgia Southern University. Prior to his current role, Dr. Ezazi served as a postdoctoral researcher and materials scientist at the Institute for Bioengineering Research (IBER) at the University of Kansas. With over 10 years of R&D experience, he has a strong background in materials development, manufacturing processes, analytical and characterization techniques, as well as expertise in various modeling and analysis software, optimization, and troubleshooting.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe an inspiring instructor should encourage students to see the broader context of a subject. Teaching course materials clearly and enthusiastically is essential but not enough; it is crucial to show how principles apply in real life. My teaching experience has taught me to embrace diversity in the classroom and use tools, such as demos, case studies, and guest lectures. I enhance students' understanding by linking concepts to research and practical applications. I aim to integrate teaching with research by offering hands-on opportunities for students in my group.
    • Postdoctoral researcher, University of Kansas, 2022
    • Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2021
    • M Eng., University of Malaya, 2015
    Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2021M Eng., University of Malaya, 2015
    Research Interests
    • Materials Science
    • Advanced Materials
    • Surface Science And Coating Technologies
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Liquids Separation And Water Remediation
    Advanced materialsSurface science and coating technologiesAdvanced manufacturingLiquids separation and water remediationManufacturing (Solid Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, CNC Machining), Materials Research Laboratory, Engineering & Research Facility, Mechanical Engineering Lab, Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Surfaces (LAMS)
    waboelenin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1QHFaRpHtXhUq_7IYT2ePo6xXxtAG2-zNWalaa Abo EleninWalaaAbo EleninLecturer in Information Technology, Department of Information Technology912-478-2281IT Building: 2126 — StatesboroStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyI am a Lecturer in Information Technology at the Department of Information Technology. I hold a Master of Science in Information Technology from Georgia Southern University (2023) and a Graduate Certificate in IT Foundations from Kennesaw State University (2021). I teach Web Development, Cyber Security, and Systems Acquisition Design. My research focuses on data-driven models for campus safety and heart disease prediction. I am dedicated to fostering engaging learning environments and inspiring student growth. Outside of work, I enjoy traveling, reading, and learning new languages.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering an engaging, hands-on learning environment where students can actively apply IT concepts. I believe in the power of real-world applications to make complex topics more accessible. I encourage students to engage deeply with the material, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving. My goal is to cultivate a growth mindset, empowering students to build the skills and confidence necessary to succeed in the ever-evolving field of Information Technology. I strive to be a guide, inspiring students to reach their full potential.
    • Master of Science in Information Technology Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA Graduated: 2023 Major: Information Technology
    • Graduate Certificate in IT Foundations Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA Completed: 2021 Area of Study: IT Foundations
    • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Summa Cum Laude) Alderson Broaddus University, Philippi, WV, USA Graduated: 2019 Major: Business Administration
    • Minor in Healthcare Administration Alderson Broaddus University, Philippi, WV, USA Graduated: 2019
    Graduate Certificate in IT Foundations Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA Completed: 2021 Area of Study: IT FoundationsBachelor of Science in Business Administration (Summa Cum Laude) Alderson Broaddus University, Philippi, WV, USA Graduated: 2019 Major: Business AdministrationMinor in Healthcare Administration Alderson Broaddus University, Philippi, WV, USA Graduated: 2019
    Research Interests
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Cybersecurity And Privacy
    • It Project Management
    • Data Science
    Cybersecurity and PrivacyIT Project ManagementData ScienceCenter for Applied Cyber Education
    yzhang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IUyOctP3Ee6HKGdQJnf4IGnVvoEZ9Dy5Yue ZhangYueZhangAssociate Professor912-478-1112ERB 2065Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringDr. Yue Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Polymer Materials and Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology and completed his M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at Texas Tech University. His research spans nanomaterials, energy conversion and storage, additive manufacturing of soft materials, and advanced manufacturing education. Dr. Zhang actively explores innovative methods to enhance the development and application of advanced materials, integrating these findings into his academic and research endeavors.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Yue Zhang is committed to creating a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where students are encouraged to bridge theory with practice. He emphasizes hands-on experience and interdisciplinary collaboration to prepare students for the challenges of modern manufacturing. By blending cutting-edge research in energy systems, additive manufacturing, and nanotechnology with pedagogical innovation, Dr. Zhang inspires curiosity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning among his students.
    • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University
    Research Interests
    • Nanomaterials
    • Energy Conversion And Storage
    • Polymer Composites
    • Additive Manufacturing Of Soft Materials
    • Advanced Manufacturing Education
    Energy Conversion and StoragePolymer CompositesAdditive Manufacturing of Soft MaterialsAdvanced Manufacturing Education
    scesmeci@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1D7v25FoBppttA4KEEeXgUCLorIDjEPT0https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=b0DZY2UAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdateSevki CesmeciSevkiCesmeciAssociate Professor912-478-6076ERB 3055Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Cesmeci holds a Ph.D. degree from University of Nevada, Reno. He teaches classes in energy science and engineering design fields. Dr. Cesmeci's research focuses on innovative product development in energy, health care, and environmental fields.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is built upon five pillars: (i) Preparation: I believe in thorough planning to create clear, structured courses. (ii) Student Engagement: I prioritize active learning, encouraging students to participate and ask questions. (iii) Scaffolding: I provide support, gradually increasing complexity to ensure students can build on their knowledge. (iv) Real-Life Applications: I connect concepts to real-world situations, helping students see the relevance of what they’re learning. (v) Self-Improvement: I foster a growth mindset, encouraging both students and myself to continuously improve.
    • Ph.D. Degree, University of Nevada, Reno, 2017
    Research Interests
    • Sustainable Energy
    • Biomedical
    • Environment
    BiomedicalEnvironmentThermo Fluidic Systems Laboratory
    vgurau@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IV4DaAOh1BTw5Gk6KcKL1dppEV319djchttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/vladimir-gurau-2/projects/Vladimir GurauVladimirGurauAssociate Professor912-478-5205Engineering Research Building, Office 2020Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringVladimir Gurau is an Associate Professor in the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Advanced Manufacturing, Robotics, Machine Vision and Computer Numerical Control. He has more than 35 years of engineering experience in academia, industry and consulting and is licensed professional engineer (FL 58043).
    Teaching Philosophy
    Aside from building a solid theoretical background to students, a central goal in my teachingactivity is to train students to acquire practical, hands-on skills that enable them to successfully solve technical and societal problems as soon as they join the workforce. I believe that of foremost importance in achieving this goal is to engage students in complex and meaningful engineering projects and research that promotes confidence in their skills and facilitates future professional accomplishments.
    • Ph.D. in Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fl. (1998)
    • M.S. in Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering , Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania (1987)
    M.S. in Mechanical / Aerospace Engineering , Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania (1987)
    Research Interests
    • Robotics
    • Machine Vision
    • Autonomous Vehicles
    • Fuel Cells
    • Green And Alternative Energy
    Machine VisionAutonomous VehiclesFuel CellsGreen and Alternative EnergyAutomation, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory, Manufacturing (Solid Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, CNC Machining), Robotics Process Development Laboratory (RPDL)
    ckadlec@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1cZKzyjgVn8t74IOPoqodNsQYz5RfMvrsChristopher KadlecChristopherKadlecDirector, Center for Applied Cyber Education912-478-7357IT1130Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyChristopher Kadlec received the Ph.D. degree in information systems from UGA and has been at Georgia Southern since 2007. He worked in IT support prior to his graduate work with the University of Georgia and the University of Mississippi. He has also worked in IT support for more than 20 years and has taught in the field for more than 15 years. He is an advocate for students and the field of information technology. To help both of these, he is working on articulation agreements between universities and community colleges, ensuring that students can get the latest skills and the best jobs while satisfying the needs of the business community.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching is about helping students to learn. To learn, students must be free to make mistakes and find success. To help students learn, as a teacher, we have to present our subjects in a manner that engages the students and provides opportunities to try and fail.
    • Ph.D. in Information Systems from the University of Georgia
    • B.B.A from the University of Mississippi
    B.B.A from the University of Mississippi
    Research Interests
    • Cyber Security
    • Networking
    • Cloud Computing
    • Disaster Recovery
    NetworkingCloud ComputingDisaster RecoveryCenter for Applied Cyber Education
    mdavari@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1M6y0vvwd6oWJ8dumr-DdcrhucXgFPiX7https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/masoud-davari-2Masoud DavariMasoudDavariAssociate Professor of Power Electronics; Founder and Director of Laboratory for Advanced Power and Energy Systems (LAPES)912-478-4422ERB Room #3036Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Davari’s technical contributions include devising advanced controls based on machine learning approaches in artificial intelligence synthesized for power electronic converters. He has significantly contributed to advanced technology integration into modern grids and grid edge by controlling power electronic systems—key enabling technologies for power networks. He has addressed challenging control designs for problem-causing dynamics and many cybersecurity-related problems and cyberattacks’ impacts on the performance and stability of the power and energy systems deploying power electronics. The U.S. NSF has supported his career from 2018–2027 as the Principal Investigator on four (4) close-to-$1.2M projects funded by the NSF programs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Realizing the students’ viewpoint bases Dr. Davar’s approach to effective teaching. He tries to use his own experience as a student of electrical engineering to recognize their struggles and encourage them to become confident and clear in their critical thinking skills. Every time he steps into the classroom, he incorporates a few fundamentals to establish connections with the students and to help them take ownership of their learning. His innovative teaching methods are rooted in experiential learning, so he was awarded the ACUE/ACE badges and certificates. He was one of the primary leads in the IEEE Task Force on Innovative Teaching Methods for Modern Power and Energy Systems and contributed to training the power engineering workforce.
    • 1) Philosophy of Doctorate (Ph.D.), University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Jan. 2012 – Jan. 2016 – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering – Ph.D. Electrical Engineering (with Honor/Distinction, Summa Cum Laude) – Majored in Energy Systems – GPA U.S. Equivalent: 4.01/4.00 – Dissertation Title: Dynamics, Robust Control, and Power Management of Voltage-Source Converters in Hybrid Multi-Terminal AC/DC Grids
    • 2) Master of Science (M.Sc.), Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran Sep. 2007 – Jan. 2010 – Department of Electrical Engineering – M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (with Honor/Distinction, Summa Cum Laude) – Majored in Power Engineering – GPA U.S. Equivalent: 3.91/4.00 – Thesis Title: Design and Implementation of Sigma-Delta-Modulation-Based Inverters for Distributed Generation Applications
    • 3) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran Sep. 2003 – Sep. 2007 – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering – B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (with Honor/Distinction, Summa Cum Laude) – Majored in Power Engineering – GPA, last two years: 18.05/20.00 – Thesis Title: Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Inverter Based on IGBT Intelligent Power Modules for Laboratory Applications
    2) Master of Science (M.Sc.), Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran Sep. 2007 – Jan. 2010 – Department of Electrical Engineering – M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (with Honor/Distinction, Summa Cum Laude) – Majored in Power Engineering – GPA U.S. Equivalent: 3.91/4.00 – Thesis Title: Design and Implementation of Sigma-Delta-Modulation-Based Inverters for Distributed Generation Applications3) Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran Sep. 2003 – Sep. 2007 – Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering – B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (with Honor/Distinction, Summa Cum Laude) – Majored in Power Engineering – GPA, last two years: 18.05/20.00 – Thesis Title: Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Inverter Based on IGBT Intelligent Power Modules for Laboratory Applications
    Research Interests
    • – Application Of Power Electronic Converters And Their Controls Based On Machine Learning Approaches In Artificial Intelligence.In Modern Power And Energy Systems (E.G., Microgrids, Smart Grids, Etc.)
    • – Modern Power And Energy Systems—Modeling, Analysis, Automation, Communications, Controls, And Protections—Ranging From Terrestrial Microgrids And Shipboard Microgrids To Aircraft Power Systems
    • – Hybrid Ac/Dc Power Networks: Analysis, Modeling, Digital Real-Time Simulations, Operation, Advanced Protection Schemes, Controls, And Cybersecurity
    • – Testing Of Power And Energy Systems Based On Power/Controller Hardware-In-The-Loop (Phil/Chil) Simulations Using Digital Real-Time Simulators
    • – Cybersecurity And Resilient-By-Design Controls For Power Electronics In Modern Grids And Grid Edge – Renewables Integration Into And Their Interaction With Hybrid Multi-Infeed Ac/Dc Power Systems – Operation, Protection, Control, And Automation Of Smart Microgrids Considering High Penetration Of Power Electronic Devices And Battery Energy Storage Systems – Application And Control Of Power Electronic Converters In Electric Drive Control
    – Modern Power and Energy Systems—Modeling, Analysis, Automation, Communications, Controls, and Protections—Ranging from Terrestrial Microgrids and Shipboard Microgrids to Aircraft Power Systems– Hybrid AC/DC Power Networks: Analysis, Modeling, Digital Real-Time Simulations, Operation, Advanced Protection Schemes, Controls, and Cybersecurity– Testing of Power and Energy Systems Based on Power/Controller Hardware-In-the-Loop (PHIL/CHIL) Simulations Using Digital Real-Time Simulators– Cybersecurity and Resilient-by-Design Controls for Power Electronics in Modern Grids and Grid Edge – Renewables Integration into and Their Interaction with Hybrid Multi-Infeed AC/DC Power Systems – Operation, Protection, Control, and Automation of Smart Microgrids considering High Penetration of Power Electronic Devices and Battery Energy Storage Systems – Application and Control of Power Electronic Converters in Electric Drive ControlLaboratory for Advanced Power and Energy Systems (LAPES)
    esafapour@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1qBmKGPAmCjLLDIC8OAzb9A3R4xFCIEMdElnaz SafapourElnaz SafapourAssistant Professor 912-478-6266Engineering Building, Room 1101CStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionI joined Georgia Southern University as an assistant professor in the Civil Engineering and Construction Department in August 2024. From 2022 to 2024, I was a tenure-track assistant professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of New Orleans (UNO), specializing in Construction Management. Prior to beginning my faculty role, I served as a postdoctoral associate at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching approach focuses on enhancing critical thinking, problem-solving, and interactive communication skills in both undergraduate and graduate students to prepare them for their future careers. In my classes, students engage in discussions and identify solutions collectively, fostering interactive communication and critical thinking skills for their future careers.
    • Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering- Construction Engineering and Management
    • Master's in Civil and Architectural Engineering
    • BSc's in Mechanical Engineering
    Master's in Civil and Architectural EngineeringBSc's in Mechanical Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Transportation Infrastructure Resilience And Sustainability
    • Education And Workforce Training And Development Support
    • Industry 4.0 And Construction 4.0 Technologies Adopting In Construction/Reconstruction
    • Risk Management And Decision Support Systems In Construction/Reconstruction
    • Life Cycle Cost Analysis
    Education and Workforce Training and Development SupportIndustry 4.0 and Construction 4.0 Technologies Adopting in Construction/ReconstructionRisk Management and Decision Support Systems in Construction/ReconstructionLife Cycle Cost Analysis
    hzhang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1D3Te-_ZQYR7JChMZBbUYtkRpXYEx2l8JHong ZhangHongZhangProfessor912-344-3151Science Center 208Armstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceHong Zhang is an alum of University of Pittsburgh and is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science. Dr. Zhang teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in computer science.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on inspiring students' interests and developing their creativity in the formal, rigorous, and abstract areas of computer science.
    • Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
    • M.A., Univeristy of Pittsburgh
    • M.S.E.E., University of Pittsburgh
    M.A., Univeristy of PittsburghM.S.E.E., University of Pittsburgh
    Research Interests
    • Machine Learning And Biomedical Applications
    • Algebraic Graph Theory
    Algebraic Graph Theory
    mhossain@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1iy-5C_05fseE8zV8Psrp_fCEBK3b0fzHhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Zxh8GfYAAAAJ&hl=enMd Shakil HossainMd ShakilHossainVisiting Instructor912-478-7198IT2303Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceVisiting Instructor at Georgia Southern University
    Teaching Philosophy
    Let's enjoy what we want to Learn!
    • MSc. in CS
    Research Interests
    • Student Attentiveness & Comprehension Capability
    • Eye Tracking
    • Machine Learning
    Eye TrackingMachine Learning
    tcourdin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1R2Xj76egggW2vZgzLTd831ua7NqVH-LxTiffany CourdinTiffanyCourdinAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5373IT 1313Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer Engineering
    shaowenxu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=12wJPIVKEYlIeIVzPk2vyYYP2jf3FSiD8Shaowen XuShaowenXuAssociate professor912-478-5006ERB 3065Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringI am Shaowen Xu, an associate professor ad director of Master of Science of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Southern University. My research projects cover a broad spectrum of scientific research and engineering applications. My research work has focused on inventing new manufacturing processing for bio-materials , synthesis of bio-inspired multiscale structured materials for engineering applications, multi-disciplinary modeling and simulations, experiment and numerical simulation integrated methods, physics-based modeling of nano-materials, and material behavior characterizations on high strain rate loading conditions.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Acquiring knowledge is just the first step to learning. The final goal of good classroom instruction is to create an environment conducive to learning, in which students not only acquire knowledge but also learn to think and solve problems. To this end, I practice interactive teaching, encourage classroom discussion and independent thinking. I like to relate the mechanics theory to the real-life examples, and encourage my students to use what they learn to daily life applications. In addition, interesting research results always stimulate the students’ interest. Besides textbook knowledge, I always integrate my pertinent research results and progresses into the classroom teaching.
    • Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Synthesis And Material Behavior Characterization Of Advanced Engineering Materials And Bio-Inspired Hierarchically Structured Composites
    • Multi-Disciplinary/Multi-Physics/Multi-Scale Modeling And Simulations Of Engineering Structures, Systems And Manufacturing Processes
    • Impact And Blast Resistant Material And Structure Development, And Material Testing On High Strain Rate Loading Condition
    • Manufacture Processing Development For Wood Molding And Forming
    • Experiment And Numerical Simulation Integrated Method
    Multi-disciplinary/Multi-physics/Multi-scale modeling and simulations of engineering structures, systems and manufacturing processesImpact and blast resistant material and structure development, and material testing on high strain rate loading conditionManufacture processing development for wood molding and formingExperiment and numerical simulation integrated methodManufacturing (Solid Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, CNC Machining), Materials Research Laboratory, Nanocomposite Material Science Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Lab
    dcox@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=13_1bEi3pkSLgssz1dlFZd1xGWOkSAe48Daniel J. CoxDaniel J.CoxProfessor and Founding Chair912-478-8044ERB 1004DStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringIn 1981 he joined the IBM Corporation in Boulder Colorado in the position of Manufacturing Engineer. He graduated with his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in robotics from UT Austin in 1992 where he also worked at the IBM Austin Texas facility as a Robotics and Automation Engineer until 1998. He joined the University of Texas at Austin in 1998 as a Research Scientist also serving as the Associate Director and Program Manager of the Robotics Research Group. In 2001 Dr. Cox joined the faculty at the University of North Florida where he became tenured as Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Cox initiated a new program for Georgia Southern as the Founding Chair of Manufacturing Engineering in 2016.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Cox’s research and teaching interests include robotics and automation, advanced manufacturing, and dynamic systems and control. His interests also include cooperating and collaborative robotics, software aspects of manufacturing, manufacturing execution systems, and engineering education for the modern manufacturing engineer.
    • Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, 1992
    • MS, University of Florida, 1981
    • BS, University of Florida, 1979
    MS, University of Florida, 1981BS, University of Florida, 1979
    Research Interests
    • Robotics And Automation
    • Manufacturing Automation
    • Cleanroom Operations
    • Dynamic Systems And Control
    Manufacturing AutomationCleanroom OperationsDynamic Systems and ControlManufacturing (Solid Modeling, 3D Scanning, 3D Printing, CNC Machining), Manufacturing Robotics and Automation
    andrewallen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.georgiasouthern.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/georgia-southern-aepcec-allen.jpghttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qfPpCmMAAAAJ&hl=enAndrew AllenAndrewAllenAssociate Professor and Chair912-478-5898IT Building, Room 2313Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Allen is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Computer Science Department. His research efforts have focused on software development effort reduction, machine learning, and improving Computer Science and Software Engineering pedagogy. His research is multidisciplinary and has led to collaborations with researchers from 15 different academic institutions within and outside of the United States. He has secured grants as a PI/co-PI from the NSF including a grant that developed a Cyber-Learning Environment that has been in operation for over six years and has been used by 47 Instructors and 3,320 students from 36 different institutions, and a NSF grant to bring introductory CS to low socioeconomic status and underserved middle schools.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on integrating hands-on learning with a strong foundation in theoretical concepts. I believe that understanding core principles in computer science provides the essential framework for creativity and innovation, while practical, real-world application ensures that knowledge is retained and meaningful. By fostering a collaborative and interactive classroom, I encourage students to explore complex challenges, develop problem-solving skills, and engage deeply with the material. My goal is to empower students to think critically, adapt to evolving technologies, and confidently bridge the gap between theory and practice in their professional journeys.
    • Ph.D. in Computer Science, (2011) Florida International University
    Research Interests
    • Software Development Effort Reduction
    • Computer Science Education
    • Model-Driven Engineering
    Computer Science EducationModel-Driven Engineering
    GFU@GEORGIASOUTHERN.EDUhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1YpVTtxVjweyU2fWhozQKMEZ-4ntCV1UShttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/george-yuzhu-fu-2George FuGeorge FuProfessor912-478-5003Room 1126 in the Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Fu is Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction at Georgia Southern University. He has been studying, working and researching in Environmental Engineering with an emphasis on Water and Environment for more than 30 years. He has completed/is working over $1.5 million in externally funded research mainly as PI, and has published more than 40 scholarly works. As Director, Dr. Fu has developed and established Water and Environmental Research Lab with a variety of state-of-the-art instruments. He also has over 10 years of professional engineering experience in well-known national/international consulting companies including AECOM, SNC-Lavalin, etc. as Environmental and Project Engineer.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Confucius said, “I hear, and I forget; I see, and I remember; I do, and I understand”. I have adopted this saying as my teaching philosophy because I believe that hands-on problem solving and comprehension are crucial for an engineering education. I would like my students to hear lectures with relevant examples and detailed step-by-step explanations in my class, to see real-world relevance through field trips, and most importantly, to learn by getting their hands “dirty” through performing labs, completing team projects, and regularly having tests. I believe these are effective ways to enhance a student’s learning experience.
    • Ph.D., University of Regina, 2002
    • M.S., Tianjin University, 1989
    • B.S., Tianjin University, 1986
    M.S., Tianjin University, 1989B.S., Tianjin University, 1986
    Research Interests
    • Innovative And Cost-Effective Water Treatment
    • Greeninfrastructure Using Biochar
    • Highway Stormwater Management
    • Removal Of Emerging Contaminants
    • Industrial Wastewater Treatment
    GreenInfrastructure Using BiocharHighway Stormwater ManagementRemoval of Emerging ContaminantsIndustrial Wastewater TreatmentWater & Environmental Research Lab (WERL)
    vramasamy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Oix-eEbjaTO8vpoOhgqESYccdhkuYFtdhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/vijayalakshmi-ramasamyVijayalakshmi RamasamyVijayalakshmiRamasamyAssistant Professor912-478-7413IT 2323Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Vijayalakshmi Ramasamy is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Georgia Southern University and an Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics affiliate. With over 27 years of academic and research experience, her work focuses on machine learning, deep learning, and graph data analytics. She applies these methods to interdisciplinary research in cognitive neuroscience, health data analytics, and environmental issues such as microplastic pollution and climate change. Dr. Ramasamy has been involved in multiple international research collaborations and continues to pursue innovative solutions at the intersection of technology, health, and the environment.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy, shaped by 27 years of experience across diverse student populations on three continents, emphasizes building an inclusive and engaging learning environment. I encourage active participation to foster a vibrant learning community and bridge the gap between academia and industry by connecting course content to real-world applications. I provide well-organized lessons, ample practice, and timely feedback and accommodate diverse needs. My most fundamental goals are being a co-learner and establishing a respectful learning environment for all. I encourage students to share their views and foster mutual understanding while ensuring respect and dignity for the diverse identities we all bring to the classroom.
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
    • Master of Philosophy in Computer Science
    • Master of Computer Applications
    • Diploma in Database Management Systems
    • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
    Master of Philosophy in Computer ScienceMaster of Computer ApplicationsDiploma in Database Management SystemsBachelor of Science in Chemistry
    Research Interests
    • Graph Data Analytics And Machine Learning Applications
    • Computational Neuroscience
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Educational Data Mining And Learning Analytics
    Computational NeurosciencePattern RecognitionEducational Data Mining and Learning AnalyticsInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    wtong@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1QaKBFeBgSqs62HxRk1fGmwUQtKJEAx-ywww.weitiantong.comWeitian TongWeitianTongDr. IT2305Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Weitian Tong is a tenured associate professor in the Department of Computer Science, Georgia Southern University. Dr. Tong received his B.S. degree in Math and Applied Mathematics from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, in 2015. Currently, Dr. Tong’s research focuses on efficient algorithm design for optimization problems arising from data science and smart city.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Sharing knowledge with students fulfills my responsibility as a teacher-scholar and helps me to organize my knowledge systematically. Therefore, I find teaching an enjoyable and rewarding part of my academic career.
    • Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Alberta, Canada
    • B.S., Math and Applied Mathematics, Zhejiang University, China
    B.S., Math and Applied Mathematics, Zhejiang University, China
    Research Interests
    • Data-Driven Algorithms Design
    • Operations Research
    • Data Science
    • Smart City
    Operations researchData scienceSmart city
    jfarara@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Dhw7kcIijNR5kUBEeZF-wWajWh8hZDdIJoshua FararaJoshua FararaVisiting Instructor912-478-4308It2333Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceJoshua Farara is a passionate educator and technologist with a Master of Science in Computer Science from Georgia Southern University. Currently serving as a Visiting Instructor in the Department of Computer Science, he teaches courses in programming languages, object-oriented programming, and software development. With a background in web development and data analytics, Joshua integrates real-world experience into his teaching, emphasizing practical skills and problem-solving. He is committed to fostering student engagement, inspiring a passion for coding, and encouraging a disciplined, solution-oriented mindset.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering student interest in computer science through engaging, inclusive, and solution-oriented learning. I believe it is a professor's duty to nurture curiosity while emphasizing the discipline required to master the field. I prepare materials in advance to encourage active discussions and guide students toward understanding fundamental concepts. By highlighting coding's practical applications, I inspire students to develop a passion for the subject, cultivating critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for academic and professional success.
    • Bachelor of Science in Economics – Georgia Southern University – Statesboro, GA December 2019
    • MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE– Georgia Southern University – Statesboro, GA December 2023
    MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE– Georgia Southern University – Statesboro, GA December 2023
    Research Interests
    • Computer Science Education
    • Data Science
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Computer Vision
    • Path Planning And Navigation Algorithms
    Data ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputer VisionPath Planning and Navigation Algorithms
    wfischer@gmail.comhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1BySh8hrIx126y46Y8rg1qFRz8-mz0sdtWesley FischerWesleyFischerRetention and Success Coordinator, School of Nursing912-478-5866Statesboro: Nursing Building, Room 1004 Armstrong: Ashmore Hall, Room 254Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingWesley is a dedicated healthcare professional with a rich background in emergency services and a passion for nursing. A former U.S. Navy Corpsman, he honed his medical skills in high-pressure environments, providing critical care to those in need. Following his military service, Wesley continued his commitment to public safety as an EMT and firefighter. He pursued his academic interests at Georgia Southern University, earning both a Bachelor's degree in Biology and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This dual background has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of the biological sciences, enhancing his medical knowledge and student interactions as the Student Success Coordinator for the Water College of Nursing.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is rooted in empathy, experiential learning, and a commitment to patient-centered care. By drawing from my unique background, I strive to inspire and equip future nurses with the skills, knowledge, and compassion needed to make a positive impact in the lives of their patients.
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University
    • Bachelor of Science in Biology, Georgia Southern University
    Bachelor's of Science in Biology, Georgia Southern University
    Research Interests
    • Student Success
    • Nursing Education
    Nursing Education
    jianzhang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1wJM9T84Q62HDyGi9DZW6NZBkqsoGhyFyhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jian-zhang-2Jian ZhangJianZhangProfessor912-478-22902032, Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesJian Zhang earned his medical degree from Shanxi Medical University and a Doctorate in Public Health from the University of South Carolina. He has extensive experience as a medical officer at the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and served as a national program officer at the World Health Organization (WHO). In the United States, he worked as an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His research focuses on the epidemiology of chronic diseases and has been widely featured in major media outlets, including Time, ABC News, Fox News, CBS News, CNN, NBC News, and The Washington Post. His work has also been highlighted in popular magazines such as New Scientist and Allure.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Drawing from extensive public health practice in both developing and developed countries, Dr. Zhang has crafted courses that seamlessly bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world application.
    • MD
    • DrPH
    Research Interests
    • Chronic Disease Epidemiology
    • Public Health Surveillance Method
    Public Health Surveillance Method
    bapenteng@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZY_YwBrIcDH_DKYOPqkBd0OMXp1P4v4Lhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/bettye-apenteng-2Bettye ApentengBettyeApentengProfessor912-478-2416Hendricks Hall Room 2010Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Apenteng is trained in the application of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in public health and health services research and practice. Her research and practice interests are in the relationships among health organizational structure, behavior and performance and how these relationships collectively shape health systems capacity and optimal functioning; health services access utilization and cost; and health equity and population outcomes. She has a strong passion for global and rural health services and systems research and has published extensively in this area.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Apenteng's teaching approach is strongly influenced by her belief thatlearning is most effective when students can connect, evolve, and apply. Learners must be able to connect with the material, instructors, and peers. This can be facilitated by tailoring instruction to increase the saliency of the subject matter to learners, displaying humanity and compassion, and encouraging respectful discourse. Knowledge is not static, and the learning process must reflect this dynamism and support learners as they evolve. Learning is also most effective when students can apply concepts to similar and non-similar contexts in a manner that spurs positive disruption of existing paradigms and approaches.
    • Ph.D.
    Research Interests
    • Rural Health
    • Health Disparities
    • Global Health
    • Health Services And Systems
    • Social Determinants Of Health
    Health DisparitiesGlobal HealthHealth Services and Systems Social Determinants of HealthCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
    amohamed@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1yrcvSMpcp-e9tcwfdY7as-ZsILN6M850https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=qJ25hUMAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&view_op=list_works&citft=1&citft=2&citft=3&email_for_op=atefshalan%40gmail.com&gmla=AL3_zijdm5W4-bM17F4v9IWTwjXRr4KJqM5oUjN6OQtO_kbkh77jyA9IpMDmr0kO1eg7f2zh74KD1CQ-NgA4IAH6v6ZClRZEDGYZI_UNpGqLIJGT631Xk5znFvobXaCrxmkaeNuglU1umeG5yGx69g0hkzRZKSGM9P8LU3DZOCqpFuOne_xlHlPPM1B0fIHnZpFm30i74iH6L3dyJLFqQbUohaAI-FRy89K_36IKM4Jc-4gmAtef Mohamed (Shalan)AtefMohamed (Shalan)Assistant Professor912-478-7756IT 2110Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyDr. Atef Mohamed (Shalan) is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Queen’s University, Canada, and an MSc in Computer Science from Lakehead University, Canada. With over a decade of higher education and industry experience, Dr. Shalan focuses on system reliability, software architecture, fault tolerance, and failure prediction. He has published research and delivered talks globally. Dr. Shalan teaches programming, Operating systems, networking, Databases, cybersecurity, and data analytics.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that impactful teaching inspires students to deeply engage with their curriculum. Drawing from my academic and professional experience, I aim to ignite a passion for learning by bridging theoretical knowledge with practical applications. My industrial background allows me to emphasize the relevance of each concept, fostering an appreciation for its practical importance. By guiding students to explore the genealogy of problems and their broader implications, I help them envision interconnected frameworks and craft comprehensive solutions. This approach sustains interest in challenging courses while equipping students with critical and strategic thinking skills for their future careers.
    • Ph.D. Of Computing, Queen'S University, Kingston Ontario Canada 2012
    • MSc In Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Ontario Canada, 2006
    MSc In Computer Science, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Ontario Canada, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Software Engineering
    • System Reliability
    • Ai & Machine Learning
    • Cybersecurity
    System ReliabilityAi & Machine LearningCybersecurity
    ahansen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1vSInitS3kLUmygCD5W-sO_JIfaP-0P4UAndrew HansenAndrewHansenProfessor912-478-0261Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Hansen received his doctoral training in Community Health Behavior and Education and has a Masters in Exercise Science and an Undergraduate degree in Health and Physical Education. His teaching areas include Global Health, Health Disparities, Program Planning and Evaluation, and Social Marketing. Research interest is in the area of health and wellness for individuals, schools, communities, and populations related to behavior, environmental, and structural influences.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Accept that I don’t know what I don't know and allow myself to be a student, to listen and process what research, the students, and others say, working to ensure my current knowledge doesn’t bias and impede attaining new knowledge. I work to be respectful and responsive to various learning preferences, mindsets, and culture. I foster this openness in students and challenge them to look beyond one perspective allowing themselves to receive and process the ideas and thoughts of others. I engage my students in ways that allow them to challenge themselves and their peers, advancing beyond what we know in the classroom, beyond status quo, and imagining what else is possible.
    • Doctor of Public Health in Community Health Behavior and Education
    Research Interests
    • Health Eating And Active Living
    • Social Marketing
    • Health Disparities And Inequality
    • Environment-Sustainability
    Social MarketingHealth Disparities and inequalityEnvironment-Sustainability
    mbester@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15HHYqstO6fqh6uO-Xg0TzAX3rsjapQdShttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/mary-e-bester-dr-2Mary Estelle BesterMary EstelleBesterAssociate Professor School of Nursing912-478-8602Nursing Chemistry Building, Room 4014Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingMy journey in nursing began at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, first as nursing student and then as senior lecturer for 20 years. This foundational experience ignited a passion for nursing that would shape my entire career. I was a senior lecturer in nursing at this university for 20 years. In pursuit of new challenges and opportunities, I spent the next decade in Saudi Arabia as a program director in nursing practice and quality, overseeing nursing practices and ensuring the highest standards of quality care. Since 2017, I have been a part of GSU, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. In my teaching role, I continue my passion for SoTL, while also contributing to the development of future nursing leaders.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering a student-centered environment where every learner's unique needs and strengths are recognized and nurtured. I am passionate about creating engaging, inclusive, and dynamic learning experiences that inspire curiosity and a love for learning. By encouraging active participation, critical thinking, and collaboration, I aim to empower students to take ownership of their education and develop lifelong learning skills. My goal is to cultivate a supportive and stimulating atmosphere where every student feels valued and motivated to reach their full potential.
    • BSN (Bachelor in Science of Nursing)
    • MSN (Masters in Science of Nursing)
    • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)
    • Honors in Nursing Education
    • Advanced Diploma in Nursing Leadership
    MSN (Masters in Science of Nursing)Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)Honors in Nursing EducationAdvanced Diploma in Nursing Leadership
    Research Interests
    • Scholarship In Teaching And Learning
    • Evidence-Based Teaching
    • Technology In Teaching
    Evidence-Based TeachingTechnology in Teaching
    kkardel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ufhVE48DOy46Ldg0pMYipE7lloo3OnIUhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UaSo3WMAAAAJ&hl=enKamran KardelKamranKardelAssociate Professor912-478-8566ERB 2057Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringDr. Kamran Kardel has a Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering from Auburn University. Before joining Georgia Southern in 2016, he was a research assistant in the Mike Hubbard Center for Advanced Science, Innovation and Commerce (CASIC) at Auburn University. Dr. Kardel’s research interests include understanding and experimenting novel applications for additive manufacturing. This encompasses broad systems in several fields, from manufacturing to biosystems, bioprinting, and bio-scaffolding. Specifically, additive manufacturing processes and its applications in Biosystems and scaffolding, as well as surface metrology and engineering.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a professor of manufacturing engineering, my teaching philosophy emphasizes bridging theory and practice through hands-on learning and real-world applications. I aim to inspire critical thinking, innovation, and problem-solving by integrating industry-relevant projects, simulations, and collaborative teamwork into the classroom. By fostering an inclusive environment, I encourage diverse perspectives and active engagement, ensuring all students feel empowered to contribute and excel. My goal is to equip students with technical expertise, ethical responsibility, and leadership skills, preparing them to address the evolving challenges of manufacturing and industrial systems
    • Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, 2016
    • M.Eng. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, 2013
    • M.S. in Socio-economic Systems Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science & Technology, 2008
    • B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, 2003
    M.Eng. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Auburn University, 2013M.S. in Socio-economic Systems Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science & Technology, 2008B.S. in Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Bio-Engineering
    • Sustainable Manufacturing
    • Surface Engineering
    • Mechanical Characterization
    Bio-engineeringSustainable ManufacturingSurface EngineeringMechanical Characterization3D Bio Manufacturing Laboratory
    rcollins@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1QLVB4icGg-wgrAQxTezA15uhI9Jo4X8pRhyne Collins Rhyne Collins Lecturer912-478-30093027Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI celebrated 22 years of bedside care this past June. I have worked in many different aspects of nursing and have greatly enjoyed my career thus far. Becoming an educator has always been at the top of my career goals and I am delighted to have found a home at beautiful Georgia Southern University- Waters College of Health Professions, School of Nursing.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a nursing educator, my teaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that nursing is a holistic and dynamic profession that merges science, empathy, and ethics to deliver patient-centered care. I view education as a lifelong journey, where the role of the educator extends beyond disseminating knowledge to mentoring, inspiring, and fostering a passion for learning and professional growth among students.
    • Doctorate of Nursing Education, University of West Georgia, in progress
    • Master of Science in Nursing Education, Chamberlin University, 2021
    • BSN-RN, Albany State University, 2017
    • ADN-RN, Darton College, 2010
    • Practical Nursing Diploma, Southeastern Technical College, 2005
    Masters of Science in Nursing Education, Chamberlin University, 2021BSN-RN, Albany State University, 2017 ADN-RN, Darton College, 2010Practical Nursing Diploma, Southeastern Technical College, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Incivility In Nursing/ Nursing Education
    • Evaluation In Nursing Education
    Evaluation in Nursing Education
    cvrogers@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1xr99o8EvuwHwwq2-scUeH19uH22dxT5TCheyenne RogersCheyenneRogersAdministrative Assistant II 912-478-5242Nursing/Chemistry Building Room 2002GStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing
    chelseadoyle@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ksLO1sVzzHg0SX4RlJ7GznqA5rgzNtHQChelsea Doyle ChelseaDoyle Administrative Assistant II912-344-2973Ashmore Hall Rm 266Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing
    nmarshall@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Z43OAqS3_eU0NN5sRyVAmQ38pVccP3VuNandi MarshallNandiMarshallAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor912-478-3307Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Nandi A. Marshall is a community engaged scholar committed to maternal and child health equity and preparing the next generation of the public health workforce. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Community Health and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Marshall holds a BA from Spelman College, an MPH from East Stroudsburg University, and a DrPH from Georgia Southern University. Dr. Marshall is also a certified health education specialist, a certified lactation counselor, and a certified diversity executive.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Throughout my educational, professional and personal experiences I have focused on community engagement, the social determinants of health, service and building my leadership skills. As such, these are the same values I bring to the classroom. As an educator, my goals are to: **prepare students for the public health workforce by building their knowledge base, leadership skills and confidence;**engage students through participatory work in their community and learning environment; and **teach the importance of the social determinants of health in achieving health equity.
    • DrPH
    • MPH
    • CHES
    • CLC
    • CDE
    Research Interests
    • Maternal & Child Health Equity
    • Community Engagement
    • Social Determinants Of Health
    • Breastfeeding Continuity Of Care
    Community Engagement Social Determinants of HealthBreastfeeding Continuity of Care
    sherren@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1joopJjspS2rV52nCpdyCoiwyfe7FvxQpStephanie HerrenStephanieHerrenStudent Accessibility Coordinator912-344-2572Memorial College Center 205Armstrong CampusStudent Accessibility Resource CenterStudent Accessibility Resource CenterStephanie (she/her/hers) has a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree in Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and a Master of Arts in Professional Communication and Leadership from Georgia Southern University. As a double eagle, she attended both the Statesboro and Armstrong campuses. With over 10 years in higher education, she has worked at both private and public universities in various areas such as sponsored programs, financial services, and academic advising. Stephanie provides information about disability related services and documentation requirements to current and prospective students. She also oversees test proctoring on the Armstrong campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a self-proclaimed lifelong learner, I want to nurture and encourage curious minds to never stop learning.
    • Masters of Arts in Professional Communication and Leadership
    Research Interests
    • Communication In Higher Education
    • Public Administration For Non-Profits
    Public administration for non-profits
    agutierrez@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=16B6kYJ2LoFDWpxhgCOraOMOHbRpbM4TYhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1wZbNEoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoAntonio Gutierrez de BlumeAntonioGutierrez de BlumeProfessor912-478-7831COE 3135Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingAntonio P. Gutierrez de Blume, Ph.D., is currently a Professor of Research at Georgia Southern University, where he teaches quantitative research methods and statistics. His research expertise is in examining metacognition under the theory of self-regulated learning. More specifically, he is interested in how learners monitor their comprehension during learning episodes. His program of research includes examining the effects of dispositional characteristics (e.g., various aspects of motivation) and learning strategy training on learners’ monitoring (accuracy and bias), confidence in performance judgments, and performance as well as investigating the latent dimensions of calibration to improve its measurement.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a teacher, I endeavor to create a classroom climate that promotes higher-order thinking skills in my students, whether in a face-to-face/traditional or in an online/distance format. As such, my teaching approach is predicated on my research interests, which involve the advancement and promotion of higher-order thinking skills (e.g., metacognition, metamemory, metacomprehension, critical thinking, and creative thinking and creativity), all of which are rooted in the theories of self-regulated learning and metacognition. Finally, I have experience in fair, just, and equitable grading practices as well as other forms of student assessment of performance (e.g., rubric-based assessment).
    • Ph.D., University of Nevada Las Vegas, 2012
    • M.Sc., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2008
    • B.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2004
    M.Sc., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2008B.A., University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Metacognition
    • Self-Regulated Learning
    • Motivation
    Self-Regulated LearningMotivationCenter for STEM Education (i2STEMed), National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
    bsilwal@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1-poJidr7acbQhTp47QbOpHTyo7qJ-Uq-https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=r74qSeAAAAAJ&hl=enBishal SilwalBishalSilwalAssociate Professor912-478-0542Engineering and Research Bldg. Room 3063Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Bishal Silwal is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, specializing in advanced manufacturing techniques, particularly wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) and the development of metallic alloys. With expertise in material characterization, mechanical testing, and computational simulation, Dr. Silwal leads a dynamic research group dedicated to advancing sustainable and high-performance manufacturing processes.
    Teaching Philosophy
    One of my teaching philosophy emphasizes bridging academic concepts with real-world applications, ensuring students see the tangible impact of their learning. One of the most effective ways I implement this is by organizing industry visits, which provide students with firsthand exposure to professional practices, advanced technologies, and real-world problem-solving scenarios. These visits allow students to connect theoretical principles to practical applications, such as observing advanced manufacturing processes or material testing methods in action.
    • Ph.D., Utah State University, 2013
    • M.S., St. Cloud State University, 2008
    • B.S., Tribhuvan University, 2005
    M.S., St. Cloud State University, 2008B.S., Tribhuvan University, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Manufacturing Technologies
    • Material Characterization
    • Alloy Development
    • Material Testing
    Material CharacterizationAlloy developmentMaterial TestingEngineering & Research Facility
    kriegelman@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1L5b6-RvG2kz4sDKJlZtb7dNJN1rdT20nKaren RiegelmanKarenRiegelmanAdministrative Assistant912-478-4726Interdisciplinary Academic Building, Room 3055Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyKaren Riegelman is the administrator for the School of Human Ecology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Don't get so focused on the next thing that you miss the now.You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make! -Jane Goodall
    • BFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, 1990
    Research Interests
    • Na
    dmulford@georgiasouthern.eduDebbie MulfordDebbieMulfordDr.912-344-2898Ashmore Hall 216Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDebbie Mulford is an alumni of Armstrong Atlanta State University (MSN, BSN) and Hampton University (Ph.D). Dr. Mulford is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing in the undergraduate program on the Armstrong Campus. Dr. Mulford began her career in 2007 and has coordinated and taught Fundamentals of Nursing/Essential Skills from 2009 - 2023. Dr. Mulford is currently the Skills Lab Coordinator.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My philosophy of teaching is student-centered. In the classroom I have used various teaching strategies to engage the student to critically think. As the lab coordinator, I am responsible for the students learning in the lab setting. The labs are designed for the students to apply the information they have learned from the classroom and gives the student an opportunity to practice a skill in a safe environment with the lab instructor to guide and facilitate the student’s application of a learned skill. I am continually evaluating my teaching practices and methods to ensure that the students are receiving the best learning experience.
    • Ph.D Hampton University - 2016
    • MSN Armstrong Atlantic State University - 2004
    • BSN Armstrong Atlantic State University -1998
    MSN Armstrong Atlantic State University - 2004BSN Armstrong Atlantic State University -1998
    Research Interests
    • Health Literacy
    • Teach-Back Method
    Teach-back method
    mckinleythomas@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Pfhbs7zjjtmSmBYQqFiQRrsUvgfgxtC4https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mckinley-ThomasMcKinley ThomasMcKinleyThomasProfessor (Full), Director - Bachelor of Health Sciences Degree program912-344-2656University HallArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Thomas received a B.S. (1988) and M.Ed. (1989) in Community Health Education from Georgia College, followed by an Ed.D. in Health Education (1995) from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Affiliations: Arnold School of Public Health (University of South Carolina); Department of Kinesiology and Health Science (Augusta University); Clinical Associate Professor (Medical College of Georgia); Master of Public Health program & Department of Community Medicine (Mercer University); and Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology (Georgia Southern University). McKinley is currently a Full Professor at Georgia Southern University, a Governor’s Teaching Fellow, and Founding Editor of the Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Students are resilient; they learn despite the confines of the American educational system, which often works against our human inclination toward unfettered exploration of the world around us. Realizing the limitations presented by current ideology, it is proposed here that professional language and communication, critical thinking geared toward best evidence, and social inclusivity are the ultimate characteristics of students poised to take their place as leaders within a diverse society. To this end, our goals are to point students in the right direction, ignite their curiosity, then - stay out of their way.
    • BS, Health Education, Georgia College (1988)
    • M.Ed, Community Health Education, Georgia College (1989)
    • Ed.D., Health Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1995)
    M.Ed, Community Health Education, Georgia College (1989)Ed.D., Health Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (1995)
    Research Interests
    • Pedestrian Fatalities
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Human Sexual Behavior
    • Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
    • Pedagogy
    Scholarship of Teaching and LearningHuman Sexual BehaviorHealth Promotion & Disease PreventionPedagogy
    amyers@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1UnNSI4SjiVI1FoCeed8H3nC2tiu15FdtAntonia LatriceAntoniaLatriceMyers912-478-2622PCOB Office 1101Statesboro CampusParker College of Business
    pwheaton@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1CGLlpZHGdkiDexJh1XMObwhU4zs0sGjJPatrick WheatonPatrickWheatonAssistant Professor of Communication Studies912-478-5933Sanford 3031Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsI have taught at the university level for 30+ years, as a graduate teaching assistant, lecturer, and professor. I came to the discipline of Communication Studies from my involvement in competitive high school and collegiate debate, where I was a competitor, judge, or coach for 25 years. I teach and study argumentation, public speaking, persuasion, rhetoric, and political communication.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching should be a cooperative venture between the teacher and the students. This does not mean that education is a service industry in which students act as customers purchasing a product. Teachers and students are co-participants in the process of acquiring or producing knowledge. To that end, I construct lectures and discussions that are interactive. I value interactions with students in the classroom and I value their contributions to the learning experience.
    • Ph.D., Speech Communication, University of Georgia, 2001
    • M.A., Speech Communication, University of Georgia, 1993
    • B.A., History, University of Virginia, 1986
    M.A., Speech Communication, University of Georgia, 1993B.A., History, University of Virginia, 1986
    Research Interests
    • American Public Address
    • Rhetoric And Rhetorical Criticism
    • Political Campaign Communication
    • Political Debates
    • Argumentation And Debate
    Rhetoric and Rhetorical CriticismPolitical Campaign CommunicationPolitical DebatesArgumentation and Debate
    jriley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Awm4wRPnst1I2LHh31WXPDIOtBd5MFH4https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jeffrey-rileyJeffrey RileyJeffreyRileyAssociate Professor912-478-6006Sanford Hall 1009Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Jeff Riley joined the Multimedia Journalism faculty at Georgia Southern in 2017, and he currently serves as the sequence coordinator for the MMJ area. His primary research agenda is right-wing radicalization in digital spaces, with a special emphasis on the mechanics of disinformation and violent rhetoric. His second research agenda examines how hyper-local digital spaces are adapting to meet informational demands in "news deserts." Dr. Riley regularly teaches Public Affairs Reporting, STEM Journalism, Sports Journalism, Photojournalism, and Mass Communication Theory. He is a former community journalist, and was born and raised in the central Florida area. 
    Teaching Philosophy
    I can teach you how to harness the power of mass media to reach an audience and tell them a compelling true story. Maybe that story is about sports, maybe it's about scientific research, maybe it's about the local city council. Maybe that story is written, maybe it's a video package, maybe it's on TikTok or is a podcast. None of that part matters right now. What matters is that you feel compelled to tell true stories. If you do -- come find me and talk about being a journalism major. 
    • Ph.D., Communications, University of Florida, 2014
    • MS, Journalism, Ohio University, 2011
    • BS, Journalism + Political Science, University of Central Florida, 2010
    MS, Journalism, Ohio University, 2011BS, Journalism + Political Science, University of Central Florida, 2010
    Research Interests
    • Right-Wing Radicalization
    • Online Misinformation And Disinformation
    • Community Journalism
    • Content Analysis
    • Digital Spaces And Community Formation
    Online misinformation and disinformationCommunity journalismContent analysisDigital spaces and community formation
    marlamor@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=10G8IemEMBSCzOqxdM-Y6FEjv6Kgz5pbFMarla MorrisMarlaMorrisProfessor, Dr. Marla Morris, Ph.D., FRSA912-478-5942Statesboro, COE 2131Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingProf., Dr. Marla Morris, FRSA has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the European Graduate School, a Ph.D. in Education from Louisiana State University. Recent publications include Education at the Edge of Experience: Navigating the Unassimilable (Routledge, 2024); Curriculum Studies in the Age of Covid-19: Stories of the Unbearable (Peter Lang Press, 2022). Curriculum Studies Guidebooks Vols., 1 & 2. (Peter Lang Press, 2016). On Not Being Able to Play: Scholars, Musicians and the Crisis of Psyche (2009, Brill). Teaching Through the Ill Body: A Spiritual and Aesthetic Approach to Pedagogy and Illness (2008, Brill). Jewish Intellectuals and the University (2006, Palgrave).
    Teaching Philosophy
    Research based teaching
    • Ph.D., Philosophy, European Graduate School
    • Ph.D., Education, Louisiana State University
    • FRSA (Fellow Royal Society of Arts)
    • MA Religious Studies, Loyola University New Orleans
    • BA Philosophy, Tulane University
    Ph.D., Education, Louisiana State University FRSA (Fellow Royal Society of Arts)MA Religious Studies, Loyola University New OrleansBA Philosophy, Tulane University
    Research Interests
    • Philosophy
    • Psychoanalysis
    • Education
    mgroover@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jqSua_MTjUJ_ePCRidqCs8fBbMNMCDfLMichelle GrooverMichelleGrooverPrincipal Lecturer912-478-5369SanfordStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsMichelle Groover is a principal lecturer in the Communication Arts Department at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia, where she teaches public relations courses. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication from Regent University. Her research interests include crisis communication, popular culture, public relations, and social media.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The 2024 Georgia Southern Faculty Handbook states, “Excellent teaching is reflective, student-centered, respectful of the diversity of students, multimodal, & focused on student learning outcomes” (p. 46). I believe through my engagement with students, both in & outside the classroom, I have exemplified this definition. I wholly support the exchange of ideas & encourage students to enter a dialogue on the topic at hand. I strive to be a good teacher, which I would define as someone who cares if their students succeed or fail (in the classroom & in life); someone who provides a variety of learning opportunities for their students; someone who is available to meet with students; and someone who prepares their students for life after college.
    • B.S. Communication, Milligan College 1993
    • M.Ed. Instructional Technology, Georgia Southern University 2005
    • Ph.D. Communication, Regent University 2015
    M.Ed. Instructional Technology, Georgia Southern University 2005Ph.D. Communication, Regent University 2015
    Research Interests
    • Crisis Communication
    • Public Relations
    • Social Media
    • Popular Culture
    Public RelationsSocial MediaPopular Culture
    mplew@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1tIRySmzNau8NMntehx3BiilH406CuJJrMelissa PlewMelissaPlewPrincipal Lecturer912-478-18472015 Sanford HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Plew is a teacher-scholar whose work focuses on the classroom. As the Director of Public Speaking, Dr. Plew mentors Graduate Teaching Assistants who work with students in the Public Speaking courses. Her scholarly and professional development work has recently focused on instructor communication in the classroom and implementing relevant activities into her courses. Dr. Plew teaches numerous courses in the Communication Studies area, including Interpersonal Communication, Small Group Communication, and Mediated Communication.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Plew has two overarching goals in each of her courses. First, she wants to provide opportunities for her students to apply the communication concepts studied in class to their own experiences. Once students realize these theoretical ideas are part of their everyday interactions, they become interested in learning more. Second, she wants to provide opportunities for her students to practice the skills they will use outside the classroom. After they graduate, students will be expected to engage with others, think critically, and present their ideas, so these skills are incorporated into each course Dr. Plew teaches.
    • Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2011
    • M.A., Indiana State University, 2002
    • B.S., Indiana State University, 1999
    M.A., Indiana State University, 2002B.S., Indiana State University, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Intersection Of Interpersonal And Mediated Communication
    • Internet Use (Ethics And Privacy)
    • Media Uses And Effects
    • Communication Pedagogy
    Internet Use (ethics and privacy)Media Uses and EffectsCommunication Pedagogy
    cbgey@georgiasouthern.eduChris GeyermanChrisGeyermanAssociate Professor912-478-5838Sanford Hall 3008Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsJoined GS in 1987
    Teaching Philosophy
    Have fun and learn.
    • Ph.D.
    Research Interests
    • Communication
    doreeneanderson@georgiasouthern.eduDoreene AndersonDoreene AndersonCustodian912-478-5558Old Register Rd. P.O. Box 8012, Statesboro, GA 30460Statesboro CampusSoutheastern Technical CollegeEarly Childhood Education
    • Early Childhood Education
    apalacios@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1WjCziHocOIwEb8i0GDTFE--1qPuTNp4UAna PalaciosAnaPalaciosAssistant Professor912-478-0501Solms 109BArmstrong CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community Health Dr. Ana M. Palacios is a physician and nutrition scientist that joined Georgia Southern University in August 2021. Her research is focused on developing, implementing and scaling effective strategies to improve the nutritional and cardiovascular health of diverse populations. She currently has several ongoing research projects in Latin America, in the US, and in Savannah, GA.
    • Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin
    • Doctorate of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
    Doctorate of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
    Research Interests
    • Nutrition Sciences
    • Maternal Health
    • Implementation Sciences
    • Community Engaged Participatory Research
    • Obesity
    Maternal Health Implementation SciencesCommunity Engaged Participatory Research Obesity
    kjennings@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1I0qgmR9ECz8hWeH8iTwpuUW39gCr2CE5Karla JenningsKarlaJenningsSenior Lecturer912-344-2633Jenkins 105Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsKarla Jennings is a senior lecturer for communication studies on the Armstrong Campus. She began her teaching career at the College of Coastal Georgia in 2006, and she joined the Armstrong faculty in 2012. Prior to teaching, she worked in public relations and marketing for the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, Unison Industries – an aircraft ignition systems manufacturer, and for the Coastal Georgia Center for Continuing Education.In 2018, she was the opening speaker for TEDxSavannah, with a talk about fear of public speaking. She has been a board member of TEDxSavannah since 2022, and has served as a speaker coach since 2017.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that every student has the potential to succeed and that they will if they are engaged in their own learning. Students learn by interacting with one another. It is my responsibility to provide opportunities for that interaction and to model best communication practices. I carefully balance testing with graded and ungraded assignments so that students who work hard succeed. Assignments and presentations are meant to give students opportunities to put it into practice what they have learned. I encourage students to participate in internships, and I continually look for ways to bring the professional world into the classroom by inviting guest speakers into my classes.
    • M.A., University of Florida, 1996
    • B.S., Florida State University, 1990
    B.S., Florida State University, 1990
    Research Interests
    • Public Speaking
    • Ted Talks
    TED Talks
    sganun@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Wl-oKeOOPNlI_O_py3DPTE3lGw2U6mj7Shannon GaNunShannonGaNunPublic Speaking InstructorArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsShannon has been a communication professional for more than 30 years and has had the privilege of helping companies, associations, nonprofits, and Members of Congress develop clear, compelling messages to achieve their desired results. She is now a sought-after keynote speaker and consultant who offers a unique blend of tactical knowledge and compassion to help business professionals become better leaders.Shannon is also an instructor at Georgia Southern University, teaching public speaking classes to undergraduates and communication and leadership classes to professionals.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have been a professional communicator for more than 30 years, and I have learned that communication is not just about talking or writing or making the latest TikTok video. It’s about building trust. It’s about creating an atmosphere where students feel heard, respected, and motivated to contribute their own ideas. My teaching methods are engaging, ensuring that students learn practical strategies they can use right away to become better communicators and better leaders.
    • Her education includes a Master of Arts in Professional Communication and Leadership from Armstrong State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
    jenniferwells@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1VoWyO51K1bI9jftOozMsxHossoPfu0R2Jennifer WellsJenniferWellsDepartment Coordinator912-344-3633Solms HallArmstrong CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community Health
    • NA
    Research Interests
    • Na
    ytarasenko@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/yelena-n-tarasenko-2Yelena TarasenkoYelenaTarasenkoProfessor912-478-5057Hendricks Hall 2012Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Tarasenko holds DrPH and MPH degrees from the University of Kentucky, where she majored in both epidemiology and health services management. She also completed a post-doctoral Health Policy Fellowship with the Academy Health/National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Tarasenko is Certified in Public Health. She also holds Master of Science in Financial Planning, Master of Public Administration and law degrees. More recently, Dr. Tarasenko received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award to Latvia. She is also serving as consultant for the World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe.
    Teaching Philosophy
    While teaching doctoral and more recently, undergraduate students, Dr. Tarasenko tries to bring her research and service into the classroom. She is a strong advocate for organizing courses around service learning projects and providing students with hands-on learning experiences. For example, she has promoted her research interests in cancer prevention and control and dedication to service for the vulnerable populations through service-learning in doctoral-level courses on research methods, epidemiology, and grant-writing. Students’ projects received several awards at various competitions, including at the GSU Eagle Showcase: Excellence in Service-Learning.
    • Doctor of Public Health (DrPH, University of Kentucky, 2011)
    • Master of Public Health (MPH, University of Kentucky, 2009)
    • Master of Science in Financial Planning (MSFP, University of Georgia, 2023)
    • Master of Public Administration (MPA, Southern Illinois University, 2004)
    • Law degree (J.D. Equivalent, Southern Illinois University Law School/Vladimir State University, 2002)
    Master of Public Health (MPH, University of Kentucky, 2009)Master of Science in Financial Planning (MSFP, University of Georgia, 2023)Master of Public Administration (MPA, Southern Illinois University, 2004)Law degree (J.D. Equivalent, Southern Illinois University Law School/Vladimir State University, 2002)
    Research Interests
    • Epidemiology
    ldraughorne@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1WzKfktFnNFc7WX5A2jVfqv5l8fnoFYR2Lauren DraughorneLaurenDraughorneCoordinator, Office of Inclusive Excellence912-478-0271Marvin Pittman 0004AStatesboro CampusOffice of Inclusive Excellence
    dwanduku@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lHtiY54AAAAJ&hl=enDivine WandukuDivineWandukuAssociate Professor of Statistics912-478-4728Math/Physics Room 3309Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Wanduku is a Statistician and Applied Mathematician in the Department of Mathematical Sciences and has been Director of the Statistical Consulting Unit (SCU) since 2019. He is also an affiliate faculty member of the Oliver Jr. ICPS. His research spans Statistics, Probability Theory, and Applied Mathematics, with expertise in stochastic analysis, distribution theory, statistical inference, biostatistics, and reliability analysis. An Associate Editor for "Stochastic Analysis and Applications", he has published extensively, served as Lead Editor for two books, and mentored ten graduate students, fostering interdisciplinary scholarship.
    • ACUE-Certificate in the Effective Teaching Practice Framework
    • Ph.D. in Mathematics with Concentration in Statistics, University of South Florida
    • M.S. in Statistics, University of South Florida
    • M.Sc. Mathematics, University of Buea, Cameroon
    • B.Sc. Mathematics, University of Buea, Cameroon
    Ph.D. in Mathematics with Concentration in Statistics, University of South FloridaM.S. in Statistics, University of South FloridaM.Sc. Mathematics, University of Buea, CameroonB.Sc. Mathematics, University of Buea, Cameroon
    Research Interests
    • Stochastic Modeling & Analysis
    • Distribution Theory, Reliability & Survival Analysis
    • Statistical Inference & Computational Statistics
    • Biostatistics
    • Mathematical Biology
    Distribution theory, reliability & survival analysisStatistical inference & computational statistics BiostatisticsMathematical biologyJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Statistical Consulting Unit (SCU), Statistics Group
    jazzkiajones@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1SmmuuKyQfPRVq44qrgKnKW2t80gwxbbFJazzkia JonesJazzkiaJonesDirector, Office of Inclusive Excellence912-478-0274Marvin Pittman Suite 0004 - Office 0004BArmstrong Campus, Liberty Campus, Statesboro CampusJazzkia Jones serves as the Director for the Office of Inclusive Excellence. Her main responsibilities are to design, implement, and manage programs and initiatives that support the OIE mission to create and nurture an environment in which all members of the University community are treated equitably, contribute fully to the university’s mission, and embrace and model the university’s values. She joined Georgia Southern University in July 2021. Jazzkia has a Bachelor of Arts in Writing from DePauw University and a Masters of Education in Higher Education Administration from the University of Pittsburgh.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Writing from DePauw University
    • Masters of Education in Higher Educational Administration from the University of Pittsburgh
    Masters of Education in Higher Educational Administration from the University of Pittsburgh
    tanyamariebenjamin@georgiasouthern.eduDr. Tanya Marie BenjaminDr. Tanya MarieBenjaminDr.912-478-5927Nursing & Chemistry BuildingStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Benjamin has been an educator for more than 10 years and specializes in Community/Public Health Nursing.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Benjamin strives to promote compassion, caring, integrity, and competency in Nursing practice.
    • Doctor of Health Science, Nova Southeastern University
    • Master of Public Health, Florida International University
    • Master of Science in Nursing, Florida Atlantic University
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Hampton University
    • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Saint Leo University
    Master of Public Health, Florida International UniversityMaster of Science in Nursing, Florida Atlantic UniversityBachelor of Science in Nursing, Hampton UniversityBachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Saint Leo University
    Research Interests
    • Research Interests
      • Community/Public Health Nursing
      • Vulnerable Populations
      • Education
      • Social Determinants Of Health
      • Mental Health
    • Vulnerable Populations
    • Education
    • Social Determinants Of Health
    • Mental Health
    Vulnerable PopulationsEducationSocial Determinants of HealthMental Health
    agallard@georgiasouthern.eduAlejandro Gallard MartínezAlejandroGallard MartínezGoizueta Distinguished Chair of Education and Professor912-478-5719University Hall 271Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationAlejandro José Gallard Martínez, PhD, focuses on formal and informal science education exploring how the educational system is positioned by contextual mitigating factors (CMFs); his frameworks include global perspectives on differences, otherness, polyphony of voices, and meaning-making that reflect categories used to situate people in education systems.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Professor Gallard Martínez’s teaching philosophy is built around the belief that students should be guided as they find their way through meaning-making, which implies the following question: Should learners be penalized for making mistakes as they learn new material? I can only answer that question by asserting that all-knowing is experientially based and socially constructed. I value all forms of knowledge my students bring to the learning table. Accordingly, as a guide, I help my students create tension between their knowledge and assist them in developing new meanings.
    • PhD-Michigan State University
    • Professor
    • Goizueta Distinguished Chair of Education
    ProfessorGoizueta Distinguished Chair of Education
    Research Interests
    • Underserved Latin@ In Stem Fields
    • Contextual Mitigating Factors
    • Sociocultural Frameworks
    Contextual Mitigating FactorsSociocultural frameworks
    areich@georgiasouthern.eduAnna Marie ReichAnna MarieReichLiaison478-535-5Cone HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesRegents Center for Learning DisordersBSW, Georgia State University, 1996M.S. Rehabilitation Counseling, Thomas University, 2005National certification in Rehabilitation Counseling, CRC, 2005
    Teaching Philosophy
    Anna Marie currently serves as a Liaison to promote and maintain contact between area postsecondary institutions, school districts, local community stakeholders, and the Center. She assists in the referral and feedback process of testing, disseminates information, aids institutions in policy development, and contributes to the production of workshops and conferences related to the provision of services to college students with learning disorders. Anna Marie’s professional career in social work, rehabilitation counseling, and disability services spans more than 20 years of combined experience in the field of Disability Services.
    • Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)
    • Rehabilitation Counseling, Master of Science
    • National certification as a Rehabilitation Counselor
    Rehabilitation Counseling, Master of ScienceNational certification as a Rehabilitation CounselorThe Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    tsmith@georgiasouthern.eduTrina SmithTrinaSmithExecutive Assistant to the Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs912-344-2535Burnett 105Armstrong Campus
    • MLIS, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2010
    • MALS, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2005
    • BA., Furman University
    MALS, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2005BA, Furman UniversityNA
    danderson@georgiasouthern.eduDustin AndersonDustinAndersonAssociate Provost for Academic Programs & Student Success912-478-5258Marvin Pittman BuildingArmstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Wexford, IrelandCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Anderson's scholarship focuses on models and materializations of memory in cultural artifacts from novels to video games. His primary research interest is the complexity of memory's materialization and the entropic path of forgetting at the intersection of individual and cultural levels. Dr. Anderson also supervises the university's First Year Experience program, the Office of Global Engagement (along with study abroad programs), and Georgia Southern's Wexford Ireland campus.
    • Ph.D., Florida State University, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Memory & Cognitive Studies
    • Transnationalism
    • Irish & Irish-American Studies
    • Ai & Virtual Learning Environments
    TransnationalismIrish & Irish-American StudiesAI & Virtual Learning EnvironmentsCenter for Irish Research & Teaching, Office of Global Engagement
    jogburn@georgiasouthern.eduJulie OgburnJulieOgburnAssistant Director, Equal Opportunity & Title IX912-478-5136Rosenwald Building, Room 1066Statesboro CampusPresident's Division, Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IXOffice of Equal Opportunity & Title IXMrs. Ogburn joined Georgia Southern University in 2008 as a Resident Director in University Housing. In 2012, Mrs. Ogburn took a role in the Office of Student Conduct serving as Coordinator of Student Conduct until 2016. Mrs. Ogburn then joined the Office of Equal Opportunity as a Civil Rights Investigator, eventually moving into the Assistant Director role.
    • Master of Education, University of West Florida, 2008
    • Bachelor of Arts, University of Connecticut, 2004
    Bachelor of Arts, University of Connecticut, 2004
    tcandea@georgiasouthern.eduTory CandeaToryCandeaDirector of Clinical Education912-344-2606Armstrong Center Room 255Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Tory Candea is a speech-language pathologist with interests in end-of-life care, neurogenic communication disorders, dysphagia, and alternative-augmentative communication. She has secured several grants including the Parkinson Voice Project grant securing the RiteCare Center as the only SPEAK OUT!® Therapy & Research Center in the state of Georgia. Passionate about clinical practice, she enjoys mentoring and supervising students. She holds additional certifications as a Certified Brain Injury Specialist, Certified Dementia Practitioner, Certified Trauma Support Specialist, and Certified End-of-Life Specialist.
    • SLP.D., Valdosta State University
    • M.S., Ithaca College
    • B.S., SUNY Cortland
    M.S., Ithaca College B.S., SUNY Cortland
    Research Interests
    • End-Of-Life Care
    • Aging
    • Neurogenic Communication Disorders
    • Dysphagia
    • Clinical Supervision
    Aging Neurogenic Communication DisordersDysphagia Clinical SupervisionRite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    sazarpajouh@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/samanehazarpajouh/Samaneh AzarpajouhSamanehAzarpajouhTechnology Transfer Specialist912-478-59953122 ITStatesboro Campus
    • Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2014
    • D.V.M., Shahrekord University, 2008
    D.V.M., Shahrekord University, 2008Business Innovation Group (BIG)
    Shallman@georgiasouthern.eduSuzanne HallmanSuzanneHallmanDirector of Business Operations912-478-5586IT 3124Statesboro CampusOffice of ResearchOffice of ResearchSuzanne Hallman is the Director of Business Operations for the Business Innovation Group at Georgia Southern University. Mrs. Hallman assists in developing, implementing and managing policies and procedures to ensure the operations of BIG run smoothly. Mrs. Hallman began her career at Georgia Southern with the GENIE virtual incubator program, focused on helping entrepreneurs and community partners in rural areas of Georgia.
    • Master of Business Administration
    • Bachelor of Business Administration Management
    Bachelor of Business Administration ManagementBusiness Innovation Group (BIG)
    cblake@georgiasouthern.eduCatherine BlakeCatherineBlakeHinesville Business Incubator Manager770-883-1117Hinesville Business IncubatorLiberty CampusOffice of ResearchOffice of Research
    • BA. Business Management
    • Graduate Certificate
    Graduate Certificate Business Innovation Group (BIG), Office of Research
    rajones@georgiasouthern.eduRoshonda JonesRoshondaJonesExecutive Assistant III912-344-2560Savannah Research Lab Bldg. 1Armstrong CampusOffice of ResearchOffice of ResearchExecutive Assistant III for the Vice President of Research & Economic Development
    • Bachelor of Arts
    Office of Research
    ehaynes@georgiasouthern.eduEleanor HaynesEleanorHaynesDirector, Research Integrity912-478-0843Veazey Hall 3022Statesboro CampusOffice of Research and Economic DevelopmentNone
    mtremblay@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=YXhDXHYAAAAJMichelle TremblayMichelleTremblayLearning Experience Designer912-478-0961City CampusStatesboro CampusInstitute for Health Logistics & AnalyticsInstitute for Health Logistics & AnalyticsAs a Learning Experience Designer, I guide learners on epic knowledge quests, crafting transformative experiences that help them master new skills and reach their goals. Armed with the tools of design, innovative technologies, and adult learning principles, I create interactive adventures such as courses, simulations, and training programs. My special skills include mapping learner journeys, forging engaging content, leading collaborative campaigns, and wielding powerful learning technology spells. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for discovery, I’m dedicated to designing legendary learning experiences that inspire success.
    • Master of Pest Management (MPM), 2002, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
    • Bachelor of Science (BS.), 1998, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
    Bachelor of Science (BS), 1998, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada
    Research Interests
    • Urban Spiders
    • Invasive Species
    invasive speciesInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    dweindorf@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/david-weindorfDavid WeindorfDavidWeindorfVice President for Research and Economic Development912-478-5494Veazey HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityDr. Weindorf is a Fellow and Presidential Award winner of the Soil Science Society of America, having served as chair of the Pedology section (S-5) in 2016. He is a licensed Texas Professional Geoscientist. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Pedosphere and Geoderma. As a scientist and Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Weindorf has worked in >30 countries, published >200 peer reviewed research papers in top international journals germane to soil/water/compost science, environmental quality assessment, and international, translational soil taxonomy. Dr. Weindorf’s research team provided emergency response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and Gold King Mine spill, the latter of which he was called upon to offer testimony to the US Senate.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Weindorf has a reputation for being a rigorous, but fair professor. His unconventional teaching style has been widely heralded by students and faculty. He is a student focused professor, balancing guidance and mentorship with trust and student independent discovery.
    • Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 2002
    • M.S., Texas Tech University, 1997
    • B.S., Texas Tech University, 1995
    • Fulbright Scholar, 2011
    • Professional Geoscientist, TX Lic: 772
    M.S., Texas Tech University, 1997B.S., Texas Tech University, 1995Fulbright Scholar, 2011Professional Geoscientist, TX Lic: 772
    Research Interests
    • Soil Science
    • Proximal Sensors
    • Environmental Quality Assessment
    • Pedology
    • Compost Science
    Proximal SensorsEnvironmental Quality AssessmentPedologyCompost ScienceInstitute for Water and Health, Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics, Business Innovation Group (BIG)
    afrancis@georgiasouthern.eduAustin FrancisAustinFrancisAssociate Professor912-344-3350Science CenterArmstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyCurrently teaching biology major and non-major undergraduate students; teaching graduate students; pursuing independent, peer-reviewed scholarship; developing and supporting undergraduate research; contributing to university, college, and department service; as well as continuing professional development.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, I continue to evolve, revise, and update my instruction in response to a changing student body, campus environment, and understanding of the world around us. I have taught lectures and laboratories on a variety topics to undergraduate non-majors, undergraduate biology majors, and graduate students. In all of my courses, I structure lessons around Bloom’s taxonomy of learning, science as a process, and evolution as central to biology. In my non-majors classes, I endeavor to have my students move beyond simply remembering a body of facts to applying and analyzing concepts. In my majors classes, I provide students opportunities to critically evaluate concepts and discover through independent research projects.
    • Ph.D. in Biology, Florida Institute of Technology, 2002
    • M.S. in Zoology, University of Rhode Island, 1996
    • B.S. in Marine Biology, Roger Williams University, 1993
    M.S. in Zoology, University of Rhode Island, 1996B.S. in Marine Biology, Roger Williams University, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Marine Biology
    • Fish Biology/Ichthyology
    • Functional Morphology
    Fish Biology/IchthyologyFunctional Morphology
    cfung@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/isaac-fung-2Isaac Chun-Hai FungIsaac Chun-HaiFungAssociate Professor912-478-5079Hendricks 2029Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Isaac Chun-Hai Fung is an infectious disease epidemiologist with experience in mathematical modeling, data analysis, and digital health. He investigates the transmission of communicable diseases with a focus on respiratory infections and environmentally transmitted infections. He applied a variety of methods, from classical statistical methods to machine learning and mathematical modeling, to address public health problems and to provide solutions to policy-makers. He is especially interested in assisting public health agencies in their responses to public health emergencies. Dr. Fung's detailed profile can be found at: https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/isaac-fung-2
    Teaching Philosophy
    Epidemiology of Infectious diseases; mathematical modeling of infectious disease transmission dynamics
    • Ph.D. in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College London (2009)
    • M.Sc. in Control of Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2005)
    • B.A. in Natural Sciences (Biological), University of Cambridge (2003)
    M.Sc. in Control of Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2005)B.A. in Natural Sciences (Biological), University of Cambridge (2003)
    Research Interests
    • Infectious Disease Epidemiology
    • Outbreak Responses
    • Emergency Preparedness
    • Covid-19
    • Digital Health
    Outbreak ResponsesEmergency PreparednessCOVID-19Digital HealthInstitute for Water and Health
    hcarroll@georgiasouthern.eduHeather CarrollHeatherCarrollExecutive Assistant I912-478-5258Marvin Pittman Admin BuildingStatesboro Campus
    jjohns@georgiasouthern.eduJill JohnsJillJohnsProject Manager912-478-0918City Campus - 58 E Main StStatesboro CampusnonenoneAs Project Manager for the Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics (IHLA) at Georgia Southern University, Jill oversees all IHLA projects and provides guidance and support to ensure project stability and success. Prior to this role, she has been leading evidence-based, data-driven workforce health and safety training initiatives across a variety of industries for over 17 years. She received a BA in French from Notre Dame and a Master's in Technology in Industrial Management and Safety from Georgia Southern University (GS). She is All-But-Dissertation with her doctorate in Public Health from the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at GS with an emphasis on community health behavior and education.Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    rschroeder@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=J6ILw3cAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoRyan SchroederRyanSchroederProfessor and Dean912-478-8641Veazey Hall, Suite 2000Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyRyan D. Schroeder, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. His research addresses desistance processes, drug use, emotional development, family functioning, and religious processes.
    • Ph.D., Bowling Green State University, 2005
    • M.A., Bowling Green State University, 2003
    • B.A., University of Nebraska, 2001
    M.A., Bowling Green State University, 2003B.A., University of Nebraska, 2001
    Research Interests
    • Desistance Processes
    • Drug Use
    • Emotional Development
    • Family Functioning
    • Religiosity
    Drug UseEmotional DevelopmentFamily FunctioningReligiosity
    tjdavis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/trenton-j-davis-2Trenton DavisTrentonDavisProfessor and Department Chair, MPA Core Faculty912-478-5430Carroll 1085 and IAB 3057Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human Ecology, Department of Public & Nonprofit StudiesTrenton J. Davis is Professor of Public Administration and Chair of the Department of Public and Nonprofit Studies. His research primarily focuses on organizational change, small group behavior, public service motivation, compensation practices, innovation management, and leadership within public organizations. Professor Davis has works appearing in the Review of Public Personnel Administration, Journal of Public Affairs Education, State and Local Government Review, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, The Social Science Journal, and Human Resource Management: Problems and Prospects (5th and 6th editions). He joined the faculty at Georgia Southern University in August 2007.
    • Ph.D., Northern Illinois University
    • M.P.A., Missouri State University
    M.P.A., Missouri State University
    Research Interests
    • Organizational Change
    • Local Government Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Employee Engagement
    Local Government ManagementHuman Resource ManagementEmployee EngagementChild Development Center, Institute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities
    faultman@georgiasouthern.eduFrancis AultmanFrancisAultmanAdministrative Assistant II912-478-2426Hendricks Hall - 3017Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health Sciences25 years with Georgia Southern University, Fran has been thankful to be a part of Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health for the past two years.
    • Over 20 years of experience in administrative support and service.
    ksullivan@georgiasouthern.eduKelly SullivanKellySullivanAssociate Professor of Epidemiology912-478-7902Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Sullivan is an epidemiologist with special focus on neurology and mental health. She has designed and implemented various epidemiological studies focused on movement disorders, sleep health, and autism spectrum disorder. In partnership with key leaders in these fields, Kelly has worked to develop treatment guidelines and policies grounded in evidence based medicine. She is actively involved in public health initiatives including education, research, and service related to neuroepidemiology and research methodology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching is focused on students as adult learners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. I aim to bring student experiences into class and teach using real examples from my research whenever possible.
    • PhD, University of South Florida, 2011
    • MPSH, University of South Florida, 2002
    MPSH, University of South Florida, 2002
    Research Interests
    • Neurology
    • Mental Health
    • Autism
    • Sleep
    Mental HealthAutismSleepKarl E. Peace Center for Biostatistics and Research
    rlofaro@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ryan-lofaroRyan LofaroRyanLofaroAssistant Professor, MPA Core Faculty912-478-0959Carroll 1052Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesDr. Lofaro's research examines governmental responses to public health crises such as the opioid crisis and COVID-19 pandemic, their impact on public servants, and implications for marginalized groups. His work advances representative bureaucracy theory, narrative policy inquiry, social construction of target populations, and equity in emergency management. He has published in leading journals, including the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration, American Review of Public Administration, and the International Journal of Drug Policy. In Fall 2023, he joined Georgia Southern University's faculty, teaching public policy, administration, and program evaluation courses at undergraduate and graduate levels.
    • Ph.D. in Public Administration, Florida Atlantic University, 2023
    • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Florida Atlantic University, 2018
    Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Florida Atlantic University, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Policy Responses To Health Crisis Events
    • Drug Policy
    • Lived Experience Representative Bureaucracy
    • Social Construction Of Target Populations
    • Socially Equitable Emergency Management
    Drug PolicyLived Experience Representative BureaucracySocial Construction of Target PopulationsSocially Equitable Emergency ManagementInstitute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities, Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    ebartels@georgiasouthern.eduErica BartelsEricaBartelsLecturer, Interior Design912-478-5422IAB3071 Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyInterior Design practitioner and educator specializing in Commercial Design
    Teaching Philosophy
    Practical application blended with experiential learning and technology-enhanced
    • University of Nebraska, MS. Architecture 2013
    • Mississippi State University, BS. Interior Design 2003
    Mississippi State University, BS Interior Design 2003
    pchristian@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/philip-christianCary ChristianCaryChristianAssociate Professor, MPA Core Faculty912-478-8018Carroll Building, Room 1068Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesProfessor Christian earned his Ph.D. in Public Affairs (Public Finance) and M.P.A. from Florida International University and a B.S. in Business Administration (Accounting) from Concord University. He spent 23 years as a CPA, forensic accountant, and systems engineer, followed by a decade as Regional Manager of Criminal Investigations for the Florida Department of Revenue. He is now an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University, teaching public budgeting, finance, IT, and public administration since 2012.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I strive to create high impact courses to provide meaningful experiences for students that will better prepare them for life after the degree. I believe teaching must be aggressively student-centered, with multiple opportunities for students to make the connection between theory and practice. Students have unique needs that must be met if they are to succeed in their future careers. We have a responsibility to utilize a variety of instructional approaches to meet those needs. For me this means involving students in community projects and in my research, providing simulations and in-class exercises to reinforce readings and lectures, and in individually helping students to meet the required learning outcomes.
    • Ph.D. Florida International University, 2010
    • MPA, Florida International University, 2010
    • BS. Business Administration, 1979
    MPA, Florida International University, 2010BS Business Administration, 1979
    Research Interests
    • Tax Evasion
    • Trade-Based Money Laundering / Trade Fraud
    • Municipal Fiscal Health
    • Child Maltreatment
    Trade-based money laundering / Trade FraudMunicipal Fiscal HealthChild Maltreatment
    lconfer@georgiasouthern.eduLeanne ConferLeanneConferAssistant Professor912-478-8471Carroll 1087CStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyLeanne Confer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. They received their Doctorate degree in Sociology from Bowling Green State University in 2024. While there, Leanne co-led a grant through the Ohio Attorney General's Office and assisted with several community-focused projects in the Toledo-area. Her recent work has been published in several journals including Crime & Delinquency, American Journal of Criminal Justice, and Journal of Drug Issues. They are currently working on several projects related to cannabis policy changes, place-based inequities, and collateral consequences of criminal-legal contact.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My pedagogical approach is student-oriented, privileging evidence-based teaching perspectives. I have taught classes in both Sociology and Criminal Justice/Criminology departments, with courses including: Applied Statistics, Research Methods, Drugs and Society, Criminology, and Intro to Sociology.
    • Ph.D., Sociology Bowling Green State University
    • M.A., Sociology Bowling Green State University
    • B.A., Psychology The Pennsylvania State University
    M.A., Sociology Bowling Green State UniversityB.A., Psychology The Pennsylvania State University
    Research Interests
    • Drug Policy/Reform
    • Public Policy
    • Criminological/Sociological Theory
    • Quantitative Methods
    • Criminal-Legal Contact Consequences
    Public PolicyCriminological/Sociological TheoryQuantitative MethodsCriminal-Legal Contact ConsequencesInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    seungmokim@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.mokim.org/Seungmo KimSeungmoKimAssociate Professor912-478-0539Room 1307, IT BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringSeungmo Kim received his Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech in 2017, and joined Georgia Southern in August 2017. His overarching research interest encompasses wireless communications and networking. Current research focuses are on connected and autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation system, advanced air mobility, blockchain, reinforcement learning, etc. He has been leading the New-Era Wireless (NEW) Lab that is located in the Engineering and Research Building (ERB) on Statesboro Campus. He has secured multiple funded projects from prestigious grantors including the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, Georgia Department of Transportation, etc., whose total amount exceeds $1.24 million.
    • Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2017
    Research Interests
    • Connected And Autonomous Vehicles
    • Intelligent Transportation System
    • Advanced Air Mobility
    • Blockchain
    • Reinforcement Learning
    Intelligent Transportation SystemAdvanced Air MobilityBlockchainReinforcement LearningNew-Era Wireless (NEW) Laboratory
    tbrimeyer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ted-brimeyer-2Ted BrimeyerTedBrimeyerProfessor912-478-56211003B Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. Ted Brimeyer’s research focuses on work and the economy. He is interested in how media coverage explains the effects of economic policy, how changes in the structure of work impact employee satisfaction, and what factors affect people’s political-economic attitudes.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy focuses on making sociology relevant, fostering engagement, emphasizing students as active learners, and embracing adaptability. I connect theoretical perspectives to real-world issues like race, gender, and globalization to demonstrate sociology’s practical value, particularly in introductory courses. I create a stimulating learning environment by prioritizing participation, using group discussions in large classes and student-submitted questions in smaller ones. I foster open, evidence-based dialogue, encouraging critical thinking and respectful debate. Finally, I continuously refine my teaching through reflection and adaptability, ensuring high standards and meaningful learning.
    • Ph. D., Purdue University, 2005
    • MA., Purdue University, 2002
    • BA., Loras College, 1999
    MA, Purdue University, 2002BA, Loras College, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Social Stratification
    • Policy Attitudes And Preferences
    • Work And Occupations
    Policy Attitudes and PreferencesWork and Occupations
    jpeden@georgiasouthern.eduJohn PedenJohnPedenProfessor912-478-5684IAB 3083Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Peden has been at Georgia Southern since 2005 and has taught courses at both the graduate and undergraduate level. His research interests focus on human interactions with natural environments and outdoor recreation management. He has chaired successful undergraduate research projects and served on graduate thesis committees internal and external to the university. Dr. Peden is an affiliate faculty member with the Center for Public Health Practice and Research, an active reviewer for several scholarly journals, and a former associate editor for Journal of Forestry. He has contributed to numerous external grants and contacts in roles ranging from principal investigator to key personnel.
    • Ph.D, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)/Syracuse University, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Natural Resource Policy, Planning, And Management
    • Outdoor Recreation, Education, And Leadership
    • Environmental Education
    • Relationships Between Natural Environments And Public Health
    Outdoor recreation, education, and leadershipEnvironmental educationRelationships between natural environments and public healthCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
    cjensen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/colt-jensenColt JensenColtJensenAssistant Professor of Public and Nonprofit Studies, MPA Core Faculty912-478-86301071 Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesColt Jensen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public and Nonprofit Studies at Georgia Southern University. He specializes in state and local government management, public personnel administration, and network governance. His current research focuses on rural local governance, the role of public values in government decision-making processes, and formalized inter-governmental collaboration.
    • Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2024, Public Administration and Policy
    • MPA Appalachian State University, 2019
    • M.A. Appalachian State University, 2019, Political Science
    • B.S. Appalachian State University, 2017, Political Science
    MPA Appalachian State University, 2019M.A. Appalachian State University, 2019, Political ScienceB.S. Appalachian State University, 2017, Political Science
    Research Interests
    • Public Management
    • Rural Governance
    • State And Local Government
    Rural GovernanceState and Local Government
    snavaee@georgiasouthern.eduShahnam NavaeeShahnamNavaeeEmeritus Professor912-478-6556Engineering Bldg, Rm. 1122Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Navaee is currently an Emeritus Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction in the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Navaee received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil Engineering from Louisiana State University, and his Ph.D. in Engineering from Clemson University. During his tenure at GSU, Dr. Navaee served in several administrative roles. One year as the Interim Chair of the Dept. of Civil Engineering and Construction Management, and seven years as the Associate Dean of the College of Science and Technology at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Navaee’s main research interests are in the areas of structural and solid mechanics.
    • Ph.D. in Engineering, Clemson University, Dec. 1989
    • M.S. in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, May 1983
    • B.S. in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, May 1980
    M.S. in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, May 1983B.S. in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University, May 1980
    Research Interests
    • Structural Mechanics
    • Solid Mechanics
    • Educational Engineering Research
    Solid MechanicsEducational Engineering ResearchEngineering & Research Facility
    dganderson@georgiasouthern.eduDavid AndersonDavidAndersonPart Time Instructor912-414-0701RemoteStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionI am the GIS Manager for the Chatham County Department of Engineering in Savannah, Georgia. (2012 – Present) and I have been working for Chatham County since 2004. In my prior positions, I was with the Savannah Area GIS (SAGIS) and Columbus Water Works. I hold a Bachelor in Geography from Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA and a Master’s Degree in G.I.S. Management from Salisbury University in Salisbury, MD. I am certified as a Geographic Information Systems Professional (G.I.S.P) from the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) and as a Certified Mapping Scientist (C.M.S.) from the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS). I am also a former chair of the Georgia GIS Coordinating Committee.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is rooted in bridging theoretical concepts with real-world applications, equipping students with the technical skills and critical thinking needed to solve complex spatial problems while inspiring a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development in the geospatial field.
    • ASPRS Certified Mapping Scientist
    • GISCI Geographic Information System Professional
    • Masters of Science in GIS Management (Salisbury University)
    • Bachelors of Geography from Georgia State University
    • former Landforms Lab Instructor - Department of Geography, Georgia State University
    GISCI Geographic Information System ProfessionalMasters of Science in GIS Management (Salisbury University)Bachelors of Geography from Georgia State Universityformer Landforms Lab Instructor - Department of Geography, Georgia State University
    Research Interests
    • Geographic Information Systems
    • Surveying / Geomatics
    • Lidar (Light Detection And Ranging)
    • Uav -Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
    • Gps / Gnss
    Surveying / GeomaticsLiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)UAV -Unmanned Aerial VehiclesGPS / GNSSBuilding Environment and Modeling (BEaM) Laboratory
    khaughney@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kathryn-l-haughney-2Kathryn HaughneyKathrynHaughneyAssociate Professor912-478-5204UH 275Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Kathryn L. Haughney (she/her) is a professor of Special Education who teaches about, conducts research with, and advocates for students with moderate or extensive support needs and their families. As the co-program director for the MED SPED program, she teaches methods for instruction and applied behavior analysis for the classroom. Her published works evaluate academic instruction strategies for students who rely on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Her research also explores the needs of CLD learners, learners with the most extensive support needs, AT applications, and supports for the transition to post-school life. She is the co-executive editor for the Journal of Case Learning and Exceptional Learners (JCLEL).
    Teaching Philosophy
    We need education systems that support all learners with all kinds of support needs, which is essential for neurodiverse learners like myself. My students and I often learn as much about ourselves and our classmates as we do our content topics as we build toolkits for effective and responsive instruction. I often guide students through an examination of their patterns and biases in the teaching and learning process as they work to uncover the implications of teaching other people’s children. I work to create and support initiatives to connect preservice teachers to advocacy systems beyond the university. Together, we set high expectations for ourselves so that we can do the same for every learner that we teach.
    • PhD 2018 University of North Carolina at Charlotte, NC Special Education
    • M.A.T. 2008 National-Louis University, IL Special Education, LBS1 Certification
    • B.A. 2005 Appalachian State University, NC English Literature
    M.A.T. 2008 National-Louis University, IL Special Education, LBS1 CertificationB.A. 2005 Appalachian State University, NC English Literature
    Research Interests
    • Autism
    • Augmentative And Alternative Communication (Aac)
    • Transition To Adulthood
    • General Curriculum Access
    • Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Learners
    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)Transition to AdulthoodGeneral Curriculum AccessCulturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners
    twthom@georgiasouthern.eduTerry ThompsonTerryThompsonAssistant Professor912-478-7079Newton 2225CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishNA
    • Doctorate
    Research Interests
    • American And British Literature
    fstovall@georgiasouthern.eduFelicia Dz Stovall Felicia DzStovall Visiting Instructo912-487-8022Newton 1122GStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication Arts, Department of EnglishM.A. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 2004.
    • Rhetoric & Composition
    • First-Year Writing
    • Composition Studies
    • Visual Rhetoric
    • Digital Media in Writing Classrooms
    First-Year WritingComposition StudiesVisual RhetoricDigital Media in Writing Classrooms
    Research Interests
    • Emerging Media In Writing Classroom
    • Ai In The Writing Classroom
    • Post Feminism & Roller Derby
    AI in the Writing ClassroomPost Feminism & Roller Derby
    abagley@georgiasouthern.eduAlyshia BagleyAlyshiaBagleyElectronic Resources Librarian912-344-3016Lane LibraryArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services DepartmentAlyshia Bagley is the Electronic Resources Librarian, where she manages and optimizes digital content and technologies to support academic research and learning. With a strong focus on electronic resources management, Alyshia works to ensure seamless access to e-journals, databases, and other digital resources for students, faculty, and staff. Her research interests include the complexities of managing electronic resources, with a particular emphasis on understanding and meeting the needs of diverse user groups, including military personnel and first-generation graduate students. Alyshia's work explores how these populations interact with digital library services and seeks to improve accessibility and usability for all users.
    • M.L.I.S., Louisiana State University, 2024
    • B.A. in English, University of Memphis, 2021
    B.A. in English, University of Memphis, 2021
    Research Interests
    • Electronic Resources In Academic Libraries
    • Electronic Collection Development
    • The Role Of Academic Libraries In Supporting Military Personnel
    • First Generation Graduate Students And How They Interact With Academic Libraries
    Electronic collection developmentThe role of academic libraries in supporting military personnelFirst generation graduate students and how they interact with academic libraries
    nagaclidogan@geaorgiasouthern.eduNihan Agacli Dogan NihanAgacli Dogan Instructional DesignerSolms HllArmstrong CampusAdult and Online LearningAdult and Online Learning
    • Ph.D., University of Florida, 2020
    jmclaughlin@georgiasouthern.eduJessica McLaughlinJessica McLaughlinGrant Coordinator I912-478-5618Veazey Hall, 3008Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Waters College of Health Professions, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Research Services and Sponsored ProgramsStatesboro Bulloch County native and 2006 GSU Alumni, GS employee since 2010
    • BS. Biology, GSU 2006
    dvacourtsmith@georgiasouthern.eduDanielle Valcourt-SmithDanielleValcourt-SmithAdministrative Coordinator, Instructional Support and Resources Center912-344-3067University Hall 126, Education Building 2160Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationCurriculum, Instruction, and Initial Educator Preparation A native of Southeastern Massachusetts, Valcourt-Smith earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Wheaton College in Norton, Mass., and moved to Georgia where she worked in economic development for both the City of Springfield and Savannah Economic Development Authority. While in Georgia, she completed an M.A. in Social Science from Georgia Southern. Before coming to work for the College of Education, she worked for Effingham County Schools as a substitute teacher in grades PreK-5th. Her volunteer work gave her many experiences working with middle and secondary students.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The ISRC helps future teachers prepare for the classroom.
    • B. A. Wheaton College, Massachusetts, 2000
    • M.A. Georgia Southern University, 2005
    M.A. Georgia Southern University, 2005Instructional Support and Resources Center (ISRC)
    gknofczynski@georgiasouthern.eduGreg KnofczynskiGregKnofczynskiProfessor of Statistics344-271-6University Hall 287Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in 2004 with a Ph.D. in Statistical Methods and Survey Design. That same year I started as an Assistant Professor at Armstrong State University. Over the years I have reached Full Professor and the university has become part of Georgia Southern State University.
    • Ph.D. University of Northern Colorado, 2004
    caroldeal@georgiasouthern.eduCarol DealCarolDealAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5138Sanford Hall, Suite 3014Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication Arts
    mthaler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/mary-thalerMary ThalerMaryThalerProject Manager II912-478-6023Savannah Research Building #4Armstrong CampusResearch Institute for Water and HealthMary manages and supports programs with planning and logistics, along with expanding collaborations with business partners, and research institutions. She brings her years of experience in higher education and creativity to the team.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Current grant projects include Swamp2Gulf, Safe Water Together, Developing Pathways for Next Generation Water Stewards.
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2023.
    Institute for Water and Health
    hpmort@georgiasouthern.eduHans MortensenHansMortensenAssociate Professor912-478-5844Arts Building 2032Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtGraphic Commincations and Graphic Design. With both professional industry experience and teaching experience.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Student centered, Hands on educational experiences
    • MFA, Georgia Southern University, 2019
    • MS., Rochester Insitiute of Technology, 1989
    • BS., Rochester Institute Of Technology, 1985
    MS, Rochester Insitiute of Technology, 1989 BS, Rochester Institute Of Technology, 1985
    Research Interests
    • Screen Printing
    • Printing Estimating
    • Graphic Design Education
    Printing EstimatingGraphic Design Education
    tmbeasley@georgiasouthern.eduTodd BeasleyToddBeasleyDirector of Botanic Garden912-478-78161201 Fair RoadStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsFor over 25 years, Dr. Todd Beasley has been connecting people to plants through his work in horticulture and education. He has held senior leadership positions at several nationally recognized botanical gardens. Beyond his horticultural expertise, Todd is a devoted educator. He’s nurtured intellects in Columbia, South Carolina, teaching environmental science and horticulture, and shared his wisdom as a clinical professor at the University of South Carolina’s College of Education. Todd wrote the proposal that brought the 2016 American Horticultural Society’s National Children and Youth Garden Symposium to Columbia, SC, and he co-wrote the proposal for the 2023 symposium in Knoxville, TN.
    • Ed.D., University of South Carolina, 2014
    • MS.., University of South Carolina, 2008
    • BS.., University of South Carolina, 1998
    MS., University of South Carolina, 2008BS., University of South Carolina, 1998Botanic Garden
    sbacon@georgiasouthern.eduSkyya BaconSkyyaBaconAdministrative Assistant II478-246-4ERB 1004AStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringSkyya Bacon is the Administrative Assistant II for the Department of Manufacturing Engineering. She is currently studying for her Masters in English at Georgia Southern University.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Writing & Linguistics
    eadams@georgiasouthern.eduErin AdamsErinAdamsAdministrative Assistant II912-478-1405Carroll Building, Room 1068AStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesI am a native of Bulloch County, graduate of Southeast Bulloch High School, the University of Georgia, and Georgia Southern University.
    • Bachelor of Business Administration from UGA and a Master of Arts in Teaching from GSU.
    tljames@georgiasouthern.eduwww.linkedin.com/in/timiesha-jamesTimiesha JamesTimieshaJamesGrant Coordinator I912-344-3617Savannah Research Complex Bldg. 1-1009Armstrong CampusProvost & Executive Vice President for Academic AffairsOffice Of Research
    dwalker@georgiasouthern.eduDeborah WalkerDeborahWalkerInstructional Services Coordinator912-478-1303Cone Hall 2034Statesboro CampusFaculty CenterFaculty Center
    nloitz@georgiasouthern.eduNadine LoitzNadineLoitzMarketing Coordinator912-531-1961CPE CenterStatesboro CampusContinuing and Professional EducationContinuing and Professional Education
    dyanavt@georgiasouthern.eduDyana Van TassellDyanaVan TassellAdministrative Assistant II912-478-15311142Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology
    spease@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://nortonpease.comNorton PeaseNortonPeaseAssociate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, College of Arts and Humanities, and Professor of Art912-478-50523004 Foy BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtNorton Pease is an artist whose practice explores the connections of the past with the present, combining old and new and challenging societal norms in his larger-scale paintings.Norton received his MFA in Painting from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999, and his work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Norton is also an Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities and a Professor of Art in the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art at Georgia Southern University. Norton received the Chianciano Art Museum Prize at the Biennale Museo D'Arte Di Chianciano Terme, Italy (2022) and was recently included in Gathered VI at the MOCA GA (2023-2024). His work has been published in numerous books and periodicals.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The classroom should be a safe and comfortable place for the creative process. I aim to have a challenging classroom that bolsters a supportive atmosphere. My teaching combines the conceptual and technical tools students require to produce, comprehend, and improve their creations. It's essential to serve as a mentor and help students transition into the "creative class."My classes are structured in a manner that promotes hands-on practice. Students must develop critical thinking skills and are not passive in their learning. I strive to give students enough skills to create work that merits critical discussion.
    • Washington University, St. Louis, MO M.F. A.
    jbcoleman@georgiasouthern.eduJustine ColemanJustineColemanSenior Lecturer of Exercise Science912-478-0775Hollis 1101 CStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyHi, my name is Justine Coleman. I am a Senior Lecturer of Exercise Science, and I have been teaching for 12 years. I spend much of my time teaching fitness classes like cycling and yoga when I am not in the classroom.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a teacher of Exercise Science, I cultivate an open environment to learn the skills that will prepare students for the various career fields in exercise science ranging from fitness programming to measure of vitals that are essential for fitness testing. I create a space where students can prepare for a variety of situations that will require them empower, guide, and support future clients in thier fitness journies. My goal is for students to gradaute with confidence in their foundational skills and purpose.
    • MS. Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, 2010
    • BS. Community Health, Georgia Southern University, 2008
    BS Community Health, Georgia Southern University, 2008
    smerriweather@georgiasouthern.eduSarah MerriweatherSarahMerriweatherAdministrative Assistant I912-344-3030Burnett Hall 105Armstrong Campus
    mspilinek@georgiasouthern.eduMelisa SpilinekMelisaSpilinekDr. 912-478-3065IABStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Spilinek is an Assistant Professor of Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design at Georgia Southern University.
    • Ph.D., University of Nebraska- Lincoln
    cgroover@georgiasouthern.eduCynthia GrooverCynthia GrooverAssistant Provost912-478-7871Marvin Pittman 2012DStatesboro Campus
    • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2018
    • M.A., Auburn University, 1993
    • B.A., Troy University, 1990
    M.A., Auburn University, 1993B.A., Troy University, 1990
    Research Interests
    • Accreditation
    • Assessment
    • Higher Education Policy
    AssessmentHigher Education PolicyNA
    hberiault@georgiasouthern.eduHannah C. BeriaultHannah C. BeriaultLecturer and Respiratory Therapy Program Director912-344-2938Ashmore Hall 126Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceHannah Beriault is a Lecturer and Program Director of the Respiratory Therapy Program. As a graduate of the Medical College of Georgia in 2005, she worked full-time as a staff therapist at a Level I Trauma Center at Augusta University from 2005 until 2013 and most enjoyed working in the Emergency Room, Cardiothoracic and Surgical ICU, and Medical ICU units. After completing her MPH in Epidemiology, she began working full-time at Augusta University in 2013 where she became the Director of Clinical Education until 2019. In 2019, she joined the Georgia Southern's Respiratory Therapy Program. She became the Director of Clinical Education, and now holds the position as Program Director.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My philosophy of teaching focuses on creating a learning environment that uses real life examples through case studies and problem-based learning. Critical thinking skills are an important aspect of medical education, and a problem-based approach makes a significant impact on student learning as these skills are sharpened through thorough discussion of evidence-based medicine and healthy debate. I strive to see the “ah-hah!” moments during and after class and labs. Frequently, I use teaching methods such as concept mapping and advanced problem-based learning to help students enhance their critical thinking skills and understanding.
    • Ed.D. (c), University of North Georgia, 2025
    • MPH- Epidemiology, Kaplan University, 2012
    • B.S.R.T., Medical College of Georgia, 2005
    • BLS instructor, American Heart Association, 2016
    MPH- Epidemiology, Kaplan University, 2012B.S.R.T., Medical College of Georgia, 2005BLS instructor, American Heart Association, 2016
    Research Interests
    • Advanced Mechanical Ventilation
    • Adult Critical Care
    • Patient Education And Chronic Disease Management
    • Respiratory Therapy Curriculum Development
    • Selecting Students For Secondary Admissions Programs
    Adult critical carePatient education and chronic disease managementRespiratory therapy curriculum development Selecting students for secondary admissions programs
    rwoodall@georgiasouthern.eduRachel WoodallRachelWoodallCenter for Irish Research and Teaching912-478-5532IAB 2010Statesboro Campus
    • BA. in English
    Center for Irish Research & Teaching
    mnielsen@georgiasouthern.eduMichael NielsenMichaelNielsenProfessor912-478-5334Brannen Hall 1034Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyPsychology is endlessly fascinating! After all, what could be more interesting than people? When I’m not studying psychology, I enjoy time with my family. Hobbies include music, photography, chess, and flying kites.
    Teaching Philosophy
    With a wealth of information available in a few keystrokes, I’m less concerned that students learn specific facts than I am that they learn the “big picture” of our subject, and how it can help them make sense of experiences and events that are important to them. Success happens when students understand how to apply the material we’ve learned.
    • Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 1992
    • M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1990
    • B.A., Southern Utah State College, 1986
    M.S., Northern Illinois University, 1990B.A., Southern Utah State College, 1986
    Research Interests
    • Psychology Of Religion
    • Social Psychology
    Social Psychology
    jromchik@georgiasouthern.eduJoelle Romanchik-CerpoviczJoelleRomanchik-CerpoviczAssociate Professor of Nutrition and Food Science912-478-1420Hollis - 1128BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyEducation: PhD, Medical College of PennsylvaniaRegistered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)Research Interests: Food Product Development/Sensory Evaluation
    • PhD, Medical College of Pennsylvania
    • Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
    Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)
    Research Interests
    • Food Product Development/Sensory Evaluation
    sengel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/steven-engel-2Steven EngelStevenEngelDr. 912-478-7926Eidson HouseStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Honors CollegeDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesSteven Engel is a Professor of Political Science and has been at Georgia Southern since 1999. In 2005, he took the lead role as Director for the University Honors Program and became Dean when the program became the Honors College. He is on the editorial board of the journal, Honors in Practice, has authored several articles and book chapters on honors education and covering topics in political science, and in 2018 was named a Fellow of the National Collegiate Honors Council.
    • PhD Political Science
    dcone@georgiasouthern.eduDiana ConeDianaConeSenior Vice Provost and Professor391-247-85252012 Marvin PittmanStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologySenior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Student Appeals
    • PhD Clothing and Textiles
    dhilton@georgiasouthern.eduDebbie HiltonDebbieHiltonEvent Coordinator912-478-5050Parker College, Room 1118Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessOffice of the Dean
    mhuggins@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/michael-hugginsMichael HugginsMichaelHugginsDr.912-478-5111Engineering Building, Room 2141Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsOrganic chemist with more than 25 years of teaching experience.
    • Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, University of Nevada, Reno
    • B.S. Chemistry, University of West Florida
    • Postdoc Organic Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin
    B.S. Chemistry, University of West FloridaPostdoc Organic Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin
    jeffreyhoopes@georgiasouthern.eduJeff HoopesJeffHoopesLab Supervisor912-478-0094Carruth 1015AStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
    jgriffin@georgiasouthern.eduJulia GriffinJuliaGriffinDr.912-478-1412Newton 2219BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishBorn in Oxford, lived in Tokyo, now in Statesboro. Owner of the more famous Jack (basset hound).
    Teaching Philosophy
    Try to make it memorable.
    • D.Phil (= Ph. D), Oxford, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Renaissance Literature And Culture.
    • Classical Literature And Classical Influences.
    • Western Poetic Traditions
    Classical literature and Classical influences.Western poetic traditions
    jloveless@georgiasouthern.eduJacob LovelessJacobLovelessPh.D.Research Building 4Armstrong CampusInstitute for Water and HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesI am the laboratory manager at The Institute for Water and Health
    • Ph.D. Portland State University
    • M.Sc Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
    M.Sc Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
    Research Interests
    • Microbiology
    • Water Quality
    • Genetics
    Water qualityGeneticsInstitute for Water and Health
    kristygose@georgiasouthern.eduKristy GoseKristyGoseAdministrative Assistant II344-255-4Ashmore Hall 216aArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing
    lrowles@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lAkbKp0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoLewis Stetson RowlesLewis StetsonRowlesAssistant Professor912-478-0772ENG 1101EStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionStetson Rowles is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction at Georgia Southern University. His research interests are at the interface of technology development and sustainable design, with a focus on advancing clean water and safe sanitation for unserved and historically marginalized communities. He is the co-founder of an educational non-profit organization, Clean Water Science Network, which provides mentoring and research opportunities for students from underserved communities in Latin America.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Stetson Rowles inspires active learning in civil, construction, and environmental engineering by emphasizing real-world applications before theory. His hands-on approach integrates experiential learning through labs, design projects, and undergraduate research, helping students develop confidence in analyzing complex systems. By focusing on the 'why' before the 'what,' he promotes deeper understanding and retention. He continuously refines his teaching methods based on student feedback, incorporating computational tools and sustainability concepts. Through this approach, he aims to develop innovative engineers equipped to address challenges in sustainable infrastructure and community resilience.
    • Environmental Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Water And Sanitation Technology Development
    • Quantitative Sustainable Design Of Engineered Systems
    • Community-Based Studies
    • Resource Recovery And Waste Valorization
    • Nano-Enabled Ceramic Filters
    Quantitative Sustainable Design Of Engineered SystemsCommunity-Based StudiesResource Recovery And Waste ValorizationNano-Enabled Ceramic FiltersInstitute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities, Institute for Water and Health
    christyoneal@georgiasouthern.eduChristy O'NealChristyO'NealAdministrative Assistant II912-344-2585Ashmore Hall, Room 216Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing
    jruhland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NDqW0AwAAAAJ&hl=enJoseph RuhlandJosephRuhlandProfessor912-478-05913310A Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceJoe Ruhland is a professor of risk management and insurance at Georgia Southern University. He received his BBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his Ph.D. in risk management and insurance from The University of Georgia. His research areas of interest include asymmetric information, political risk, corporate governance and financial planning. Prior to returning to academics, Ruhland lived in Chicago and worked as an employee benefits consultant for Hewitt Associates, Aon Consulting and in private practice. Among others, outlets for his published research include Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Insurance Issues, and Journal of Insurance Regulation.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2006
    • BBA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
    BBA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
    nsanders@georgiasouthern.eduNatasha SandersNatashaSandersAdministrative Assistant III912-478-7166IT 3400GStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDean's Office
    Teaching Philosophy
    Sr. Currently pursuing BA - Criminal Justice & BBA Management
    • Associate Of Science - Information Technology
    eshuman@georgiasouthern.eduAnnie ShumanAnnieShumanExecutive Assistant912-478-2676Hendricks Hall 3021Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health
    herney@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/hans-georg-erneyHans-Georg ErneyHans-GeorgErneyProfessor of English912-344-2696Gamble 136Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishHans-Georg Erney is Professor of English at Georgia Southern University, where he specializes in postcolonial studies and ecocriticism. He was educated in Germany (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen), England (Keele University), and the United States (Emory University). In recent years, he has written on the British spoken-word poet Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan (Journal of Postcolonial Writing), the Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel comic series (Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics), the British poet Daljit Nagra (ARIEL), and Chinese science fiction (MOSF Journal of Science Fiction). He edits the Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies.
    • Ph.D., Emory University, 2006
    • M.A., Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2001
    M.A., Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2001
    nwright@georgiasouthern.eduNaronda WrightNarondaWrightAssociate Dean, Graduate Student Services912-478-8626Veazey Hall, Suite 1014BStatesboro CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesCollege of Graduate StudiesDr. Naronda Wright serves as the Associate Dean of Graduate Student Services at Georgia Southern University and prior to that as Director of Graduate Admissions at Augusta University. Naronda is actively involved in NAGAP, a leading professional association dedicated to Graduate Enrollment Management professionals and is the first African American president of the association. Her involvement extends to the annual conference committee and the diversity, equity, and inclusion committee. Dr. Wright holds her undergraduate degree from Columbia College, a master's degree from Georgia Southern, and a doctoral degree in Higher Education Leadership from Clark Atlanta University.
    • Doctor of Education, Higher Education Leadership
    • Master of Education, Higher Education
    • Bachelor of Science, General Studies
    Master of Education, Higher EducationBachelor of Science, General Studies
    stacydavis@georgiasouthern.eduStacy DavisStacyDavisGraduate Academic Advisor II912-478-1447College of Education 3166BStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationCollege of Education
    • Master of Arts, Social Science Education
    • Bachelor of Science, Communications
    Bachelor of Science, CommunicationsGraduate Academic Services Center (GASC)-Graduate Advisement
    rgerbsch@georgiasouthern.eduReinhold GerbschReinholdGerbschDirector, Industry Relations, Associate Professor Manufacturing Engineering912-478-54743400 IT BuildingArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringBuilds partnerships with industry and government to create hands-on learning opportunities for students and research collaborations for faculty. Programs include co-ops, internships, senior design projects, showcase events, career fairs, and tours of Georgia Southern research facilities. Faculty benefit from research support, graduate student funding, and undergraduate research opportunities.Leads the development of a Logistics Technology Regional Consortium to support 3PL, manufacturing, and warehouse operations in Southeast Georgia. Oversees the Advanced Processing Research Network (APRN), home to the innovative Remotely Operated Warehouse Services (ROWS) laboratory.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Supports hands-on project based learning coupled with opportunities for mentoring and presentation of results in a professional setting.
    • DSc, Mechanical Engineering, Washington University
    • BS., Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
    BS, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
    Research Interests
    • Manufacturing And Supply Chain Simulation
    • Operations Research
    Operations ResearchRemotely Operated Warehouse Services (ROWS) Laboratory
    htung@georgiasouthern.eduHo Jui TungHo JuiTungAssociate Professor912-478-1342Room 2011, Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthHo Jui Tung, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Health Policy and Community Health, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Georgia Southern University. Dr. Tung has focused his research on social gerontology and health policy since his doctoral dissertation. He has been conducting research using survey and claims data to identify disparities in preventive care use and end-of-life care planning across older populations. He also has extensive experiences in examining the mechanisms of health disparities and links between social determinants of health and health inequalities.
    Teaching Philosophy
    In my teaching career in public health, I try to focus on: 1) conceptual thinking skills that are relevant to situations they might encounter in the future; 2) improve understanding of foundational knowledge and skill in public health; 3) illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of public health; 4) link current public health events to expand their interests in public health and socio-behavioral implications to the health of the populations. Different approaches are adopted for teaching graduate and undergraduate students.
    • PhD in Health Behavior & Health Education, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Research Interests
    • Health Policy
    • Gerontology
    tanderson@georgiasouthern.eduTabitha AndersonTabitha AndersonFaculty Records Administrator912-478-0692Veazey Hall Statesboro CampusProvost Office Provost Office
    HWADMAN@GEORGIASOUTHERN.EDUHenry WadmanHenryWadmanInstructor912-344-4309Ashmore Hall 249Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing5 years of postoperative Orthopedic care and excellent experiences working with diabetic educators were largely influential in my decisions to become a Nursing Instructor. My experiences working overseas in my teenage years exposed me to how impactful education can be on a population.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Empowering students to be self-motivated learners and engaging their critical thinking are necessary to develop quality healthcare professionals.
    • MSN-Ed, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • BSN, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    BSN, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    gtriplett@georgiasouthern.eduGrant TriplettGrantTriplettBudget Analyst912-478-8635Room 1015 Building 301Statesboro CampusWe are not associated with a particular college at CPE.Department of Academic AffairsBBA Accounting from Georgia Southern University in 2013.
    • BBA Accounting from Georgia Southern University in 2013.
    jburke@georgiasouthern.eduJamie BurkeJamieBurkeCPE Business Manager912-478-7977Room 1020, CPE Center at Building 301Statesboro CampusnaContinuing & Professional EducationA strategic professional currently pursuing a Master's in Strategic Leadership and holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Georgia Southern University. With a background as a General Manager in the retail industry, she has extensive experience in team building and process development. Known for improving customer service metrics and fostering positive work environments, she excels at driving operational success through strategic planning and effective leadership.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Enjoys gardening, painting, and reading, combining creativity and relaxation with personal growth. She is also committed to animal welfare through her involvement with the Humane Society.
    • M. SLD., Clayton State University (grad. Spring 2025)
    • BA.. English
    BA. English
    lbrogdon@georgiasouthern.eduLonnie BrogdonLonnieBrogdonA/V & Course Reserve Supervisor912-478-11512300 AStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesAccess Services Henderson LibraryAAS in Broadcast Communications with a Scholarship to Ithaca College in Cinema / Worked as a Customer Advocate at Cornell University for 18 years running sales and troubleshooting customer projects requiring printing, graphics, and publications/ Worked as the assistant to the Head Librarian at Aquinas College in Nashville, TN for 15 years/ moved to Georgia and have been in my current position at GSU for 6 years as the A/V & Course Reserve Supervisor.
    • AAS in Broadcast Communications Cortland Community College/ Cinema studies and prelaw in other institutions without completion.
    lhicksgriffin@georgiasouthern.eduLashanda Hicks-GriffinLashanda Hicks-GriffinAssitant Director912-478-0148Rosenwald Building-Room 2057 Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesMuseum
    Teaching Philosophy
    My main goal in 2025 is to expand my academic background and pursue a PHD in Higher Education. To have these additional skills applied to my resume would allow me to broaden my career path at Georgia Southern in the future. Our entire staff will continue to work on innovative ways to widen the community engagement at the Museum and increase fundraising opportunities to generate additional revenue.
    jhe@georgiasouthern.eduJianzhou HeJianzhouHeAssistant Professor of Environmental/Analytical Chemistry912-344-2827Armstrong Campus, Science Center, Room 2011Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. He received his Ph.D. in Crop and Soil Sciences - Environmental Toxicology from Michigan State University, and earned a M.S. and B.S. in Environmental Science from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Sichuan University, respectively. Prior to joining GSU, he conducted postdoctoral training at the University of Arizona and Auburn University. His research focuses on (1) Methods development in environmental analytical chemistry; (2) Fate, transport, and transformation of conventional (e.g., nutrients and heavy metals) and emerging (e.g., PFAS and microplastics) contaminants in soil, water and plant systems; and (3) Environmental remediation of contaminants using advanced materials (e.g., biochar) and processes (e.g., AOP/ARP).
    Teaching Philosophy
    My desire to teach was the key factor in my decision to pursue a career in academia. As an educator, I value active and experiential learning approaches engaging students as active learners to acquire knowledge, skills, and hands-on experiences that can be applied both inside and outside the classroom. My goal is to foster independence, creativity, and critical thinking to prepare students for careers in STEM.
    • Ph.D., Michigan State University, 2020
    • M.S., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016
    • B.S., Sichuan University, 2013
    M.S., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2016B.S., Sichuan University, 2013
    Research Interests
    • Environmental Chemistry
    • Fate And Transport
    • Emerging Contaminants
    • Environmental Remediation
    • Pfas
    Fate and TransportEmerging ContaminantsEnvironmental RemediationPFAS James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    dkeane@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://georgiasouthern.academia.edu/DrewKeaneD. N. KeaneD. N.KeaneDr.912-478-0153Newton 2218AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishD. N. Keane is writing a commentary on the Book of Common Prayer with Samuel Fornecker (forthcoming from IVP Academic). He authored How to Use the Book of Common Prayer (IVP 2024) and edited the 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition (IVP Academic, 2021) with Samuel L. Bray. He took a Ph.D. in English at the University of St. Andrews for a titled The Use of the Prayer Book: The Book of Common Prayer (1549-1604) as Technical Writing for an Oral-Aural Culture. His academic work has been published in Notes & Queries, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, the St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology, and the Anglican Theological Review. He serves as the Managing Editor of The Anglican Way.
    • PhD (St And) English
    • MA. (Georgia Southern University) English
    • BA. (Johnson University) Bible and Literature
    MA (Georgia Southern University) EnglishBA (Johnson University) Bible and Literature
    Research Interests
    • Early Modern English
    • The Book Of Common Prayer
    • Orality And Literacy
    • Technical Writing
    The Book of Common PrayerOrality and LiteracyTechnical Writing
    serobinson@georgiasouthern.eduSheena RobinsonSheenaRobinsonAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5118Division of Continuing and Professional EducationStatesboro CampusnoneDepartment of Continuing and Professional Education
    Teaching Philosophy
    Currently working on completing my Bachelor's in Sociology through Georgia Southern.
    • Diploma in business technology -ogeechee technical college
    rzhang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=R1ZlW2UAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoRongrong ZhangRongrongZhangProfessor of Finance912-478-7219Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceRongrong Zhang is a professor of finance at Georgia Southern University. She holds a MS degree in management science and Ph.D. in finance from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She is also a Chartered Financial Analyst. Her research interests include CEO compensation, corporate governance, board structure, institutional owners, and supply chain management. Her work has appeared in Financial Review, Journal of Financial Research, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Review of Finance and Economics, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, etc.
    • Ph.D. in Finance
    • Full professor
    • Chartered Financial Analyst
    Full professorChartered Financial Analyst
    Research Interests
    • Corporate Finance
    • Corporate Governance
    • Supply Chain Management
    Corporate governanceSupply Chain Management
    kmans@georgiasouthern.eduKeri MansKeriMansAssociate Professor and Associate Chair of Health Sciences & Kinesiology912-344-3245Armstrong Campus UH151B; Statesboro Campus Hollis 2115AArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Mans is a former first generation college student who is now focused on student preparedness, mentorship, and empowerment. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, a Ph.D. in Neurobiology, and has specialized training in classroom teaching and research mentorship. Dr. Mans also serves in Department Leadership for the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology, where she enjoys helping faculty reach their research and teaching goals. When she is not spending time with students or faculty, Dr. Mans enjoys exercise, reading, and going to the beach. She and her husband have two daughters and three rescue pets.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Mans's philosophy of teaching is focused on student empowerment, mentorship, engagement, and preparedness. Students should be aware of resources available to them, be prepared to utilize those resources, and have a network of mentors that will help them reach their next educational and career steps. She believes firmly in active and experiential learning, and enjoys watching students take charge of their own learning as they grow into professionals.
    • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Teaching and Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Psychiatry & Behavioral Neuroscience, 2010-2013
    • Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Neurobiology, 2010
    • B.S., Mississippi State University, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2004
    Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Neurobiology, 2010B.S., Mississippi State University, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2004
    Research Interests
    • The Effects Of Chronic Stress On The Biochemistry Of Learning And Memory
    sfriedman@georgiasouthern.eduSarah FriedmanSarahFriedmanAssistant Professor912-478-1154Herty 1100CStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityI am a geoscientist and educator with a passion for exploring rock magnetism, tectonics, and Earth systems. I am an Assistant Professor. I teach courses like Structural Geology, Tectonics, and Introduction to the Earth while mentoring undergraduate and graduate students on research and thesis projects. My MS and PhD work focused on the mantle's role in generating magnetic anomalies. My work has taken me around the globe for fieldwork and collaborative projects, resulting in numerous peer-reviewed publications and awards recognizing my contributions to teaching and student mentorship. I am deeply committed to advancing educational opportunities and fostering scientific discovery within the geoscience community.
    • PhD in Geosciences from Southern Illinois University (2015)
    • M.S. in Geology from Southern Illinois University (2011)
    • B.S. in Geology from Eastern Illinois University (2008)
    M.S. in Geology from Southern Illinois University (2011)B.S. in Geology from Eastern Illinois University (2008)
    Research Interests
    • Mantle Magnetism
    • Sea Floor Basalt Alteration
    • Sea Floor Basalt Magnetism
    • Environmental Magnetism
    Sea Floor Basalt AlterationSea Floor Basalt MagnetismEnvironmental MagnetismJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    kslone@georgiasouthern.eduBrooke SloneBrookeSloneField Experience Coordinator912-478-0700COE - Room 1107Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special Education, Department of Middle Grades & Secondary Education
    acorradi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lpx2ZBYAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoAndrea CorradiAndreaCorradiDr. 912-478-85421096 Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Corradi is a mixed-methods researcher, publishing using a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods, including publications using social network analysis in Social Networks and Crime & Delinquency. Her work has also been published in Justice Quarterly, Feminist Criminology, Journal of Criminal Justice, American Journal of Criminal Justice, Security Journal, among others. Her research interests include the intended and unintended consequences of the use of social control mechanisms in society, especially in the areas of extremism, incarceration, security, health, and policing. Dr. Corradi leads the Extremism Research Lab at Georgia Southern University, which engages in significant data collection and analysis efforts.
    • Ph.D, Pennsylvania State University, Criminology
    • Graduate Certificate, School of International Affairs at Penn State, International Security Studies
    • M.A., Wilfrid Laurier University, Criminology
    • B.A., Wilfrid Laurier University, Criminology
    Graduate Certificate, School of International Affairs at Penn State, International Security StudiesM.A., Wilfrid Laurier University, CriminologyB.A., Wilfrid Laurier University, Criminology
    Research Interests
    • Extremism
    • Security
    • Health
    • Incarceration
    • Policing
    SecurityHealthIncarcerationPolicingExtremism Research Lab
    jlawrence@georgiasouthern.eduJimeca LawrenceJimecaLawrenceAdjunct ProfessorOnlineStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyI worked as Community Engagement Specialist for many years, where I provide comprehensive case management and assessment services to low-income families and individuals. I have a Bachelor's degree in Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences from Fort Valley State University and a Master of Arts degree in Apparel and Textiles from Iowa State University. I have transitioned to retail management and human ecology instruction. My core competencies include merchandising, marketing, networking, organization skills, and textile.
    • MS. of Apparel Merchandising and Design
    • BS. in Family Consumer Sciences Education
    • Supply Chain Management Graduate Certificate
    BS in Family Consumer Sciences EducationSupply Chain Management Graduate Certificate
    Research Interests
    • Visual Merchandising
    tmesocn@georgiasouthern.eduTimothy MesconTimothyMesconExecutive in Residence, Parker College of Business813-263-3033SavannahArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessOffice of the DeanTim Mescon is currently Executive in Residence at the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University. Previously, for eight years until his retirement, Dr. Timothy S. Mescon was executive vice president and chief officer for Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) for AACSB International. He is President Emeritus of Columbus State University and served for 18 years as Dean and Dinos Eminent Scholar Chair at the Coles College, Kennesaw State University.Dr. Mescon received his Ph.D. from the Terry College at the University of Georgia, MBA from the Cox School at Southern Methodist University and B.A. from Tulane University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Student engagement driven by experiential learning and immersion.
    • Ph.D. Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
    • MBA., Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University
    • BA., Tulane University
    MBA, Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist UniversityBA, Tulane University
    Research Interests
    • Strategic Management
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Educational Administration & Policy
    EntrepreneurshipEducational Administration & Policy
    jspearman@georgiasouthern.eduJessica SpearmanJessicaSpearmanLecturer912-478-7328Newton 1119DStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishI teach for the Department of English. I am located on the Statesboro Campus. I'm a double eagle, with a BA in Philosophy and English Literature with a minor in Writing, and a MA in English Literature concentrating on Contemporary American Literature.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I seek to inspire my students to grow and become productivemembers of our society while reflecting on how and why our world functions the way it does.
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    Research Interests
    • First-Year Writing
    • Rhetoric And Composition
    • Philosophy
    • American Literature
    Rhetoric and Composition PhilosophyAmerican Literature
    aahuggins@georgiasouthern.eduAngelia HugginsAngeliaHugginsMananging Director, WebMBA404-938-28294994 Choctaw Ave, Pensacola, FL 32507Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessWebMBAManaging Director of the WebMBA program. Online MBA offered by seven universities in the USG system.
    kbarnwell@georgiasouthern.eduKim BarnwellKimBarnwellAdministrative Assistant II912-478-0587Parker College of Business Dean's OfficeStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDean's Office
    ncarr@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nancy_Carr8Nancy CarrNancyCarrPart-time Professor912-844-9495VariesArmstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Communication Arts, Department of Psychology Nancy Carr has taught at Georgia Southern since 2017. For Communication, she teaches Public Speaking and Intro to Communication Research. For Psychology, she teaches Careers, Ethics, and Professionalism. She also teaches Human Communication and General Psychology for eCore.She's also a registered mediator with the State of Georgia and mediates several cases each year.
    Teaching Philosophy
    People don't care what you know until they know you care.
    • Ph.D., Liberty University, 2024
    • M.A., Armstrong University, 2015
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2020
    • B.F.A., Video, Savannah College of Art and Design, 1990
    M.A., Armstrong University, 2015B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2020B.F.A., Video, Savannah College of Art and Design, 1990
    Research Interests
    • Nonverbal Deception Indicators
    • Conflict Resolution
    Conflict Resolution
    ssuboleski@georgiasouthern.eduStan SuboleskiStanSuboleskiProfessor of Practice912-478-2548PCOB 1105Statesboro CampusParker College of Business, Honors CollegeDepartment of ManagementStan Suboleski
    • PhD UNLV
    jbarragan@georgiasouthern.eduJoseph Bruce BarraganJoseph BruceBarraganExecutive-in-Residence & Senior Lecturer912-344-3254154 E University Hall Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI am a native of Savannah and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of North Carolina. Then, after serving as an officer in the US Navy, I earned a Master of Health Administration degree from Duke University. My subsequent experience in the healthcare field includes serving first as vice president of administration at Memorial Health University Medical Center for 1 year, then at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center for 5 years, and as president and CEO of McLeod Health in Florence, SC for 23 years. I then served as president of GMK Associates in Columbia, SC for 11 years. I have been a faculty member of Armstrong/Georgia Southern University in 2014. I am a Life Fellow of the American College of Health Executives.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe I do best for the students when I teach from both academic and real life experiences perspective. I try to challenge the students to study and understand the environment of healthcare administration and the provision of health services from the perspectives of the patient, professional care givers, family members, and administrators.I also teach the student current issues in healthcare from national, state and local perspectives.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Economics
    • Master of Health Administration
    • 40 years of Health Administrative experience
    • 11 years of teaching experience
    • Membership on several Healthcare Boards
    Master of Health Administration40 years of Health Administrative experience11 years of teaching experienceMembership on several Healthcare Boards
    nbanks@georgiasouthern.eduNathan BanksNathanBanksInstitutional Repository Manager912-478-0798Zach S. Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection ServicesNathan Banks holds a Bachelor of Arts in Advertising from the University of Georgia and a Master of Library and Information Science from Valdosta State University. Nathan been with the Georgia Southern Libraries for seven years.
    • MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2022
    • B.A., Advertising, 2015
    B.A., Advertising, 2015
    avickers@georgiasouthern.eduAbigail VickersAbigail VickersOutreach Specialist912-478-723258 East Main St., Suite D Statesboro, GA Statesboro CampusResearchUGA Small Business Development Center at Georgia Southern UniversityAbigail joined the University of Georgia SBDC at Georgia Southern University as the outreach specialist in the fall of 2024. Abigail brings more than a decade of community outreach and involvement experience with her to the SBDC.Abigail graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology degree from the University of Mississippi. Prior to joining the SBDC, Abigail put her degree to work and managed marketing campaigns and coordinated events for nonprofits. Along the way, she also acquired experience with customer service and office administration that she looks forward to sharing with her community.
    • B.A. Sociology, University of Mississippi, 2014
    UGA Small Business Development Center at Georgia Southern University
    rjorgenson@georgiasouthern.eduRoss JorgensonRossJorgensonAdmin Assistant IIUH 281Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences-
    • -
    tmjackson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/torri-m-jacksonTorri JacksonTorriJacksonAssistant Professor, Educational Leadership912-478-5204University Hall, Office 239Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Jackson is an alum of Georgia Southern University, and she is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development. She is an experienced P-12 educator at all levels and currently teaches graduate educational leadership courses within the M.Ed. and Ed.D. programs. Dr. Jackson believes leadership is both innate and learned, and her approach to providing instruction is centered around this belief. Using leadership theory in practice, Dr. Jackson’s students are developing a leadership toolkit that will positively impact P-12 and higher education student achievement and school improvement.
    • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2020
    • Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2002
    • B.S.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 1999
    Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2017M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2002B.S.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Leadership Self-Efficacy Of School Administrators And Leadership Interns
    • Mentorship Of School Leaders In Rural School Districts
    • Destructive Leadership In P-12 Educational Settings
    • School Counseling Leadership
    • Restorative School Discipline Practices
    Mentorship of school leaders in rural school districtsDestructive leadership in P-12 educational settingsSchool counseling leadershipRestorative school discipline practices
    bkoehler@georgiasouthern.eduBrian KoehlerBrianKoehlerAssociate Dean of Curriculum and Student Success912-478-0608Engineeing Building Rm 2141EStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Koehler came to Georgia Southern in 1999 after earning his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Georgia, where his research focused on analysis of enzymes from hyperthermophilic bacteria (bacteria that live at temperatures above 100C). Since arriving at Georgia Southern, Brian has put much of his time working on educational improvements in the general chemistry laboratory program and also has an ongoing group of research students analyzing foods for compounds with known health-related effects. Outside of class Brian enjoys time spent with his two children, working with a local boy scout troop, and battling with model warships.
    • Ph.D. University of Georgia (1999)
    tzetterower@georgiasouthern.eduTonya ZetterowerTonyaZetterowerExecutive Assistant II912-486-7926Eidson HouseStatesboro CampusHonors CollegeHonors CollegeTonya Zetterower earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from Georgia Southern. She worked as the Senior Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and the Dean of Students in the Dean of Students Office for several years. Tonya joined the Honors College as the Executive Assistant in March 2023. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and trying new restaurants with her family and friends. She also enjoys reading and playing with her two dogs and two grand dogs.
    • BA. Accounting
    vwickline@georgiasouthern.eduVirginia WicklineVirginiaWicklineAssociate Professor of Psychology912-344-2589Science Center 227Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyMy research and service focus on aspects of relationships, including nonverbal communication, acculturative stress, and the benefits of interactions between majority and marginalized or minoritized groups. I also conduct research on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) – particularly syllabus design, service-learning, career development, and intercultural competence of domestic, international, and study abroad students, for which I was selected as a 2020-2021 Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Faculty Fellow. I received the 2021 Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) Outstanding Professional Paper Award (OPPA) and 2024 Georgia Southern Inclusive Excellence Award.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I infuse my courses with programs and activities that help undergraduate students build professional and cultural skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will get them hired and/or accepted into graduate programs. My current teaching and service work includes being a member of the College of Behavioral and Social Science High-Impact Practice Committee and a member of the Wexford Faculty Development Program, through which I took students study abroad at our Wexford, Ireland campus in 2023. One of favorite teaching programs is a partnership I host called Crossing Borders, a series of semi-structured, cross-cultural dialogues between U.S. college students and those in other countries like Japan, Ireland, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
    • Ph.D., Emory University, 2006
    • M.A., Emory University, 2002
    • 1999, Pre-Graduate Seminar, University of Notre Dame
    • 1998, B.A., Anderson University
    M.A., Emory University, 20021999, Pre-Graduate Seminar, University of Notre Dame1998, B.A., Anderson University
    Research Interests
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Intercultural Competence
    • Nonverbal Communication
    • College & Cultural Adjustment
    Intercultural CompetenceNonverbal CommunicationCollege & Cultural AdjustmentNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center, Social, Cultural, and Interpersonal Process (SCIP) Laboratory
    kdotson@georgiasouthern.eduKaitlin DotsonKaitlinDotsonDirector of Adult and Online Learning912-478-5732CPE Center, Room 1030Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusOffice of Adult and Online LearningOffice of Adult and Online LearningI am passionate about empowering non-traditional students, including adult learners and fully online students, to achieve their academic, professional, and personal goals. My research and work focuses on improving the learner experience by fostering innovation and accessibility in higher education. I believe in modernizing educational practices to meet the diverse needs of today’s learners, creating pathways for success in our rapidly evolving world.
    • MA., University of Georgia, 2020
    • MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2020
    • BA., University of Georgia, 2016 & 2017
    MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2020BA, University of Georgia, 2016 & 2017
    Research Interests
    • Online/Distance Learning
    • Andragogy
    • Higher Education Administration
    AndragogyHigher Education AdministrationInstitute for Innovative and Integrated Studies
    rfarber@georgiasouthern.eduRobert FarberRobertFarberProfessor of Art912-478-4636ARTS2004Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtBorn in Canton, Ohio, Farber received a B.F.A. degree in painting and art history from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He received his M.F.A. degree in drawing and printmaking from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Prior to arriving in Georgia, Farber taught twenty-four years in the Department of Fine Arts at the Ringling College of Art and Design in Sarasota, Florida. Robert Farber’s work has been acquired by public and private collections and exhibited in numerous international, national, and regional exhibitions.
    • M.F.A., Western Michigan University, 1986
    • B.F.A., Ohio University, 1982
    B.F.A., Ohio University, 1982
    Research Interests
    • Digital Mixed-Media Images
    • Laser Engraving, Printmaking, Drawing
    Laser Engraving, Printmaking, Drawing
    cweaver@georgiasouthern.eduCasey WeaverCaseyWeaverSpecial Assistant to the Provost912-478-7801Marvin Pittman 2012HStatesboro CampusVice Prsident Academic AffairsVice Prsident Academic AffairsI earned my Master’s degree in Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE) from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) in May 2007. Currently, I am pursuing a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree in Educational Leadership at Georgia Southern University, with an expected graduation date of May 2028.Currently, I serve as the Special Assistant to the Provost, where I manage complex student situations that affect their success. My responsibilities include overseeing emails sent to the Provost’s office, handling academic dishonesty cases, managing student grade appeals, and supporting various requests from the Provost. Prior to this role, I was the Assistant Dean of Student Care and Well-Being at Georgia Southern University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Throughout my 10 years at Georgia Southern, I have truly enjoyed working with both students and faculty. I find great satisfaction in supporting their efforts as we work together to help students achieve academic success. Currently, I am collaborating with the Office of Student Conduct to review and improve the academic dishonesty process.
    • MA., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2007
    • BA., Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, 2005
    BA, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Food Insecurity
    awilliams@georgiasouthern.eduAmy RowellAmy RowellCareer and Internship Advisor912-478-5197Williams Center 1047/1058Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social Sciences, College of Education, Office of Career and Professional DevelopmentOffice of Career and Professional DevelopmentAmy Rowell has worked in the Office of Career and Professional Development at Georgia Southern for the past 26 years where she currently serves as a Career and Internship Advisor for CBSS and COE. Her main responsibilities include assisting students with major decisions, résumé writing, interviewing skills, job search strategies, and graduate school planning. She also works to develop faculty relationships within the colleges and presents to classes on a variety of career related topics. Amy received her BA in Social Science Education and her MA in Student Personnel Services from Northwestern State University. She has also worked at the University of Arkansas, Monticello in Residence Life, Student Activities, and Career Services.
    • Master of Arts in Student Personnel Services, Northwestern State University, 1997
    • Bachelor of Arts in Social Science Education, Northwestern State University, 1995
    Bachelor of Arts in Social Science Education, Northwestern State University, 1995
    psapp@georgiasouthern.eduPayton SappPaytonSappLibrary Technical Assistant - Cataloging912-478-0640Zach S. Henderson Library - Room 2220Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    • M.L.I.S., Valdosta State University, 2025
    • B.S. Psychology, Georgia Southern University, 2023
    B.S. Psychology, Georgia Southern University, 2023
    hcowart@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/holly-cowartHolly CowartHollyCowartSenior Lecturer912-478-56652033 Sanford HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsHolly Cowart is a senior lecturer in multimedia journalism at Georgia Southern University where she has taught for eight years. She serves as the internship coordinator for the multimedia journalism program. Known among her students as an "AP style enforcer," her approach combines rigorous instruction with practical applications to prepare students for the field of journalism. Before transitioning to academia, she spent five years as a journalist. This professional experience informs her teaching, allowing her to provide students with firsthand insights into the challenges and rewards of a career in journalism.
    • Ph.D., University of Florida, 2017
    • MA., University of Tennessee - Chattanooga, 2011
    • BA., University of Tennessee - Chattanooga, 2005
    MA, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga, 2011BA, University of Tennessee - Chattanooga, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Agenda Setting
    • Social Media
    • Social Justice
    • Protest Paradigm
    Social MediaSocial JusticeProtest Paradigm
    pamelagb@georgiasouthern.eduPamela Bourland-DavisPamelaBourland-DavisDr. 912-478-87033001B Sanford HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Pamela Bourland-Davis serves as Professor of Public Relations and Professional Communication & Leadership. She is a former department chair. Her research includes activism, organizational culture, and Rosalynn Carter. She served as coeditor of the Commission on Public Relations Education's 2023 report Navigating Change. She has taught in the Study Abroad program in Montepulciano, Italy. She has served in a variety of leadership positions, including for the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication and Southern States Communication Association, and as editor for the Journal of Public Relations Education. She was elected to a vice-chair leadership role in the Commission most recently.
    • Ph.D. Mass Communication/Public Relations, University of Georgia
    • M.S. Mass Communication/Journalism, Arkansas State University
    • B.S. Communication Arts/PR Emphasis, Georgia Southern
    M.S. Mass Communication/Journalism, Arkansas State UniversityB.S. Communication Arts/PR Emphasis, Georgia Southern
    Research Interests
    • Public Relations Education
    • Activism
    • First Ladies - Rosalynn Carter
    • Organizational Culture
    • Internships
    ActivismFirst Ladies - Rosalynn CarterOrganizational CultureInternships
    thenry@georgiasouthern.eduDavid HenryDavidHenryAcademic Advisor II912-344-3905University Hall #250-CArmstrong CampusCollege of EducationGraduate Academic Services Center (COE)Former teacher with a wide variety of leadership and administrative support positions within academic, service oriented settings. When I am not working I enjoy playing disc golf, gardening, reading and watching college basketball.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe mutual authenticity is the most essential characteristic for effective academic advisement. The philosopher Bernard Lonergan posited that all human consciousness can be viewed as a progressive sequence from experience to understanding to judgment and finally to making a choice, with each choice leading us to a new experience and the cycle repeating. We become authentic only insofar as we embrace and adhere to what Lonergan refers to as the four transcendental imperatives: Be Attentive! (Experience); Be Intelligent! (Understanding); Be Reasonable! (Judgment); Be Responsible! (Choice). These transcendental imperatives are my daily touchstones as an academic advisor and serve as the foundation of my advising philosophy.
    • M.A., Loyola University Chicago, 2003
    • B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 1992
    • Jamesville-DeWitt High School, 1988
    B.A., College of the Holy Cross, 1992Jamesville-DeWitt High School, 1988Graduate Academic Services Center (GASC)-Graduate Advisement
    mrogers@georgiasouthern.eduMaria RogersMariaRogersCPE Program Manager912-478-2560SavannahArmstrong CampusAcademic AffairsDivision of Continuing and Professional Education
    mgoodman@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa Gast-GoodmanMelissaGast-GoodmanGrant Coordinator912-478-7073Veazey Hall, 3009Statesboro CampusOffice of ResearchOffice of ResearchMelissa began her tenure at Georgia Southern in 2010 as first, an Administrative Assistant in the College of Science and Mathematics Office of the Dean. In 2018, she moved over to the Institute for Coastal Plain Science to serve as the Administrative Coordinator. She currently works in the Office of Research as a Grant Coordinator.
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2015
    • B.A. Theatre, Georgia Southern University, 2005
    B.A. Theatre, Georgia Southern University, 2005
    darrinmoore@georgiasouthern.eduDarrin MooreDarrinMooreCOSM Instrumentation Maintenance and Research Specialist912-478-5590NC2238Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsNAI have over 20 years experience maintaining, and operating mass spectrometers of many models and configurations. Over my career I have maintained numerous scientific instruments and their software, including elemental analyzers, discrete analyzers, portable leaf area IRGA's, and soil respiration systems. If I don't know how something works, I can usually figure it out, read the manual, or call the manufacturer.
    • MS., University of Nevada, Reno, 1998
    Research Interests
    • Plant Physiology
    • Plant And Soil Interactions
    • Scientific Instrumentation
    Plant and soil interactionsScientific InstrumentationCOSM Core Research Lab
    danielmcnair@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel McNairDanielMcNairSchool Psychologist478-010-0Cone HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. McNair received his Doctor of Education in Curriculum Studies with an emphasis in School Psychology from Georgia Southern University. He serves as a staff clinician at the RCLD and participates in activities of the clinical assessment team. He also enjoys his role in providing assistance and coordinating training opportunities for new members of the clinical group. He is a nationally certified school psychologist through the National Association of School Psychologists. (NASP).
    • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2019
    • Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2008
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2006
    Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2011M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2008B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Developmental Disabilities
    • Social Deviance
    • Cognitive Processing
    • Written Language Assessment
    • Curriculum Theory
    social deviancecognitive processingwritten language assessmentcurriculum theoryThe Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    jbjoy@georgiasouthern.eduJune B. JoynerJune B.JoynerPrincipal Lecturer912-478-0228Newton Building, #1122FStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishOriginally from Savannah, June Joyner has been employed at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia, since 1997. She began teaching First Year Writing in 2002 following completion of her Master's degree in English. From 2008 to 2014, Joyner served as director of the Georgia Southern Writing Project, a site of the National Writing Project.
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2000
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2002
    M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2002
    Research Interests
    • Teaching Writing
    • First Year Student Success
    • Science And Culture
    • Popular Culture
    • Public History
    First Year Student SuccessScience and CulturePopular CulturePublic History
    jkuchta@georgiasouthern.eduJaclynn KuchtaJaclynnKuchtaPart-Time Adjunct Professor724-413-5502virtualStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentJaclynn Kuchta, PhD, NCSP, earned her Ph.D. in School Psychology from Duquesne University. She is a licensed psychologist in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Clinically, Dr. Kuchta's areas of focus include early childhood disruptive behavior disorders, early childhood trauma, and consultation/collaboration with early care and education, as well as community implementation of evidence-based treatments. She has a particular interest in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and its adaptation with teachers (Teacher-Child Interaction Training - TCIT), and is currently in the process of pursuing her PCIT Regional Trainer (Level 2) Certification. Her research interests include translational science of evidence-based treatments in the community.
    • PhD, Duquesne University 2020
    • MS..Ed., Duquesne University 2016
    • B.A., West Virginia University
    MS.Ed., Duquesne University 2016B.A., West Virginia University
    Hmccumber@georgiasouthern.eduHarley McCumberHarleyMcCumberMr.912-478-2522Performing Arts Center (PAC)Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesPerforming Arts CenterHarley began his career in professional event production in 2018, during his sophomore year of college, while interning with Capital A Productions in Savannah, GA. As a full-time student, he focused on post-production sound but worked in production to cover his living expenses. After graduating, he continued with Capital A, providing production services and solutions within a 350-mile radius of Savannah. Following six years with Capital A, Harley took on the role of Theatre Technical Manager (Technical Director) at Georgia Southern University’s Performing Arts Center in Statesboro, GA.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Hands on learning is the best. Making mistakes is part of learning.
    • B.F.A. in Sound Design from SCAD
    Research Interests
    • Post-Production Audio
    • Lighting Design
    • Live-Sound
    Lighting DesignLive-SoundPerforming Arts Center
    lgould@georgiasouthern.eduLaurie GouldLaurieGouldAssociate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology912-478-1397Carroll 1079Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyLaurie A. Gould is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. Her areas of specialization include, corrections, comparative penology, state fragility, and gender and crime. She has co-authored two books— Corporal Punishment Around the World (Praeger) and State Fragility Around the World: Fractured Justice and Fierce Reprisal (CRC Press) and is the co-editor of the Routledge Handbook on American Prisons. Her journal articles have been published in numerous national and international journals including The British Journal of Criminology, Violence Against Women, and Women and Criminal Justice.
    • Ph.D., Public Affairs (Criminal Justice Track), University of Central Florida, 2008
    • M.S., Criminal Justice, University of Central Florida, 2001
    M.S., Criminal Justice, University of Central Florida, 2001
    Research Interests
    • Corrections
    • Comparative Penology
    • State Fragility
    • Gender And Crime
    comparative penologystate fragilitygender and crime
    wcoggins@georgiasouthern.eduWilliam CogginsWilliamCogginsSenior Lecturer of Mathematics912-478-4730Math/Physics 3044Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI have a strong interest in computational efficiency of NP-Hard problems, specifically graph cycle problems like TSP and HCP. After completing my current degree, I plan to pursue my PhD in Applied Computing and write my dissertation on reducing the time complexity of certain graph combinatorial optimization problems.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Students first, always. Students desire attention and care and to be treated like adults. I strive to have an inclusive classroom that is student first in academics and be understanding of their personal struggles at home.
    • M.S. Computer Science, Georgia Southern , 2025
    • M.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern, 2015
    • B.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern, 2013
    • B.S. Physics, Georgia Southern, 2013
    M.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern, 2015B.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern, 2013B.S. Physics, Georgia Southern, 2013
    Research Interests
    • Np-Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems
    • Machine Learning Efficiency
    • Education
    Machine Learning EfficiencyEducation
    rhinson@georgiasouthern.eduRiley HinsonRileyHinsonLead Theatre Technician912-478-8045Nessmith Lane Room 1322Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesPerforming Arts CenterRiley Hinson is the Lead Theatre Technician of the Performing Arts Center. Originally from Lilburn, Georgia, Riley has a background in audio tech and music, and has studied both piano and trombone. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Music from the Schwob School of Music at Columbus State University, and recently graduated with a Master of Music degree with a focus in Music Technology from Georgia Southern's Gretsch School of Music. Riley previously worked on the recording crews for both universities and taught two audio tech courses as a teaching assistant, in addition to doing freelance live audio production. Outside of work, Riley enjoys playing piano at local venues as part of the jazz band Blue Horizon.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a teaching assistant, my philosophy was to ensure students had hands-on time in order to practice and apply the concepts they were learning. In the world of audio, much of what you learn comes from practicing, from interacting with Digital Audio Workstations to recording and producing a song in a recording studio. Understanding the concepts behind how the technology works is important, but without the experience of actually using it and being able to problem solve, you won't get very far.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Music with Minor in Audio Technology, Columbus State University
    • Master of Music in Music Technology, Georgia Southern University
    Master of Music in Music Technology, Georgia Southern University
    Research Interests
    • Using Outdated/Obsolete Technology To Create New Works Of Art, And What It Means Aesthetically
    • Musical Works That Incorporate Technology In A Unique And Original Way, Such As The Works Of Pamela Z
    Musical works that incorporate technology in a unique and original way, such as the works of Pamela ZPerforming Arts Center
    tlowder@georgiasouthern.eduTimothy LowderTimothyLowderLibrary Assistant912-478-1221Zach S. Henderson Library 2102BStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesAccess Services Department
    sdevine@georgiasouthern.eduSean Michael DevineSean MichaelDevineTechnical Director - TheatreScene ShopStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsSean has been studying or working in Theatre Technology & Design in one capacity or another since 1983. He has professional experience at various theatres in Chicago, Little Rock, Birmingham, Portland OR, and other cities. His current position is his first full-time experience in academic theatre since graduating college in 1989.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Technical theatre is best learned with the inclusion of hands-on training in a real-world context.
    • BFA, Birmingham-Southern College, 1989
    scarpenter@georgiasouthern.eduSuzanne CarpenterSuzanneCarpenterAssociate Professor of Chemistry912-344-3255Science Center 2002Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsJoined the faculty of Armstrong State College in 1987.
    • B.S. Pharmacy, M.S. Medicinal Chemistry
    aofuller@georgiasouthern.eduAnn FullerAnnFullerAssociate Professor912-344-3006Lane Library, 11935 Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA 31419Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesCirculation Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University, 2023 + Assistant Professor, Georgia Southern University, 2018 - 2023 Assistant Professor, Armstrong State University, Savannah, GA, 2006 –2017 / 1997 -2004
    • Master of Library & Information Science, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 1994
    • International Relations, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 1989
    • Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, 1988, Cum Laude
    International Relations, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 1989Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Armstrong State College, Savannah, GA, 1988, Cum Laude
    tleggett@georgiasouthern.eduTina LeggettTinaLeggettDirector912-344-2666Savannah Research Complex, Bldg. 1, Room 1007Armstrong CampusAcademic AffairsResearch ServicesTina Leggett, Pre-Award Director, is an experienced Certified Research Administrator (CRA). She began working in research administration as a Grant Coordinator at the university in 2007, was promoted to Assistant Director in 2014, and promoted to Director in 2023. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Brenau University. Tina wholeheartedly believes in teamwork, collaboration, knowledge sharing, and adaptability to support research growth and advancement at Georgia Southern.
    • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
    jtodesca@georgiasouthern.eduJames TodescaJamesTodescaAssociate Professor912-344-2850Hawes 105AArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of History
    • Ph.D., Fordham University, 1996.
    mgutierrez@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa GutierrezMelissaGutierrezAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5539Brannen 1008Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyGSU Eagle since 2006
    • Associates - 2021
    rkidder@georgiasouthern.eduRaymond KidderRaymondKidderLife Sciences Program CoordinatorBiological Sciences 2222Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI serve as the program coordinator for two National Science Foundation-funded research and mentoring programs within the Department of Biology. Through these programs, we develop a more diverse and prepared next generation of coastal scientists. I was a graduate student in Freshwater Ecology Lab within Georgia Southern University Department of Biology, graduating with my Masters in Science in 2023.Prior to my time at Georgia Southern, I was employed by the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center in Lafayette, Louisiana. I am a proud alum of the University of Louisiana-Lafayette where I received my undergraduate degree in 2018. I'm a native of south Louisiana grew up immersed in Cajun culture.
    • M.S. Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • B.S. University of Louisiana-Lafayette, 2018
    B.S. University of Louisiana-Lafayette, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Mentoring
    • Inclusive Excellence
    • Aquatic Ecology
    • Herpetology
    • Anthropogenic Effects
    Inclusive ExcellenceAquatic EcologyHerpetologyAnthropogenic Effects
    chanton@georgiasouthern.eduChandler HantonChandlerHantonVisiting Instructor912-478-0884Newton 1122AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2022
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2020
    B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2020
    Research Interests
    • First-Year Writing
    • Rhetoric & Composition
    • Adolescent Literature
    • Psychoanalytic & Trauma Theory
    Rhetoric & Composition Adolescent Literature Psychoanalytic & Trauma Theory
    tsoutherlin@georgiasouthern.eduDeedee SoutherlinDeedeeSoutherlinDirector, Division of Continuing and Professional Education912-478-5966301 CenterStatesboro CampusDivision of Continuing and Professional EducationDivision of Continuing and Professional EducationDeedee Southerlin is a dynamic leader with over 20 years of experience designing innovative training programs for businesses, industries, and government agencies. As Director of Continuing and Professional Education, she drives strategic planning, curriculum development, and partnerships to deliver impactful learning experiences. Skilled in Adult Learner Theory, she creates programs that empower professionals to enhance their skills and advance their careers. Dedicated to fostering collaboration, growth, and lifelong learning, Deedee is committed to making education accessible and transformative.
    • Ed.D. Adult and Career Education
    • M.S. Sociology
    • B.S. Criminal Justice
    M.S. SociologyB.S. Criminal Justice
    jmortimore@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jeffrey-m-mortimore-2Jeffrey MortimoreJeffreyMortimoreDigital Scholarship Librarian912-478-0102Zach S. Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services DepartmentJeff oversees the Libraries' institutional repository and data management services. Jeff's current interests reside in the areas of technical services’ public service role; technical and public services collaboration; proactive and reactive resource troubleshooting; patron-led content creation; creation, hosting, and discovery of open educational resources; and technical services assessment.
    Teaching Philosophy
    φύσεως, μελέτης, χρόνου
    • MLIS, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2005
    • MTS, Harvard University, 2002
    • BA., University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1998
    • Technical Services Assessment
    • Institutional Repositories
    MTS, Harvard University, 2002BA, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1998Technical Services AssessmentInstitutional Repositories
    Research Interests
    • Research Data Management
    • Open Educational Resources
    • Patron-Led Content Creation
    Open Educational ResourcesPatron-Led Content Creation
    sanderson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/salena-andersonSalena AndersonSalenaAndersonAssistant Professor912-478-0641Newton Building 2219CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishSalena Anderson is an Assistant Professor of English. She earned a Ph.D. in Linguistics from The Ohio State University and a master's degree in English at the University of Georgia. She has published scholarship in journals such as Computers and Composition, English Studies, Praxis, and WLN; and her research explores critical AI literacy, writing assessment, writing center studies, and language variation. She enjoys teaching courses at the intersection of AI and writing studies, first-year writing, TESOL, and linguistics.
    • Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2010
    rhunnicutt@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/rebecca-j-hunnicutt-2Rebecca HunnicuttRebeccaHunnicuttCollections Management Librariannnnn912-478-07822220DStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services DepartmentRebecca Hunnicutt is the Collections Management Librarian at Georgia Southern University. Ms. Hunnicutt is a Georgia Southern alumni and earned her Masters at Florida State University. She has worked at Georgia Southern since 2017 and has held her current position since 2019. In this position Ms. Hunnicutt manages the GS Libraries' collections and resources. By helping to provide access to these resources, Ms. Hunnicutt is ensuring that all faculty and students have the opportunity to achieve their goals at this institution.
    • Bachelor of Arts - Georgia Southern University
    • Master of Library & Information Science - Florida State University
    Master of Library & Information Science - Florida State University
    Research Interests
    • Practices Related To Technical Services Librarianship
    mcolson@georgiasouthern.eduMaegan ColsonMaeganColsonAdministrative Assistant II912-478-8007Carrol 1101Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & Criminology
    haozhang@georgiasouthern.eduHao ZhangHaoZhangAssistant Professor912-478-2189IT Building #2128Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyHao Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Master of Science in Information Technology, with a focus on text analytics and data science.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, my primary goal is to create an engaging, and supportive learning environment where students feel empowered to explore, question, and deepen their understanding of Information Technology. I believe that effective teaching is not just about transmitting knowledge, but about inspiring students to think critically, collaborate, and develop the skills necessary to navigate the evolving technological landscape.
    • MS. In Information Technology
    Research Interests
    • Text Analytics
    • Data Science
    Data Science
    tduggar@georgiasouthern.eduTheresa DuggarTheresaDuggarAssistant Dean, Honors College912-478-7926Eidson House, 1007Statesboro CampusHonors CollegeHonors CollegeDr. Theresa Duggar is the Assistant Dean in the Honors College at Georgia Southern University. In her role, she oversees the Honors Success Team and assists with honors student recruitment, admissions, and matriculation.Duggar is a “Double Eagle” graduate of Georgia Southern University earning a Doctorate of Education and Masters of Education. She has been with the University since 2010. Previously, Duggar served as the Associate Director of Career Development and Instruction, taught Career Exploration and the Professional Development Seminar courses, and served in various academic and student services roles. Prior to Georgia Southern, she held positions focused on high ability students, new student orientation, and student activities.
    • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2007
    • BBA, Georgia State University, 2004
    M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2007BBA, Georgia State University, 2004
    jkraft@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/john-kraft/publications/John KraftJohnKraftDean of the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies912-478-2647Veazey Hall 1012BStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social Sciences, Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesDepartment of PsychologyDr. John Kraft earned his B.S. in Psychology from Northern Arizona University (1991) and Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire (1999), focusing on behavior analysis and social psychology. He joined Armstrong State University, now Georgia Southern University, and has published on social foraging, human sexuality, psychology pedagogy, and ethics. A mediator since 2003, he transitioned from faculty to administration, serving as interim AVP for Academic Affairs, Department Head, and interim Dean for two colleges. Currently, he is interim Dean of the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies, overseeing 20 certificates, 48 master's, 5 specialist, and 8 doctoral programs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy emphasizes the importance of communication as a means of conveying and creating knowledge. Drawing on social constructionism and inspired by pragmatist philosophers like James, Dewey, and Peirce, I see communication as essential to generating pragmatic knowledge. I prioritize student interaction through activities like discussions, writing, presentations, group work, and problem-based learning. These methods foster collaboration, enabling students to create and share knowledge. I aim to leverage unique academic environment to engage students in meaningful communication with peers and faculty, helping them develop critical insights and skills.
    • Ph.D. in Psychology. University of New Hampshire, 1999 Specialization (dual): Behavior Analysis and Social Psychology
    • M.A. in Psychology. University of New Hampshire, 1995 Specialization: Social Psychology
    • B.S. in Psychology. Northern Arizona University, 1991
    M.A. in Psychology. University of New Hampshire, 1995 Specialization: Social Psychology B.S. in Psychology. Northern Arizona University, 1991
    Research Interests
    • Social Behavior And Group Choice
    • Higher Education
    • Human Sexuality
    • Ethics
    Higher EducationHuman SexualityEthics
    mrhall@georgiasouthern.eduMichael HallMichaelHallProfessor of History912-344-2763Hawes 106AArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryMichael R. Hall has been teaching on the Armstrong Campus since 1997. His publications include Sugar and Power in the Dominican Republic (2000), the Historical Dictionary of Haiti (2012), numerous book chapters and journal articles, and dozens of book reviews and encyclopedia articles. Recent book chapters include “Castro and Cabral: Cuban Assistance in the Struggle for Independence in Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde” in Fidel Castro and Africa’s Liberation Struggle (2020) and “Ricardo Pittini: Roman Catholic Archbishop of Santo Domingo (1935-1961)” in The Italian Legacy in the Dominican Republic: History, Architecture, Economics, Society (2021). He is the book review editor of the Journal of Global South Studies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Using primary source documents to examine the important connections between history and culture, especially cuisine.
    • Ph.D. Ohio University, 1996
    • M.A. Ohio University, 1989
    • B.A. Gettysburg College, 1983
    M.A. Ohio University, 1989B.A. Gettysburg College, 1983
    Research Interests
    • Haiti & Dr History
    • Us Latin American Relations
    • Cold War History
    • 20Th Century Latin America
    US Latin American RelationsCold War History20th Century Latin America
    aaslan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/asli-aslan-2Asli AslanAsliAslanProfessor912-478-2565Savannah Research Complex, Building 4Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Asli Aslan is a water microbiologist. Her research is at the intersection of water quality and environmental health. She is a Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and Director of the Institute for Water and Health at Georgia Southern University. She has over 25 years of academic experience in water and health research and led several national and international projects. Dr. Aslan has served in various state and federal agencies and organizations as an advisor, reviewer, scientific committee member, and affiliated faculty. She co-founded the Water and Health Committee at the American Public Health Association. She recently served on the USEPA Science Advisory Board Committee for Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List V.
    • Michigan State University, Department of Natural Sciences, Post-doctoral Research Associate
    • Istanbul University, Institute for Marine Sciences and Management, PhD
    • Istanbul University, Institute for Marine Sciences and Management, MSc
    Istanbul University, Institute for Marine Sciences and Management, PhDIstanbul University, Institute for Marine Sciences and Management, MSc
    Research Interests
    • Water Quality
    • Pollution Source Tracking
    • Water Safety Planning
    • Chemical And Microbiological Contaminants Of Concern
    • Climate Change And Human Health
    Pollution Source TrackingWater Safety PlanningChemical and Microbiological Contaminants of ConcernClimate Change and Human Health Institute for Water and Health
    ggibney@georgiasouthern.eduGlenn GibneyGlennGibneyAssociate Vice President for Career Readiness912-344-32481071 Student Success Center, Armstrong CampusArmstrong CampusOffice of the ProvostOffice of Career and Professional DevelopmentGlenn Gibney is the Associate Vice President for Career Readiness at Georgia Southern University where he leads the transformation of career readiness from an optional activity to an integral part of the Georgia Southern student experience. In that role, Glenn oversees the strategic direction and operations of the Office of Career and Professional Development that serves more than 27,000 students. Glenn uses his extensive industry experience, including executive leadership positions with NCR, VeriSign, and Asurion, and his knowledge of how “work, works” to build career development programs and strategic employer relationships to help Georgia Southern students develop the essential skills they need to be successful in the workforce.
    • Masters of Business Administration
    • BS. in Mechanical Engineering
    BS in Mechanical Engineering
    cmarvil@georgiasouthern.eduCharles MarvilCharlesMarvilSenior Lecturer912-478-2259Parker College of Business 1108Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementCharles Marvil is a Senior Lecturer in the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University, with over 30 years of experience in hospitality management and education. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in Hospitality Management at Iowa State University and holds degrees from Auburn University and Georgia State University. Charles teaches courses in Strategic Management and Advanced Hospitality Management, focusing on industry trends and technology applications. An active researcher and advisor to the Hospitality Club, he brings a passion for student success and bridging academic theory with real-world practice.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering critical thinking, practical application, and student engagement to prepare learners for real-world challenges in business and hospitality. I believe education should be active and interactive, encouraging students to step beyond theoretical knowledge and explore how concepts apply to practical scenarios they may encounter in their careers.
    • Ph.D., Iowa State University, May 2025
    • M. Sc., Auburn University, 2015
    • B. Sc., Georgia State University, 1988
    M. Sc., Auburn University, 2015B. Sc., Georgia State University, 1988
    Research Interests
    • Ai Within The Hospitality Industry
    mfarmer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/willow-farmer-6088981b9Willow FarmerWillowFarmerSpecial Collections Assistant, Library General Operations912-478-0478Suite 1212, Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity LibrariesPassionate collections manager serving as the Special Collections Assistant and Vice-Chair of the Exhibits, Displays and Arts Committee at the University Libraries.
    • BBA Business Administration, Emphasis in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
    jegoodman@georgiasouthern.eduJanet GoodmanJanetGoodmanExecutive Assistant to the Dean of the University Libraries 912-478-5027Henderson Library- suite 3213Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    mczech@georgiasouthern.eduMelinda CzechMelindaCzechLecturer 912-478-0482IAB, office number 3067Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyI am a triple Eagle, and very proud of that! While obtaining my undergraduate degree I was also a student-athlete (springboard diving), as well as Georgia Southern's diving coach while pursuing my Master's Degree. I am also a Licensed Professional Counselor with many certifications that enhance my knowledge and passion for HDFS and student success.
    • Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2007
    • Bachelor of Arts, Georgia Southern University, 1999
    M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2007Bachelor of Arts, Georgia Southern University, 1999
    jli@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jinrong-li-2Jinrong LiJinrongLiProfessor912-478-52632218C Newton BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Li's research focuses on L2 writing assessment, language learning and technology, and information literacy. Her recent work has appeared in Journal of Second Language Writing, Assessing Writing, Language Learning & Technology, and Computers and Composition. She teaches linguistics and applied linguistics courses and frequently work with language educators.
    • Ph.D. Applied Linguistics and Technology
    kaikens@georgiasouthern.eduKelli AikensKelliAikensGraduate Coordinator912-478-0913Solms Hall 201CArmstrong CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesJack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesHello my name is Kelli Aikens. I am a graduate coordinator for the Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies.
    • Bachelor's Degree
    kristinathompson@georgiasouthern.eduKristina ThompsonKristinaThompsonAssistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology912-478-0467Carroll Building 1088Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Thompson joined the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology as a tenure-track professor in the Fall of 2020. She received her PhD in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Dr. Thompson’s areas of expertise include rural crime and criminal justice issues, criminal court dynamics – particularly in the realm of fines and fees, and applied research. Her work has been published in journals such as Justice Quarterly, Social Forces, the Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, and the Justice Evaluation Journal.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Thompson teaches a range of courses at Georgia Southern, including Legal Process, Research Methods, Communities and Crime, and Social Inequalities. Her classes typically use a wide variety of instructional methods and her general approach is rooted in the belief that education is most effective when it synthesizes comprehensive content delivery with the development of lifelong skillsets.
    • Ph.D. University of Missouri - St. Louis, 2020
    • M.A. University of Nebraska - Omaha, 2014
    • B.A. University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2011
    M.A. University of Nebraska - Omaha, 2014B.A. University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Criminal Courts
    • Rural Crime And Justice
    • Fines And Fees
    • Applied Research
    Rural Crime and JusticeFines and Fees Applied Research
    cskid@georgiasouthern.eduCathy Skidmore-HessCathy Skidmore-Hessassociate professor of history 912-478-15582095 IABStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryMy research interests are Atlantic World, Gender, Religion, and the Environment. My interests include hiking, reading, and travel.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in accessibility and student success.
    • P.h.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison,1995
    • M.A,. University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • B.A. Mount Holyoke College
    M.A,. University of Wisconsin-MadisonB.A. Mount Holyoke College Center for Africana Studies
    rhollandsworth@georgiasouthern.eduRandy HollandsworthRandyHollandsworthPart-time FacultyStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentMy experience includes corporate experience in training and development, instructional design management, and online learning management. I retired from Piedmont University in Demorest, GA from the College of Education as a professor emeritus. During my time there, I managed a graduate program in Instructional Technology for educators. I have been teaching for Georgia Southern University in an online and part-time capacity for the Leadership, Technology, and Human Development for approximately 10 years.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My philosophy is that students are engaged in online classes through individual and team assignments. It is critical that the course, lectures, and assignments are relevant to their professional interests and work.
    • Ph.D., Virginia Tech University, 2005
    • M.S., Georgia State University, 1997
    • B.S., University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 1992
    • Director, Center for Leadership and Professional Development, Radford University, Radford, VA, 2000-2005
    • Program Chair/Instructor, Managment & Supervisory Studies, Athens Technical College, Athens, GA, 2005-2007
    M.S., Georgia State University, 1997B.S., University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 1992Director, Center for Leadership and Professional Development, Radford University, Radford, VA, 2000-2005Program Chair/Instructor, Managment & Supervisory Studies, Athens Technical College, Athens, GA, 2005-2007
    Research Interests
    • Digital Citizenship In K-12
    • Use Of Simulations In Online Learning
    • Leadership Roles In Education
    Use of Simulations in Online LearningLeadership Roles in Education
    ljensen@georgiasouthern.eduLucas JensenLucasJensenAssociate Professor912-478-56053116 College of Education buildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentLucas John Jensen is an Associate Professor of Instructional Technology in the department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development at Georgia Southern University. He has a B.A. in Political Science from Mississippi State University and two M.Eds from the University of Georgia in Social Science Education and Instructional Design and Development. For his Ph.D research at UGA, he studied the use of Twitter hashtags in the classroom. His research interests include video game design in education, motivating online students, and instructional social media usage.
    • Ph.D., Learning, Design, and Technology, University of Georgia, 2015
    • M.Ed., Instructional Design and Development, University of Georgia, 2009
    • M.Ed., Social Science Education, University of Georgia, 2004
    • B.A., Political Science, Mississippi State University, 1997
    M.Ed., Instructional Design and Development, University of Georgia, 2009M.Ed., Social Science Education, University of Georgia, 2004B.A., Political Science, Mississippi State University, 1997
    klehman@georgiasouthern.eduKayla LehmanKaylaLehmanAssistant Professor of Art912-478-5160Visual Arts Building Room 2026Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of Art Kayla Lehman is an Assistant Professor of Animation at Georgia Southern University with an MFA in Digital Animation and Interactive Media from Ohio State University. Her body of work has concentrated around diverse narratives in animation, particularly concerning women and mental illness, and combining 2D and 3D aesthetics and art history in 3D animation practice.
    • MFA, Ohio State University, 2022
    • BFA, Longwood University, 2019
    BFA, Longwood University, 2019
    Research Interests
    • 3D Animation
    • Women In Media
    • Mental Illness In Media
    Women in MediaMental Illness in Media
    lili@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=N1n5Z-oAAAAJ&hl=enLi LiLiLiResearch Professor912-478-0200Hollis 0107CStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyResearch Professor with tenure, Georgia Southern University, 2012 - Professor, Louisiana State University, 2011-2012Associate professor, Louisiana State University, 2005-2011Assistant professor, Louisiana State University, 1998-2005
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching should be learner-focused. The best teaching fits the learner's goal and ability and motivates the learner to optimize their learning capacity.
    • Ph.D. of Biomechanics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Neuromuscular Control Of Human Movement
    • Gait Analysis
    • Running And Running Shoes
    • Postural Control Of People With Peripheral Neuropathy
    • Rehabilitation Effects On Children With Cerebral Palsy
    Gait AnalysisRunning and Running ShoesPostural Control of People with Peripheral NeuropathyRehabilitation Effects on Children with Cerebral PalsyCenter for Rehabilitation and Independent Living, Biomechanics Laboratory
    cowens@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/charles-owens-2Charles OwensCharlesOwensClinical Associate Professor & Director229-322-8290Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthSince 2015, Mr. Owens serves as Associate Clinical Professor for Georgia Southern University’s Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health (JPHCOPH) and the Director of the Center for Public Health Practice & Research. Under faculty appointment provides instruction in the JPHCOPH Health Policy & Community Health Department focusing on health care finance and policy. He administers various programs targeting areas of public health including but not limited to, Public Health, hospitals, Emergency Medical Services, needs assessment, program evaluation, strategic planning, health systems planning and various other components within health and health care arenas. His experience spans over 30 years reflective of the entire healthcare continuum.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Presenting students health care administrative skills and resources that will propel their health professions career and strengthen our public health system to positively impact the lives of others.
    • Over 30 years of senior leadership public health experience
    • Masters Degree majoring in Accounting
    Masters Degree majoring in Accounting
    Research Interests
    • Management Across The Health Care Continuum
    • Rural Health
    • Health Care For The Underserved
    Rural HealthHealth Care for the UnderservedCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
    akings@georgiasouthern.eduAshley KingsAshleyKingsAdministrative Coordinator 912-344-3330Science Center, Room 1505Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDean's Office, College of Science and MathematicsAshley Kings is a dedicated professional with a strong background in administration and theatre. Growing up in a military family, she spent over nine years in Germany, where she cultivated her passion for the arts. Ashley holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre from Kansas State University and a Master’s degree in Education with a focus on Curriculum and Instruction – Theatre Pedagogy. She currently serves as an Administrative Coordinator for the Dean's Office in the College of Science and Mathematics at Georgia Southern University, where she excels in organizational management and supporting academic initiatives.
    • Bachelor of Science in Theatre Performance and Directing
    • Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction – Theatre Pedagogy
    Master of Education in Curriculum & Instruction – Theatre Pedagogy
    jlisec@georgiasouthern.eduJohn LisecJohnLisecLecturer of Sport Management912-478-59961124A Hollis BuildingStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyWith expertise in marketing, sport sociology, and market trend analysis, John Lisec brings aunique perspective to the Georgia Southern University Sport Management Program. In his most recent role as the Sport & Leisure Consumer Insights Analyst at Mintel, John has analyzed consumer behaviors, market trends, key brands, and industry developments. He also brings a diverse track record of sport management teaching experience. In addition to marketing and gameday operations experience with Miami University Intercollegiate Athletics, John has also worked for iHeartRadio Cincinnati in the AM sports radio promotions capacity.
    • Master of Science, Sport Studies, Sport Organization, Miami University, 2010
    • Bachelor of Science, Business, Marketing, Miami University, 2006
    • Bachelor of Science, Health and Sports Studies, Miami University, 2006
    Bachelor of Science, Business, Marketing, Miami University, 2006 Bachelor of Science, Health and Sports Studies, Miami University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Gender, Sport, And Media
    jevans@georgiasouthern.eduJustin EvansJustinEvansAssociate Professor of Legal Studies in Business912-478-5914PCOB 2220Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyJustin's research explores a variety of questions at the intersections of business law and other fields, including legal strategy, compliance, Chinese law, law and technology, legal history, constitutional law, Native American law, and U.S. national security law. His four most recent articles were published in the nation's premier scholarly journal of business law, the American Business Law Journal. He has won several research awards from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB) and, together with Carrie Shang, was named the 2023 Guggenheim Scholar-in-Residence at the Law Library of Congress. Justin has held several leadership roles and editorial appointments in academia and the ALSB, and is passionate about his students' success.
    • JD., Indiana University McKinney School of Law, 2007
    • MBA., Indiana University Kelley School of Business, 2007
    • BA., University of Texas at Austin, 2003
    MBA, Indiana University Kelley School of Business, 2007BA, University of Texas at Austin, 2003
    dsmoke@georgiasouthern.eduDarrick SmokeDarrickSmokeMr.912-977-8585University Hall Room #278Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI have proudly served as an educator in the Liberty County School System for the 30 years. I have taught high school mathematics at Bradwell Institute and served as an adjunct instructor of Mathematics for Georgia Southern University for the past 20 years.After receiving my education from Liberty County public schools where I was an honor graduate of Bradwell in 1990, I enrolled at Georgia Southern University where I received a Bachelor of Science in Education and later enrolled at Armstrong Atlantic State University where I received his Master of Education and later furthered my graduate studies in mathematics through Walden University and Theological Studies at Liberty University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe education is a life-long learning process, which is indispensable. What students learn in schools is not enough to prepare for practical living. Students should be able to organize, understand, and apply what they learn in order to deal with the complex and diverse questions of their daily life. They should have the abilities to know how to use what they have learned and to continue to learn and create "new" knowledge to solve problems they meet when they leave schools.
    • Certified in Secondary Math Education
    • Graduate Certification in Teaching Mathematics
    Graduate Certification in Teaching Mathematics
    Research Interests
    • Mathematical Modeling Of Epidemics
    rswab@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HUbrYb8AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoR. Gabrielle "Gabby" SwabR. Gabrielle "Gabby"SwabAssistant Professor912-478-8465PCOB 1106Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementR. Gabrielle “Gabby” Swab joined the Parker College of Business in Fall of 2022. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi in 2019. Her research interests intersect the organizational behavior and entrepreneurship domains, where she focuses on competition in individuals, entrepreneurs, and family firms. Gabby teaches Organizational Leadership and Strategic Management. Her industry experience includes technology, sales, and project management.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My goals of inspiring learning and perpetuating knowledge in the classroom are guided by three principles: 1 – encourage engagement and help students relate to the material; 2 – show them you care by earning trust; and 3 – provide value.
    • University of Mississippi, Ph.D. in Business Administration
    • Morehead State University, Master's of Business Administration
    • Belmont University, Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration
    Morehead State University, Master's of Business AdministrationBelmont University, Bachelor's of Science in Business Administration
    Research Interests
    • Competition
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Family Business
    • Gamification
    EntrepreneurshipFamily businessGamification
    kwang@georgiasouthern.eduKai WangKaiWangAssociate Professor912-478-7392IT 2307Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Kai Wang obtained his Ph.D in computer science in 2015 from the University of Tennessee Knoxville. After that he joined faculty as an assistant professor in the department of Computer Science at Georgia Southern University. In 2021 he was awarded tenure and promoted to the title of associate professor. He has worked in various areas such as algorithm design, computational complexity, combinatorics, artificial intelligence, data analytics.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching is the interactive process of imparting knowledge, demonstrating skills and inciting interests and actions to investigate the truth, explore solutions and synthesize possible explanations with both theoretical and practical frameworks.
    • Ph.D in computer science, UTK, 2015
    Research Interests
    • Algorithm Design
    • Computational Complexity
    • Combinatorics
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Data Analytics
    computational complexitycombinatoricsartificial intelligencedata analytics
    stevenelisha@georgiasouthern.eduSteven ElishaStevenElishaProfessor Head, Strings Area Director of Orchestras912-478-8558Foy Fine Arts BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of Musicinternationally-acclaimed Steven Elisha performs throughout the US and internationally as soloist and chamber musician. His NY debut at Weill Recital Hall-Carnegie Hall received critical acclaim.He holds BM -Indiana Univ., MM - Yale Univ. and DMA -Univ. of Kansas. He has taught at Bergen Conservatory (Norway), where he was also interim Co-Principal - Bergen Phil., and the U.of Toledo. Elisha was Conductor of the Topeka Symphony Youth Orch. and Artistic Dir./Conductor of Lawrence Chamber Orch. He regularly presents workshops, teaches/performs at national/international festivals, conferences.He is Regional Rep. of ASTA GA-Chapter. He is co-founder/cellist of Elaris Duo, with violinist Larisa Elisha.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in helping students find the key that quickly unlocks their potential, for gaining instrumental technical abilities, achieving musical development and maximizing the possibilities for professional successes. Throughout my teaching career, I have worked with a very diverse class of students, from many different countries, traditions, as well as varying backgrounds and experiences. Since every person is unique in physical characteristics and their ways of understanding, I use an individual approach for each student, striving to find the best way information can be received. I use the cello and its repertoire as a doorway for personal growth, discovery and development.
    • Bachelor of Music in Cello Performance - Indiana University Jacob's School of Music
    • Master of Music in Cello Performance - Yale University School of Music
    • Doctor of Musical Arts in Cello Performance - University of Kansas
    Master of Music in Cello Performance - Yale University School of MusicDoctor of Musical Arts in Cello Performance - University of Kansas
    Research Interests
    • String Pedagogy
    • Orchestral Conducting And Repertoire
    • Chamber Music Performance
    Orchestral Conducting and RepertoireChamber Music Performance
    nmalcom@georgiasouthern.eduNancy MalcomNancyMalcomProfessor of Sociology912-478-51681059 Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. Malcom's research and teaching interests focus gender, childhood and sports. Her research uses qualitative methodologies, including interviews, observations, and content analysis.
    • Ph.D., Vanderbilt University (2000)
    Research Interests
    • Gender
    • Childhood
    • Sport
    • Intersections Of Inequality
    childhoodsportintersections of inequalityCenter for Africana Studies, Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
    pthompson@georgiasouthern.eduPamela ThompsonPamelaThompsonClinical Instructor912-344-2788Armstrong Center Suite 25Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Communication Sciences and DisordersPamela Thompson, M.Ed., CCC-Sp is a Speech/Language Pathologist who holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech/Language Pathology from the American Speech/Language/Hearing Association and is licensed to practice in the state of Georgia. Clinical experience includes hospital, skilled nursing facilities, home health, outpatient rehabilitation and private practice.
    • M.Ed. in Speech Pathology from the University of Georgia
    • B.S.Ed. in Speech Pathology from the University of Georgia
    B.S.Ed. in Speech Pathology from the University of GeorgiaRite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    kcomerfo@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kathleen-m-comerford-2Kathleen ComerfordKathleenComerfordProfessor of History912-478-0642Interdisciplinary Academic Building 3002Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryKathleen M. Comerford (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1995) is Professor of History on the Statesboro Campus. She is the author of four monographs and multiple articles and book chapters and is active in professional organizations, including the Sixteenth Century Society, for which she served as president in 2017.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is geared toward getting students' attention and giving them something they will remember, whether it be fact, interpretation, or skill (preferably a combination of the three). Learning history involves the mastery of facts, the ability to place them in context, and the confidence to discuss them. The best learners, whether students or teachers, are those who open their eyes and ears to both the possibilities the world holds and the responsibilities which those possibilities entail. I have believed from the beginning of my career that the more engaged I am with research, colleagues, students, and the community, the better able I am to understand and communicate both the facts of my discipline and my dedication to it.
    • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (1995)
    • M.A., Fordham University (1989)
    • B.A., Fordham University (1988)
    M.A., Fordham University (1989)B.A., Fordham University (1988)
    Research Interests
    • Early Modern Tuscany
    • Women's History
    • History of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
    • History of the Book and of Printing
    Women's HistoryHistory of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)History of the Book and of PrintingCenter for Irish Research & Teaching, Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, University Libraries
    thinchman@georgiasouthern.eduTimothy HinchmanTimothyHinchmanAssistant Professor912-478-0489University Hall, 203Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Timothy Hinchman is a nerd that utilizes his love of comic-books as a framework for his teaching. His research explores creative approaches such as problem-based learning inspired by the 1960s Batman TV show and the use of DC Comics' Legion of Doom to teach scientific concepts. Dr. Hinchman has also investigated the effects of designed constraints on collegiate soccer players, examining how these strategies influence their athletic performance.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that meaningful learning occurs when students are actively engaged in constructing their own understanding. Rooted in constructivist principles, my teaching philosophy emphasizes student-centered pedagogy that fosters curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. I strive to create a dynamic learning environment where students connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications, particularly through a popular culture lens. My goal is to guide learners in becoming reflective practitioners who embrace creativity and innovation as tools for lifelong learning and meaningful contributions to their local communities.
    • Ed.D., University of West Florida, 2019
    • Ed.S, University of West Florida, 2018
    • M.Ed., University of West Florida, 2015
    • M.S., Florida State University, 1996
    • B.S., Florida State University
    Ed.S, University of West Florida, 2018M.Ed., University of West Florida, 2015M.S., Florida State University, 1996B.S., Florida State University
    Research Interests
    • Batman And Other Super-Heroes
    • Creativity And Problem-Solving
    • Science Education
    • Athletic Performance
    • Soccer
    Creativity and Problem-SolvingScience EducationAthletic Performance Soccer
    ggermani@georgiasouthern.eduGina GermaniGina GermaniLecturer912-478-5138Sanford Hall 1012Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsGina Germani is a journalism professional with four decades of experience in broadcast, print, and college journalism. As a lecturer at Georgia Southern, she teaches visual storytelling and multimedia journalism, including live weekly newscasts. She helped develop the MMJ curriculum, focusing on video news learning. Previously, she taught at Imperial Valley College, enhancing student experiences through funding and industry ties. An Emmy-winning journalist, Gina has reported extensively in Tucson, Baltimore, and Cincinnati, earning accolades for historical reporting, enterprise stories, and children's issues. She is active in organizations like NATAS and RTDNA.
    • M.S., Syracuse University, 2008
    • B.A., University of Southern California, 1981
    B.A., University of Southern California, 1981
    ccriss@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=InWSCo0AAAAJCaitlin CrissCaitlinCrissPhD912-478-0446College of Education, 4114Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationCaitlin Criss, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Elementary and Special Education Department. She earned her doctorate degree from the Ohio State University in special education and applied behavior analysis, her masters from National Louis University, and her BA from Ohio State. Prior to earning her doctorate, Caitlin was a middle school and high school special educator and school and district administrator for 9 years. Her research interests include increasing teachers' use of positive-based classroom management practices, performance feedback with technology, and effective reading interventions. This research agenda is developed through a strong relationship with K-12 partnerships, administrators, and teachers.
    • PhD, The Ohio State University, Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis
    • MAT, National Louis University, Special Education
    • BA., The Ohio State University, Special Education
    MAT, National Louis University, Special EducationBA, The Ohio State University, Special Education
    Research Interests
    • Positive-Based Interventions In The Classroom
    • Teacher Training
    • Performance Feedback With Technology
    • Effective Reading Interventions
    Teacher Training Performance Feedback with Technology Effective reading interventions
    nkolbe@georgiasouthern.eduNoriko Mori KolbeNorikoMori KolbeSenior Lecturer912-478-0241Interdisciplinary Academic Building 2061Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesMori-Kolbe, Noriko is a lecturer of Japanese at Georgia Southern University. Her research interests include language, culture and interdisciplinary study.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering an inclusive and engaging learning environment where students are encouraged to think critically and apply their knowledge to real world challenges. I believe in the power of active learning and strive to create a classroom atmosphere that promotes collaboration, curiosity, and continuous growth.
    • Ph.D., The University of Kansas, 2011
    • Master of Music, The University of Kansas, 2003
    Master of Music, The University of Kansas, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Interdisciplinary Study
    • Second Language Acquisition
    • Asian Studies
    • Music Education And Therapy
    • Piano Performance
    Second language acquisitionAsian studiesMusic education and therapy Piano performance
    grich@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/gregg-richGregg RichGreggRichUndergraduate Coordinator, Sport Management Program; Associate Professor912-478-2583Hollis 1119BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDuring his time at Georgia Southern, Dr. Rich has taught 15 different sport management courses, teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level. His primary areas of expertise are sport marketing, endorsement/sponsorship, event management and sales. He has been recognized for his teaching contributions twice, receiving the Waters College of Health Professions Jr. Faculty Teaching Award and the Waters College of Health Professions Sr. Faculty Teaching Award for the 2019-2020 and 2022-2023 academic years respectively. Dr. Rich also serves on several university and departmental committees and received the Waters College of Health Professions Senior Faculty Service Award for the 2023-2024 academic year.
    Teaching Philosophy
    While Dr. Rich desires his students to achieve high marks in the courses he teaches, his focus more on preparing them for career success. This long-term perspective influences his teaching philosophy, which is founded on 1) fostering an environment that is focused on exhibiting proactive, professional accountability and 2) developing critical thinking skills through use of intense, practical application projects. Often, Dr. Rich uses scaffolding techniques--the construction of skill-development through increasingly difficult, yet related, activities--to present material from a conceptual/theoretical state to a practical application.
    • Ph.D., Kinesiology (Area of Sport Management and Policy), University of Georgia, 2017
    • MS., Sport Administration, Ohio University, 2004
    • MBA., Ohio University, 2004
    • BS., Kinesiology (Concentration, Sport Management), James Madison University, 2002
    MS, Sport Administration, Ohio University, 2004MBA, Ohio University, 2004BS, Kinesiology (Concentration, Sport Management), James Madison University, 2002
    Research Interests
    • Sport Sponsorship
    • Endorsement/Nil
    • Fan Experience
    • Student-Athlete Experience
    • Event Management
    Endorsement/NILFan ExperienceStudent-Athlete ExperienceEvent Management
    loribras@georgiasouthern.eduLori BraseltonLoriBraseltonAssistant Professor912-478-5504Math/Physics 3035Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI have been teaching freshman level math course since 1990
    • MS. University of Illinois
    • BA. University of Northern Iowa
    BA University of Northern Iowa
    nmangee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.taskstream.com/ts/mangee/NicholasMangee Nicholas MangeeNicholasMangeeTruist Chair in Money & Banking and Professor of Finance912-478-5617Business Building 3348/Hawes Hall 208GArmstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Army Education CentersParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceNicholas Mangee is the Truist Chair in Money & Banking, Faculty Fellow of Scholar and Student Success, and Professor of Finance in the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University. He is also a research associate for the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) program on Knightian Uncertainty Economics (KUE) for financial markets. Mangee has written a scholarly book, titled How Novelty and Narratives Drive the Stock Market: Black Swans, Animal Spirits and Scapegoats (Cambridge University Press, 2021).
    Teaching Philosophy
    I strive to facilitate students' learning process by integrating real-world issues, theoretical motivations, and data analysis.
    • Ph.D., University Of New Hampshire, 2011
    • Certificate, Advanced Macroeconometrics, University Of Copenhagen, 2012
    • B.A., St. Lawrence University, 2006
    Certificate, Advanced Macroeconometrics, University Of Copenhagen, 2012B.A., St. Lawrence University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Stock Market Narratives
    • Behavioral Finance
    • Textual News Analytics
    • Knightian Uncertainty
    • Financial Time Series
    Behavioral FinanceTextual News AnalyticsKnightian UncertaintyFinancial Time Series
    bmentch@georgiasouthern.eduBahar MentchBaharMentchDr.Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDoctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Curriculum Studies with a concentration in Chemistry Education. Proficient in addressing the needs of diverse student populations and contributing to the success of all students. Utilize technology to facilitate learning, access data, maintain records, generate reports, and communicate. Recognized for a high degree of professionalism and superb oral / written skills. Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint); fluent in English and Turkish, with intermediate Arabic skills.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, I aim to inspire and empower students to think critically, engage with content, and apply learning to real-world situations. Education should be an interactive process, with students actively involved in their journey. I am committed to creating an inclusive, student-centered environment that fosters curiosity, collaboration, and lifelong learning. Building strong, respectful relationships with students is central to my teaching approach, ensuring they feel valued, motivated, and supported.
    • Doctor of Education (EdD) in Curriculum Studies Institution: Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA Major: Curriculum Studies Concentration: Chemistry Education Graduated: 13 December 2024 GPA: 3.95
    • Master of Science in Chemistry Teaching Institution: Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey Graduated: 2007
    • Master of Science in Biochemistry Institution: Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey Graduated: 2006
    • Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Institution: Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey Graduated: 2004
    Master of Science in Chemistry Teaching Institution: Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey Graduated: 2007Master of Science in Biochemistry Institution: Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey Graduated: 2006Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Institution: Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey Graduated: 2004
    shall@georgiasouthern.eduStacey HallStaceyHallPart-time Instructor912-508-4227onlineStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentI am proud to be a Triple Eagle! I am a School Library Media Specialist in Columbia County, Georgia, and a part-time instructor for Georgia Southern University. I am a lifelong learner with a passion for promoting reading and computer science skills to children. I also enjoy sharing my knowledge and expertise with adults to assist them in strengthening their instructional design skills.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Students deserve to be stimulated and motivated to learn. Each learner should be exposed to a variety of appropriate content designed to meet their individual learning needs, and provided with meaningful opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the material.
    • Ed.S., Instructional Technology, Georgia Southern University, May 2024
    • Computer Science and ESOL Endorsements, Georgia Southern University, December 2024
    • Online Teaching Endorsement, Georgia Southern University, May 2024
    • Ed.M., School Library Media, Georgia Southern University, May, 2009
    • B.S., Communication Arts, Georgia Southern University, June 1994
    Computer Science and ESOL Endorsements, Georgia Southern University, December 2024Online Teaching Endorsement, Georgia Southern University, May 2024Ed.M., School Library Media, Georgia Southern University, May, 2009B.S., Communication Arts, Georgia Southern University, June 1994
    Research Interests
    • Computer Science Education
    • English Language Learners
    • Online Teaching, Elearning
    • Instructional Design
    • School Library Media
    English Language LearnersOnline Teaching, eLearningInstructional DesignSchool Library Media
    nlewis@georgiasouthern.eduNikiya LewisNikiyaLewisAssociate Professor and Traditional BSN Program Director, Statesboro Campus912-478-5242Nursing/Chemistry Building, Office 2002FStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Nikiya Lewis is a tenured Associate Professor and the Traditional BSN Program Director for Statesboro campus. She has over 18 years of clinical nursing experience with over 13 years as a family nurse practitioner in obstetrics and gynecology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is grounded in a commitment to student success, belief in each student’s potential, and fostering a supportive, student-centered environment. I strive to prepare students as competent nurses and leaders, using intrinsic motivation to inspire learning while recognizing the impact of their unique backgrounds and values.
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    • Master of Science in Nursing (Family Nurse Practitioner), Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2006
    Master of Science in Nursing (Family Nurse Practitioner), Georgia Southern University, 2011Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Nursing Student Success
    • Maternal Mental Health
    • Maternal Morbidity And Mortality
    • Women'S Health
    Maternal Mental HealthMaternal Morbidity and MortalityWomen's Health
    lcsmith@georgiasouthern.eduLeslie Smith Leslie Smith LTG US Army Retired Visiting Professor703-967-5884College of BusinessArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessVisiting Leadership ProfessorEducation and Academic Qualifications: MA and MS: Central Michigan University and the National War College 1997 and 2005Research Interests: Preparing the next generation of leaders for success today. Implementing 35 years of experience at the strategic levels of the US Government and military to business, civic and academic communities.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Engaged leadership style
    • LTG US Army retired, the Army Inspector General
    sklim@georgiasouthern.eduSungkyun LimSungkyunLimProfessor of Electrical and Computer Engineering912-478-2265IT Building Room 1309Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Lim’s research interests are in the analysis and design of antennas and RF propagation. He demonstrated a closely spaced, compact parasitic array, an electrically small supergain array, and digital twin propagation modeling in various environments such as houses, buildings, and airfields. He has also expanded into applications such as RFID, wireless energy harvest, wireless power transfer, vehicular communication, cyber security, wireless sensors, metamaterials, GPS/GNSS, mobile phone antennas, optimization methods, electronic warfare, radars, and biomedical applications. He has published more than 100 journal and conference papers, and participated as P.I. or Co-P.I. in many research projects for federal agencies and industries.
    Teaching Philosophy
    It is my belief that a teacher’s task involves more than the simple transfer of information from one head to another. Instead, a teacher should inspire—both by word and example—his or her students to be creative, enthusiastic, and curious in their pursuit of knowledge. I’m acutely aware that the discoveries and realizations made in the interaction with students have long-term effects on life and career choices. The instructor must be emotionally and intellectually accessible to the students. Such accessibility fosters productive interaction between instructor and students. Dynamic and ongoing interaction increases opportunities to stimulate student imagination, creativeness, and motivation.
    • The University of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. 2007
    • The University of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, M.S. 2004
    • Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S. 1999
    • Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Mathematics, B.S. 1999
    The University of Texas at Austin, Electrical and Computer Engineering, M.S. 2004Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Electrical and Computer Engineering, B.S. 1999Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Mathematics, B.S. 1999
    Research Interests
    • Analysis And Design Of Antennas For Wireless Communications
    • Electrically Small Antennas
    • Propagation Modeling
    • Wireless Energy Harvest
    • Radars
    Electrically small antennasPropagation modelingWireless energy harvestRadarsAntennas and Wireless Propagation Laboratory
    mrahman@georgiasouthern.eduMOSFEQUR RAHMANMOSFEQURRAHMANProfessor of Mechanical Engineering912-478-5004Engineering Building, Room 2126Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Mosfequr Rahman has a BS and two MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD from the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa in 2005. He has over 22 years of teaching and over 25 years of research experiences. He has published over 28 journal papers and 100 conference papers. He received the Georgia Southern University Excellence in Service Award 2018 – 2019. He also has received the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing (PCEC) Faculty Award of Excellence in Scholarship in 2020 – 2021, College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT) Faculty Award of Excellence in Service in 2016 – 2017, and CEIT Faculty Award of Excellence in Teaching in 2015 – 2016.
    Teaching Philosophy
    A teaching philosophy cannot be a dogmatic statement to which one would stick, but rather a developmental tool that one must review and perfect through one’s teaching career. Therefore, my teaching philosophy involves commitment to continuous improvement as a teacher, in class planning and organizing, and to the use of different teaching techniques for different classes. In my relationship with students, I believe in in-class and outside-the-classroom support, in two-way communication, and in trusting on students' responsibility. With respect to my faculty colleagues, I believe in close cooperation and support within faculty to improve my teaching skills.
    • Ph.D., The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 2005
    • MS. in ESM, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 2002
    • MS. in ME, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1999
    • BS. in ME, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1997
    MS in ESM, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, 2002MS in ME, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1999BS in ME, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 1997
    Research Interests
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Wind Energy
    • Experimental And Computational Fluid Mechanics
    • Nanofluids
    • Experimental And Computational Solid Mechanics Using Finite Element Technique
    Wind EnergyExperimental and Computational Fluid MechanicsNanofluidsExperimental and Computational Solid Mechanics using Finite Element TechniqueMechanical Engineering Lab, Subsonic Wind Tunnel and Wind Energy (SWT-WE) Laboratory
    jmarrero@gerogiasouthern.eduJane MarreroJaneMarreroProfessor912-478-53963030 Foy BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicJane Redding-Marrero has enjoyed debut and return engagements with Nashville Opera, Opera San Antonio, New Orleans Opera, Des Moines Metro Opera, Pensacola Opera, Nevada Opera, Mobile Opera, Opera Southwest,Chautauqua Opera, Knoxville Opera, Virginia Opera, Opera Grand Rapids, Opera Naples, and New York’s Kaye Playhouse. Performances in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, Ms. Redding-Marrero has appeared in concert with the Kennedy Center’s National Symphony Orchestra, Hartford Symphony, Savannah Philharmonic, Pensacola Symphony, Spokane Symphony,Charleston Symphony, Buffalo Philharmonic, Virginia Symphony, Louisiana Philharmonic, Baton Rouge Symphony, Shreveport Symphony, Jacksonville Symphony, and the Fort Worth Symphony.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Preparing students for a career in which they can thrive, grow and invest in their families and communities.
    • University of Mississippi- Bachelor of Music
    • Louisiana State University- Master of Music
    • Louisiana State University- Doctor of Musical Arts
    Louisiana State University- Master of MusicLouisiana State University- Doctor of Musical Arts
    ggearhart@georgiasouthern.eduGrant GearhartGrantGearhartAssociate Professor912-344-2703Gamble Hall 205Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesGrant Gearhart is Associate Professor of Spanish at the Georgia Southern Armstrong Campus in Savannah and the Coordinator of Experiential Learning for the Department of World Languages and Cultures. His scholarship focuses on medieval and early modern culture, and he specializes in chivalry, sport, warfare, and masculinity. Additionally, he presents and publishes on various topics related to language pedagogy. His work has appeared in journals such as La corónica, Romance Notes, Letras Hispanas, The Journal of Popular Culture, The Language Educator, and Hispanic Journal. He teaches courses related to language pedagogy, Spanish for the Professions, and courses about medieval and renaissance Spain.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an award-winning educator with over 20 years of experience, my teaching emphasizes innovation, student success, and career readiness. I integrate high-impact practices such as transmedia storytelling, service learning, and international collaboration, fostering critical thinking, inclusivity, and global competence. My courses are accessible, technology-enhanced, and rooted in comprehensible input to create engaging environments where students thrive. By blending practical skills with language acquisition, I prepare students for real-world challenges while advancing the field of language education.
    • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015
    • MA., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009
    • BA., Sewanee: The University of the South, 2003
    • BA., Sewanee: The University of the South, 2002
    MA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009BA, Sewanee: The University of the South, 2003BA, Sewanee: The University of the South, 2002
    Research Interests
    • Medieval Spanish Chivalry And Masculinity
    • Experiential/Service-Learning
    • Spanish Pedagogy & Practices
    • Technology And Language Teaching
    experiential/service-learningSpanish pedagogy & practicestechnology and language teaching
    damarie@georgiasouthern.eduwww.linkedin.com/in/dragosamarieDragos AmarieDragosAmarieAssociate Professor 912-478-1149Math/Physics Building, Room 2008Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsProfessional with over 10 years of diverse experience in scientific research, teaching, technology transfer, intellectual property evaluation, and patent preparation.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching approach is student-oriented and based on a flipped learning style. It combines active, cooperative, inquiry-based learning with techniques such as think-pair-share and problem-solving. This approach is designed to work in harmony with our department's flexible, interactive, and engaging studio setting.
    • PhD in Physics from Indiana University-Bloomington, Bloomington, Indiana, US (2009)
    Research Interests
    • My Research Group Designs, Develops, And Study Microfluidic Devices To Be Used In Live Cell Migration Experiments.
    • We Will Soon Engage In Developing Micron-Sized Optical Biosensors Capable Of Monitoring, In Real Time, Biomolecular Interactions.
    We will soon engage in developing micron-sized optical biosensors capable of monitoring, in real time, biomolecular interactions.Center for Advanced Materials Science
    bakins@georgiasouthern.eduBecki AkinsBeckiAkinsBusiness Manager912-478-5680Botanic Garden Admin OfficeStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsBotanic Garden
    • BA., Georgia Southern University, 2013
    Botanic Garden
    dbgatch@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/delena-bell-gatch-2Delena Bell GatchDelena BellGatchAssociate Vice President912-478-7354Brannen HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Delena Bell Gatch received her BS in Physics from Georgia Southern University (1995) and her PhD in Physics from the University of Georgia (2000). Initially, she specialized in experimental condensed matter physics. Her research ventures have included the study of the properties of powder phosphors for flat panel displays, the development of infrared detection schemes utilizing visible emission from crystals, and the investigation of the shifts in energy levels of crystals due to the application of hydrostatic pressure.After joining the faculty at Georgia Southern, she developed a strong interest in Physics Education Research. Currently she serves as the Associate Vice President of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Delivering information in the classroom and evaluating student achievement are necessary, superficial acts of teaching which most teachers can perform. But, the outstanding teacher knows the value of developing a fertile learning environment in which students can be held to high academic expectations. I have found the most difficult task in teaching physics classes is creating a fertile learning environment. The initial difficulty many students have with physics is primarily a psychological one. I find it necessary to remain sensitive to the fact many students view physics as a hard subject, while at the same time conveying to students I have high expectations and require them to take responsibility for their achievements.
    • PhD in Physics, University of Georgia, December 2000
    • B.S. in Physics (Summa Cum Laude), Georgia Southern University, December 1995
    B.S. in Physics (Summa Cum Laude), Georgia Southern University, December 1995
    ccollins@georgiasouthern.eduCaroline JamesCarolineJamesGraduate Admissions Coordinator912-478-8900Veazey HallStatesboro CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesOffice of Graduate Admissions
    akonkle@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/amanda-konkle-2Amanda KonkleAmandaKonkleAssociate Professor912-344-2625Gamble Hall 131Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishAmanda Konkle, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Film Studies and English at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia. She is the author of Some Kind of Mirror: Creating Marilyn Monroe (Rutgers UP, 2019) and the article “Marilyn Monroe” in Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies (Oxford UP, 2023). Konkle coedited the collection Perspectives on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Nuanced Postnetwork Television (Syracuse UP, 2021, with Charles Burnetts). In addition, Konkle has published articles in the Quarterly Review of Film and Video, Journal of Popular Culture, Feminist Encounters, and Comparative American Studies. Konkle is currently the President of the Literature/Film Association.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Professor Konkle strives to help students think and articulate their thoughts through analysis, discussion, and evidence-based argumentation.
    • Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2016
    • M.A., Miami University of Ohio, 2008
    • B.A., Hanover College, 2004
    M.A., Miami University of Ohio, 2008B.A., Hanover College, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Film Studies
    • Gender Studies
    • Television Studies
    • Stardom, Celebrity, And Performance
    • Classical Hollywood
    gender studiestelevision studiesstardom, celebrity, and performanceclassical Hollywood
    bjackson@georgiasouthern.eduBenjamin JacksonBenjaminJacksonVisiting Instructor of English912-344-2729Gamble 240 (Armstrong), Newton 2218D (Statesboro)Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishBen Jackson is a writer, ghostwriter, and educator whose work has appeared in The Boston Globe, Consequences, Literary Traveler, WBUR's Cognoscenti, The Horror Tree, The Penmen Review, Variety, Page Turner Magazine, and other venues.
    • M.F.A. Creative Writing, Emerson College, 2023
    • B.A. Creative Writing and English, Southern New Hampshire University, 2020
    B.A. Creative Writing and English, Southern New Hampshire University, 2020
    Research Interests
    • Disinformation Literacy
    • Trauma And Creative Writing
    Trauma and Creative Writing
    aflatt@georgiasouthern.eduAndrew FlattAndrewFlattAssociate Professor 912-344-3013University Hall 154MArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Andrew Flatt earned his Ph.D. in Human Performance from the University of Alabama and specializes in cardiovascular and autonomic responses to exercise and lifestyle interventions, with a focus on heart rate variability and arterial stiffness. A tenured Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University, Dr. Flatt also serves as the Sports Medicine Graduate Program Coordinator. He is actively involved in mentoring graduate students and contributes to various professional organizations, including the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
    • Ph.D. in Human Performance from the University of Alabama
    Research Interests
    • Cardiovascular And Autonomic Responses To Acute And Chronic Exercise
    • Heart Rate Variability (Hrv) In Health And Disease
    • Recovery Status Monitoring
    • Wearable Technology
    • Sports Science
    Heart rate variability (HRV) in health and diseaseRecovery status monitoringWearable technology Sports ScienceBiodynamics and Human Performance Center
    abrigdon@georgiasouthern.eduAshley BrigdonAshleyBrigdonFNP-C912-713-6588Ashmore Hall room 247Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingAshley Brigdon is a Lecturer at the Armstrong Campus of GSU. Prior to teaching, she worked as a Family Nurse Practitioner at a busy surgical practice. She enjoys playing tennis, boating, and hanging out with her husband and two children.
    • MSN, FNP-C
    koneal@georgiasouthern.eduKathryn O'NealKathryn O'NealLibrary Assistant-Institutional Repository Services912-478-2544Lane Library-207Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    • MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2020
    lcross@georgiasouthern.eduLydia CrossLydiaCrossDirector of Assessment and Graduate Academic Services912-478-8659College of Education, 3166-CStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationSee next questionDr. Lydia Cross has worked at Georgia Southern University since 2007, beginning her career in Residence Life and Housing and in Academic Affairs (the College of Education) since 2009. She earned her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership - Higher Education in 2017 and is a double eagle.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Lydia Cross is responsible for daily management and oversight of the College of Education's Graduate Academic Services Center and the college's assessment and accreditation activities, including reporting to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Dr. Cross also oversees the college's annual U.S. News & World Report surveys. Dr. Cross is also a trained lead accreditation site reviewer for the GaPSC and CAEP.
    • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2006
    • B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004
    M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2006B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2004Graduate Academic Services Center (GASC)-Graduate Advisement
    astallons@georgiasouthern.eduAbbegayle StallonsAbbegayle StallonsBIG Outreach Coordinator912-478-057558 East Main St, Statesboro GAStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Finance, Department of MarketingBachelor of Science in Public Relations, Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • BS. IN
    Business Innovation Group (BIG)
    mpeterman@georgiasouthern.eduMcKenzie PetermanMcKenziePetermanAssociate Director of Career Development & Instruction912-478-5197Student Success Complex (A) & Williams Center (S)Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusOffice of Career & Professional DevelopmentCareer DevelopmentDr. McKenzie Peterman is the Associate Director of Career Development and Instruction. She has been in higher education for 16 years with combined experiences at both Georgia Southern University and Armstrong State University. In her experiences, she has worked in diverse roles in both undergraduate and graduate admissions, academic advising, and multicultural affairs all intending to support students and cultivate their success. She has also facilitated FYE 1220-First Year Seminar and GSU 2132-Senior Seminar.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is committed to fostering student success, intellectual growth, and lifelong learning. My background in academic advising with the combined experiences of teaching first-year and senior seminars have provided me with a holistic understanding of student's journeys from their early beginning in post-secondary education to their final preparations for their post-graduate experiences. I believe that effective teaching begins with understanding and valuing each student as an individual. My goal in teaching is to create learning environments that are inclusive, engaging, and supportive where students feel empowered to contribute and grow.
    • Ed.D, University of West Georgia
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University
    • BS., Georgia Southern University
    M.Ed., Georgia Southern UniversityBS, Georgia Southern University
    Research Interests
    • Identity Development
    • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
    • Access To Hed
    • Hed Leadership
    Culturally responsive pedagogyAccess to HEDHED LeadershipOffice of Career & Professional Development
    tyancey@georgiasouthern.eduC. Thresa YanceyC. ThresaYanceyProfessor of Psychology912-478-7232Brannen 2030Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Yancey serves as the Director of Clinical Training (DCT) for the APA-accredited PsyD program. Her research interests include child maltreatment (particularly childhood sexual abuse), the impacts of labeling and stigma on marginalized populations, and child/pediatric behavioral and emotional difficulties. Clinically, she is trained in general and child clinical psychology and the use of culturally informed empirically supported treatments. She is a licensed psychologist in the state of Georgia.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I hope to leave my students with a desire to find out even more about the topic than what is presented in class or through readings. I want them to develop as critical thinkers. I am enthusiastic about psychology and hope to not only convey that to my students, but also foster life-long learning about psychology and a true passion for the subject. I want my students to enjoy coming to class and to attend due to a desire to learn more about the subject. I like to use the time during class to delve deeper, including using in-class assignments, examples, group work, etc. to move them toward a deeper understanding and allow them to begin thinking critically on the topic.
    • Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, University of Nebraska, 2006
    • M.A. Clinical Psychology, University of Nebraska, 2002
    • B.S. Psychology, University of Alabama, 1999
    M.A. Clinical Psychology, University of Nebraska, 2002B.S. Psychology, University of Alabama, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Child Maltreatment
    • Stigma/Labeling
    • Underserved Populations
    • Child Emotional/Behavioral Difficulties
    Stigma/LabelingUnderserved populationsChild emotional/behavioral difficulties
    staylor@georgiasouthern.eduShawn Wheeler-TaylorShawnWheeler-TaylorAdministrative Assistant III912-478-5494Veazey Hall, Suite 3000Statesboro CampusDivision of Academic AffairsOffice of Research and Economic Development (ORED)BA from GSU with over 20 years of experience working at GSU
    haltman@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/heidi-m-altman-2Heidi AltmanHeidiAltmanAssociate Professor 912-478-57232271C Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyHeidi Altman, Ph.D., is an applied cultural and linguistic anthropologist with degrees in writing and anthropology from Florida State University and the University of California Davis. With over twenty years of experience in community-based participatory research, Altman practice is focused on documenting how communities understand their own environments, health and wellness, and lived experiences and applying these perspectives to a range of projects that facilitate culturally adapted solutions. Through The Georgia Moms Project, Altman employs a mixed methods approach to amplifying the experiences of people who have given birth in Georgia, which is ranked among the worst states for maternal mortality.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in meeting students where they are, engaging them with activities and involving them in research and service projects at every opportunity.
    • Ph.D., University of California Davis (2002)
    • M.A. Anthropology, Florida State University (1996)
    • M.A. English, Florida State University (1990)
    • B.A. English, Florida State University (1987)
    M.A. Anthropology, Florida State University (1996)M.A. English, Florida State University (1990)B.A. English, Florida State University (1987)
    Research Interests
    • Language And Culture
    • Health Disparities & Personal Experiences
    • Native American Cultures
    • African American Cultures
    • Applied Anthropology
    Health Disparities & personal experiencesNative American CulturesAfrican American CulturesApplied Anthropology
    amichaud@georgiasouthern.eduAndrew MichaudAndrewMichaudLab Supervisor586-9-1061 ERBStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringCNC Machining, Fine Carpentry, Electronics & Gadgets
    Teaching Philosophy
    Socratic Method
    • AS Electronics
    • AAS Carpentry
    • AS Machine Tool Technology
    • CNC Specialist Cert
    • Tool & Die Maker Cert
    AAS CarpentryAS Machine Tool TechnologyCNC Specialist CertTool & Die Maker Cert
    Research Interests
    • Manufacturing Processes
    agross@georgiasouthern.eduAlan GrossAlanGrossStatesboro Business Recruiter912-478-8542City Campus, Downtown StatesboroStatesboro CampusBusiness Innovation GroupInnovation and Commercialization
    • BBA, Georgia Southern University, 1999
    kmbrinson@georgiasouthern.eduKrista BrielKristaBrielDirector of Foundation Accounting912-478-5121Veazey Hall, Room 3015Statesboro CampusNot applicableOffice of Research Services and Sponsored Programs
    lcarmichael@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lisandra-r-carmichael-2Lisandra "Lisa" CarmichaelLisandra "Lisa" CarmichaelDean of University Libraries 912-478-5115Henderson Library Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesLisandra ‘Lisa’ R. Carmichael is the Dean of University Libraries at Georgia Southern University. After receiving her BA at the University of Puerto Rico, she was commissioned in the Unites States Air Force and served 10 years of military service. She received her master’s degree in Library Sciences and Learning Technologies from the University of Missouri - Columbia, and her doctoral degree in Information Studies from Florida State University. Her career includes over 28 years at four institutions in higher education. She has successfully completed the Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute, and the Institute for Academic Leadership, Department Chairs Workshop.
    • PhD - Information Studies
    Research Interests
    • Succession Planning In Academic Libraries
    • Academic Library Spaces And Design
    Academic Library Spaces and Design
    jjbryant@georgiasouthern.eduJakita Bryant (Taylor)Jakita Bryant (Taylor)Administrative Assistant III912-478-1763Veazey Bldg: Room 1004AStatesboro CampusDivision of Academic Affairs.Division of Academic Affairs.Jakita serves as the Administrative Assistant III in the Division of Academic Affairs. She performs a variety of routine, complex, administrative duties to support faculty and staff by way of standard clerical duties.
    • Interdisciplinary Bachelors Degree
    • Masters of Higher Education 8/1/24-
    Masters of Higher Education 8/1/24-Division of Academic Affairs.
    strussell@georgiasouthern.eduSteve TrussellSteveTrussellBusiness Consultant478-919-7425City CampusStatesboro CampusResearchBusiness Innovation GroupBusiness consultant with 30 years of global experience in supply chain, sourcing and procurement, retail, product development and manufacturing.
    • MBA., Bellarmine University, 2001
    • BSBA, University of Louisville, 1989
    BSBA, University of Louisville, 1989Business Innovation Group (BIG)
    schiggins@georgiasouthern.eduSheronda HigginsSheronda HigginsLecturer912-344-2892Ashmore Hall 145Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceRadiographer Lecturer with 13 years of experience in teaching didactic and clinical radiography courses. Graduated from Armstrong Atlantic State University with a Master of Education in Adult Education and Community Leadership and Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences. Certified in Radiography, Bone Densitometry, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Research Interests are with new technology advances in the Radiologic Sciences in utilizing two or more modalities.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is that teaching should be interactive, creative, and student centered. Students role play for positioning procedures and projections. One student is the radiologic technologist and the other student is the patient. Having the students role play gives them the opportunity of experiencing how a living patient may react when faced with certain situations. Students also learn how to use the radiographic equipment while also providing patient care. Having students role play gives me the opportunity to guide students through the process of how to deal with those situations.
    • Master of Education in Adult Education and Community Leadership
    • Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Science
    • Radiography Certification
    • Bone Densitometry Certification
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging Certification
    Bachelor of Science in Radiologic ScienceRadiography CertificationBone Densitometry CertificationMagnetic Resonance Imaging Certification
    Research Interests
    • Research Interests Are With New Technology Advances In The Radiologic Sciences In Utilizing Two Or More Modalities.
    kdemelogaldino@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=M7vIvykAAAAJ&hl=enKatia GaldinoKatiaGaldinoAssociate Professor of Management912-478-7215Parker College of Business # 1126Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementKatia Galdino is an associate professor in the Department of Management at Georgia Southern University. Her research mostly analyzes strategic decisions of firms, such as internationalization, and the distinct strategic behaviors of firms from developing versus developed countries. Her scholarly contributions have appeared in journals such as Small Business Economics, International Small Business Journal, International Marketing Review, and European Management Journal. Galdino teaches strategic management, international business, and entrepreneurship at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Before her transition into academia, Galdino gained practical experience in international finance as well as import and export operations.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a management, and more specifically, a strategy scholar, my teaching revolves around enabling students to (1) understand the organization as a whole, (2) use data to inform their arguments, (3) appreciate the application of research to strategic decision-making, (4) stay informed about current topics and issues in the business world, and (5) practice and improve communication skills. These five pillars can help students make more informed decisions throughout their careers, not only when finding and starting their first job but also when moving into leadership positions. I seek to pursue these five pillars through a combination of activities and by incorporating research into my teaching.
    • PhD, Florida State University, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Foreign Market Entry Strategies
    • International Entrepreneurship
    • Emerging Markets
    International EntrepreneurshipEmerging Markets
    joyner@georgiasouthern.eduBarry JoynerBarryJoynerProfessor912-478-7014Hollis 1104BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI have been a faculty member at Georgia Southern University since 1992. I was promoted to Associate Professor in 1998 and to Professor in 2005. I served as Chair of the Department of Health and Kinesiology from 2005 to 20012 and as Dean of the now Waters College of Health Professions from 2012 to 2022. I have been an author on more than 50 refereed publications and numerous regional, national and international presentations. My primary teaching responsibilities include research methods to both undergraduate and graduate students and data analysis to graduate students.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1992
    • M.Ed., Auburn University, 1986
    • B.S.Ed., Georgia Southern College, 1985
    M.Ed., Auburn University, 1986B.S.Ed., Georgia Southern College, 1985
    rduncan@georgiasouthern.eduRain DuncanRainDuncanCirculation Associate912-344-2967Lane LibraryArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    aduffus@georgiasouthern.eduAlivia DuffusAliviaDuffusAdministrative Assistant912-478-8885 CPE bldg. 301Statesboro CampusDivision of Continuing and Professional Education
    estehr@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/eryn-m-maher Eryn Michelle MaherEryn MichelleMaherAssociate Professor912-478-57062303 Math/Physics Bldg StatesboroStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Maher joined Georgia Southern University in 2017 as a mathematics educator specializing in K-8 teacher preparation. Her passion lies in fostering mathematical creativity, critical thinking, and real-world application among undergraduate students. Dr. Maher's teaching approach emphasizes inclusive strategies to support diverse learners, addressing math anxiety, and building strong mathematical identities. Her research focuses on developing self-reliant math learners, effective use of language and technology in instruction, incorporating authentic contexts in problem-solving, and promoting diversity in mathematics education.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am dedicated to fostering mathematical creativity, critical thinking, and connection-making in future K-8 teachers. Recognizing that many students enter with math anxiety and past trauma, I create an inclusive environment that validates struggle as part of learning. My approach integrates study skills, growth mindset development, multiple representations of concepts, and technology. I emphasize connecting mathematics to students' lived experiences and real-world applications. My teaching strategies focus on helping students understand not just mathematical concepts, but the specialized knowledge needed to teach them effectively, including analyzing student thinking and misconceptions.
    • Ph.D. Mathematics Education, Michigan State University, 2017
    • M.A. Mathematics, Minnesota State University, 2007
    M.A. Mathematics, Minnesota State University, 2007
    Research Interests
    • Self-Reliant Learning
    • Educational Technology
    • Real-World Mathematics
    • Inclusive Instruction
    • Teacher Preparation
    Educational technologyReal-world mathematicsInclusive instructionTeacher preparation
    jdjones@georgiasouthern.eduJoshua JonesJoshuaJonesGarden Manager912-479-58881201 Fair RoadStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsJosh began his association with the Botanic Garden at Georgia Southern University as a student employee where he discovered his passion for botany and landscape design. He completed his B.S. in Biology in 2013 with a focus in botany. After graduation, he worked as the Outdoor Manager for a large garden center in Savannah, GA.He soon returned to the Botanic Garden at Georgia Southern University in August, 2014 as the Student Manager. In a few years, he was promoted to Horticultural Manager and recently to Garden Manager.He has been an ISA certified arborist since 2017 . In his free time, he enjoys kayaking, fishing, botanizing, landscape design, and testing species’ parameters in a botanical setting.
    • B.S. Biology
    • I.S.A. Certified Arborist
    I.S.A. Certified Arborist
    Research Interests
    • Plant Pathology
    • Sociology
    • Student Engagement
    Sociology Student Engagement
    ktharp@georgiasouthern.eduKelly TharpKellyTharpInstructor912-478-7564COE 2116Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingI have been teaching courses in the Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading since 2008. Previously, I was an elementary school principal and a middle school assistant principal; I started my career in education as an 8th grade English teacher. I have been married since 1997 to Brent, the Director of the Museum at Georgia Southern, and we have a daughter, Emma.
    • Masters in P-12 Leadership; UNC Greensboro, 1999
    • Masters of Secondary English Education; College of William & Mary, 1991
    • BA. in English & American Literature; Harvard University, 1987
    Masters of Secondary English Education; College of William & Mary, 1991BA in English & American Literature; Harvard University, 1987
    dgambacorta@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel GambacortaDanielGambacortaLecturer912-344-3278Science Center 203Armstrong Campus, Liberty CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyI am a psychology professor at Georgia Southern University. My published work focuses on social status, philosophy of science, emotion, and evolutionary approaches to human behavior.
    • PhD, New Mexico State University, 2015
    • MA., New Mexico State University, 2011
    • BA., State University of New York at New Paltz, 2009
    MA, New Mexico State University, 2011BA, State University of New York at New Paltz, 2009
    jinwookim@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/jin-woo-kim-00925133/Jin-Woo KimJin-WooKimAssociate Professor912-478-7564Parker College of Business, Room 1131Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingI am an associate professor of marketing in the Department of Marketing at Georgia Southern University. I received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Arlington, holding my MBA and BBA in business administration from Business School of Sogang University, Korea.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am a motivated marketing educator who inspires students to think critically and solve problems with their competencies and positive attitude. Communicating and engaging with the students is my priority as a professor. Kim teaches principles of marketing, principles of advertising, services marketing and global marketing at the undergraduate and graduate level. In 2021 and 2023, he was selected by SAAC (Student-Athlete Advisory Committee) as Professor of the Year. He received the W. A. and Emma Lou Crider Award for Excellence in Teaching in May 2022. Additionally, he was a finalist of Professor of the Year (Georgia Southern University, 2018) and received the T.J. Morris Jr. Faculty Award (2014).
    • Ph.D., The University Of Texas At Arlington, TX
    • MA., Sogang University, South Korea
    • BBA, Sogang University, South Korea
    MA, Sogang University, South KoreaBBA, Sogang University, South Korea
    Research Interests
    • Marketing Strategy
    • Advertising Effectiveness
    • Marketing-Finance Interface
    Advertising EffectivenessMarketing-Finance Interface
    pbishop@georgiasouthern.eduPatricia BishopPatriciaBishopAdministrative Assistant912-478-1121Hanner 2320BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI am a Georgia Southern alumna and have worked for the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology since 2015.
    • B.S. Family and Consumer Sciences
    mdunn@georgiasouthern.eduMorgan DunnMorganDunnGarden Educator912-478-1149Botanic GardenStatesboro CampusDivision of Academic Affairs, Centers and InstitutesDivision of Academic Affairs, Centers and Institutes
    • M.S., Utah State University, 2023
    • B.S., North Carolina State University, 2015
    B.S., North Carolina State University, 2015
    Research Interests
    • Pollination
    • Plant-Insect Interactions
    Plant-Insect InteractionsBotanic Garden
    lacostello@georgiasiuthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lisa-a-costello-2Lisa A. CostelloLisa A.CostelloProfessor912-478-5561Newton 2221D and IAB 2008Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishLisa A. Costello is a Professor of English and the Director (Statesboro) of the Center for Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Georgia Southern University. Her research focuses on Memory and the Holocaust, Rhetoric, and Gender. Recent publications include the monograph, American Public Memory and the Holocaust: Performing Gender, Shifting Orientations (2019) and articles such as “Higher Education and the Precarity of WGSS” in Feminist Formations (2023), and “Gender in the Archive: The Dialogic Potential of Public Memory in the Outtakes from Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah.” (2024)
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching is “rooted in hopefulness” where, “learning is possible [and[ nothing can keep an open mind from seeking after knowledge" (bell hooks). I create rigor and an active learning environment with lectures, flipped learning, and class discussions. Both in F2F and online I foster dialogue through engaging assignments (written and multimodal), discussions, and readings, and oral presentations. English aids lifelong learning and improves overall communication and problem-solving strategies in the workplace. Through sequenced assignments, students apply skills that stress research, writing, revision, and collaboration. Student success means students become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and active participants in the global community.
    • Ph.D. Louisiana State University, May 2007
    • M.A. California State University Long Beach, May 2002
    • B.A. California State University Long Beach, August 1993
    M.A. California State University Long Beach, May 2002B.A. California State University Long Beach, August 1993
    Research Interests
    • Rhetoric And Composition
    • Holocaust Public Memory
    • Gender
    • Wgss Administration
    • Cultural And Memory Studies
    Holocaust Public MemoryGender WGSS AdministrationCultural and Memory Studies Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
    ktankersley@georgiasouthern.eduKelly TankersleyKellyTankersleyAdjunct faculty912-478-5091College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingI am a dedicated professional with 27 years of teaching experience in special education in the public school system. I am currently serving as a compliance specialist for two elementary schools, supporting special education teachers in the classroom with curriculum, best teaching practices, and in the writing/implementation of IEPs that are compliant. In addition to working in public schools, I have been an educator at Georgia Southern University for 19 years.
    • M.Ed. Georgia Southern University
    • B.Ed. Georgia Southern University
    B.Ed. Georgia Southern University
    cpell@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/cj-pellC.J. PellC.J.PellPostdoctoral Research Associate912-478-0848Biological Sciences Rm 2260Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI was born in California but have lived and worked from coast to coast. However, most of my time has been in the Southeast. In addition to my educational background, I also worked for the US Forest Service at the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit as a plant science technician and later as a field crew lead. My research interests are in forest ecophysiology and understanding the mechanisms that control the phenomena we observe across the cell, plant, and ecosystem scale. My goal in research is to provide more than just additional scientific knowledge. My goal is to conduct research that is impactful at the local level, scalable, and useful for those who need it.
    Teaching Philosophy
    An educator’s duty is to foster a learning environment that encourages questioning and to equip students with the ability to integrate knowledge from across disciplines to answer those questions. If a student walks away from a course and does not retain the specific minutia and jargon, that does not constitute a failure for either the student or the teacher. Instead, success is if a student leaves with the ability to question, to know how to learn, and how to critically think.
    • Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 2022
    • M.S., Auburn University, 2015
    • B.S., Louisiana State University, 2013
    • B.S., Louisiana State University, 2013
    M.S., Auburn University, 2015B.S., Louisiana State University, 2013B.S., Louisiana State University, 2013
    Research Interests
    • Forest Ecophysiology
    • Plant Physiology
    • Soil-Plant-Water Interactions
    • Regeneration Dynamics
    Plant physiologySoil-plant-water interactionsRegeneration dynamics
    alavender@georgiasouthern.eduAmy LavenderAmyLavenderAssistant Director/WebMBA912-314-875685 Vine St. Commerce Ga. 30529Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessWebMBAI'm an communications and marketing professional with a Master’s Degree focused in Publishing and Editing from the University of West Georgia. I've worked in higher education for nearly 10 years in various communications, marketing, event planning, creative design, course design, strategic communications, social media, and strategic planning roles.
    • Master's Degree in English Literature with a concentration in Publishing and Editing
    cray@georgiasouthern.eduClara RayClaraRayLaboratory Coordinator912-478-1744Herty 1104CStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & Sustainability
    bpmckay@georgiasouthern.eduBenjamin McKayBenjaminMcKayProgram Manager912-478-5033Downtown Statesboro CampusStatesboro CampusProvost OfficeOffice of ResearchBenjamin McKay is the Associate Director/EDA UC Program Manager at the Center for Business Analytics and Economic Research at Georgia Southern University. During his time at Georgia Southern, he has completed over 130 applied research projects for clients across Georgia. These projects have included feasibility studies, economic impact analysis, tourism impact analysis, business and community surveys, and community planning reports. He earned his Master's in Business Administration (M.B.A.) at Georgia Southern University; and Master's of Public Administration (M.P.A.) from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
    • Master's in Business Administration (M.B.A.), Georgia Southern University (May 2015)
    • Master's of Public Administration (M.P.A.), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (December 2006)
    • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (December 2002)
    • Bachelor of Sciences in Speech Communication,Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (December 2002)
    Master's of Public Administration (M.P.A.), Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (December 2006) Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (December 2002) Bachelor of Sciences in Speech Communication,Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (December 2002)
    Research Interests
    • Applied Economic Development
    • Economic Impact
    • Community And Business Feasibility Studies
    • Fiscal Analysis
    • Market Analysis
    Economic ImpactCommunity and business feasibility studiesfiscal analysis market analysis Business Innovation Group (BIG), Center for Business Analytics and Economic Research
    ncoto@georgiasouthern.eduNatalie CotoNatalieCotoAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5115Henderson Library - Suite 3213Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries I am the Admin Assistant to the Dean of the University Libraries.University Libraries
    wolmstadt@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/william-olmstadtWilliam OlmstadtWilliamOlmstadtAssociate Dean for Administration & Operations; Librarian Professor912-344-2818Lane Library 226 / Henderson Library 2208AArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesWill Olmstadt has been an academic librarian for more than 25 years. He held progressively responsible positions at the health sciences libraries at Texas A&M University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Washington University in St. Louis, and Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Shreveport. He joined the Georgia Southern University Libraries in 2024 as Associate Dean for Administration & Operations. He taught online electives for graduate programs in public health and the graduate program in library science at Louisiana State University. He earned the Online Teaching Certificate from the Online Learning Consortium in 2019. He is currently finishing an Ed.D. from Louisiana State University in Shreveport.
    • M.P.H., University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 2006
    • M.S.L.S., University of Kentucky, 1999
    • B.A., University of Louisville, 1997
    M.S.L.S., University of Kentucky, 1999B.A., University of Louisville, 1997
    Research Interests
    • Qualitative Research In Librarianship
    • Telehealth Usage In Public Libraries
    • Education For Librarians & Archivists
    telehealth usage in public librarieseducation for librarians & archivists
    nhurlock@georgiasouthern.eduNancy A. HurlockNancy A.HurlockAssistant Professor 912-478-0776Nurs/Chem Bldg Room 4018Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Nancy A. Hurlock is an Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner with over 18 years of experience in Home and Community Health. She earned her Doctorate with a focus on Social Determinants of Health and their impact on older adults, particularly regarding access to healthcare. Her research emphasized the challenges faced by rural communities, particularly issues related to transportation and access to primary care. She advocates for home-based primary care as a solution to these challenges.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is grounded in the belief that education is most effective when students actively engage with content and continually explore the underlying reasons for their learning. I strive to create an environment where knowledge is not merely transmitted but deeply understood and applied.
    • Doctorate Of Nursing Practice
    • Master Of Science- Nursing - Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner
    • Bachelor Of Science In Nursing
    Master Of Science- Nursing - Advanced Practice Nurse PractitionerBachelor Of Science In Nursing
    Research Interests
    • Social Determinants Of Health - Impact On The Older Adult
    • Healthcare Access
    Healthcare Access
    lfroberson@georgiasouthern.eduLuke RobersonLukeRobersonCoordinator of Engagement and Outreach912-442-991925 Mohawk Street, Savannah, GA 31419Armstrong CampusLuke has over 15 years of experience in environmental science and has worked with a diverse group of federal and state agencies, non-profits, and educational centers. He specializes in Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), working with volunteers, educators, and businesses in collecting and interpreting water quality data. He lives in Savannah, GA, with his wife Kim and two kids.Luke has undergraduate degrees in graphic design and biology from the University of Kentucky, and a Masters of Science in Environmental Science and Policy from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland. He is a current DrPH student at Georgia Southern University with a Community Health Behavior and Education concentration.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Place-based education, experiential learning, and a blend of lab and field work are essential when it comes to developing community learning programs and CPBR projects.
    • MS.., Johns Hopkins University, 2016
    • BS.., University of Kentucky, 2007
    • BA.., University of Kentucky, 2003
    BS., University of Kentucky, 2007BA., University of Kentucky, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Community-Based Participatory Research
    • Water Quality
    • Public Health
    Water QualityPublic HealthInstitute for Water and Health
    lindseystone@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kX3N8_kAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoLindsey StoneLindsey StoneAssociate Professor912-478-5505Brannen HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr Stone’s research examines emotion regulation and interpersonal mechanisms of affective risk and resilience for depression, and anxiety. More recent work examines these models within the context of trauma and navigating discrimination: extending research to marginalized and underserved populations. She hails from WV, is a huge movie dork, and proud cat-mom. To learn more about her research visit the RADLab website: https://sites.google.com/georgiasouthern.edu/radlab?usp=sharing
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Stone has clinical experience working in residential treatment facilities, partial hospitalization programs, inpatient and medical facilities, sexual health clinics, and outpatient therapy with adolescents and adults. She especially enjoys teaching inclusive courses on psychopathology and psychotherapy, such as abnormal psychology with undergraduates, foundations in psychotherapy and psychopathology with graduate students.She values inclusive, multiculturally sensitive approaches that challenges students with theory based, data driven critical analysis, and allows for scaffolding active learning exercises.
    • Neuroscience Post Doc at University of Pittsburgh
    • Clinical Internship; Alpert Medical School of Brown University
    • Clinical Psychology PhD; Binghamton University
    • BS. Experimental Psychology; University of South Carolina
    Clinical Internship; Alpert Medical School of Brown UniversityClinical Psychology PhD; Binghamton UniversityBS Experimental Psychology; University of South Carolina
    rbryant@georgiasouthern.eduRobert BryantRobertBryantInstructor912-755-0554NA (off campus-PT)Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Robert Bryant is a part time instructor for leadership courses. His background includes over 25 years as a higher education leader, as well as teaching experience with leadership courses.
    • Ph.D. Adult Education - University of Georgia
    Research Interests
    • Adult Learners In The Workplace (Professional Learning)
    • Lgbtqia Issues For College Students And Career Professionals
    • Multicultural Issues In Adult And Higher Education
    LGBTQIA issues for college students and career professionalsMulticultural issues in adult and higher education
    acanepa@georgiasouthern.eduAlyssa CanepaAlyssaCanepaVisiting First Year Writing Instructor912-478-7749Newton 2224Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishAlyssa Canepa is a second year low-residency MFA student in the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University. She currently lives in Savannah, Georgia with her partner and two pups, Lulu and Snowy. Alyssa holds a Master of the Arts in English Literature from the University of Wyoming. She’s published work in local zines around Wyoming and Georgia, as well as the December 2023 issue of Anti-Heroin Chic.
    • Master of Arts, English Literature
    • Master of Fine Arts Candidate, Naropa University
    Master of Fine Arts Candidate, Naropa University
    ssheppard@georgiasouthern.eduShonvera SheppardShonveraSheppardLibrary Assistant - AcquisitionsHenderson Library - Room 2220Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services Department
    jhatem@georgiasouthern.eduJohn HatemJohnHatemProfessor912-478-0754PCOB 3347Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceTeacher, handyman, great grandfather, bereaved husband with interests in natural sciences, mathematics, and philosophy.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Ask questions, read with comprehension, think, use your imagination, practice, contribute.
    • Ph.D. Finance, Louisiana State University, 1990
    • B.S., Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, 1980
    B.S., Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, 1980
    Research Interests
    • Asset Allocation
    • Foundations Of Risk Measurement
    • Prediction
    Foundations of risk measurementPrediction
    kgregg@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/katy-gregg-2Katy GreggKatyGreggAssociate Professor, Human Development and Family Science912-478-5199Interdisciplinary Academic Building (IAB) 3073Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Katy Gregg is an associate professor of Human Development and Family Science. Applying qualitative and mixed methodologies, Gregg uses naturalistic inquiry as a framework for telling the stories of children and families. Her research focuses on supporting families with young children in care, education, and community-based settings, especially families impacted by disability or risk factors. She also works with early childhood educators to support inclusion and social–emotional development. Gregg served on the Georgia Association for the Education on Young Children (GAEYC) board for over 7 years, 4 years in the role of President. Since 2015, she has been a research partner of Savannah’s Parent University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    “After all, what are academic skills without the confidence to use those skills to go out and change the world.” Brittany Packnett-Cunningham, an activist/educator/writer, spoke these words in a 2019 TED talk. I have integrated them into my primary teaching philosophy. My teaching centers on education as a tool for expanding students’ perceptions and applied knowledge in the field. This quote, along with a change in courses taught and self-work, pushed me to consider how that confidence-skill relationship happens; what does it look like for a student to feel confident in the field? She teaches courses related to young children’s learning and development, children with special needs, professionalism and ethics, and applied experiences.
    • Ph.D., Child & Family Development, University of Georgia, 2010; Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research
    • MS.., Child & Family Development, University of Georgia, 2008; Graduate Certificate in Disability Studies
    • BA., Psychology, Concentration in Early Intervention, Clemson University, 2005
    MS., Child & Family Development, University of Georgia, 2008; Graduate Certificate in Disability StudiesBA, Psychology, Concentration in Early Intervention, Clemson University, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Family School Community Engagement
    • Early Childhood Intervention And Inclusion
    • Community And Family Strengths
    • Qualitative Methods & Naturalistic Inquiry
    • Mixed Methods
    Early Childhood Intervention and InclusionCommunity and family strengthsQualitative Methods & Naturalistic InquiryMixed Methods
    swhite@georgiasouthern.eduLatrell WhiteLatrellWhiteAdministrative Assistant912-478-5132Math Physics Building, Rm 3008Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesOver 20 years of administrative experience in the private and public sectors.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Currently enrolled in the BIS Human Life Sciences Concentration
    • AAS Business Management
    jessicamiller@georgiasouthern.eduJessica MillerJessicaMillerInstructor of NursingAshmore Hall 251Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingJessica Miller is a registered nurse with over ten years of clinical experience. She has been a clinical instructor at Georgia Southern University since 2018 and joined the faculty as a full-time member in 2024 after earning her Master of Science in Nursing Education (MSN-Ed). Jessica is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) at Georgia College & State University.Her research interests include end-of-life care, gerontology, and mental health, with a focus on improving care for older adults and individuals facing significant health challenges. Jessica is committed to advancing both nursing practice and education.
    • Bachelor of Science Public Health
    • Bachelor of Science Nursing
    • Master of Science Nursing Education
    Bachelor of Science Nursing Master of Science Nursing Education
    dcummings@georgiasouthern.edudrdeancummings.comDean CummingsDeanCummingsAssociate Professor912-478-5801Sanford Hall 3019Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsBefore joining Georgia Southern University as a faculty member, Dr. Dean Cummings built a career spanning 25 years in television news and sports broadcasting. During this time, he earned nine regional Emmy Awards, seven Telly Awards, and multiple honors from the Michigan Associated Press, including the Best Individual Photojournalism Award in both 1992 and 1996.Dr. Cummings brings this wealth of professional experience into the classroom, where he regularly teaches courses such as Media Management & Sales, Intro to Media Writing, Sports Production, Studio Applications, and Multimedia Journalism Application. His teaching combines practical industry insights with academic rigor, preparing students for success in an evolving media landscape.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Passion is at the core of my teaching philosophy. In my classes, I make it a priority to convey my enthusiasm for the material and its relevance to students' futures. In courses like Sports Production, I encourage students to motivate each other and foster teamwork, emphasizing that earning a degree is not an endpoint but the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. My ultimate goal is to inspire students to envision their future and pursue their aspirations with confidence.Every role across media platforms is built on understanding and engaging the audience. My teaching philosophy focuses on developing the practical skills and professional expertise essential for success in the industry.
    • Ph.D., Sheffield University (U.K.), 2013
    • M.P.S., Syracuse University, 1989
    • B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1987
    M.P.S., Syracuse University, 1989B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology, 1987
    Research Interests
    • Multimedia Journalism
    • Corporatizing Television Journalism
    • Media Cultivation
    • Newsroom Culture And The Application Of Actor Network Theory
    • Modernity
    Corporatizing Television JournalismMedia CultivationNewsroom Culture and the Application of Actor Network TheoryModernity
    weikangwang@georgiasouthern.eduWeikang WangWeikang WangLecturer of Management 912-478-8012PCOB 2242Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementKen Wang joins the Parker College of Business from Northwood University, where he was a full-time faculty member for 14 years and Faculty Athletic representative for 9 years. He won the highest award a faculty can earn at the university in 2014, the Faculty Excellence Award. Ken also won the Faculty Ethics Award and Teaching Excellence Award twice, as voted by students. Ken has management and marketing experience with the largest adult beverage company in North America (Seagram), and one of the biggest consumer goods companies in Germany (Reemstma). He has also worked for the United States Olympic and Chinese Olympic Committees. Ken is passionate about developing the future leaders of free global enterprise society.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I love teaching and I enjoy learning. Teaching is such a great profession, and it lets you share and also it makes you continuously learn and continuously improve. I constantly feel enriched by teaching, interacting with the students & colleagues, reading Wall Street Journal almost every day, travelling around the world. This continuous enrichment further enriches my students and makes them more eager to learn, to enrich themselves and to contribute to our society. It is never too late to learn! Never stops learning because life never stops teaching. The more I learn, the more I find I do not know and the more eager we desire to learn. “Life is growth. Business is growth. You grow or you die”
    • MBA. Henderson State University
    • MS. Washington State University
    • BA. Anhui University
    MS Washington State University BA Anhui University
    danielskidmorehess@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel Skidmore-HessDanielSkidmore-HessAssociate Dean and Professor of Political Science912-344-2532224 University Hall, 2024 Veazey HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesDaniel Skidmore-Hess received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He completed his B.A. in History at Oberlin College and obtained a graduate certificate in Jewish Studies from Gratz College. He joined the faculty of Armstrong State College in 1993 and served as Head of the Department of Criminal Justice, Social, and Political Science from 2012 until the consolidation of Armstrong with Georgia Southern University in 2018. In that role, Dr. Skidmore-Hess helped to implement online courses and programs and supported the adoption of policies that provide innovative pathways to degree completion by nontraditional and military-affiliated students.
    • Ph.D. Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993
    • M.A. Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987
    • B.A. History, Oberlin College, 1985
    • Grad. Cert. Jewish Studies, Gratz College, 2008
    M.A. Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987B.A. History, Oberlin College, 1985Grad. Cert. Jewish Studies, Gratz College, 2008
    Research Interests
    • History Of Political Ideas With Emphases On Modern Ideologies & Religious Thought
    • American Politics With An Emphasis On The Relationship Between Ideology, Parties, And Elections
    American Politics with an emphasis on the relationship between Ideology, Parties, and Elections
    khutchinson@georgiasouthern.eduKirsten HutchinsonKirstenHutchinsonAdministrative Assistant 1912-478-5537Child Development CenterStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesChild Development CenterI have been at the Child Development Center since 2017
    • Associates
    dwalkerdevose@georgiasouthern.eduDina Walker-DeVoseDinaWalker-DeVoseAssociate Professor / Assistant Dean (Interim)912-478-5088Veazey Hall #2020, Statesboro CampusStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Dina Walker-DeVose is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies and Interim Assistant Dean of Engagement and Belonging in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Georgia Southern University. Her research explores contextualized experiences of development and education, including African American mothers' parental school involvement, college students' perceptions of race and LGBTQ+ literature, and implicit bias in education and therapy. She is also a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory, a leading tool for assessing intercultural competence.
    • Ph.D. Curriculum & Instruction, North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC)
    • MS.. Child & Family Development, Miami University (Oxford, Oh.)
    MS. Child & Family Development, Miami University (Oxford, Oh.)
    mhanna@georgiasouthern.eduMerri HannMerriHannCaptain (CPT) Assistant Professor of Military Science808-829-5647Military Science BLDG Room 2005Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceCPT Merri Madalynne Hanna joined the Eagle Battalion in Winter 2024 and serves as one of our MS1 Instructors. CPT M. Madalynne Hanna was born in Enterprise, Alabama and was raised in a military family her entire childhood. CPT Hanna commissioned as a Military Police Officer in 2016 from Oregon State University’s Army ROTC Program. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Applied Visual Arts and minored in both Military Science and Art History. She most recently served as a Company Commander of the 194th Military Police Company out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Her other previous assignments include serving as a Platoon Leader, Company Executive Officer, and Battalion Assistant Operations Officer.
    • BFA, Oregon State University, 2016
    tdavis@georgiasouthern.eduTyson DavisTysonDavisLecturer912-478-1799Sanford Hall 3017Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsTyson Davis is a Lecturer of Multimedia and Film Production. Additionally, Tyson manages 91.9 WVGS, Georgia Southern University’s only over-the-air broadcast station. A Double Eagle, Tyson graduated from Georgia Southern University in 1996 with a BS in Broadcast Production and again in 2005 from Georgia Southern’s MPA program. Before teaching at Georgia Southern, Tyson worked professionally in news and commercial video studio and field production. Since 2006, Tyson has taught courses in multiple Communication Arts areas (MMFP, MMJ and Comm Studies), and in the MPA program as a Part-Time Graduate Faculty Affiliate. Tyson's teaching centers around studio production, script writing, and mass communication.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy emphasizes building trust with students through collaborative work in applications-based environments. The production environment relies heavily on collaborative trust for successful outcomes to be possible, and providing opportunities for students that highlights this crucial component in the production process is the most satisfying part of my work.
    • MPA, Georgia Southern University, 2005
    • BS. Broadcast Production, Georgia Southern University, 1996
    BS Broadcast Production, Georgia Southern University, 1996
    lsomers@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/logan-somers/similar/Logan SomersLoganSomersAssistant Professor912-344-3500University HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyLogan Somers is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. His research and teaching interests focus largely on policing, and include areas such as officer experience, use of force, police culture, evidence-based policing, and survey design. He also works closely with numerous local, county, and federal law enforcement agencies on projects aimed at addressing the needs of departments and improving community relationships.
    • Ph.D. Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University (AZ)
    • M.S. Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University (AZ)
    • B.S. Justice Studies, Westminster College (UT)
    M.S. Criminology and Criminal Justice, Arizona State University (AZ)B.S. Justice Studies, Westminster College (UT)
    Research Interests
    • Police Experience
    • Officer-Decision Making And Attitudinal Orientations
    • Evidence-Based Policing
    • Police Training
    • Research Methods
    Officer-Decision Making and Attitudinal OrientationsEvidence-Based PolicingPolice TrainingResearch Methods
    sbarrs@georgiasouthern.eduSharon BarrsSharonBarrsAssistant Professor912-478-0493Math/Physics Building, room 3024Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    • MS., University of South Carolina
    • BS., University of South Carolina
    BS, University of South Carolina
    phadavas@georgiasouthern.eduPaul HadavasPaulHadavasAssociate Professor912-344-3091UH 284Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI enjoy problem solving and teaching all levels of mathematics.
    • Ph.D., Clemson University, 2000
    Research Interests
    • Network Flow Optimization
    farena@georgiasouthern.eduFrank ArenaFrankArenaExecutive-In-Residence, Business Innovation Group256-698-7723305 Fahm Ave, Savannah, GA 31415Armstrong Campus, Liberty Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsResearch and Economic DevelopmentFrank Arena is a seasoned leader, entrepreneur, innovator, veteran – ethical, authentic, team player, and a strategic risk manager. Frank believes that success is the result of collaborative effort. He retired as a Colonel after 25 years of service in the Air Force. As a senior leader in Space and Missile Operations, he commanded nuclear operations and commanded both the Delta II and the Titan IV Space Launch Squadrons. 17+ years as an entrepreneur focused on emerging tech and advanced concepts. Key focus areas: laser communication, digital transformation, technology synergy, novel collaboration, and advanced experimentation. Lives by the adage “What can we achieve together?”.
    • Master in Management and Human Relations
    • Bachelor in English Literature
    Bachelor in English Literature
    Research Interests
    • Intellectual Property Research And Analysis
    • Radical Innovations - Laser Communication
    • Digital Engineering
    • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
    • Advanced Communication - Laser/Quantum
    Radical Innovations - Laser CommunicationDigital Engineering Greenhouse Gas MitigationAdvanced Communication - Laser/QuantumBusiness Innovation Group (BIG)
    mholmes@georgiasouthern.eduMadison HolmesMadisonHolmesEmployer Relations Coordinator912-344-2784Student Success Complex Room 1069Armstrong CampusOffice of Career and Professional DevelopmentOffice of Career and Professional DevelopmentOffice of Career and Professional Development
    acohen@georgiasouthern.eduAdrienne CohenAdrienneCohenProfessor912-478-50122271B CarrollStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. Adrienne Cohen is a professor of Sociology who teaches courses in aging and income inequality. Her research focuses on rural aging, family assistance, social supports for older adults and aging focused pedagogy in several journals and did over 50 presentations at local, regional, national, and international conferences. In 2013 she opened the Center for Social Gerontology. She has generated over $2.3 million in grant funds to support the needs of older adults in the Southeastern region of Georgia. She worked with a team to develop an Interdisciplinary Minor in Gerontology which has been in place since 2016.
    • PhD in Social Gerontology from Miami University
    schang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/schang/Sungkon ChangSungkonChangProfessor of Mathematics912-478-1475Math/Physic 2309, StatesboroStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesSungkon's research focuses on number theory, with published works on the arithmetic of elliptic curves and topics in elementary number theory. He has supported undergraduate mathematics by participating in journal problem-solving sessions and assisting students with preparations for the William Lowell Putnam Competition for many years.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy focuses on providing students with opportunities to explore mathematical theories, develop independent thinking, establish strong study habits, and pursue excellence in computational precision and mathematical rigor. To achieve these goals, I incorporate frequent retrieval practices, such as homework assignments and in-class exercises, as a core aspect of my teaching methods. I aim to foster problem-solving skills and prepare students for success in mathematics.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2005
    • B.S., Kangwon National University, South Korea
    B.S., Kangwon National University, South Korea
    Research Interests
    • Number Theory
    ajriggs@georgiasouthern.eduAmy Jo Riggs Amy Jo Riggs Professor 912-478-7753Hollis 2121 AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Riggs has been at Georgia Southern for 19 years. Her area of expertise is clinical nutrition, but her passion is preventative medicine. She is a registered dietitian with clinical experience in diabetes, eating disorders, weight management, obesity, cardiovascular, and cancer. Her research interest revolve around preventative medicine and she has done some research in sports nutrition.
    Teaching Philosophy
    You are never too old to learn; learning is life-long. Finding learning strategies that work for individuals is key to classroom success.
    • Registered Dietitian
    • PhD from Auburn University in Auburn, AL
    • MS. from Ball State University in Muncie, IN
    • BS. from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN
    PhD from Auburn University in Auburn, ALMS from Ball State University in Muncie, IN BS from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN
    Research Interests
    • Preventative Medicine
    • Sotl
    mruizfunes@georgiasouthern.eduMarcela Ruiz FunesMarcelaRuiz FunesProfessor and Chair, Department of World Languages and Cultures 912-478-5281Interdisciplinary Academic Building 2051 (Statesboro Campus); Gamble Hall 202 (Armstrong Campus)Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesMarcela Ruiz Funes is Professor and Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures. She received her PhD and MA degrees in Second Language Education (concentration in Spanish and English Applied Linguistics) from Virginia Tech, US, and her dual BA degrees in English and Translation from the Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. She worked at East Carolina University, NC for over 18 years first as Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Foreign Language Education Program.
    • Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 1994
    • M.A., Virginia Tech, 1988
    • B.A., Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, 1984
    M.A., Virginia Tech, 1988B.A., Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, 1984
    Research Interests
    • Foreign/Second Language Writing, Including The Cognition Of Reading To Write, Task Representation, Task Complexity And Linguistic Complexity Measures
    • Second Language And Literacy Development In Two-Way Immersion Programs.
    Second language and literacy development in two-way immersion programs.
    Assistant Professor, MPA Core Facultyjsudweeks@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jayce-sudweeks-2Jayce SudweeksJayceSudweeksAssistant Professor919-616-5825Carroll 1072Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesProfessor Sudweeks received his Ph.D. in Public Administration from North Carolina State University in August 2019. Professor Sudweeks holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from Brigham Young University. He joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University in the Fall of 2019 as an assistant professor in the Department of Public and Nonprofit Studies. Professor Sudweeks teaches graduate courses in nonprofit administration, strategic management, and public administration. He teaches undergraduate courses in introduction to nonprofit management, and international nongovernmental organizations.
    • PhD., Public Administration, North Carolina State University, 2019
    Research Interests
    • Community Resilience
    • Interorganizational Collaboration
    • Nonprofit Management
    • Strategic Planning
    Interorganizational CollaborationNonprofit ManagementStrategic PlanningInstitute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities
    khoward@georgiasouthern.eduKelli HowardKelliHowardAdministrative Assistant II912-478-7477COE 1100CStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationCOE Dean's OfficeI serve as the Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean of Administration and Faculty Affairs, Dr. Williams-Johnson, and the Assistant Dean of Partnerships and Outreach, Dr. Leckie, at the College of Education (COE). A proud Georgia Southern alumnus, I earned a degree in Recreation with an emphasis in Hotel & Restaurant Management in 1997. Before joining the COE, I worked for four years supporting the graduate programs in the School of Nursing.With extensive experience in higher education administration, I am committed to supporting faculty, students, and staff in their pursuit of excellence at Georgia Southern University.
    • BS., Georgia Southern University, 1997
    nbareford@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/nathaniel-lee-bareford-2Nathaniel Lee BarefordNathaniel LeeBarefordAssistant Professor and Head of the Learning Commons912-344-3009Learning CommonsArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesLearning CommonsLee Bareford, is Assistant Professor and Head of the Learning Commons for the Georgia Southern University Libraries. He is an experienced researcher with a regional, national and international publication and presentation record. Additionally, Lee currently supervises the Brain Booth at Lane Library on Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Savannah Campus.
    • MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2019
    • MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2002
    • BA., Mercer University, 1999
    MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2002BA, Mercer University, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Educational Gaming/Game-Based Learning
    • Mindfulness Practices In Higher Education
    • Inclusion, Belonging, And Community In Academic Settings
    Mindfulness Practices in Higher EducationInclusion, Belonging, and Community in Academic Settings
    kadam@georgiasouthern.eduKhaled AdamKhaledAdamLecturer912-478-8006Engineering Building (#232) | Room 2129Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringKhaled Adam is a full-time lecturer at Georgia Southern University with over a decade of experience in computational and experimental mechanics of materials. Khaled is proficient in advanced microscopy techniques, including EBSD, TEM, and SEM, as well as computational tools such as VPFFT, Monte Carlo simulations, and the phase-field model method. Khaled has published seven peer-reviewed journal articles, delivered three conference presentations, and amassed over 230 citations for his contributions to the field.In addition to his academic pursuits, Khaled is an active community member, serving as a coach for the U10 soccer team at Savannah United
    Teaching Philosophy
    For me, teaching goes beyond transferring knowledge; it fosters student engagement, encouraging them to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions on every topic. Prompt, precise, and frequent feedback is crucial to help students address errors and misconceptions without discarding their understanding
    • Ph.D. ,Washington State University
    Research Interests
    • Physical And Mechanical Metallurgy
    • Advanced Experimental Techniques
    • Metal Deformation And Recrystallization
    • Structure/Properties Relationships
    Advanced experimental techniques Metal deformation and recrystallization structure/properties relationships
    mmcgrath@georgiasouthern.eduMichael McGrathMichaelMcGrathProfessor of Spanish912-478-0115IAB 2069Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesMichael J. McGrath is Professor of Spanish and a Corresponding Fellow of the San Quirce Royal Academy of History and Art (Segovia, Spain). His research focuses on early modern Spanish life and literature. Professor McGrath is the General Editor of Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs and the book series “Catholic Perspectives: World Literature” (Catholic University of America Press). Professor McGrath is the author of over 70 publications (books, edited volumes, articles, essays, contributions, and book reviews). In 2019, the College of Arts and Humanities (Georgia Southern University) awarded him the Ruffin Cup, which recognizes the College’s highest achievement in teaching, scholarship, and service.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The overarching objective of my teaching philosophy is student engagement with the human condition. Education encourages self-exploration and self-awareness because it challenges students to see the world through a wider prism that engenders questions of identity and beliefs. Proficiency in another language, cultural competency, and the ability to live in a diverse world start with self-discovery and, especially, an understanding that the human condition is predicated on shared humanity. I prepare my students to think critically; to be discerning learners; to appreciate that learning is a life-long endeavor; and to use their college education to serve others.
    • Ph.D. (Spanish), University of Kentucky
    • MA. (Spanish), Middlebury College
    • MA. (Theology), St. Leo University
    • BA. (Spanish), Georgia Southern University
    MA (Spanish), Middlebury CollegeMA (Theology), St. Leo UniversityBA (Spanish), Georgia Southern University
    Research Interests
    • Medieval And Early Modern Spain
    • Spanish Comedia
    • Miguel De Cervantes (1547-1616)
    • History And Culture Of Segovia (Spain)
    • Religion And Literature
    Spanish ComediaMiguel de Cervantes (1547-1616)History and Culture of Segovia (Spain)Religion and Literature
    kswanson@georgiasouthern.eduKimberly SwansonKimberlySwansonSenior Lecturer of Mathematics912-344-3238University Hall 276Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    • MS. in Mathematics, University of Miami, 1998
    • BS. in Mathematics, Spanish and Secondary Education
    • Secondary Teaching License in Mathematics and Spanish
    BS in Mathematics, Spanish and Secondary EducationSecondary Teaching License in Mathematics and Spanish
    ccutler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=mA0CiygAAAAJChristopher CutlerChristopherCutlerProfessor912-478-7175Herty Building Room 2109CStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research concerns the role that genes play in physiological processes. The particular processes I study include the systems fish employ to control osmoregulation, and in particular, ion and water transport in fish. My research encompasses mostly molecular biological/physiological approaches and I have mainly specialized in research on euryhaline teleost fish such as eels (Anguilla sp.) and also killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). I most recently am carrying out similar work on Elasmobranchs such as the Dogfish (Squalus acanthias).
    Teaching Philosophy
    My central objective is to provide robust courses that equip students with the maximum amount of knowledge and understanding of the areas of cellular/molecular biology as possible. In lab courses I try to give students the maximum hands-on experience of carrying out techniques/experiments, and focus as much on the ‘why’ as the ‘how to’ to give students in depth knowledge of why techniques work the way they do, rather than just how to perform them.
    • Ph.D. University of St Andrews, UK, 1990
    • B.Sc Hons. Birmingham University, UK, 1985
    B.Sc Hons. Birmingham University, UK, 1985
    Research Interests
    • Osmoregulation In Fish
    • Fish Aquaporins
    • Fish Ion Transporters
    • Elasmobranch Urea Homeostasis
    • Molecular Physiology
    Fish AquaporinsFish Ion TransportersElasmobranch Urea HomeostasisMolecular Physiology
    jvivian@georgiasouthern.eduJoy VivianJoyVivianSLPD, CCC-SLP912-344-2969Distance InstructorArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsCommunication Sciences and DisordersA skilled speech-language pathologist experienced in clinical supervision, mentorship, and evaluating and treating all aged children and young adults with diverse communication disorders. An individual that utilizes appropriate methodology required to assist fellow speech-language pathologists, teachers, administrators, and parents. Experienced with interprofessional collaboration with various specialists such as psychologists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists to improve client success across speech and language domains and academics.
    • SLPD, Valdosta State University, 2021
    • M.Ed. University of Georgia, 2004
    • B.S.Ed. University of Georgia 2002
    M.Ed. University of Georgia, 2004B.S.Ed. University of Georgia 2002
    Research Interests
    • Dynamic Assessment
    • Phonological Complexity
    • Developmental Language Disorders
    Phonological ComplexityDevelopmental Language Disorders
    pbhoi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/prakash-bhoi-2Prakash BhoiPrakashBhoiAssociate Professor912-478-8060ERB 3034Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & Computing, Honors CollegeDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Prakash Bhoi is serving as an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA. Dr. Bhoi received his PhD degree in Biosystems Engineering at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching, research and industry. His specific areas of research are focused on gasification, catalytic fast pyrolysis, clean power, hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), syngas-fired internal combustion (IC) engines, burners and combustion chambers, wet scrubbing of tar, lifecycle analysis (LCA), techno-economic analysis (TEA) and modeling of thermochemical conversion technologies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    One of the most important aspects of teaching is to establish a technique that will encourage ideas, new perspectives, and creative thinking. To develop such a technique, competency-based course materials, quality instruction, diverse learning styles, positive learning environment, student participation, and timely feedback is important. My teaching philosophies include developing interdisciplinary course contents with real world examples and creating an interactive environment to ensure that students understand the fundamental concepts. Additionally, collaboration with industry representatives will provide students opportunities to learn how to apply concepts to practical applications.
    • Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, 2014
    • M.Tech. S.V. National Institute of Technology, 2005
    • B.E. Sardar Patel University, 1999
    M.Tech. S.V. National Institute of Technology, 2005B.E. Sardar Patel University, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Hydrogen
    • Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Saf)
    • Biomass Gasification And Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis
    • Lifecycle Analysis (Lca)
    • Techno-Economic Analysis (Tea)
    Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)Biomass Gasification and Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis Lifecycle Analysis (LCA)Techno-economic Analysis (TEA)Clean Energy and Fuels Laboratory (CEFL)
    adarby@georgiasouthern.eduAlison DarbyAlisonDarbyLibrary Assistant - Institutional Repository Services912-478-22562220 Collection Services Department, Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services Department
    • B.A. Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • M.A. Georgia Southern University, 2019
    M.A. Georgia Southern University, 2019
    Research Interests
    • Library Science
    • Local History
    • Information Technology
    Local HistoryInformation Technology
    mwrye@georgiasouthern.eduMegan WryeMeganWryeInstitutional Repository Assistant912-478-1449Collection Services Department- 2220Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services Department
    • High School Diploma
    dmullenax@georgiasouthern.eduDonna MullenaxDonnaMullenaxPrincipal Lecturer912-344-2916Science Center 2019Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsI have been at Armstrong State/Georgia Southern since 1999. I have several passions including connecting material in a course with the many majors in the classes.
    • MS., Physics, Clemson University, 1999
    • BA., Physics, West Virginia University, 1996
    • BA., Mathematics, West Virginia University, 1996
    • BS., Secondary Education, West Virginia University, 1996
    BA, Physics, West Virginia University, 1996BA, Mathematics, West Virginia University, 1996BS, Secondary Education, West Virginia University, 1996
    Research Interests
    • Physics Education
    • Astronomy Education
    • Physics Of Sports
    Astronomy EducationPhysics of Sports
    colson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/christina-olsonChristina OlsonChristinaOlsonAssociate Professor 912-478-01242221C Newton BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & Humanities, Honors CollegeDepartment of EnglishChristina Olson is the author of The Anxiety Workbook (2023), published by the University of Pittsburgh Press’s Pitt Poetry Series, and named the finalist for Georgia Author of the Year Award in 2024. Her chapbook The Last Mastodon (Rattle, 2019) won the Rattle Chapbook Prize. Other work appears in The Atlantic, The Missouri Review, The Nation, Scientific American, Virginia Quarterly Review, and The Best Creative Nonfiction.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a teacher of creative writing, my guiding principles are to contextualize and define each genre; to identify the elements of craft in both professional and student writing; to train students into the constructive workshop model; to help students build a community in which they feel comfortable creating and revising creative work; and to model to students that they can take risks in writing.
    • MFA, Minnesota State University, 2007
    Research Interests
    • Contemporary Poetry
    • Contemporary Creative Nonfiction
    Contemporary Creative Nonfiction
    tsweeney@georgiasouthern.eduThomas SweeneyThomasSweeneyAssociate Professor912-478-5463Interdisciplinary Academic BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Thomas Sweeney is an associate professor of Recreation and Tourism Management in the School of Human Ecology. Originally from Ohio, he earned a bachelor’s degree in telecommunications with a focus on radio broadcasting and a master’s in Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies from Bowling Green State University. He completed his PhD in Human Performance with an emphasis on Recreation and Leisure Studies at Middle Tennessee State University. Since joining Georgia Southern in 2016, Dr. Sweeney has taught courses like Leadership, Esports Management, Youth Sports Programming, and Tourism Management. He enjoys family time, golf, and supporting Cleveland sports teams.
    • Middle Tennessee State University Ph.D., Human Performance, Concentration: Recreation and Leisure Studies
    • Bowling Green State University M.Ed. in Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies, Concentration: Leisure and Tourism Studies
    • Bowling Green State University B.A., Communications Concentration: Telecommunications
    Bowling Green State University M.Ed. in Human Movement, Sport, and Leisure Studies, Concentration: Leisure and Tourism StudiesBowling Green State University B.A., Communications Concentration: TelecommunicationsCenter for Public Health Practice and Research, Center for Social Gerontology
    hmcneal@georgiasouthern.eduHeather McNealHeatherMcNealDr.Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyHeather Banks McNeal
    • Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University, 2020
    • M.P.A., Georgia Southern University, 2006
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2003
    M.P.A., Georgia Southern University, 2006B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2003
    brendarichardson@georgiasouthern.eduBrenda RichardsonBrendaRichardsonDirector, First and Second Year Experience912-478-5544Williams Center 1002Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeFirst and Second Year Experience
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2012
    B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2012
    mdavis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U6cCWH8AAAAJ&hl=enC. Michele Davis McGibonyC. MicheleDavis McGibonyProfessor of Chemistry and Director, MS Applied Physical Science Program912-478-5919Nursing and Chemistry 3215Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Michele Davis McGibony earned a BS in chemistry from Georgia Southern University in 1993 and completed a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Alabama in 1997, where her research focused on adult-onset diabetes, glucose metabolism, and the metalloprotein chromadulin. She joined the Chemistry Department at Georgia Southern in 2000 as an assistant professor of biochemistry. Dr. McGibony maintains an active undergraduate research group, and her research students regularly present their work at local, regional, and national scientific meetings. Dr. McGibony enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, traveling and and playing the keyboard in her church band.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that teaching chemistry effectively relies on instructing students in basic chemistry theory and problem-solving skills while allowing them to practice these concepts in a laboratory setting. While at Georgia Southern, I have been fortunate enough to teach many different courses and students from freshman level to MS level. Several of my teaching accomplishments have been published in peer-reviewed journals, and I look forward I hope to maintain my enthusiasm for the subject and to inspire a new generation of scientists.
    • Ph.D., The University of Alabama, 1997
    • BS. in Chemistry, Georgia Southern University, 1993
    BS in Chemistry, Georgia Southern University, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Bioinorganic Chemistry
    • Metalloproteins
    • Metalloenzymes
    • Chemical Education
    MetalloproteinsMetalloenzymesChemical EducationJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    jyin@georgiasouthern.eduJingjing YinJingjing YinAssociate Professor912-478-2413Hendricks Hall 1007Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesBiostatistics
    • PhD
    hrochani@georgiasouthern.eduHaresh RochaniHareshRochaniProfessor912-478-1011Hendricks Hall 1006Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesBiostatistics
    • DrPH
    along@georgiasouthern.eduAllison AmonetteAllisonAmonetteAssociate Professor of Chemistry912-478-4636Nursing ChemistryStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    abulla@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew-BullaAndrew (Drew) BullaAndrew (Drew)BullaAssociate Professor and Program Chair for Behavior Analysis Programs912-344-2803Science Center 223Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Bulla is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst that has worked at a variety of organizations over the course of his career including autism centers, community mental health agencies, animal facilities, several school districts, and internationally with schools in Canada and Lima, Peru delivering consultative services in Spanish. Drew has published and conducted research in the areas self-management, instructional design, precision teaching, physical activity, the experimental analysis of behavior, and animal training and welfare. Dr. Bulla has presented over 100 peer-reviewed presentations, posters, and workshops at regional, national, and international conferences.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is inspired by quotes from two scholars in the field of education:“If the student hasn’t learned, the teacher hasn’t taught.” – Siegfried Engelmann, founder of Direct Instruction “The learner knows best.” – Ogden Lindsley, founder of Precision TeachingThese two quotes, although short in length, have such a deep meaning to them that has heavily influenced me personally and professionally. My stance on education is that all students are capable of learning, and it is the role of the instructor to ensure that all students learn the material. To see each student doing well is a reward that is worth all the hours put into course preparation.
    • B.S., Psychology with Autism Studies Minor, Saint Joseph’s University 2012
    • M.A., Psychology – Behavior Analysis, Western Michigan University 2014
    • Ph.D., Psychology – Behavior Analysis, Western Michigan University 2017
    M.A., Psychology – Behavior Analysis, Western Michigan University 2014Ph.D., Psychology – Behavior Analysis, Western Michigan University 2017
    Research Interests
    • Instructional Design
    • Precision Teaching
    • Animal Training And Welfare
    • The Experimental Analysis Of Behavior
    • Philosophical And Conceptual Issues In Behavior Analysis
    Precision TeachingAnimal Training and WelfareThe Experimental Analysis of BehaviorPhilosophical and Conceptual Issues in Behavior Analysis Psychology Non-human Animal Lab
    jhigdon@georgiasouthern.eduJames HigdonJamesHigdonProfessor of Physics912-478-4636Math / PhysicsStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    shigdon@georgiasouthern.eduSarah HigdonSarahHigdonProfessor of Physics912-478-4636Math / PhysicsStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    sprimatic@georgiasouthern.eduStephen PrimaticStephenPrimaticProfessor of Music912-344-2826Fine Arts 108Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicStephen Primatic is a Professor of Music at the Armstrong Campus of Georgia Southern University in Savannah Georgia where he teaches percussion, theory, jazz, and music technology.In addition to teaching, Steve maintains an active performing career in the southeastern United States. He is currently principal percussionist with the Hilton Head Symphony Orchestra, and The Savannah Philharmonic Orchestra. Steve also plays in jazz, classical, and theater venues throughout the region. Steve has over 25 compositions/arrangements for percussion ensemble and solo percussion published through various publishers. He also has published books on percussion pedagogy and instrument maintenance/repair.
    • D.M.A., University of Georgia, 2004
    • M.M., University of Miami, 1991
    • B.M. Wilkes College, 1989
    M.M., University of Miami, 1991B.M. Wilkes College, 1989
    Research Interests
    • Professional Performing
    • Percussion Ensemble Music Compositiorranging
    • Instrument Building
    Percussion Ensemble Music CompositiorrangingInstrument Building
    lma@georgiasouthern.eduLi MaLiMaProfessor of Physics912-478-4636Math / PhysicsStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    sarahjillson@me.comSarah JillsonSarah JillsonPart-time InstructorStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health Sciences
    • DrPH
    cmacgowan@georgiasouthern.eduCatherine MacGowanCatherineMacGowanAssociate Professor of Chemistry912-478-4636Science Center Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    yroach@georgiasouthern.eduYvonne RoachYvonne RoachLecturer of Chemistry912-478-4636Science CenterArmstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    pwilliams@georgiasouthern.eduParker WilliamsParkerWilliamsVisiting Instructor912-478-4636Nursing ChemistryStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    wdowis@georgiasouthern.eduWilliam DowisWilliamDowisAssociate Professor of Accounting912-478-3938Room 1128Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyW. Brian Dowis is an associate professor of accounting at Georgia Southern University. Brian received his undergraduate degree in accounting at Coastal Carolina University while also playing on the tennis team. He next completed his Masters in Professional Accountancy at Clemson University with a concentration in taxation. After receiving his Masters, he worked at Ernst and Young in the Charlotte office before moving to Florida where he taught accounting and coached tennis at Southeastern University. Following his time in Florida he completed a Doctorate of Business Administration majoring in accounting at Louisiana Tech University. In 2015 he started at Georgia Southern University in 2015 and has been there ever since.
    • Coastal Carolina University Bachelor's Degree
    • Clemson University Masters of Professional Accountancy
    • Louisiana Tech University Doctorate of Business Administration
    Clemson University Masters of Professional AccountancyLouisiana Tech University Doctorate of Business Administration
    Research Interests
    • Archival Taxation
    • Behavioral Taxation
    Behavioral Taxation
    ssmallwood@georgiasouthern.eduStacy SmallwoodStacySmallwoodAssociate Professor478-204-0Hendricks Hall 2039Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community Health
    • PhD
    pzigah@georgiasouthern.eduProsper ZigahProsperZigahVisiting Instructor of Chemistry912-478-4636Nursing ChemistryStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsNA
    mhashiguchi@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew HashiguchiMatthewHashiguchiAssociate Professor912-478-5138Sanford 2005Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsMatthew Hashiguchi is a 2024 Wyncote PBS Fellow, documentary filmmaker and Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University. His most recent film, The Only Doctor, was broadcast on PBS Reel South, and received a 2019 Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund Award, a 2021 American Stories Documentary Fund from Points North Institute and CNN Films, and had its world premiere at the 2023 Hot Docs Film Festival.
    • Emerso College MFA
    eolliff@georgiasouthern.eduEdie OlliffEdieOlliffLecturer912-478-0582CEIT 3106Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of Accountancy
    • BBA - Stetson University
    • MBA. - Georgia Southern University
    MBA - Georgia Southern University
    dyanavt@georgiasouthern.eduTaylor TempletonTaylorTempletonVisiting InstructorLiberty CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology
    ptubig@georgiasouthern.eduPaul TubigPaulTubigAssistant Professor of Philosophy912-478-04503304C Newton BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesPaul Tubig, PhD (he/him) received his Ph.D in philosophy at the University of Washington in 2021. His specializes in ethics (esp. bioethics, neuroethics, and ethics of technology), social and political philosophy, and philosophy of disability. He also has strong research and teaching interests in philosophy of law, global justice, and philosophy of incarceration. Prior to Georgia Southern, Dr. Tubig has taught at San Francisco State University, Bellevue College, and the Washington Corrections Center for Women as part of the Freedom Education Project Puget Sound (FEPPS) in-prison college program. He is originally from San Diego, CA.
    • Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Washington, 2021
    • M.A. in Philosophy, University of Washington, 2016
    • M.A. in Philosophy, San Francisco State University, 2014
    • B.A. in Philosophy & Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, 2007
    M.A. in Philosophy, University of Washington, 2016M.A. in Philosophy, San Francisco State University, 2014B.A. in Philosophy & Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, 2007
    Research Interests
    • Applied Ethics
    • Social & Political Philosophy
    • Philosophy Of Disability
    • Philosophy Of Law
    Social & Political PhilosophyPhilosophy of DisabilityPhilosophy of LawInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    mjaskowak@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew JaskowakMatthewJaskowakMr. 912-478-1760Nursing/Chemistry Building 3003Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingPharmacology II Course Lead
    • Master of Science in Nursing Education, Western Governors University
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Western Governors University
    • Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, Kent State University
    Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Western Governors University Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, Kent State University
    oj00799@georgiasouthern.eduOluwatosin JegedeOluwatosinJegedeGraduate Teaching Assistant II912-478-5544Williams Center 1008Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeDepartment of First and Second Year Experience
    • B.S.PH, Georgia Southern University
    gstarling@georgiasouthern.eduGin Starling McPhailGin StarlingMcPhailSenior Lecturer912-478-7824IT Building #3120Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceI am a licenced Real Estate Broker and Real Estate Appraiser with over 18 years experience in the field. I began teaching at Georgia Southern University in 2009. It began as a part-time job that has turned into a rewarding career in education. I love my students, and I love teaching at Georgia Southern.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is teaching by example. I use real world scenarios to connect terminology with the interests of the students. It seems to work really well!
    • BBA in Marketing
    • MBA.
    • Real Estate Broker
    • State Registered Real Estate Appraiser
    MBAReal Estate BrokerState Registered Real Estate Appraiser
    jswaringen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jessica-lee-swaringen-2Jessica SwaringenJessicaSwaringenOutreach and Information Studies Librarian912-344-3012Lane Library 125Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesInformation StudiesJessica Swaringen is the Undergraduate Outreach and Information Studies Librarian at Georgia Southern University. Based on the Armstrong Campus in Savannah, GA, she coordinates outreach efforts for undergraduate students in collaboration with her counterpart at the main campus in Statesboro, GA. In addition to delivering one-shot library instruction upon request, Jessica also teaches credit-bearing courses within the Information Studies Department. Her professional interests include instructional humor, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in academic libraries, intellectual freedom, and information literacy.
    • Master of Library Science - East Carolina University
    • Master of Arts in English - Western Carolina University
    • Bachelor of Arts in English - Wingate University
    Master of Arts in English - Western Carolina UniversityBachelor of Arts in English - Wingate University
    mreidel@georgiasouthern.eduMichelle ReidelMichelleReidelDr.912-314-9524College of Education, Room, 4125Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Reidel is a former middle and high school social studies teacher. After earning her doctorate at the University of Colorado-Boulder in Curriculum and Instruction , she joined the Department of Middle and Secondary Education in 2006. Dr. Reidel is a teacher educator with nearly two decades of experience preparing the next generation of educators. Her scholarship sits at the intersection of social studies education and the affective dimensions of teaching and learning, examining how emotions shape both instructional practices and student engagement.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in constructivist learning theory while being informed by current research in the science of learning and the critical role of emotion in educational contexts. At the core of my teaching philosophy is the belief that learning is an active, social process where knowledge is constructed rather than transmitted. I create learning environments where future teachers engage in authentic problem-solving, collaborative inquiry, and critical reflection. The affective dimensions of learning are central to my practice and I intentionally attend to the emotional climate of my classroom, recognizing that learning can be both exciting and anxiety-producing.
    • University of Colorado-Boulder, Ph.D.
    • Clark University, M.A.
    • Eckerd College, B.A.
    Clark University, M.A. Eckerd College, B.A.
    Research Interests
    • Social Studies Education
    • Role Of Emotion In Teaching And Learning
    • Teacher Education
    Role of emotion in teaching and learningTeacher education
    ts23823@georgiasouthern.eduTrevor SconyersTrevorSconyersGraduate Teaching Assistant II912-478-5544Williams Center 1010Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeDepartment of First and Second Year Experience
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • BBA, Georgia Southern University, 2022
    BBA, Georgia Southern University, 2022
    ma17734@georgiasouthern.eduMercy AmiolemenMercyAmiolemenGraduate Teaching Assistant II912-478-5544Williams Center 1008Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeDepartment of First and Second Year Experience
    • MS., Georgia Southern University, 2025
    • MEd, Salem State University, 2022
    • BS., University of Benin Nigeria, 2021
    MEd, Salem State University, 2022BS, University of Benin Nigeria, 2021
    smcgee@georgiasouthern.eduShaunell McGeeShaunellMcGeeInstructor, MHA, RT (R) (CT)912-234-4320Ashmore Hall 123Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceFor 23 years, I have developed extensive expertise in diagnostic imaging across various specialties, including CT and X-rays. My career has been characterized by a commitment to excellence in patient care, precision in diagnostic interpretation, and a continual advancement of medical knowledge. In addition to my clinical practice, I have devoted significant time to teaching, mentoring, and training future technologists. My teaching approach combines hands-on learning with advanced imaging technology and a strong emphasis on evidence-based practice, inspiring the next generation of diagnostic imaging technologists to excel in their field.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy in radiology focuses on fostering a collaborative, hands-on, and student-centered approach. I aim to equip my learners with critical thinking skills, technical proficiency, and a professional demeanor necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing healthcare landscape. By emphasizing the integration of clinical and imaging knowledge, effective communication, and continuous learning, I strive to develop the next generation of radiologists who will provide exceptional patient care and contribute to the advancement of the field.
    • MS. in Health Administration, University of Phoenix (2007)
    • BS. in Radiologic Sciences, Armstrong State University (2004)
    • BA. in Accounting, Savanah State College (1995)
    BS in Radiologic Sciences, Armstrong State University (2004) BA in Accounting, Savanah State College (1995)
    Research Interests
    • First Generation Students
    • Radiation Protection
    Radiation Protection
    jg03225@georgiasouthern.eduNiYonna JohnsonNiYonnaJohnsonGraduate Teaching Assistant II912-478-5544Williams Center 1010Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeDepartment of First and Second Year Experience
    • BS., Georgia Southern University, 2022
    • BA., Georgia Southern University, 2019
    BA, Georgia Southern University, 2019
    cd05652@georgiasouthern.eduCandace DuganCandaceDuganGraduate Teaching Assistant II912-478-5544Williams Center 1001Statesboro CampusProvost Office Department of First and Second Year Experience
    • BA., Georgia Southern University, 2019
    jgarner@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jessica-c-garner-2Jessica GarnerJessicaGarnerAccess Services Department Head & Associate Professor 912-478-0853Zach S. Henderson Library Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesAccess Services Department Jessica C. Garner is an Associate Professor & the Access Services Department Head at Georgia Southern University and has worked in Public and Academic libraries for over 19 years. Jessica has been involved with Children’s Services, Collection Development, Cataloging and Interlibrary Loan first as a Public Librarian at Live Oak Public Libraries and then at Georgia Southern University. Her scholarship interests include leadership, Interlibrary loan, intellectual freedom, and frontline patron services.
    • Master's in Library and Information Science
    jbacot@georgiasouthern.eduJoseph BacotJosephBacotPart-time Instructor912-478-8007Carroll Building 1100Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyPart-time instructor for Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • B.S. in Justice Studies
    • M.A. in Social Science
    • M.S. in Philosophy
    • Ph.D. in Criminal Justice
    M.A. in Social ScienceM.S. in PhilosophyPh.D. in Criminal Justice
    dhalaby@georgiasouthern.eduDominique HalabyDominique HalabyAssociate Vice President for Innovation912-478-8007IT BuildingStatesboro CampusOffice of Research and Economic DevelopmentBusiness Innovation GroupDominique Halaby, D.P.A. is the Associate Vice President for Innovation at Georgia Southern University. In this capacity, he oversees the business development units of the university including the Center for Business Analytics and Economic Research, EDA University Center, Area Small Business Development Center, and Business Innovation Group (BIG) with facilities in Statesboro, Hinesville and Metter. He also serves as Chair of the university Intellectual Property Committee and is responsible for managing the institutions technology transfer and knowledge translation efforts.
    • Post-Doctoral Bridge Program, University of Florida
    • Doctor of Public Administration, Nova Southeastern University
    • Master of Professional Studies, Tech Entrepreneurship, University of Maryland
    • Master of Business Administration, The University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley
    • Bachelor of Arts, The University of Texas at Austin
    Doctor of Public Administration, Nova Southeastern UniversityMaster of Professional Studies, Tech Entrepreneurship, University of MarylandMaster of Business Administration, The University of Texas- Rio Grande ValleyBachelor of Arts, The University of Texas at Austin
    Research Interests
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Economic Development
    • Community Engagement
    Economic Development Community EngagementBusiness Innovation Group (BIG)
    ysalhi@georgiasouthern.eduYoussef SalhiYoussefSalhiPrincipal Lecturer of Arabic912-478-0254Interdisciplinary Academic Building 2071Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesMr. Youssef Salhi is a Principal Lecturer of Arabic at Georgia Southern University. He also serves as the Director of the Arabic Summer Program, and the Section Leader of Less Commonly Taught Languages. He received his BA in Sociolinguistics from Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco, and his MA in Humanities with a concentration in Linguistics from the University of Louisville in Kentucky. Prior to arriving at Georgia Southern University in 2012, Mr. Salhi held full-time positions at Eckerd College and at the University of Tampa.
    • MA., University of Louisville, 2009
    • BA., Hassan II University, 1998
    BA, Hassan II University, 1998
    Research Interests
    • Arabic Language And Literature
    • Arabic Culture
    • Comparative Literature
    • Code Switching
    • Language And Gender
    Arabic CultureComparative LiteratureCode SwitchingLanguage and Gender
    mhatton@georgiasouthern.eduRyan HattonRyanHattonAssistant Professor912-478-2579PCOB 2228Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain Management
    takanghsu@georgiasouthern.eduTa Kang HsuTa Kang HsuAssistant Professor912-478-0348PCOB 3353Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain Management
    cblount@georgiasouthern.eduCasey BlountCaseyBlountPart-time Instructor912-478-4636Carroll Building 1100Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyPart-time instructor for Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • B.S., United States Naval Academy
    • J.D., Emory University School of Law
    J.D., Emory University School of Law
    ia02204@georgiasouthern.eduIbtisaama AhmedIbtisaamaAhmedPhD CandidatePCOB 1123Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain Management
    wlwolfe@georgiasouthern.eduWendy WolfeWendyWolfeProfessor912-344-2955Science Center 225Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyGeorgia Southern University Faculty MemberI have been teaching on the Armstrong campus since 2006 and I also serve as the Armstrong Campus Psychology Department’s Senior Internship Coordinator. I teach courses in Introduction to Psychology, Psychological Disorders, Clinical Psychology, and Health Psychology.EducationI received my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Syracuse University and completed a Clinical Psychology Residency through the Consortium of the Medical College of Georgia and Department of Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center in Augusta, GA.Psychology ProfessionalI am a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Georgia.
    • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Syracuse University, 2001
    jshen@georgiasouthern.eduJunan ShenJunanShenProfessor 912-478-0084Engineering Building 1123Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Shen is a tenured full Professor and the Director of Asphalt Research Laboratory of theDepartment of Civil Engineering and Construction at GSU. He has completed more than US $ 2 millions in externally-funded researches, and more than 150 scholarly publications related to his area of practice mainly in asphalt materials and pavement engineering. He has served for more than 15 years as an associate editor for the Journal of Material in Civil Engineering, ASCE, and committee members for several committee such as Asphalt Rubber of International Committee. As of 2024, Statistic data of Google Scholar Citations indicatedthat his h-index is 27, i10-index 52 and citation 3100.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Shen taught many courses in the area of Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Construction Management programs. He also mentored students for their Master of Science in the transportation engineering direction. In addition, Dr Shen mentored senior project course, a capstone course of this program, and undergraduate research with funded projects and undergraduate research grants. His courses are offered in both in person or online through many rigorous activities such as lectures, homework, quizzes, tests and reports as well. Some courses have course project for a team of around 5 students who work together and finish the project.
    • Ph.D., Saga University, 2000
    • M.Sc., Southeast University, 1990
    • M.Sc., Charlmers University of Technology, 1995
    • B.Sc., Nanjing Institute of Technology, 1985
    M.Sc., Southeast University, 1990M.Sc., Charlmers University of Technology, 1995B.Sc., Nanjing Institute of Technology, 1985
    Research Interests
    • Asphalt And Cement-Based Pavement Materials And Structures
    • Traffic Safety And Management
    • Nondestructive Test And Machine Learning Technology
    Traffic safety and management Nondestructive test and machine learning technology Asphalt Laboratory
    mbolton@georgiasouthern.eduMarlena BoltonMarlenaBoltonPart-time Instructor912-478-8007Carroll Building 1100Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyPart-time instructor for Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • B.S., Criminal Justice and Criminology, Georgia State University
    • M.S., Criminal Justice and Criminology, Georgia Southern University
    M.S., Criminal Justice and Criminology, Georgia Southern University
    yihu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/georgiasouthern.edu/yihu/Yi HuYiHuProfessor of Mathematics, Director of Graduate Program in Mathematics912-478-4729Math/Physics Building 2027Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Yi Hu is a Professor of Mathematics at Georgia Southern University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2012, and joined Georgia Southern as an Assistant Professor in 2013. He has been serving as the Graduate Program Director in the Department of Mathematical Sciences since 2023.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have a deep commitment to teaching and training of students with diverse backgrounds. My goal is to enhance students' learning both in and outside the classroom and improving students' critical thinking and problem solving skills. I put myself not only as a traditional instructor, but also as a learning facilitator for students.
    • Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2012
    Research Interests
    • Harmonic Analysis
    • Partial Differential Equations
    • Number Theory
    Partial Differential EquationsNumber Theory
    jthompson@georgiasouthern.eduJohn ThompsonJohnThompsonProfessor912-481-7763Foy 3039Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicJohn Thompson holds a Ph.D. in music composition from the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he studied music and media art with JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, Curtis Roads, Stephen Travis Pope, and Marcos Novak.Following postdoctoral work under the National Science Foundation’s IGERT interactive Digital Multimedia program, he joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University, where he heads the music technology program.He has published articles in the Computer Music Journal and the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. His compositions and research have been presented internationally. His recent creative work explores cross-modal techniques for combining multiple media in generative and interactive contexts.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Making is an integral aspect of thinking. Every student has creative energies that need to be exercised in order for learning to be maximally productive. My goal is for students to engage in a process of transvergence, where our time together creatively making music and media art leads them toward significant and compelling work.
    • Ph.D. in Music Composition, University of California, Santa Barbara
    • M.A. in Music Composition, Middle Tennessee State University
    • Certificate in Jazz Guitar, Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber
    • B.M. in Music Composition, Belmont University
    M.A. in Music Composition, Middle Tennessee State UniversityCertificate in Jazz Guitar, Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber B.M. in Music Composition, Belmont University
    Research Interests
    • Audiovisual Composition
    • Generative And Interactive Music
    • Live Coding
    Generative and Interactive MusicLive coding
    cbroadhead@georgiasouthern.eduCharles BroadheadCharlesBroadheadPart-time Instructor912-478-8007Carroll Building 1100Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyPart-time instructor for Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • A.S., Criminal Justice, Arapahoe Community College
    • B.A., History and Government, Columbia College
    • Graduate Certificate, School for Police Staff and Command, Northwestern University
    • M.P.A., American Public University
    B.A., History and Government, Columbia CollegeGraduate Certificate, School for Police Staff and Command, Northwestern UniversityM.P.A., American Public University
    kwaterfield@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kristie-cason-waterfield-2Kristie WaterfieldKristieWaterfieldAssistant Professor912-478-1259Solms Hall Rm 2004Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Waterfield is an Assistant Professor of Public Health Informatics and Health Administration She has over 15 years of experience in health administration and public health education. She has worked for major medical centers and non-profit organizations. As a faculty member, she teaches courses in public health administration, informatics, and health education and promotion. She also is currently working closely with Dr. Gulzar Shah and the TRIUMPH consortium members on a grant from the DHHS, ONC for HIT. As well as, working with a local public high school as part of the State of Georgia’s Adopt-a-School program that provides Opioid Prevention and Awareness Education to their students.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Learning is not a passive process, it requires motivation, effort, and persistence. I see teaching as involving a reciprocal relationship between teachers and students. I believe that teachers have responsibilities to their students and that students have responsibilities to their teachers. Therefore, because of the reciprocal nature of the responsibilities between teachers and students, I believe that it is a fundamental mistake to see students as ‘customers’ or ‘clients’ because such a view incorrectly implies that the primary responsibilities in the relationship are those of the teacher to the student and virtually ignores the responsibilities of students to their teachers, fellow students, and themselves.
    • DrPH, Georgia Southern University, 2019
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    • BS. in Community Health Education, Georgia Southern University, 1996
    MBA, Georgia Southern University, 2014BS in Community Health Education, Georgia Southern University, 1996
    Research Interests
    • Public Health And Healthcare Workforce
    • Public Health Informatics
    • Social Determinants Of Health
    Public Health InformaticsSocial Determinants of HealthCenter for Public Health Practice and Research
    ccuyler@georgiasouthern.eduCrystal CuylerCrystalCuylerVisiting Assistant Professor of Elementary EducationOnline onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationI am Dr. Crystal Cuyler. I am from Swainsboro, GA. I taught elementary education (primarily math) for 17 years in the Jefferson County School System. I graduated from Georgia Southern in 2005 with a Bachelor's degree in elementary education. I obtained my Master's in mathematics education, my Specialist in curriculum, instruction, and professional development, and my Doctorate in early childhood education.
    • Ed.D, Walden University, 2021
    acdowns@georgiasouthern.eduAlan DownsAlanDownsAssociate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies912-478-0242IAB 3011Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryAlan C. Downs is an associate professor of history and Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of History. A native North Carolinian, Downs received his B.A. from North Carolina State University, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He joined the Department of History in 1992. Downs has lectured at Civil War symposia and conferences around the United States and Canada and has published essays and articles in numerous books and journals. He is currently revising his manuscript on Joseph E. Johnston and the Vicksburg Campaign for the University Press of Kansas as well as conducting research for a book on Abraham Rencher, territorial governor of New Mexico at the outbreak of the Civil War.
    Teaching Philosophy
    A university education should give students the proper tools to think critically, act creatively and responsibly, and provide for themselves (and others) in our global community.Success or failure in this process is frequently linked to the first year in college. A smooth transition to the academic and social expectations of college leads freshmen to successful years as upperclassmen. My role as a teacher aids in this evolution. Focusing on each freshman as an individual with a distinctive background and unique abilities allows me to serve the dual role of instructor and guide. I strive to engage students intellectually, treat them with respect, listen to their concerns, and help them achieve their goals in any way that I can.
    • PhD
    Research Interests
    • The American Civil War
    • American Indian History
    • Us West
    • Military History
    American Indian HistoryUS WestMilitary History
    smiller@georgiasouthern.eduSuzanne Bryant MillerSuzanneBryant MillerDr. Online onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentEducation and Academic Qualifications:30+ years in public educationPh.D. in Educational Leadership MED in Science EducationBS in PreMed (Chemistry and Biology emphasis)Currently I work as a part time professor at Georgia Southern University. I also work part time with First District RESA as a School Improvement Specialist and part time as an Executive Leadership Coach with GAEL. I am also a certified John Maxwell Leadership Coach.I am very interested in educator (teacher and leader) recruitment and retention and the importance of professional coaching. My dissertation, The revolving door: How leaders push teacher turnover, focuses on how specific actions and behaviors of leaders contribute to teacher turnover.
    sparkerbanargent@georgiasouthern.eduSuran Parker-BanargentSuranParker-BanargentLibrary Technical Assistant912-344-3004Lane LibraryArmstrong CampusUniversity Libraries
    tcooper@georgiasouthern.eduTonya CooperTonyaCooperElementary and Special Education Instructor912-531-7472College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationI love teaching and helping others grow as a professional in the area of teaching special education.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I love teaching and feel it is one of the greatest gifts I have been blessed with. A teacher mustmodel and demonstrate compassion and respect for others’ differences and varied learning styles.It is not only content mastery that an educator is responsible for, but also fostering criticalthinking and problem-solving skills. The students need to be able to take the information fromcourse lectures, textbooks, and other materials and apply it to the real world of today’sclassroom.
    • Master's in Special Education Georgia Southern University 2003
    • BESD Special Education Georgia Southern University 1995
    BESD Special Education Georgia Southern University 1995
    mchesanow@georgiasouthern.eduMarc ChesanowMarcChesanowVisiting Instructor of Music912-344-2682Fine Arts rm. 123Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicMarc Chesanow holds a Master’s Degree from the University of Memphis in addition to a Bachelor’s Degree from the Eastman School of Music in Double Bass performance. He has studied with world-renowned soloist James VanDemark, John Chiego from the University of Memphis, Louis Kosma from the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Clute from the Minnesota Orchestra as well as others. Currently residing in Savannah, Georgia, Marc is currently Assistant Principal Bass with the Savannah Philharmonic and also can be seen performing with The Hilton Head Symphony as well as the Charleston Symphony as well as regular performances at jazz venues such as the The Jazz Corner.
    • B.M. Eastman School of Music
    • M.M. University of Memphis
    M.M. University of Memphis
    tptownsend@georgiasouthern.eduTiffanie TownsendTiffanieTownsendAssociate Professor of Art History912-478-5745Arts 2025Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtDr. Tiffanie Townsend is an associate professor of art history at Georgia Southern University where she has taught since 2005 and has since 2012 been a guest professor on Georgia Institute of Technology’s Oxford Program. She teaches a wide range of Western art history courses from Ancient Art to Baroque and Rococo as well as Islamic Art. She received both her MA and PhD degrees at the University of Georgia, both with a focus on Italian Renaissance and Mannerism, specifically on the art of Rosso Fiorentino which continues to be her primary research interest.
    • Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2003
    • M.A., University of Georgia, 1996
    • B.A., University of Tennessee, 1989
    M.A., University of Georgia, 1996B.A., University of Tennessee, 1989
    Research Interests
    • Italian Renaissance Art
    • Italian Mannerism
    • Rosso Fiorentino
    • Grotesques
    • Islamic Art
    Italian MannerismRosso FiorentinoGrotesquesIslamic Art
    mhinely@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa HinelyMelissaHinelyVisiting Instructor912-478-5598Brannen Hall, room 2031Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyMelissa Hinely, Psy.D., is a Visiting Instructor in the Georgia Southern University Department of Psychology. Dr. Hinely earned a B.S. in Psychology, M.S. in Clinical Psychology, and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Georgia Southern University. She then spent time as a Postdoctoral Resident at Florida State University Counseling and Psychological Services providing therapeutic services to college students. Dr. Hinely teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, all of which are influenced by the broad goal of deepening students' understanding of the complexities of mental health experiences and providing ethical care to clients. Her clinical approach is heavily influenced by 3rd wave cognitive behavioral practices.
    • Postdoctoral Resident, Florida State University, 2022
    • Psy.D., Georgia Southern University, 2021
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2019
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2015
    Psy.D., Georgia Southern University, 2021M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2019B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2015
    ahoekzema@georgiasouthern.eduAbbey HoekzemaAbbeyHoekzemaAssociate Professor912-478-5748Sanford Hall 3016Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsAbbey Hoekzema is a documentary filmmaker in Savannah, GA. She co-founded DOC Savannah, a non-profit collective of nonfiction storytellers. She was a 2020 Southern Producing Lab Fellow. Her work has been presented at film festivals around the country including the New Orleans Film Festival, Atlanta Film Festival, Miami Film Festival, Heartland Film Festival, and Big Sky Documentary Film Festival. Her short Mentor (2020) premiered on REEL SOUTH and Georgia Public Broadcasting.She completed her MFA in Documentary Production and Studies at the University of North Texas and teaches film production at Georgia Southern University.
    • Master of Fine Arts in Documentary Production and Studies, University of North Texas
    • Bachelor of Science, Marketing Management, Virginia Tech
    • Bachelor of Arts, Communications Cinema Studies Concentration, Virginia Tech
    Bachelor of Science, Marketing Management, Virginia TechBachelor of Arts, Communications Cinema Studies Concentration, Virginia Tech
    Research Interests
    • Documentary Storytelling
    • Community Storytelling
    • Southern Stories
    Community StorytellingSouthern Stories
    esnipes@georgiasouthern.eduErica HillsnipeEricaHillsnipeMrs.912-478-5301Math/Physics 2046Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsErica Hillsnipe received her BS in Physics from Wittenberg University in 2009. She continued on to Auburn University, receiving her Masters in Physics in 2013. She continued her studies in the Mechanical Engineering department at Auburn, focusing on Material Science, in particular studying the various material properties and impacts of tin whiskers in electronics, while additionally working on some physics education research projects. She began at Georgia Southern as a visiting faculty in 2016, becoming a lecturer in 2017. In 2023 she was promoted to senior lecturer. Her area of interest is physics education research.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Receiving an education in physics and/or engineering is an excellent way to prepare oneself for problem solving and critical thinking tasks to be met in either industry or academic situations. However, many students approach physics as they would other courses that focus on memorization. This is not the primary goal in physics, and it is not what I wish for my students to walk out of my class feeling they have accomplished. Instead, I focus on how students approach the basics. Class time includes a variety of student-centered learning techniques that encourage the student to come to conclusions for themselves and learn how to apply techniques that are presented to a variety of situations that will help them in their future courses.
    • M.S., Physics, Auburn University, 2013
    • B.S., Physics, Wittenberg University, 2009
    B.S., Physics, Wittenberg University, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Physics Education Research
    hurstmo@georgiasouthern.eduMichael HurstMichaelHurstassociate professor912-478-18793210 Chemistry/NursingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsBS in Chemistry University of Missouri-Kansas City 1977PhD in Biochemistry Iowa State University 1983postdoc University of Colorado 1983-84Visiting Professor Ball State University 1984-85Visiting Professor University of Wisconsin-River Falls 1985-88Georgia Southern University 1988-present
    • see above bio
    bboone@georgiasouthern.eduBob BooneBobBoonePart time Instructor912-681-4157Engineering Building 1101 JStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionRetired Mechanical Engineer
    Teaching Philosophy
    To provide the best information I have to the students.
    • BETMET, Professional Engineer, Master in Public Administration
    cjlynes@georgiasouthern.eduCynthia (JANE) LynesCynthia (JANE)LynesAssistant Professor912-478-0508Hollis Building 0107-BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI began teaching at Georgia Southern University in the Department of Health Sciences andKinesiology as an assistant professor in the fall of 2018. Prior to consolidation, I taught atArmstrong State University in the College of Education (COE) as a limited full-time instructor. After consolidation, I continued to teach on the Armstrong campus until spring 2021 when the last Health & Physical Education students graduated in May.at the end of a teach out. I was transferred to Statesboro in August of 2021. My teaching position here is tenure track and included a move from the COE to the Waters College of Health Professions (WCHP), the addition of scholarly work (different from COE).
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is founded on the core principles of caring, compassion, and creating an inclusive learning environment where all students feel safe, supported, and empowered to succeed. I strongly believe that for effective learning to occur, the classroom must be a warm, nurturing space that embraces diversity and fosters a sense of belonging. My role as an educator goes beyond knowledge dissemination; it involves actively listening, providing emotional support, and tailoring my approach to meet the unique needs of each student and prepare each one for success in their future profession.
    • EdD-Curriculum Studies-GSU-2007
    • Ed Specialist-Health and Physical Education-GSU-1994
    • MS. Health and Physical Education-Armstrong State College-1984
    • BS. Health and Physical Education-Armstrong State College-1978
    Ed Specialist-Health and Physical Education-GSU-1994MS Health and Physical Education-Armstrong State College-1984BS Health and Physical Education-Armstrong State College-1978
    Research Interests
    • Physical Education
    • Women'S Sports
    • Teaching
    Women's SportsTeaching
    jwertalik@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer WertalikJenniferWertalikPh.D., BCBA912-344-3218Science CenterArmstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Wertalik is a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) who has worked in a variety of settings applying behavior analysis with autistic individuals as well as individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities ranging in age from 2 through 25. She teaches a variety of courses in behavior analysis at the undergraduate and graduate level as well as coordinates practicum experiences for students to gain hands on experience within the field. Dr. Wertalik has published research in several peer-reviewed journals and has presented her research at numerous regional, national, and international conferences.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that learning occurs when skills or concepts are acquired, developed, and mastered through the experiences a student has within their environment. Therefore, creating a positive classroom environment where students are engaged in the course material and actively participating in the learning process is my ultimate goal.
    • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, 2017
    • M.A., Ball State University, 2013
    • B.S., Long Island University- Southampton College, 2003
    M.A., Ball State University, 2013B.S., Long Island University- Southampton College, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Functional Life Skills
    • Precision Teaching
    • Sexuality Education
    • Instructional Design
    Precision TeachingSexuality education Instructional design
    jessorv@georgiasouthern.eduJessica OrvisJessicaOrvisMs912-478-5681Chemistry 2216CStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsM.S. University of Tennessee (1989)B.S. Vanderbilt University (1986)
    • M.S. University of Tennessee (1989)
    • B.S. Vanderbilt University (1986)
    B.S. Vanderbilt University (1986)
    tcase@georgiasouthern.eduThomas CaseThomasCasePart Time Instructor912-478-4747PCOB IS&BA OfficeStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsTom has more than 30 years of teaching experience and has co-authored two MIS textbooks and four networking textbooks. His research interests include digital disruption, enterprise systems, enterprise networks, IS education, and technology adoption and diffusion. Tom held numerous leadership roles in professional associations and on the editorial boards of IS journals. He served as department chair from 2008 to 2014 and received the university’s Excellence in Contributions to Instruction Award and as well as its Excellence in Service Award. Locally, Tom serves on the BOD of CORE Credit Union and on OTC's CIS Program Advisory Board OTC. Tom remains active as a textbook author, IS scholar, and part-time instructor.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Tom uses modularized structures for all courses, especially online. He uses and shares grading rubrics for all assignments, including group assignments, and uses a combination of objective and short answer questions on quizzes and exams. He believes in challenging students to master course materials and provides a wide range of supplemental materials to facilitate concept mastery, student engagement, and different learning styles. Where possible, gamified learning experiences are uses.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 1982
    • M.S., University of Georgia, 1979
    • B.A., Davidson College, 1974
    M.S., University of Georgia, 1979B.A., Davidson College, 1974
    Research Interests
    • Digital Disruption
    • Enterprise Systems
    • Enterprise Networks
    • Technology Diffusion
    • Is Education
    enterprise systemsenterprise networkstechnology diffusionIS education
    cbarney@georgiasouthern.comChristian BarneyChristianBarneyAssistant Professor of Marketing608-397-0087Parker COB 3334Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingChristian teaches digital marketing and social media and content marketing. Her research interests include retailing, digital marketing, and applied consumer behavior.
    • PhD in marketing
    dcymbal@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel CymbalDanielCymbalAssistant Professor912-478-7102Science Center 224Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDaniel is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the M.S. in Behavior Analysis Program. He spending time with his family and ice hockey. In his spare time, he likes to conduct research in performance assessment as well as investigate best practices in delivering feedback and training. Daniel has co-authored multiple peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and has been invited to speak at multiple regional and national conferences. He currently serves as a guest reviewer for multiple journals and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management.
    • PhD, Behavior Analysis, 2023
    • MS., Applied Behavior Analysis, 2018
    • BA., Psychology, 2009
    MS, Applied Behavior Analysis, 2018BA, Psychology, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Performance Assessment
    • Training
    • Performance Feedback
    • Verbal Regulation Of Work Behavior
    TrainingPerformance feedbackVerbal regulation of work behavior
    edwards@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/mark-edwards-2Mark EdwardsMarkEdwardsCallaway Professor of Physics912-478-0080Math/Physics 1002Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsMark Edwards conducts research into the behavior and applications of ultracold quantum gases with an emphasis on systems that are in the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) state. In the BEC state, all of the gas atoms have the same matter-wave shape. This magnifies the quantum behavior of the gas up to the macroscopic scale where it can be probed and manipulated. Principal applications of such systems include precision navigation and quantum computing.
    • PhD, Johns Hopkins University, 1985
    • MA., Johns Hopkins University, 1980
    • BS., Georgia Southern College, 1977
    MA, Johns Hopkins University, 1980BS, Georgia Southern College, 1977
    Research Interests
    • Bose-Einstein Condensates
    • Quantum Computing
    • Atom Interferometry
    quantum computingatom interferometry
    mweiland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=J4UQFrIAAAAJ&hl=enMitch WeilandMitchWeilandProfessor of Biochemistry912-344-2706Science Center Rm 2003Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Weiland received his B.S. in Chemistry from Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI, in 2003. As an undergraduate, he participated in a Research Education for Undergraduates (REU) program at North Dakota State University. After graduation, he worked in the quality control laboratory at the City Brewing Company for one year and then pursued his graduate studies at the University of South Carolina. His Ph.D. was awarded in 2009 under the direction of Dr. James Sodetz where he studied the characterization of human complement component C9. Dr. Weiland joined the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Armstrong State University in 2011 which post-consolidation is now Georgia Southern University.
    • Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 2009
    • B.S., Viterbo University, 2003
    B.S., Viterbo University, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Protein Structure/Function Characterization
    • Poly(Aspartic Acid) (Paa) Biodegradation
    Poly(aspartic acid) (PAA) Biodegradation
    kfry@georgiasouthern.eduKarin FryKarinFryProfessor of Philosophy912-478-7577Newton 3301BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesMost of my research examines topics in politics, art, popular culture and religion. My current interests involve the political thought of Hannah Arendt and I serve as the managing editor of Arendt Studies. My latest book is Life, Theory, and Group Identity in Hannah Arendt's Thought (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). Prior to Georgia Southern University, I taught courses in continental philosophy and politics at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am a student-centered teacher who cares about my students and I help them to leave class with greater skills than when they began. I emphasize the ability to think from multiple perspectives, to apply theories to real world situations, and to participate in civil discourse. I change course topics based on what is happening in the world. I enjoy getting to know my students and making class material relevant to them.
    • Ph.D. University of Memphis
    • M.A. Boston College
    • B.A. University of Rhode Island
    M.A. Boston CollegeB.A. University of Rhode Island
    Research Interests
    • Political Philosophy, Especially Hannah Arendt
    • 19Th And 20Th Century Continental Philosophy
    • Philosophy Of Art
    • Philosophy And Popular Culture
    19th and 20th Century Continental PhilosophyPhilosophy of ArtPhilosophy and Popular Culture
    jbeckworth@georgiasouthern.eduJill Beckworth JillBeckworth Dr. 912-344-2902Ashmore Hall 263Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Jill Beckworth is a five-time graduate of Georgia Southern University and an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing. Dr. Beckworth primarily teaches in the graduate nursing program and any undergraduate didactic or clinical courses where there is a need.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have been teaching at the university since January 2011. I quickly realized that I have always loved nursing but I now had a passion for teaching as I can effect change on a larger level. If you make an impact on a student, that impact is exponentially multiplied Having five degrees from Georgia Southern University, I strongly believe in lifelong learning and learning something new every day whether it is formal or informal learning. I am never that far removed from a student's perspective. I am my students' biggest encourager as I believe they have the ability to be successful.
    • DNP, Georgia Southern University
    • MSN - ANP, Armstrong State University
    • BSN, Armstrong State University
    • ADN, Armstrong Atlantic State University
    • BBA - Marketing, Georgia Southern College
    MSN - ANP, Armstrong State UniversityBSN, Armstrong State UniversityADN, Armstrong Atlantic State UniversityBBA - Marketing, Georgia Southern College
    Research Interests
    • Prevention And Early Detection Of Colon Cancer
    • Metabolic Syndrome
    • Adrenal Insufficiency
    • Primary Care Health
    • Student Learning
    Metabolic SyndromeAdrenal Insufficiency Primary Care Health Student Learning
    laurawilson@georgiasouthern.eduLaura WilsonLauraWilsonAdministrative Assistant912-478-5788Hollis 2115Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyLaura Wilson has been at Georgia Southern for 14 years and is the budget administrator for the Department of Health Sciences & Kinesiology.
    eajones@georgiasouthern.eduAlly Jones-HancockAllyJones-HancockCareer and Internship Advisor912-344-2752Student Success CenterArmstrong CampusAcademic AffairsAcademic Affairs
    cc14629@georgiasouthern.eduCassie DuncanCassie DuncanInstructorOnline onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & Anthropology
    • 2022, MA. Social Science, Georgia Southern University
    • 2020, BS. Sociology, Georgia Southern University
    2020, BS Sociology, Georgia Southern University
    btyler@georgiasouthern.eduBethany Tyler BethanyTyler M.S., CCC- SLP912-344-2735The Ritecare Center Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceBrittany Tyler is a clinical instructor at The RiteCare Center for Communication Disorders at Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus. She has over 10 years' experience in the field of speech-language pathology, primarily in pediatrics.
    • Masters of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders, Armstrong Atlantic State University
    cgipson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/christina-gipsonChristina GipsonChristinaGipsonAssociate Professor of Sport Management912-478-1101Hollis 1124 BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Christina Gipson is an associate professor of sport management at Georgia Southern University, where she blends innovative teaching with experiential learning to enhance student engagement. Since 2014, she has developed and taught a range of undergraduate and graduate courses, emphasizing service-learning and sport for development. Her research focuses on community engagement, at-risk populations, and the intersections of gender and race in sport. Passionate about mentoring, Dr. Gipson equips students with the skills to address real-world challenges. Her work fosters collaboration and highlights sport's role in driving meaningful social impact, aligning with her mission to support personal and professional growth through education.
    • July 2012 Brunel University London, England Doctor of Philosophy, Sports Management and Sports Sociology Dissertation Title: “Extreme Volunteering: A holistic perspective on international women sport volunteers”
    • May 2007 Georgia State University Atlanta, GA Masters of Science Major: Sport Administration with a concentration in Sport Marketing
    • May 2005 Methodist University Fayetteville, NC Bachelors of Science Majors: Athletic Training and Sport Management, concentration in Health and Wellness Minors: Leadership, Physical Education, and Business
    May 2007 Georgia State University Atlanta, GA Masters of Science Major: Sport Administration with a concentration in Sport MarketingMay 2005 Methodist University Fayetteville, NC Bachelors of Science Majors: Athletic Training and Sport Management, concentration in Health and Wellness Minors: Leadership, Physical Education, and Business
    Research Interests
    • Student Engagement, Service-Learning,
    • At-Risk Communities And Opportunities In Sport And Fitness
    • Sport For Development, Community Engagement,
    • Gender And Race Issues In Sport
    at-risk communities and opportunities in sport and fitnesssport for development, community engagement,gender and race issues in sport
    adawson@georgiasouthern.eduAkiv DawsonAkivDawsonDr.912-478-73511091 Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyDr. Akiv Dawson is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at GeorgiaSouthern University. Her teaching and research interests center on social inequalities in the criminal legal system.
    • Ph.D., Howard University, 2020
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2016
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2013
    • A.S. Gordon College, 2011
    M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2016B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2013A.S. Gordon College, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Crimmigration
    • Mass Incarceration
    • Social Inequality
    • Race And Racism
    Mass IncarcerationSocial InequalityRace and RacismCenter for Africana Studies
    myanochi@georgiasouthern.eduMark YanochikMarkYanochikProfessor of Economics912-478-5020Parker College of Business 3326Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsMark A. Yanochik, Ph.D., is a professor of economics in the Parker College of Business. He began teaching at Georgia Southern University in 2000. Before coming to Georgia Southern, he taught at Kennesaw State University (1997-1999). He primarily teaches principles of economics (micro and macro), as well as in the Master of Science in Applied Economics program. His research has been published in a variety of academic journals, mainly in the areas of economic history, financial economics, and economics pedagogy.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My interest in economics developed through my study of history. I came to realize that economic factors were among the most important drivers of historical events. This insight motivated me to try to understand economic theory as an explanation for human action and historical change. In teaching economics, regardless of the level, I attempt to use important historical examples to illustrate and explain economic theories and policies. In addition, I try to explain economic theory itself as a historical development, and when relevant, show how the advancement of economic theory has influenced the construction of economic policy throughout history.
    • Ph.D. in Economics, Auburn University, 1997
    • M.S. in Economics, Auburn University, 1993
    • B.B.A, Kennesaw State University, 1989
    M.S. in Economics, Auburn University, 1993B.B.A, Kennesaw State University, 1989
    Research Interests
    • Economic History
    • History Of Economic Thought
    • Capital Theory
    History of Economic Thought Capital Theory
    tbkearns@georgiasouthern.eduTori KearnsToriKearnsClinical Psychologist912-478-5359Regents Center for Learning DisordersStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Kearns holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in School Psychology from the University of South Carolina. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Swarthmore College. She is a licensed psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist. Her previous experience includes private practice, disability services/consulting, and college teaching. As the Clinical Psychologist, she is responsible for overseeing the psychoeducational/neuropsychological clinical services for the entire department.
    • Ph.D., School Psychology, University of South Carolina, 2003
    • Licensed Psychologist, GA PSY003519
    • Ph.D., School Psychology, University of South Carolina, 2003
    • Licensed Psychologist, GA PSY003519
    Licensed Psychologist, GA PSY003519The Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    enielsen@georgiasouthern.eduEJ NielsenEJNielsenDr.912-478-46363013 Sanford HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsScholar, artist, cat concierge.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an instructor of skills-based courses such as Public Speaking and Program Process in Television, as well as more lecture based courses such as Human Communication, my goal is for students to leave my classroom with communication knowledge that is useful beyond the immediate course and the practical skillsets to apply it.
    • Ph.D. (Communication), University of Massachusetts Amherst (2024)
    • M.F.A. (Fine Art/Printmaking), New Mexico State University (2010)
    • Ph.D. (Communication), University of Massachusetts Amherst (2024)
    • M.F.A. (Fine Art/Printmaking), New Mexico State University (2010)
    M.F.A. (Fine Art/Printmaking), New Mexico State University (2010)
    Research Interests
    • Fan Studies
    • Visual Culture
    • Gender & Sexuality
    • Monsters & Monstrosity
    • Popular Media
    Visual CultureGender & SexualityMonsters & MonstrosityPopular Media
    mlin@georgiasouthern.eduMao Lin Mao Lin Associate Professor of History912-478-5693IAB 3093Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDr. Mao Lin is an associate professor of history at Georgia Southern University. His research focuses on American foreign relations, the Cold War, modern China, and especially US-China relations. Lin’s articles have appeared in a number of academic journals, covering a wide range of topics related to US-Asia relations. He has received several scholarships, including the 2024 fellowship of Southeast Asia from the East-West Center and the Henry Luce Foundation, the 2023 Fulbright-Hays scholarship in Taiwan, the 2022 Wilson Center China Program Fellowship, the 2011 National Endowment for the Humanities, and the 2009 Marshall-Baruch Fellowship from the George C. Marshall Foundation.
    • Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2010
    • Ph.D. University of Georgia, 2010
    Research Interests
    • Us Foreign Relations
    • American Presidency
    • China
    • East Asia
    • Southeast Asia
    American Presidency China East AsiaSoutheast Asia
    rclouse@georgiasouthern.eduRobert ClouseRobert ClouseSenior Lecturer, Director of the Physical Activity Lifestyle (PAL) Program 912-478-2251Hanner Fieldhouse 2320 AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyIn my current role, I am a Senior Lecturer that serves as the Director of the Physical Activity Lifestyle (PAL) Program. I have been the Director of the PAL Program since August 2014, and I served previously as the PAL Assistant Program Director from 2008-2014. As the Director, I oversee two full-time faculty members that serve as Campus Coordinators on the Armstrong and Statesboro Campuses. In addition, I oversee anywhere from 25-30 graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) that primarily provide daily physical activity instruction for our KINS activity labs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The ability to provide students with a basic knowledge of personal wellness, and the physical fundamental skills necessary to promote personal growth and physical activity throughout a lifespan.To help each student develop a lasting interest in lifetime participation and to maintain a degree of physical fitness.
    • MS. Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University 2008
    • BA. Secondary Education, Marshall University 2005
    • MS. Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University 2008
    • BA. Secondary Education, Marshall University 2005
    BA Secondary Education, Marshall University 2005
    Research Interests
    • Promotion Of Personal Wellness And Lifelong Physical Activity
    kszczerkowski@georgiasouthern.eduKelly SzczerkowskiKellySzczerkowskiCoordinator of Instruction 912-478-4636Williams Center 1041Statesboro Campus
    • Master of Education
    • Master of Education
    Office of Career and Professional Development
    berecz@georgiasouthern.eduDon BereczDonBereczPART-TIME INSTRUCTOR (Emeritus)912-478-0259IT 3110Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyDon Berecz joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University in 2007, as the director of the Center for Forensic Studies in Accounting and Business. He had previously served 23 years as a special agent with the FBI. He was agency-certified as a financial investigator, police instructor, and polygraph examiner. He was responsible for a wide variety of criminal investigations, and also participated in undercover operations, foreign counterintelligence matters, and recruiting for the FBI.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Real world experiences and learning through classroom student activities
    • MBA., Western Illinois University, 1981; BBA, Western Illinois University, 1978
    • Department of Defense Polygraph Institute ( 1998 ); FBI New Agent Training ( 1983 ); FBI National Academy ( 1997 )
    • MBA., Western Illinois University, 1981; BBA, Western Illinois University, 1978
    • Department of Defense Polygraph Institute ( 1998 ); FBI New Agent Training ( 1983 ); FBI National Academy ( 1997 )
    Department of Defense Polygraph Institute ( 1998 ); FBI New Agent Training ( 1983 ); FBI National Academy ( 1997 )
    mdillard@georgiasouthern.eduMary DillardMaryDillardCommunications Coordinator912-478-3942Georgia Southern Research Complex - Building 1Armstrong CampusOffice of Research & Economic DevelopmentOffice of Research & Economic DevelopmentCommunications Coordinator
    • B.A. in Writing & Linguistics from Georgia Southern University
    • B.A. in Writing & Linguistics from Georgia Southern University
    kcraven@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=gdE6-JYAAAAJKathryn Stephenson CravenKathrynStephenson CravenProfessor912-344-2648SC 1011Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Craven is a marine biologist with a special interest in endangered species. Collaborations and research projects include work with sea turtle reproduction, diamondback terrapin hatch success, shark paternity and the distribution of local invertebrates.
    Teaching Philosophy
    College classes should provide a solid foundation of essential information for all students. Beyond that, students should move on to learn the important details for their major. In the current environment for higher education, both students and professors have to step forward and take the learning out of the computer and into the real workplace. I am dedicated to preparing students for the hands-on business of biology.
    • Ph.D. Zoology, Texas A&M University, 1996-2001
    • BA. Biology, University of Rhoda Island, 1992
    • Ph.D. Zoology, Texas A&M University, 1996-2001
    • BA. Biology, University of Rhoda Island, 1992
    BA Biology, University of Rhoda Island, 1992
    Research Interests
    • Sea Turtles
    • Diamondback Terrapins
    • Sea Wasps
    • Spiny Dogfish
    • Wolf Spiders
    Diamondback TerrapinsSea WaspsSpiny DogfishWolf SpidersJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    krandall@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kayla-RandallKayla RandallKaylaRandallDr.912-344-3601Science Center, 231Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Randall is a board certified behavior analyst at the doctoral level. She earned a Master’s of Education degree in Special Education from Vanderbilt University. She earned a doctoral degree in Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of Nebraska Medical Center under the supervision of Dr. Brian Greer. During her training, she completed a doctoral internship in the Severe Behavior Program at the Munroe-Meyer Institute. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Behavior Management Program at the Center for Pediatric Behavioral Health.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy can be summarized as direct, explicit instruction aligned with critical task list objectives and course aims with intentional and embedded opportunities to respond that require meaningful active student responding and occasion the motivation for student engagement. In addition, this methodology employs reinforcement for correct responding with examples and non-examples to increase discrimination with the eventual goal of testing for application. My rigorous training in both the fields of Special Education and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) have given me a unique opportunity to form this comprehensive teaching philosophy which relies on evidence-based practices and principles of learning from both fields.
    • Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral
    • PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
    • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Pediatric Behavioral Health
    • M.Ed., Vanderbilt University
    • Board Certified Behavior Analyst-Doctoral
    • PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center
    • Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Pediatric Behavioral Health
    • M.Ed., Vanderbilt University
    PhD, University of Nebraska Medical CenterPostdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Pediatric Behavioral Health
    Research Interests
    • Assessment And Treatment Of Severe Problem Behavior
    • Evaluation And Mitigation Of Treatment Relapse Including Resurgence And Renewal
    • Interventions That Do Not Rely On Extinction
    • Predictive Behavioral Markers
    • Translational Research
    Evaluation and mitigation of treatment relapse including resurgence and renewalInterventions that do not rely on extinctionPredictive behavioral markersTranslational research
    jgarland@georgiasouthern.eduJeff GarlandJeffGarlandAssociate Dean, College of Arts and Humanities and Professor, Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art217-638-2014Foy 3014Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtJeff P. Garland is the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities at Georgia Southern University, bringing over 30 years of leadership and teaching experience in higher education. He has served as Interim Dean of the College of Education and Chair of the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art. Jeff holds an MFA in Sculpture from Washington University and excels in fostering student success, promoting inclusivity, and driving program innovation. An accomplished artist and educator, he is dedicated to advancing the mission of higher education through dynamic leadership and a commitment to academic excellence.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Art reveals moments that shape who we think we are, challenging labels like shy or insecure, and replacing them with confidence through new experiences. My teaching fosters growth, both personal and creative, by creating collaborative environments where individuality is celebrated, and authenticity is empowered. Inspired by the Critical Response Process, I decenter power dynamics to facilitate open dialogue and mutual respect. My classroom nurtures each student’s unique voice, encouraging them to push boundaries and create meaningful work. Through shared goals, students grow as individuals and as part of a community, embracing their true selves.
    • Master of Fine Arts - Washington University in St Louis
    • Bachelor of Fine Arts - Illinois State University
    • Master of Fine Arts - Washington University in St Louis
    • Bachelor of Fine Arts - Illinois State University
    Bachelor of Fine Arts - Illinois State University
    Research Interests
    • Flora And Fauna Of The Midwest And Southeast
    • Metal Sculpture Fabrication
    • Color Theory
    Metal Sculpture FabricationColor Theory
    chulhwanbang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=o-z6PdkAAAAJ&hl=enChulhwan BangChulhwanBangAssistant professor912-478-0193PCOB 2221Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsAs an educator, I strive to inspire curiosity and critical thinking by bridging theoretical concepts with real-world applications. My teaching philosophy centers on fostering an inclusive and engaging environment where students feel empowered to explore, question, and apply knowledge. Through hands-on learning, structured guidance, and active feedback, I aim to prepare students for the evolving demands of their fields. I embrace continuous self-reflection and adapt to meet diverse learning needs, ensuring that my approach evolves alongside both technological advancements and the unique challenges faced by students.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, I strive to inspire and engage students through active learning and practical applications. By bridging theory with real-world practices, I ensure students gain industry-relevant skills in data analytics and enterprise systems. My teaching emphasizes fairness, inclusivity, and adaptability, tailoring content to diverse learning needs while incorporating hands-on exercises and case studies to deepen understanding.I value open communication and encourage student participation without intimidation. Through continuous self-reflection and responsiveness to feedback, I foster a dynamic, supportive environment that prepares students for both academic and professional success.
    • Ph.D. University at Buffalo
    • Ph.D. University at Buffalo
    Research Interests
    • Big Data Analysis
    • Text Mining
    • Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence
    • Blockchain And Cryptocurrencies
    • Sports Analytics
    Text MiningMachine Learning and Artificial IntelligenceBlockchain and CryptocurrenciesSports Analytics
    mcharlier@georgiasouthern.eduJacqueline CharlierJacquelineCharlierPart Time Instructor912-478-4636Hollis 1108Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI received my undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Food Science from California State University, Chico and my Masters in Public Health Nutrition from Tulane University. I have been a practicing Registered Dietitian for over 20 years. Throughout my career I have worked in the areas of critical care, transplant, GI surgery and inborn errors of metabolism. I have been teaching in the Health Sciences Department at GSU since 2019.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a practicing dietitian, I approach teaching with the knowledge that one day my students will be my peers and perhaps even a coworker. Therefore, it is my goal to teach them the skills needed to excel as nutrition professionals. My teaching centers around evidence-based practice with a professional focus to help the students reach their full potential after graduation. I am always pushing my students to use critical thinking to enable them to get to the heart of a nutrition problem and find solutions that provide the best outcomes for patients.
    • Masters in Public Health Nutrition, Tulane University
    • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science, CSU, Chico
    • Masters in Public Health Nutrition, Tulane University
    • Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science, CSU, Chico
    Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science, CSU, Chico
    dbrown@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel BrownDanielBrownDirector, Performing Arts Center / Professor, Communication Arts912-478-0830NesSmith Lane - 1105Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDaniel Brown is an Alabama native who has worked at several regional theatres, including the Texas Shakespeare Festival, the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, the Cloverdale Playhouse, and Montgomery’s historic Davis Theatre. Daniel earned his MFA with a concentration in Arts Management from the University of Alabama, as well as his BA in Communication and Dramatic Arts with an Emphasis in Theatre from Auburn University Montgomery. Daniel is five-star hospitality certified by the Texas Office of Development and Tourism. He is a KCACTF Barbizon Design award nominee, and his play, “Choices” has been produced at AUM as part of their mainstage season. Daniel currently serves as the faculty advisor for the Student Pokémon Association.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that the classroom is an environment for implementing infrastructure that positively encourages student learning while actively equipping them with both the knowledge and skill set to enter their field well-prepared with the ability to move their industry forward while definitively shaping the future.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Dramatic Arts with an Emphasis in Theatre
    • Master of Fine Arts with a Concentration in Arts Management
    • Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Dramatic Arts with an Emphasis in Theatre
    • Master of Fine Arts with a Concentration in Arts Management
    Master of Fine Arts with a Concentration in Arts Management
    Research Interests
    • Mission Development And Assessment
    • Ethics In Non-Profits And The Arts
    • Strategic Planning For Arts Organizations
    • Community Development And Outreach In The Arts
    • Understanding Hierarchies And Qualifications In The Arts
    Ethics in Non-Profits and the ArtsStrategic Planning for Arts OrganizationsCommunity Development and Outreach in the ArtsUnderstanding Hierarchies and Qualifications in the ArtsPerforming Arts Center
    cjamison@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cme/MaloryWks2/1:21?rgn=div1;view=fulltextCarol JamisonCarolJamisonProfessor912-344-3097Gamble 238Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Carol P. Jamison is a Professor of English Literature in the Department of Literature at Georgia Southern University. She received her PhD from the University of Georgia in 1993. Her research focuses on Arthurian and Medieval literature.
    • PhD, University of Georgia
    • PhD, University of Georgia
    Research Interests
    • Medieval Literature
    • Linguistics
    • Medievalism
    jrcarter@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&hl=en&user=7K9NlBwAAAAJJames CarterJamesCarterAssistant Professor912-478-2346N/C 2236Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Carter is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry in the Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry, and Physics at Georgia Southern University where he has been a faculty member since 2019, and maintains affiliations with the James H. Oliver, Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science and COSM-DEI. Dr. Carter completed his Ph.D. at University of Kentucky. His research interests include antivirals and drug development systems, ranging from theory to design to implementation. Dr. Carter serves as an instructor for Bioinstrumental Chemistry (BCHM 3100), Biochemistry I (BCHM 5201/BCHM 5201G), Principles in Chemistry I (CHEM 1211K), Principles in Chemistry II (CHEM 1212K), and Liquid Chromatography of Nanomaterials (CHEM 5000/CHEM 5000G).
    • Postdoctoral Scholar, Molecular Virology, University of Notre Dame, 2007 to 2012
    • Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Kentucky, 2007
    • Postdoctoral Scholar, Molecular Virology, University of Notre Dame, 2007 to 2012
    • Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Kentucky, 2007
    Ph.D., Biochemistry, University of Kentucky, 2007
    Research Interests
    • Antiviral Methods
    • Viral Pathogenesis
    • Detection Of Viruses
    Viral PathogenesisDetection of VirusesJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    epitt@georgiasouthern.eduEloise PittEloisePittSenior Lecturer912-478-8031Carroll Building, room 1092Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyMrs. Pitt received her Undergraduate Degree for East Carolina University and her GraduateDegree at Kentucky State University. Her work experience consists of Public SectorDept. Of Corrections in North Carolina, Private Sector Juvenile Justice System in thestates of South Carolina and Pennsylvania. Her area of interests includes working with Juveniles in Intervention and ReentryPrograms that contribute to reuniting the youth back in the communities and back homewith their families and Adult Corrections, with interests in issues of mass incarceration and reentry programs.She currently serves as the Internship Coordinator for the Criminal Justice dept, which students can gain experiential learning opportunities in the community .
    Teaching Philosophy
    She has worked in Higher Education since 2003 and it is her goal to contribute to studentsuccess by realizing that education should be a positive experience and relate to reallife experiences in all students' academic journey. Her philosophy is that higher education must go beyond simply passing on information. It should involve rigorous training in the methods of developing, analyzing, and communicating new knowledge and staying abreast of criminal justice issues in the community. The goal of her teaching pedagogy is active learning and encouraging students to be an agent of change in their own community .
    • M.A Kentucky State University(2007)
    • B.S East Carolina University( 1988)
    • M.A Kentucky State University(2007)
    • B.S East Carolina University( 1988)
    B.S East Carolina University( 1988)
    Research Interests
    • Juvenile Justice Reform
    jwadas@georgiasouthern.eduJoseph WadasJosephWadasProfessor912-877-1905Liberty CenterLiberty CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesM.A. (STL) Lateran University, Alphonsianum Academy, Rome (1992)STB Gregorian University, Rome (1990)BA St. Joseph Seminary College, St Benedict, LA (1987)
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on cultivating critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives. I strive to create an inclusive classroom environment where students feel empowered to explore profound questions about existence, morality, and belief systems while engaging respectfully with differing viewpoints. By encouraging active dialogue, interdisciplinary connections, and reflective inquiry, I aim to inspire students to apply philosophical and religious concepts to contemporary issues and their own lives. My ultimate goal is to foster not only academic growth but also personal transformation, equipping students with the tools to navigate a complex, interconnected world.
    • https://www.ted.com/talks/joseph_wadas_how_dying_can_teach_about_living_confessions_of_a_hospice_chaplain?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
    • https://www.ted.com/talks/joseph_wadas_how_dying_can_teach_about_living_confessions_of_a_hospice_chaplain?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
    mahad@georgiasouthern.eduMohammad AhadMohammadAhadAssociate Professor912-478-5858IT 1321Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringDr. Mohammad A. Ahad, an Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering is currently serving as Interim Chair of the Department. He earned his Ph.D and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He completed his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). He completed the two-year post-doctoral fellowship from BIDMC of Harvard Medical School, Boston. He is a strong advocate for student-centric teaching and research and supports many graduate and undergraduate students in their research. Dr. Ahad’s research interests include but are not limited to bio-signal modeling, bio-sensor and instrumentation design, and AI-based medical diagnostics.
    • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
    • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Bio-Signal Modeling
    • Bio-Sensor And Bio-Instrumentation
    • Ai Based Medical Diagnostics
    Bio-sensor and Bio-instrumentationAI based medical diagnostics
    jgrimes@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SoNJDfIAAAAJ&hl=en&citsig=AE3b8UCMQDxMsrBqVq6K2QWWexCMSara GrimesSaraGrimesSenior Lecturer912-478-1556Parker College of Business Room 2240Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementSara Jan Grimes, Senior Lecturer, joined the faculty at Georgia Southern University in Spring 1999. She previously worked with the Small Business Development Center as a Business Consultant. Her teaching is in the area of Management and Organizational Behavior with expertise in online learning. Jan’s primary scholarly interests revolve around engaging students online and case research. She was inducted as a Fellow in 2022 in the Southeast CASE Research Association (SECRA) and currently serves on the Editorial Board for the Southeast Case Research Journal. Jan is a certified Quality Matters peer reviewer.Jan’s outside interests include Georgia Southern Athletics, gardening, estate sales and spending time with her cats.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy stems from my college experiences as a student. I have modeled my teaching after the great professors I had during my undergraduate and graduate schooling. Things like engagement, respect, organization, intellectual stimulation, and real world connections have guided my growth as a teacher. Other items such as course design and the implementation of technology have caught my interest in recent years.
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University,1997
    • BBA, Georgia Southern University, 1995
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University,1997
    • BBA, Georgia Southern University, 1995
    BBA, Georgia Southern University, 1995
    Research Interests
    • Case Research And Analysis
    jprice@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer PriceJenniferPriceDr. 912-344-2659Ashmore Hall Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Price is a Family Nurse Practitioner. She began her nursing career working on a Med/Surg floor in one of Savannah’s major hospitals. Before becoming a nurse, she earned her Master’s in Public Health which drove her desire to pursue a career in public health nursing where she spent over 8 years as an RN. Public health nursing allowed her to experience a variety of patient care and inspired her to return to the classroom to earn a Master’s in Nursing. As a Family Nurse Practitioner, she has worked in a variety of settings including HIV care, pain management, neurology, and urgent care. Her DNP project focused on implementation of a male specific depression screening for males ages 18-60 in a primary care setting.
    • DNP, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • MSN, FNP Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • BSN Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002
    • MPH Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2000
    • Bacherlor Health Science, Armstrong Atlantic State University 1998
    • DNP, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • MSN, FNP Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • BSN Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002
    • MPH Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2000
    • Bacherlor Health Science, Armstrong Atlantic State University 1998
    MSN, FNP Georgia Southern University, 2011BSN Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2002Bacherlor Health Science, Armstrong Atlantic State University 1998
    Research Interests
    • Mental Health
    • Nursing Education
    • Public Health
    Nursing EducationPublic Health
    kknoerl@georgiasouthern.eduT. Kurt KnoerlT. KurtKnoerlAssociate Professor912-344-2789108 A Hawes HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDr. T. Kurt Knoerl is a maritime historian and underwater archaeologist. His research specializes in maritime cultural landscapes in Coastal Georgia and the Great Lakes. He is also a digital and public historian who has been working with online exhibits for over twenty years. Since coming to Georgia Southern University in 2017 he has joined numerous local educational institutions' advisory boards as well as currently sits on the Chatham County Historic Preservation Commission. He is also the founder and director of the online Museum of Underwater Archaeology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Knoerl believes that education works best when it combines classroom and hands-on real-world experience. His courses often include fieldwork combined with archival research. Student engagement is essential to their success.
    • Ph.D., George Mason University, 2012
    • MA., East Carolina University, 1994
    • BA., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1987
    • Ph.D., George Mason University, 2012
    • MA., East Carolina University, 1994
    • BA., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1987
    MA, East Carolina University, 1994BA, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1987
    Research Interests
    • Maritime Cultural Landscape Of Coastal Georgia
    • Maritime Cultural Landscape Of The Great Lakes In The Eighteenth Century
    • Digital And Public History
    Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Great Lakes in the eighteenth centuryDigital and Public history
    tkeshwah@georgiasouthern.eduTiffany KeshwahTiffany KeshwahDr. 912-344-2816Ashmore Hall 262Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI am passionate about the field of nursing and have practiced in various pediatric settings throughout my nursing career to include primary care, hematology, oncology, transplant, surgery, and emergency medicine. As an acute care pediatric nurse practitioner I am dedicated to delivering safe, quality, family-centered care to children and their families in the community. I enjoy sharing this passion with nursing students and hope to inspire them to discover and pursue the filed of nursing in which they feel most impactful.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that inquiry and curiosity are essential to one’s ability to expand their knowledge. Student expression and inquisition are valued as part of the learning process and essential to identifying gaps in knowledge to further guide areas for learning. I cultivate a learning environment allowing for open dialogue, free of judgment, by creating a safe space for students, where they will feel comfortable asking necessary questions. I strive to empower students to take charge of their own educational experience and encourage them to capitalize on any opportunity that will expand their knowledge.
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice, University of Cincinnati, 2022
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University 2011
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice, University of Cincinnati, 2022
    • Bachelor's of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University 2011
    Bachelor's of Science in Nursing, Georgia Southern University 2011
    Research Interests
    • Advancements In The Pediatric Np Role In Rural And Underserved Areas
    • Advancing The Np Practice In States With Restricted Practice Laws
    • Patient And Family Centered Education
    • Nursing Education For Adult Learners
    Advancing the NP Practice in States with Restricted Practice LawsPatient and Family Centered EducationNursing Education for Adult Learners
    kcoggins@georgiasouthern.eduKatelyn CogginsKatelynCogginsSenior Lecturer912-478-5401Math/Physics 3045Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesA Double-Eagle graduate of Georgia Southern University, Katelyn Coggins has been teaching full-time on the Statesboro campus since 2016. She has a passion and enthusiasm for mathematics and loves the opportunity to share this with students, primarily first- and second-year undergraduates in core mathematics courses. She lives in Statesboro with her husband, who is also a Double-Eagle and lecturer in the math department, and together they have a daughter and two cats.
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2016
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2016
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    rmcnutt@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ryan-mcnutt-2Ryan McNuttRyanMcNuttAssociate Professor912-478-2337Carroll Building, Rm. 1050Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. McNutt's research interests include utilizing technology such as LIDAR and GIS to answer questions about battlefield and conflict sites, power and dominance in the landscape, and the impact of violence on non-combatants. This includes the archaeology of internment and POW camps, where place becomes transformed through social interaction into a space of the dominant and dominated, with landscapes and architecture spatially arranged in a grammar of control and constant observation.
    • Ph.D, University of Glasgow, 2014
    • MLitt, University of Glasgow, 2010
    • BSc, Anthropology, Middle Tennessee State University, 2006
    • Ph.D, University of Glasgow, 2014
    • MLitt, University of Glasgow, 2010
    • BSc, Anthropology, Middle Tennessee State University, 2006
    MLitt, University of Glasgow, 2010BSc, Anthropology, Middle Tennessee State University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Conflict Archaeology
    • Battlefield Archaeology
    • Historical Archaeology
    • Gis
    • Digital Technologies
    battlefield archaeologyhistorical archaeologyGISdigital technologiesR M Bogan Archaeological Repository, Camp Lawton Archaeological Project
    mdurach@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=CnBM1k8AAAAJMaxim DurachMaximDurachProfessor912-478-0575Math/Physics Bldg 1008Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Durach is a Professor at Georgia Southern University.
    • Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2010
    • M.S, Georgia State University, 2008
    • M.S., St Petersburg Polytechnic State University, 2006
    • B.S., St Petersburg Polytechnic State University, 2004
    • Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2010
    • M.S, Georgia State University, 2008
    • M.S., St Petersburg Polytechnic State University, 2006
    • B.S., St Petersburg Polytechnic State University, 2004
    M.S, Georgia State University, 2008M.S., St Petersburg Polytechnic State University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Electromagnetism
    • Optics
    • Photonics
    • Metamaterials
    • Plasmonics
    opticsphotonicsmetamaterialsplasmonicsCenter for Advanced Materials Science
    bwarsaw@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/benjamin-warsawBenjamin WarsawBenjaminWarsawAssociate Professor of Music912-344-2823FA 121Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicAmerican pianist, Dr. Benjamin Warsaw is a classical pianist, composer, and educator. He teaches piano and other music-related courses and is founder and Artistic Director of the concert series, Piano in the Arts. During the summers, Dr. Warsaw has been on faculty at Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Blue Lake Fine Arts, Chautauqua Institution, and the Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival. In 2015, Dr. Warsaw released his debut album, Warsaw plays Warsaw, featuring a set of 24 Preludes of original music for piano. He was honored to have been selected as Georgia Music Teacher’s Association’s 2017 composer of the year for which he wrote Microcosms, a collection of short piano pieces for the developing pianist. Dr. Warsaw is an ASCAP composer.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teacher, Maestra Rebecca Penneys, once told me: Sound is the carrier of emotion.I have come to learn that what the audience hears from my playing is a true expression of myself — “my voice.” Through focused, disciplined practice, we can clearly communicate emotions to our listeners which words cannot express. My goal is to teach my students these techniques, help them find “their voice” at the piano, and enable to them to create music with ease and delight.
    • DMA, Boston University, 2011
    • MM, Eastman School of Music, 2007
    • BM, Eastman School of Music, 2005
    • DMA, Boston University, 2011
    • MM, Eastman School of Music, 2007
    • BM, Eastman School of Music, 2005
    MM, Eastman School of Music, 2007BM, Eastman School of Music, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Piano Performance
    • Musical Composition
    • Piano Improvisation
    • Jewish Music
    • Piano Pedagogy
    Musical CompositionPiano Improvisation Jewish musicPiano pedagogy
    snam@georgiasouthern.eduSoonkie NamSoonkieNamAssociate Professor912-478-2343Engineering Building 1101KStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Soonkie Nam is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction at Georgia Southern University. He holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech, as well as an M.E. and B.E. in Civil Engineering from Ajou University in South Korea. Dr. Nam’s research focuses on laboratory and in-situ geotechnical testing, unsaturated soils, and engineered materials for geotechnical systems. His recent work includes deep foundations, earth retaining structures, and geotechnical health monitoring.In addition to his research, Dr. Nam teaches Foundation Design and Surveying and serves as the faculty advisor for the ASCE and SAMSOG Georgia Southern student chapters.
    • Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2011
    • M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2005
    • M.E., Ajou University, 1998
    • B.E., Ajou University, 1996
    • Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2011
    • M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2005
    • M.E., Ajou University, 1998
    • B.E., Ajou University, 1996
    M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2005M.E., Ajou University, 1998
    Research Interests
    • Deep Foundations
    • Earth Retaining Structures
    • Geotechnical Health Monitoring
    • Surveying And Geomatics
    Earth Retaining StructuresGeotechnical Health MonitoringSurveying and GeomaticsLaboratory for Advanced Geotechnical Research and Innovation (LAGRI)
    kzeigler@georgiasouthern.eduKathryn ZeiglerKathrynZeiglerTBSN Program Director - Armstrong Campus and Assistant Professor912-344-3365Ashmore 216 CArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI am Family Nurse Practitioner with clinical experience in obstetrics and gynecology. My doctoral research focused on metabolic screening in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Research interests include polycystic ovary disease, gestational diabetes, and best practices in undergraduate nursing education.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is to curate a student-centered environment that creates self-motivated students who are working to achieve academic and clinical excellence. The emphasis on self-motivation produces life-long learners dedicated to the delivery of expert nursing care.
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Augusta University, 2023
    • Master of Science In Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2015
    • Bachelor of Science In Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Augusta University, 2023
    • Master of Science In Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2015
    • Bachelor of Science In Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2011
    Master of Science In Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2015Bachelor of Science In Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    • Gestational Diabetes
    • Best Practices In Undergraduate Nursing Education
    Gestational DiabetesBest Practices in Undergraduate Nursing Education
    dswanson@georgiasouthern.eduDrew SwansonDrewSwansonJack N. and Addie D. Averitt Distinguished Professor of Southern History; Editor, Agricultural History912-478-2850IAB 3004Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDrew Swanson is Jack N. and Addie D. Averitt Distinguished Professor of Southern History at Georgia Southern University. He is the award-winning author of four books on American rural and environmental history, including A Golden Weed: Tobacco and Environment in the Piedmont South and Remaking Wormsloe Plantation: The Environmental History of a Lowcountry Landscape. His articles and book chapters have appeared in such publications as Agricultural History, American Historical Review, Environment & History, and Environmental History. He is past president of the Agricultural History Society, and is the editor of Agricultural History, the international journal of record in the field.
    Teaching Philosophy
    History is most meaningful when it is personal. For example, I came from a rural background and was fascinated by questions about the environmental and agricultural past that seemed relevant to my life. I wanted to know why my world looked and worked the way that it did, and set about trying to provide some answers to that question. This curiosity still fuels my teaching. Students learn best when there is something personal at stake. Despite the individual roots of these motivations, this learning is ultimately cooperative, binding us to past people and to one another. I try to make my classes relevant to today’s world, and stress the social and contemporary impulses present in “doing” history.
    • PhD, University of Georgia, 2010
    • MA., Appalachian State University, 2004
    • BS., Lees-McRae College, 2001
    • PhD, University of Georgia, 2010
    • MA., Appalachian State University, 2004
    • BS., Lees-McRae College, 2001
    MA, Appalachian State University, 2004BS, Lees-McRae College, 2001
    Research Interests
    • Environment
    • Agriculture
    • Us South
    • Public History
    • Animal History
    AgricultureUS SouthPublic HistoryAnimal History
    ncossa@georgiasouthern.eduNedra CossaNedraCossaAssociate Professor of Elementary Education912-344-2521University Hall 230Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Nedra Cossa is an Associate Professor of Elementary Education. She teaches literacy and curriculum courses in three different elementary education programs across two departments. She teaches online, hybrid, and face-to-face. She also supervises preservice elementary school teachers in local schools. Her research interests focus on literacy, parental ethnotheories of children’s literacy, preservice teacher preparation, and exploring scientific content through children’s picture books.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Cossa’s teaching philosophy focuses on preparing future teachers through a constructivist framework, emphasizing critical thinking, reflective practices, and real-life experiences. She believes in a student-centered approach, where she is also a learner. Her interactive approaches to teaching seek to create a dynamic learning process where students explore, question, and reflect. Students engage in hands-on projects, collaborative learning, and problem-solving tasks to deepen their understanding. She encourages critical thinking by challenging students to question assumptions and analyze information through discussions, assignments, and in class activities.
    • Ph.D. in Early Childhood and Literacy, George Mason University
    • M.Ed. in Reading, Lynchburg College
    • B.S. in Liberal Studies with P-6 Endorsement, Longwood University
    • Ph.D. in Early Childhood and Literacy, George Mason University
    • M.Ed. in Reading, Lynchburg College
    • B.S. in Liberal Studies with P-6 Endorsement, Longwood University
    M.Ed. in Reading, Lynchburg CollegeB.S. in Liberal Studies with P-6 Endorsement, Longwood University
    Research Interests
    • Early Literacy Development
    • Critical Literacy
    • Parental Ethnotheories Of Early Literacy Development
    • Children'S Writing Development
    Critical LiteracyParental Ethnotheories of Early Literacy DevelopmentChildren's Writing Development
    snowak@georgiasouthern.eduSeth NowakSethNowakLecturer912-478-0191ENGR 1101B Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionSeth Nowak is a mechanical engineer and educator with a passion for preparing students for success in the field. Holding a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Georgia Southern, Seth has years of experience in industry and academia. Their teaching approach emphasizes hands-on learning, real-world applications, and fostering critical thinking. Dedicated to inspiring the next generation of engineers, he focuses on equipping students with the technical knowledge and problem-solving skills needed to tackle today’s challenges and innovate for the future.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe teaching is a journey of guidance, much like the role of the pedagogue in antiquity—leading students not just to knowledge, but to wisdom and character. My goal is to cultivate curiosity, resilience, and critical thinking, providing students with tools to solve real-world problems. By fostering a collaborative and interactive learning environment, I encourage students to engage deeply with concepts and challenge their perspectives. Through mentorship and example, I aim to inspire not just engineers, but lifelong learners committed to ethical leadership and innovation.
    • MS. in Mechanical Engineering (2022)
    • MS. in Mechanical Engineering (2022)
    myarbrough@georgiasouthern.eduMary Beth YarbroughMary BethYarbroughSenior Lecturer of Exercise Science912-478-5915Hollis 2121-BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI am a Double-Eagle, having completed both my undergraduate and graduate degrees in the Exercise Science Program. To say I am committed to this program and its students would be an understatement. In addition to teaching, I am a parent. My two complementary roles have reinforced valuable skills - compassionate listening, empathy, setting caring yet high expectations, and patience. Whether as parent or professor, my overarching goal is fostering safe, connected communities where people support one another.Moreover, I hold multiple certifications that not only keep me up to date on the latest trends, technology, and research but also help reinforce information in the classroom.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Georgia Southern University's mission centers on empowering students to think, lead, teach, serve, and succeed through a learner-centered culture rooted in collaboration and inclusion. As evidenced by my teaching, curriculum vitae, and letters of support, I wholly embrace this mission in my unwavering commitment to student achievement and human connection. My pedagogical approach utilizes active learning strategies including concept mapping, games, and interactive technology to engage diverse students across backgrounds and learning styles. I design immersive lessons that stimulate critical thinking while building confidence to master complex concepts relevant to students’ lives and aspirations.
    • Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology major Exercise Science
    • Masters of Science in Kinesiology
    • Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology major Exercise Science
    • Masters of Science in Kinesiology
    Masters of Science in Kinesiology
    Research Interests
    • While I Do Not Have Scholarship Responsibilities In My Role I Will Often Help With Data Collection In The Human Performance Lab As The Co-Director Of Those Spaces. This Allows Students To Connect To Other Faculty And See What Research Might Look Like In Our Field.
    Human Performance Labs
    tjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduTerre JohnsonTerreJohnsonChair, The Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music912-478-7129Foy Building 1014Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicTerre Johnson serves as Chair of The Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music at Georgia Southern University. His career has included conducting professional, school, university and church choirs, as well as founding the Southeastern Chamber Orchestra. He has conducted these choirs in some of the most well-known venues around the world, including 16 concerts in Carnegie Hall, the Vienna Konzerthaus and the Sydney Opera House.Dr. Johnson is also a published composer, and has presented the premieres of four extended works for chorus and orchestra in Carnegie Hall and with the Florence Chamber Orchestra in Italy.
    • BME - Troy University
    • ME - Auburn University
    • PhD - Florida State University
    • BME - Troy University
    • ME - Auburn University
    • PhD - Florida State University
    ME - Auburn UniversityPhD - Florida State University
    mmercer@georgiasouthern.eduMegan MercerMeganMercerCommunity Relations & Event Coordinator, Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics912-478-092258 E Main Street, Statesboro GAStatesboro CampusOffice of ResearchNAMegan Mercer earned a BA from the University of New Hampshire in 2009 and an MPH from Armstrong State University in 2015. She has extensive experience advocating for children and adult survivors of violence. Before joining IHLA, she was Associate Director for Student Wellness at Georgia Southern University, leading student-focused public health programs. A Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®) since 2023, Megan now works with IHLA’s Community Health Resource Project (CHRP), building partnerships and advancing health equity in underserved communities.
    Teaching Philosophy
    • Bachelor of Arts; University of New Hampshire
    • Master of Public Health; Georgia Southern University
    • Bachelor of Arts; University of New Hampshire
    • Master of Public Health; Georgia Southern University
    Master of Public Health; Georgia Southern UniversityInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    mshipes@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa ShipesMelissaShipesDPT, PCS912-344-2855Armstrong Center #236Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Shipes is a full-time Visiting Instructor in the Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program in the Department of Clinical Sciences. Dr. Shipes teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in online, hybrid, and in-person environments on the Savannah campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I appreciate that all students learn differently; and work to acknowledge all students' backgrounds and experiences to incorporate this into each course I teach, including building relevant, meaningful learning activities and course material. I am enthusiastic about facilitating learning together as a class through active discussion and problem solving with real-life examples.
    • Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT), Utica University
    • Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy
    • Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT), Utica University
    • Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy
    Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy
    Research Interests
    • Parkinson'S Disease And Gait Training
    • Family Centered Care In Pediatric Physical Therapy
    • Aging In Place
    Family Centered Care in Pediatric Physical TherapyAging in Place
    jsikes@georgiasouthern.eduJulia SikesJuliaSikesConference Services and Events Manager912-478-5499301 Building (CPE Center) and Armstrong CenterArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusContinuing and Professional EducationConference Services and Events
    • BFA, Arcadia University, 2013
    • BFA, Arcadia University, 2013
    zpantin@georgiasouthern.eduZach PantinZachPantinOperations Manager912-478-0983City Campus, Suite CStatesboro CampusOffice of ResearchAs the Operations Manager, Zach manages the IHLA's office in downtown Statesboro and provides project and administrative support, ensuring the seamless continuity of essential IHLA processes. Zach follows his passions for community health & development, animal welfare, and environmentalism.
    • Bachelor of Philosophy, Kennesaw State University
    • Bachelor of Philosophy, Kennesaw State University
    Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    salderman@georgiasouthern.eduSandi AldermanSandiAldermanAdmin Assistant/PT Retiree912-478-0231Carroll Building Rm 1100Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & Criminology
    Bzwinklis@georgiasouthern.eduBrooklyn ZwinklisBrooklynZwinklisMs.912-478-5487Liberty Campus, Room 114Liberty CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI discovered my passion for teaching when I was an undergraduate student at Augusta University working as a teaching assistant. Using both this experience and my time as a laboratory research assistant, I was fortunate enough to become a graduate student at Georgia Southern University. During this time, while completing my thesis research on the relationship between urbanization and mammalian biodiversity, I taught several lab courses. After graduating with my M.S. in Biology in May 2024, I had the opportunity to continue teaching at Georgia Southern University as a full-time instructor. I now teach biology courses such as Principles of Biology I & II and Introductory Biology I & II on the Liberty Campus in Hinesville, GA.
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • B.S., Augusta University, 2022
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • B.S., Augusta University, 2022
    B.S., Augusta University, 2022
    kspiridon@georgiasouthern.eduKristen SpiridonKristenSpiridonLecturer of Clarinet912-478-5396Foy 3053Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Kristen Spiridon is the Lecturer of Clarinet at Georgia Southern University. Currently, she is the Principal Clarinet of the Savannah Philharmonic; Principal Clarinet of the Coastal Symphony; Co-Principal Clarinet of the Rock Hill Symphony; and Second Clarinet of the South Carolina Philharmonic. In the summer season, Kristen serves as the head of woodwinds at the Georgia Governor’s Honors program. Before her present appointments, she held the position of Second Clarinet with both the Augusta Symphony and the Columbus Indiana Philharmonic. She represents Buffet Crampon, Chedeville Mouthpieces, and Rice Clarinet Works as a Performing Artist for their brands.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching to the individual is key to student success.
    • D.M.E., Liberty University, 2024
    • A.D. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 2010
    • M.M. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 2008
    • B.M.Ed. The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, 2006
    • B.M. The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, 2006
    • D.M.E., Liberty University, 2024
    • A.D. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 2010
    • M.M. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 2008
    • B.M.Ed. The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, 2006
    • B.M. The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, 2006
    A.D. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 2010M.M. University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, 2008B.M. The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Dyslexia And Sight-Reading
    jkarnes@georgiasouthern.eduJames KarnesJamesKarnesAssociate Professor912-344-3032253 Armstrong CenterArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Karnes received his Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy and Doctor of Philosophy in Anatomical Sciences and Cell Biology from the State University of New at Buffalo. He has a 35+ year history of teaching Gross Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy to Medical, Dental, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Exercise Science students. Dr. Karnes also continues to provide physical therapy services to home care patients.
    • Bachelor of Science - Physical Therapy
    • Doctor of Philosophy - Anatomical Sciences
    • Bachelor of Science - Physical Therapy
    • Doctor of Philosophy - Anatomical Sciences
    Doctor of Philosophy - Anatomical Sciences
    kstewart@georgiasouthern.eduKathryn StewartKathrynStewartBusiness & Finance Coordinator912-478-0917City CampusStatesboro CampusInstitute for Health Logistics & AnalyticsInstitute for Health Logistics & AnalyticsI am the Business & Finance Coordinator at the Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics at Georgia Southern University. I served as the project lead for one federal grant, ensuring that the confinement facilities in the state of Georgia are provided with the mitigation supplies needed to prevent the spread of infection in their facility. I provide budgetary and administrative support to the Institute in the way of administering and monitoring budgets, accounts, policies, and procedures relating to the operational activities of the Institute or special projects housed at the Institute. I monitor the day-to-day delivery of special projects at the Institute to maintain or improve quality or processes.
    • Bachelor of Arts
    • Bachelor of Arts
    Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    rkocerha@georgiasouthern.eduJannet KocerhaJannetKocerhaAssociate Professor912-478-4201Chemistry/Nursing Building 2216aStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsI am a faculty member with a focus on education and biomedical research. Recent NIH-funded projects have focused on cancer-related drug development.
    • PhD, Biochemistry, University of Florida
    • MS., Biology, Purdue University
    • BA., Chemistry, Indiana University
    • PhD, Biochemistry, University of Florida
    • MS., Biology, Purdue University
    • BA., Chemistry, Indiana University
    MS, Biology, Purdue University BA, Chemistry, Indiana University
    Research Interests
    • Cancer Research
    • Drug Development
    drug development
    jmgenelman@georgiasouthern.eduwww.martingendelman.comMartin GendelmanMartinGendelmanDr.912-478-7903Foy #1005Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicIntrospective and provocative, the music of Martín Gendelman is built on the idea of sound as a living, organic phenomenon, and it explores the connections with the visual and acoustic elements in a performing space. Developed both for acoustic and electronic media, his creative output includes works for solo performer, chamber groups, and large ensembles, as well as cross-disciplinary works and installations (primarily with dance, video, and theater). His music has been performed across at festivals and conferences across the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. His works are available through BabelScores and directly from the composer. Recordings of his music have been released through Neuma Records, CMMAS, and the University of Idaho.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Your text is well-written and clear, with only minor adjustments needed to enhance flow and readability. Here's a slightly polished version with refined punctuation:I believe art and education share the transformative power to change perspectives. A good teacher shapes how students think and view the world. My goal is to open students’ minds by challenging their assumptions, connecting new knowledge to their experiences, and fostering meaningful learning beyond the classroom, all of which strengthens their sense of purpose. I also believe that teaching is bidirectional. By sharing my passion for music and lifelong learning, I strive to leave a lasting impact by challenging and inspiring my students while learning from them in return.
    • Doctor of Musical Arts - University of Maryland
    • Master of Music - California State University, Northridge
    • Bachelor of Music (Composition and Pedagogy) - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
    • Doctor of Musical Arts - University of Maryland
    • Master of Music - California State University, Northridge
    • Bachelor of Music (Composition and Pedagogy) - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
    Master of Music - California State University, NorthridgeBachelor of Music (Composition and Pedagogy) - Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
    Research Interests
    • Sound
    • Acoustic Sound Media (Instrumental And Vocal)
    • Electronic Sound Media
    • Visual/Theatrical Elements Of Musical Performance
    • Acoustic/Architectural Elements In A Performing Space
    Acoustic sound media (Instrumental and vocal)Electronic sound mediavisual/theatrical elements of musical performanceacoustic/architectural elements in a performing space
    jpeng@georgiasouthern.eduJuanjuan PengJuanjuan PengProfessor912-478-7262IAB 2089Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryMy main research and teaching interests includes Chinese economic and business history, Contemporary Chinese history, Modern Japanese history, and Modern World history. My publications includes "The Yudahua Business Group in China’s Early Industrialization"(Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2020)
    • PHD. in history, The Johns Hopkins University
    • PHD. in history, The Johns Hopkins University
    Research Interests
    • Chinese Economic And Business History
    • Contemporary Chinese History
    Contemporary Chinese history
    lacesvec@georgiasouthern.eduLace SvecLaceSvecPrincipal Lecturer of Biology912-478-15611168 Biological SciencesStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Lace Svec is a Principal Lecturer of Biology at Georgia Southern University. She earned her B.S. in Zoology from the University of Oklahoma and her Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Michigan State University. Her research interests are in behavioral neurobiology and social communication. For the last 15 years, she has focused on guiding student learning in introductory biology with a focus on cellular and molecular biology. She serves as the faculty coordinator for a multi-section introductory lab, where she mentors graduate teaching assistants and new faculty. Her current interests are in encouraging student engagement and developing inclusive teaching practices and research-based teaching methods in her classroom.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a biology teacher, I want to serve as a guide to support students in their development as learners. My primary teaching objectives are to engage students with relevant and interesting biological information in an inclusive environment, guide students to develop skills to independently analyze and apply scientific information and allow students to practice portions of the scientific process. I address these teaching objectives through developing relevant class activities to promote active learning and skill development in and out of the classroom. Finally, I believe in continually improving my teaching through pedagogical education and I continually reflect on my teaching through responding to student performance and feedback.
    • Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Michigan State University, 2009
    • Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Michigan State University, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Biology Pedagogy
    • Behavioral Neuroscience
    Behavioral neuroscience
    srholcomb@georgiasouthern.eduSam HolcombSamHolcombBiology Lab Coordinator912-478-4401Biological Sciences 1166Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI have experience and expertise in conservation biology, wildlife management, applied research, grant and contract administration, and teaching. My primary interests are ecology, herpetology, ornithology, and the conservation of rare, threatened and endangered species. I currently serve as the Biology Lab Coordinator on the Statesboro campus.
    • M.S. in Biology, University of Lousiana at Monroe (2010)
    • B.S. in Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi (2003)
    • M.S. in Biology, University of Lousiana at Monroe (2010)
    • B.S. in Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi (2003)
    B.S. in Biological Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi (2003)
    michaelthomas@georgiasouthern.eduMichael ThomasMichaelThomasAssociate Director of Bands / Director of Athletic Bands912-478-0616Foy 3063Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicMr. Michael Thomas serves as the Associate Director of Bands and the Director of Athletic Bands at Georgia Southern University where he directs the Southern Pride Marching Band, Wind Symphony, and Pep Bands since 2021. He also teaches marching band techniques and graduate level drill writing and arranging. Mr. Thomas received his Bachelor of Music Education Degree and Master’s Degree in Conducting Performance from Georgia Southern University.His professional affiliations include the National Band Association, the National Association for Music Education, and the Georgia Music Educators Association. Mr. Thomas is also an honorary member of Kappa Kappa Psi music fraternity.
    • Master's Degree in Conducting Performance, Georgia Southern University, 2014
    • Bachelor of Music Education, Georgia Southern University, 2012
    • Master's Degree in Conducting Performance, Georgia Southern University, 2014
    • Bachelor of Music Education, Georgia Southern University, 2012
    Bachelor of Music Education, Georgia Southern University, 2012
    ktremblay@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/organisations/nursing/persons/Kat TremblayKatTremblayDr.978-501-0344Ashmore Hall 242Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI lived most of my life and was initially educated around Boston, but I have loved living and teaching nursing in Savannah since 2017. Although I have been a family nurse practitioner in rural, urban, and suburban settings for over forty years, I have always been a teacher. Teaching opportunities have always been magnetic for me, from being an early role model for the developing nurse practitioner role to being a teen swim instructor, equestrian coach, parent of three sons, and now grandmother of four. Receiving a degree in nurse education in 2015 led to my career change as faculty at Georgia Southern, Armstrong Campus. I am privileged to teach in undergraduate nursing and graduate nurse practitioner programs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Learning is the most rewarding gift for both teacher and student. It evolves from the discovery of knowledge, acquisition of skills, interchange of ideas, shared experiences, and the teacher-student relationship in which one cannot exist without the other. To be successful, a teacher needs to listen and understand the needs of the students to better facilitate their learning. Nurses need to be lifelong learners, and igniting the spark that creates a fire of intellectual curiosity in students is the first role of a nurse educator. As a nurse educator at all levels, I seek to translate theory into practice, encourage students to use ethical clinical judgment, and apply critical thinking and caring, creating positive healthcare outcomes.
    • DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) Georgia College & State University
    • MSN-Ed (master's in nursing education) Georgetown University, 2015
    • FNP-BC (board certified family nurse practitioner)
    • Nurse Practitioner Certificate-Harvard/MGH Unit on Medical Education
    • BSN, Salem State University
    • DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) Georgia College & State University
    • MSN-Ed (master's in nursing education) Georgetown University, 2015
    • FNP-BC (board certified family nurse practitioner)
    • Nurse Practitioner Certificate-Harvard/MGH Unit on Medical Education
    • BSN, Salem State University
    MSN-Ed (master's in nursing education) Georgetown University, 2015FNP-BC (board certified family nurse practitioner)BSN, Salem State University
    Research Interests
    • Telehealth & Simulation For Nursing Education
    • Immunizations & International Travel Medicine
    • Pediatrics
    immunizations & international travel medicinepediatrics
    hsezer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/hayri-sezerHayri SezerHayriSezerAssistant Professor912-478-8521IT Building 3112Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Sezer is an assistant professor of thermal and fluid sciences at Georgia Southern University's Department of Mechanical Engineering. He earned his B.Sc. in Physics Engineering (2005) and M.Sc. in Defense Technologies (2009) from Istanbul Technical University and his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from West Virginia University (2014). His research spans renewable energy, fire dynamics, electrochemical devices (fuel cells, batteries), combustion, heat/mass transfer, and fluid flow. He developed dynamic solvers for SOFCs, Na-S batteries, and nickel coarsening models, with ongoing work in hydrogen storage, biomass pyrolysis, liquid atomization, 3D laser sintering, forensic fire investigation and wild land fires.
    • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, West Virginia University, 2014
    • Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (not completed)
    • M.Sc. Defense Technologies, Istanbul Technical Engineering
    • B.Sc. Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
    • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, West Virginia University, 2014
    • Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (not completed)
    • M.Sc. Defense Technologies, Istanbul Technical Engineering
    • B.Sc. Physics Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
    Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (not completed)M.Sc. Defense Technologies, Istanbul Technical Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Fuel Cells And Batteries
    • Fire Safety And Technology
    • Forensic Fire Investigation
    • Computational Science And Engineering
    • Chemical Kinetics
    Fire Safety and TechnologyForensic Fire InvestigationComputational Science and EngineeringChemical KineticsFire and Energy Laboratory (FireGY)
    amendenhall@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/annie-mendenhallAnnie MendenhallAnnieMendenhallAssociate Professor770-846-8375Gamble Hall 130Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishAnnie S. Mendenhall (PhD, The Ohio State University) is associate professor of English and director of first-year writing. She is author of Desegregation State: College Writing Programs after the Civil Rights Movement (Utah State UP, winner of the 2024 CCCC Outstanding Book Award) and numerous articles and book chapters on the history of higher education, writing instruction, and writing program administration.
    • PhD in English, The Ohio State University (2013)
    • MA. in English, The Ohio State University (2009)
    • BA. in English, University of North Georgia (2007)
    • PhD in English, The Ohio State University (2013)
    • MA. in English, The Ohio State University (2009)
    • BA. in English, University of North Georgia (2007)
    MA in English, The Ohio State University (2009)BA in English, University of North Georgia (2007)
    Research Interests
    • History Of Higher Education
    • History Of Rhetoric And Composition
    • Writing Pedagogy
    • Writing Program Administration
    history of rhetoric and compositionwriting pedagogywriting program administration
    ehall@georgiasouthern.eduEmily HallEmilyHallAssociate Professor of Music912-344-3519Fine Arts 120Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicEmily Hall holds the DMA and MM in vocal performance from Louisiana State University and the BM in Music Education from Simpson College, Indianola Iowa.
    • Doctor of Musical Arts
    • Doctor of Musical Arts
    jjacksonkeeley@georgiasouthern.eduJessica Jackson-KeeleyJessicaJackson-KeeleyAdministrative Coordinator912-478-0667Herty 1110BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityMs. Keeley began her career as an Environmental Consultant in the metro Atlanta area and the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region. She then worked for many years in church administration. She has been with the Georgia Southern School of Earth, Environment, and Sustainability since October 2023.
    • Associate's Degree in Geology, Gainesville College; Bachelor's Degree in Geology, Colorado College
    • Associate's Degree in Geology, Gainesville College; Bachelor's Degree in Geology, Colorado College
    James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    csalhi@georgiasouthern.eduChristina SalhiChristinaSalhiSenior Lecturer of Spanish912-478-1375Interdisciplinary Academic Building #2082Statesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesChristina has a BA in Spanish, an MA in Humanities, and a second MA in Teaching Spanish. She has taught English and Spanish at levels ranging from elementary to university in the USA and abroad. Christina’s interests include virtual language learning, second language acquisition, curriculum development, and world religion.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Language learning should be a dynamic and interactive process where students take center stage and should prioritize creating a student-centered classroom, where learners actively engage with the language using authentic materials in meaningful contexts. In this approach, the focus is not solely on grammar and vocabulary but on developing speaking proficiency. By encouraging students to engage in conversations and interact with their peers they build confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in their new language.
    • Master of Arts in Teaching, University of Louisville, 2005
    • Master of Arts in Humanities, University of Louisville, 2003
    • Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, University of Louisville, 2001
    • Master of Arts in Teaching, University of Louisville, 2005
    • Master of Arts in Humanities, University of Louisville, 2003
    • Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, University of Louisville, 2001
    Master of Arts in Humanities, University of Louisville, 2003Bachelor of Arts in Spanish, University of Louisville, 2001
    bmathews@georgiasouthern.eduBenjamin MathewsBenjaminMathewsGretsch Distinguished Scholar of Guitar and Music Industry912-344-2682FAH 113Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Benjamin Mathews is the Gretsch Distinguished Scholar in Guitar and Music Industry at Georgia Southern University. He is a guitarist, songwriter, and producer from Los Angeles with experience performing across the nation and recording for many studio, television, and film projects. He has been an on-camera instructor, in-studio quality control representative, and backing track producer for the groundbreaking Fender Play online learning platform. Ben performs and records regularly on guitar and bass guitar in a wide range of styles.
    • D.M.A. in Studio Guitar Performance, University of Southern California
    • M.M. in Jazz Studies, Indiana University
    • B.A. in Music, Brigham Young University - Idaho
    • D.M.A. in Studio Guitar Performance, University of Southern California
    • M.M. in Jazz Studies, Indiana University
    • B.A. in Music, Brigham Young University - Idaho
    M.M. in Jazz Studies, Indiana UniversityB.A. in Music, Brigham Young University - Idaho
    bquillian@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=-_w7Zc4AAAAJBrandon QuillianBrandon QuillianProfessor of Chemistry912-344-2977Science Center 2008Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Quillian is a native of the Northeast Georgia Mountains. He is a US Navy veteran and a first-generation student. He is currently housed on the Armstrong campus where he has been supporting the instruction of organic chemistry for more than a decade. He also provides instruction in polymer chemistry and advanced organic disciplines. He is an avid supporter of undergraduate research, wherein he conducts research in organometallic homogeneous catalysis, small medicinal product synthesis, and preparing coordination compounds with interesting bonding motifs. He has expertise in single-crystal X-ray diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy methods.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Friedrich Wöhler once said about the burgeoning field of organic chemistry, “At this time organic chemistry can drive one completely crazy. It seems to me like a primeval tropical jungle, full of the most remarkable things, an amazing thicket, without escape or end, into which one would not dare to enter”. Teaching organic chemistry feels rather similar. How do you get students to see through the canopy to reveal the sunlight? My teaching philosophy revolves around teaching concepts instead of content. Understanding the concepts can act as a sinewy web that connects the content. They may never use the content again, but the methods and strategies used to learn the material can aid them in problem-solving for a lifetime.
    • Postdoctoral Associate, Chemistry, University of Virginia, 2009-2011
    • PhD, Chemistry, The University of Georgia, 2008
    • BS., Chemistry, Armstrong Atlantic State Univeristy, 2003
    • Postdoctoral Associate, Chemistry, University of Virginia, 2009-2011
    • PhD, Chemistry, The University of Georgia, 2008
    • BS., Chemistry, Armstrong Atlantic State Univeristy, 2003
    PhD, Chemistry, The University of Georgia, 2008BS, Chemistry, Armstrong Atlantic State Univeristy, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Organometallic Chemistry- Synthesis, Catalysis, Bonding And Structure
    • Organic Chemistry-Small Molecule Synthesis And Medicinal Chemistry
    • Inorganic Chemistry-Synthesis, Catalysis, Bonding And Structure
    • Spectroscopy- Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy (Multinuclear Methods And 2D Spectroscopic Methods)
    • Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
    Organic Chemistry-Small Molecule Synthesis and Medicinal ChemistryInorganic Chemistry-Synthesis, Catalysis, Bonding and StructureSpectroscopy- Nuclear Magnetic Spectroscopy (multinuclear methods and 2D spectroscopic methods)Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction
    mcone@georgiasouthern.eduMarjean ConeMarjeanConeCurator of Education912-478-7707Georgia Southern Museum - Rosenwald BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesMuseumMarjean Cone is a paleontologist and geologist with extensive experience in field-based learning programs. She spent several years with the Sternberg Museum leading and managing geology, biology, and paleontology field camps for K-12 students from all backgrounds. She has also spent time working for various museums and non-profits, such as Science Moab. She is thrilled to join the Georgia Southern Museum!
    Teaching Philosophy
    Marjean comes from a scientific background and has worked to make equitable science accessible to low-income and minority communities. She believes that science, and knowledge should be accessible to all. She also believes that experiential and place-based programming have the most impact on others and seeks to implement wherever she can. She is most interested in paleontology, but is excited to create and engage Georgia's communities in cultural history as well!
    • M.S., Geology, University of Georgia, 2023
    • B.S., Geology, University of Illinois, 2021
    • M.S., Geology, University of Georgia, 2023
    • B.S., Geology, University of Illinois, 2021
    B.S., Geology, University of Illinois, 2021Georgia Southern Museum
    jbrosowski@georgiasouthern.eduJeff BrosowskiJeffBrosowskiDr.912-478-7723BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceJeff Brosowski joins the Parker College of Business by way of Chicago, where he served in adjunct positions for graduate and undergraduate courses for several colleges in the area. Prior to teaching, Jeff traded equity and debt securities and managed trading operations for firms such as Bank One, Bank of America and Echotrade. His teaching interests include corporate finance, financial analysis, and investments.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is to bring real world examples to explain the financial concepts and theories. How do I go about doing this in the classroom or in an online course? I will incorporate the topics of the last four modules (Wow Factor, Clarity, Community and Feedback) with my teaching philosophy, to describe in detail my teaching philosophy.
    • Education: DBA Leadership Completed May 2020 Concordia University Chicago MBA. Loyola University January 2002 • Concentration in Finance. BA. Wayne State University July 1997 • Concentration in Accounting.
    • Education: DBA Leadership Completed May 2020 Concordia University Chicago MBA. Loyola University January 2002 • Concentration in Finance. BA. Wayne State University July 1997 • Concentration in Accounting.
    sscott@georgiasouthern.eduSally ScottSally ScottMs.Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Management
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University
    dslone@georgiasouthern.eduJason SloneJasonSloneProfessor912-478-5909Newton 1122cStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI have a BA from the College of Wooster (1995), a MA from The Ohio State University (1999), and a PhD from Western Michigan University (2002). I specialize in the comparative social scientific study of religion.
    • PhD
    • PhD
    twilliams@georgiasouthern.eduTravis WilliamsTravisWilliamsMr.912-478-4352Bio Sci 2236Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy background in biology stems from my time as an undergraduate at Augusta University. This time allowed me to take a variety of different biological courses, as well as become a teaching assistant. After graduating with a B.S. in ecology, and a minor in communications, I was fortunate enough to join Georgia Southern University as a graduate student, with my research focus on climate change and the public understanding of it. I am now a visiting instructor as Georgia Southern University, where I teach courses that help students understand how the natural world and how their actions impact it.
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • B.S., Augusta University, 2020
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • B.S., Augusta University, 2020
    B.S., Augusta University, 2020
    xwang@GeorgiaSouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/a/georgiasouthern.edu/xwang/Xiao-Jun WangXiao-JunWangProfessor of Physics912-478-5503MPP Rm 3027AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Wang received his PhD degree in physics from The University of Georgia in 1992. He worked as a Postdoctoral Associate at Oklahoma State University (1992-93) and an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow at UC-Irvine (1993-95). He has been a Professor at Georgia Southern University since 1995. Dr. Wang is Fellow of American Physical Society and Editor for Material Research Bulletin and Light: Science & Applications.
    • Ph.D., The University of Georgia, 1992
    • M.S., Florida Institute of Technology, 1987; Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1985
    • B.S., Jilin University, 1982
    • Ph.D., The University of Georgia, 1992
    • M.S., Florida Institute of Technology, 1987; Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1985
    • B.S., Jilin University, 1982
    M.S., Florida Institute of Technology, 1987; Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1985B.S., Jilin University, 1982
    Research Interests
    • Spectroscopy And Dynamical Processes Of Luminescence Centers
    • Phosphor Synthesis, Characterization, And Applications
    • Persistent Phosphors And Information Storage
    • Led/Ld Pumped Phosphor-Converted Light Sources
    Phosphor synthesis, characterization, and applicationsPersistent phosphors and information storage LED/LD pumped phosphor-converted light sourcesPhosphor Research Lab
    tthornburg@georgiasouthern.eduTheresa ThornburgTheresaThornburgAdministrative Assistant II912-478-0739Newton 1118AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishNA
    • NA
    • NA
    tjules@georgiasouthern.eduTanya JulesTanya JulesCommunity Outreach Coordinator912-478-0951City CampusStatesboro CampusOffice of ResearchTanya Jules, DrPH, is a public health practitioner whose research focuses on educators' preparedness to implement comprehensive sex education for youth. With over 10 years of experience working with both metropolitan and rural populations, Dr. Jules has provided training and technical assistance to public health and behavioral health organizations to improve optimal health outcomes. She has led community health and youth development programs using a strength-based approach and Community-Based Participatory Research. Dr. Jules emphasizes inter-generational, cross-collaborative learning, and life skills development to prevent violence and help communities thrive. She also fosters strong stakeholder relationships to ensure program success.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Holistic Approach
    • DrPH, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • MPH, Mercer University, 2018
    • BS. in Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2016
    • DrPH, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • MPH, Mercer University, 2018
    • BS. in Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2016
    MPH, Mercer University, 2018BS in Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2016
    Research Interests
    • Community Health Behavior
    • Comprehensive Sex Education
    • Community-Based Participartory Research
    • Training & Technical Assistance
    • Youth Development
    Comprehensive Sex EducationCommunity-Based Participartory ResearchTraining & Technical AssistanceYouth DevelopmentInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    vsoloiu@georgiasouthern.eduValentin SoloiuValentin SoloiuProf. Dr. and Allen E. Paulson Distinguished Chair912-478-82292127 Engineering Building Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringProfessor and Allen E. Paulson Distinguished Chair, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA, USA
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am devoted to the academic distinction in scholarship, teaching, and service. I have an active engagement that bridges a very strong fundamental theory with exceptional research and industrial practice, extending the learning environment beyond the classroom, and promoting students exceptional growth for their professional success. I strive to prepare a diverse undergraduate and graduate student population for technical and scientific achievements and professional leadership combined with high moral and ethical values. I embrace the core values expressed through continuous performance and excellence in research with collaboration and commitment to lifelong learning, and social responsibility.
    • PhD, The Polytechnic University of Bucharest 1997
    Research Interests
    • Pi In Gsu In $3M Grants From Federal Agencies: Dod, Nsfx5, Doe, Epax2, Faa, Asme, Ornl, Gulfstream Corporation (At Present Pi Dod-Nsf Reu)
    • Pi In Gsu In $3M Grants From Federal Agencies: Dod, Nsfx5, Doe, Epax2, Faa, Asme, Ornl, Gulfstream Corporation (At Present Pi Dod-Nsf Reu)
    • Publishing: Over 200 Journal And Peer Reviewed Conference Papers And Author /Co-Author Of 3 Textbooks And 9 Instruction Manuals In Energy; 34 Research Studies In The Energy Field. Main Energy Reviewer For 10 Journals And Federal Agencies
    • Dr. Soloiu Research Is In Turbojet Combustion, Heat Transfer And Emissions, Spray Dynamics, Lasers And Mixture Formation, Smart-Engine Control Strategies, And Intelligent Vehicles And Tribology
    • The Energy Cluster Laboratories Have 15 Graduate And 30 Undergraduate Students Doing Research. Students Research Brought 60 Awards In The Last 15 Years Incl. At National Level: Nsf-Grfp, Epa-P3, Etc.
    PI in GSU in $3M grants from federal agencies: DoD, NSFx5, DOE, EPAx2, FAA, ASME, ORNL, Gulfstream Corporation (at present PI DoD-NSF REU)Publishing: over 200 journal and peer reviewed conference papers and author /co-author of 3 textbooks and 9 instruction manuals in energy; 34 research studies in the energy field. Main energy reviewer for 10 journals and Federal agenciesDr. Soloiu research is in turbojet combustion, heat transfer and emissions, spray dynamics, Lasers and mixture formation, smart-engine control strategies, and intelligent vehicles and tribologyThe Energy cluster laboratories have 15 graduate and 30 undergraduate students doing research. Students research brought 60 awards in the last 15 years incl. at national level: NSF-GRFP, EPA-P3, etc.Sustainable Aviation Fuels Research Laboratory (SAFRL), Mechanical Engineering Lab, Automotive and Aerospace laboratories
    agarofolo@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oVjUyJ4AAAAJ&hlAndrew GarofoloAndrewGarofoloAssistant Professor of Management2247Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of ManagementAndrew Garofolo is an Assistant Professor of Management at the Parker College of Business at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management from the University of Colorado and holds undergraduate degrees in Business and Economics from the University of North Carolina. His research interests include acquisitions, entrepreneurial exits, and the role of time in these processes.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy emphasizes active learning through hands-on activities, applying knowledge in real-world contexts, and providing ongoing support and feedback to help students succeed in their entrepreneurial projects.
    • Ph.D in Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management at the University of Colorado
    • BS. in Business at the University of North Carolina
    • BA. in Economics at the University of North Carolina
    BS in Business at the University of North CarolinaBA in Economics at the University of North Carolina
    Research Interests
    • Acquisitions
    • Entrepreneurial Exit
    • Time Dynamics
    Entrepreneurial ExitTime Dynamics
    bloper@georgiasouthern.eduBrandon LoperBrandonLoperSenior Lecturer912-478-0149Newton 2224CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishBrandon Loper is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at Georgia Southern. Their teaching focuses on composition, and their research interests include creative writing and dialectical materialism.
    • MA., University of Tennessee
    kkaradjova@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/katia-g-karadjova-kozhuharova-2Katia G. KaradjovaKatia G.KaradjovaAssociate Dean of Libraries for Research & Assessment, Professor912-478-5024Henderson Library 3213B, Lane Library 202Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries AdministrationKatia G. Karadjova-Kozhuharova, PhD, is the Associate Dean of Libraries for Research & Assessment at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro-Savannah, USA. Her doctoral work was on culturally grounded approaches to information literacy understanding. Katia is an active scholar and her areas of scholarly research include: Information Literacy, Mindfulness & Contemplative pedagogy, and international librarianship through the lens of human rights & travel literature. She is also a poet and a fiction writer. Katia has published 15 books, several book chapters, and a number of articles. In her free time Katia enjoys photography, racquet sports, and traveling.
    • Ph.D., University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020
    • MLIS, San Jose State University, CA, 2011
    MLIS, San Jose State University, CA, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Information Literacy
    • Mindful Leadership
    • Mindfulness In Academia
    Mindful LeadershipMindfulness in Academia
    gchen@georgiasouthern.eduGang ChenGangChenAssistant Professor912-478-7350NC 2213Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Chen specializes in materials chemistry and nanotechnology, with a focus on designing functional nanomaterials to advance optical and catalytic applications. Driven by a commitment to innovation, Dr. Chen aims to develop robust synthetic strategies bridging molecular and nanoscale science, enabling scalable manufacturing and integration of nanomaterials into cutting-edge biomedical, catalytic, and environmental technologies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Chen believes that effective teaching and mentoring hinge on presenting subjects in an engaging and accessible manner, demystifying complex topics, and contextualizing knowledge to highlight its real-world relevance. Viewing himself as a facilitator of learning rather than a mere transmitter of information, Dr. Chen prioritizes fostering conceptual understanding. His approach emphasizes the purpose behind the material, addressing potential misconceptions, and encouraging critical thinking to empower students as active participants in their own education.
    • Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida, 2016-2024
    • Postdoc, The University of Chicago, 2011-2016
    • Research Fellow, Nanyang Technology University, 2008-2011
    • Ph.D., University of Chinese Academy of Science, 2008
    • B.S., Zhengzhou University, 2002
    Postdoc, The University of Chicago, 2011-2016Research Fellow, Nanyang Technology University, 2008-2011Ph.D., University of Chinese Academy of Science, 2008B.S., Zhengzhou University, 2002
    Research Interests
    • Nanosynthesis
    • Plasmonic Nanoparticles
    • Hybrid Nanomaterials
    • Bio/Enviromental Sensors
    • Photo/Electrochemical Catalysis
    Plasmonic NanoparticlesHybrid nanomaterialsBio/Enviromental SensorsPhoto/Electrochemical CatalysisCenter for Advanced Materials Science
    racheleveholmes@gmail.comRachel Eve Holmes Rachel Eve Holmes Director of Opera 404-227-6880Foy Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicSoprano, Opera Stage Director and Voice Teacher
    • DMA- University of Georgia 2018
    • MM- Colorado State University 2011
    • BM- New England Conservatory 2009
    MM- Colorado State University 2011BM- New England Conservatory 2009
    cartow@georgiasouthern.eduCaren TownCarenTownProfessor of English912-515-5815Newton BuildingOnline onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Caren J. Town has taught at Georgia Southern since 1988.She has published four books and numerous articles. Her interests are American and Adolescent Literature.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I teach skills--reading, critical thinking, discussion--rather than information.
    • Ph.D. The University of Washington, 1987.
    • BA., The University of Alabama, 1979.
    BA, The University of Alabama, 1979.
    Research Interests
    • 19Th And 20Th Century American Literature
    • Adolescent Literaature
    • Realism
    • Literature By Women
    Adolescent LiteraatureRealismLiterature by Women
    alicehall@georgiasouthern.eduAlice HallAliceHallProfessor912-478-0973075 IABStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Alice Hall is a Full Professor in Human Development and Family Science at Georgia Southern. She got her undergraduate degree in Child and Family Development from Virginia Tech, her master’s in early childhood education from James Madison University, and a PhD in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She has been on the faculty at Georgia Southern since the fall of 1999.She does conference presentations and consulting in the area of After School care and has done numerous training workshops for youth development program leaders. She completed a 6-year term on the Board of the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) in 2015. Dr. Hall has been on numerous university committees.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My approach to teaching incorporates my previous careers working with children, parents and staff at Camp Horizons, the Ffx Cty SACC Programs, the GSU Child Development Center and my experiences consulting, training, and collecting data from child care programs in NC and GA. These experiences have added to the depth of my teaching by giving me “real world” experiences and stories to share. I believe that students will learn more from a professor who is enthusiastic, likes teaching, and cares about the students. I strive to build a rapport and relationship with students to facilitate their learning. My goal is to be a teacher, role model, and mentor to students inside and outside of the classroom.
    • Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Greenboro Greensboro, NC Human Development and Family Studies Dissertation Topic: An Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Quality Enhancement Initiative to Improve the Quality of School- Age Child Care in North Carolina M.Ed. James Madison University Harrisonburg, Virginia Early Childhood Education Minor: Parent Education B.S. Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia Family and Child Development
    Research Interests
    • Child Care Quality
    • Youth Development
    Youth Development
    bgriffin@georgiasouthern.eduBecky GriffinBecky GriffinClinical Coordinator/AP Instructor912-478-5887Nursing/Chemistry building 2004CStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI joined Georgia Southern University School of Nursing in June 2015 as the clinical coordinator. I came to the university with over 30 years of nursing experience. I started my nursing career in my teens, as a nurse’s aide, and furthered my career from Licensed Practical Nurse to Registered nurse. I received my associate degree in nursing in 1997 and my master’s degree in nursing in 2008.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have learned my teaching philosophy is teaching the individual on his or her level, using real world examples to enhance what is being taught within the classroom. It is my belief not everyone learns on the same level, but some learn with verbal and others by verbal as well as demonstrations to grasp the intending information.
    • Master Degree in Nursing Science
    vbynoe@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/vivian-f-bynoe-2Vivian BynoeVivianBynoeHead of Information Studies, Associate Professor912-344-3028University Libraries-Lane 127, Henderson 2210-HArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesInformation StudiesVivian Bynoe, MLIS is an Associate Professor and Head of Information Studies at GeorgiaSouthern University Libraries. She has a diverse background spanning pre-school education,non-profit work, and libraries, and has worked in libraries since 2005 starting in the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. She teaches information literacy courses and, leads innovative teaching initiatives to integrate information literacy in curriculum across the university.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am committed to promoting critical information literacy. Learning is a process that teaches students how to think so that they can uncover the answers for themselves. My job is to prepare students to be critical thinkers so they can use the funds of knowledge that they already have to contribute to the betterment of society. I learn from them as much as they learn from me.
    • Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies
    • Master of Library and Information Science
    Master of Library and Information Science
    Research Interests
    • Critical Information Literacy
    • Curriculum Studies
    • Trauma-Informed Librarianship And Teaching
    Curriculum StudiesTrauma-Informed Librarianship and Teaching
    ldroberts@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/leslie-d-roberts-2Leslie Roberts-ChalaLeslieRoberts-ChalaAssociate Professor of Reading912-344-2506University Hall 209Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingLeslie D. Roberts-Chala research focuses on reading motivation for students across grade levels, content areas, and ability levels through the use of discussion and book clubs. For this research, she was awarded the J. Estill Alexander Future Leaders in Literacy award for Outstanding Dissertation (2020) and the Jerry Johns Promising Researcher award (2023) from the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER). Her research also spans the areas of Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy with teachers in K-16, the use of young adult literature to promote social-emotional learning in the classroom, and the use of discussion with reading to promote motivation and an increased value of reading.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy follows the tenets of culturally responsive teaching, which recognizes the importance of including students’ culture and funds of knowledge in all aspects of learning (Gay, 2018). Through my course content, instructional practices, and course materials, I promote culturally responsive ideas by recognizing, respecting, and supporting the vast array of students’ backgrounds and needs – for both my students and the K-12 students they teach. Similarly, I have designed my course content, instructional practices, and assignments to prepare student-teachers to be culturally responsive classroom teachers by encouraging them to identify, respect, and support students from different backgrounds.
    • Ph.D., Clemson University, 2019
    • M.Ed., University of Florida, 2010
    • B.A., University of Florida, 2009
    M.Ed., University of Florida, 2010B.A., University of Florida, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Reading Motivation
    • Young Adult Literature
    • Content Area Literacy
    • Design-Based Research
    • Middle School Literacy
    Young Adult LiteratureContent Area LiteracyDesign-Based ResearchMiddle School Literacy
    jmesenbrink@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4011-227XJacquelyn Mesenbrink-SainzJacquelynMesenbrink-SainzAdjunct Faculty641-352-8823Hendricks HallStatesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthDr. Mesenbrink is an Assistant Professor at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, at Georgia Southern University. Her research focuses on population health disparities, violence prevention, and healthcare equity. She is involved in community collaboration approaches to research and focuses on a breadth of population health research topics.
    • DrPH
    • MPH
    • CHES
    christophersmith@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher SmithChristopherSmithSenior Lecturer for English and IDSNewton 3305DStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English, Department of Interdisciplinary StudiesA teacher for 10+ years, and a devotee to Dr. Pepper, Smith lives in Millen, GA, with his spouse, daughter, and a clowder of cats.
    • MFA, University of Nebraska (Omaha), 2009
    Research Interests
    • Game Studies
    • Democracy And Disinformation
    • Film Genres
    • Pop Culture
    • Literary Journals
    Democracy and DisinformationFilm GenresPop CultureLiterary Journals
    ahenderson@georgiasouthern.eduAllen HendersonAllenHendersonProfessor of Music912-471-0144FOY 3031Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicHenderson has enjoyed a career as a versatile artist, teacher, author, and arts administrator. As baritone soloist, Henderson has appeared in concert, opera, and oratorio with opera companies and symphonies around the US. He can be heard on Aeolian Records release entitled Dimensions and on his recording with guitarist Stanley Yates entitled Shadows featuring works by John Rutter, Michael Fink, and Castelnuovo-Tedesco. Henderson’s students have graced the stages of venues around the world. They have been associated with leading young artist programs and have been winners of numerous NATS and other national and regional competitions. His students also are gracing the stages of cruise ships, teaching in schools at all levels.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Combining historic pedagogies with current day research and trends, I seek to prepare students for life as a citizen through the arts in various settings as performers, teachers, arts administrators, and arts advocates. Teaching voice is a journey of exploration and I try to inspire students to begin a journey of lifelong learning through their pursuit of excellent singing.
    • DMA, University of Cincinnati, 1991
    • MM, University of Tennessee, 1987
    • BM, Carson Newman College, 1985
    MM, University of Tennessee, 1987BM, Carson Newman College, 1985
    Research Interests
    • Lyric Diction For Singers
    • Voice Pedagogy
    Voice Pedagogy
    bpatnaude@georgiasouthern.eduBrittany PatnaudeBrittanyPatnaudePart Time Clinical Instructor 912-344-2550Armstrong Campus Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceRite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    kkroeger@georgiasouthern.eduAtton Kroeger AttonKroeger part-time lab instructor912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    • B.S.R.S., Georgia Southern University, 2024
    kfrazier@georgiasouthern.eduKelley FrazierKelleyFrazierProfessor/ Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist239-560-5473Georgia Southern Statesboro: IAB BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyKelley Frazier, is a licensed Family Therapist and adjunct professor. She has received her degrees in Child Development from Georgia Southern University & Marriage and Family Therapy from Northcentral University and is currently working on a doctorate in Human Studies. Kelley specializes in working with children, couples and families. I love our community here in Statesboro and love serving and giving back.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I focus on creating a stimulating environment that encourages students to grow and develop. I also consider how to assess students learning and evaluate the teaching process with them. I am a experiential teacher, really like hands on work.
    Research Interests
    • Working With Children And Families In Crisis
    • Working With Children And Families In Healthcare Issues
    Working with Children and families in healthcare issuesChild Development Center
    mafall@georgiasouthern.eduMatt FallinMattFallinProfessor of Music912-478-5475Foy Music Building - room 1002Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of Music Since the fall of 1991, Dr. Matt Fallin has served as the Percussion Professor at Georgia Southern University. He received the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Percussion Performance from the University of Miami in Florida, having received the Master of Arts Degree from Louisiana Tech University and the Bachelor of Music Degree from Georgia Southern College. Dr. Fallin performs regularly with orchestras in the Savannah and Hilton Head area. Other performance opportunities include appearances on drum set and hand percussion with several local groups in the region. Dr. Fallin is endorsed by The Vic Firth stick and mallet company, as well as the Jupiter/Mapex/Majestic instrument company.
    • Bachelor and Master degrees in Music Education
    tevans@georgiasouthern.eduTonira Evans Tonira Evans Career & Internship Advisor 912-478-5197Williams Center, First FloorStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & Computing, College of Science & Mathematics
    pgoodman@georgiasouthern.eduPamela GoodmanPamelaGoodmanAssociate Director of Employer Relations 912-478-5478Williams Center Room 1029Statesboro CampusOver 10 years of professional experience and clearly understands the operational and development needs of a business. Dedicated, and compassionate, energetic, driven professional who has a strong desire to succeed and possesses the ability to build positive working relationships. As Associate Director of Employer Relations, I am responsible for cultivating relationships and identifying career opportunities with corporate, non-profit and public sector employers for students and alumni.
    • BS. Psychology
    • MPA
    mehedihassan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GT4p3rsAAAAJ&hl=enMehedi HassanMehediHassanVisiting Instructor912-478-5993Room 2108, IT BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyMehedi is a Visiting Instructor of Information Technology at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2024 and his M.Sc. in 2021, both from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He obtained his B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering in 2016 at the Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh. His research interests lie in network security, complex systems, and machine learning.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment that empowers students to think critically and solve complex problems. I emphasize active learning, where students apply theoretical concepts through hands-on activities, coding exercises, and real-world examples.I believe in personalized instruction, recognizing that each student has unique strengths and learning styles. By incorporating diverse teaching methods—lectures, group discussions, and project-based learning—I aim to make complex topics accessible and engaging. My goal is to inspire curiosity, encourage lifelong learning, and equip students with the skills they need to succeed in their academic and professional careers.
    • Ph.D. in Computer Science, University Of Louisiana At Lafayette, 2024
    • M.Sc. in Computer Science, University Of Louisiana At Lafayette, 2021
    • B.Sc. in Computer Science And Engineering, Islamic University Of Technology, 2016
    M.Sc. in Computer Science, University Of Louisiana At Lafayette, 2021B.Sc. in Computer Science And Engineering, Islamic University Of Technology, 2016
    Research Interests
    • Network Security
    • Complex Systems
    • Machine Learning
    Complex SystemsMachine Learning
    jsecrest@georgiasouthern.eduJeffery SecrestJefferySecrestProfessor912-344-2976Science Center 2015Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Jeff Secrest is a professor of physics at Georgia Southern University specializing in theoretical physics. His research applies maximum entropy techniques to solve partial differential equations in quantum mechanics, diffusion, advection, and solitons. In cosmology, he studies higher-dimensional models, varying gravitational parameters, and quantum cosmologies. Dr. Secrest also works on grand unified theories, focusing on SU(7) unification. A member of the HALO collaboration, he contributes to neutrino detection from supernovae. Through teaching and research, he explores the universe's fundamental principles, bridging theoretical models with real-world phenomena.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is centered on fostering critical thinking, curiosity, and a deep understanding of physics. I aim to create an inclusive and engaging learning environment where students feel empowered to explore and question complex concepts. By combining active learning strategies, real-world applications, and collaborative problem-solving, I encourage students to connect theoretical knowledge with practical relevance. I believe in mentoring students to become independent thinkers who can approach challenges with creativity and rigor. My goal is to inspire lifelong learning and equip students with the skills to succeed in their academic and professional endeavors.
    • Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania, 2009
    • Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 2004
    • M.S., College of William and Mary, 2001
    • M.A., University of Mississippi, 2000
    • B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1997
    Ph.D., College of William and Mary, 2004M.S., College of William and Mary, 2001M.A., University of Mississippi, 2000B.S., University of Cincinnati, 1997
    Research Interests
    • Cosmology
    • Grand Unified Theories
    • Information Theory (Maximum Entropy Techniques)
    • Neutrinos
    • Education Physics
    Grand Unified TheoriesInformation Theory (Maximum Entropy Techniques)NeutrinosEducation Physics
    brouhanizadeh@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CoplFfAAAAAJ&hl=enBehzad RouhanizadehBehzadRouhanizadehVisiting Instructor912-478-77281100BStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Rouhanizadeh’s Behzad Rouhanizadeh's research focuses on enhancing urban resilience and infrastructure sustainability through advanced technologies. His expertise includes using artificial intelligence for disaster risk management, assessing the impact of climate change on infrastructure, and integrating smart city technologies with IoT for improved disaster preparedness. By combining data analytics and AI, his work helps develop frameworks for effective risk management and sustainable urban development, aiming to create adaptive and resilient urban environments capable of withstanding natural and climate-induced disasters.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on providing students with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to excel in their academic and professional careers. I believe in creating a classroom where students are active participants in the learning process. By incorporating a variety of teaching strategies, including lectures, discussions, group work, and hands-on projects, I strive to cater to diverse learning styles and promote student engagement. I encourage students to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and think critically about the material.
    • Ph.D., Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 2020
    • M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, 2009
    • B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Mazandaran, Iran, 2006
    M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, 2009B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Mazandaran, Iran, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Urban Resilience
    • Disaster Risk Management
    • Smart Cities Development
    • Risk Management
    • Sustainable Infrastructure
    Disaster risk managementSmart cities developmentRisk management sustainable infrastructure
    rberry@georgiasouthern.eduRenee L. BerryRenee L.BerryLecturer and Armstrong Writing Center Director912-344-3142Lane Library, 133AArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishI began my teaching career at Corning Community College (SUNY) in upstate New York, first working in the Writing Center then becoming a tenured Assistant Professor in English before moving to Georgia and beginning as an adjunct at then Armstrong Atlantic State University. I became a full-time Lecturer after Georgia Southern University and Armstrong were consolidated, and since Spring 2021, I have been the Director of the Armstrong Writing Center.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is student-centered, emphasizes critical thinking, and encourages questioning. I am deeply committed to classrooms and courses that engage students, and to that end, I utilize high-impact practices such as Reacting to the Past. I primarily teach Composition I and II, and occasionally, Literature and Humanities.
    • M.A., Binghamton University, 1996
    • Advanced Certificate Mark Twain Studies, Elmira College, 2006
    • B.A., Elmira College, 1992
    Advanced Certificate Mark Twain Studies, Elmira College, 2006B.A., Elmira College, 1992
    Research Interests
    • Composition
    • Writing Center Studies
    • Mark Twain
    • Children'S Literature
    Writing Center StudiesMark TwainChildren's Literature
    anlee@georgiasouthern.eduAllyson LeeAllyson LeePatron Services Manager912-478-7916Nessmith-Lane Building Rm 1104Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesAcademic Affairs/Performing Arts CenterAllyson was raised in Alabama where she received her BA in Communication and Theatre from Auburn University Montgomery. Both on and off stage, she brings a total of fifteen years within the Arts and Theatre World, having a hand in a variety of productions from plays, musicals, concerts, dance shows, fundraisers and more. Her professional experience reaches across the south from working on shows throughout Alabama and North Carolina, as well as serving four years as the Ticket Office Manager at the Texas Shakespeare Festival in Kilgore, TX. Additionally, she has received her 5-Star Hospitality Certification through the Texas State Department of Hospitality and Travel.
    • B.A., Auburn University Montgomery, 2015
    Research Interests
    • Fostering Genuine Connections With Others Through Customer Service
    • Applying Arts-Focused Backgrounds Into Traditional Occupational Environments
    • Cultivating Your Sense Of Self, Post-Grad
    Applying arts-focused backgrounds into traditional occupational environmentsCultivating your sense of self, post-gradPerforming Arts Center
    wming@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=eaF3PQsAAAAJWeihua (Marshall) MingWeihua (Marshall)MingProfessor; Director, Center for Advanced Materials Science912-478-5043Chemistry/Nursing 3232Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. W. Marshall Ming is currently a Distinguished Chair in Materials Science and a Full Professor in Chemistry at Georgia Southern University. Prior to joining Georgia Southern, he was a faculty member at University of New Hampshire (2007-2011) and Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands (2000-2007). His research has focused on multifunctional polymer materials and coatings, supported by over $5 million external funding in the U.S. and The Netherlands. Dr. Ming has so far published over 110 peer-reviewed papers, 8 book chapters, and 4 US patents, and he currently serves as an Editor for Progress in Organic Coatings.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy has always been centered around the following keywords: motivating, engaging, interactive, individualized, and proactive learning. Whether it is in the classroom or to provide guidance to research students, I always keep this philosophy in mind, toward maximizing the learning for all students to the best they can.
    • PhD in Polymer Chemistry & Physics, Fudan University, 1998
    • B.S. in Materials Chemistry, Fudan University, 1993
    B.S. in Materials Chemistry, Fudan University, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Smart Multifunctional Coatings (Super-Repellent, Antimicrobial, Antifouling, Antifogging)
    • Functional Polymer Hybrid Nanocomposites
    • Smart Coatings For Early Corrosion Detection And Preemptive Corrosion Prevention
    Functional polymer hybrid nanocompositesSmart coatings for early corrosion detection and preemptive corrosion preventionCenter for Advanced Materials Science, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    jpage@georgiasouthern.eduJohn PageJohnPageGroundskeeper912-478-11491503 Bland Ave.; Statesboro, GA 30458Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsBotanic GardenLandscaping, Landscape Maintenance, Nursery Management
    • BA. English
    sbaehman@georgiasouthern.eduStephen BaehmanStephenBaehmanPart-Time InstructorMeet by ZoomOnlineWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyGeorgia Southern Sport and Exercise Psychology program alumni. Founder of SPB Performance.
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • B.S., Wisconsin Lutheran College, 2021
    B.S., Wisconsin Lutheran College, 2021
    lpadgett@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=DKsIeNkAAAAJLea W PadgettLea WPadgettPrincipal Lecturer912-344-2946Science Center 2105Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsLea Padgett received her Ph.D. from Clemson University researching pyrrole-based cannabinoids. This was followed by a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at North Carolina State University studying post-translational modifications of G-protein coupled receptors by NMR and modeling ligand binding in the CB1 receptor. She has worked for Armstrong State University and now Georgia Southern University since 2006. Her main teaching focus is general chemistry and science courses for non-STEM majors.
    • Ph.D. Chemistry, Clemson University, 2005
    • B.S. Chemistry, Clemson University, 2000
    B.S. Chemistry, Clemson University, 2000
    bparten@georgiasouthern.eduBennett PartenBennett PartenAssistant Professor of History Hawes HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryI am originally from Royston, Ga. Graduated with a B.A. in History from the University of Georgia and a Ph.D. in History from Yale University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy revolves around student engagement and providing students with the tools to be active learners in their everyday lives.
    • Yale, Ph.D.
    Research Interests
    • American History
    Center for Africana Studies
    BBrinton@GeorgiaSouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/brigette-brinton-2Brigette BrintonBrigetteBrintonDirector, Senior Lecturer912-344-2611Science Center 1012Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyAn ecologist by trade, Ms. Brinton graduated from Dartmouth College in 2008 (B.A. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) and Savannah State University in 2014 (M.S. in Marine Science). Ecologists are always considering the connectivity and sustainability of the system, which essential for any study of aquaponics. Her research interests center around animal behavior and parasitology, with a focus on crustaceans, fish, and corvids (e.g. crows). As director of the Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center, Ms. Brinton is responsible for grant preparation and execution, maintaining fish stock, coordinating interns, volunteers, and research students to maintain, monitor, and repair the laboratory and greenhouse systems for SARC.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My philosophy in teaching is to not only teach the students the content, but to provide the context and additional skills that are more difficult to acquire on their own. I emphasize the broader context, the surrounding story, and the implications of each topic whenever possible, often by asking students to troubleshoot the situation. By including higher-order learning in introductory, upper-division, and informal education, students are primed to analyze, evaluate, and create later in their educational career and can become life-long learners. Students who make connections among topics, see the relevance of their studies to their own lives, and can think critically about events will be better citizens and environmental stewards.
    • Savannah State University, Master Of Science In Marine Science, 2014
    • Dartmouth College, Bachelor Of Arts In Biology, 2008
    Dartmouth College, Bachelor Of Arts In Biology, 2008
    Research Interests
    • Ecology And Evolution
    • Aquaponics
    • Parasitology
    • Sustainable Agriculture
    • Marine Biology
    Aquaponics ParasitologySustainable AgricultureMarine Biology Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center (SARC), Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center
    jreich@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/james-reichard-2James ReichardJamesReichardProfessor of Geology912-478-55460104 HertyStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsSchool of Earth, Environment & SustainabilityJames Reichard is a Professor of Geology and teaches courses in hydrogeology and environmental geology. He earned a Ph.D. in Geology from Purdue University (1995) and an M.S. and B.S. in Geology from the University of Toledo (1984 and 1981). Prior to his dissertation, he specialized in structural and petroleum geology and worked as a photogeologist. His dissertation research involved modeling the effects of climate change on groundwater systems and developing computing applications for aquifer tests. He currently focuses on identifying permeable pathways within the coastal plain that allow for the vertical movement of groundwater. He has also published the textbook Environmental Geology with McGraw Hill, now in its 5th edition.
    Teaching Philosophy
    His basic teaching approach creates a classroom environment designed to motivate students to learn, and most importantly, become life-long learners. Here he strives to create a positive learning environment broken down into three components: 1) make the course personable, 2) treat students with respect, and 3) make the material pertinent, interesting, and easy to understand. Instead of providing digital copies of the lecture material, students take their own notes as he draws concept sketches in real time and scrolls through a bulleted outline with graphics from the textbook. He also doesn’t speak while students are writing so they can hear him explain the lecture material. All this keeps students engaged in class and encourages attendance.
    • Ph.D., Geology, 1995, Purdue University
    • M.S., Geology, 1984, University of Toledo
    • B.S., Geology, 1981, University of Toledo
    M.S., Geology, 1984, University of ToledoB.S., Geology, 1981, University of Toledo
    Research Interests
    • Identifying Permeable Pathways Between Aquifer Systems Within The Georgia Coastal Plain.
    • Examining The Impact Of Groundwater Discharge On The Water Quality Of Coastal Rivers In Georgia.
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning As It Pertains To Environmental Geology.
    Examining the impact of groundwater discharge on the water quality of coastal rivers in Georgia.Scholarship of teaching and learning as it pertains to environmental geology.
    jdicesare@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=FCmLv8kAAAAJJohn DiCesareJohnDiCesareProfessor of Chemistry; Associate Chair, Department of Biochemistry, Chemistry, & Physics912-478-42013216C Nursing/ChemistryStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. DiCesare received his B.S. degree from the University of Central Florida in 1987 and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) in 1992. Dr. DiCesare completed a postdoctoral research fellowship in Medicinal Chemistry at Research Triangle Institute (RTI) in 1993. He then worked as a process development chemist at Advanced ChemTech in Louisville, KY until 1994 when he returned to RTI as a research associate to help establish a program in Combinatorial Chemistry. Dr. DiCesare joined the Department of Chemistry at The University of Tulsa in August, 1995 and in July of 2009 he joined the Department of Chemistry at Georgia Southern as Department Chair.
    • Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology (1992)
    • B.S. University of Central Florida (1987)
    B.S. University of Central Florida (1987)
    Research Interests
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Medicinal Chemistry
    • Materials Chemistry
    Medicinal ChemistryMaterials ChemistryCenter for Advanced Materials Science
    elangford@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/emily-l-langfordEmily LangfordEmilyLangfordAssistant Professor of Exercise Science912-478-2117Hollis Building 2117AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyEmily Langford is an Assistant Professor in Health Sciences and Kinesiology at Georgia Southern University. Her scholarly work involves the occupational readiness of tactical operators, with a focus on firefighters and law enforcement officers. As an educator, she shares her expertise in a variety of subjects, including those related to exercise physiology and strength and conditioning
    • Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2022
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2019
    • B.S., University of Alabama, 2017
    M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2019B.S., University of Alabama, 2017
    Research Interests
    • Tactical Operators
    • Occupational Performance & Safety
    • Firefighter Wellness
    • Ventilatory Responses
    Occupational performance & safety Firefighter wellnessVentilatory responses
    jbailey@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer Brofft BaileyJenniferBrofft BaileyProfessor912-344-2859Science Center 1020Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyI'm an environmental microbiologist. My research projects focus on microbiome characterization, with particular interest in microbial symbioses.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I aim to create an engaging, student-centered classroom that adopts real world examples and hands-on learning.
    • Postdoctoral Fellow, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography
    • Ph.D. Microbiology, University of Georgia
    • B.S. Biology, James Madison University
    • Environmental Microbiology
    • Microbiome characterization
    Ph.D. Microbiology, University of GeorgiaB.S. Biology, James Madison UniversityEnvironmental MicrobiologyMicrobiome characterization
    Research Interests
    • Environmental MicrobiologyMicrobiome Characterization
    • Nitrogen Cycling
    barilla@georgiasouthern.eduAnthony BarillaAnthonyBarillaAssociate Professor912-478-08943330 Parker College of BusinessStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsTony is an Associate Professor of Economics and has been published in the Review of Economic Analysis, Applied Economics Letters, The Journal of Nature Conservation. and Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals amongst others.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I must teach students how to think critically, analyze economic phenomena, and apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios. Teaching is an important part of being a college professor and you must continually strive to improve your performance. The classroom must be a comfortable environment which promotes an inclusive and engaging learning environment that inspires interest, promotes active participation, and hopefully leads to lifelong learning.
    • PhD. Kansas State University
    Research Interests
    • Labor Economics
    • Sport Economics
    • Transportation Economics
    • Financial Economics
    Sport EconomicsTransportation EconomicsFinancial Economics
    ckitchens@georgiasouthern.eduChelsea Kitchens Chelsea Kitchens Lecturer912-478-4636Ashmore Hall Room 241; Nurs/Chem Building Room 3007Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingChelsea Kitchens serves as a Lecturer, Clinical Coordinator, and a Simulation Coordinator at Georgia Southern University. She previously worked at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta before relocating to the Savannah area, where she continued her career at HCA Memorial. Passionate about Community Health Nursing, she is dedicated to teaching students that nursing is not only a science but also a compassionate and caring practice. Chelsea strives to inspire the next generation of nurses by fostering both academic excellence and a commitment to patient-centered care.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, I am passionate about fostering student success in a dynamic, engaging environment. I believe in lifelong learning, both for my students and myself, which drives me to continuously adapt my methods. I use gamification tools like Kahoot to make learning interactive, enjoyable, and motivating, encouraging participation and real-time feedback. The "light bulb moments" when students grasp concepts are incredibly rewarding. My goal is to create a supportive environment where students take ownership of their learning, preparing them for academic and professional success.
    • DNP, Georgia College and State University, In Progress
    • MSN-Ed., University of West Georgia, 2019
    • BSN, Medical College of Georgia, 2014
    MSN-Ed., University of West Georgia, 2019BSN, Medical College of Georgia, 2014
    Research Interests
    • End Of Life Care
    rmayes@georgiasouthern.eduRobert MayesRobertMayesNSF Program Director and Emeriti Faculty307-399-680712 Turner Drive, Stafford, VA 22556Online onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationB.S. (1979), M.S. (1981) Mathematics Secondary Education, Emporia State University; Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, Kansas State University (1989). Taught mathematics at high school, community college, university. West Virginia University, University of Wyoming, and University of Northern Colorado served as Co-PI on 3 NSF grants and an Upward Bound Mathematics and Science grant. Wrote ACT in Algebra. Director of 4 STEM education institutes, the most recent being the Institute for Interdisciplinary STEM Education at Georgia Southern University. Expertise in interdisciplinary STEM education and quantitative reasoning. Four years as a Program Officer at the National Science Foundation and is currently a fulltime Program Director at NSF.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Interdisciplinary STEM, active learning, critical thinking and problem solving, realistic applications of mathematics
    • Mathematical metacognition, cognition and problem solving
    • Quantitative Reasoning
    • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    Quantitative ReasoningDiversity, Equity and Inclusion
    Research Interests
    • Quantitative Reasoning On The Undergraduate Level
    • Interdisciplinary Stem Education
    Interdisciplinary STEM education
    cwarner@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher Coleman WarnerChristopher ColemanWarnerVisiting Instructor912-478-0871Newton 1120BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishColeman Warner is a passionate educator and writer specializing in first-year composition and digital literacy at Georgia Southern University. With an interest in rhetorical analysis, public discourse, and the intersection of media and technology, he encourages students to engage thoughtfully with contemporary issues and conversations. He emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and audience awareness in his classes. Outside the classroom, he is currently at work on a novel and enjoys reading Richard Russo, Ernest Hemingway, and Claire Keegan.
    • M.A., Costal Carolina University, 2024
    • B.A., Coastal Carolina University, 2019
    B.A., Coastal Carolina University, 2019
    Research Interests
    • First-Year Writing
    • Digital Literacy
    • Literary Fiction
    • Creative Writing
    Digital LiteracyLiterary FictionCreative Writing
    lezell@georgiasouthern.eduLydia Ezell CooperLydiaEzell CooperVisiting Instructor912-478-6020Newton 2219AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishLydia Ezell currently works as a Visiting Instructor at Georgia Southern University.She recently completed her MA in English Literature from Georgia State Universitywhere she worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and Writing Consultant. She hasattended multiple conferences, including British Women Writers, South Atlantic ModernLanguage Association, and International Writing Centers Association and has aforthcoming book review with Victorian Network. Her research interests includeVictorian women’s poetry, feminism, embodiment, and language.
    Teaching Philosophy
    In my composition class, I seek to meet my students where they are, recognizing the value of their life experiences and the diverse circumstances that each of them operates within. I work with my students to support their learning and success. I desire to cultivate vulnerability, empathy, creativity, and growth in my students by creating a flexible, collaborative, process-oriented classroom. I acknowledge the uniqueness of each student voice, promote collaboration, and support students as they discover what and how they want to communicate. My ultimate goal in teaching composition is that my students develop a deeper sense of themselves in relation to others around them by learning how to listen, respond, and revise.
    • MA., Georgia State University, 2024
    • BA., Union University, 2022
    BA, Union University, 2022
    Research Interests
    • Victorian Poetry
    • Female Embodiment
    • Psychoanalysis
    Female EmbodimentPsychoanalysis
    anewland@georgiasouthern.eduAbby NewlandAbbyNewlandDr. 912-344-2556Betty Foy Sanders Fine Arts Hall, Room 210Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & Humanities, College of EducationBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtDr. Newland received her Ph.D in art education from the University of Georgia in 2021. She has maintained a full-time teaching position in K-12 art education during her graduate studies and continues to teach full-time while serving in a part-time position for Georgia Southern University.
    • Ph.D., 2021, Art Education, University of Georgia
    jhaynes@georgiasouthern.eduJonathan HaynesJonathanHaynesVisiting Instructor912-478-0569Hollis 2120Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyJonathan Haynes is a Visiting Instructor of Sport & Exercise Psychology in the Waters College of Health Sciences at Georgia Southern University. A Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC) through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), Jonathan holds an MA in Sport & Performance Psychology from the University of Denver and a B.Ed. from the University of Toledo. He has diverse background includes roles as a Master Resilience Trainer-Performance Expert (MRT-PE) for the U.S. Army, a Cognitive Performance Specialist for the U.S. Department of Defense, and a non-clinical mental health coach for Headspace. He supports the Naval Special Warfare community and their families as a resilience trainer for the Warrior For Life Fund.
    • Master's of Arts, Sport and Performance Psychology
    aaltaweel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=O9tSC0wAAAAJAhmed Al-TaweelAhmedAl-TaweelAssistant Professor of Mathematics501-398-7041Math Physics BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesAhmed Al-Taweel earned his Ph.D. in Computational Science from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at UA Little Rock in Spring 2023. He later served as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the COSMOS Research Center in the Department of Information Science at UA Little Rock. His research focuses on numerical analysis and scientific computing, particularly developing mathematical models to study socio-technical behaviors across various social media platforms.
    • Ph.D., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2023
    • M.S., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2020
    M.S., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2020
    Research Interests
    • Numerical Methods For Pdes
    • Finite Element Methods
    • Data Science
    • Social Network Analysis
    • Epidemiology
    Finite Element MethodsData ScienceSocial Network AnalysisEpidemiology
    rrandolph@georgiasouthern.eduRobert RandolphRobertRandolphCurator - retired part-time912-478-1149Botanic Garden AdminStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsBotanic GardenEmployment:1980-1990 - U.S. Geological Survey, Groundwater Hydrologist1990-2018 - Botanic Garden @ GSU, Assistant/Associate Director2018-2025 - Botanic Garden @ GSU, Curator, part-time retired
    Teaching Philosophy
    Currently working on accessions of the living plant collection.
    • MFA, Art, Georgia Southern University, 2001
    • MS., Civil Engineering, University of Texas, 1980
    • BS., Civil Engineering Technology, Georgia Southern College, 1978
    MS, Civil Engineering, University of Texas, 1980BS, Civil Engineering Technology, Georgia Southern College, 1978Botanic Garden
    ccanup@georgiasouthern.eduCharles CanupCharlesCanupDr. Liberty CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology*
    • PhD Psychology
    • MS. Counseling Studies
    • BS. Psychology
    MS Counseling StudiesBS Psychology
    jhoelscher@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jason-hoelscher-2Jason HoelscherJasonHoelscherAssociate Professor and Gallery Director912-478-2788Center for Art and TheatreStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtJason Hoelscher is an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University, and received an MFA from the Pratt Institute, certificates in complex systems and network modeling from the New England Complex Systems Institute, and a PhD in aesthetics and art theory from IDSVA. Hoelscher has exhibited his paintings in galleries and museums in Atlanta, New York, LA, Berlin, Paris, Stockholm, Hong Kong and elsewhere, and has written for such publications as Burnaway, ARTnews, and ArtPulse. He has presented papers at conferences including CAA, ICA, SECAC and SLSA, and at venues including Harvard University and the Universities of Athens, Belgrade, Belo Horizonte, and Copenhagen. His book Art as Information Ecology was published by Duke UP in 2021.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is grounded in exploring even the most everyday of ideas from novel vantage points, to see how even the most familiar notions operate when made strange and considered from an alternate point of view or when moved into a different context. I focus on dialogue and sharing of ideas with and among students, applying a Montessori-style methodology to the university level, combining the openness of that approach with the rigor of college-level expectations to build trust, share knowledge, uncover information, create possibilities, and generate insights toward fostering an atmosphere of creativity and enthusiasm that will continue to unfold far into (and drive) each student's future.
    • Ph.D: Visual Art: Aesthetics & Art Theory, Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, 2018
    • Certificates in Complex Systems, Information, and Network Modeling, New England Complex Systems Institute, 2014. Cambridge, MA.
    • MFA: Painting, Pratt Institute, 2000. NYC
    • BFA: Painting & Drawing, Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design, 1998. Denver, CO
    Certificates in Complex Systems, Information, and Network Modeling, New England Complex Systems Institute, 2014. Cambridge, MAMFA: Painting, Pratt Institute, 2000. NYCBFA: Painting & Drawing, Rocky Mountain College of Art & Design, 1998. Denver, CO
    Research Interests
    • Contemporary Painting In The Context Of The Information Age
    • The Similarities And Differences Between Aesthetic Experience And Information Intake
    • Aesthetics Considered In Terms Of Complex Adaptive Systems And Emergent Phenomena
    • Ways The Picture Plane Have Operated Across History, From The Renaissance Window To The Modernist Surface To The Contemporary Dominance Of Screen-Scape
    The similarities and differences between aesthetic experience and information intakeAesthetics considered in terms of complex adaptive systems and emergent phenomenaWays the picture plane have operated across history, from the Renaissance window to the Modernist surface to the contemporary dominance of screen-scape
    tosborne@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Y3ElQ7UAAAAJ&hl=enTanesha OsborneTaneshaOsbornePrincipal Lecturer912-478-0637Nursing/Chemistry Building, Room 3212Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsPh.D., University of South Carolina, 2008B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2003
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, my role goes beyond transferring knowledge. Education is a transformative journey that challenges, inspires, and empowers students to reach their full potential. Acting as a bridge between course content and real-world application, my mission is to create an inclusive and engaging environment that nurtures growth, fuels ambition, and sparks a lifelong passion for learning.I incorporate strategies that address diverse learning styles and continuously refine my methods using student feedback and evidence-based practices. My goal is to inspire curiosity, challenge learners, and equip them with the tools to construct their own understanding and succeed.
    • Ph.D. Chemistry
    • B.S. Chemistry
    B.S. Chemistry
    cbjones@georgiasouthern.eduCatherine JonesCatherineJonesMs. Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology*
    • MS. Experimental Psychology
    • BS. Psychology
    BS Psychology
    wstmyers@georgiasouthern.eduWendy St. MyersWendySt. MyersDr. Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology*
    • Psy.D. Clinical-Community Psychology
    • M.A. Clinical-Community Psychology
    • B.S. Youth, Adult, and Family Services
    M.A. Clinical-Community PsychologyB.S. Youth, Adult, and Family Services
    francisdesiderio@georgiasouthern.eduFrancis DesiderioFrancisDesiderioAssociate Dean912-478-7926Eidson House 1024Statesboro CampusHonors CollegeHonors CollegeDr. Francis Desiderio joined the Honors College leadership team in 2009. He earned his Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts at Emory University, an M.A. from the Department of Popular Culture at Bowling Green State University, and a B.A. in English from the University of Detroit. He works with every aspect of the Honors College with particular attention to the honors curriculum. When he's in the classroom, course topics include: the built environment, the meaning of place, global architecture, and soccer cultures around the world. He also has led Honors College study abroad trips in Wexford and several alternative break trips.
    • Ph.D., Emory University
    • M.A., Bowling Green State University
    • B.A., University of Detroit
    M.A., Bowling Green State UniversityB.A., University of Detroit
    smbridges@georgiasouthern.eduShana BridgesShana BridgesPrincipal Lecturer 478-712-2Sanford Hall Room 2031Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Shana Bridges is a Communication Studies (COMS) Principal Lecturer in the Department of Communication Arts and has served as a faculty member at Georgia Southern since 2013. She teaches Public Speaking, Communication Research, Communication Theory, Persuasion, and Rhetorical Criticism. She oversees COMS interns for the Statesboro campus. She has also taught study abroad courses in Montepulciano, Italy. She is an active member of the Southern States Communication Association and has served as a mentor for COMS students who attend the SSCA Undergraduate Honors Conference. She serves as the Co-Director of the Professional Communication and Leadership (PCL) Master's Program.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My philosophy is that learning involves the co-creation of knowledge between professors and their students. As the instructor, I provide curriculum instruction and curate learning materials and assignments that are both relevant, applicable, and impactful. I also facilitate a supportive environment where students feel comfortable exploring ideas, asking questions, practicing skills, and expressing their views.
    • B.S. in Speech Communication, Georgia Southern University, 2003
    • M.S. in Philosophy of Communication, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale), 2008
    • Ph.D., Rhetoric and Public Culture, Indiana University (Bloomington), 2018
    M.S. in Philosophy of Communication, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale), 2008Ph.D., Rhetoric and Public Culture, Indiana University (Bloomington), 2018
    Research Interests
    • Political Rhetoric
    • Political Polarization
    • Presidential Rhetoric
    • Alienation And Radicalization
    Political polarization Presidential Rhetoric Alienation and radicalization
    joneill@georgiasouthern.eduJohnathan O'NeillJohnathanO'NeillProfessor912-478-0752IAB 3091Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryI am a historian of American constitutionalism American political thought with a focus on the twentieth century.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My large lecture classes provide students with comprehensive overview of American history; my upper-division classes are discussion-based and focused on core texts.
    • PhD, University of Maryland, 2000
    • MA., University of Maryland, 1994
    • BA., Colgate University, 1991
    MA, University of Maryland, 1994BA, Colgate University, 1991
    Research Interests
    • American Constitutional History
    • American Political Thought
    • Twentieth-Century American Politics
    American political thoughttwentieth-century American politics
    drangel@georgiasouthern.eduDolores RangelDoloresRangelProfessor of Spanish; The Coastal Review Co-Editor-in-Chief912-478-0774Interdisciplinary Academic Bldg. #2087Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesOriginary of Mexico. Teaching at Undergraduate and Graduate levels. Started in GSU in 2005. Professor since 2016. Chief Editor in The Coastal Review. Director of several Studies Abroad in Spain, Costa Rica, and Mexico.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy revolves around three core elements: the student, technology, and the evolving nature of education. Each student is an individual shaped by a complex mix of cultural and personal factors. Technology plays a critical role in both teaching and learning processes. Education is constantly changing, and as a professor, I believe it is my responsibility to adapt and innovate continuously, refining my methods to meet the evolving needs of my students. Ultimately, my teaching is driven by a commitment to student success, a passion for my subject, and a deep respect for the privilege and responsibility that comes with being an educator.
    • PhD., University of New York, 1999
    • MA., New Mexico State University, 1988.
    • BA., Dept. de Letras, ITESM, Mexico, 1983.
    MA, New Mexico State University, 1988.BA, Dept. de Letras, ITESM, Mexico, 1983.
    Research Interests
    • Xx Century Latin American Narrative
    • Contemporary Mexican Narrative
    • Feminism, Identity, Exile, Memory, Patriarchy
    • Mexican Jewish Narrative And Poetry
    Contemporary Mexican NarrativeFeminism, identity, exile, memory, patriarchyMexican Jewish Narrative and Poetry
    dharvey@georgiasouthern.eduDeborah HarveyDeborahHarveyMs.912-478-0927City Campus - StatesboroStatesboro CampusOffice of ResearchDeborah Harvey brings 25+ years of experience in marketing and exhibit design to the Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics. After starting her career in New York City, she moved to Georgia, where she combined her marketing skills with a BS in Biology and a Master’s in Museum Studies. This unique mix led her to design innovative exhibits, particularly in science education. Deborah worked on Georgia Southern University’s COVID-19 vaccination campaigns and then earned a graduate certificate in Public Health Social Marketing. At IHLA, she applies evidence-based research to create exhibits and health communication strategies aimed at improving outcomes for vulnerable populations.
    • B.S., Chapman University, 1989
    • M.A., San Francisco State University, 1995
    • Graduate Certificate, University of South Florida, 2022
    M.A., San Francisco State University, 1995Graduate Certificate, University of South Florida, 2022Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    sknowles@georgiasouthern.eduSarah KnowlesSarah KnowlesVisiting Instructor of First-Year Writing Newton, 1122EStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishSarah Knowles is a Visiting Instructor of First-Year Writing at Georgia Southern University. She is committed to furthering student success through developing their writing skills to help them flourish within their own discipline.
    • Master of Arts in English
    • Bachelor of Arts in English
    Bachelor of Arts in English
    Research Interests
    • Victorian Studies
    lilili@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://georgiasouthern.libguides.com/c.php?g=357066LiLi LiLiLiLiProfessor / Information Services Librarian912-478-7960Room 2210-F, Zach S. Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesDept. of Information StudiesProfessor LiLi Li is an Information Studies Librarian at the Georgia Southern University Libraries. In the summer of 2002, he joined Georgia Southern University as an Assistant Professor/Information Services Librarian.Since 2005, he started presenting at the different international, national, and state conferences to represent Georgia Southern University and Georgia Southern University. He published three books and other peer-reviewed papers to promote web-based information resources and services at academic libraries. Currently, Professor Li focuses his academic researches on AI in Academic Libraries, Information Literacy, Library Integrated Systems, Reference Services, Web Design, etc. in the fields of academic libraries.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a tenured faculty and an experienced Research Services Librarian at the Georgia Southern University Libraries, my mission to assist faculty, undergraduates, and graduates, especially those first-year junior students, to access and locate online and printed information when they need. To improve their academic performance and future career development, I am committed to promoting information literacy competencies in a service-oriented and student-centered academic learning environment.
    • MA. Degree in Library and Information Scicences
    • MS. Degree in Management Information Systems
    • Georgia Southern University: Certificate of Member of Graduate Facutly
    MS Degree in Management Information SystemsGeorgia Southern University: Certificate of Member of Graduate Facutly
    Research Interests
    • Artificial Intelligence In Academic Libraries
    • Information Literacy
    • Library Integrated Systems
    • Reference Services In Academic Libraries
    • Web Design
    Information LiteracyLibrary Integrated SystemsReference Services in Academic LibrariesWeb Design
    mryan@georgiasouthern.eduMeaghan Dwyer-RyanMeaghanDwyer-RyanAssistant Professor of Irish Studies and Associate Director of the Center for Irish Research and Teaching912-344-2930Armstrong: Armstrong Center, Suite 10; Statesboro: Academic Interdisciplinary Building 213Armstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Wexford, IrelandCollege of Arts & Humanities, Honors CollegeDepartment of History, Learning in Ireland (Wexford Campus)Meaghan Dwyer-Ryan is an Assistant Professor of Irish Studies and Associate Director, Center for Irish Research and Teaching. She specializes in Irish and Jewish America and teaches courses in Irish and Diaspora Studies, History, and Gender Studies. Her first book, with Susan L. Porter and Lisa Fagin Davis, was Becoming American Jews: Temple Israel of Boston (Brandeis, 2009). She has also published in various scholarly journals. Currently, she is completing a manuscript, Ethnic Patriotism in Boston’s Irish and Jewish Communities, 1880-1929, and working on a digital walking trail of Savannah’s Irish neighborhoods. Her Ph.D. is from Boston College and her M.A. is from NYU. Previously, she was an Associate Professor of History at USC Aiken.
    Teaching Philosophy
    In my many years of teaching, I have developed a pedagogical style that pushes my students to develop the thinking and writing skills necessary for them to critically examine society and their place within it. I encourage students to engage actively with a variety of primary and secondary sources and investigate the past through a transnational and interdisciplinary lens. I try to provide multiple opportunities for success by assigning a variety of assignments to help nurture analytical and writing skills long after students’ academic careers are over. Learning is a continuous process, and some of my most rewarding experiences have come from encouraging students to form new questions, as well as find answers.
    • Ph.D., Boston College, 2010
    • M.A. & Certificate in Archival Management and Historical Editing, New York University, 2001
    • B.A., Colby College, 1996
    M.A. & Certificate in Archival Management and Historical Editing, New York University, 2001B.A., Colby College, 1996
    Research Interests
    • Irish Studies
    • Nineteenth And Twentieth Century U.S. History
    • Immigration, Ethnicity, And Race
    • Jewish American Studies
    • Public History
    Nineteenth and Twentieth Century U.S. HistoryImmigration, Ethnicity, and RaceJewish American StudiesPublic HistoryCenter for Irish Research & Teaching, Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Institute for Innovative and Integrated Studies
    enordenhaug@georgiasouthern.eduErik NordenhaugErikNordenhaugAssociate Professor of Philosophy912-344-2645Gamble Hall 134Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesErik Nordenhaug is an associate professor of philosophy at Georgia Southern University. His articles and presentations in philosophy of technology include: “An Eschatological Study of the Possibility of the Humanities in a Technological Milieu”(1987), “Who or What do the Social Sciences Serve in The Technological Society?”(2006), “Externalization of Ethical Thinking In Technological Rationality”(2016) and his recent chapter “The Outsourcing of Ethics” in The Twenty-First Century and Its Discontents(2020). His current research now focuses on the transformation of human agency and morality when every field of human activity is mediated by technology. What does technologically-mediated human agency and morality look like?
    • Ph.D., Emory University, 1994
    • M.A., Emory University, 1989
    • B.A., Mercer University, 1985
    M.A., Emory University, 1989B.A., Mercer University, 1985
    zzhang@georgiasouthern.eduZuotang ZhangZuotangZhangLecturer912-478-02442081 IABStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesZuotang Zhang graduated from Ningxia University, China with a BA degree in English Language and Literature in 1982. He earned an MA degree in Religious Studies from Missouri State University in 1998. He received his PhD in Language, Literacy and Culture from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2014. Zuotang has worked as a language teacher at various levels (elementary school, high school, community college and university) both in China and the United States. His research interests are broad in language, culture (Chinese folk practice) and education. In his spare time, Zuotang writes prose essays, poems and short stories in Chinese and English. He was a columnist for a Chinese newspaper in Washington DC.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is now reduced to a few words. Teach the students not only what I know but share with them how I learn and encourage them to find their best way of learning. And I keep telling my students that only CORRECT practice makes perfect.
    • Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2014
    • MA., Missouri State University, 1998
    • BA., Ningxia University, China, 1982
    • AA, Guyuan Normal School, China, 1978
    MA, Missouri State University, 1998BA, Ningxia University, China, 1982AA, Guyuan Normal School, China, 1978
    Research Interests
    • Language Teaching And Learning
    • Cultural Studies (Folk Religions)
    • Teaching Education And Training
    Cultural studies (folk religions)Teaching education and training
    thunt@georgiasouthern.eduTamerah HuntTamerahHuntProfessor912-478-8620Hollis Building Room 1126Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyTamerah Hunt, PhD, ATC, FACSM is a Certified Athletic Trainer and has worked at every level of sports during her career. She works within the exercise science and the anatomy and physiology programs. She serves on numerous professional committees to enhance inclusion and diversity in the clinical and research setting. She has served as an Allied Health and Education Board of Trustee for ACSM and is currently the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Research and Education Foundation District 9 Board of Director.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching allows me to mentor and inspire my students to achieve success in the clinic and classroom, while not losing themselves in the demands of a time consuming, physical career. I strive to actively educate students to be culturally sensitive, advocates for their patients while increasing awareness for self-care. To ensure that the students are in a supportive environment, I incorporate mindfulness and growth mindset techniques (mental wellness and self-care techniques) within my courses and overall degree program. This has directly resulted in improved grades, attitudes and mental health and self-care for the students directly influencing student success.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2006
    • M.S, James Madison University, 2002
    • B.S, University of Delaware, 2000
    M.S, James Madison University, 2002B.S, University of Delaware, 2000
    Research Interests
    • Youth Concussion
    • Social Determinants Of Health
    • Mental Health And Wellness
    Social determinants of HealthMental Health and wellness National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
    mdmogle@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew MogleMatthewMogleAssociate Professor of Art912-478-4636Arts Building, Room 2029Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtMatthew Mogle is an Associate Professor of Art, the Foundations Director, and the Honors Coordinator in the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art. Prof. Mogle teaches Area F foundations courses on the Statesboro campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a first-generation college graduate, my teaching philosophy emphasizes lifelong learning, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving. I strive to empower students with the tools to adapt to new challenges, think independently, and develop the confidence to pursue learning and innovation throughout their lives.
    • M.F.A, New York Academy of Art, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Traditional Oil Painting On Non-Traditional Surfaces
    • Game Design And Illustration
    • Curriculum Development And Design
    Game design and illustrationCurriculum development and design
    fprince@georgiasouthern.eduFelecia PrinceFeleciaPrincePart-Time Instructor912-362-0804College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationI am from Metter, Georgia. I was born in a family of educators. My dad is a retired principal, and my mother is a retired teacher. I have one son and nephew-son. My son, parents, and I were educated at Georgia Southern. Not only do I love teaching, but I have also been a church musician for over 48 years. I am a florist and author.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe all students can learn; but they all don't learn in the same way. We must differentiate instruction.
    • Doctorate in Teacher Leadership
    • Specialists in Teacher Leadership
    • Masters in Education
    • B. S in Home Economics/Fashion Merchandising and Clothing and Textiles
    • Psychology and Education
    Specialists in Teacher LeadershipMasters in EducationB. S in Home Economics/Fashion Merchandising and Clothing and TextilesPsychology and Education
    Research Interests
    • Differentiated Instruction
    • Motivating Black Males
    • Effective Strategies For Teachers
    Motivating Black MalesEffective Strategies for Teachers
    btatom@georgiasouthern.eduBrett TatomBrettTatomPart-time lab instructor912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    • Bachelor of Radiological Sciences
    mvanwagenen@georgiasouthern.eduMichael Van WagenenMichaelVan WagenenAssociate Professor912-478-5466IAB 3095Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryMICHAEL SCOTT VAN WAGENEN is an associate professor of history at Georgia Southern University where he founded the public history graduate program. He has created several award-winning documentary films, books, articles, and museum exhibits on the history and culture of the American West and borderlands.
    • PhD History - University of Utah
    Research Interests
    • Public History
    • Collective Memory
    • Us - Mexico Borderlands
    • Religion In The American Southwest
    • Material Culture
    Collective MemoryUS - Mexico BorderlandsReligion in the American SouthwestMaterial Culture
    egalvan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=nRJva8sAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=2&oi=aoEmma GalvanEmmaGalvanAssistant Professor of MarketingParker College of Business 2224Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingAfter receiving my PhD from the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) in 2024, I am currently an assistant marketing professor at Georgia Southern University, teaching Principles of Marketing. My research interests mainly fall within the area of investigating how “new-age” persuasive tactics affect consumers perceptions, intentions, and behaviors within the current marketing climate. I have published in Psychology & Marketing as well as the Journal of Business Research to name a few. When I am not teaching or researching, I love watching college sports, especially since I played soccer in college.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, I believe we have not only the responsibility to help students reach their full potential, but the privilege to impact the lives of generations to come. I believe this can be done by exposing students to new ways of thinking and instilling in students that learning doesn’t end after acquiring a degree. This especially rings true as a college professor, where we are encountering young adults who will be making decisions that ultimately impact the rest of their lives.
    • PhD, University of Mississippi, 2024
    • MS., University of Alabama, 2018
    • BS., University of Alabama, 2018
    MS, University of Alabama, 2018BS, University of Alabama, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Persuasive Marketing Tactics
    • Processing
    lhuffling@georgiasouthern.eduLacey D. Huffling Lacey D.Huffling Associate Professor912-478-24804100 COE Administration BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Lacey D. Huffling is an Associate Professor of Science Education in the Department of Middles and Secondary Education. She teaches undergraduate courses on the Statesboro campus and graduate courses online. Her research interests include agency, equity, and identity in environmental and sustainability education, science education, teacher education, and self-study. She received an Early Career Research Fellowship -Education Track from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Gulf Research Program. She has received grants from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Gulf Research Board and the National Science Foundation.
    • Ph.D, Georgia Southern University, 2015
    • M.Ed, Wake Forest University, 2008
    • B.S., Lee University, 2003
    M.Ed, Wake Forest University, 2008B.S., Lee University, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Environmental/Sustainability Education
    • Science Education
    • Identity
    • Agency
    • Teacher Education
    Science EducationIdentityAgencyTeacher Education
    rhaddad@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/rami-j-haddad-2Rami HaddadRamiHaddadInterim Dean912-478-7412IT 3400FStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Electrical & Computer EngineeringRami J. Haddad, Ph.D., SIEEE, is the Interim Dean of the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing at Georgia Southern University. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Akron, an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Minnesota Duluth, and a B.S. in Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering from the Applied Sciences Private University. Previously, he served as Senior Associate Dean and Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. His research focuses on artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, cybersecurity, autonomous networks, optical communications, brain-computer interfaces, smart grids, and engineering education.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering an active, student-centric learning environment, reflecting the inquiry-based nature of engineering. I embrace this philosophy by guiding students to understand key concepts, develop critical thinking, and acquire lifelong learning skills. Using a collaborative apprenticeship model, I adapt my instruction to students’ diverse learning styles with tools like the Felder & Soloman Index. My approach includes project-based learning, interactive activities, simulations, and real-time feedback mechanisms to enhance engagement and understanding. This pedagogy equips students with essential skills, transforming advanced concepts into accessible knowledge while fostering professional and personal growth.
    • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, The University of Akron, 2011
    • M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2006
    • B.S. in Communication and Electronics Engineering, Applied Science Private University, 2004
    M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2006B.S. in Communication and Electronics Engineering, Applied Science Private University, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Cyber-Physical Systems/Cyber-Security
    • Autonomous Ad-Hoc Aerial Communication Networks
    • Optical Fiber Communication/Networks
    • Brain-Computer Interface Application
    Cyber-physical Systems/Cyber-securityAutonomous Ad-Hoc Aerial Communication NetworksOptical Fiber Communication/NetworksBrain-Computer Interface ApplicationOptical Network and Smart Grid (ONSmart) Laboratory
    autumnjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/autumn-m-johnson-2Autumn JohnsonAutumnJohnsonAssociate Professor912-478-7819Henderson Library 1212Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesAdministration - Special CollectionsAutumn M. Johnson serves as the Special Collections Librarian and Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University, where she oversees instruction, outreach, and reference efforts for the University Libraries’ Special Collections. Additionally, she acts as the library liaison for the Department of History, Center for Irish Studies, Criminal Justice, and the School of Human Ecology. Prior to her current role, Johnson held positions as the Information Literacy Coordinator at Savannah State University and User Engagement Librarian at Augusta University. With research interests centered on game-based learning in archives and teaching with primary sources, she has presented on these topics both nationally and internationally.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a Special Collections Librarian, I focus on creating active, engaging experiences that encourage learners to critically interact with archival resources. My pedagogical approach emphasizes making collections accessible, relevant, and exciting across disciplines by using innovative methods that connect materials to contemporary contexts and personal narratives. Through interactive learning, I aim to develop learners’ analytical skills, creativity, and appreciation for the diverse stories contained within collections.
    • MLIS, University of South Carolina, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Information Literacy
    • Game-Based Learning
    • Teaching With Primary Sources
    Game-Based LearningTeaching with Primary Sources
    gowensgaughan@georgiasouthern.eduGrace Owens-GaughanGraceOwens-GaughanYouth Programs Coordinator912-478-1766301 building in StatesboroStatesboro CampusContinuing and Professional EducationI’m in my second year as a Youth Programs Coordinator at Georgia Southern University. During college, I worked at the Bulloch County Parks and Recreation Department as a program assistant, where I gained experience running summer camps, holiday break camps, and youth programs. Now, I continue similar work with Georgia Southern, coordinating multiple week long summer camps such as Lego Robotics Camp and Migrant Educational Summer Camp, holiday break camps such as Eagle Explorers, and youth programs during the school year like the Political Science Department's Model UN Conferences.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I plan a camp for the Georgia Department of Education's Migrant Program that allows the children of migrant workers to stay in a dorm for a week, take various educational classes to help bridge the gap between them and their peers, and get a sense of the 'college experience.'
    • Bachelors Degree in Recreation with a focus on Tourism and Leisure 2023
    • Certified Program Planner 2024
    Certified Program Planner 2024
    mitra@georgiasouthern.eduANIRUDDHA MITRAANIRUDDHAMITRAPROFESSOR912-478-5129Engineering 2135Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringAcademic ExperienceFull Professor, Georgia Southern University, 2016 – Current Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University, 2008 – 2016 Assistant Professor, Georgia Southern University, 2002 – 2008
    • Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, USA.
    • Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with First Class, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
    • • Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with First Class Honors, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
    Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with First Class, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India• Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with First Class Honors, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
    Research Interests
    • Airborne Nanoparticle, Testing Of Personal Protective Equipment
    • Stability Of Structures Under Dynamic Loading.
    • Future Of Design Education
    Stability of structures under dynamic loading.Future of Design EducationEngineering & Research Facility
    gmolina@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/gustavo-j-molina-2Gustavo J. MolinaGustavo J.MolinaProfessor912-478-0125Engineering Building 2137Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Gustavo J. Molina graduated with a BSc in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from National University of Cordoba, Argentina, a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Canada, for his work in acousto-ultrasonics, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Virginia Tech for his work on triboemission of particles. Since 2000 he has been in the Dept. of Mechanical Eng. of Georgia Southern University, where he is a Professor. Dr. Molina’s research interests are on design methodologies, on solid mechanics and tribology, biofuels and nanofluids, on design optimization by QFD-TRIZ integration, and on equilibrium dynamics. He has authored over 40 journal papers and a book chapter in tribology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching interests: - Design methodologies- Solid Mechanics- Tribology and Reliability
    • Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2000
    • M.App.Sc., University of Ottawa, Canada, 1994
    • BSc. Mech Electr. Engineering, Natl.Univ.of Cordoba, Argentina, 1986
    M.App.Sc., University of Ottawa, Canada, 1994BSc. Mech Electr. Engineering, Natl.Univ.of Cordoba, Argentina, 1986
    Research Interests
    • Tribology Of Nanofluids
    • Tribology Of Biofuels
    • Qfd-Triz Integration And Sinergy
    • Triboemission Of Charged Particles
    • Equilibrium Dynamics
    Tribology of biofuelsQFD-TRIZ integration and sinergyTriboemission of charged particlesEquilibrium dynamics
    kw24715@georgiasouthern.eduKendra ChandlerKendraChandlerGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall - Room 1029 - Seat #2Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychologycurrently in 3rd year of PSY-D Program
    • Working on PSYC Doctoral Degree
    rc17300@georgiasouthern.eduRachel CookRachelCookGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1029, Seat #5Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyCurrently in 2nd year of PSY-D Program
    • Currently in PSYC Doctoral Program
    ad08062@georgiasouthern.eduAlexis DixonAlexisDixonGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1030, Seat #1Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychologyin 4th year of PSYC Doctoral Program
    • 4th year Doctoral Student
    ssalter@georgiasouthern.eduShelley SalterShelleySalterResearch Compliance Manager912-478-3022Veazey HallStatesboro CampusShelley began working in the Office of Research Services in December of 2011 as administrative secretary and was promoted to Compliance Specialist in September of 2013 and then to Research Compliance Manager in February of 2022. Shelley has a Bachelor’s of Science in Biology and a Master’s of Business Administration, both from Georgia Southern University.
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University, 2018
    • BS. Biology, Georgia Southern University, 2004
    BS Biology, Georgia Southern University, 2004
    sf12053@georgiasouthern.eduSilvia FloresSilviaFloresGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1013, Seat #1Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology4th year PSYC Doctoral Student
    • 4th year PSYC Doctoral Student
    tg14894@georgiasouthern.eduTatyana GambleTatyanaGambleGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1013, Seat #4Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology2nd year PSYC Doctoral Student
    • 2nd year PSYC Doctoral Student
    bh17184@georgiasouthern.eduBlayke HannaBlaykeHannaGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1030, Seat #4Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology2nd year PSYC Doctoral Program
    • 2nd year PSYC Doctoral Program
    ar27902@georgiasouthern.eduAlondra Reyna LopezAlondraReyna LopezGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1030, Seat #3Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology3rd year PSYC Doctoral Student
    • 3rd year PSYC Doctoral Student
    em17437@georgiasouthern.eduEllen MurphyEllenMurphyGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1030, Seat #2Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology4th year PSYC Doctoral student
    • 4th year PSYC Doctoral student
    cp21766@georgiasouthern.eduCalla PritulskyCallaPritulskyGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1029, Seat #4Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology3rd year PSYC Doctoral student
    • 3rd year PSYC Doctoral student
    ktippy@georgiasouthern.eduKelly TippyKellyTippyAdministrative Assistant II912-344-2539Hawes Hall 208Armstrong CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Economics
    ms46448@georgiasouthern.eduManasvi ShenviManasviShenviGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1029, Seat #1Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology3rd year PSYC Doctoral student
    • 3rd year PSYC Doctoral student
    cw34988@georgiasouthern.eduCollin WilliamsCollinWilliamsGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1030, Seat #5Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology2nd year PSYC Doctoral student
    • 2nd year PSYC Doctoral student
    cb41568@georgiasouthern.eduCaroline BachCarolineBachGraduate Assistant912-478-5539Brannen Hall, Room 1029, Seat 3Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Psychology4th year PSYC Doctoral student
    • 4th year PSYC Doctoral student
    plarose@georgiasouthern.eduPatricia LaRose-Walthour Patricia LaRose-Walthour Community Outreach Coordinator 912-478-0966City Campus Statesboro CampusInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics Patricia, a Double Eagle, has experience in wellness program coordination, program evaluation, and community engagement. Her public health interests center on promoting health and well-being, rural health, and fostering community-driven health solutions.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Patricia is actively involved in the Community Health Resource Project (CHRP), which aims to partner with 18 underserved rural counties in Georgia over two years to identify and map local health resources, enhancing access and informing workforce development in these areas.
    • MPH, Georgia Southern University, 2022
    • B.S. Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    B.S. Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, 2018Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    jmoss@georgiasouthern.eduJanet MossJanetMossPrincipal Lecturer, EmeritusStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & AnalyticsJanet joined Georgia Southern University in 2000. She served as a Principal Lecturer in the Parker College of Business. Janet taught courses in business analytics, information systems and management. She published 16 journal articles, 11 conference proceedings and numerous conference presentations. She served on multiple panels at the INFORMS national conference. Janet was instrumental in forming an INFORMS Student Chapter. The student chapter has won two INFORMS awards of excellence. Janet was awarded the Parker College Lecturer award 3 times. Over the years, she served on numerous Georgia Southern University committees before retiring in 2024.
    • Master of Business Administration, Georgia State University, 1985
    • Bachelor of Art degrees, Business and Psychology, University of South Florida, 1983.
    Bachelor of Art degrees, Business and Psychology, University of South Florida, 1983.
    pgoeser@georgiasouthern.eduPriya GoeserPriyaGoeserProfessor912-344-2874UH249BArmstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Goeser received her B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and her Ph.D. from the University of Delaware. She then worked as a research associate (post-doctoral fellow) at the Center for Composite Materials, University of Delaware for two years before joining the Engineering Studies Program at Armstrong State University as an Assistant Professor in August 2003. She is currently a full Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus.
    • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, 2001
    • B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, 1997
    • Effective College Instruction, ACUE Certified Credential, Georgia Southern University, December 2022
    • Teaching Online Courses Certificate, Center for Teaching Excellence, Georgia Southern University, June 2021
    • Governor's Teaching Fellows Summer Symposium Program 2017, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
    B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, 1997Effective College Instruction, ACUE Certified Credential, Georgia Southern University, December 2022Teaching Online Courses Certificate, Center for Teaching Excellence, Georgia Southern University, June 2021Governor's Teaching Fellows Summer Symposium Program 2017, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
    Research Interests
    • Engineering Education
    • Open Educational Resources
    • Textbook Transformation
    Open Educational ResourcesTextbook TransformationEngineering Learning Center (ELC), Eagle Engineering Ambassador (EEA) Program
    hliu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CfbkqJIAAAAJ&hl=enHau-Jian (Jason) LiuHau-Jian (Jason)LiuAssociate Professor of Physics912-478-5703Math/Physics 2052Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Liu is an experimental physicist with research interests in magnetization dynamics. Specifically, his research group investigates magnetic excitations, known as spin waves, in confined micro/nanostructures. Confined structures can provide a means of controlling the characteristics of the spin waves, like amplitude, frequency, and wavelength. This work will lead to a better understanding of the fundamental physics of spin waves and how they can be used in future spin-based electronics. Current projects include spin wave interference, magnonic crystals, nonlinear spin wave processes, and magnetic vortices.
    • Post-doc, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2014-2017
    • Ph.D. Physics, Colorado State University, 2014
    • M.S. Physics, Colorado State University, 2010
    • B.S. Physics, San Diego State University, 2008
    Ph.D. Physics, Colorado State University, 2014M.S. Physics, Colorado State University, 2010B.S. Physics, San Diego State University, 2008
    Research Interests
    • Magnetic Materials
    • Magnetization Dynamics
    • Spintronics
    • Magnonics
    • Spin Waves
    Magnetization DynamicsSpintronicsMagnonicsSpin WavesCenter for Advanced Materials Science
    lwible@georgiasouthern.eduLoraine WibleLoraine WibleAssistant Professor of ArtArt Building 2020Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtLoraine Wible is a digital artist and experimental filmmaker who combines storytelling, interactivity, songwriting, and performance art to create joyfully political and vibrantly surrealist postcards of her intellectual journeys. Born and raised in France, she studied filmmaking in Paris before emigrating to Ohio where she obtained an MFA in electronic arts at the University of Cincinnati. She now teaches in the Art Department of Georgia Southern University where she researches how Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms change our cultural landscape.
    • MFA in Electronic Arts, University of Cincinnati
    • BFA in Video Production, Ecole Superieur de Realisation Audiovisuelle
    BFA in Video Production, Ecole Superieur de Realisation Audiovisuelle
    Research Interests
    • New Media Technology And Art
    • Video Art
    • Internet Art
    • Surrealist Filmmaking
    Video ArtInternet ArtSurrealist filmmaking
    encarnicruz@georgiasouthern.eduEncarnacion Cruz JimenezEncarnacionCruz JimenezSenior Lecturer912-344-3194Gamble Hall 207Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesEncarnación Cruz Jiménez is an ABD candidate at UNC-Chapel Hill, specializing in contemporary Mexican literature and transcultural identities. She holds two MAs: one in Hispanic Literature (UNC-Chapel Hill) and another in English and North American Literature (University of Seville). Her research interests encompass contemporary Mexican and Latin American literature, focusing on identity issues. Encarnación has taught various Spanish courses at GSU and Armstrong State University, including specialized programs for healthcare professionals. Her extensive teaching experience is complemented by significant academic service, including student organizations.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is grounded in a commitment to creating inclusive, engaging, and effective learning environments for all students. My extensive experience teaching Spanish at various levels, from elementary to advanced, across diverse formats (in-person, online synchronous, and fully online) has shaped my approach. I believe in fostering a collaborative learning atmosphere where students feel empowered to explore the language and culture, build confidence in their abilities, and develop critical thinking skills.Key Principles: Student-Centered Learning and culturally responsive pedagogy.
    • BA. in English Language and Literature (University of Seville, Spain)
    • MA. in English Language and Literature (University of Seville, Spain)
    • MA. in Hispanic Literature (UNC- Chapel Hill)
    • ABD (UNC- Chapel Hill)
    MA in English Language and Literature (University of Seville, Spain)MA in Hispanic Literature (UNC- Chapel Hill)ABD (UNC- Chapel Hill)
    Research Interests
    • Contemporary Mexican And Latin American Literature
    • Pedagogy
    loberhelman@georgiasouthern.eduLily OberhelmanLilyOberhelmanPart Time Instructor912-344-2550Online onlyWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceSonographer and Clinical Preceptor.
    • M.Ed, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    • BSRS, Armstrong State University, 2015
    • RDMS (AB, OB, BR, VT, PS), RVT
    BSRS, Armstrong State University, 2015RDMS (AB, OB, BR, VT, PS), RVT
    snasseh@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sites.google.com/site/saeednasseh/homeSaeed NassehSaeedNassehProfessor912-478-5878MP3322Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesBS: Sharif University of Technology, 2001MS: University of Tehran, 2003PhD: North Dakota State University, 2013Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2014
    • Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2014
    Research Interests
    • Commutative Algebra, Homological Algebra, And Related Areas
    cmroczek@georgiasouthern.eduChristy MroczekChristyMroczekPrincipal Lecturer912-344-2718Gamble HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishChristy Mroczek is a Principal Lecturer in the English Department at Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong campus, where she has been teaching since 2006. Since 2014, she has led the department’s internship program, focusing on helping students translate their English degrees into meaningful career opportunities. In addition to coordinating internships, she teaches courses in technical communication, writing for nonprofits, information design, and first-year writing.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in empowering students to bridge the gap between academic study and real-world application, particularly within the field of English. By fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and technical proficiency, I help students discover how their education can translate into meaningful careers. Through my courses, I emphasize the importance of developing clear, persuasive communication, working effectively with others, and leveraging technology to solve problems and convey ideas. Whether guiding students in internships or teaching in the classroom, my goal is to inspire confidence, adaptability, and the ability to apply their skills across diverse contexts.
    • M.A. in English (Professional Communication), Clemson University, 2005
    • B.A. in English, Western Michigan University, 2002
    B.A. in English, Western Michigan University, 2002
    Research Interests
    • English Major Internships And Careers
    • Writing For Nonprofits
    • Technical Communication
    • Information Design
    Writing for NonprofitsTechnical CommunicationInformation Design
    lvaleri@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/laura-e-valeri-2Laura ValeriLauraValeriProfessor912-488-5889110 Gamble Hall, Armstrong, 1119E Newton, StatesboroArmstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishLaura Valeri is the author of The Kinds of Things Saints Do (University of Iowa Press), Safe in Your Head (SFA University Press), The Dead Still Here (SFA University Press), L'Isola del Silenzio (Galaad Edizioni), and After Life as a Human (Rainchain Press). Her scholarly and pedagogy essays appear in The Journal of Creative Writing Studies and Writing & Pedagogy. Her creative work and literary translations appear in many journals in the US and internationally. She has been teaching at Georgia Southern since 2003.
    • MFA Iowa Writer's Workshop, University of Iowa
    • MFA Florida International University
    • BA. New York University
    • AI Filmmaking certification
    MFA Florida International UniversityBA New York UniversityAI Filmmaking certification
    Research Interests
    • Fiction Writing & Pedagogy
    • Creative Nonfiction Writing & Pedagogy
    • Literary Translation
    • Creativity Studies
    • Ai Filmmaking & Ai Animation
    Creative Nonfiction Writing & PedagogyLiterary TranslationCreativity StudiesAI Filmmaking & AI Animation
    wweaver@georgiasouthern.eduWendelyn WeaverWendelynWeaverMrs.Nursing/Chemistry Building: #3029Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingMrs. Weaver has served continuously as a professional nurse for more than 35 years in hospitals spanning five different states, specializing in pediatrics & women's health. She joined the School of Nursing faculty at Georgia Southern University in 2018 as a parttime clinical supervisor & transitioned to full time lecturer in 2021 & has taught pharmacology, health assessment lab, pediatrics & women's health. Mrs. Weaver excels at innovative teaching methods, high-fidelity simulation & student learning. She is also a lactation counselor who strives to improve positive breastfeeding outcomes. She is passionate about sharing her love for babies & their families with a focus on compassionate nursing care with the students she teaches.
    • MSN-ED/Nursing, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    • BSN/Nursing, Alderson Broaddus College, 1987
    BSN/Nursing, Alderson Broaddus College, 1987
    jdrey@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer DreyJenniferDreyCommunity Outreach Coordinator912-713-2934City CampusStatesboro CampusNoneOffice of ResearchJennifer Drey is a public health professional whose work focuses on interventions that reduce common barriers to wellness, particularly in underserved communities. She currently serves as Community Outreach Coordinator at the Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics, where she focuses on building relationships and promoting project participation.
    • Master of Public Health, Emory University
    • Bachelor of Arts, University of Maryland
    Bachelor of Arts, University of Maryland
    Research Interests
    • Public Health
    • Community Health
    • Chronic Disease Prevention
    Community HealthChronic Disease PreventionNone
    jchoi@georgiasouthern.eduwww.linkedin.com/in/junghun-choi-391968150JungHun ChoiJungHunChoiAssociate Professor912-478-4123Engineering Building 2131Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringAssociate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Georgia Southern University. Currently teaching Mechatronics, PLC, Numerical Methods, and Senior Design Projects. Research interests include Medical Deivces, Measurement Systems, and Bio-signal Processings.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Creating an educational environment where learning is actively engaged through enjoyable activities, incorporating elements of curiosity, exploration, and discovery, allowing students to actively seek knowledge by using interactive methods like real-world applications, and hands-on experiences.
    • Ph.D. Virginia Tech, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Medical Devices - Colonoscopy Related Automation
    • Medical Devices - Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy
    • Measurement Systems Using Sensor Fusion
    • Mechatronics Projects
    Medical Devices - Bioelectrical Impedance SpectroscopyMeasurement Systems using sensor fusionMechatronics Projects
    rperez@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=S_IX0akAAAAJ&hl=esRocio PerezRocioPerezAssistant Professor912-478-4101Nursing and Chemistry Building, 3216BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Rocío L. Pérez earned her B.S. in Biotechnology in 2012 and Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry in 2016 from Rosario National University, Argentina. She served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Notre Dame for one year and as a Postdoctoral Associate in Professor Isiah M. Warner's research group at Louisiana State University for four and a half years. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. Her research focuses on synthesizing GUMBOS for applications in protein extraction, chemotherapeutics, and purification, as well as using Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents as green solvents for material recycling and compound extraction.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I strive to create an inclusive, interactive learning environment where students actively engage with the material. By incorporating group activities, discussions, and real-world examples, I encourage collaboration and critical thinking. I also use online platforms to extend learning beyond the classroom through interactive activities, quizzes, and discussions. This blend of in-person and digital tools allows students to learn at their own pace, work with peers, and access resources easily. My goal is to empower students to take an active role in their education and develop skills for academic and professional success.
    • Bachelor in Biiotechnology
    • Analytical Chemistry Ph.D.
    Analytical Chemistry Ph.D.
    Research Interests
    • Design And Synthesis Of Ionic Liquids (Ils), Group Of Uniform Materials Based On Organic Salts (Gumbos), And Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (Nades) For Analytical Applications.
    • Development Of Novel Sensing Materials Based On Ils, Gumbos Or Nades.
    • Development Of Ils, Gumbos Or Nades Based Composites For The Extraction And Removal Of Contaminants From Environmental Samples.
    • Synthesis Of Nanogumbos For Chemotherapeutic Applications.
    Development of novel sensing materials based on ILs, GUMBOS or NADES.Development of ILs, GUMBOS or NADES based composites for the extraction and removal of contaminants from environmental samples.Synthesis of nanoGUMBOS for chemotherapeutic applications.James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Center for Advanced Materials Science, Institute for Water and Health
    mkhan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=list_works&gmla=AGd7smESenhVbWBK9LiQfSUD8FDDMKgpobqt9grC252Dvr4B9nQKg9OMSizuQStgPOZm7wIzbWE2rx2Ym4vCkQ&user=9VPUy1sAAAAJMujibur KhanMujibur KhanAssociate Professor912-478-8004ERB 3057Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Khan has been investigating processing of nanocapsules of anti-cancer drugs into biocompatible core- shell polymer to target specific cell and stop metastatic progression. These nanocapsules are designed to stop the chemotherapy resistance and metastasis by targeting the TMA (Tumor microenvironment). Also, he contributed toward the design, synthesis, characterization and performance testing of multiphase high-performance fiber, plasma assisted nanofibers, and Metal Organic Framework for structural, sensing, and biomedical applications. He has co-authored 23 Journal Papers and 50+ Conference proceedings, presentations. His research has been funded by the NSF, DOE, and Industries such as Solvay Specialty Polymers, Advent Company Ltd etc.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Student success through engagement, critical thinking and problem solving
    • PhD in Ocean and Mechanical Engineering from the Florida Atlantic University of Florida in 2010
    • MSc in Mechatronics from Kings College, University of London in 2004
    • BSc in mechanical engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2001
    MSc in Mechatronics from Kings College, University of London in 2004 BSc in mechanical engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) in 2001
    Research Interests
    • Nanomedecine And Nanocapsules
    • Targeted Cancer Drug Delivery
    • Nanostructure And Plasma Interactipons
    • Multifunctional High Performance Fibersa
    • Metalo-Organic Frame Work
    Targeted Cancer Drug DeliveryNanostructure and Plasma interactipons Multifunctional High Performance fibersaMetalo-Organic Frame workNanocomposite Material Science Laboratory
    LDenmark@Georgiasouthern.eduLisa DenmarkLisaDenmarkProfessor of History912-478-0549IAB 3097Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDr. Lisa L. Denmark has been on the faculty at Georgia Southern University for 24 years. She specializes in the history of the American South and Georgia, with particular focus on nineteenth-century urban development, municipal finance, public health initiatives, and prohibition. Her research, including her 2019 book published by the University of Georgia Press, examines how Savannah navigated the challenges of commerce, debt, and growth across the nineteenth century. Currently investigating antebellum public health policies, Dr. Denmark teaches courses on nineteenth-century America while serving as Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Georgia Association of Historians.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching approach emphasizes clear organization and straightforward delivery of course material. My courses follow a predictable and consistent weekly structure that helps students stay on track. Rather than overwhelming students with complexity, I break down historical topics and assigned material into manageable pieces. Pairing clear expectations with high academic standards, I provide the tools and support needed to meet those standards.
    • Ph.D., University of South Carolina, 2004
    • MA., Georgia Southern University, 1995
    • BA., Georgia Southern University, 1993
    MA, Georgia Southern University, 1995BA, Georgia Southern University, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Us South/Savannah
    • Railroads
    • Municipal Finance (19Th Century)
    • Prohibition
    • Public Health (19Th Century)
    RailroadsMunicipal Finance (19th century)ProhibitionPublic Health (19th century)
    traceyscottsmith@georgiasouthern.eduTracey Scott-SmithTracey Scott-SmithPart Time Instructor912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceI have been the Audiologist for the Savannah-Chatham County Public School system since 1995 and have enjoyed sharing my love for the field of Audiology with the CSDS students at the Armstrong campus of GSU for many years. I teach Intro to Audiology and Intro to Aural Rehabilitation to undergraduate students and I teach an advanced Aural Rehabilitation class to the graduate students. I also teach the new graduate students fundamentals for performing hearing screenings so that they can go out in the schools and help the nurses with their annual hearing screenings so that the students are able to obtain their required hearing/Audiology hours. I enjoy supervising them during these screenings and signing off on their hours.
    Teaching Philosophy
    To create a fun, inclusive learning environment where each student becomes passionate about learning not only during the semester but throughout their school career and later professional life.
    • Au.D., UFL, 2005
    • M.Aud., USC, 1993
    • BSEd, UGA, 1989
    M.Aud., USC, 1993BSEd, UGA, 1989
    Research Interests
    • Audiology
    • Aural Rehabilitation
    • Assistive Listening Devices
    Aural RehabilitationAssistive Listening DevicesRite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    Cjordan@georgiasouthern.eduCarol JordanCarolJordanMs.912-478-0929Ashmore HallArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceCarol Jordan is an experienced educator and medical laboratory scientist with a robust microbiology background. She earned her Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Medical Laboratory Science from Georgia Southern University. She also holds a Master of Education degree from Armstrong State University and has specialized certification in microbiology through the American Society of Clinical Pathologists.With over 15 years of teaching experience, Carol was a Microbiology Laboratory Instructor, Microbiology Senior Lecturer, and Clinical Coordinator in the Medical Laboratory Science Program at Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus. Carol's professional career spans over 30 years, including several major hospitals.
    • Master of Education Armstrong State University 2016
    • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Georgia Southern University 1983
    Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science Georgia Southern University 1983
    gc08302-sw@georgiasouthern.eduAlex CuddAlexCuddGraduate Teaching Assistant, Level 2Williams Center Statesboro CampusOffice of Career and Professional DevelopmentOffice of Career and Professional DevelopmentHello! My name is Alex and I am a graduate teaching assistant in the Office of Career and Professional Development here at Georgia Southern. I am currently working towards earning my doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I have been an instructor at Georgia Southern for over 2 years. I am currently in charge of teaching GSU 2131 ("Career Exploration") and GSU 2132 ("Professional Development Seminar").
    • Master's of Science, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    jtookes@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jennifer-sweeney-tookes-2Jennifer Sweeney TookesJenniferSweeney TookesAssociate Professor of Anthropology912-478-6587Carroll 1015Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyJennifer Sweeney Tookes is an applied cultural anthropologist conducting research in the Southeastern US (NC to FL) and the Caribbean since 2003. After completing a Ph.D. in Anthropology at Emory University, her post-doctoral training in Environmental Sciences addressed direct marketing of Georgia seafood. Her research bridges medical and environmental anthropology, focusing on changing sea levels and climate, seafood production, coastal communities, and the health, well-being, and cultural heritage of these populations. Tookes is the Chair of the Social and Economic Panel of the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, and serves on the Science and Statistics Committee. She is active in the Society for Applied Anthropology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a professor, I use diverse teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles, drawing on my training in teaching pedagogy to design university courses. I create a welcoming classroom that fosters discussion, critical thinking, mutual respect, and engagement with anthropological research. My courses emphasize applying knowledge to real-life situations, reflecting my teaching philosophy that Anthropology's concepts are valuable across careers like business, medicine, law enforcement, and education. Anthropology is not just knowledge; it is a way of thinking that enriches and strengthens our global community.
    • Ph.D. Anthropology, Emory University, 2013
    • Graduate Certificate, Women's Studies, Emory University, 2013
    • M.A. Anthropology, Emory University, 2009
    • Certificate, Haitian Creole, Florida International University, 2006
    • M.A. Cultural Anthropology with Distinction, California State University, Northridge, 2005
    Graduate Certificate, Women's Studies, Emory University, 2013M.A. Anthropology, Emory University, 2009Certificate, Haitian Creole, Florida International University, 2006M.A. Cultural Anthropology with Distinction, California State University, Northridge, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Qualitative And Mixed Methodology Research
    • Fisheries And Fishing Cultures
    • Sustainable Foodways
    • Climate Change Impacts On Humans
    • Local And Global Food Systems
    fisheries and fishing culturessustainable foodwaysclimate change impacts on humanslocal and global food systemsCenter for Africana Studies, R M Bogan Archaeological Repository, Lab for Applied Anthropology
    djohn@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&pli=1&user=lImbDH4AAAAJDavid JohnDavidJohnAdjunct Professor478-298-3103OnlineStatesboro Campus, Online onlyAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDylan John counts over 15 years in the Construction Profession, both in the United States and International markets. A subject matter expert with a voice in Construction Technology and Innovation, Dylan John exposes students at Georgia Southern to trending Construction Innovation and Technology topics.A proven leader, Dylan provides perspective on both project and organizational leadership. Dylan also provides industry insights and consultations to General Contractors, Trade Contractors and Construction Software companies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    College-Industry Partnership is a cornerstone for a Rich and Meaningful Education Experience in the Construction Industry.
    • MS. in Applied Engineering, Georgia Southern University
    • BS. Construction Management, Georgia Southern University
    BS Construction Management, Georgia Southern University
    Research Interests
    • Construction Technology
    • Construction Performance
    • Construction Innovation
    • Leadership In Construction
    Construction PerformanceConstruction InnovationLeadership in Construction
    cjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduCatherine JohnsonCatherineJohnsonAssociate Professor912-478-02472088 IABStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesI am originally from Detroit, Michigan. I graduated from Mercy High School (Farmington Hills, MI) in 1982. I received my degrees (Ph.D., M.A., and BA) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I spent my senior year abroad in Freiburg, Germany from 1985 -1986. I accepted the offer to teach students German at Georgia Southern in 1994 and have been doing so for 31 years.
    Teaching Philosophy
    To ensure student growth and success as they pursue their academic goals.
    • Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1994
    • M.A., University of Michigan, 1990
    • B.A. University of Michigan, 1986
    M.A., University of Michigan, 1990B.A. University of Michigan, 1986
    Research Interests
    • Second Language Acquisiton
    • Race, Nationality, And Identity In German-Speaking Countries
    • Assessment Of Language Skills
    • Social Emotional Learning
    Race, Nationality, and Identity in German-speaking countriesAssessment of Language SkillsSocial Emotional Learning
    tkintzinger@georgiasouthern.eduTimothy KintzingerTimothyKintzingerSeniror Lecturer912-478-7140Foy 3057Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Tim Kintzinger is the trumpet professor on the faculty of the Gretsch School of Music at Georgia Southern University. He teaches applied trumpet and brass methods, and directs the GS Trumpet Ensemble and the Natural Trumpet Ensemble.
    • DMA Trumpet Performance - University of Missouri - Kansas City
    • Post-doctoral study Wind Literature and Conducting, University of South Carolina
    • MM Trumpet Performance - Binghamton University
    • BS. Mechanical Engineering - Binghamton University
    Post-doctoral study Wind Literature and Conducting, University of South CarolinaMM Trumpet Performance - Binghamton UniversityBS Mechanical Engineering - Binghamton University
    Research Interests
    • Natural Trumpet / Baroque Performance Practice
    • Jazz And Commercial Music
    • Trumpet Pedagogy
    Jazz and Commercial MusicTrumpet Pedagogy
    rpeavy@georgiasouthern.eduRenata PeavyRenataPeavyExecutive Assistant912-478-7733College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDean's Office
    psears@georgiasouthern.eduPamela SearsPamelaSearsProfessor of Theatre; Chair, Department of Communication Arts912-478-5138Sanford Hall 3014 and Jenkins Hall 104Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsPamela Z. Sears is the Chair of the Department of Communication Arts and her principal teaching specialties are acting and movement. She has worked professionally as a director, choreographer and actor. Her professional credits include engagements on various stages including Atlanta’s Theatre in the Square, Georgia Ensemble Theatre, and Highlands Playhouse, as well as television and film productions. Recently, she has performed in the Association for Theatre in Higher Education’s New Play Development productions in Las Vegas, Washington DC, Chicago, and Austin. Professor Sears researches, and is inspired by, theatre for social change.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a theatre professor specializing in actor training and stage movement, I am a facilitator and mentor. Introducing students to the newest research and techniques in my field, I provide them the tools with which to explore these principles, analyze their attributes, and build upon each assignment for cumulative growth. I create diverse educational experiences. In the classroom, I invite my students to share their concerns with me, to engage in thoughtful group discussions frequently, to take pride in and ownership of their educational experience. In this way, I hope to inspire their intrinsic motivation to reach higher standards.
    • M.F.A., University of Georgia, 1998
    • B.A., University of South Carolina, 1992
    B.A., University of South Carolina, 1992
    Research Interests
    • Social Justice Theatre
    erushton@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/edward-rushtonEdward RushtonEdwardRushtonAssociate Professor912-478-5283Arts Building 2028Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of Art1994 MFA The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am committed to being a dedicated educator who genuinely cares aboutteaching and fostering student growth. I prioritize building respectful and supportive relationships with my students while maintaining honesty in our interactions. I firmly believe that success serves as a powerful motivator for students and, therefore, I assess their knowledge and skills from a strength-based perspective.
    • MFA Graphic Design
    Research Interests
    • Graphic Expression
    • Experimental Typography
    Experimental Typography
    dlangley@georgiasouthern.eduDavid LangleyDavidLangleyAssociate Professor of Music Education, Associate Director of Choral Activities912-678-2322Foy Building 3069Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDavid W. Langley is Associate Professor of Music Education and Associate Director of Choral Activities at Georgia Southern University. His duties include supervising student teachers, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in music education, as well as directing the University Singers. Langley has been published in such journals as International Journal of Music Education, Music Education Research, The Choral Journal, American Music Teacher, and ACDA’s Chorteach. He has presented his research at numerous state, national, and international conferences and frequently offers professional development workshops for school districts. Langley is a frequent guest conductor and clinician for choirs across the southeast.
    • B.Mus. Ed. from The University of Georgia
    • M.M.Ed. from The University of Georgia
    • Ph. D. from Georgia State University
    M.M.Ed. from The University of GeorgiaPh. D. from Georgia State University
    Research Interests
    • Creativity In Choral Ensemble Classrooms
    • Trauma-Informed Teaching
    • Extramusical Benefits Of Choir
    Trauma-Informed TeachingExtramusical Benefits of Choir
    kpetrosino@georgiasouthern.eduKrista Petrosino Slone Krista PetrosinoSlone Senior Lecturer of English, Master Captain: Licensed Merchant Mariner912-478-6993Newton Building 1120E (Statesboro)Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Slone has been teaching in higher education since January 2007 in face to face, fully online, and hybrid modalities, and her scholarship focuses on cognitive rhetorics, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, outcomes assessment, and writing assessment. She began working at Georgia Southern University in 2016, and prior to that, she was an Assistant Professor of English and Chair of the Master of Humanities program at Tiffin University in Tiffin, Ohio.
    • Doctor of Philosophy, Rhetoric and Composition
    • United States Coast Guard Licensed Merchant Mariner: Master Captain 50GRT
    United States Coast Guard Licensed Merchant Mariner: Master Captain 50GRT
    Research Interests
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Cognitive Rhetorics
    • Outcomes Assessment
    • Writing Assessment
    • Writing Center Administration And Academic Program Administration
    Cognitive rhetorics Outcomes assessment Writing assessment Writing Center Administration and Academic Program Administration
    ddenu@georgiasouthern.eduDawit DenuDawit DenuDr912-344-2716University Hall 290Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Georgia Southern University in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. My research focuses on deterministic and stochastic differential equations with applications in modeling epidemic dynamics.
    • Ph.D., Auburn University, 2017
    Research Interests
    • Deterministic And Stochastic Epidemic Models
    • Analysis And Numerical Solutions For Stochastic Differential Equations
    • Stochastic Optimal Control Theory
    Analysis and numerical solutions for stochastic differential equationsStochastic optimal control theory
    snielsen@georgiasouthern.eduSheila NielsenSheilaNielsenSenior Lecturer912-478-0234Newton Bldg. 1120-DStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishProfessor Sheila Nielsen has been teaching since 2001. She started in the public school system with certification in Social Studies and Special Education. Her involvement with the Georgia Southern Writing Project opened opportunities to pursue her master’s degree in English. This led to employment with GSU where she joined the faculty in the Dept. of English in 2015. She takes great pride in her students’ success, and she sees the classroom as a springboard to new opportunities to grow for herself and her students.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Reading, thinking, speaking, and writing are personal expressions of who we are. These skills can only be developed an environment where students are encouraged to dig deeply and critically in a multitude of subjects; in an environment where natural curiosity and desire to learn stretches beyond the classroom; and in an environment where tolerance, trust, compassion and respect provide the foundation for true understanding and learning to occur. It is Prof. Sheila Nielsen’s commitment to create this learning space, and to encourage and build these skills with her students, as they become life-long learners.
    • MA. - English, Georgia Southern University 2015
    • BS. Sociology, Brigham Young University, 1994.
    BS Sociology, Brigham Young University, 1994.
    Research Interests
    • First Year Writing
    • American Literature
    • Interdisciplinary Studies
    • Poetry
    American LiteratureInterdisciplinary StudiesPoetry
    marcmoulton@georgiasouthern.eduMarc MoultonMarcMoultonProfessor912-478-7665Ceramics & Sculpture Building 1121Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtMy artistic direction is focused on creating art works for public spaces. For me, the attraction lies in the aesthetic challenge of responding to project boundaries while creating art that is both conceptually and aesthetically successful. A primary goal is to create art that can be enjoyed either day or night— using light phenomena to extend outwards—beyond the physical boundaries of objects into and onto the surrounding area.I am interested in both the physicality of shapes and the phenomena of light. Much of my past work has been an exploration of the relationships between steel forms, light, and landscape.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Goal 1: Prepare students to be, think, and act independently.Goal 2: Provide professional tools that will serve the learner for decades.Goal 3: Foster critical thinkingGoal 4: Illustrate the fun in things
    • The Ohio State University, Master of Fine Arts
    • Weber State University, Bachelor of Arts
    Weber State University, Bachelor of Arts
    Research Interests
    • Art In Public Spaces
    msayala@georgiasouthern.eduMariana SaenzMarianaSaenzAssociate Professor of Economics912-478-7561Parker College of Business Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of EconomicsDr. Saenz is an Associate Professor of Economics in the Parker College of Business. She holds a joint Ph.D. in Economics and Statistics, as well as an M.S. in Statistics, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research focuses on economic development and applied econometrics, with her work published in high-quality journals such as World Development and Applied Economics. Dr. Saenz has held various roles within the Business and Economic Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association. She is also actively involved with the Statistical Consulting Unit in the Department of Mathematics.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy relies on my conviction that all students have the potential to excel. As an instructor, my role is to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in class while fostering their intellectual growth.
    • Ph.D. Economics and Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    • M.S. Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    • M.S. Finance and Economics, West Texas A&M University
    • B.S. Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes
    M.S. Statistics, University of Nebraska-LincolnM.S. Finance and Economics, West Texas A&M UniversityB.S. Industrial Engineering, Universidad de los Andes
    Research Interests
    • Economic Development
    • Applied Econometrics
    • Informal Economy
    Applied EconometricsInformal Economy
    wjones@georgiasouthern.eduWilliam JonesWilliamJonesAssistant Professor of Marketing912-478-3372PCOB 2217Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingA Parker College graduate, Billy returns to Georgia Southern University after teaching at Ramapo College of New Jersey. His research uses neuroimaging (ERP and fMRI) and measurement theory applications, like scale development, to study sales, branding, and marketing tactics. His work has been published in the European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, and other leading journals.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Billy's teaching philosophy centers on hands-on learning, informed by scientific principles and insights from neuroscience. He employs technology like AI slides and applied exercises in the classroom. Furthering this practical approach, he partners with sales organizations to provide students with real-world opportunities to apply classroom concepts.
    • Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of Kentucky
    • MBA. from Georgia Suuthern University
    • BS. in Psychology
    MBA from Georgia Suuthern UniversityBS in PsychologyCenter for Sales Excellence
    wrandtke@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/wilhelmina-randtke-2Wilhelmina RandtkeWilhelminaRandtkeHead of Libraries Technologies and Systems912-478-5035Henderson Library, room 2216Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesLibraries Technologies and Systems DepartmentWilhelmina Randtke has a background in law and technology. Her past roles include legal research, technology oversight, and product manager for cloud based publishing software. She is currently Head of Libraries Technologies and Systems at the Georgia Southern University Libraries overseeing in-building technology and online presences. Georgia Southern University Libraries is the largest student printing lab on campus, providing approximately 1,500,000 prints to students each year. The libraries provide in-building desktop computers with specialized software for academic projects, a fleet of approximately 190 checkout laptops for students, and 3D printing and scanning services.
    • Juris Doctor, Florida State University, May 2008, cum laude
    • Masters in Library and Information Studies, Florida State University, August 2011
    • Bachelor of Science, Zoology, University of Florida, May 2003, cum laude
    Masters in Library and Information Studies, Florida State University, August 2011Bachelor of Science, Zoology, University of Florida, May 2003, cum laude
    Research Interests
    • Metadata
    • Software Management
    • Search Engines
    • Research Ecosystems
    • Indexing
    software managementsearch enginesresearch ecosystemsindexing
    bbae@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=HN2MI9sAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AGd7smFEGvM2PCBujg3wzjwyDohcMzEW6_24Vi2OvbNyo7WlcBCdqBayUqYCNCOZWUG0gJvuWghcTTUjU6RMZIFDBeom Jun BaeBeom JunBaeAssociate Professor912-478-5777Sanford 3020Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsBeom Jun Bae is an associate professor in the Department of Communication Arts and serves as the director of Professional Communication and Leadership at Georgia Southern University. He teaches public relations, and his research focuses on health communication topics such as obesity, cancer, depression, and exercise in cross cultural context.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a public relations instructor, I inspire students to connect academic concepts to real-life scenarios, fostering curiosity and critical thinking. I guide them to see broader contexts to relate theories to practice by using diverse materials and real-world examples.
    • Ph.D., 2010, Florida State University
    • M.A., 2005, University of Georgia
    • MPA, 1999, Korea University
    • BA., 1997, Myongj University
    M.A., 2005, University of GeorgiaMPA, 1999, Korea UniversityBA, 1997, Myongj University
    Research Interests
    • Health Communication
    • Cross-Cultural Communication
    • Persuasion
    • Large Language Model For Content Analysis
    • Public Relations
    Cross-Cultural CommunicationPersuasionLarge Language Model for Content AnalysisPublic Relations
    rachaelsmith@georgiasouthern.eduRachael SmithRachaelSmithClinical Assistant ProfessorUniversity Hall 205Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Rachael L. Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University, specializes in Curriculum & Instruction, Literacy, and Cultural Diversity. She holds an EdD in Curriculum and Instruction from Kansas State University, focusing on culturally sustaining pedagogy and equity in education. With experience as a curriculum designer, instructional coach, technology specialist and teacher, she has led initiatives to create inclusive curricula and dismantle deficit ideologies. Her research explores anti-racist practices, critical reflection, and family engagement. Beyond academics, she enjoys traveling, hiking, and exploring diverse stories.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Education is transformative, rooted in inquiry, critical reflection, and social action. I design culturally sustaining, anti-racist curricula that empower learners by valuing their intellectual and cultural wealth. Inspired by constructs like Sims Bishop’s “mirrors and windows” and Yosso’s community cultural wealth, my teaching celebrates diversity while challenging inequities. Combining culturally responsive teaching (CRT) with Universal Design for Learning (UDL), I create inclusive spaces that embrace multiple modes of learning. Guided by funds of knowledge, I integrate students’ lived experiences into the classroom, fostering equity, empathy, and the capacity for social change.
    • Ed.D., Kansas State University, 2021
    • MSE, University of Kansas, 2004
    • BSE, Kansas State University, 1995
    MSE, University of Kansas, 2004BSE, Kansas State University, 1995
    Research Interests
    • Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Pedagogy
    • Critical Reflection & Critical Pedagogy
    • Literacy Development Secondary Classrooms
    • Instructional Technology
    • Co-Teaching Inclusive Classrooms
    Critical Reflection & Critical PedagogyLiteracy Development Secondary ClassroomsInstructional TechnologyCo-Teaching Inclusive Classrooms
    kruhland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&view_op=list_works&gmla=AGd7smHJs4Anv1ZX9Hl2lOLzJq-Pkl1r2emm7SeLjqh_DYeh_r8ObTYbyZUOTnXMlPSTRZvyRxWOJvLUil6KZA&user=reDDjlMAAAAJKristen RuhlandKristenRuhlandSenior Lecturer912-478-1842PCOB 2237Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of MarketingI am a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Marketing at Georgia Southern University. I classes in various formats including face-to-face, online and hybrid. My interest areas within Marketing included integrated marketing communications, value creation, and consumer behavior. Prior to becoming a teacher, I worked in the marketing industry in Chicago. I developed marketing campaigns for companies such as Keebler, Gatorade, and ConAgra. I also worked for the University of Georgia Honors Program for several years. I obtained my bachelor’s degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison and my MBA from Georgia Southern University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy uses my passion for Marketing and my understanding of students’ needs to provide a positive experience for my students. My goal for the students is to come away from the classes feeling energized about marketing concepts, while having a thorough understanding of how marketing is a pivotal part of every business. I achieve this by using active-learning strategies and develop a culture that is caring, engaging, and challenging, Students are asked to apply the concepts discussed to real life situations so they may enhance their understanding of the topics. Additionally, my assessments require students to use higher order learning skills which require each of them to thoroughly understand the material.
    • Journalism Bachelor of Arts, University of WIsconsin-Madison
    • Masters of Business Administration, Georgia Southern University
    Masters of Business Administration, Georgia Southern University
    dwong@georgiasouthern.eduDavid WongDavidWongVisiting Assistant Professor912-478-5273Newton Building, Room 3301EStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI am interested in ethics, aesthetics, and their intersection.
    • PhD in Philosophy, University of Cincinnati
    kwolfsheimer@georgiasouthern.eduKelly WolfsheimerKellyWolfsheimerAdjunct English Instructor804-240-9873Gamble HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishKelly Diamond Wolfsheimer has served as a high school and college English instructor for over 30 years. She is a previous adjunct English instructor at John Tyler Community College (now Brightpoint University) in Virginia, Beta Tech Technical College in Virginia, and Point University in Savannah. She is a National Board Certified ENG/AYA and AP Literature and Language certified. She received her undergrad B.A. from Armstrong University in English/Communications and her M.S.Ed from Old Dominion University in Secondary English Education. She currently is a business owner of Dogtopia of Thunderbolt and is a freelance writer in her spare time.
    • M.S Ed in Secondary Education English from Old Dominion University
    • National Board Certified in ENG/AYA
    • Former educational consultant at the National Math and Science Initiative
    • Former educational consultant of the Smithsonian National Portrait Museum
    • Graduate of summer writing internship Oxford University, Exeter College 2016
    National Board Certified in ENG/AYAFormer educational consultant at the National Math and Science InitiativeFormer educational consultant of the Smithsonian National Portrait MuseumGraduate of summer writing internship Oxford University, Exeter College 2016
    jschmuki@georgiasouthern.eduJeff SchmukiJeffSchmukiProfessor912-478-2787Ceramics Sculpture Building Room 1004Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtJeff's work in ecological literacy and innovative material usage has garnered recognition in multiple countries, such as Italy, South Korea, Greece, Finland, the Netherlands, and Costa Rica. These accomplishments have led to grants from the Pollock-Krasner and Joan Mitchell Foundations and numerous international awards and residencies. His ongoing collaboration, PlantBot Genetics (www.monsantra.com), with Wendy DesChene, has received substantial support and acclaim through prestigious grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Pulitzer Foundation.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Art is for everyone...
    • M.F.A., New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York
    • B.F.A., Studio Art, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. cum laude
    B.F.A., Studio Art, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. cum laude
    Research Interests
    • Ceramic Art
    • Socially Engaged Art
    • Bioart
    • Ecological Literacy Through Art And Science
    Socially Engaged ArtBioArtEcological Literacy through Art and Science
    muchida@georgiasouthern.eduMasahiko UchidaMasahikoUchidaSenior Lecturer912-478-0166MP3033Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesTeaching core courses at Statesboro campus
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2009
    rblee@georgiasouthern.eduRochelle LeeRochelleLeeAssociate Professor912-344-2753Ashmore HallArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceNative to St. Louis, MO. Have lived in Savannah since 2004. Started the Nuclear Medicine program in 2004.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Meet students where they are, help them navigate where they need to be academically, show them what is possible with hard work and perseverance.
    • EdD.- Higer Ed. Leadership
    • MBA.-Gealth Services Mabagement
    • ARRT (N), Nuclear Medicine
    • Diversity, Equity and inclusion
    MBA-Gealth Services MabagementARRT (N), Nuclear MedicineDiversity, Equity and inclusion
    tpritchard@georgiasouthern.eduTony PritchardTonyPritchardDr. 912-478-1323Hollis 2118BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyTony Pritchard is the graduate program coordinator of the Master of Arts in Teaching Health and Physical Education. He is the graduate program director of the Master of Science in Kinesiology. Dr. Pritchard teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the Health and Physical Education programs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I want to make a difference in how people perceive physical education by educating teacher candidates effective teaching skills to utilize in physical. One must remember that physical education is a subject in school and this subject must be taught effectively to influence P-12 students in continuing to be active throughout one’s life.
    • Ed.D., West Virginia University, 2004
    • M.S., Appalachian State University, 1997
    • B.S., Erskine College, 1994
    M.S., Appalachian State University, 1997B.S., Erskine College, 1994
    Research Interests
    • Instructional Models
    • Sport Education Model
    • Effective Teaching Skills
    Sport Education ModelEffective Teaching Skills
    agregory@georgiasouthern.eduArikka GregoryArikkaGregoryProfessor913-478-5408Foy 3036Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicArikka Gregory has taught at Georgia Southern for more than 17 years and serves as the Area Head for Voice in the Gretsch School of Music. While serving as Director of Opera from 2007-2018, she directed over 28 student productions. Performance credits include Siebel in Faust, Dorabella in Cosi fan tutte, Cherubino in Le nozze di Figaro, Hansel in Hansel and Gretel, and the Mother in Amahl and the Night Visitors with companies including Austin Lyric Opera, Chautauqua Opera, and Procantus Lyric Opera. Gregory has earned degrees from The University of Texas (DMA), Florida State University (MM), and The University of Florida (BA).
    • DMA, The University of Texas at Austin, 2003
    caplinca@georgiasouthern.eduChris CaplingerChrisCaplingerAssistant Professor912-478-1456Interdisciplinary Academic Building 3092Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryChris Caplinger came to Georgia Southern in 2000, where he coordinated academic programs for students in residence halls. After completing his dissertation on racial segregation in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee, he directed the University’s First-Year Experience office for 14 years. In 2016, the National Resource Center for First-Year Experience recognized him as an Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate. He joined the Department of History as an NTT assistant professor in 2019. He currently serves as the department’s undergraduate coordinator and as a faculty fellow for the Provost’s Office. He serves as a co-lead of the Statesboro-Bulloch Remembrance Coalition, a group that documents the legacy of racial violence in Bulloch County.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I want students to leave my course having internalized that history is evidence-based, dynamic and relevant—and often controversial. The most important goal I have for students in my survey courses is to become good consumers of the history we confront in the world beyond our classroom. I ask students to make connections between the history we study and contemporary issues that shape our lives.Student success is the focus of my professional work. My teaching is not the product, but a means to enable student success. Beyond the history classroom, I seek out opportunities to help students find their groove in college and beyond. Through my administrative service, I value enabling the student success work of faculty colleagues.
    • Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 2003
    • M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1995
    • B.A., Emory University, 1993
    M.A., Vanderbilt University, 1995B.A., Emory University, 1993
    Research Interests
    • U.S. Racial Segregation
    • U.S. Presidency
    • Dual Enrollment
    U.S. PresidencyDual Enrollment
    alingo@georgiasouthern.eduAmy LingoAmyLingoDean912-478-5687COE 1100EStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Amy Lingo, Ed.D., joined Georgia Southern University as Dean of the College of Education in October 2024. Lingo also serves as Executive Director and was instrumental in establishing the Kentucky Reading Research Center, a partnership of the University of Louisville College of Education and Human Development and the Kentucky Department of Education. The Center aims to support educators in implementing reliable, replicable reading programs and promote literacy development for Kentucky learners. Prior to joining Georgia Southern, Lingo served nearly 20 years at the University of Louisville College of Education and Human Development (CEHD), most recently as Interim Dean from 2019 to 2024.
    • Ed.D,. University of Kentucky, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Evidence-Based Reading Instruction
    • Multi-Tiered Systems Of Support
    • Teacher Education
    • Leadership In Higher Education
    Multi-tiered systems of supportTeacher educationLeadership in higher education
    jklibert@georgiasouthern.eduJeff KlibertJeffKlibertProfessor, Associate Director of Clinical Training, Director of the Prism Clinic912-478-72822032 Brannen HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Klibert began his tenure at Georgia Southern University in 2010. He is a licensed and board-certified counseling psychologist. During his time, he has served in many roles to support student education and success inside and outside of the classroom. As a Professor, Dr. Klibert teaches courses in Personality Assessment, Adolescent Development, Clinical Supervision, Psychometric Theory, and Professional Development. His research interests include positive psychological functioning, upregulation of positive emotions (i.e., savoring), prevention science (especially regarding suicide), and LGBTQIA+ strength and resilience. He currently serves as the Director of the Prism Clinic, a behavioral healthcare clinic for LGBTIQA+ communities.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My pedagogical approach is informed by Problem-Based Learning (PBL) models; I teach students to gather knowledge from a wide range of resources to facilitate a defendable answer or course of action to ill-structured and abstract problems. I aim to help students critically think about and develop a large set of assessment and therapeutic-related skills to enhance integrated and holistic care outcomes in underserved communities. Overall, I set up a dynamic and experiential learning environment to accomplish three teaching objectives: 1) build a foundation of knowledge grounded in science, 2) promote social justice in practical work, and 3) scaffold student growth across career milestones.
    • Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, Oklahoma State University, 2008
    • M.S. in Clinical Psychology, University of South Alabama, 2004
    • B.A. in Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi, 2022
    M.S. in Clinical Psychology, University of South Alabama, 2004B.A. in Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi, 2022
    Research Interests
    • Positive Psychology
    • Savoring
    • Prevention Science
    • Suicide Prevention
    • Lgbtqia+ Strength, Resilience
    SavoringPrevention ScienceSuicide PreventionLGBTQIA+ Strength, Resilience
    dcarr@georgiasouthern.eduDavid CarrDavidCarrLecturer912-478-0091Hollis 1100AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI began teaching and coaching in 1975. I taught and served as an administrator in K-12 public schools and moved to the university level in 1983. I was the head men's soccer coach and HPE Coordinator at the U. of Charleston (WV) and served as a program coordinator of Coaching Education at Ohio University for 26 years. I retired in 2021 as an Associate Professor Emeritus. I have coached multiple sports with a primary focus on soccer. I coached players at the youth, club, interscholastic, intercollegiate and professional levels and just recently completed a 6 year term on the Board of Directors for United Soccer Coaches. I joined the HSK faculty at Georgia Southern in 2023. I was recently elected to the Beaufort County SC School Board.
    • University of Maine - B.S. inHealth and Physical Education
    • Marshall University - M.S. in Physical Education
    • University of New Mexico - Graduate hours in Sport Management
    • Ed.D. Virginia Tech - Curriculum & Instruction in Education
    Marshall University - M.S. in Physical EducationUniversity of New Mexico - Graduate hours in Sport ManagementEd.D. Virginia Tech - Curriculum & Instruction in Education
    Research Interests
    • Developing Quality Youth Sport Programs
    • Micro Coaching
    Micro Coaching
    llocker@georgiasouthern.eduLawrence LockerLawrenceLockerProfessor of Psychology912-478-5423Brannen Hall Room 2040Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyLawrence Locker, Jr. received his PhD in cognitive psychology from the University of Kansas and is currently a professor of psychology at Georgia Southern University. His research interests include topics in cognition as well as correlates of celebrity admiration.
    • PhD Cognitive Psychology
    Research Interests
    • Celebrity Admiration
    • Cognitive Psychology
    • Decision Making
    Cognitive PsychologyDecision Making
    glove@georgiasouthern.eduGerard LoveGerardLoveClinical Instructor Addiction and Recovery Counseling912-478-86532038 Brannen HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyAddiction and Recovery specialist with 25 years teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate level, developed and implemented Clinical Mental Health Addiction master's degree program, experience in Collegiate Recovery programming and substance use disorder treatment
    Teaching Philosophy
    My orientation to teaching is based in developmental and constructivist theory. Assisting students in the development of meaning making via experiential and reflective activities with emphasis on the emerging professional practitioner inform my philosophy
    • EdD Vanderbilt University, 1989 Human Development and Counseling
    • MA. University of Missouri, 1985 Counseling Psychology
    • BA. Saint Norbert College, 1982 Psychology
    MA University of Missouri, 1985 Counseling PsychologyBA Saint Norbert College, 1982 Psychology
    Research Interests
    • Identity Development In Sud Recovery
    • Nutrition And Wellbeing Approaches In Sud Recovery
    • Social And Cultural Diversity
    • Na
    • Na
    Nutrition and Wellbeing approaches in SUD RecoverySocial and Cultural Diversity NANA
    rwilson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZcDDHhcAAAAJ&hl=enRobin Laine "Lainie" Wilson HarrisRobin Laine "Lainie" WilsonHarrisDr. or Mrs. or Professor912-478-5435Parker College of Business Building Rm 2211Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessSchool of AccountancyR. Lainie Wilson Harris is a lawyer, licensed in Florida, who practiced in a variety of different areas of law before moving to Georgia and entering Academia more than ten (10) years ago.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I find joy in nurturing curiosity and learning in others. The opportunity to help students better understand a topic feels more like a blessing than a job. In the courses I teach, I encourage students to interact with each other and me, as their professor, with professionalism. We learn to write with clarity, brevity, and effectiveness. We learn to manage time and deadlines. We learn to seek help from available sources. We learn to use technology effectively.
    • J.D. Florida State University 2003
    • B.A. Oglethorpe University 2000
    B.A. Oglethorpe University 2000
    Research Interests
    • Tax
    • Nil
    • Ai
    • U.S. Supreme Court Jurisprudence
    • Technology
    NILAIU.S. Supreme Court jurisprudenceTechnology
    cculver@georgiasouthern.eduChianti Grant-CulverChiantiGrant-CulverNTT Assistant Professor of Elementary Education912-478-5747COE 4118Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationChianti Grant-Culver is an assistant professor of elementary education with a passion for fostering inclusive and engaging learning environments for young learners.Having spent over 17 years in P-5 education as a classroom teacher and over 7 years in higher education as an instructor and NTT assistant professor, Grant-Culver is dedicated to empowering future educators through research-based practices and innovative teaching methods. In addition to teaching, Chianti Grant-Culver serves as a trustee and grants chair on the Bulloch County Foundation for Public Education, co-founded the Eagles Outfitters 2.0 Clothing Closet on the Statesboro Campus and is actively involved in supporting local schools and community initiatives.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy as an assistant professor of elementary education centers on fostering a supportive, inclusive, and engaging learning environment. By prioritizing student-centered learning, embracing diversity, integrating technology, and committing to continuous growth, I aim to inspire future educators to cultivate a love for learning and empower their students to reach their full potential.
    • MEd Foundations of Education, Troy University, 2004
    • BSEd Early Childhood Education, Georgia Southern University, 1999
    BSEd Early Childhood Education, Georgia Southern University, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Family And Community Engagement
    • Literacy Development
    • Cultural Identity And Self Perception In Children'S Literature
    Literacy DevelopmentCultural Identity and Self Perception in Children's Literature
    tompearsall@georgiasouthern.eduTom PearsallTomPearsallProfessor of Music912-478-5726Foy 3035Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicTom Pearsall is Professor of Music at Georgia Southern University where he has been teaching group piano and piano pedagogy since 1993. A Past President of the Georgia Music Teachers Association, he also served on the Executive Committee for the National Group Piano and Piano Pedagogy Forum (GP3) for 20 years. Tom also maintains a private studio, and is an active clinician, adjudicator, author, and performer.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I feel my primary responsibility as a teacher is to help each student succeed in his or her endeavors. Building good teacher/student relationships is essential to this process and a top priority for me. Through my interactions with them both in and out of class, I can help them achieve academically and grow professionally and personally. I set high standards that challenge my students. However, I believe learning should also be a fun and engaging process. For this to occur, students must feel comfortable making mistakes. I frequently remind students that some of the best learning occurs through these and my teaching style relies heavily on finding humorous ways to point these out.
    • DMA, University of Oklahoma, 1996
    • MM, Bowling Green State University, 1984
    • BM, University of Kentucky, 1982
    MM, Bowling Green State University, 1984BM, University of Kentucky, 1982
    Research Interests
    • Adult Pedagogy
    Clemon@georgiasouthern.eduChristina LemonChristinaLemonProfessor912-478-5299Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art, visual Arts building, room 2023 and 2011Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtEducator, metalsmith, artist.
    • Master of Fine Arts
    • Bachelor of Fine Art
    Bachelor of Fine Art
    Angelo.diblasio107@gmail.comAngelo DiBlasioAngelo DiBlasioTAArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyGraduate of Georgia Southern university, Teaching assistant to the Cardiovascular Invasive Sciences Program.
    • Bachelors of Science in Radiologic Sciences
    • Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist
    Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist
    nshank@georgiasouthern.eduNathaniel ShankNathanielShankAssociate Professor912-344-3320Science Center 2007Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsI earned my Ph.D. under the mentorship of Dr. Bruce Armitage at Carnegie Mellon University, where I focused on the synthesis and characterization of novel fluorogenic cyanine dyes that are selectively recognized by cognate proteins (Fluorogen-activating proteins (FAPs). My postdoctoral research, conducted in the lab of Dr. Daniel Appella, centered on the synthetic modification of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) and their use as scaffolds for displaying small molecules. In 2015, I joined the faculty at Armstrong State University.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is centered on fostering engaging, inclusive, and learning-driven outcomes and not rote memorization. I believe that students learn best when they are actively involved in the process and worked to improve on current practices by developing Customizable Blocks for Engaging Students (CuBES). Ultimately, my goal is to provide students with not just an education, but also the experience(s) they need stand out and get a job in their field upon graduation. I work to do this through undergraduate and graduate research, student professional development, and mentoring.
    • PostDoc., National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, 2015
    • Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2012
    • M.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 2012
    • B. S., Eastern Mennonite University, 2004
    Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, 2012M.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 2012B. S., Eastern Mennonite University, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Peptide Nucleic Acid
    • Cyanine Intercalation
    • Mass Spectrometry
    • Small Molecule Detection
    Cyanine intercalationmass spectrometrysmall molecule detectionInstitute for Water and Health
    yxu@georgiasouthern.eduYao XuYaoXuAssistant Professor of Computer Science912-478-1357IT 2321Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Yao Xu is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Xu’s research focuses on designing algorithms for optimization and prediction problems, with applications in transportation, healthcare, and various graph-based network systems. Her work spans data science, machine learning, and operations research, addressing complex challenges across these fields. She collaborates with researchers from diverse disciplines and actively publishes in high-quality, peer-reviewed journals and conferences.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Xu’s teaching philosophy emphasizes fostering a transformative learning experience by combining theory with practical application. She provides comprehensive course materials in advance to promote preparation and engagement and design assignments that connect research with real-world challenges. She also focuses on understanding students’ learning needs through participation and personal interactions to support their success.
    • Ph.D. in Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada
    • M.S. in Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    M.S. in Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Research Interests
    • Graph-Based Network Systems
    • Predictive Modeling And Machine Learning
    • Algorithm Design For Optimization Problems
    Predictive Modeling And Machine LearningAlgorithm Design for Optimization Problems
    zchen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dEuG9IIAAAAJ&hl=enZhan ChenZhanChenProfessor of Mathematics912-478-0856Math/Physics 3307Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesMy research interests focus on applied mathematics and its applications in biological systems. My work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Theoretical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences, and Computers & Mathematics with Applications
    Teaching Philosophy
    Not just teach Math but teach students
    • Postdoc University of Minnesota-twin cities 2011-2014
    • Ph.D. Michigan State University 2011
    Ph.D. Michigan State University 2011
    Research Interests
    • Scientific Computing And Numerical Pde
    • Mathematical Biology
    Mathematical biology James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    odawson@georgiasouthern.eduOatanisha DawsonOatanishaDawsonVisiting Instructor912-269-2008Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education College of Education, Armstrong Campus 104 University Dr. Office 297 | Savannah, GA 31419Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationOriginally from New Jersey, Oatanisha Dawson has served children and families in Georgia since 1998. Her certification in teaching allowed her to advance from paraprofessional to principal as she had taught math and science to grades 4-8 for 7 years, served as a Specialist, Assistant Principal, and Principal for 11 years while simultaneously teaching as an adjunct for Armstrong University and the College of Coastal Georgia. She later completed her doctoral research in educational leadership at Georgia Southern University as well as having the privilege to serve as President of the largest teacher organization in the state. Her scholarship and service have resulted in several local, state, and national recognitions.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in providing relevant learning experiences for all students to help them shape their self-identity and learn how to adapt or appreciate another perspective. To achieve this, it is essential to design curriculum and activities that are both meaningful and inclusive, reflecting the diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities of all learners. For example, incorporating culturally responsive teaching practices can help students see themselves reflected in the material, fostering a sense of belonging and validation. Additionally, creating opportunities for students to engage in collaborative projects or discussions with peers who hold different viewpoints can encourage empathy and critical thinking.
    • Ed.D., Georgia Southern University, 2013
    • Ed.S. Georgia Southern University, 2010
    • M.Ed. Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2007
    • BS..Ed., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2004
    Ed.S. Georgia Southern University, 2010M.Ed. Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2007BS.Ed., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Emotional Brain
    • Culturally Responsive Teaching And Coaching
    • Collaborative Leadership
    • Parent/Community Engagement
    Culturally responsive teaching and coachingCollaborative leadershipParent/Community engagement
    mmalmberg@georgiasouthern.eduMichael MalmbergMichaelMalmbergVisiting Instructor912-478-8570Newton 2219DStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishMichael Malmberg is a first-year writing instructor with deep ties to the Statesboro and Savannah area. In 2021 he received his MFA from Minnesota State University. You can view his creative work in Dead Peasant and Door Is a Jar.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers around inclusive pedagogy and practicality. I center each of my courses around a grading contract to allow all students to get any grade they so desire. I am always looking for diverse readings and materials to pull from for my classes. I spend extra time making sure each of my students understand the classroom activities and goals so students always know why they are accomplishing certain activities and how these will benefit them in their future.
    • M.F.A., Minnesota State University, 2021
    spatterson@georgiasouthern.eduSteven PattersonStevenPattersonProgram Director of MS in Athletic Training912-478-8014Armstrong Center 233Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Patterson has been the Director of the Athletic Training Program at Georgia Southern University since 2012.
    • EdD Nova Southeastern University (2016)
    • MS. Palm Beach Atlantic University (2002)
    • BS. Vanguard University of Southern California (1998)
    MS Palm Beach Atlantic University (2002)BS Vanguard University of Southern California (1998)
    Research Interests
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • Sport Injury Psychology
    • Emergency Care
    Sport Injury PsychologyEmergency Care
    atorres@georgiasouthern.eduAna TorresAna TorresAssociate Professor 912-344-3197Gamble 209Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesI received my Ph.D. from Florida State University. I am an Associate Professor of Spanish at the Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus in Savannah, Georgia and my area of expertise is contemporary Latin American literature, particularly works by women and poetry. In addition, I have directed programs abroad in Costa Rica and Spain, and I am currently the advisor of the Sigma Delta Pi chapter in our university. I have published on diverse Latin American literary topics. I am from Lima, Peru.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My purpose when I teach is not only to create a comfortable, agreeable, and a dynamic classroom environment, but also to provide my students with the most effective tools and strategies in developing their knowledge and fluency in the target language. Principally, I do my best encouraging students to see the value in learning a second language and to increase their own cultural awareness and critical thinking in the process. Primarily, my focus is student-centered, so I concentrate on their needs and the best way to present the material to them. As a result, I constantly revise my techniques so that they can get the most out of their classes with me.
    • Latin American Poetry
    • Latin American Literature
    • Latin American Women's Literature
    • Second Language Acquisition
    Latin American LiteratureLatin American Women's Literature Second Language Acquisition
    Research Interests
    • Representation Of Violence In Literature By Women
    • Otherness
    • Second Language Adquisition
    • Gender Studies
    • Coloniality
    OthernessSecond Language AdquisitionGender StudiesColoniality
    rgreen@georgiasouthern.eduRachel GreenRachelGreenProfessor of Art912-344-2999FA 205Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtI am a Professor of Art at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia where I teach Fibers and Environmental art. I have been creating paintings and sculptures addressing environmental and cultural issues since moving to the Georgia coast in1986.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I enjoy teaching and seek to inspire students to enjoy learning by emphasizing the personal growth and professional achievements that comes from continuous engaged learning. I seek to inspire students by remaining an active artist who researches, creates and exhibits new work nationally and internationally while maintaining ties to the local arts community. In my courses, students are prepared for a career in the arts by executing self-directed assignments that required them to complete research, develop concepts, and master technical skills.
    • MFA, University of Georgia, 1986
    • BFA, Middle Tennessee State University,1982
    BFA, Middle Tennessee State University,1982
    bmfrazier@georgiasouthern.eduBynikini FrazierBynikiniFrazierDr. 912-478-5204StatesboroArmstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & Reading, Department of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Bynikini M. Frazier is a passionate and enthusiastic teacher leader. Her honors in teaching include being the 2015 Savannah Chatham County District Teacher of the Year, a Georgia Innovation in Teaching Award Winner, a Top 40 Distinguished Alumni for UGA, and a 2015 Notable Alumni for Armstrong. Currently Dr. Frazier is a dynamic gifted teacher at Hesse K-8 School. Dr. Frazier is also an Academic Coach, Professional Development Coordinator, Cultural Programs Coordinator, and Testing Coordinator for the school. As an educational leader in our city and state, Dr. Frazier values the many opportunities to enrich classrooms, empower teachers, and strengthen instructional practices.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is that passionate teaching inspires student success. Whether synchronous or asynchronous, the dimensions of my teaching craft are built upon the foundational belief that meeting students where they are ensures that they reach the pinnacle of success. Through effective communication, planning, and organization, I seek to provide an engaging and dynamic learning experience for my students using appropriate technology tools and resources. I believe in all of my students, and I set high expectations for each and every one of them. My classroom may be virtual at times, but, regardless of the setting, the educational experiences in my classroom are real and empowering.
    • Ed.D., Brenau University, 2024
    • Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2020
    • M.Ed., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2010
    • B.S.Ed., University of Georgia, 2008
    Ed.S., Georgia Southern University, 2020M.Ed., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2010B.S.Ed., University of Georgia, 2008
    Research Interests
    • English Language Learners
    • Culturally Responsive Teaching
    • Multicultural Children'S Literature
    • Parental Engagement
    • Funds Of Knowledge
    Culturally Responsive Teaching Multicultural Children's LiteratureParental EngagementFunds of Knowledge
    ssubreenduth@georgiasouthern.eduS. Sharon SubreenduthS. SharonSubreenduthProfessor912-478-5204University Hall 254Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary Education Subreenduth’s interdisciplinary scholarship focuses on decolonizing research and building diverse communities of practice (COPs) through socially responsible research within global-local educational contexts. She builds COPs through critically engaged inquiry focusing on anti-oppressive schooling, curriculum, pedagogy, policy, and identity that engages intersectionality. Subreenduth leverages the transformative power of COPs to engage in knowledge production that addresses societal challenges in an equitable, assets-based way. Her career (as a faculty member and administrator) has focused on creating inclusive and ethical educational environments that emphasize integrity, equity, diversity, transparency, and belonging.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Through my teaching, I attempt to engage my students and myself, in critical inquiry and reflexive practice to understand that teaching is not routinized, technocratic and neutral. I build upon Freire’s notion that learning is a movement to critical consciousness and utilize the concepts of critical/engaged pedagogy. Teaching should be seen as a form of intellectual labor; an integration of theory and practice for teachers to become more critically reflexive practitioners, researchers, and community members. In my classes, I endeavor to create a pedagogical space that maximizes collaboration, response, and agency – a “safe space” where young educators/researchers can challenge dominant discourses of teaching and learning.
    • Ph.D. The Ohio State University, 2003
    • M.A. The Ohio State University, 1992
    • B.Ed University of South Africa (UNISA) 1991
    • B. Pedagogics University of Durban-Westville, Kwa-Zulu Natal 1986
    M.A. The Ohio State University, 1992B.Ed University of South Africa (UNISA) 1991B. Pedagogics University of Durban-Westville, Kwa-Zulu Natal 1986
    aeder@georgiasouthern.eduAndrea EderAndrea EderPrincipal Lecturer912-478-5294IABStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesPh.D., Vanderbilt University, 2009MA, Universitaet Regensburg, 2002M.A., The University of Alabama, 2001
    • Ph.D. in German Literuature
    • M.A. in German Studies
    • MA. in History, German and English
    M.A. in German StudiesMA in History, German and English
    jbarkoul@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=SKRqrpgAAAAJ&hl=en Ioannis (John) BarkoulasIoannis (John) BarkoulasProfessor of Finance912-478-1838PCOB 3331Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of FinanceJohn Barkoulas joined the faculty at Georgia Southern in 2003. He had previously been affiliated with West Virginia University, Louisiana Tech University, and University of Tennessee and taught a variety of undergraduate and graduate (including doctoral) classes. He has published in the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of International Money and Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Financial Research, Financial Review, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Futures Markets, European Journal of Finance, International Review of Financial Analysis, Energy Economics, Journal of Health Care Finance, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, and Economics Letters, inter alia.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have pursued teaching with a passion and commitment to purposeful and rigorous learning in a non-commoditized manner. I help students learn to know how, rather than know what. I emphasize the importance of creative and analytical thinking, verbal and communication skills, and the ability to work hard, long hours. The overarching goal of my teaching methodology is to effectuate robust (non-fragile) knowledge and understanding. I discourage myopic behavior that focuses on the short-term, while ignoring or undervaluing the long-term (asymptotic) benefits of learning. I preserve the integrity of the process and the material and believe that “A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring.”
    • Ph.D., Boston College, MA..
    • M.B.A., West Texas A&M, Texas.
    • BBA Athens School of Economics & Business.
    M.B.A., West Texas A&M, Texas.BBA Athens School of Economics & Business.
    Research Interests
    • International Finance
    • Corporate Finance
    • Investments
    • Nonlinear Dynamics
    • Applied Econometrics
    Corporate financeInvestmentsNonlinear DynamicsApplied econometrics
    wdawers@georgiasouthern.eduBill DawersBill DawersPrincipal Lecturer912-478-4636Gamble 132Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication Arts, Department of EnglishA native of Frankfort, Ky., Bill Dawers lived in St. Louis, rural Massachusetts, and Philadelphia before moving to Savannah in 1995. He began teaching at Armstrong State University in 2000 and wrote thousands of articles and columns over 24 years as a freelancer for the Savannah Morning News. Since ASU consolidated with Georgia Southern University, he has had a joint appointment in the Department of Communication Arts and the Department of English
    • M.A., Washington University, 1986
    • B.A., Washington University, 1985
    B.A., Washington University, 1985
    mzipperer@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa ZippererMelissaZippererPart Time instructor912-344-2550NAArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceChief Radiation Therapist at Memorial Health University Medical CenterClinical Supervisor for Georgia Southern University Radiation Therapy Students
    • BS. Radiologic Sciences, Registered Radiation Therapist
    karnold@georgiasouthern.eduKyler ArnoldKyler ArnoldLecturer912-478-7899Interdisciplinary Academic Building 3059Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyKyler Arnold is a Lecturer of Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design at Georgia Southern University, with a focus on apparel manufacturing, design technology, and sustainable practices like upcycling. He holds a Master of Science in Textiles from North Carolina State University, where he studied sustainable fashion and advanced CAD methods. A proud alumnus of GSU, Kyler has industry experience as an apparel designer, technical designer, and visual merchandiser for brands like Wrangler, Target, and Fred David Como. He also presented at conferences and won an apprenticeship at Greensboro Fashion Week. Kyler is passionate about shaping future fashion professionals and is dedicated to teaching the next generation of designers.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in fostering creativity, technical skill, and sustainability in fashion design. By blending innovative design thinking with practical industry knowledge, I encourage students to explore both traditional and modern techniques, from handcraft to advanced software applications. I am passionate about sustainable practices, especially upcycling, I challenge students to think critically about their designs' environmental impact. My goal is to cultivate thoughtful, skilled designers who are prepared to shape the future of fashion responsibly and creatively..
    • M.S., North Carolina State University, 2023
    • B.S., Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design, 2018
    B.S., Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Upcycling
    • Consumer Behavior
    • Advanced Cad Technologies
    • Zero-Waste Design
    • Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurship
    Consumer BehaviorAdvanced CAD TechnologiesZero-Waste Design Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurship
    tnoone@georgiasouthern.eduTricia NooneTriciaNooneSenior Lecturer912-478-4636University Hall 218Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyTricia Noone is a Senior Lecturer of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Georgia Southern University, Armstrong campus. She joined GSU in 2012. Her research and teaching interests focus on health and illness, inequality, and marriage and family.
    • ABD, Sociology, University of New Hampshire, 2008
    • MA., Sociology, Georgia Southern University, 1999
    • BA., Sociology, Augusta State University, 1997
    MA, Sociology, Georgia Southern University, 1999BA, Sociology, Augusta State University, 1997
    alitchfield@georgiasouthern.eduAlexus LitchfieldAlexusLitchfieldVisiting InstructorNewton 2218EStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • B.A., Georgia Southern, 2020
    B.A., Georgia Southern, 2020
    tmteeter@georgiasouthern.eduTimothy TeeterTimothyTeeterAssociate Professor912-478-02393087 Interdisciplinary Academic BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryBorn 1954 Evanston Ill. Grew up mainly in upstate New York. Attended Columbia University 1972 - 1989. Teaching at GSU since 1991. Yankees fan.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Cultural literacy and engaging students with the past to empower them for dealing with the world today.
    • Ph.D. in history, Columbia University, 1989
    • Summer Session, American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 1983
    • Fulbright Classics Seminar in Italy, 1993
    • NEH Summer Seminars, 1989, 1995, 1998
    • Goethe Institut Language Program, Berlin, Summer 1997
    Summer Session, American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 1983Fulbright Classics Seminar in Italy, 1993NEH Summer Seminars, 1989, 1995, 1998Goethe Institut Language Program, Berlin, Summer 1997
    Research Interests
    • Papyrology
    • Early Christianity
    • Roman Urbanism
    Early ChristianityRoman urbanism
    dowen@georgiasouthern.eduDavid OwenDavidOwenProfessor and Dean912-478-0779Foy 3012AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesDavid S. Owen is Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities at Georgia Southern University and Professor of Philosophy. He earned B.A., M.A, and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He joined Georgia Southern from the University of Louisville where he served as Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences for 3 ½ years. His research interests are in social theory, philosophy of race, and Habermas. His significant scholarly publications include Between Reason and History: Habermas and the Idea of Progress (SUNY, 2002), and “Privileged Social Identities and Diversity Leadership in Higher Education” in The Review of Higher Education (2009).
    • Ph.D., Univiersity of Illinois at Chicago, 1997
    • M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1994
    • B.A. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1989
    M.A., University of Illinois at Chicago, 1994B.A. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1989
    Research Interests
    • Philosophy Of Habermas
    • Philosophy Of Race
    • Humanistic Leadership
    Philosophy of RaceHumanistic Leadership
    transom@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://georgiasouthern.academia.edu/TailerRansomTailer RansomTailerRansomPart Time Faculty912-478-58233302CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesBig fan of thinking about thinking and playing banjo.
    • Ph.D., University of Memphis, 2019
    • Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Science, Institute for Intelligent Systems, 2019
    • BA., University of New Hampshire, 2012
    Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Science, Institute for Intelligent Systems, 2019BA, University of New Hampshire, 2012
    Research Interests
    • Phenomenology
    • Philosophy Of Mind
    • Philosophy Of Technology
    • Political Philosophy
    Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of TechnologyPolitical Philosophy
    larisaelisha@georgiasouthern.eduLarisa ElishaLarisaElishaProfessor, Violin/Viola/Chamber Music, Coordinator of Upper String Studies912-478-8536Foy Fine Arts BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Larisa Elisha is an internationally acclaimed soloist, chamber musician, pedagogue. She has performed and taught extensively throughout Taiwan, Lithuania, Israel and the U.S. Dr. Elisha was the Concertmaster of the Lutoslawski State Philharmonic, Leopoldinum Orchestra, Artistic Director/First Violinist of Wratislavia String Quartet and Professor at Lipinski Academy of Music,Poland; Professor - Washburn University, Concertmaster of TSO, KS. L. Elisha is violinist of Elaris Duo. Global Music Awards winner, MSR Classics releases, the Elaris Duo received critical acclaim from Gramophone and other leading publications. Dr. Elisha is the Author of “Advanced Scale Studies” for Violin and Viola, published by Carl Fischer Music.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My Teaching Philosophy is based on the following high professional standards: • High-level professional training and musical coaching• Providing best opportunities for individual and personal development for achieving highest student success and future professional opportunities.• Using individual approach and application that helps develop each student's potential• Making the learning experience positive and productiveMy students receive high-level professional training, assistance in technical and artistic development, skills required for establishing a professional career, and instruction in teaching Method and Pedagogy.
    • DMA in Violin Performance - K. Lipinski Academy of Music (Wroclaw, Poland)
    • MM in Violin Performance - Lunarcharsky State Academy of Music (Minsk, Belarus)
    • B.M. with Honors - Violin Performance - Soloist, Chamber Musician, Pedagogue, Lunarcharsky State Academy of Music (Minsk, Belarus)
    • Post Doctoral Studies at the Institute of Chamber Music, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
    MM in Violin Performance - Lunarcharsky State Academy of Music (Minsk, Belarus)B.M. with Honors - Violin Performance - Soloist, Chamber Musician, Pedagogue, Lunarcharsky State Academy of Music (Minsk, Belarus)Post Doctoral Studies at the Institute of Chamber Music, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
    Research Interests
    • Performance - Solo, Chamber Music
    • String Pedagogy
    • Sheet Musi/Books/Articles Publications
    • Recordings
    • Live Performances
    String PedagogySheet Musi/books/articles PublicationsRecordingsLive Performances
    ddecastro@georgiasouthern.eduDarlene DeCastro Darlene DeCastro PT Instructor 912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    • Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Science, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    jkardouni@georgiasouthern.eduJoseph KardouniJosephKardouniDr.912-478-0934Armstrong Center (Armstrong Campus), Hanner Field House (Statesboro Campus)Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science, Department of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Joseph Kardouni is an Associate Professor in the Waters College of Health Professions and the Director of the Tactical Performance Group. His clinical background is in orthopedic and sports physical therapy, and he has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications. Prior to coming to Georgia Southern, Dr. Kardouni completed a career as a physical therapist in the U.S. Army, retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Dr. Kardouni has served in clinical, research, and leadership roles during his career, to include assignments with U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), XVIII Airborne Corps, the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM), 3rd Special Forces Group, and multiple tours in support of combat operations.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on encouraging students to think about academics and research as a means to build an intellectual toolbox. That toolbox will grow throughout their careers and helps them improve their profession and the lives of others. During my discussions and academic lessons with students, I try to relate how I might perceive course material when I was in the students’ place and connect that to the relevance of the material to professional practice. My career path includes a variety of professional experiences that allow me to relate academics and science to professional practice. My goal is to share that with students so that they can build up on it and grow throughout their careers, advancing their profession.
    • PhD in Rehabilitation and Movement Science from Virginia Commonwealth University
    • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from Baylor University
    • Master of Physical Therapy (MPT) from the Army-Baylor Graduate Program in Physical Therapy
    • Bachelors Degree (Biology Major, Chemistry Minor) from Ole Miss
    • Board-Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist and Board-Certified Sports Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
    Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from Baylor UniversityMaster of Physical Therapy (MPT) from the Army-Baylor Graduate Program in Physical TherapyBachelors Degree (Biology Major, Chemistry Minor) from Ole MissBoard-Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist and Board-Certified Sports Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
    Research Interests
    • Biomechanics - Functional Movement Of The Shoulder Girdle And Upper Quarter
    • Performance Epidemiology
    • Injury Prevention (Mitigation)
    • Orthopedic Physical Therapy
    • Sports Physical Therapy
    Performance EpidemiologyInjury Prevention (Mitigation)Orthopedic Physical TherapySports Physical TherapyBiodynamics and Human Performance Center
    mhuang@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa HuangMelissaHuangAssistant Professor of Art, Interim MFA Director 2021Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtMelissa Huang (b. 1992) is an Assistant Professor of Art at Georgia Southern University. Melissa graduated from Georgia State University with her MFA in Drawing and Painting (2021) and the Rochester Institute of Technology with her BFA in Fine Arts Studio (2014). Her glitch-inspired painting and video self-portraiture studies the desire, failure, and dissonance associated with portraying an idealized self for a digital audience. Melissa has had recent solo exhibitions at the Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, the Albany Museum of Art, and Whitespace. Her work has been published in New American Paintings. Melissa is represented by Whitespace in Atlanta, GA. You can see more of Melissa’s artwork on her website (www.melissahuang.com).
    • MFA, Georgia State University, 2021
    • BFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014
    BFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2014
    Research Interests
    • Painting
    • Video Art
    • Glitch Feminism
    Video ArtGlitch Feminism
    jfinch@georgiasouthern.eduJohn Finch John Finch Dr. Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. John T. Finch was born in and raised near Detroit, Michigan. He spent 15 years teaching in grades 2-5, in northern Kentucky. Later, he was an elementary school principal in two school systems local to Louisville, Kentucky. He was recognized as an Outstanding Administrator in Kentucky. In August 2012, Dr. Finch began a full-time Clinical Assistant Professor position at the University of Louisville serving in the Department of Elementary Education. In August of 2023, he moved to Savannah with his wife Cecilia. He began working as a part-time instructor, at Georgia Southern University in August 2024, in the Department of Elementary & Special Education. He continues to substitute teach in Chatham County Public Elementary Schools.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Prepare future teachers through critical, creative, and reflective thinking, in real-world experiences, and hands-on applications, that focus on student interests, abilities, and academic needs.
    • • BS., Elementary Education, 1-8, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
    • • MA., Elementary Education, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky
    • • Rank I, Educational Leadership; Elementary School Principal Certification, K-4; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky
    • • PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
    • MA, Elementary Education, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky• Rank I, Educational Leadership; Elementary School Principal Certification, K-4; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, Kentucky• PhD, Curriculum and Instruction, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
    Research Interests
    • • Curriculum, Instruction, And Assessment
    • • Academic Achievement Of Diverse Student Populations
    • • Culturally Responsive Teaching/Multicultural, Multilingual Education
    • Academic achievement of diverse student populations• Culturally responsive teaching/Multicultural, Multilingual Education
    bwgriffin@georgiasouthern.eduBryan GriffinBryan GriffinAssociate Professor912-478-50912128 College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingI have been a faculty member at Georgia Southern since 1992. My instructional activities have focused on statistics, measurement, and educational research courses. My current writing interest include Item Response Theory, cyber-harassment, and random effects models.
    • Ph.D., Florida State University
    • M.S. Florida State University
    • B.A. North Carolina State University
    M.S. Florida State UniversityB.A. North Carolina State University
    Research Interests
    • Item Response Theory And Measurement
    • Structural Equation Models
    • Cyber-Harassment
    • Educational Motivation
    Structural Equation ModelsCyber-harassmentEducational Motivation
    mauriciopsanchez@georgiasouthern.eduMauricio SanchezMauricioSanchezSpanish Principal LecturerOnlineOnline onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesMauricio Sánchez is a Principal Lecturer of Spanish, originally from Querétaro, México. He received a MA degree from Western Michigan University (in Latin American and Peninsular Literature)j and a BA degree in Modern Languages in Spanish from Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México. He is currently serving as the Coordinator for the Exit Exam as well.
    • M.A., Western Michigan University, 2008
    • B.A., Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2006
    B.A., Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Literature, Language And Philosophy
    • Language Proficiency
    Language Proficiency
    smurphy@georgiasouthern.eduSerena MurphySerenaMurphyAccreditation Coordinator912-344-2584Solms Hall 211BArmstrong CampusAcademic Affairs, no college affiliationInstitutional Assessment and Accreditation
    • M.S., Psychology, Georgia Southern, 2019
    bmoody@georgiasouthern.eduBrandi MoodyBrandiMoodyLecturer of English912-478-5730Newton 2222BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishA Double Eagle, I began here at GSU as a freshman and became faculty in 2015. I primarily work with first year students through Composition classes and first year experience programs and initiatives. I am passionate about using educational technology to help students succeed and I love collaborating with my peers whenever possible.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a first gen college graduate, my goals as a teacher are to make myself and my classroom, whether physical or digital, as accessible and welcoming for any and all types of students. I believe everyone is a writer and writing is for everyone, and anyone can learn and improve. I believe all of my students are capable of hard work and great things.
    • Master of Arts in English Literature (Georgia Southern University, 2015)
    • Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (Georgia Southern University, 2012)
    • Certificate in Online Teaching (American College and University Educators, 2022)
    • Certificate in Ethical and Inclusive Leadership (Florida MUMA College of Business, 2024)
    Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (Georgia Southern University, 2012)Certificate in Online Teaching (American College and University Educators, 2022)Certificate in Ethical and Inclusive Leadership (Florida MUMA College of Business, 2024)
    hhiggs@georgiasouthern.eduHaley J. HiggsHaley J.HiggsSenior Lecturer912-478-2261Sanford Hall 2020Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsHaley J. Higgs is a senior lecturer within the Communication Arts Department at Georgia Southern University. She teaches public relations, communication and nonprofit courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. In her free time, Haley does freelance nonprofit work where she is responsible for managing organizational brands, fundraising, grant writing and awareness/advocacy.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My goal is for students to leave my class with a greater awareness of the ways in which our experiences, values, ethics and background play roles in the way we understand the world. While I feel that part of my job is to encourage and inspire, I strive to create an environment where my students take active participation in their own education. I aim for students to learn how to think critically about their values, the world around them and how communication can impact people's lives for the better.
    • B.S. Public Relations, Georgia Southern University
    • B.A. Writing, Georgia Southern University
    • M.A. Mass Communication, Kent State University
    • Ph.D. Communication, Regent University
    B.A. Writing, Georgia Southern UniversityM.A. Mass Communication, Kent State University Ph.D. Communication, Regent University
    Research Interests
    • Public Relations
    • Nonprofit Communication And Management
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • Mental Health Awareness And Advocacy
    Nonprofit Communication and ManagementInterpersonal Communication Mental Health Awareness and Advocacy
    rrahimi@georgiasouthern.eduRegina RahimiRegina RahimiProfessor 912-344-2949University Hall 210Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationRegina Rahimi is a professor in the Department of Middle and Secondary Education. Her research interests include clinical models of teacher preparation, trauma informed teaching practices, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe as an instructor, it is my role to support students' success in courses through encouragement and guidance.
    • Ed.D. Curriculum Studies, Georgia Southern University
    • Ed. S. Middle Grades Education, Georgia Southern University
    • M.Ed. Middle Grades Education, Georgia Southern University
    • B.S. Ed. Middle Grades Education, Armstrong State College
    Ed. S. Middle Grades Education, Georgia Southern University M.Ed. Middle Grades Education, Georgia Southern University B.S. Ed. Middle Grades Education, Armstrong State College
    Research Interests
    • Trauma Informed Practice
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Clinical Models In Teacher Preparation
    Scholarship of Teaching and LearningClinical Models in Teacher Preparation
    jschwind@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jessica-smith-schwind-2Jessica SchwindJessicaSchwindAssociate Professor912-478-0302City CampusStatesboro CampusOffice of ResearchNoneDr. Jessica Smith Schwind is an epidemiologist and director of the IHLA at Georgia Southern University whose work is focused on the human-animal-environment interface. Her research and service is rooted in disease surveillance, public health capacity building, and risk communication for the prevention and response to a wide variety of health threats. As institute director, Jessica has led the IHLA in its commitment to optimize the health and well-being of communities through evidence-based practices and technology integration.
    • PhD University of California Davis (2013)
    • MPH New York Medical College (2007)
    • BS. Georgia Institute of Technology (2005)
    MPH New York Medical College (2007)BS Georgia Institute of Technology (2005)
    Research Interests
    • One Health
    • Disease Surveillance
    • Epidemiology
    • Capacity Building
    • Workforce Development
    Disease SurveillanceEpidemiologyCapacity Building Workforce DevelopmentInstitute for Health Logistics & Analytics
    joshualambert@georgiasouthern.eduJoshua LambertJoshuaLambertFull Professor912-344-2557Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    gwrogers@georgiasouthern.eduGerald RogersGeraldRogersSenior Lecturer912-478-5286Math/Physics Building, Room 3043Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    yongkilee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/yongki-lee-a85b311a2Yongki LeeYongkiLeeAssociate Professor of Mathematics912-478-5802Math/Physics 3310Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Yongki Lee is an applied mathematician specializing in partial differential equations and various applicable models, such as fluid dynamics and traffic flow.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching is one of my favorite aspects of my job. Including my previous teaching experience in Korea, I have over 20 years of experience teaching mathematics. I constantly strive to be a more effective instructor and pay careful attention to student feedback.
    • Ph.D. In Applied Mathematics, Iowa State University, 2014
    Research Interests
    • Partial Differential Equations
    vwhite@georgiasouthern.eduVincent WhiteVincentWhiteVisiting Instructor912-478-5842Math/Physics Building, Room 2042AStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    dwright@georgiasouthern.eduDynisty WrightDynistyWrightVisiting Instructor of Biology128-A 2236-SArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Dynisty Wright holds a Ph.D. in biology from Pennsylvania State University and a B.S. in Biology with a Concentration in Education from Savannah State University. With a strong foundation in both biological research and education, Dr. Wright has a passion for advancing scientific understanding and fostering the next generation of biologists. Her research focuses on how mutations affect chromatin architecture, aiming to uncover the molecular mechanisms that drive cancer formation.
    • Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
    • B.S., Savannah State University
    B.S., Savannah State University
    Research Interests
    • Genetics
    • Molecular And Cellular Biology
    • Genomics
    Molecular and Cellular Biology Genomics
    rflorin@georgiasouthern.eduRyan FlorinRyanFlorinAssistant Professor912-478-0290IT 2331Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer Science
    mjernigan@georgiasouthern.eduMary JerniganMaryJerniganGraduate Coordinator912-478-8612Veazey Hall, 1013CStatesboro CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesGraduate Student ServicesI graduated from Georgia Southern with a BS in Health Science. I started working for GS in 2012 with Continuing Education and moved to the College of Graduate Studies in 2015.
    • BS. Health Science, GS
    bdrevlow@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1OmcvUR8pDuXQtdG2bOw_fTYJqFj3XQ0kBenjamin DrevlowBenjaminDrevlowSenior Lecturer912-478-59022225 B Newton BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishBen Drevlow is the author of Bend With the Knees and Other Love Advice from My Father, which won the 2006 Many Voices Project from New Rivers Press, and the author of Ina-Baby: A Love Story in Reverse, A Good Ram Is Hard to Find, The Book of Rusty, Honky (all from Cowboy Jamboree Press) and In Praise of the Swayze (Alien Buddha Press).He is currently at work on a collection of prose poems, work from which has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief of BULL Magazine (@MISTERBULLBULL) and is a senior lecturer on English at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia.
    • M.F.A., Creative Writing, Prose from Minnesota State University
    cclements@georgiasouthern.eduCameron ClementsCameronClementsLecturer706-551-0443Newton 2225AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishCameron Clements received her undergraduate degree in Journalism and her Master's Degree in English from Georgia Southern University. She has worked at Georgia Southern for 17 years in the areas of Admissions, Advisement, and Alumni Relations. The last 10 years she has served as faculty in the Department of English. She lives in Statesboro with her husband, Warren, her two daughters, Bowdre and Juels, and her two dogs, Bella and Rosie! In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and reading!
    • MA. English, Georgia Southern University; BS., Journalism, Georgia Southern University
    smithln@georgiasouthern.eduLinda N SmithLinda NSmithTemp Office/Clerical Retiree912-478-2484Brannen Hall Room 2008Statesboro CampusAcademic AffairsOffice of Institutional Assessment & Accreditation
    psobaje@georgiasouthern.eduPaul SobajePaulSobajeAssociate Professor912-478-5392MP 3325Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesProfessor Sobaje received his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 2011. He worked as a mathematics professor at the University of Melbourne (Australia) (2011-14), the University of Southern California (2014-15), and the University of Georgia (2015-18), before joining the faculty at Georgia Southern in 2018. Prior to entering graduate school he worked as an analyst for Fox Sports and STATS LLC (the latter now called Stats Perform).
    • Ph.D., University of Southern California, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Representation Theory
    • Algebra
    bballeck@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1BzDUSXwj5SKtwrxCbBjers9TzBxsPefCBarry BalleckBarryBalleckProfessor912-478-0571Carroll Building, Room 2273Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science & International StudiesFor the past twenty years he has also directed Georgia Southern University’s Model United Nations (MUN) program, one of the oldest and most continuous programs of its kind in the country. Dr. Balleck has directed the Georgia Southern MUN delegation to several national awards and has conducted dozens of MUN conferences for middle and high school students from Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Balleck has research and teaching interests in the fields of international and domestic terrorism, U.S. foreign policy, the rhetoric of politics, the United Nations, and international human rights. He has dozens of conference presentations to his credit and has published in journals such as Presidential Studies Quarterly, Politics & Policy, and Peace Psychology Review.
    • Ph.D., Political Science, University of Colorado at Boulder
    • M.A., International Studies, Brigham Young University
    • B.A. Political Science, Brigham Young University
    M.A., International Studies, Brigham Young UniversityB.A. Political Science, Brigham Young University
    Research Interests
    • International Terrorism
    • Model United Nations
    • American Foreign Policy
    • Global Issues
    • Rhetoric Of International Relations
    Model United NationsAmerican Foreign policyGlobal IssuesRhetoric of international relations
    kheller@georgiasouthern.eduKaren HellerKarenHellerLibrary Assistant912-478-5644Henderson Library 2210AStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesHenderson LibraryM.S., San Diego State University
    • 25+ years of library experience
    rgryan@georgiasouthern.eduRebecca RyanRebeccaRyanProfessor of Psychology912-478-5447Brannen Hall 2041Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyRebecca Ryan received her Ph.D. in Lifespan Developmental Psychology from West Virginia University. Her research interests broadly cover gerontology and the scholarship of teaching and learning. While at Georgia Southern University she has taught a range of undergraduate and graduate courses at the introductory, senior, and graduate level. Select undergraduate courses include Introduction to Psychology, Lifespan Developmental Psychology, Older Adult Developmental Psychology, Research Methods, Senior Research, Service-Learning in Psychology, and Psychology Capstone. Graduate courses include Advanced Developmental Psychology and Geropsychology.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I strive to help my students see connections and applications of the course content. In my classes I work to help my students understand that knowing information is very different from understanding information. I also explain that it is important to see how the information can be applied in real-world settings to bring about positive outcomes, so that they can make connections between the information and the use of that information. I have also used service-learning as a pedagogical approach in several of my courses as it accomplishes these goals while also providing a valued service to our local community.
    • Ph.D., West Virginia University, 2007
    Research Interests
    • Developmental Psychology
    • Gerontology
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Experiential Learning
    • Service-Learning
    GerontologyScholarship of Teaching and LearningExperiential LearningService-LearningCenter for Social Gerontology
    tmurray@georgiasouthern.eduTeagan MurrayTeagan MurrayLaboratory Technician 912-475-1725Natural Sciences Room 1107Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology
    jeroberts@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Kr_0psgwlbX60-hje7ieYeifboAVVCWMJonathan RobertsJonathanRobertsDr.912-344-2910Science Center 205Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Jonathan Roberts joined the faculty of Armstrong State University, now Georgia Southern University, in 2001. His area of specialty is Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, and he primarily teaches courses in Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Sensation & Perception. From 2006 until 2017 he was the Honors Program Director at Armstrong State, and from 2018 until 2021 he was the Honors Program Associate Director and Armstrong Campus Lead. He currently serves as the Co-Associate Chair of the Department of Psychology. He is married, has two children and two dogs, and enjoys traveling. He is especially excited to teach at Georgia Southern's Wexford campus in the Summer of 2025.
    • Ph.D., Psychology, May, 2001. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
    • M.S., Psychology, May, 1999. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
    • B.A., Psychology, May, 1995. University of North Carolina, Wilmington
    M.S., Psychology, May, 1999. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University B.A., Psychology, May, 1995. University of North Carolina, Wilmington
    Research Interests
    • Cognitive Psychology
    • Celebrity Admiration
    • Decision Making
    • Spatial Ability
    Celebrity AdmirationDecision MakingSpatial Ability
    slensch@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1qJGI0tnlQw-62JsE8TiRWOFfOcgBgpCQSandra LenschSandra LenschConference Services Coordinator912-478-5556CPE CenterStatesboro CampusDepartment of Continuing and Professional Education
    plegrier@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1t8WRjTzEy2hLs4bf6z9EDmI_byC6oTGNPhilisa LeGrierPhilisaLeGrierInstructor of Nursing912-344-2990Ashmore Hall #240Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingWith over 30 years of experience in nursing, my journey in health began during high school when I worked in the radiology department as a technician. I graduated in 1995 with a practical nursing diploma and spent 22 years as an LPN. In 2015, I decided to further my education and obtained my associate degree of nursing, followed by a BSN in 2018, and an MSN in 2021. My clinical experience spans across various fields, including medical-surgical care, family practice, pediatrics, geriatrics, endocrinology, internal medicine, post-anesthesia care, clinical management, care management in the Veteran's Health Administration, and inpatient progressive care.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a master's-prepared nurse educator, my teaching philosophy is deeply rooted in the belief that nursing education is a dynamic and profoundly transformative process. It empowers students, igniting their potential to become compassionate, competent, and critical-thinking healthcare professionals. My approach is guided by the principles of evidence-based practice, lifelong learning, and the holistic care that is the hallmark of nursing.
    • MSN-RN
    • Certified Nurse Educator
    • Certified Ambulatory Care Nurse
    Certified Nurse EducatorCertified Ambulatory Care Nurse
    Research Interests
    • Mental Health
    • Nurse Coaching
    • Resiliency In Nursing
    Nurse CoachingResiliency in Nursing
    evanhoy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1AzMQr7tR1AQ0YD5MH0z2CkFSddPhHshDElizabeth Van HoyElizabethVan HoyStaff Accompanist912-712-2399 Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of MusicArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicElizabeth Van Hoy earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Music with a Concentration in Piano from Western Carolina University. She studied piano pedagogy, collaborative piano, and harpsichord. She is an active member of the Music Teachers National Association and the Savannah Music Teachers Association. She is co-chair of the Savannah chapter of the National Guild of Piano Teachers. She has served as Collaborative Pianist in the music department on Armstrong Campus since 2006, where she has accompanied both instrumentalists and vocalists. In addition to performing, she enjoys encouraging students to set and reach their musical goals, teaching the value of dedication and persistence.
    Teaching Philosophy
    If your goal seems to big, your first step isn't small enough. Chisel!
    • Bachelor of Arts in Applied Music with a COncentration in Piano, Western Carolina University, 2002
    nataliejames@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1bLv0yxS_cujjAka9TTyteLKjEtkKFth2Natalie IngalsbeNatalieIngalsbeSenior Lecturer912-478-4202Newton 1122B, Gamble 241Armstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishProf. Ingalsbe teaches First-Year Writing and Literature in the English Department
    Teaching Philosophy
    Prof. Ingalsbe's teaching is student-centered and focused on helping every person reach their fullest potential.
    • M.A. in English, University of Delaware, 2013
    • B.A. in English and French, Drury University, 2008
    B.A. in English and French, Drury University, 2008
    Research Interests
    • Pedagogy
    jdagostino@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1820xA4AdEsWZ687ucNWt_KZVdCLx6wFQJennifer D'AgostinoJenniferD'AgostinoLecturer in Music (Voice)912-478-7340Foy 3002Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of Music*having issues with linking my bio
    • D.M.A. (Voice Performance and Opera Production) University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • M.M. (Voice Performance and Opera Studio) University of Tennessee-Knoxville
    • B.M. (Voice Performance) Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music
    M.M. (Voice Performance and Opera Studio) University of Tennessee-KnoxvilleB.M. (Voice Performance) Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music
    Research Interests
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Voice Pedagogy
    • Song Literature
    Voice PedagogySong Literature
    fcurtis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1JR2YBwFvc6XwKYyq_Z1PG1DkN4cRjIrVFinbarr CurtisFinbarrCurtisProfessor3305C Newton Hall/213 Gamble HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI study religion and politics as well as theory and method in religious studies. My first book engages subjects ranging from nineteenth-century revivalism to contemporary legal debates about corporations in order to examine how the rhetoric of religious freedom has served as a form of personal and political governance in the United States. My most recent book examines how the profane and offensive style of contemporary illiberalism challenges liberal democratic institutions. Before coming to Georgia Southern, I taught at UC San Diego, New York University, Fresno State, Bucknell University, Lafayette College, and the University of Alabama.
    • Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 2007
    • M.A., Vanderbilt University, 2000
    • B.A., Columbia College, 1995
    M.A., Vanderbilt University, 2000B.A., Columbia College, 1995
    Research Interests
    • Religion And Politics
    • Critical Theory
    • History Of Religion In The United States
    • Irish Studies
    Critical TheoryHistory of Religion in the United StatesIrish Studies
    tbuzosalas@georgiasouthern.eduTeresa Buzo SalasTeresaBuzo SalasMrs912-478-2421Interdisciplinary Academic Building #2065Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesTeresa Buzo Salas holds a B.A. in Tourism Management from the University of Seville (Spain, 2003) and received her M.A. in Spanish from Georgia Southern University (2012). She is also certified as an Oral Proficiency Interviewer by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). In 2021, Teresa received the Distinction in Teaching Award from the College of Arts and Humanities at Georgia Southern University.Teresa has published two critically acclaimed novels: Las Hijas de las Horas (2015) and Adict@ (2016). She has won first place in multiple creative writing competitions and has been a finalist in several others. In addition to her literary work, Teresa regularly contributes with articles to La Voz Latina.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on fostering a deep appreciation for the Spanish language and its diverse cultures. I strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where students feel valued and inspired to engage actively. By integrating authentic materials and promoting immersive experiences, I encourage students to connect language learning with real-world contexts. I believe in the power of personalized feedback and supportive guidance to help each student reach their full potential. Ultimately, my goal is to instill a lifelong passion for learning and cultural exploration, empowering students to become confident, empathetic, and culturally aware communicators.
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University
    • B.A., University of Seville, Spain
    B.A., University of Seville, Spain
    jhidalgo@georgiasouthern.eduJose M HidalgoJose MHidalgoProfessor of Hispanic Studies912-478-5609Interdisciplinary Academic Building # 2077Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. José Manuel Hidalgo earned his B.A. in Classical Languages (Latin and Greek) with a minor in Hispanic Literature from the University of Seville in 1998. He completed an M.A. in Hispanic Literature with Honors from Ohio University in 2003 and a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 2006. Dr. Hidalgo has published in journals like Bulletin of Comediantes, Hispanic Review, and Romance Quarterly. His research interests include El libro de buen amor, Novelas Ejemplares by Miguel de Cervantes, and a passion for all great literature. He also edited La pluma es lengua del alma (2011) and co-edited Cárcel de Amor (2008).
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Hidalgo is a passionate and dedicated professor whose commitment to student learning is evident in every course he teaches. Whether leading Spanish language courses, exploring Spanish culture, or diving into Medieval and Early Modern Literature, his classes are praised for their intellectual rigor and supportive environment. Students value his engaging teaching style and genuine investment in their success. His dedication has earned him several honors, including the University of Virginia’s Seven Society Award for Superb Teaching (2005), the CLASS Award for Excellence (2009), and recognition as an Honored Professor-Student Mentor (2007).
    • Ph. D., University of Virginia, 2006
    • M.A. in Hispanic Literature (With Honors), 2003
    • B.A., University of Seville in 1998, specializing in Classical Languages (Latin and Greek), with a minor in Hispanic Literature
    M.A. in Hispanic Literature (With Honors), 2003B.A., University of Seville in 1998, specializing in Classical Languages (Latin and Greek), with a minor in Hispanic Literature
    Research Interests
    • Medieval Spanish Literature
    • Golden Age Spanish Literature
    • Spanish Language And Culture
    Golden Age Spanish LiteratureSpanish Language and Culture
    lmcmillan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1tayNOcy4xVa8z0xonftLOwoCmyXP5fiuLauren McMillanLauren McMillanInformation Studies Librarian, Associate Professor912-344-3005Lane Library #124Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesInformation Studies DepartmentLauren McMillan has been at Georgia Southern Unviersity since 2013. Currently, she is an Information Studies Librarian and Associate Professor at Lane Library. Serving as the library liaision to Art, The Waters College of Health Professions, and Public Health, Lauren serves both students and faculty with their research needs. Lauren also teaches within the Information Studies Department. She is currently pursuing a second masters in Learning Design and Technology from the University of Georgia.
    • University of South Carolina, Master's of Library and Information Science
    • University of Georgia, Bacherlor of Arts in Art History
    University of Georgia, Bacherlor of Arts in Art History
    Research Interests
    • Active Learning
    • Learning Technology
    • Student Engagement
    Learning technologyStudent engagement
    htroullier@georgiasouthern.eduHaley TroullierHaleyTroullierCollections Cataloging Staff Assistant912-478-3175Collection Services DepartmentStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    • Bachelor of Arts, Applied Linguistics
    wdasher@georgiasouthern.eduWesley DasherWesleyDasherLearning Commons Associate912-344-3011Learning CommonsArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesLearning CommonsWesley Dasher works at the Learning Commons.
    rday@georgiasouthern.eduRebecca DayRebeccaDayPart Time Instructor912-344-2900Ashmore Hall 165Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    kbradford@georgiasouthern.eduKyle BradfordKyleBradfordAssistant Professor912-478-0364Math/Physics Building, Room 3025BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    jmhendrix@georgiasouthern.eduJohn HendrixJohnHendrixLearning Commons Associate912-344-3011Learning Commons 119Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesLearning Commons
    nsiekirk@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1sxJNeHvx_3o1a7N-b84rp-2_p7NdIMw6https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/nicholas-siekirkNicholas SiekirkNicholasSiekirkAssociate Professor of Motor Behavior912-478-74011101A Hollis Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Siekirk arrived in Statesboro in 2018 after completing his Ph.D. (Wayne State University) in Motor Behavior, focusing on Neuroscience under Dr. Qin Lai (Texas A&M University). Before Wayne State University (Detroit, MI), Dr. Siekirk worked in clinical and commercial settings after completing his M.S. (Oakland University), which focused on clinical biomechanics and applied physiology. Dr. Siekirk was awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor in the Fall of 2024 and continues to teach related coursework in the graduate and undergraduate Exercise Science programs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Siekirk challenges students to move beyond superficial regurgitation and strives to cultivate hard and soft skills that allow students to integrate and evaluate available evidence, solve problems, and apply concepts systematically in real-world scenarios and settings.
    • Ph.D., Wayne State University, 2018
    • M.S., Oakland University, 2012
    • B.A., Adrian College, 2010
    • CSCS, National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2019
    M.S., Oakland University, 2012B.A., Adrian College, 2010CSCS, National Strength and Conditioning Association, 2019
    Research Interests
    • Neuromuscular Exercise Adaptations
    • Neurocognitive Exercise Adaptations
    • Clinical Exercise Prescription
    • Movement Constraints
    • Movement Strategies
    Neurocognitive Exercise AdaptationsClinical Exercise PrescriptionMovement ConstraintsMovement StrategiesCenter for Rehabilitation and Independent Living
    sgriffin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1VOze9P84japFZ83JuxACrcJlPT4UoBOtStephen GriffinStephenGriffinDirector of the Center for Rehabilitation and Independent Living, Visiting Instructor 912-478-0556Hollis #1103DStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyFrom Warner Robins, GA. Currently finishing PH.D. in Physical Education from the University of South Carolina
    Teaching Philosophy
    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. The goal is learner agency that is purposeful & reflective, resourceful & authentic, strategic & action-oriented.
    • Masters in Exercise Science
    • Bachelors in Exercise Science
    Bachelors in Exercise Science
    Research Interests
    • Correlates Of Motor Competence I.E., Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, Perceived Motor Competence
    Center for Rehabilitation and Independent Living
    sknable@georgiasouthern.eduSteven KnableStevenKnableSenior Military Science Instructor912-478-0036Military Science Bldg, Room 2012Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceI originally came to GSU in 1994-1997 as a Major (Active Duty Military) as an Assistant Professor of Military Science (ROTC). Returned to GSU in 2001 in same position until retirement in 2006. 2006-2008 taught JROTC in Portal , GA. Returned again in 2008 to ROTC Department at GSU as a Military Contractor where I continue to serve as the Senior Military Science Instructor.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Students and Cadets needs come first, I am here to serve them.
    • BA. in Accounting from Wofford College
    jpainter@georgiasouthern.eduJillian Painter-MorenoJillianPainter-MorenoClinical instructor912-344-2788The The RiteCare Center for Communication DisordersArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyMy name is Jillian Painter-Moreno, M.S. CCC-SLP. I am currently a clinical instructor at The Rite Care Center for Communication Disorders and I work part time as a speech-language pathologist at Hardeeville Elementary School. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with the students at Georgia Southern and assist them with their graduate studies!
    • M.S. Speech-Language Pathology (2019)
    • B.S. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2016)
    B.S. Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2016)Rite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    karlarocker@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ByH5P7ZAOVXdI9sCDefT9y7zi-SblCy2Karla RockerKarlaRockerCoordinator of Collaborative Piano912-278-7183Foy 4033Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicKarla Rocker joined the Georgia Southern University faculty as Coordinator of Collaborative Piano in the fall of 2002 after completing her doctorate at Florida State University under the direction of Dr. Carolyn Bridger. At GS, Karla plays for the Georgia Southern Chorale, faculty and student recitals, competitions, and auditions. She also supervises the accompanying area and teaches collaborative piano. Karla serves on the keyboard team at First Baptist Church of Statesboro. She enjoys life on the farm in Metter with Sophie and Scarlett (dogs), Vera and Myrtle (cats), chickens, and her husband, Dwayne.
    Teaching Philosophy
    • D.M., Florida State University, 2002
    • M.M., Arizona State University, 1991
    • B.M., New Mexico State University, 1988
    M.M., Arizona State University, 1991B.M., New Mexico State University, 1988
    kopenix@georgiasouthern.eduKellie PenixKelliePenixSenior LecturerHollis 2110BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyKellie Penix is a Senior Lecturer teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses in the Health and Physical Education programs.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is focused on effectively teaching students by providing quality authentic learning. I have a true desire to live, and help others live, a healthy lifestyle for a lifetime. I strive to help students understand why a healthy lifestyle is important, how to live a healthy lifestyle and most importantly how to teach others to do the same.
    • Dr.P.H., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    • Master of Science in Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, 2009
    • Bachelor of Science in Education, Georgia Southern University, 2008
    Master of Science in Kinesiology, Georgia Southern University, 2009Bachelor of Science in Education, Georgia Southern University, 2008
    Research Interests
    • School Health Education
    • Personalized System Of Instruction Teaching Model
    • Effective Teaching Strategies
    Personalized System of Instruction teaching modelEffective Teaching Strategies
    briemann@georgiasouthern.eduBryan RiemannBryanRiemannProfessor912-478-4636UHArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyBryan Riemann, PhD, ATC, FATA currently serves as a Waters Professor of Sports Medicine, and Director of the Biodynamics and Human Performance Center at GSU-Armstrong campus. In addition, he currently serves an appointment as an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Faculty Research Fellow at the United States Department of Defense-US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine. Bryan has focused his career on educating and incorporating undergraduate and master’s students into providing scientific evidence to support exercise prescription, the efficacy of orthopedic injury prevention and rehabilitation procedures, and the role of various exercise modes to mitigate age related declines in sensorimotor function.
    • PhD, University of Pittsburgh
    Biodynamics and Human Performance Center
    slauretti@georgiasouthern.eduScott LaurettiScottLaurettiExecutive-in-Residence / Parker College of Business912-478-2622PCOB Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDean's OfficeFellow, Harvard University, 2018MBA/Finance, The Wharton School - University of Pennsylvania, 1990B.S. Industrial Engineering, Lehigh University, 1986CEO - SAL CompaniesSenior Managing Director - Guggenheim Partners
    Teaching Philosophy
    Interactive, practical, challenging curriculum and classroom environment, requiring students to actively engage in their learning experiences
    • See "Brief Bio"
    rbaker@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1yhq59fq54_JF_QPJsDwoL1gz72xgd5tghttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/ruth-l-baker-2Ruth BakerRuthBakerAssoc. Prof./Scholarly Communications Librarian912-478-7823Henderson Libraru 2201OStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesAssessment and Research UnitMy academic background is in anthropology and prehistoric archaeology and my graduate work was concentrated in paleoethnobotanical studies in the Southwestern United States. I have worked as a librarian for nearly 30 years in a variety of areas. In the Georgia Southern University Libraries, as Scholarly Communications Librarian, I serve as part of a team providing outreach and research support for Georgia Southern's faculty and graduate students and I do outreach and support for collection development in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, as well as selected departments in the Humanities. In addition to teaching formal classes in information literacy and research methods, I have taught computer applications courses , f2f and online,
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a library faculty member, my philosophy of teaching is based on two main objectives: 1) to help students gain the knowledge and skills they need to become passionate learners and critical thinkers; and 2) encourage them to establish a habit of lifelong learning.
    • M.S. in Library and Information Studies, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
    • M.A., AbD. in Archaeology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
    • B.A. in Anthropology, cum laude, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
    M.A., AbD. in Archaeology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TXB.A. in Anthropology, cum laude, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
    Research Interests
    • Information Literacy
    • Contemplative Pedagogy
    • Student Engagement
    • Mindfulnness & Metacognition
    contemplative pedagogystudent engagementmindfulnness & metacognition
    mfgayan@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa FarisMelissaFarisDr.912-478-5872IAB #2090Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryMelissa Faris completed her Ph.D. from Emory University. Supported by the American Research Institute of the South Caucasus and the American Council for International Education, her project examined the 1956 anti-Soviet, pro-Stalinist protests in Soviet Georgia, Hungary, and Poland and the continuities in Moscow’s response to each of them. She also published an article on Gorbachev’s new reforms and their role in shaping a new history in Soviet Georgia.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers around an inclusive, student-centered environment where students use history to enhance skills that will be useful after their time at Georgia Southern. By facing history, students enhance their global citizenship while finding their place in our globalized environment.
    • Ph.D. Emory University 2023
    • M.A. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    • B.A. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    M.A. University of North Carolina at CharlotteB.A. University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Research Interests
    • The Former Soviet Union
    • The Caucasus
    • Nationalism
    • Political History
    the CaucasusNationalismPolitical History
    yongzhang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/yong-zhangYong ZhangYongZhangAssistant Professor912-478-0134Biological Sciences Building Room 2232Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research specializes in combining computational and experimental approaches to understand genomic evolutionary mechanisms underlying fungal adaptations to changing environments.
    • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Research Interests
    • Plant Pathology
    • Fungal Genomics
    • Host-Pathogen Interaction
    • Integrative Multi-Omics
    • Evolution
    Fungal GenomicsHost-Pathogen InteractionIntegrative Multi-OMICSEvolution
    cgaydon@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1zjd0O7onAn20DiHMEMBkFovQz7t_ZuYpChristian GaydonChristianGaydonAssistant Director of Ecosystem Development912-478-0578Savannah, GAArmstrong CampusParker College of BusinessBIGWith a proven track record in both customer service and business development, I excel at building and maintaining strong client relationships while driving business growth. My ability to understand and anticipate customer needs allows me to deliver exceptional service and resolve issues efficiently, ensuring high levels of satisfaction and loyalty. In business development, I have a keen eye for identifying opportunities, creating strategic partnerships, and implementing innovative solutions that enhance profitability and market presence. My strong communication and problem-solving skills, combined with a strategic mindset, enable me to contribute effectively to team goals and drive successful outcomes.
    • Bachelor's in Psychology
    Business Innovation Group (BIG)
    mdricks@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1AsSgy1i7QsOoqZVeLfHgR9EtFSSP_2Xxhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=sD95tIkAAAAJMatthew RicksMatthewRicksAssistant Professor912-478-5506Engineering Building Room 1101GStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Ricks is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Auburn University, an M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of South Carolina, and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is also a licensed Professional Engineer and possesses over two decades of industry experience in the civil engineering and construction field. His research focuses on underground utility construction, residential construction, and rainfall simulation. He also represents several national panels related to his research. Dr. Ricks teaches Construction Planning and Scheduling and Senior Project and serves as the faculty advisor for the CM Guild student chapter.
    • Ph.D., Auburn University, 2020
    • M.S., University of South Carolina, 2015
    • B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005
    • Professional Engineer, Georgia
    M.S., University of South Carolina, 2015B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005Professional Engineer, Georgia
    Research Interests
    • Underground Utility Construction
    • Residential Construction
    • Rainfall Simulation And Modeling
    Residential ConstructionRainfall Simulation and Modeling
    cgreen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=13k-_oQyzOfPe1uNDilHrOH0gf3oZQ_1sCynthia GreenCynthia GreenPart Time Clinical Instructor912-344-2735RiteCare Center/Armstrong CampusArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceCynthia Green is a part time clinical instructor in the RiteCare Center for Communication Disorders. She has 42 years of experience as a speech language pathologist in public and private schools (K-12) and in a pediatric clinic setting. She has experience as a clinical and faculty instructor at Armstrong State College/University and then Georgia Southern University. Throughout her career she has also provided supervision in clinical and school settings for graduate-level students as well as providing Clinical Fellowship supervision for graduates of the CSDS program.
    • M.Ed., Armstrong State College, 1985
    • B.S.Ed., University of Georgia, 1983
    B.S.Ed., University of Georgia, 1983Rite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    rhewlett@georgiasouthern.eduRyan HewlettRyanHewlettAssistant Professor of Graphic Design912-478-5358Art BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtAssistant Professor / Georgia Southern University / Aug 2023 - Present• Instructor for courses in graphic designProfessor of Advertising & Branding / Savannah College of Art and Design / Aug 2022 - May 2023• Instructor for courses in advertising and brandingAssistant Professor / Sienna Heights University / Aug 2020 - May 2022• Instructor for courses in graphic design
    • MFA Graphic & Interactive Design — Temple University
    elsiehill@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1KuanmS-A9Fux7BQNGDE0JxGLvtzK4_AgElsie HowingtonElsieHowingtonInterim Department Chair, Associate Professor, Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art912-478-0597Statesboro: Center for Art and Theatre 2006; Armstrong: Fine Arts Hall 127Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtElsie Hill Howington is an Associate Professor and Interim Department Chair at Georgia Southern University's Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art. She earned a B.F.A. in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1995 and worked as a commission portrait artist for 12 years. In 2006, she received her M.F.A. in Visual Art from Columbia University, where she was represented by the Nabi Gallery and participated in various exhibitions. Her accolades include the D’Arcy Hayman Scholarship and the Agnes Martin Fellowship. After returning to Savannah, GA in 2009, she painted portraits for notable figures and has exhibited in various venues including New American Paintings, The Louisiana Biennial, and Art Fields.
    • Master of Fine Arts, Visual Arts, Columbia University in the City of New York
    • Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, Rhode Island School of Design
    Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, Rhode Island School of Design
    Research Interests
    • Visual Art
    • Painting
    • Color Theory
    • Place-Based Art
    PaintingColor TheoryPlace-based Art
    kalt@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1loz0q26F8jD0GewEUpHCJo2XOENR_vE8Kasie AltKasieAltAssistant Professor of Art History912-478-4636Fine Arts 208 and Arts Bldg 2002Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtKasie Alt is an Assistant Professor of Art History in the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art at Georgia Southern University. She received her PhD in Art History from the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests include eighteenth- and nineteenth-century landscape design and representation as well as the visual and material cultures of theater. Dr. Alt teaches both introductory and advanced art history courses, with specialties in Europeamerican and Global 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Century Art as well as Theory and Criticism, and Women and Gender Studies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Learning to understand and interact with the arts is at the core of our lived experience. Our world is primarily visual, and yet many do not have the necessary skills to critically assess that reality. No matter a student’s interests or background, art history teaches them to see, to develop a critical eye in order to understand the multitude of visual layers of which our lives are made.As an instructor, my goal is to promote in-depth analysis of the visual world through formal analysis and cultural context. I teach in a variety of formats, but all of my classes use scholarly readings and collaborative activities to challenge my students to think critically about the course material and its impact on the world around them.
    • PhD Art History (University of Texas at Austin 2017)
    • MA. Art History (University of Wisconsin - Madison 2011)
    • BA. Art History and French (Northern Michigan University 2009)
    MA Art History (University of Wisconsin - Madison 2011)BA Art History and French (Northern Michigan University 2009)
    Research Interests
    • Landscape Design/Representation
    • Theatrical Scenery/Experience
    • 18Th-19Th Cent. Visual Culture
    • Women/Gender Studies
    • Architectural History
    Theatrical scenery/experience18th-19th Cent. Visual CultureWomen/Gender StudiesArchitectural History
    jmccall@georgiasouthern.eduJessica McCallJessicaMcCallPart time instructor912-344-2550OnlineArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceExperienced Sonographer with a passion for teaching and a commitment to global health. Dedicated to mentoring and educating future healthcare professionals at Georgia Southern University. Specializes in providing hands-on sonography education during humanitarian missions and empowering healthcare providers in underserved regions. Combines technical expertise with a love for travel and cultural exchange, fostering impactful learning experiences in diverse settings. Committed to improving healthcare access and outcomes through education and collaboration.
    • BS. in Radiologic Sciences, RDMS
    csteed@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MEwrioRp2xI-rzIbjRAvA89fOKfn1zboCaroline SteedCarolineSteedSpeech-Language Pathology Part Time Clinical Intructor912-344-2788Rite Care Center for Communication DisordersArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceCaroline Steed is a Savannah native and Georgia Southern University alumni. She received her Master of Science degree in Speech-language Pathology from GSU in 2021. Caroline has experience in various adult clinical settings including hospitals, inpatient rehab, skilled nursing facilities, and assisted living facilities. She has worked as a part time clinical instructor at the Rite Care Center for Communication Disorders since February of 2024.
    • Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences, Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • Master of Science in Speech-language Pathology, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    Master of Science in Speech-language Pathology, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    dechapman@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel ChapmanDanielChapmanAssociate Professor912-344-3187236 University HallArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDaniel Chapman earned his doctorate at the UNC-Greensboro in Teaching and Instruction with a specialization in Cultural Studies. His writings about media, culture and politics have been presented in international journals and conferences. He is editor of the book Examining Social Theory, organizer of the Curriculum Studies Sumer Collaborative and editor of the Curriculum Studies Collaborative Journal.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that the classroom is a sacred space of the intellect. It is a space where we can all engage with ideas that shape us in an open forum to wrestle with clarifying our own ideas and taking seriously the ideas of others. It is through reading, writing and dialogue that we come to know ourselves, others, and the world.
    • Ph.D UNC-Greensboro in Teaching and Instruction with a specialization in Cultural Studies
    Research Interests
    • Digital Media
    • Documentary Films
    • Cultural Studies
    • Critical Theory
    Documentary FilmsCultural StudiesCritical Theory
    jminihan@georgiasouthern.eduJessica RiggJessicaRiggHead of Collection Services912-478-5026Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services DepartmentLibrarian experienced in working with electronic resources, continuing resources, and acquisitions in a technical services environment.
    • MS., Library and Information Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2007
    • BS., Computer Science and Mathematics, Maryville College, 2005
    BS, Computer Science and Mathematics, Maryville College, 2005
    gvaughan@georgiasouthern.eduGregory VaughanGregoryVaughanIA Associate912-478-4057Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services
    ccurtis@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher CurtisChristopherCurtisProfessor912-478-4478IAB 3098Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryDr. Christopher Curtis earned his PhD in history from Emory University, and he holds a Master’s degree from Virginia Tech and a Bachelors of Arts degree from the University of South Carolina as well. He grew up in Arlington, Virginia and graduated from Bishop O’Connell High School.
    • Emory University, PhD
    Institute for Water and Health
    ccartright@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1pGQkeXl5kFt_PpHMd6XDEX2XpZtpeS7UChris CartrightChrisCartrightSenior Lecturer of English912-344-2597Gamble Hall 208Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishChris Cartright, MFA, grew up in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He writes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.
    • MFA English, Florida State University, 2012
    • BA. English, Florida State University, 2009
    • BA. French, Florida State University, 2009
    BA English, Florida State University, 2009BA French, Florida State University, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Writing Studies
    • Information Literacy
    • Mass Media
    • Globalization
    information literacymass mediaglobalization
    jacobharris@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1GUrSNnbWoMZBf0wkKS3N8L3DLcDYJE47Jacob HarrisJacobHarrisGraduate Coordinator for Undergraduate to Graduate Pathways912-478-75791013A Veazy HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Graduate StudiesCollege of Graduate StudiesJacob is the Graduate Coordinator for Undergraduate to Graduate Pathways at Georgia Southern University. He earned his M.A. in Sociology from Ohio University in 2018 and B.A. in Sociology from Shawnee State University in 2017. In his free time, he enjoys watching NBA games and spending time with his cats!
    • M.A., Ohio University
    • B.A., Shawnee State University
    B.A., Shawnee State University
    hschweier@georgiasouthern.eduHeidi SchweierHeidiSchweierPART TIME INSTRUCTOR912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    Kcoates@georgiasouthern.eduKay CoatesKayCoatesMrs912-478-5661Zach S. Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesInformation Studies DepartmentKay Coates is an Associate Professor & Information Studies Librarian at Georgia Southern University Libraries. Her scholarship focuses on information literacy, AI and technology integration, library user experience, and reference and research support services. She is committed to developing students' critical thinking skills at all levels of higher education, aiming to promote lifelong learning, ethical social responsibility, and the cultivation of informed citizenship.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is grounded in fostering a sense of belonging where every student feels valued and empowered in their academic journey. I strive to cultivate information and digital literacy skills that enable students to critically navigate, evaluate, and ethically use information in an increasingly complex technological landscape. Through collaborative research instruction, I aim to build students' research proficiency, helping them develop the tools to explore, analyze, and ethically contribute to their academic specialties and society with confidence and integrity.
    • Post-Masters Certificate in Gerontological Services
    • Masters in Information and Library Studies
    • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Sociology)
    Masters in Information and Library StudiesBachelor of Social Sciences (Sociology)
    Research Interests
    • Information Literacy
    • Ai And Technology Integration
    • Librarians And Library Users Experience
    AI and technology integration Librarians and Library users experience
    rlmason@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fBgDeIsoMJFfeX4HIQ9TBbDuosSbP7_nhttps://customtrombones.com/m%26w-artistsDr. Rick MasonDr. RickMasonAssociate Professor of Trombone/Low Brass; Director of Jazz Ensemble; Brass Area Head912-478-5222Foy Building #3052Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Rick Mason is the Associate Professor of Trombone, Jazz Ensemble Director at Georgia Southern University. He is a former free-lance musician in Los Angeles, having performed in the bands of Bill Watrous, Al Hirt, Glenn Miller, Bill Holman, and Bill Tole. Rick also served as bass trombonist in the Burbank Symphony and La Mirada Orchestra; recorded albums, jingles, and motion picture/television soundtracks at Capitol Records, A&M Records, 20th Century Fox, Universal Studios, Walt Disney Studios, and Warner Brothers. Rick has performed with Sammy Davis Jr., Rosemary Clooney, Mel Torme, Toni Tenille, Temptations & Four Tops, and others. Dr. Mason is an endorsing clinician for M&W Custom Trombones https://customtrombones.com/m%26w-artists
    Teaching Philosophy
    I don't believe in "cookie-cutter" teaching. Every student has specific career goals they wish to achieve. I don't teach all students the same way. Different goals require different approaches. The same applies to the levels of the students as they arrive on our campus. Not all students come to us with equal abilities. As such, all students need a tailored course of study in applied music. As a result, many students have successfully moved on in pursuit of graduate degrees through the doctorate. I have former students now working in the jazz field, orchestral settings, university teaching, and in K-12 education.
    • DMA, University of Alabama
    • Master of Music, Bass Trombone Performance, California State University, Northridge
    • B.A. Bass Trombone Performance, W.V. Wesleyan College
    Master of Music, Bass Trombone Performance, California State University, NorthridgeB.A. Bass Trombone Performance, W.V. Wesleyan College
    rriggs@georgiasouthern.eduRebecca CollinsRebecca CollinsSenior Lecturer of Exercise Science912-478-2543Hollis 2121CStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyRebecca has taught at the university for 17 years in exercise science with a major focus in preparing students to work in the fitness industry and in health and fitness within special populations. Rebecca also directs the Phase Three Cardiac Rehabukitation Program through a partnership with the Statesbiro YMCA na East Georgia Regiobal Medical Center providing students with service learning opportunities, graduate assistantships and internships.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Rebecca mentors students through experiential learning opportunities with training volunteer mock personal training clients and teaching group exercise classes facilitated through her partnership with the local YMCA branch. As an exercise physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine, Rebecca educates students in multiple areas of fitness instruction including functional movement, Zumba, Pilates, barre, and HIIT training and provides opportunities to work with populations with various chronic conditions.
    • MS., Georgia Southern University, 2009
    • BS., Mercer University, 2007
    BS, Mercer University, 2007
    awinskie@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1NKjDcICFJJdMofhodXgfXTERvljUiRHNAmy WinskieAmyWinskieLecturer912-478-5202MATH/PHYSICS 3039Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesAmy is originally from Statesboro, GA. She has taught mathematics for 28 years in high school and university settings.
    • B.S. Mathematics
    • M.Ed. Mathematics Secondary Education
    M.Ed. Mathematics Secondary Education
    kstudstill@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15i01ZuEtP6hz50Gk86bAOt4cRqUxNIr2Kelsey StudstillKelseyStudstillPre-Professional Advisor, Office of Career and Professional Development912-478-5197Williams Center, 1st Floor, Office 1017Statesboro CampusMy name is Kelsey Studstill and I am a Double Eagle, with my BS in Public Relations and an M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration from Georgia Southern University.Currently, I am one of the Pre-Professional Advisors in the Office of Career and Professional Development. I support Georgia Southern students on the Statesboro Campus who have the desire to pursue Medical (MD and DO), Physician Assistant, Anesthesiology Assistant, and Podiatry graduate programs. While I am back new in this role, I have worked previously with pre-professional students at Georgia Southern University for 5+ years and am very excited to be back doing so now!
    • Bachelor of Science in Public Relations, Georgia Southern University
    • Master of Education in Higher Education Administration, Georgia Southern University.
    Master of Education in Higher Education Administration, Georgia Southern University.
    knaufel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jtmYLxNz6OQnCcrJmQatD2X8ZgWNyQaeKaren NaufelKarenNaufelProfessor of Psychology912-478-5446Brannen Hall 1027Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyKaren Naufel received her Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas in May 2007 in Experimental Psychology. Her research interests are in the area of applied social cognition, with strong interests in health psychology and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She teaches introductory and capstone courses, health psychology, and graduate courses. She is passionate about connecting children to psychological science. Her accomplishments in teaching have been recognized at the university level, with the 2014-15 Award for Excellence in Instruction, and nationally, with the 2010 Jane S. Halonen Early Career Teaching Award, the 2022 Civic Engagement Award, and the 2024 Presidential Citation all from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
    • Ph.D., Experimental Psychology
    Research Interests
    • The Psychology Of Workforce Ready Skills
    • Social Support And Cultural Responsiveness
    • Ethics In Psychological Research And Teaching
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Psychology And Disaster Preparedness
    Social Support and Cultural ResponsivenessEthics in Psychological Research and TeachingScholarship of Teaching and Learning Psychology and Disaster Preparedness
    pshankar@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18kuvusaZlSGiSLWQSiXlLMFlb6J0mtucPadmini ShankarPadmini ShankarProfessor of Nutrition & Food Science912-147-8578IAB 2073Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI have been teaching nutrition and food science courses at Georgia Southern University for the last 25 years. My research interests include issues in community nutrition and public health, and clinical nutrition.
    • PhD Nutrition & Foods, Texas Tech University
    Research Interests
    • Community & Clinical Nutrition
    kdkennedy@georgiasouthern.eduKelly KennedyKellyKennedyGraduate Academic Advisor912-478-1447College of Education Room 3166Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationSee BelowKelly Kennedy has worked at Georgia Southern since 2011, beginning her career in the College of Science and Mathematics as an Academic Advisor. In 2018, Kelly transitioned to the College of Education's Graduate Academic Services Center as a Graduate Advisor. Kelly is a double Eagle earning her Biology degree in 1990 and her M.Ed. Higher Education Administration in 2022. Kelly currently serves on the University Staff Council, University Student Conduct Board, Bulloch County GSU Alumni Board, College of Education Staff Advisory Committee, and the advisor for the Future Veterinarian Society. Kelly loves Georgia Southern football - GO EAGLES!
    Teaching Philosophy
    Kelly Kennedy is responsible for the daily management of admission, advising and program inquiries for the M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction, Ed.S., M.Ed., and Certificates in Instruction Technology and School Library Media. She also assists the EdD Curriculum Studies with admission assistance and Cohort Orientation. Kelly collaborates with Valdosta State and Columbus State Universities with the Georgia On My Line consortium.Life and Advising philosophy - BE. Be there. Be attentive and listen. Be open. Be helpful. Be respectful. Be mindful. Be present. People need someone to reach out to and not someone to judge them.
    • MEd Higher Education Administration
    • BS. Biology w/ Minor Psychology
    BS Biology w/ Minor Psychology
    Research Interests
    • Stem
    • First Generation Students
    • Sustainability
    First Generation StudentsSustainability
    bmking@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1dANJ75hQkgztoQXnyg7xj5FTbEJJf74tBarbara KingBarbaraKingSenior Lecturer912-478-8026Carroll 2010Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyBarbara King is a Senior Lecturer and the Undergraduate Coordinator in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. She incorporates her strong interdisciplinary background in sociology, political science, and social theory into teaching ethics, human rights, and criminological theory. In addition, she has research interests in deviant youth subcultures, social movements, and the application of John Rawls' Theory of Justice to criminal justice reform.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on the idea that education is what remains after one has forgotten everything they learned. In other words, education is about developing the tools necessary to learn. To achieve this goal, I strive to engage students across a variety of delivery methods and use multiple tools of instruction to encourage student engagement and active learning that connects theory to practice. If I am successful in helping students develop critical thinking and research skills, those students always have the necessary tools to discover information of interest, including entirely new bodies of knowledge.
    • M.A., Sociology, Southern Illinois University, 1998
    • B.A. Sociology, Pacific Lutheran University, 1994
    B.A. Sociology, Pacific Lutheran University, 1994
    Research Interests
    • Ethics
    • Human Rights
    • Deviant Youth Subcultures
    • Social Movements
    Human RightsDeviant Youth SubculturesSocial Movements
    mah@GeorgiaSouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1JE7GrgDu5N_scTyBKV4Jej0Ke6mUI3MBMichelle HaberlandMichelleHaberlandProfessor of History912-478-1867Room 3008 in the Interdisciplinary Academic Building (IAB)Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryMichelle Haberland is Professor of History at Georgia Southern University. She received her Ph.D. from Tulane University where she began working on Striking Beauties: Women Apparel Workers in the United States South, 1930 – 2000, the first book-length study of the southern apparel industry and its workers. Published in 2015 by the University of Georgia Press, Striking Beauties was awarded the 2016 H. L. Mitchell Award by the Southern Historical Association for the best book published in the preceding two years concerning the history of the southern working class. Michelle is currently serving as the President for the Southern Association for Women Historians.
    Teaching Philosophy
    At Georgia Southern, Michelle leads courses on a variety of subjects including, Working-Class History, Oral History, The New South, and the United States in the 1960s
    • Ph.D., Tulane University, 2001
    • M.A., University of Florida, 1993
    • B.A., University of Florida, 1990
    M.A., University of Florida, 1993B.A., University of Florida, 1990
    Research Interests
    • Southern History
    • Working Class History
    • Women'S History
    • 20Th Century Us History
    Working Class HistoryWomen's History20th Century US HistoryCenter for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
    arusina@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fNY6gHjj-cMtEM7xzz3ef7hs-nWx7edyAnastasia RusinaAnastasiaRusinaSenior Lecturer912-478-7835Math-Physics, Room 2047Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Rusina is a Senior Lecturer of Physics at Georgia Southern University.
    • Ph.D. Physics, Georgia State University, 2010
    • M.S. Physics, Georgia State University, 2008
    • M.S. Physics, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 2006
    • B.S. Physics, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 2004
    M.S. Physics, Georgia State University, 2008M.S. Physics, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 2006B.S. Physics, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Condensed Matter Physics
    • Theoretical Nano-Optics
    Theoretical nano-optics
    gwshaver@georgiasouthern.eduGeorge ShaverGeorgeShaverDirector - Regents Center for Learning Disorders912-478-0100Cone Hall 0002Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyGeorge W. Shaver, Psy.D., is a Licensed Psychologist in the state Georgia, the Director of the Regents Center for Learning Disorders at Georgia Southern University, and an adjunct professor in psychology at Georgia Southern University. He completed a predoctoral clinical internship at Eastern Virginia Medical School, and he subsequently completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in clinical neuropsychology at the University of Virginia Medical Center. George’s clinical expertise includes the evaluation of a variety of neuropsychological disorders in college students and adults, including learning disorders, AD/HD, and traumatic brain injury.
    • Postdoctoral Fellow, Clinical Neuropsychology, University of Virginia Medical Center
    • Predoctoral Clinical Intern, Clinical Psychology, Eastern Virginia Medical School
    • Psy.D., Clinical Psychology, George Fox University
    • M.Div., Pastoral Counseling, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
    • B.S., Mathematics, University of Tennessee
    Predoctoral Clinical Intern, Clinical Psychology, Eastern Virginia Medical SchoolPsy.D., Clinical Psychology, George Fox UniversityM.Div., Pastoral Counseling, The Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryB.S., Mathematics, University of Tennessee
    Research Interests
    • Effort And Motivation In Cognitive Testing
    • Sports Concussion And Traumatic Brain Injury
    Sports Concussion and Traumatic Brain InjuryThe Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    ebutterfield@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1JVL1PbrK0ZBm3neFSz8FTZlWYkj8j1KGElizabeth ButterfieldElizabethButterfieldAssociate Professor912-478-0182Newton 3303BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI have been teaching at GSU since 2006. I typically teach courses in Ethics, Existentialism, Philosophy of Religion, and Happiness and the Meaning of Life.
    • PhD, Emory University, 2004
    Research Interests
    • 19Th-20Th C Continental Philosophy
    • Jean-Paul Sartre
    • Herbert Marcuse And The Frankfurt School
    • Happiness And The Meaning Of Life
    Jean-Paul SartreHerbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt SchoolHappiness and the Meaning of Life
    jinkikim@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1er2fm2F7QggzuxgE_vT1VK4_KyNJaSjUJinki KimJinkiKimAssociate Professor912-478-60122134 Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringJinki Kim is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA USA. Prior to joining Georgia Southern University, he received his Ph.D degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan, MI USA. His current research interests include design, analysis, and implementation of electromechanical sensors and actuators, structural health monitoring, and advanced manufacturing.
    • Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2017
    Research Interests
    • Dynamics And Vibrations
    • Sensors And Actuators
    • Structural Health Monitoring
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    sensors and actuatorsstructural health monitoringadvanced manufacturingIntelligent Systems and Dynamics Laboratory
    shayfitzgerald@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1GRdipOrjGwFo2pdOKAyLs5PBVIhk_AL2Shay FitzgeraldShayFitzgeraldClinical Instructor of Speech Language PathologyRitecare CenterArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceShay Fitzgerald is a South Florida native. She received her Bachelors of Science at the University of Florida in 2019 and obtained her Masters degree in Speech Language Pathology from Florida State University in 2021. Shay currently works full time as the Senior Speech Language Pathologist for Encompass Health, an Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital in Savannah, GA. Additionally, she has worked part-time as a clinical instructor for the graduate SLP program with Georgia Southern University since August 2024.
    • M.S., Florida State University, 2021
    • B.S., University of Florida, 2019
    B.S., University of Florida, 2019Rite Care Center for Communications Disorders
    kreagan@georgasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kevin-reaganKevin ReaganKevin ReaganInformation Studies & Outreach Librarian912-478-50322210KStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesInformation StudiesKevin Reagan is an Information Studies & Outreach Librarian and Assistant Professor. In his role, he teaches students how to find and leverage library materials, use information ethically, and craft quality research. Additionally, he is responsible for library outreach initiatives on the Statesboro Campus. His research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, artificial intelligence literacy, digital accessibility, academic library outreach, and library instruction pedagogy.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy as an instruction librarian is to create and sustain an inclusive space for critical thinking, one that is welcoming of diverse perspectives. Recognizing that teaching is a transactional art, I strive to remain grounded in the moment, acknowledging that my interactions with students can have a meaningful impact on their relationship with education, career trajectory, and society. Furthermore, through active engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning and reflecting on my own pedagogy, I strive to maintain a student-focused approach and continually develop as a teacher.
    • Master of Sciene in Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, 2019
    • Bachelor of Arts, Maryville College, 2015
    Bachelor of Arts, Maryville College, 2015
    Research Interests
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Academic Library Outreach
    • Digital Accessibility
    • Artificial Intelligence Literacy
    • Library Instrution Pedagogy
    Academic Library OutreachDigital AccessibilityArtificial Intelligence Literacy Library Instrution Pedagogy
    cbryan@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1dUMC0Eg8FLKsM8viussv6MXHUeipw_ZTCarolyn BryanCarolynBryanProfessor of Music912-478-5669Foy 3056Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicCarolyn Bryan has performed and lectured at meetings of the World Saxophone Congress, the Southeastern Saxophone Symposium, the North American Saxophone Alliance, the Toronto International Electroacoustic Symposium, the American Choral Directors Association, and the Festival of Women Composers International. She has commissioned several works for voice and saxophone, performs as part of a saxophone duo, and is especially interested in music for choir and saxophone. She has been recognized with the GSU CLASS Award for Excellence, Awards of Distinction in Teaching and Service, and membership in Phi Kappa Phi and Pi Kappa Lambda.
    • Doctor of Music, Indiana University, 1997
    • Master of Music, Indiana University, 1987
    • Bachelor of Music Education, Baldwin-Wallace College, 1985
    Master of Music, Indiana University, 1987Bachelor of Music Education, Baldwin-Wallace College, 1985
    Research Interests
    • Developmental Repertoire For Saxophone
    • Music Of The Holocaust
    • Repertoire For Saxophone And Voice/Choir
    Music of the HolocaustRepertoire for saxophone and voice/choir
    christopherwilliams@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher WilliamsChristopherWilliamsSenior Lecturer912-344-3263University Hall 249AArmstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceComputer Science Senior Lecturer
    • MS., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2004
    • BS., Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2001
    BS, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2001
    Research Interests
    • Programming Education
    mdelacerna@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15LbKKJU5b7i9ryqGS-YmuclubzvpEpwfhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/mark-vincent-dela-cernaMark dela CernaMarkdela CernaAssistant Professor of Biochemistry912-344-2507Science Center 2012Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. dela Cerna is broadly interested in protein structure, function, and dynamics. His group at Georgia Southern (The Laboratory of Structural Biology and Drug Discovery) currently focuses on human protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs). PTPs are involved in the regulation of various biochemical pathways and their dysregulation is often associated with diseases like cancer. The lab is interested in identification and development of chemical probes that can be used to probe the functions of PTPs and that can be developed as therapeutics targeting PTPs in diseases. The lab is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health to develop inhibitors of PRL3, a pro-metastatic phosphatase.
    • Ph.D., University of Louisville, 2022
    • M.S., University of Louisville, 2019
    • M.S., Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), 2014
    • B.S., Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), 2012
    M.S., University of Louisville, 2019M.S., Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), 2014B.S., Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines), 2012
    Research Interests
    • Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases
    • Cancer Drug Discovery
    • Structural Biology
    • Understudied Proteins
    • Nmr
    Cancer drug discoveryStructural biologyUnderstudied proteinsNMRJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    maller@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1E6POMkjOVo6QecFZLywjmQ48alfTkelShttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bs80eHcAAAAJ&hl=enMonique C. AllerMonique C.AllerAssociate Professor of Physics & Astronomy912-478-0576Math/Physics 2050Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Aller earned a B.A. cum laude in Physics & Medieval/Renaissance Studies before receiving her M.S. & Ph.D. in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Her doctoral research, under D.O. Richstone, focused on measurements of supermassive black hole masses and their relationships with host galaxy properties. Dr. Aller was a postdoctoral researcher at the ETH Zurich under C.M. Carollo, studying the structural evolution of galaxies in the COSMOS survey, followed by a postdoctoral research position with V. P. Kulkarni (U. of S. Carolina), studying quasar absorption systems (QASs) and polar ring galaxies. Dr. Aller’s current research focuses on dust grains (and gas) in galaxies probed by QASs, observed with the Spitzer, Hubble, & James Webb Space Telescopes.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Aller teaches courses aimed at audiences ranging from introductory, non-science majors to upper-division physics majors planning a career in astronomy and astrophysics. She incorporates discussions of the latest astronomical research discoveries and missions into her courses, and includes activities to encourage independent student research into these topics. She also utilizes a variety of experiential learning techniques and activities, ranging from simulations and demonstrations to interactive problem-solving to short research presentations to small-group discussions in her courses to develop student skills in presenting research, problem-solving, and assessing the validity of results.
    • Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2007
    • M.Sc., University of Michigan, 2001
    • B.A., Wellesley College, 1999
    M.Sc., University of Michigan, 2001B.A., Wellesley College, 1999
    Research Interests
    • Interstellar/Circumgalactic Dust
    • Galaxy Structure
    • Galaxy Chemical Evolution
    • Quasar Absorption Systems
    • Observational Astrophysics
    Galaxy StructureGalaxy Chemical EvolutionQuasar Absorption SystemsObservational Astrophysics
    charleswilson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/hal-wilsonCharles "Hal" Wilson, Jr.Charles "Hal"Wilson, Jr.Dr.912-478-5882Hollis 1100BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Charles "Hal" Wilson, Jr. has been a faculty member at Georgia Southern University since 2014, currently serving as Professor of Coaching Education, Director of the Coaching Education Lab, and Coordinator of the Coach Education master's program and minor. His research focuses on coaching, leadership, and spirituality, with nearly 100 scholarly works to his name. A sought-after speaker, he has presented for USA Basketball and the US Soccer Foundation 11 times and frequently speaks to athletic teams of all levels. Recognized with honors like the 2023 University Award of Excellence and the 2020 Waters College Senior Teaching Award, Dr. Wilson was also an Affiliated Scholar with the Center for the Study of Sport and Religion.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My belief that the student must be an active particpant in their education, and that their past experiences are valuable in providing insights in current experiential learning, has led to recognition for teaching at three different institutions in three different subject areas.
    • Ph.D., Kinesiology & Sport Studies, University of Tennessee
    • M.S., Human Performance & Sport Studies, University of Tennessee
    • B.A., English with Secondary Certification, UNC Wilmington
    M.S., Human Performance & Sport Studies, University of TennesseeB.A., English with Secondary Certification, UNC Wilmington
    Research Interests
    • Coaching
    • Leadership
    • Spirituality
    • Technology
    molsen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1f3TDaPZIIJqHkXeT1HAoe9rAD9Y-DWPaMargaret E. OlsenMargaret E.OlsenSenior Lecturer912-344-3471Ashmore Hall Rm 252Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI came to Georgia Southern in 2008 as a contracted clinical instructor for Jr 2 Adult Health Nursing. I later was hired full time Lecturer in 2015 and am now a Senior Lecturer for the School of Nursing. My career started as a hematology/oncology nurse at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville TN. It was there that I learned that we could not "fix" everyone. This lead me to the area of hospice and palliative care. I have been active in hospice and palliative care since 1995. I enjoy teaching students how to be a nurse with patients. I have clinicals for both Jr 1 and Jr 2 nursing students in the hospital. I also teach skills for the Jr 1 class in the lab. I also am a guest lecturer in end of life care and palliative care.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is providing students with hands on experiences in both the clinical and lab areas. I provide a positive area for learning offering support to them individually and as a group. Leading by example has been a long term style of mine in all areas of my nursing career. I offer support not only to patients and their families also to the students, staff and faculty in end of life care.
    • LPN, Lewis A. Wilson Tech 1979
    • BSN, University Of Alabama Birmingham 1985
    • MSN, CCM , Georgia Southern University 2019
    BSN, University Of Alabama Birmingham 1985MSN, CCM , Georgia Southern University 2019
    hkeeley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1_rIGaWDrmnEls1PzMM1M-8F0Aj31qimDHoward KeeleyHowardKeeleyDr.912-478-4458Interdisciplinary Academic Building, Room 2012 Armstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Wexford, IrelandOffice of the ProvostDepartment of English, Institute for Innovative and Integrated StudiesAn Irish native, Howard Keeley joined Georgia Southern in 2004. The first in his family to graduate high school and college, his initial profession was that of chef. In Dublin and Paris, he trained in classic French cuisine. Receiving a US green card, he worked full time in restaurant kitchens in Palm Beach and Atlanta while also attending community colleges, which opened for him academic learning and research. His doctoral work at Princeton earned that institution’s top graduate award for scholarship. His proudest labor at Georgia Southern has been a leading role in the creation of the Wexford Campus. In 2024, the President of Ireland bestowed on him Ireland’s highest honor for service to the country by individuals living abroad.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Given that his parents’ formal education stopped before high school, Howard deems university teaching and learning a privilege. The student should exit every class knowing something they did not when the session began. He believes in education for career readiness, particularly as Georgia continues to be a business powerhouse. A special passion is undergraduate research, which empowers students, beginning as early as the freshman year. In addition, he is committed to the transformative power of study at the university’s campus in Wexford, Ireland. The exciting, rigorous courses delivered there give our students a crucial edge when competing for and performing in career employment.
    • PhD (Princeton University) Jacobus Fellow
    • MA. (Princeton University)
    • BA. (University of Georgia) summa cum laude
    • AA (Gainesville College)
    MA (Princeton University)BA (University of Georgia) summa cum laudeAA (Gainesville College)
    Research Interests
    • Irish Emigration To And Integration In Savannah And Georgia
    • How Literature Since 1800 Presents The Material Culture Of The Irish House
    • The Benefits For American Students Of Study In Ireland
    • The Wellbeing Of Farm Families In Coastal Georgia And Southeast Ireland
    How literature since 1800 presents the material culture of the Irish houseThe benefits for American students of study in Ireland The wellbeing of farm families in coastal Georgia and southeast IrelandCenter for Irish Research & Teaching
    oarens@georgiasouthern.eduOlavi ArensOlavi ArensProf. 912-344-2857Hawes 104AArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of HistoryI was born in Tartu, Estonia. When my family immigrated to the United States, we settled in a small town (Webster) Massachusetts where I attended the local high school. After receiving my undergraduate degree, I lived in New York City for 7 years doing graduate work in Russian and East European history. This was interrupted by a year in Helsinki, Finland on a fellowship to do research for my dissertation. I came to Savannah to teach at what was then Armstrong State College. I grew to like Savannah and came to own one of the historic houses in the historic district. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and of Communism, I regularly spend my summers in Estonia where I also conduct research.
    Teaching Philosophy
    In my specialty courses (like Russian history), I consider myself successful as a teacher when I sense that students have developed sufficient self-awareness that enables them to understand how people, in a different cultural and historical setting, make different decisions than they would have made when confronted with similar challenges. In my survey courses in World history, I work at having students develop their ability to express themselves by helping them develop their writing skills in written exams.
    • Ph.D., Columbia University, 1976
    • Russian Institute Certificate, Columbia University 1968
    • M.A., Columbia University, 1968
    • A.B., Harvard University, 1963
    Russian Institute Certificate, Columbia University 1968M.A., Columbia University, 1968 A.B., Harvard University, 1963
    Research Interests
    • Socialist Thought
    • Us Foreign Policy
    • Modern Estonia And Baltics
    US Foreign Policy Modern Estonia and Baltics
    lbayliss@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MvrTxb7iTRdjPWFs8vW-fmFisyO25q7Zhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lauren-bayliss-2Lauren BaylissLaurenBaylissAssociate Professor912-478-0213Sanford 2014Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Lauren Bayliss teaches courses in public relations, research methods, and communication strategy. In her research, she uses qualitative and quantitative methods to explore strategies for communicating complex information. As an affiliate member of the STEM Translational Communication Center at the University of Florida, she is particularly interested in communicating scientific information for health campaigns. Her current research explores food communication and methods for determining how nutrition messages influence audience members.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My research and teaching assume that students learn best when they construct their understanding of concepts from multiple experiences and errors. I strive to give students opportunities to apply new ideas imperfectly in low-stakes activities as often as possible and then give them immediate feedback correcting their missteps. My role is to make students feel comfortable in trying out new concepts and then to provide critiques that balance criticism with encouragement as they build a more holistic understanding of course concepts. Major assessments should give students the opportunity to apply ideas that they have used, misapplied, and corrected in the past.
    • Ph.D., Mass Communication, University of Florida
    • M.A., Communication, Virginia Tech
    • B.A., Spanish, Calvin College
    M.A., Communication, Virginia TechB.A., Spanish, Calvin College
    Research Interests
    • Health Communication
    • Nutrition Communication
    • Strategic Communication
    • Public Relations
    • Science Communication
    Nutrition CommunicationStrategic CommunicationPublic RelationsScience Communication
    suazoj@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1c4sUXuUiez8GLrBw5nQH1YYl7l76dLY_Jorge W. SuazoJorge W.SuazoAssociate Professor Emeritus912-478-0773IAB 2065Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. Jorge W. Suazo has been a part of the Georgia Southern faculty since the fall of 1993 and has been retired since the fall of 2020. Currently, he continues to lead the Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages & Literatures (SECCLL).
    • Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 1996
    • M.A., Ohio University, 1986
    • B.A., University of Chile-Chillan, 1979
    M.A., Ohio University, 1986B.A., University of Chile-Chillan, 1979
    rmans@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UAqYXzwAAAAJ&hl=enRobert MansRobertMansAssociate Professor Biology912-344-3314Science Center (SC) 111Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyBorn and raised in Gainesville, FL, I completed a BS in Integrative Biology at the University of Florida. While at UF, I conducted undergraduate research in two labs: (1) An entomology lab at the UF/IFAS and (2) the McKnight Brain Institute. Next, I completed a PhD. in Neurobiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) where I studied the contribution of cholesterol in Alzheimer's disease and the biochemical/physiological mechanisms by which statins enhance synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus. Next, I completed a post-doctoral fellowship at UAB, receiving more training in electrophysiology and neuropharmacology while also participating in formal training in best practices for undergraduate education.
    • Ph.D., Neuroscience, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2011
    • B.S. Integrative Biology, University of Florida, 2005
    B.S. Integrative Biology, University of Florida, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Neurobiology
    • Neuropathology
    • Environmental Neuroscience
    NeuropathologyEnvironmental neuroscience
    kfenton@georgiasouthern.eduKimberly BurkeKimberlyBurkeMSN-Ed, RN, CCRN, SCRN912-344-2724Ashmore Hall, Office 261Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingI am a passionate nurse educator with a strong clinical and academic nursing background. As a lecturer at Georgia Southern University, I develop and deliver curricula for traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing students, focusing on adult health nursing. With over a decade of experience in critical care, neurologic, trauma, and perioperative nursing, I aim to foster critical thinking, clinical competence, and to instill the importance of evidence-based practices in future nurses. Currently pursuing my DNP, I am focused on mentorship models that enhance student preparedness and promote nurse retention in clinical practice.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is to foster a learner-centered and inclusive environment where students can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and clinical practice. I encourage critical thinking, professional growth, and evidence-based care by integrating real-world scenarios into teaching. My approach emphasizes mentorship and structured support to enhance students' confidence and competence as they prepare for their roles in diverse healthcare settings. My current focus is on advancing clinical education through innovative mentorship models to improve student outcomes and retention in the nursing profession.
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice, Georgia College and State University, 2023-Present
    • Master of Science in Nursing Education, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    • Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Armstrong State University, 2014
    • Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biochemistry, University of Maine, 2011
    Master of Science in Nursing Education, Georgia Southern University, 2021Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Armstrong State University, 2014Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biochemistry, University of Maine, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Clinical Mentorship Models
    • Nursing Advocacy
    • Critical Care Education
    Nursing Advocacy Critical Care Education
    hparrott@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q_3z9pC82p1ut8-dZGNUuW4jGxs3DietHannah ParrottHannahParrottEvent Coordinator912-478-8883Armstrong Center office number 134Armstrong CampusDepartment of Continuing & Professional EducationOriginally from Texas, where I earned my Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, I moved to Georgia in October 2023 to start on the GSU Statesboro campus as an event coordinator. I am now based on the Armstrong campus, overseeing events in Statesboro and Savannah.
    • B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University, 2022
    milie@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1snjdPKafStJ7vUJBP3YwdO2_-HCeyo4CMarcel ILIEMarcelILIEAssociate Professor912-478-8062ERB 3067Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Marcel ILIE is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at Georgia Southern University. He has more than 15 years academic experience and 9 years of industrial experience.
    • PhD, Carleton University, 2008
    • MS., Concordia University, 2004
    • BS., NUST, Bucharest, Romania, 1994
    MS, Concordia University, 2004BS, NUST, Bucharest, Romania, 1994
    Research Interests
    • Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, Aeroelasticity
    • Turbulence, Cfd, Numerical Combustion
    • Propulsion, Turbomachinery
    • Multiphase Flows
    • Biofluids
    Turbulence, CFD, Numerical CombustionPropulsion, TurbomachineryMultiphase flows BiofluidsMulti-scale, Multi-physics Simulation and Experimental Research Lab
    mwood@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1q_xwxrVoFIze0NS1qQA2kyh6sHvrg3Nbhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/m-jared-wood-phd-rpa-2M. Jared WoodM. JaredWoodAssociate Professor of Anthropology912-478-5789Carroll 1049Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDr. Wood has a lifelong interest in archaeology, particularly concerning the prehistoric and contact eras of the Southeastern United States. He has led and participated innumerous field projects in Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina. His current researchinterests center on the archaeology of undocumented areas in the Georgia Coastal Plain andCoastal Zone, often through survey and testing with Georgia Southern Archaeology FieldSchools.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2009
    • B.S., Middle Tennessee State University, 2000
    B.S., Middle Tennessee State University, 2000
    Research Interests
    • Archaeology Of The Southeastern U.S.
    • Human & Environment Interaction
    • Settlement Systems
    • Development Of Social Inequality
    • Technology In Archaeology
    Human & Environment InteractionSettlement SystemsDevelopment of Social InequalityTechnology in Archaeology
    dcalamas@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=11KDEEEX6REQmBHx0sHnJGbIuQ-13LFtihttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/david-calamas-2David CalamasDavidCalamasInterim Associate Dean and Associate Professor912-478-5751Information Technology Building Room 3400HStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Office of the DeanDr. David Calamas is the Interim Associate Dean of the Allen E. Paulson College of Engineering and Computing and an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Southern University. He joined Georgia Southern in 2013 after receiving a M.S. and a Ph.D., both in Mechanical Engineering, from the University of Alabama. Prior to that, he received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University. His research interests are in the areas of heat transfer, active and passive thermal management, thermal and fluid transport processes, and biologically inspired designs. He currently teaches undergraduate and graduate lecture and laboratory courses in the areas of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am committed to fostering an innovative, inclusive, and high-quality learning environment. Grounded in the principles of innovation, excellence, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), my teaching philosophy emphasizes the integration of advanced technologies to enhance learning, promote fairness, and support self-directed problem-solving. Recognized with the ASEE Southeastern Section's Outstanding Mid-Career Teaching Award in 2023, I continuously strive to empower students for success in the evolving field of mechanical engineering.
    • Ph.D., The University of Alabama, 2013
    • M.S., The University of Alabama, 2012
    • B.S., Clemson University, 2010
    M.S., The University of Alabama, 2012B.S., Clemson University, 2010
    Research Interests
    • Heat Transfer
    • Thermal Management
    • Thermal And Fluid Transport Processes
    • Biologically Inspired Designs
    Thermal managementThermal and fluid transport processesBiologically inspired designs
    juliedouberly@georgiasouthern.eduJulie DouberlyJulieDouberlySenior LecturerNewton Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDouble Eagle who has taught ENGL 1101 and ENGL 1102 with the Department of Writing and Linguistics/Department of English for 18 years
    • Masters, Georgia Southern University
    ejarrett@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1AYn5_yjuiw6wjpOcbUiaWDK0PmtqIoKCEbonee JarrettEboneeJarrettLecturer912-344-3153University Hall 286Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    • Master of Science, Texas Tech University, 2000
    • Bachelor of Science, Paine College, 1996
    Bachelor of Science, Paine College, 1996
    pwells@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fugwpILxOldGiSfReQkP2qUBgzY5fVNiPamela WellsPamelaWellsAssociate Professor912-478-5917College of Education Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Wells is an Associate Professor in the College of Education. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Nationally Certified Counselor, and an Approved Clinical Supervisor.
    • Ph.D. Idaho State University, 2014
    National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
    yilin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yi-Lin-49?ev=hdr_xprf&_tp=eyJjb250ZXh0Ijp7ImZpcnN0UGFnZSI6ImxvZ2luIiwicGFnZSI6ImhvbWUiLCJwcmV2aW91c1BhZ2UiOiJsb2dpbiIsInBvc2l0aW9uIjoiZ2xvYmFsSGVhZGVyIn19Yi LinYiLinProfessor of Mathematics912-481-0251MP2306Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI received my Ph.D in mathematics from Cornell University in 2004. I was a visiting assistant professor of mathematics at UIUC during the academic year of 2024-2025, and a postdoctoral fellow in mathematics at the University of Toronto from August 2005 to July 2008. I joined the faculty of Georgia Southern University as a tenure track assistant professor in 2008, and was promoted to full professor in 2019. My main research interests lie in the area of differential geometry and its connection to mathematical physics.
    • Ph.D in Mathematics, Cornell University
    Research Interests
    • Geometry And Topology On Foliations
    • Higher Structures In Geometry
    • Extremal Metrics On Sasakian Manifolds
    higher structures in geometryextremal metrics on Sasakian manifolds
    adesai@georgiasouthern.eduAnoop DesaiAnoopDesaiProfessor912-478-75582128 Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringI am a professor of Mechanical Engineering. My research interests are in the areas of core industrial engineering such as DfM, Engg economic analysis and Quality Control.
    • PhD, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Cincinnati
    Research Interests
    • Engineering Economic Analysis
    • Design For Manufacturing
    • Environment Conscious Manufacturing
    • Quality Control
    Design for ManufacturingEnvironment Conscious ManufacturingQuality Control
    listond@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1IVRxCjDH-Z7rYwn8kqCkxWObEkGW0cRlDelores ListonDeloresListonProfessor912-481-1551Room 3128 COE Office BldgStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDelores D. Liston, Ph.D. is Professor of Curriculum Studies and Social Foundations at Georgia Southern University. She is author of Joy as a Metaphor of Convergence: A Phenomenological and Aesthetic Investigation of Social and Educational Change and Pervasive Vulnerabilities: Sexual Harassment in School and Promoting Social Justice Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (with Regina Rahimi). Her recent work explores SEL and Trauma-Informed Pedagogy, including the publication of an edited volume, Exploring Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Academic Settings (with Regina Rahimi). She is also co-editor of IJSoTL and is LCSW licensed through the State of Georgia.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Throughout her tenure, Dr. Liston maintained high standards of scholarship in her classes. At the undergraduate level, her focus has been on student development of knowledge, sensitivity to diversity, and scholarly interest in teaching. Students conduct independent research and present their findings to the class, scaffolding their professional development as teachers. At the doctoral level, students in Dr. Liston’s courses have been pushed to gain an understanding of research literature and view themselves as scholars. Mentoring scholars has been the cornerstone of her teaching at the graduate level, as evidenced by the numerous presentations and publications with students and graduates of the Ed.D. Curriculum Studies program.
    • Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies & Cultural Foundations
    • MSW in Social Work
    MSW in Social Work
    Research Interests
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    • Curriculum Studies/Social Foundations
    • Trauma Informed Pedogogy
    Curriculum Studies/Social FoundationsTrauma Informed PedogogyCenter for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, National Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center
    weaton@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1OepDbZYusKTaMeNw7tLlau4V3rbZWy2SWilliam EatonWilliamEatonAssociate Professor of Early Modern Philosophy912-478-5128Newton 3301CStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI grew up in Collinsville, Illinois and became interested in philosophy in junior high school when I became fascinated with science fiction and time travel. After earning my PhD in Philosophy at Southern Illinois University, I taught for a year at the University of Tennessee at Martin before accepting a position at Georgia Southern University. I've taught philosophy at Georgia Southern for over twenty years and currently serve as interim chair.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is influenced by Paula Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1968). A university education is about self-discovery. Philosophy is an activity that involves a sense of wonder about the universe. I try to spark my students' intellectual curiosity and then create a real dialogue in which we learn from each other, to show them how even the most abstract philosophical issues are related to their lives.
    • PhD, Southern Illinois University, 2004
    • MA., Southern Illinois University, 1997
    • BA., Western Illinois University, 1993
    MA, Southern Illinois University, 1997BA, Western Illinois University, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Early Modern Philosophy
    • Contemporary Analytic Metaphysics
    • History And Philosophy Of Science
    • Philosophy Of Film
    Contemporary Analytic MetaphysicsHistory and Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of FilmCenter for Irish Research & Teaching
    jcatlett@georgiasouthern.eduJoseph CatlettJosephCatlettPart-time Lab InstructorArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceHello there! I am Georgia native and have lived in Savannah for the last 20 years. I came here to obtain my degree in Radiologic Sciences (AASU Class of 2011) and never left. Since 2014 it has been my pleasure to serve as a part-time faculty member in the Radiologic Sciences program. My main area of instruction is in the laboratory setting, where our students learn the ins and outs of patient care skills, radiographic positioning, radiation physics, and medical imaging acquisition. I have also served full-time as a staff Radiographer at Memorial Health University Medical Center since 2011, primarily in Emergency and Trauma services, and as a Supervisor for Imaging Services since 2022.
    • BS. Radiologic Sciences (Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2011)
    tatmore@georgiasouthern.eduTabitha WestTabitha WestAcademic Affairs Business Manager - Ops912-478-0420Veazey Hall 1004Statesboro CampusOffice of the Provost/EVPAAOffice of the Provost/EVPAA
    Office of the Provost/EVPAA
    ebarrow@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/elizabeth-c-barrow-2Elizabeth BarrowElizabethBarrowAssociate Professor of Middle and Secondary Social Studies Education912-478-8534COE #4110Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationElizabeth Barrow is an Associate Professor of Social Studies Education at Georgia Southern University. A former high school history teacher, Dr. Barrow now teaches social studies methods, contemporary issues in social studies education, introduction to curriculum and instruction, and supervises students in the field. Her research interests include SSTE and technology in Social Studies education. She recently published “Critical Friendships as vital to the development of RPCK” in Social Studies Research and Practice and has also published in The Social Studies, Social Education, The History Teacher, and The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues, and Ideas, and CITE.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educator, I have three objectives every time I step into a classroom: to engage students to think critically about the content, to foster disciplinary literacy, and to encourage open-mindedness and cultural competency. I carry these objectives into each course I teach. I also aim to engender enthusiasm for teaching history and social studies, another crucial element of pre-service teachers’ future success.
    • Ed.D. Curriculum and Instruction, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2017)
    • M.A. U.S. History, East Carolina University (2005)
    • B. A. U.S. History, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2001)
    M.A. U.S. History, East Carolina University (2005)B. A. U.S. History, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2001)
    Research Interests
    • Social Studies Teacher Education
    • Technology In Social Studies Education
    • Teaching Global Issues
    Technology in Social Studies EducationTeaching Global Issues
    bsamanta@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18pze3zax-muxk7SR_m7qTLL5aBRGh6Huhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/biswanath-samantaBiswanath SamantaBiswanathSamantaAssociate Professor912-478-0334Engineering Building (0213), Room # 2133Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringDr. Samanta is ranked among Top 2% Scientists in the World (2020-2024). His research covers mechatronics, robotics, control, and artificial intelligence (AI) with applications in engineering and biomedicine. He is the author of two books: Introduction to Mechatronics - An Integrated Approach, Springer, 2023 and Introduction to Digital Control - An Integrated Approach, Springer, 2024. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed research articles that are widely cited. He is a member of ASME and a senior member of IEEE. He currently serves as an Associate Editor of three international journals: ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, Neuroimaging and Neuromodulation (a specialty section of Frontiers in Neuroimaging), and Sensors.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Hands-on, Minds-on Learning: In all my courses, I emphasize: a thorough understanding of science, math and engineering principles with engineering applications, integration of the principles covered and knowledge acquired across courses for design of systems, investigation of system performance through modeling and simulation, validation on virtual simulation environment and physical systems (with lab component), and interpretation of results. In each assessment, the problems are framed involving translation from description to formulation, finding a solution using a suitable approach, and interpretation of results. I always use the continuous assessment approach and analyze student performance to implement Evaluate and Elevate approach.
    • Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, 1987
    • B.Tech. (Honors), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, 1981
    B.Tech. (Honors), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, 1981
    Research Interests
    • Dynamic Systems And Control
    • Mechatronics
    • Robotics And Intelligent Systems
    • Deep Reinforcement Learning (Drl)
    • Multidisciplinary Applications Of Ai/Ml And Dl
    MechatronicsRobotics and Intelligent SystemsDeep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)Multidisciplinary applications of AI/ML and DLBio-Inspired Robotics & Intelligent Systems (B-IRIS), 0213/2113
    jkowalewski@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer KowalewskiJennifer KowalewskiAssociate Professor of Multimedia Journalism 912-478-0126Sanford Hall 3032Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsI earned my M.A. in Mass Communication at Ohio University in 2006 and my Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 2009. I received my B.S. in Journalism and my B.A. in Political Science at Ohio University in 1996. I taught at Texas Christian University from 2009 to 2013 and have been at Georgia Southern University since 2013. My research interests lie in political communication, focusing on agenda-setting and the priming effects of different news media. I have also researched social media, including how individuals use social media to hoard friends or to mourn those who have died. My current interests lie in social media use and how people use it to engage with others. I am a single parent to a teenage daughter.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As a working journalist for 10 years, I learned much about journalism. I want to share the lessons I have learned with future reporters to prepare them for their role as communicators. To accomplish this goal, I must have the ability to 1. motivate students to learn,2. clearly communicate information and its relevance, 3. impart my knowledge about the work environment to students,4. listen to what students want from a particular course, and5. learn about new methods of teaching.
    • Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
    • M.A. in Mass Communication at Ohio University
    • B.S. In Journalism from Ohio University
    • B. A. In Political Science from Ohio University
    M.A. in Mass Communication at Ohio University B.S. In Journalism from Ohio UniversityB. A. In Political Science from Ohio University
    Research Interests
    • Public Opinion Formation
    • Social Media Use
    • Social Media Mourning Behavior
    • Social Media Engagement
    Social Media UseSocial Media Mourning behavior Social Media engagement
    cnelson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1GE-fegWlB4MuUCNSFLPt5biUd0skPC3HClaire NelsonClaireNelsonAssistant Professor912-478-0421Newton 1119B Armstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishClaire Nelson is a poet and educator.
    • M.F.A, Florida State University, 2014
    • B.F.A, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2011
    B.F.A, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2011
    Research Interests
    • First-Year Writing
    • Creative Writing
    • Popular Culture
    • Media
    Creative Writing Popular Culture Media
    jlhendrix@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer BerghoffJenniferBerghoffAcademic Business Manager912-478-08261004C Veazey HallStatesboro CampusOffice of the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic AffairsOffice of the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic AffairsI have worked at the university since August 2009 and have been an Academic Business Manager in the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs since October 2016.
    • M.Ed. Higher Education Administration, Georgia Southern University (expected May 2026)
    • B.B.A. Economics, Georgia Southern University (2000)
    B.B.A. Economics, Georgia Southern University (2000)Office of the Provost and Executive Vice-President for Academic Affairs
    wholley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jSBmWXn2-G3GwO6resuQWnYSAoMURGijT8lGoiw-S2UW. Bradley HolleyW. BradleyHolleyAssociate Professor912-478-5470IAB 2055Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. Holley has been with Georgia Souther since the fall of 2016. He enjoys teaching litertature , as well as French courses at the elementary and intermediate levels of French. His research includes works by Paul Féval and Guy de Maupassant, with a focus on vampire and vampire-like creatures.
    • U of Alabama PhD
    • Norther Arizona U BA.
    Norther Arizona U BA
    Research Interests
    • 19Th Century Literature
    • Fantastic/Supernatural Elements In Litertaure
    • French Science Fiction
    Fantastic/Supernatural Elements in LitertaureFrench Science Fiction
    gharwood@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1p-BjX2yl3kyvjmJBUoW1UP2OM4w-Qk3KGregory HarwoodGregoryHarwoodProfessor & Director of Graduate Studies in Music912-478-6813109 Foy BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicAs the sole musicologist in the Fred & Dinah Gretsch School of Music at Georgia Southern University, I have taught general and specialized courses in music history for over 30 years. My publications have mostly centered on 19th-century music in Italy and Germany; my volume Giuseppe Verdi: A Guide to Research (two editions) has become a standard reference tool for Verdi researchers. In my spare time, I enjoy playing piano, reading, cooking, hiking, and doing NY Times word puzzles with my grandchildren.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The most important things to me as a teacher are also the most difficult to measure: that students see and understand the relevance of music history to their personal maturation as a professional musician and that each student develops a lifelong curiosity about all types, periods, and styles of music, overcoming barriers of prejudice and provincialism that might block or curb their enthusiasm for repertories with which they have had little experience or that lie outside of their own area of specialization. I strive to challenge both the best students and those who are struggling. I do regular overhauls of the courses I routinely teach based on assessment and on newly emerging scholarship.
    • Ph.D. Music, New York University
    • M.A., Musicology, Brigham Young University
    • B.A., Music Performance, Brigham Young University
    M.A., Musicology, Brigham Young UniversityB.A., Music Performance, Brigham Young University
    Research Interests
    • Giuseppe Verdi
    • Robert Schumann
    • Mutual Impacts Of Music, Technology, And Culture
    Robert SchumannMutual Impacts of Music, Technology, and Culture
    jfriedel@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1wVY1yYiUv3vjOJK13mtVScJRWAba5Wznhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jonathan-friedelJonathan FriedelJonathanFriedelAssistant Professor912-478-0868Brannen 1036Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyJonathan E. Friedel earned his PhD in Psychology from Utah State University and spent several years as a Research Psychologist at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. His research interests are in decision making and data analytic practices behavior analysis.
    • PhD from Utah State University
    Research Interests
    • Delay Discounting
    • Behavioral Economics
    • Data Analysis In Psychology
    behavioral economicsdata analysis in psychology
    cgarland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1dB_8hbze9qs1ks3e_IJQXUNDrwz_h9auChristopher GarlandChristopherGarlandAssociate Professor912-478-5248Newton 2224BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Christopher Garland is an associate professor in the Department of English. His writing has appeared in a number of edited collections and academic journals. He is currently at work on contemporary representations of "white trash" for mainstream audiences.
    • Ph.D., University of Florida, 2014 (English)
    • M.A., University of Florida, 2009 (English)
    • M.A. (Honors), University of Auckland, 2008 (Sociology)
    • B.A., University of Auckland, 2006 (Film and Media Studies)
    M.A., University of Florida, 2009 (English)M.A. (Honors), University of Auckland, 2008 (Sociology)B.A., University of Auckland, 2006 (Film and Media Studies)
    Research Interests
    • Visual Rhetoric
    • Race Studies
    • Interdisciplinary Writing
    • Caribbean Studies (Haiti)
    • Media Studies
    Race StudiesInterdisciplinary WritingCaribbean Studies (Haiti)Media Studies
    rcleveland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1b1bszGp89bUEam3iC3XVLvGAUrhupOKKRichard ClevelandRichardClevelandAssociate Professor912-478-8022COE #2115Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentMindfulness-based tactical instruction for Military, Fire, Law Enforcement. Written practitioner-focused books & research journals. State, national, international presentations, invited television, radio, & podcast appearances. TEDx speaker; grant research with US Pentagon & Georgia law enforcement; spoken at International Society for Research on Solitude at York St. John University, Oxford International Symposium on School-Based Family Counseling, & University of Szczecin symposium on solitude and aloneness. Nationally board-certified mental health counselor licensed in Georgia, national Approved Clinical Supervisor, Mental Health First Aid, GaPOST Law Enforcement Resilience, & US Department Justice CRI-TAC subject matter expert.
    • PhD
    • LPC
    • NCC
    • ACS
    • MHFA-I
    Research Interests
    • Mindfulness
    • School Counseling
    • Solitude & Aloneness
    • Tactical Client Populations
    School CounselingSolitude & AlonenessTactical Client Populations
    oamarie@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1vnhdZ6KcFKIdvnwvuzqFxwNDpZ0cNSX-Olga AmarieOlgaAmarieProfessor912-478-1373IAB 2074Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. Olga Amarie has over 20 years of teaching experience, teaching French Literature, French through Film, Business in French, French through the Arts, Francophone Cultures, Medical French, etc. She is the Editor-in-Chief of The Coastal Review, a peer-reviewed journal in world languages. The French section received a prestigious International Student Advocate Award for their passion, dedication, and excellent execution as organizers of French Week at Georgia Southern University. Her research focuses on French literature and translation. She co-authored articles on Jacques Roubaud, Raymond Roussel, and Juliette Adam. Dr. Amarie fosters a positive work culture and is dedicated to helping students achieve their academic goals.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an instructor, I prioritize self-reflection for my growth and that of my students. I encourage them to evaluate their experiences through thoughtful questions and personal feedback, which they document in their writings. This approach supports shy students who prefer to express themselves in writing. I employ an interdisciplinary teaching style and foster a collaborative classroom environment, learning alongside my students. Open communication and suggestions for course improvement are welcomed, and I strive to provide timely feedback, respond to inquiries within a day, and maintain an open-door policy during office hours.
    • Ph.D., Indiana University, 2011.
    Research Interests
    • French Novel
    • French Film
    • Translation
    • French Culture
    • Francophone Cultures
    French filmTranslationFrench cultureFrancophone cultures
    aspikes@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1C7wDTdXbL3vlZngGUb2v-I_E12yYGgicAntonio SpikesAntonioSpikesAssistant Professor912-478-7325Sanford 3007Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsDr. Spikes is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies with over 12 years of teaching experience at colleges and universities. He joined Georgia Southern University in the fall semester of 2024. Previously, he served as a graduate teaching assistant at Southern Illinois University, a visiting professor at Davidson College, and an assistant professor at Coe College. His current research focuses on critical intercultural communication pedagogy, video game studies and analysis, and the face-management practices and strategies of marginalized professors and professors of color.
    • Ph.D., Communication Studies, Southern Illinois University, 2019
    • M.A., Speech Communication, Southern Illinois University, 2014
    • B.S., Communication Studies, Georgia Southern University, 2011
    M.A., Speech Communication, Southern Illinois University, 2014B.S., Communication Studies, Georgia Southern University, 2011
    Research Interests
    • Critical Intercultural Communication Pedagogy
    • Face/Identity Management
    • Video Games Studies And Analysis
    • Disability Studies
    Face/Identity ManagementVideo Games Studies and AnalysisDisability Studies
    mccollum@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1kpYxE7-BHVmEHtkaq7GWlj-WzUrio61HStarla McCollumStarlaMcCollumProfessor912-478-59252131C HollisStatesboro CampusCollege of Education, Waters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & Kinesiology, Department of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Starla McCollum is a Professor in the Health and Physical Education Program at Georgia Southern University. Her previous academic appointment was at the University of New Hampshire, where she served two years as an Assistant Professor of Physical Education Pedagogy. She received her Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic State University. She also holds two degrees from Winthrop University: M.S. and B.S. in Physical Education. She taught elementary physical education for ten years before entering higher education. Her specialization areas include teacher preparation in elementary physical education and supervision of pre-service teachers during field experiences.
    • Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic State University
    • M.S. Physical Education Winthrop Univ
    • B.S. Physical Education Winthrop Univ
    M.S. Physical Education Winthrop UnivB.S. Physical Education Winthrop Univ
    Research Interests
    • Reflective Teaching
    • Effective Teaching In Physical Education
    Effective Teaching in Physical Education
    sborges@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MiGqIsjtGCQ1GdhkZ7VBuUxwqKH_KwMHwww.jacksonborges.comJackson BorgesJacksonBorgesAdjunct Faculty912-478-5396Foy Building, 3rd floorStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicJackson Borges is Organist & Minister of Music for Statesboro First United Methodist Church and adjunct professor of music at Georgia Southern University and is an active recitalist, silent movie accompanist, vocalist, conductor, composer, and educator. He holds the BM, MM, and DMA degrees in organ performance from San Diego State University, Westminster Choir College, and The University of Alabama. His major teachers have included Robert Plimpton, Alan Morrison, the late Tom Hazleton, Faythe Freese, Bruce Neswick, and Stephen Tharp. Dr. Borges is represented by Concert Artist Cooperative. More info at jacksonborges.com and on Youtube at @JacksonBorgesDMA.
    • DMA, The University of Alabama, 2021
    • MM, Westminster Choir College, 2010
    • BM, San Diego State University, 2008
    MM, Westminster Choir College, 2010BM, San Diego State University, 2008
    mmaghiar@georgiasouthern.eduMarcel MaghiarMarcelMaghiarProfessor and Interim Chair912-478-64531120 AStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionMarcel Maghiar, Ph.D., CM-BIM, AM ASCE, Professor and Interim Chair, teaches Construction Engineering and Management courses at junior, senior and graduate levels. His research experiences include development of computer syntaxes to unequivocally describe construction activities and development of a consistent methodology to explicitly classify and quantify construction methods (emerging taxonomy of construction methods). Marcel’s main expertise is in computer modeling of construction processes and workflows. He is also interested in educational contributions and research opportunities towards integrating field-level construction knowledge in BIM and remote sensing methods to capture the existing conditions of any built structures.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am a firm believer in offering job-site visits for all my classes and bringing industry speakers to enhance students’ learning experiences into the classroom environment. The combination of practical, real-world experience shared by a knowledgeable professional, and the skills-set and wisdom of a skilled educator are within the core values I convey in guiding my students. Teaching materials must expand for new horizons, applicable technologies, and the new research developments of recent years. I had the opportunity to create and redesign many courses throughout my academic career. My commitment to student-centered learning and experiential education aligns closely with University’s emphasis on preparing students for professional success.
    • Ph.D. degree in Construction Management, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, IRA A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Del E. Webb School of Construction, Arizona State University, August 2011
    • Master of Science degree in Construction Management, Del E. Webb School of Construction, Arizona State University, August 2007
    • Polytechnic University of Timisoara – Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, specialty in Railways Rolling Stock, 1997
    Master of Science degree in Construction Management, Del E. Webb School of Construction, Arizona State University, August 2007Polytechnic University of Timisoara – Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, specialty in Railways Rolling Stock, 1997
    Research Interests
    • Construction Process Modeling And Productivity In Construction Trades, Bim Software Applications, Vr/Ar Applicability For Safety Training & Productivity
    • Team Interactions And Cognitive Processes In Construction Trades, Individual And Team Mental Models
    • Laser Scanning And Photogrammetry Applications
    • Accuracies On Cost Estimation, Ontologies For Estimating
    • Building Energy Analysis/Management
    Team interactions and cognitive processes in construction trades, individual and team mental modelsLaser scanning and photogrammetry applicationsAccuracies on cost estimation, ontologies for estimatingBuilding energy analysis/managementBuilding Environment and Modeling (BEaM) Laboratory, Engineering & Research Facility, LaSurCam Instrumentation Laboratory
    canelson@georgiasouthern.eduCatherine NelsonCatherineNelsonClinical Instructor912-344-2735RiteCare CenterArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Communication Sciences and DisordersUsing evidence based practice only, providing the research and experience of 40+ years of practicing speech/language pathology to graduate students in all types of settings.
    • Phillips University, Master of Science in Speech Pathology
    • Oklahoma State University, Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology
    Oklahoma State University, Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology
    cyarley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jkboalNFDA8tG9S4za9KccNa4LmRKmMKCarol YarleyCarolYarleyInterlibrary Loan Associate912-344-3007Lane Library Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity LibrariesI am the Interlibrary Loan Associate at Lane Library on the Armstrong Campus.
    vemsbleneau@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15_FQXA0083mW2pRB1OJdwAuH_q-3NHKPVirginie Ems-BléneauVirginieEms-Bléneau912-478-0119IAB 2086 / Gamble 212Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. Virginie Ems-Bléneau is a native of Lyon, France, where she studied British and American literature at the Université Lyon III – Jean Moulin. She then obtained a BA in English, an MA in language teaching, and finally a Ph.D. in French literature from the University of Missouri. Dr. Ems-Bléneau is the review editor of the Society and Culture section of the journal The French Review. Dr. Ems-Bléneau has experience teaching a wide range of courses, including elementary and intermediate French, composition and conversation, civilization, grammar and phonetics, and French for reading knowledge. She also teaches courses for the Comparative Literature minor at Georgia Southern.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I take a communicative and participatory approach to language teaching because I wish for my students to be able to use the language in meaningful ways after they leave our program, which they can only do if they have practiced it in the classroom. To achieve this, we practice all four skills in context every day. In my courses, students also work on becoming proficient in intercultural communication. I encourage students to be curious and open through the systematic practice of critical thinking, as well as by studying how certain beliefs and behaviors come to be, all the while comparing products and practices to those of their native culture.
    • Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2015
    • MALT, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008
    • BA., University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006
    • Licence, Université Lyon III, 2004
    MALT, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2008BA, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006Licence, Université Lyon III, 2004
    Research Interests
    • French Identity
    • French Culture
    French culture
    sjwilson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=-Ad2n68AAAAJ&scilu=&scisig=APQ9KKMAAAAAZ4aD1qEdW3poEd5jNVSJALZiGDU&gmla=AGd7smEDbpQtT3BJiQWXz1kEF0s17LN02ybAEhcWfWwH61BtLZvIPSxJk4FTISDFEsDPeyBYyDerwRG8xWrqDHsj9cTMxFj7DI_KMkY&sciund=15072631209081315269Sam WilsonSamWilsonAssociate Professor of Motor Behavior912-478-0889Hollis 2117BStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr. Sam Wilson is an Associate Professor of Motor Behavior. He is currently teaching courses in motor control and learning, and biomechanics of human movement. He earned his Ph.D. in Biomechanics, and his Master of Science in Exercise Science/Neuromechanics with a minor in Applied Statistics from the University of Mississippi. His area of research is the biomechanics of human movement in work and sports settings, specifically focusing on footwear, posture mechanics and fall prevention. Dr. Wilson has a strong reputation for scholarship and has given multiple poster and oral presentations on his research at the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Society of Biomechanics annual meetings.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Wilson’s research, centers on the application of principles of biomechanics, neuromechanics, and ergonomics to human performance and injury prevention. His research efforts are focused in areas of human factors in ergonomics, athletics, clinical and daily living populations, with special emphasis in postural stability, gait, slips, trips, falls and fall prevention in the workplace attempting to minimize injuries while promoting safety and enhancing efficient human performance.
    • University of Mississippi - Ph.D., 2018; Biomechanics
    • University of Mississippi - M.S., 2015; Neuromechanics
    • University of Mississippi - B.S., 2012; Exercise Science
    • University of Mississippi Graduate School - Interdisciplinary Certificate Program in Applied Statistics, 2016
    University of Mississippi - M.S., 2015; NeuromechanicsUniversity of Mississippi - B.S., 2012; Exercise ScienceUniversity of Mississippi Graduate School - Interdisciplinary Certificate Program in Applied Statistics, 2016
    Research Interests
    • Neuromechanics Of Postural Control And Locomotion
    • Biomechanics Of Slips, Trips And Falls
    • Footwear Biomechanics
    • Human Factors And Ergonomics
    • Injury Prevention
    Biomechanics of Slips, Trips and FallsFootwear BiomechanicsHuman Factors and ErgonomicsInjury PreventionCenter for Rehabilitation and Independent Living, Biomechanics Laboratory
    mflanagan@georgiasouthern.eduMathew FlanaganMathewFlanaganTemporary ProfessorEngineering Building Room 1100BStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionI grew up in Harlem, Ga on a farm, helping my father build barns and other items for the animals, and this sparked my interest in engineering. I followed this path and became a Structural Engineer. I attained both my B.S. and M.S. degrees from Georgia Southern, and I also met my wife here. I am excited for the opportunity to help educate the next generation of professionals coming through Georgia Southern University!
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2022
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2021
    B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2021
    jmccoy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1gvnXq8sYxTmsw9OfDnQ1UmYNNJkHwbAbJason McCoyJason McCoyStudio Technician912-486-4520Center for Art and Theater 2012 Statesboro Campus / Annex II 105 Armstrong CampusArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtI have been a working Studio Artist for more that 25 years. I am a potter and furniture maker in my own studio practice but I work in other mediums like cast metals, and stone as well. I have been working as the Studio Technician for Georgia Southern University since 2011. Prior to coming to Georgia Southern I worked as a Job site Foreman and Electrician on commercial construction sites and as a heavy equipment operator.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My focus is on student centered learning, and providing an environment that encourages the development of studio based hard skills. Developing skills in materials knowledge and fabrication processes, to provide a solid foundation in safe studio practices and foster the realization of a students artistic concepts through making.
    • Maters of Fine Arts Georgia Southern University 2011
    • Bachelors of Fine Arts Kennesaw State University 2008
    Bachelors of Fine Arts Kennesaw State University 2008
    Research Interests
    • Reduction Firing Techniques In Gas And Wood Fired Kilns.
    • Traditional Wood Joinery Techniqes And Practices.
    Traditional wood joinery techniqes and practices.
    aparish@georgiasouthern.eduAnthony ParishAnthonyParishAssociate Professor912-344-2551UH 251 QArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyI am an associate professor in health sciences. I am a graduate of Columbia University and received my PhD from the University of Arkansas while on a Walton Distinguished Fellowship. I have nearly two dozen peer reviewed publications and two published books.
    • PhD in Kinesiology from the University of Arkansas
    Research Interests
    • Handedness
    • Student Obesity
    • Coaching Technique
    Student obesityCoaching technique
    lchappell@georgiasouthern.eduLindsey ChappellLindseyChappellAssociate Professor/Graduate Director, English MA Program912-478-6095Newton 2218BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Chappell (she/her) likes to teach literature courses on time, empire, museums, and extreme sports. Her main research area is nineteenth-century British studies, and she is the author of Temporal Forms and the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean: Writing British Heritage in Ancient Lands (Cambridge University Press, 2024). When she is not answering emails, she enjoys hiking, gardening, and making mediocre art.
    • Ph.D., Rice University, 2017
    • M.A., Rice University, 2015
    • M.A., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010
    • B.A., William Jewell College, 2007
    M.A., Rice University, 2015M.A., University of Colorado at Boulder, 2010B.A., William Jewell College, 2007
    Research Interests
    • Nineteenth-Century British Literature
    • Empire Studies
    • Critical Theory
    Empire StudiesCritical Theory
    bradedwards@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=17ebzlI-4omSK6YJrr1tXo5lHTBt10gxHBradley EdwardsBradleyEdwardsPrincipal Lecturer of English912-478-53503306A Newton BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishBradley C. Edwards earned a B.A. in English at the University of Wisconsin--Madison, graduating with Distinction and as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. At the University of Georgia, he attained a Ph.D. in English while focusing on the American novel. During his time at Georgia Southern University, he has taught a variety of courses, from World Literature and American Literature surveys to the Senior Seminar. He was awarded the Faculty Award of Distinction in Service in the College of Arts and Humanities in 2021.
    Teaching Philosophy
    “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.” You can make the horse thirsty, though. My mission is to make my students thirsty for literature, and I start by being enthusiastic. Hearing my passion for the Odyssey piques their interest. Teaching is my dream job because I get to be a person who teaches the next generation what is significant about the cultural legacy of authors from Homer to Hurston. Most students will take an interest in literature if they can connect it to their own lives. My goal is to show them how the concerns of great texts are as germane today as they were centuries ago and, most importantly, that these concerns remain relevant to their own lives. That relevance keeps them thirsty for literature.
    • Ph.D. in English, University of Georgia, 2005
    • B.A. with Distinction in English, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1992
    B.A. with Distinction in English, University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1992
    Research Interests
    • American Novels
    • Indian Diasporic Literature
    • Ancient Greek Literature
    Indian diasporic literatureAncient Greek literature
    rcpurcell@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1M6bxiSeX1F_jtsKPpv0S61f6MrmO7IzqRoger PurcellRogerPurcellPart-Time Instructor - Retiree912-478-5001Engineering Building - 1101AStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionSince undergraduate graduation: Path 1: After working with the Federal Aviation Admin. and Georgia Power Company, I developed a passion to become an expert in site/utility design for all types of development. Thus, I worked with several consultants culminating in becoming Vice-Pres. of Engineering for Planners and Engineers Collaborative. Next, I Co-founded Pruitt & Purcell, P.C. Path 2: After teaching MATH (part-time), I moved into full-time teaching at Middle Georgia State University (14 years), in Georgia Tech's RETP Program and in Surveying-Geomatics. While at Middle Georgia, I completed my Ph.D, at Tech and a year later I took a professorship at Georgia Southern University (10 years). I am currently retired and teach part-time.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I began my career in teaching as an adjunct professor of mathematics at a community college. My wife, a former teacher, insisted that I try teaching on a part time basis to see if I would like a career change from Engineering\Surveying consultant to college–level teaching. I was very fortunate to be given this opportunity. My philosophy of teaching is rooted in my experience as a student and as an Engineering\Surveying professional. It is important to develop reasoning skills for engineering\surveying problems and for problems in life. Therefore, I seek to provide my students with the best educational tools available for their toolbox so that they can tackle future technical problems with confidence.
    • Ph.D. , Georgia Tech, 2014
    • MSCE, Georgia Tech, 1977
    • BCE, Georgia Tech, 1974
    MSCE, Georgia Tech, 1977BCE, Georgia Tech, 1974
    Research Interests
    • Precise Geospatial Positioning
    • Surveying-Geomatics Education
    • Geographical Information Systems
    • Asphalt Pavement Preservation
    Surveying-Geomatics EducationGeographical Information Systems Asphalt Pavement PreservationSurveying-Geomatics Research Lab
    xyang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1cUREQKJvXpGXTtwkEphoLxZ2yWh-msRNhttps://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/JCE-0925-2023Xiaoming YangXiaomingYangAssociate Professor912-478-7295Engineering Building 1101LStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Xiaoming Yang, P.E. is an Associate Professor in Civil Engineering. Has over 10 years of teaching and research experiences in Civil Engineering and Construction Management.
    • Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2010
    • M.S., Tongji University, 2006
    • B.S. Tongji University, 2003
    M.S., Tongji University, 2006B.S. Tongji University, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Foundation Engineering
    • Geosynthetics
    • Pavement Materials
    • Highway Design
    GeosyntheticsPavement MaterialsHighway DesignAsphalt Laboratory
    natasever@georgiasouthern.eduNuriye AtaseverNuriyeAtaseverVisiting Instructor912-478-8599Math/Physics 2045Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesNuriye Atasever is a dedicated mathematics educator with a strong academic and teaching background. After graduating from Teacher Training High School, she earned a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and a Master's in Mathematics Education, graduating as Valedictorian in both programs. She completed a Master's in Mathematics from Georgia Southern University in 2011 and a second Master's in Applied Mathematics from the University of New Mexico in 2014. Atasever began teaching as a Visiting Instructor at GSU in Fall 2014 and previously worked as a Lecturer at UNM. Passionate about mathematics and teaching, Atasever strives to create an engaging, supportive environment that fosters critical thinking and highlights math’s real-world relevance.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy focuses on creating an inclusive, engaging, and dynamic environment where students feel empowered to explore and understand mathematical concepts. I believe mathematics is more than memorizing formulas; it fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical reasoning skills useful in everyday life. My approach emphasizes active learning, encouraging collaboration, questioning, and meaningful engagement. I connect abstract concepts to real-world applications, sparking curiosity. By fostering a growth mindset and offering individualized support, I aim to inspire students to appreciate mathematics’ beauty and relevance while building confidence and lifelong learning skills.
    • M.S Mathematics, University of New Mexico
    • M.S Mathematics, Georgia Southern University
    • M.Ed. Mathematics Education, Selcuk University
    • B.Sc. Mathematics, Selcuk University
    M.S Mathematics, Georgia Southern UniversityM.Ed. Mathematics Education, Selcuk UniversityB.Sc. Mathematics, Selcuk University
    Research Interests
    • Data Science
    • Difference And Functional Equations
    • Harmonic Analysis
    Difference and functional equationsHarmonic Analysis
    tdurham@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uahZqKptbIs2LJ9EDorLaPoE8mRvWqtFTeresa DurhamTeresaDurhamAdministrative Assistant912-344-3607Solms Hall 211CArmstrong CampusOffice of the Provost, Academic AffairsThe Faculty Center
    jyates@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1r_e2Ce6cY_AhPgxorXYIzDU3t933dG9xhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/joshua-l-yatesJoshua Lee YatesJoshua LeeYatesAssistant Professor of Multimedia and Film Production912-478-5502Sanford Hall 2006Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsJoshua Lee Yates (b. 1989) is a non-disciplinary artist, educator, and film programmer originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina. His work often centers on the landscapes, histories, and lived experiences of the American South, exploring these themes through a variety of storytelling modes and multimedia formats. Over the past decade, Yates has exhibited work internationally in over 100 film festivals, photo publications, and fine art exhibitions. As a film programmer, Yates curates works that showcase innovative storytelling and amplify underrepresented voices.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Creativity is the cornerstone of my teaching philosophy, and I believe learning thrives when students connect the class material to their own experiences. I strive to cultivate a collaborative learner-centered environment in which playful experimentation is encouraged, allowing students to take risks, make mistakes, and discover new ideas. In an increasingly screen-dense society, my goal is to help students develop the skills to navigate and critically assess our ever-evolving mediascape, empowering them to become confident, empathetic, and adaptable creators who contribute to their communities in meaningful ways.
    • M.F.A. Film and Video Production, University of Iowa, 2015
    • Graduate Certificate in College Teaching, University of Iowa, 2015
    • B.A. Communication Studies (Mass Media), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2012
    Graduate Certificate in College Teaching, University of Iowa, 2015B.A. Communication Studies (Mass Media), University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2012
    Research Interests
    • Emerging Creative Technologies
    • Experimental Art Practices
    • Media Production Pedagogy
    • Music Video Culture
    • Oral History
    Experimental Art PracticesMedia Production PedagogyMusic Video CultureOral History
    mtatz@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew TatzMatthewTatzPart-time Faculty, Instructor of Tuba and EuphoniumFoy 3050Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicMatthew Tatz is the Instructor of Tuba and Euphonium at Georgia Southern University. He is finishing his Doctorate of Musical Arts in Tuba Performance fron West Virginia University. He has played tuba with the Monongahela Brass Quintet, the Mid-Columbia Symphony, and the professional traveling production of "Chicago" in Kennewick, Washington.His teachers include Carson McTeer, Dr. Chris Dickey, and Dr. Richard Mason.
    • D.M.A-ABD currently in progress from West Virginia University
    • M.A. Tuba Performance from Washington State University
    • B.M. in Music Education from Georgia Southern University
    M.A. Tuba Performance from Washington State University B.M. in Music Education from Georgia Southern University
    kbatson@georgiasouthern.eduKelsea Batson KelseaBatson 912-478-5396Foy Building Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of Music
    jschlieper@georgiasouthern.eduJared SchlieperJaredSchlieperAssociate Professor912-344-2754University Hall 285Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesJared Schlieper joined the Department in 2008. He teaches a variety courses with his focus being Analysis. Dr. Schlieper also teaches courses for the Actuarial Sciences Minor. Dr. Schlieper enjoys using 3d printing to produce models for visualizing mathematics.
    • PhD, University of Missouri, 2008
    • MS., Applied Math, University of Missouri, 2004
    • BS., Mathematics, University of Missouri, 2000
    MS, Applied Math, University of Missouri, 2004BS, Mathematics, University of Missouri, 2000
    Research Interests
    • Actuarial Science
    • 3D Printing Mathematics
    • Analysis
    3D Printing MathematicsAnalysis
    dsmurray@georgiasouthern.eduDavid MurrayDavidMurrayProfessor of Music912-478-5019Foy 3001Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDescribed in International Piano as “North America’s champion of C. P. E. Bach,” pianist David Murray’s performances have been called “first rate, perfect” (New York Concert Review) and “exemplary” (BBC Music Magazine). He may be heard as a solo performer on two recordings, C. P. E. Bach: Württemberg Sonatas 1-3 and C. P. E. and W. F. Bach: Sonatas and as a collaborative performer on Blue: The Complete Cabaret Songs of William Bolcom and Arnold Weinstein and The Juliet Letters. Awards include a regional Emmy for his performance of Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A minor (2013), a Faculty Award of Distinction in Scholarship or Creative Activities (2021), and a Steinway and Sons Top Teacher Award (2024).
    • D. M. A., Arizona State University, 2002
    • M. M., University of Kentucky, 1995
    • B. M., Southwest Baptist University, 1993
    M. M., University of Kentucky, 1995B. M., Southwest Baptist University, 1993Carol A. Carter Recital Hall
    abrunson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1TVAydvXLq_ZF5Rq1Kbm46XSl_nscbT9Bhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QfVSnJQAAAAJ&hl=enAlicia BrunsonAliciaBrunsonAssociate Professor912-344-3469University Hall 223Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyRace and ethnicity, inequality, the politics of representation in media, Black student retention, racial identity formation, pedagogy
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers on three principles: listen, learn, and love. I acknowledge diverse learning styles and focus on students' gifts rather than deficits, maintaining high standards while adapting to meet students' needs. Through discussion-based classes and experiential learning, I empower students to apply sociological concepts to real-world challenges. Using engaged pedagogy and an intersectional perspective, I guide students in developing critical thinking skills and becoming agents of change in their communities. My courses emphasize community partnerships and participatory action research, enabling students to connect theory with practice while developing solutions to social issues.
    • Ph.D., University of North Texas 2013 (Sociology with a concentration in Film Studies)
    • B.S., Kansas State University 2025 (Psychology and American Ethnic Studies)
    B.S., Kansas State University 2025 (Psychology and American Ethnic Studies)
    Research Interests
    • Race And Ethnicity
    • Black Student Research
    • Politics Of Representation Within Cultural Industries
    • Pedagogy
    • White Spaces
    Black student researchPolitics of representation within cultural industriesPedagogyWhite spacesCenter for Africana Studies
    jkuykendall@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=11sCxmZG_Ke6xRrYnd8tyCRtrYUoPvwKwJulie KuykendallJulieKuykendallSenior Lecturer912-478-2250Hollis 1103AStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyMrs. Kuykendall has been teaching at GSU for 14 years. She previously worked as a Fitness Director for Campus Recreation, and as a Business Owner. She primarily teaches Exercise Science related courses such as Introduction to Exercise Science, Administration Principles, Structural Kinesiology Labs, and Anatomy and Physiology Labs. In addition to teaching, she serves the university through various committees, providing CPR/FA courses for our faculty and students, and by teaching Yoga to athletic teams as needed. She also serves the community by providing ergonomic assessments, presentations about exercise and nutrition, and CPR/FA courses.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that we all do better when we know our why in any given stage in life. I like to foster an environment where students are introspective and curious about the opportunities that surround them. I do this by asking them contemplative questions, helping them come up with plans post graduation, and empowering them with the belief that they can accomplish whatever they want to if they know their end goal. Students should be involved in experiential learning so that they can put into practice what they are learning. It is my strong belief that this kind of learning fosters the best learning.
    • Masters of Science in Kinesiology, GSU, 2006
    • Bachelors of Science in CHFD, Minor in Nutrition, GSU 2003
    • Ace Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, and Health Coach
    • Yogafit Certified
    • Peak Pilates Certified
    Bachelors of Science in CHFD, Minor in Nutrition, GSU 2003Ace Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, and Health CoachYogafit CertifiedPeak Pilates Certified
    cheller@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=X9WKYBoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoClayton HellerClaytonHellerProfessor 912-478-5293MP 2009Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsMy research is in the area of Galactic Dynamics, I study the formation and evolution of galaxies and their dark matter halos over cosmological timescales.
    • Ph.D., Yale University (1991)
    • M.S., San Diego State University (1986)
    • B.S., San Diego State University (1984)
    M.S., San Diego State University (1986)B.S., San Diego State University (1984)
    Research Interests
    • Astrophysics
    • Galactic Dynamics
    • High Performance Computing
    Galactic DynamicsHigh Performance ComputingPlanetarium
    hwane@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=17WQcTYuDnQ5ycUjvKRnAQiYWePqMAVPqHapsatou WaneHapsatouWane912-344-3342Gamble Hall 135Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Hapsatou Wane is an Associate Professor in the Department of English. Her teaching focuses on world literature, postcolonial literature, and literature on immigration. Her research includes publications in African literature, Africanjujuism, and Black immigration to the US.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in creating an inclusive, engaging classroom where students explore their potential and connect learning to real life. My goal is to foster critical thinking, creativity, and skills that prepare students for growth.
    • University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: PhD in Comparative and World Literature
    • Université Gaston Berger: M.A. in English Studies
    Université Gaston Berger: M.A. in English Studies
    Research Interests
    • Postcolonial Studies
    • Black Immigration To The Us
    • Africanjujuism
    Black immigration to the USAfricanjujuismCenter for Africana Studies
    meremeeva@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rei4nb7BwmkoHj9KFzvQTSk-Rh-spPt9https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=i3AMwekAAAAJ&hl=enMarina EremeevaMarina EremeevaProfessor, Environmental Health Sciences912-478-0504Hendricks Hall, room 2015Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Environmental Health SciencesDr. Eremeeva is a Professor and Director of the Public Health Core Laboratory at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health. She holds MD in biochemistry from the Russian National Research Medical University, PhD in microbiology from the N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute, Moscow, Russia and ScD in microbiology and cellular biology from the University of the Mediterranean, Marseilles, France. Her postdoctoral studies were at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA. She has published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and conference papers on rickettsiae and rickettsial diseases including discovery of emerging pathogens and descriptions of new rickettsioses.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My primary goal in teaching is to provide a nurturing environment that facilitates thinking and personal growth by my students, and to give them an opportunity to reach a higher degree of competence.
    • University of Mediterranean, Aix-Marseille II, Marseille, France; D.Sc.; Cellular biology and microbiology
    • The N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia; PhD; Microbiology
    • The N.I. Pirogov 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, Moscow, Russia; MD., Biochemistry
    The N.F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia; PhD; MicrobiologyThe N.I. Pirogov 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute, Moscow, Russia; MD, Biochemistry
    Research Interests
    • Zoonotic And Emerging Diseases
    • Vector-Borne Diseases
    • Public Health Laboratories
    • Technology Transfer And Building Laboratory Capacity
    • Molecular Epidemiology
    Vector-borne diseasesPublic Health LaboratoriesTechnology Transfer and Building Laboratory CapacityMolecular epidemiologyCore Public Health Laboratory
    sstrickland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1J5_IvvI5tnm5T-bb4xL9twmINdSYXqaCSami StricklandSamiStricklandCoordinator of Experiential Learning912-478-7926Solms 104Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusHonors CollegeSami Strickland joined the Honors College in 2021 as an Honors Advisor and now serves as the Experiential Learning Coordinator. Sami earned her M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration from Georgia Southern University in the Spring of 2021. In 2018, she completed her B.A. in English from Georgia College & State University and graduated from the Honors Program. As part of the Honors Success Team, Sami assists students in completing the requirements to graduate from the Honors College. She also coordinates experiential learning opportunities, such as the Honors Mentorship Program, and workshops for honors students.
    • B.A. in English, Georgia College & State University, 2018
    • M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    sfurry@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1cMiRcqPChgw_dmS43oh7_whtjf8cNTZ2Stephanie MasonStephanieMasonSenior Lecturer of Music912-478-5461Foy Building 3054Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDr. Stephanie Furry Mason is an active performer and educator. She is Principal Horn with the Hilton Head Symphony, performs regularly with the Savannah Phil, Charleston Symphony, and freelances throughout the region. Prior to 2000, Dr. Mason was an orchestral and recording studio hornist in Los Angeles. She can be heard on hundreds of movie, jingle, and commercial recordings in a variety of musical styles. Her prior orchestral experience includes the Pacific Symphony, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, Hollywood Brass Ensemble, and many other Southern California orchestras. Dr. Mason has also enjoyed performing in New York, Washington D.C., Manchester (England), Florence (Italy), and Munich (Germany). Dr. Mason is a Conn-Selmer Performing Artist.
    • D.M.A., University of Southern California, 1995
    • M.M., Florida State University, 1992
    • B.M., University of Alabama, 1990
    M.M., Florida State University, 1992B.M., University of Alabama, 1990
    gdemars@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1atZa7kd_fOqkOKAccFA6uKK76lAPIbWvGeneva DeMarsGenevaDeMarsPrincipal Lecturer912-344-3285SC 1015Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologySince 2010, I have leveraged my expertise in biochemistry and molecular biology to foster academic excellence at Georgia Southern University throughout its institutional transitions. My teaching portfolio spans introductory cell and molecular biology courses, as well as advanced curricula in endocrinology and virology. I implement evidence-based pedagogical strategies to create tailored learning experiences that meet students where they are while guiding them toward mastery. As coordinator of the Learning Assistants program, I maintain a dynamic educational framework that promotes student achievement and transformative learning.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I create an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that empowers students to reach their full potential. By combining research-based pedagogical approaches with integrated technology, I engage learners through multiple modalities while providing personalized support and differentiated instruction. I utilize formative assessments and learning analytics to adapt teaching strategies and provide targeted interventions. Through collaborative projects and interactive tools, I foster critical thinking while ensuring technology meaningfully enhances learning. My classroom is a space where students feel supported to take intellectual risks, where diverse learning styles are honored, and where technology enables deep understanding and engagement.
    • Ph.D., University of Georgia, 2010
    • B.S., University of Virginia, 1997
    B.S., University of Virginia, 1997
    Research Interests
    • Gpcrs And Heterotrimeric G Proteins
    • Human Molecular Endocrinology
    Human Molecular Endocrinology
    jlubin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1POKhfQilkjpGzimCMvCJEIFSrhufBa7thttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/jonathan-lubinJonathan LubinJonathanLubinAssistant Professor, MPA Core Faculty912-478-1405Carroll 1083Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesJonathan Lubin, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Administration from Florida State University, focusing on regional organizations and transportation planning. His research explores how regional and local governing organizations address collective action problems across jurisdictions. Previously, he worked as a legislative analyst for Florida’s Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability.
    • Ph.D, Florida State University, 2020
    • MPA, American University, 2015
    • BS. in Political Science, Florida State University, 2013
    • BS. in Social Science, Florida State University, 2013
    MPA, American University, 2015BS in Political Science, Florida State University, 2013BS in Social Science, Florida State University, 2013
    Research Interests
    • Regional Intergovernmental Organizations
    • Local Government
    • Transportation Policy And Planning
    • Technology Policy
    • Artificial Intelligence
    Local GovernmentTransportation Policy and PlanningTechnology PolicyArtificial Intelligence
    rayhashemi@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EbKHRx13fnk97-4tPZPKwV7ypn0vfw_pRay Tyler-HashemiRayTyler-HashemiProfessor of Computer Science912-344-2906276 Science CenterArmstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Hashemi has secured grants money in excess of $1.6 million from variety of sources including NSF, NASA, DOE, FDA; conducted collaborative research activities for over 12 years with the National Center for Toxicological Research, 10 years with the Acxiom Corporation, and 5 years with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. He has published over 160 scientific articles; served as the thesis/project advisor, or member of graduate committees of more than 70 graduate students. He has served as general co-chair of 9 and program committee member of more than 80 national and international conferences; editor/associate editor of over 50 international conference proceedings.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that students in general, do not recognize the depth of their academic potentials. I, as a teacher and a mentor, try to bring them to this realization by following three principles: Hands-on teaching approach, Patience, and Providing for future professional needs of students. Hands-on teaching helps students establishing a bridge between theory and practice. Being patient with students builds their confidence and helping them to understand the complex concepts. The last principle is provided by giving a major team project in upper-level courses (similar to projects in real-life). Demanding from students to rigorously defend their analysis, design and implementation of the project is the key to meet the last principle.
    • Ph.D., EE, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1983
    • MS., Computer Science, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1979
    • BS., Physics; Karazmi University,1973.
    MS, Computer Science, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1979BS, Physics; Karazmi University,1973.
    Research Interests
    • Data Mining
    • Bioinformatics
    • Covert Channels,
    • Image Understanding
    • Business Intelligent Systems
    BioinformaticsCovert Channels, Image UnderstandingBusiness Intelligent Systems
    rmccurdy@georgiasouthern.eduRegina P. McCurdyRegina P.McCurdyAssistant Professor912-478-5614COE Building Room 4116 (Statesboro Campus)Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationRegina P. McCurdy, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Middle Grades and Secondary Education, specializing in science education.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is oriented around developing equitable, relevant, culturally responsive, and interactive science learning environments. In doing so, I prepare preservice and in-service science teachers to utilize problem-based learning approaches and STEM integration as pathways to connect science to learners’ real lives. I believe that all learners, especially those who have been historically marginalized because of their culture, ethnicity, and/or language, should be able to see themselves positively represented in the story of science and feel as though they belong in and have something valuable to contribute to science and other STEM fields.
    • Ph.D. in Education, Science Education (2021), University of Central Florida
    • Educational Specialist, K-8 Math and Science Education (2018), University of Central Florida
    • Master of Arts, Intercultural Studies (2007), Asbury Theological Seminary,
    • Bachelor of Science, Biology (1999), Florida State University
    Educational Specialist, K-8 Math and Science Education (2018), University of Central FloridaMaster of Arts, Intercultural Studies (2007), Asbury Theological Seminary, Bachelor of Science, Biology (1999), Florida State University
    Research Interests
    • Equity And Intersectionality In Stem Of Marginalized Students
    • Culturally Relevant & Culturally Responsive Science Teaching
    • Science Identity Development/Science Teaching Identity
    • Preservice Teacher Candidate Preparation
    • Problem-Based Learning
    Culturally Relevant & Culturally Responsive Science Teaching Science Identity Development/Science Teaching IdentityPreservice Teacher Candidate PreparationProblem-Based Learning
    hwbland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1JxKQ980Kwc9g_7P-Z9OFHfpRNGn6Q0h0Helen BlandHelenBlandProfessor912-478-5137Hendricks 1024 Statesboro CampusJiann-Ping Hsu College of Public HealthDepartment of Health Policy & Community HealthMy academic training is a B.S. & M.S. in Food & Nutrition Science, and a Ph.D. in Community Health Education from SIUC. Courses taught include Research Methods courses, Intro to Global Health, Maternal and Child Health, and Aging. Areas of research Include Maternal & Child Health, Physical Activity, and Stress. My research publications align with these interests (50+ peer reviewed articles, 150+ peer-reviewed presentations, 2 books, 25 grants). My service focuses on international public health with annual trips to Dominican Republic to serve as a Medical Translator. I also work with Emory University PA & Medical School as a medical translator 2x/year with mobile medical trips to southwest Georgia to serve farmworkers.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My philosophy of teaching is rather simplistic: learn through doing and facilitate students' quest for acquisition on knowledge. I set high standards for students and strive to create a classroom atmosphere of cognitive dissonance. By combining these two attributes, I hope to foster in students a desire for learning.
    • Ph.D., Community Health Education, Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale, 1995
    • M.S., Food & Nutrition Science, Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale, 1984
    • B.S. Food & Nutrition Science, Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale, 1983
    M.S., Food & Nutrition Science, Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale, 1984B.S. Food & Nutrition Science, Southern Illinois Univ-Carbondale, 1983
    Research Interests
    • Nutrition/ Obesity
    • Stress Among Young Adults
    • Physical Fitness
    • Maternal And Child Health
    Stress Among Young AdultsPhysical FitnessMaternal and Child Health
    alarachavez@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Alejandra-Lara-Chavez-57995222 Alejandra Lara ChavezAlejandraLara Chavez912-478-4733The Natural Sciences Building, Room 1104BStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyDr. Lara oversees the non-major biology labs "Introductory Biology I Lab: Environment" and "Introductory Biology II: Life," where she trains graduate teaching instructors on lab procedures, teaching methods, and classroom management. She earned her doctorate from Virginia Tech and has postdoctoral experience from the IALR (Danville, VA). She has published peer-reviewed articles, co-authored book chapters, and contributed to sustainable bioenergy crop production. With a MAT degree from Georgia Southern, she emphasizes a strong technical foundation while fostering student creativity. She has mentored graduate and undergraduate students in various biology techniques. She also updates lesson plans to align with current biology standards.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Lara recognizes that each student is unique and has different learning styles. She utilizes various teaching methods such as lectures, discussions, videos, and hands-on activities to accommodate this diversity. She emphasizes active engagement to enhance retention and connect classroom learning to lab experiences. Her approach involves group work, encouraging collaboration, and exchanging ideas. She highlights the importance of communication and writing skills by having students summarize their lab findings. Assessments consist of individual and group evaluations focused on conceptual understanding. She is committed to discussing research ethics and uses student feedback to continually improve her teaching practices.
    • Ph.D in Forestry., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2010
    • M.A.T. in Education, Georgia Southern University, 2020
    • M.Sc.in Plant Biotechnology, Bioplants Centre, University of Ciego de Avila, 2003
    • B.Sc. in Agriculture, Pan American School of Agriculture, Zamorano, 2001
    M.A.T. in Education, Georgia Southern University, 2020M.Sc.in Plant Biotechnology, Bioplants Centre, University of Ciego de Avila, 2003B.Sc. in Agriculture, Pan American School of Agriculture, Zamorano, 2001
    Research Interests
    • Plant Tissue Culture Techniques
    • Micropropagation
    • Transformation
    • Molecular Biology
    • Molecular Biology
    micropropagation transformationmolecular biologymolecular biology
    BMunkasy@GeorgiaSouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1SJIJ1OcQQFmj5kVLzigpczzkuUV_NRduBarry MunkasyBarryMunkasyAssociate Professor912-478-09850107D HollisStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Health Science & KinesiologyDr Munkasy was born in New Iberia, LA and was raised in Miami, FL. He presently resides in Statesboro, GA and teaches at Georgia Southern University in the Department of Health Sciences and Kinesiology as an Associate Professor specializing in Biomechanics. He also serves as director of the Biomechanics Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Exercise Science, specializing in biomechanics from the University of Southern California, Masters degree in Exercise Science specializing in biomechanics from Arizona State University and B.S.E. at Tulane University in Biomedical Engineering. He is also coach of the 8 time NCA National Champion Georgia Southern Cheerleaders.
    Teaching Philosophy
    When I arrived at Georgia Southern the University credo was “Hands on and in Touch”. This along with my engineering and biomechanics background allowed me to create a collegiate educational experience that is more than what is found in textbooks. I continue to use this foundation to guide my teaching. In my classes, students are provided with both lecture and laboratory experiences that emphasizes knowledge and skills not only associated with pertinent subject matter, but life skills such as computer competency. While I teach with a structured approach to problem solving, I utilize an overarching theme structured around the Principles of Training: Specificity, Overload, Individualization, Periodization., Periodization.
    • Ph.D., Unversity of Southern California, 1999
    • MS.., Arizona State University, 1990
    • BSE, Tulane University, 1985
    MS., Arizona State University, 1990BSE, Tulane University, 1985
    Research Interests
    • Jumping And Landing Biomechanics
    • Concussion Biomechanics
    • Technology And Athletic Performance Improvement
    Concussion BiomechanicsTechnology and Athletic Performance ImprovementCenter for Rehabilitation and Independent Living
    calvinwalton@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1AO6Hlw9Qp8z0Iw2Ex60WYpWgV88LlYSbCalvin WaltonCalvinWaltonSenior Lecturer, Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading912-344-3138University Hall, Room 206Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingCalvin Walton, PhD is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading at Georgia Southern University. His primary research concerns are arts education and African American male academic identity development, African American male engagement in teacher preparation programs, and culturally relevant and responsive teaching and learning. His published works include articles in The Journal for Learning Through the Arts, The International Journal of Education and the Arts, and English Leadership Quarterly, and book chapters in Advances in Psychology Research and African American Male Students in Pre K-12 Schools. In addition to his teaching and scholarship, Dr. Walton serves as Director of the Call Me MiSTER program.
    • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Curriculum and Instruction/Urban Education, 2015.
    • M.Ed., Coppin State University, Special Education, 1999.
    • B.A., Oberlin College, Communications and Black Studies, 1987.
    M.Ed., Coppin State University, Special Education, 1999.B.A., Oberlin College, Communications and Black Studies, 1987.
    Research Interests
    • Arts Education And African American Male Academic Identity Development
    • Black Male Engagement In Teacher Education Programs
    • Culturally Relevant And Responsive Instruction And Academic Performance
    Black male engagement in teacher education programsCulturally relevant and responsive instruction and academic performance
    tbarton@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fYrtQvVlTwfmbj-FPYqG16bE2V7U_oq0Taylor BartonTaylorBarton404-536-5080RemoteOnline onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentDr. Barton is a practicing principal in Georgia and a part-time professor of educational leadership.
    • B.A. Furman University
    • M.A.T. University of Maine
    • EdD Georgia State University
    M.A.T. University of MaineEdD Georgia State University
    bdouglas@georgiasouthern.eduBrenda Davis-DouglasBrendaDavis-DouglasOperations Coordinator, Liberty Campus912-877-1909HinesvilleLiberty CampusEMSSEnrollmentOperations Coordinator at the Liberty Campus
    Teaching Philosophy
    Students First
    • Adult Education
    Enrollment Department
    rhiggerson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Ds9EdkV9TbPyJaccfKoAyQ4xX4t2i7Z3Robert HiggersonRobert HiggersonInstructor 912-478-6099The Newton Building, Room 3302-AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI have taught for and at three different universities and one community college. My teaching experience goes all the back to 2003 (and even much earlier, if we count my days as a graduate student). I come from a family who made their living in the printing trade, and I, too, have worked in that profession. I have some published research and more on the way.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Effective teaching is much more than the dissemination of information, for it must involve inducing inspiration and enthusiasm for the subject matter being taught, and it must involve showing the value of what is being taught. Teaching is sometimes most rewarding when it takes on the form of reciprocity, when both the teacher and the student learn from each other. It is a creative process, not a purely methodological one. Finally, the traditional curriculum of reading, writing, and arithmetic must be expanded to reading, writing, arithmetic, and art.
    • Ph.D, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC)
    • M.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC)
    • B.A., Southeast MIssouri State University
    M.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC)B.A., Southeast MIssouri State University
    Research Interests
    • Early Modern Philosophy And Science (Late 16Th To The Early 18Th Century, Especially The Rationalists)
    • The Philosophy Of Language
    • Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Art
    • Mathematical Logic
    • Metaphysics
    The Philosophy of LanguageAesthetics and the Philosophy of ArtMathematical LogicMetaphysics
    rcouillou@georgiasouthern.eduRyan CouillouRyanCouillouAssistant ProfessorBrannen Hall 2033Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyDr. Couillou is a Counseling Psychologist and has been a licensed psychologist since 2014 in Georgia. He is a clinical faculty member of the PsyD program and teaches graduate classes such as practicum, intellectual assessment, and clinical consultation. He also teaches the senior psychology capstone course. His research interests include community engagement and service-learning.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Couillou strives to create a supportive classroom environment where students can engage in the content and enhance their professional development. Dr. Couillou also implements experiential learning in his courses which may include service-learning or other applied experiences.
    • Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Georgia, 2012
    • M.A., Clinical Psychology, Western Carolina University, 2008
    • B.S., Psychology, University of Georgia, 2005
    M.A., Clinical Psychology, Western Carolina University, 2008B.S., Psychology, University of Georgia, 2005
    Research Interests
    • Community Engagement
    • Service-Learning
    lparker@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Qj3tMwzBvYiYYuRetCyYxlJleC4xq-uVLindsay ParkerLindsayParkerAdministrative Assistant912-877-1905Liberty CampusLiberty CampusDivision of Enrollment, Marketing, and Student SuccessDivision of Enrollment, Marketing, and Student SuccessI am an administrative assistant at the Liberty Campus. I'm proud to be Georgia Southern University alumni!
    • Master of Science in Reading Education
    • Bachelor of Arts in English and History
    Bachelor of Arts in English and History
    aaschumacher@georgiasouthern.eduAmanda SchumacherAmandaSchumacherSenior Lecturer912-478-5750NewtonStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishThis will be Schumacher's 18th year as an instructor and 13th year at Georgia Southern. She teaches first year sequence (1101 and 1102), Technical Communication and Creative Writing.
    • Schumacher graduated with her MFA from Minnesota State Mankato.
    • She received her MA. in English from Iowa State University.
    She received her MA in English from Iowa State University.
    yujinpark@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Q6xlthRUYCBP8Y2L6BxPSYnfzvMaIpHtYujin ParkYujinParkPart Time Teaching FacultyOnline onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentYujin Park is teaching Instructional Design at Georgia Southern University as a part time teaching faculty. She is a Ph.D. in Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies at Florida State University. She received an M.A. in Educational Technology from Seoul National University, and a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Pedagogy at Jinju National University in Education in South Korea. Her research interests include teacher professional development in online settings, digital literacy, and technology integration in educational practice.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Her teaching philosophy is people first and technology for all. She tries to understand students’ status first and apply technology to learning together and interacting with content, students, and instructors.
    • Ph.D., Florida State University, 2023
    Research Interests
    • Teacher Professional Learning
    • Adult Learners' Online Informal Learning
    • Social Network Analysis
    Adult Learners' Online Informal LearningSocial Network Analysis
    cstoddard@georgiasouthern.eduCasey AltmanCaseyAltmanCreative Design Director912-478-6667Center for Art & TheatreStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtI'm currently serving as Creative Design Director at Georgia Southern University's Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art, where I manage communications, design promotional materials, and lead student engagement initiatives. I specialize in fostering student success, coordinating community outreach, and executing strategic recruitment and retention efforts. My background includes editorial leadership roles at publications along with extensive experience in event planning, social media management, and project coordination.
    • B.S. Journalism, Georgia Southern University, 2007
    cbaldwin@georigasouthern.eduCassandra BaldwinCassandraBaldwinAssistant Professor of Psychology912-478-7529Brannen Hall 1032Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyCassandra Baldwin, Ph.D, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology. She earned her Ph.D in Psychology at Texas A&M University. Her research interests entail learning about the behavioral, social/cognitive, and physiological/neurological aspects of emotion and self-regulation. She also enjoys learning about health and personality processes. She teaches physiological psychology, cognitive psychology, and research methods, teaching online and on the Statesboro Campus at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My goals are to ensure that students understand the content they are grappling with and to ensure they can see the links between the content and their everyday lives. I use a range of strategies that have been proven to be effective for learning, such as asking students questions about the content and themselves, as well as asking them to make connections between different fields. I also hope to help students develop skills that they can take with them after the course ends. Overall, I enjoy the opportunity to discuss anything interesting psychology and learning from my students.
    • Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2022
    • M.A., The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2015
    • B.A., The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2013
    M.A., The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2015B.A., The University of Alabama in Huntsville, 2013
    Research Interests
    • Emotion And Motivation
    • Self-Regulation
    • Psychophysiology And Neuroscience
    • Social Psychology
    • Cognitive Psychology
    Self-RegulationPsychophysiology and NeuroscienceSocial PsychologyCognitive Psychology
    jmutchler@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=apdXU_IAAAAJJessica MutchlerJessicaMutchlerAssociate Professor912-478-7400The Armstrong Center, Rm 232Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceDr. Jessica Mutchler is an Associate Professor of Athletic Training, and the Clinical Coordinator for the Master of Science in Athletic Training program. She teaches graduate courses in athletic training and serves as a research advisor to graduate exercise science students in the Biomechanics Lab. She serves as the state representative and chair of the Georgia ATs Care Team, and provides critical incident stress management services to fellow athletic trainers.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is driven by a dedication to student success and the development of lifelong learners. I believe student success is more likely to occur when learners are engaged and see the relevance of their studies. I provide a dynamic and interactive environment by integrating hands-on activities, practical application, and discussions. As an athletic trainer and teacher-scholar, I have a deep appreciation for the human body—its adaptability, response to demands, and intricate design, which drives my passion for teaching in this field. By sharing this passion and approaching each class with positivity and enthusiasm, I aim to inspire students to explore how their knowledge, skills, and abilities can positively impact others.
    • PhD, Old Dominion University, 2015
    • MSEd, Old Dominion University, 2010
    • BS., University of Delaware, 2008
    MSEd, Old Dominion University, 2010BS, University of Delaware, 2008
    Research Interests
    • Lower Extremity Biomechanics
    • Sport Performance
    • Sotl
    Sport PerformanceSOTLCenter for Rehabilitation and Independent Living
    amohammad@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ULAnHoWQHM6p6616PtBMo-A1D1hM2HhMAnwar MohammadAnwarMohammad850-404-2993COE 2156Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary Education31 Years in the Field of teaching and learning. Worked in three countries USA, Maldives, and India. Had the opportunity to serve on the "End of Course Test Item and Data Review Committee" for Georgia Department of Education 5 times. Had the opportunity to serve on the "Biology EOC Study guide" review committee for the GADOE.
    • MS., EdS
    sharrison@georgiasouthern.eduScott HarrisonScottHarrisonAssociate Professor912-478-5280Biological Sciences 1122Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyMy research uses population and functional genetic approaches to answer evolutionary and ecological questions. Research areas include genetic variation and the dynamics of inbreeding and outbreeding, the genetics of environmental tolerance and limits, sexual dimorphism, mitochondrial dynamics, and heritable bacterial endosymbionts. I am also interested in introduced species that can serve as “natural experiments” in evolutionary genetics, as these invaders often experience new biotic and abiotic conditions. A variety of study organisms are used in my research, including marine invertebrates (copepods, barnacles, oysters, brachyuran crabs), terrestrial arthropods (aphids and widow spiders), and reptiles (sea turtles and lizards).
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy stems from the goal of fostering a learning environment that emphasizes curiosity, active learning, and critical thinking. I aim to employ student-centered teaching strategies and facilitate meaningful connections between course content, other courses, and lived experiences. Everything is connected. I encourage collaboration, problem-solving, intellectual engagement, and, hopefully, fun.
    • Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2001
    • B.S., Brigham Young University, 1994
    B.S., Brigham Young University, 1994
    Research Interests
    • Ecological/Evolutionary Genetics
    • Invasive Species
    • Mitochondrial Dynamics
    • Endosymbionts
    Invasive speciesMitochondrial dynamicsEndosymbionts
    cgoode@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fktuHfIFhJwtmE2WnqdzbQeLXcvE4cLjCrystal GoodeCrystal GoodeAssociate Director, Pre-Professional Advising & Alumni Career Development912-344-3148Student Success Complex Rm 1067Armstrong CampusPosition serves constituents across all collegesPosition serves students and alumni campus wide.Crystal possesses over 20 years of progressive experience in higher education including program development, event planning, career counseling, and staff training. As the Associate Director of Pre-Professional Advising & Alumni Career Development, she currently oversees professional and student staff in assisting students/alumni pursuing full-time employment or graduate programs. Her areas of expertise include all aspects of the graduate school application process, personal statement and resume reviews, effective networking and job search strategies, interviewing, and more. Throughout her career, she has served diverse populations including dual-enrolled, first-generation, military, non-traditional, LGBTQ+, and students with disabilities.
    Teaching Philosophy
    • MS. Clinical Counseling Psychology, Valdosta State University (2000)
    • BS. Psychology, Valdosta State University (1998)
    • Using Type in Career Counseling, Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Gainesville, FL 2007
    • MBTI Qualifying Program, Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Gainesville, FL 2006
    • Career Development Facilitator training, Kennesaw State University 2003
    BS Psychology, Valdosta State University (1998)Using Type in Career Counseling, Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Gainesville, FL 2007 MBTI Qualifying Program, Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Gainesville, FL 2006 Career Development Facilitator training, Kennesaw State University 2003
    czinskie@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1QYuW84RkXBQx5SyvQ8l44GLGjc3hGRdgCordelia ZinskieCordeliaZinskieProfessor of Educational Research912-478-1438College of Education 3136Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingCordelia D. Zinskie is Professor of Educational Research at Georgia Southern University, teaching graduate courses in research methods (quantitative and qualitative), statistics, and proposal writing. She has extensive experience mentoring graduate student research, and her recent research efforts have focused on social media use of pre-service and in-service teachers, e-professionalism in the teacher education curriculum, and use of social media to promote student engagement in online courses.
    • Ed.D., University of Memphis, 1988
    • M.S., University of Memphis, 1985
    • B.A., Millsaps College, 1983
    M.S., University of Memphis, 1985B.A., Millsaps College, 1983
    gmaldonado@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1eFVbGfhHy4cZ7HOp4Ptua3K-N9_ytn6oGustavo MaldonadoGustavoMaldonadoFull Professor912-478-0016Room 1127, Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionIn 1981, Dr. Maldonado obtained his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering (six-year curriculum) from National University of Cordoba, Argentina. Initially, he worked in consulting firms and later completed his master’s and doctoral degrees in Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech. He worked as an Earthquake Engineer in California and was an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez. Later, he served as Chairperson of Engineering at Miami Dade College. During his academic career, he has taught more than 25 different undergraduate and graduate courses in Argentina, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and the USA. He is a California licensed professional engineer and a member of ASCE.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Maldonado's teaching philosophy emphasizes the transmission of theoretical and practical knowledge while motivating students and developing their ingenuity. Several of his classes combine classical lecturing with active learning techniques, including group activities, and competitions. He aims to engage students through motivational activities and interactive teaching, fostering student-instructor and student-student interactions. He uses presentation software for complex concepts and emphasizes the importance of understanding pertinent modern issues. His philosophy is summarized in key points, including recognizing different learning styles, simplifying complex concepts, encouraging problem-solving, and peer cooperation.
    • Ph.D. in Engineering Science & Mechanics, Virginia Tech (1992)
    • MS. in Engineering Science & Mechanics, Virginia Tech (1987)
    • BS. in Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (1981)
    • Associate Degree in Accounting, Colegio Corazón de María, Córdoba, Argentina (1975)
    • Licensed Professional Engineer (California, 1996)
    MS in Engineering Science & Mechanics, Virginia Tech (1987)BS in Civil Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (1981)Associate Degree in Accounting, Colegio Corazón de María, Córdoba, Argentina (1975)Licensed Professional Engineer (California, 1996)
    Research Interests
    • Remote Sensing
    • Lidar & Photogrammetry
    • Structural Analysis/Design
    • Earthquake/Wind Engineering
    • Engineering Education
    LiDAR & PhotogrammetryStructural Analysis/DesignEarthquake/Wind EngineeringEngineering EducationBuilding Environment and Modeling (BEaM) Laboratory
    jcompton@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1gq_xV4y-HIQ9rnL64G2sa7I4oalRETTrJ. Matthew ComptonJ. MatthewComptonDirector, Laboratory of Archaeology; Curator, R M Bogan Archaeological Repository; Academic Professional, AC912-478-5548Carroll 2256BStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyMatthew Compton serves as the Director of the Laboratory of Archaeology and Curator of the R M Bogan Archaeological Repository at Georgia Southern. Compton received a B.A. in Anthropology from Appalachian State University and later attended the University of Georgia where he earned a Ph.D. in Ecological and Environmental Anthropology with a focus on the archaeology of the southeastern United States. His scholarly interests most often fall within the realm of historical ecology with its emphasis on the human landscape and the interaction between humans and their environment. His methodological specialty involves the identification and analysis of Holocene-age animal remains from archaeological sites of the southeastern United States.
    • Ph.D., Ecological and Environmental Anthropology, University of Georgia, 2009
    • B.A., Anthropology, Appalachian State University, 1998
    B.A., Anthropology, Appalachian State University, 1998
    Research Interests
    • Southeastern United States Archaeology
    • Zooarchaeology
    • Archaeological Curation
    • Historical Ecology
    • Subsistence Studies
    ZooarchaeologyArchaeological curationHistorical ecologySubsistence studiesR M Bogan Archaeological Repository, Laboratory of Archaeology
    nnewell@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ITbNXvhlxcVO-jFnHDs_Wj46mPVSra1PNicholas NewellNicholasNewellProfessor of Theatre912-478-05323003 Sanford HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsNick Newell is a Professor of Theatre at Georgia Southern University and the Director of new play development at the Lean Ensemble Theatre in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, and is a founding member of the Lowcountry Shakespeare Company. Nick previously founded and directed the Hilton Head Island New Play Festival and served as Artistic Director of the interactive theatre company Bok Players in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His Acting and Directing credits in New York, Los Angeles, Boston and regional theatres across the country. In 2025 he was inducted into the National Theatre Conference and has received multiple awards from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival.
    • MFA in Acting Moscow Art Theatre School/Institute for Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University
    • BA. in Theatre and History, Hanover College
    BA in Theatre and History, Hanover College
    Research Interests
    • New Play Development
    • Directing
    csmith@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=14XXbA7aswkFc9xHTlSLdQC9hl4-6T7bgChasen SmithChasenSmithSenior Lecturer of Mathematics912-478-4727Math/Physics Building, Room 3034Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesChasen Smith is a Senior Lecturer of Mathematics at Georgia Southern University, where he has taught since 2012. He teaches core courses, including Calculus, as well as math content courses for pre-service elementary and middle grades teachers. He has served as the coordinator of the Eagle Undergraduate Math Conference and the annual invitational Georgia Southern Math Tournament. He co-organized the Undergraduate Student Poster Sessions at JMM and the Undergraduate Student Paper Sessions at MathFest from 2016 to 2022. He has been an AP Calculus Reader since 2016. Starting in 2022, he became a College Board-endorsed AP Workshop Consultant and has led more than a dozen AP Summer Institutes for AP Calculus AB/BC and AP Precalculus.
    • M.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • B.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern University, 2009
    B.S. Mathematics, Georgia Southern University, 2009
    aperalta@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1tjI9-BKRytFqLhD0UXyC5tANExRj3AayAlexander PeraltaAlexanderPeraltaPart-Time Instructor912-344-2566Science Center 228Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyI graduated with my master's in experimental psychology in Spring 2024. I am currently applying for clinical/community PhD programs. I got my undergraduate and master's at Georgia Southern University. I found my passion for teaching during my master's program when I developed my brief intervention for college students using Dungeons and Dragons. Ever since I took Introduction to Psychology I was hooked and knew that psychology was the field I needed to be in.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I have always seen teaching as a collaborative session, where everyone can share their opinions and not only learn from the professor, but other students.
    • Bachelor in Science
    • Master's in Experimental Psychology
    • Seminar in Teaching Certificate
    Master's in Experimental PsychologySeminar in Teaching Certificate
    Research Interests
    • Brief Interventions
    • Addressing Biases
    • Anxiety And Adjustment To College
    • Community Psychology
    Addressing BiasesAnxiety and Adjustment to CollegeCommunity Psychology
    eosilva@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=O_oDg4QAAAAJ&hl=enEric O. SilvaEric O.SilvaProfessor of Sociology912-478-1964Carroll 1013AStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyEric Silva's research focuses on the public construction of cultural conflicts (e.g., vaccines, evolutionary theory, and immigration policy) and has appeared in Symbolic Interaction, Public Understanding of Science, and Health Communication.
    • PhD in Sociology from University of California, Davis
    Research Interests
    • Symbolic Interaction
    • Stigma
    • Social Construction
    stigmasocial construction
    dholt@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1mtwNUEj7ggdsAtYwTBGspQygqI88UB56Dorothy HoltDorothyHoltPart time instructor912-344-2550Online onlyWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceI have been a resident of Georgia for about 34 years! I am originally from Texas, born into a military family, leading me to relocate to Georgia as young girl. I am a dedicated mother of two wonderful kids whom I love and adore beyond words. I have been an Ultrasound Technologist for 14 years and I enjoy helping others learn and prosper towards their goals and dreams. I have been a part-time faculty with Georgia Southern for the last four years.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My goal as professor is to motivate students to learn while fostering critical thinking skills to promote a growing mindset.
    • MHA, Walden University, 2018
    • BSRS, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2011
    • RDMS (AB)(OB) 2011
    BSRS, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2011RDMS (AB)(OB) 2011
    yzou@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1bi5-hQFwYhyOGniHU5usBeKNWu2bl5J0Yuting ZouYutingZouSenior Lecturer912-478-5390MP3046Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesI am a mathematician by training and a designer by passion. I dedicate most of my time to teaching mathematics while finding inspiration and energy in exploring the intersection of mathematics, technology, art, and design.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My job is to help students discover their own unique, organic way of thinking, empowering them to bear the fruits of innovation.
    • Ph.D., Michigan State University
    • B.S., Xiamen University
    B.S., Xiamen University
    Research Interests
    • Ai Assisted Generative Design
    • Computer Assisted Proofs
    • Dynamical Systems
    computer assisted proofs dynamical systems
    mhughes@georgiasouthern.eduMartha HughesMarthaHughesSenior Lecturer912-478-5074Interdisciplinary Academic Building 2083Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesI was born in Atlanta and lived there until I moved to Nashville, TN, to attend Vanderbilt University. During my undergraduate years, I studied for a semester at the University of Madrid, a life-changing experience. After earning my BA in Spanish at Vanderbilt, I earned an MA in French from New York University (with all classwork done in Paris, mostly at the Sorbonne), an MA in English at Georgia State University, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature at the University of South Carolina. In 1988 I accepted a tenure-track position at East Georgia College, and in 2005 I transferred to Georgia Southern, where I have taught since. I have one daughter, who earned a BA in Anthropology and a BSN in Nursing at Georgia Southern.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I teach in order to help students think critically, learn about other cultures, and improve their reading skills. With these three skills, they will be well prepared to go into the world and enrich their own lives as well as the society around them. I want my students to have what I have had as a result of my education. In the classroom, I try to maintain high standards. As I heard a kindergarten teacher say once when asked her teaching philosophy, "If I don't ask for much, I won't get much." I want students to reach their fullest potential and to understand how important the learning process is, both in college and for the rest of their lives.
    • Ph.D, University of South Carolina, 2008
    • M.A., Georgia State University, 1985
    • M.A., New York University, 1975
    • B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1971
    M.A., Georgia State University, 1985 M.A., New York University, 1975B.A., Vanderbilt University, 1971
    Research Interests
    • Comparative Literature
    • 18Th Century Literature
    • Hegel
    • French Linguistics
    18th Century Literature Hegel French Linguistics
    kpatterson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uaY8oW-q-ZsLQh2RoPbBvVeZhyUWeTE8https://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/kristina-patterson-2Kristina PattersonKristinaPattersonAssistant Professor, MPA Core Faculty912-478-8583Carroll 1064Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesDr. Patterson centers community voice in her research, which focuses on opportunities for the development of civic identity, skills, and knowledge, particularly for members of historically marginalized groups. Her work bridges scholarship and practice, facilitating collaboration across organizations and sectors to build capacity to meet community needs. She has held leadership positions in a range of nonprofit and public community-based organizations including serving as the co-chair of the Statesboro Youth Commission, where she was instrumental in developing and implementing the Statesboro Village Builders Initiative.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My approach is to meet students where they are, offer individualized support to guide students to mastery of the content, as well as encourage them to reflect on their learning. I believe it is my job as a teacher to support my students’ success beyond my classroom. I structure my classroom to engage diverse learners and ensure they develop skills and knowledge that will support their success long after the course ends. One of my key goals is to inspire self-directed learning. Most importantly, I endeavor to convey to my students that I value them as people first, and students second, as my teaching philosophy is that students learn best when they are valued and supported.
    • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017
    • M.A., Virginia State University, 2007
    • B.A., University of Virginia, 1994
    M.A., Virginia State University, 2007B.A., University of Virginia, 1994
    Research Interests
    • Community Engaged Research
    • Civic Engagement
    • Education Policy
    • Equity
    Civic engagementEducation policyEquityNational Youth Advocacy and Resilience Research Center, Institute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities
    sbeall@georgiasouthern.eduSara BeallSaraBeallPT Instructor912-478-5648College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationI teach ISCI Life and Earth Science.
    • M.S. Georgia Southern University
    kleibelsperger@georgiasouthern.eduKelsey LeibelspergerKelseyLeibelspergerInstructor912-478-8007University Hall 225Armstrong CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyKelsey Leibelsperger, Ph.D., is an instructor at Georgia Southern University. She focuses on gender, substance use, and sentencing outcomes as her main areas of research.
    • Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
    lli@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=10B4ztlb5Uav3ptXZKMXzlKOUq-pLBWaWhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/lixin-li, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aGnh-KYAAAAJ&hl=enLixin LiLixinLiProfessor912-478-7646IT 2325Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceDr. Lixin Li is a tenured Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences at Georgia Southern University. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China in 1997 and 1999. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2003 from University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Li’s research focuses on spatiotemporal interpolation methods, air pollution and GIS (Geographic Information System) applications and Machine Learning. She has more than 60 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and conference proceeding publications.
    Teaching Philosophy
    (1) To have students to truly learn something by discovering and doing it for themselves. I always make sure to provide students plenty opportunities to discover and do things themselves. (2) To create lifelong learning spirit. Lifelong learning is a requirement for success. This is especially true in the field of computer science because technology is constantly changing and evolving. (3) To foster critical thinking. As Albert Einstein stated, "Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach." I believe that allowing students to be creative and encouraging them to inquire about topics that are of their interest will help fostering their critical thinking skills.
    • Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2003
    • M.S., Computer Science, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1999
    • B.S., Computer Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1997
    M.S., Computer Science, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1999B.S., Computer Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China, 1997
    Research Interests
    • Machine Learning
    • Spatiotemporal Interpolation Methods
    • Air Pollution
    • Gis (Geographic Information System) Applications
    Spatiotemporal interpolation methodsair pollutionGIS (Geographic Information System) applications
    mhhernandez@georgiasouthern.eduHelena HernandezHelenaHernandezPrincipal Lecturer and Administrative Coordinator912-478-1381Interdisciplinary Academic Building, Office 2049Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesM.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2005M.B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2000B.A., Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá – Colombia, 1995
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University with a concentration in Spanish Education
    jmccooey@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1wyGWtJjHl1Yk2wMWAlQtdpuarIMMUSzSJacob McCooeyJacobMcCooeyPart Time Professor of Music912-334-1525Foy 4049Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicJacob McCooey received his Master's Degree in music with a focus in music theory from the University of South Carolina studying under Dr. Danny Jenkins and Dr. Bruno Alcalde. During this time, his thesis "Becoming Musical: Towards a Typology of Non-Musical Sounds in Recorded Popular Music" was published. Mr. McCooey received his undergraduate degree, a Bachelor's of Arts in Music Education from Georgia Southern University studying under Dr. David Langley.
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2020
    • M.M., University of South Carolina, 2024
    M.M., University of South Carolina, 2024
    Research Interests
    • Popular Music Theory
    • Aspects Of Studio Effects On Popular Music
    Aspects of Studio Effects on Popular Music
    mgriffin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1cz81bTa-pMltnlpEnJjVV2ti-fkPmcnXhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=7z788XMAAAAJ&hl=enMarlynn GriffinMarlynnGriffinProfessor of Educational Psychology912-478-06952127 College of EducationStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDr. Marlynn M. Griffin is Professor of Educational Psychology in the Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading Department at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Griffin coordinates the Pre-Professional Block early field experience, and teaches graduate courses in learning, classroom assessment, and human development. Her research interests include teacher professionalism, e-professionalism, and teacher social media use. Her recent work includes an examination of initial teacher preparation faculty views on e-professionalism in teacher education, two examinations of the productivity of educational psychology researchers, and a content analysis of published news stories of educators who have been disciplined for their social media use.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As an educational psychologist, I am committed to using best practices for teaching that support student learning and are rooted in a solid understanding of cognitive science. My courses include student learning outcomes, assessments aligned to these outcomes, and learning activities that support student mastery of outcomes. Learning is supported through use of a variety of instructional materials and through the application of learning to personal experience. Until a student feels respected and valued, and owns the content, it is not theirs to take from a course. Thus, all of my courses are focused on making learning personal and applicable, and respect for students and support for their learning are important components of my teaching.
    • Ph.D., Florida State University, 1992
    • M.S., Florida State University, 1989
    • M.S., Florida State University, 1985
    • B.S., Florida State University, 1984
    M.S., Florida State University, 1989M.S., Florida State University, 1985B.S., Florida State University, 1984
    Research Interests
    • Teacher Professionalism
    • Teacher E-Professionalism
    • Teacher Social Media Use And Misuse
    • Preservice Teacher Education
    • Early Field Experiences
    teacher e-professionalismteacher social media use and misusepreservice teacher educationearly field experiences
    nhachempour@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1TXdkPJBRSEFM8uD9OHv6il49plKko28CMelody Hachempour MelodyHachempour Lecturer912-478-7381Interdisciplinary Academic Building 3069Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyMelody Hachempour, an Interior Design lecturer at Georgia Southern University, integrates hands-on learning and innovation into her teaching, emphasizing biomaterial experimentation and sustainable design. With over 15 years of professional experience in architectural and interior design, her diverse projects include residential renovations and urban planning. Melody is proficient in 3D and 2D design tools and fluent in English, French, and Persian. Her teaching fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration, inspiring students to connect theory with practice while staying at the forefront of design innovation.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Melody Hachempour’s teaching philosophy emphasizes creating an engaging, hands-on learning environment where students connect theory to practice. She incorporates innovative approaches like biomaterial experimentation to challenge conventional thinking and inspire creativity. By fostering collaboration, critical thinking, and adaptability, Melody prepares students for a dynamic design industry. Her goal is to instill a lifelong passion for learning and empower students to make meaningful contributions to the field.
    • M.F.A in Studio Arts, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    • M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering, Azad University, 2014
    • Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Azad University, 2009
    M.Sc. in Architectural Engineering, Azad University, 2014Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, Azad University, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Biomaterial
    • Sustainability
    • Human Well Being
    SustainabilityHuman Well Being
    achatterjee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1xu5l5d9x_7OIr3Vy759DhDgh_trXC7_NArpita ChatterjeeArpitaChatterjeeAssociate Professor912-478-0893Math/Phys Building 2307Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Arpita Chatterjee is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, specializing in Statistics. She earned her Ph.D. in Statistics from Northern Illinois University in 2012 and has over a decade of experience teaching undergraduate and graduate Statistics courses.Dr. Chatterjee’s research focuses on developing parametric and semiparametric hierarchical Bayesian models. Her findings have been published in prestigious journals, including the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics). In addition to her academic contributions, she plays an active role in the Statistical Consulting Unit, providing expert guidance on collaborative projects and applied statistical methodologies.
    • Ph.D., Northern Illinois University, 2012
    • MS. in Mathematics, University of New Orleans, 2007
    • MS. in Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2006
    MS in Mathematics, University of New Orleans, 2007MS in Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling
    • Clinical Trials
    • Ranked Set Sampling
    • Statistical Quality Control
    Clinical TrialsRanked Set SamplingStatistical Quality Control
    abullard@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jJRAQk6CNh9jfIO4bE6-PP_HDrJOV0UjAnnessia Bullard, PhDAnnessiaBullard, PhDPart-time Instructor of Educational PsychologyOnline onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingDr. Annessia Bullard is a part-time Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, teaching at both Georgia Southern University and the University of Georgia. She is also the Assistant Editor for the Journal of Advanced Academics. Under Emory University’s Office of the Provost social justice grant program, she assists with program development to expose K-12 students to medical and scientific pathways, in partnership with the School of Medicine and the Center for Civic and Community Engagement. In 2023, she received the Outstanding Doctoral Student Award in Gifted and Creative Education from UGA's Department of Educational Psychology and the Carolyn Callahan Doctoral Student Award from the National Association for Gifted Children.
    • PhD, University of Georgia, 2023
    • MEd, University of Georgia, 2022
    • MSA, Central Michigan University, 2013
    • BA., Spelman College, 2009
    MEd, University of Georgia, 2022MSA, Central Michigan University, 2013 BA, Spelman College, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Medical And Scientific Pathway Programs
    • Stem Identity Development
    • Motivation And Self-Efficacy
    • K-12 Gifted And Advanced Education
    STEM identity developmentMotivation and self-efficacyK-12 gifted and advanced education
    fcubassuazo@georgiasouthern.eduFrancisco CubasFranciscoCubasAssociate Professor912-478-2822Engineering Building, Room 1101DStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Francisco Cubas is an Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. As a scholar, he has secured research funding ($ 2.9+ Million), published in peer-reviewed journals, co-established the Environmental, Water Resources, and Sustainability lab, and mentored several graduate students. His research area includes watershed management, surface water quality, resources recovery, and sustainability. His research focuses specifically on the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients at the sediment-water interface of freshwaters; sustainable on-site water treatment; nutrient recovery; and water reuse. His professional service includes advising committees and boards in the professional field. He is currently the MSCE program coordinator.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Cubas’ goal is to teach students how to learn, and to instill curiosity and passion for learning that they will carry into their careers. Dr. Cubas imparts fundamentals and general engineering concepts, which are essential for the edification of a solid base that will provide students with the problem-solving skills required to face current engineering challenges. Next to a rigorous theoretical background, practical engineering problems are used to illustrate how theoretical concepts may be applied to address real-world problems. Dr. Cubas believes that an atmosphere which provides students with a challenging, but fun environment, is necessary to inspire them to expand their knowledge to solve problems requiring unique solutions.
    • Doctorate of Philosophy, Civil Engineering - Virginia Tech, 2012
    • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering - Vriginia Tech, 2006
    • Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering - National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), 2000
    • Post-doctoral Associate, Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory - Virginia Tech, 2012-2014
    Master of Science in Environmental Engineering - Vriginia Tech, 2006Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering - National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH), 2000 Post-doctoral Associate, Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory - Virginia Tech, 2012-2014
    Research Interests
    • Watershed Management
    • Surface Water Quality
    • Nutrient Cycling At The Sediment-Water Interface Of Freshwaters
    • Resources Recovery
    • Sustainable On-Site Water Treatment
    Surface water qualityNutrient cycling at the sediment-water interface of freshwatersResources recovery Sustainable on-site water treatmentEngineering & Research Facility, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Institute for Vibrant and Engaged Communities, Institute for Water and Health, Environmental, Water Resources and Sustainability Laboratory
    mgarcia@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://sciprofiles.com/profile/3208578Miguel GarcíaMiguelGarcíaAssociate Professor of Spanish912-478-5695Interdisciplinary Academic Building, 2080Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesA first-generation college student, Miguel García completed his Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics. He received his M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics, and B.A. in Spanish. He teaches all levels of Spanish, including introductory and intermediate language classes, as well as upper-level and graduate Hispanic Linguistics courses. Professor García is originally from Lima, Peru, and has conducted linguistic fieldwork multiple times in Lima and in the Amazonian region of Peru. Professor García is currently the Spanish Section Leader in the department.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Three pillars guide my teaching: engage and challenge my students in a welcoming and supportive environment; promote (language) learning through meaningful and creative activities/assignments; and help students develop critical thinking skills, career readiness competencies, as well as linguistic and cultural awareness. Each semester, one of my main goals is to get to know my students better. I also aim to facilitate creative use of the Spanish language. Ultimately, I invite all my students to explore the linguistic and cultural richness of the Spanish-speaking world, either by working with authentic resources, interviewing/conversing with native Spanish speakers, or exploring/analyzing the Spanish found in their communities.
    • Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2016
    • M.A., Stony Brook University, 2011
    • B.A., Stony Brook University, 2009
    M.A., Stony Brook University, 2011B.A., Stony Brook University, 2009
    Research Interests
    • Hispanic Linguistics
    • Spanish Prosody/Intonation
    • Language Contact
    • Spanish In The Us
    • Second Language Acquisition
    Spanish Prosody/IntonationLanguage ContactSpanish in the USSecond Language Acquisition
    adiamanduros@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1DvCJgUnkLcp-NQuO9S-CYxF9dHCBICEhAndrew DiamandurosAndrewDiamandurosAcademic Professional / Lecturer912-478-1876BioSci room 1128Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyPROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: Academic Professional / Lecturer at GSU, Research Manager at GSU, Senior Research Staff at Multiple Sclerosis Research and Treatment Center of New York now called the Tisch Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of New York, Research Specialist at Medical University of SC,
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching: Confocal and Electron Microscopes Use / Instruction / Training, Microbiology Class/Lab, Principles of Biology Class/Lab, Biology of Cancer, Physiology Class/Lab, Environmental Biology, Principles of Biology, General Biology; Please contact me by email for training or help to use the Electron and Confocal Microscopes
    • Master of Philosophy, Columbia University, Microbiology-Immunology
    • Master of Arts, Columbia University, Microbiology-Immunology,
    • Bachelor of Science, University of South Carolina, Major in Biology, Minor in Chemistry
    Master of Arts, Columbia University, Microbiology-Immunology, Bachelor of Science, University of South Carolina, Major in Biology, Minor in Chemistry
    Research Interests
    • Immunology
    • Microbiology
    • Confocal And Electron Microscopes Use / Instruction
    • Autoimmunity
    • Cancer Chemo-Therapeutics
    MicrobiologyConfocal and Electron Microscopes Use / InstructionAutoimmunityCancer Chemo-therapeutics
    trodriguez@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/terese-n-rodriguezTerese RodriguezTereseRodriguezAssistant Professor912-478-5563NURS/CHEM Building 3013Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of NursingDr. Rodriguez is an assistant professor that teaches undergraduate traditional BSN students on both, Armstrong and Statesboro campuses for Leadership and Management. Her non-academic career specialized in patient safety, clinical quality, risk management, value analysis and education.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is to provide students with a supportive learning environment in which they are allowed to be actively engaged. I believe in providing student centered education in which materials are provided with real world experience as well as interactive situations to provide tangible learning opportunities to correlate and apply reading materials to work experience.
    • DNP
    • BA.
    Research Interests
    • Rural Health
    • Interprofessional Education And Collaboration
    • Community Health
    • Justice-Involved Populations
    Interprofessional Education and CollaborationCommunity Health Justice-Involved Populations
    mmccoy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1sBtRej2-Y1GBsubx95dI2r2EzeoYTtQjMarguerite McCoyMargueriteMcCoyAdjunct Professor912-478-2787Ceramic and Sculpture Building, rm 1122Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtMy journey to the arts began in food as a pastry chef. I have been a ceramic artist for 25 years. Teaching is in my blood and has enhanced each position I have held throughout my career as a trainer and educator in the food service industry. Statesboro has been my home for most of my life and Georgia Southern remains a family tradition since 1931.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I am here to introduce possibilities and challenge ideas while providing guidance to students reach their goals. I strive to meet each student where they are in their educational journey and support them to achieve.
    • MFA (Georgia Southern University, 2024)
    • BS. (Georgia Southern University, 1993)
    BS (Georgia Southern University, 1993)
    darrellbrown@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1NwZN26H4H7QImIzh0heNLO0WR2XCVW8dhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/darrell-brownDarrell BrownDarrellBrownDirector of Bands / Graduate Wind Conducting Coordinator912-478-0195Foy 3064Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDarrell Brown is the Director of Bands in the Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music at Georgia Southern University where he conducts the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and is the coordinator of the graduate wind conducting program. He is also the conductor of the Statesboro Chamber Orchestra, and guest conducts domestically and abroad, and has performed with his ensembles at conferences of the CBDNA, NAfME, ILMEA, and WMEA. Dr. Brown received his DMA from UNLV, and he is an active composer, arranger, and researcher of wind band repertoire. He is a member of the Internationale Gesellschaft zur Erforschung und Förderung der Blasmusik and serves as treasurer for the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe in teaching the one, the individual and that a good teacher learns from their students just as students learn from their teachers. Students engage in a more effective way when they feel their educational needs are being met and that their teachers genuinely care about their education. I always strive to focus on individuals and their unique needs and to be accessible and available to my students.
    • DMA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    • MM, Brigham Young University
    • BM, Brigham Young University
    • AA, Ricks College
    MM, Brigham Young UniversityBM, Brigham Young UniversityAA, Ricks College
    Research Interests
    • The Music Of Cuban Modernist Alejandro García Caturla
    • Latin American & Caribbean Wind Band Music
    • Spec Music Of The 1897-8 Barnum & Bailey'S Circus In Kensington
    • Wind Music Of The Modernist Era
    • The Music Of Haitian Composer Occide Jeanty
    Latin American & Caribbean wind band musicSpec music of the 1897-8 Barnum & Bailey's Circus in KensingtonWind music of the Modernist eraThe music of Haitian composer Occide Jeanty
    rkmcneal@georgiasouthern.eduRyan McNealRyanMcNealPart-time Instructor912-478-8007Carroll Building 1100Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyPart-time instructor for Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • M.P.A.
    npowell@georgiasouthern.eduNicholas PowellNicholasPowellPart-time Instructor912-478-8007Carroll Building 1100Armstrong Campus, Statesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Criminal Justice & CriminologyPart-time instructor for Criminal Justice and Criminology
    • B.S., Criminology, University of West Georgia
    • M.P.A., Columbus State University
    • Ph.D., Sociology, Georgia State University
    M.P.A., Columbus State UniversityPh.D., Sociology, Georgia State University
    fkatz@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1R_uW-wnI3IOAPLD3XkaH4o39fXw7gNeEhttps://expertfile.com/experts/frank.katzFrank KatzFrankKatzAssistant Professor 912-344-3192210 Science CenterArmstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyProfessor Frank H. Katz is Assistant Professor of Information Technology in the College of Engineering and Computing and Director of the Center for Applied Cyber Education at Georgia Southern University. He received a B.A. in Computer and Information Science from the University of Florida in 1977, and a M.S. in Management from the College of Business Administration at Georgia State University in 1987.
    • MS.: Georgia State University, Management
    • BA.: University of Florida, Computer and Information Sciences
    BA: University of Florida, Computer and Information Sciences
    mtafazzoli@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1LoiLUJMoh6g_jtgyUo6YqC7G7xJTlcothttps://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=toVYiXAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&authuser=2&sortby=pubdateTommy TafazzoliTommyTafazzoliAssistant Professor912-478-6017201 COBA Drive, Bldg. 232, Rm. 1101 LStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Tommy Tafazzoli has taught over 2,000 students across 33 classes by 2025. He has a record of 50+ scholarly publications and has applied for over $12 million in research grants. His research spans sustainable construction and advanced construction safety technologies, including wearable devices for fatigue management. With over 50 publications in prestigious journals, book chapters, and peer-reviewed conference proceedings, Dr. Tafazzoli tries to be an influential researcher in his field.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Tafazzoli's philosophy focuses on preparing Construction Management students for fieldwork by fostering project-based thinking, workforce readiness, and adaptability. He emphasizes viewing construction projects holistically, balancing decisions with safety, sustainability, and budget considerations. Through experiential learning with real-world scenarios and case studies, he helps students develop practical skills like OSHA compliance. He models ethics and professionalism, instilling workplace values. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, he introduces emerging technologies and materials, motivating students to embrace lifelong learning and industry advancements.
    • PhD in Civil Engineering with a Focus on Construction Management
    • Master's Degree in Transportation Engineering
    • Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
    Master's Degree in Transportation EngineeringBachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Wearable Technologies For Construction Fatigue Measurement
    • Construction Automation And Robotics
    Construction Automation and Robotics
    debblackburn@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZwSsQMqrsNTWrgIQ-681c8x_RmkmvmqtDeb BlackburnDebBlackburnDirector of Senior Companion Program912-478-0712Veazey Hall, Room 2009Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyDirector of the GSU Area Senior Companion Program since 2012. Statesboro, Georgia. Deb’s professional experience includes DFCS, nursing homes, home health, Executive Director of an HIV organization and the Statesboro Regional Sexual Assault Center. She was the Chair of the Senior Companion Program Committee for National Senior Corps Association, President of the Georgia Senior Corps Directors Association, and Chair for the DBHDD Region 5 Community Collaborative for the Bulloch County Community Collaborative. Deb has won and managed over $3,500,000 grants. developed and managed non-profit and government budgets up to $1.2mil annually.
    Teaching Philosophy
    If we teach people about disparities in our communities that impact our economy and stifle the potential of those affected, we can encourage others to help overcome these issues.
    • M.A. Sociology
    • M.Ed. Higher Ed
    M.Ed. Higher Ed
    Research Interests
    • Social Service Effectiveness
    • Social Justice
    Social Justice Center for Social Gerontology
    mvimalcruz@georgiasouthern.edulinkedin.com/in/meena-vimal-cruzMeenalosini CruzMeenalosiniCruzAssistant Professor912-478-0395268 Science CenterArmstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyWith 10 years of teaching and research experience in Computer science, I love to learn and teach cutting edge techniques of Artificial Intelligence.I have completed Ph.D in computer science engineering in the year 2014, received Master of Technology degree in Computer and Information technology with gold medal from a state university in India. I have also completed Master of Science & Philosophy in Physics.I have published more than 10 research papers in reputed international journals.
    • Ph.D. Computer Science Engineering
    • Master's Degree Computer and Information Technology
    • Master of Philosophy
    • Master of Science Physics
    Master's Degree Computer and Information TechnologyMaster of Philosophy Master of Science Physics
    Research Interests
    • Brain Computer Interface
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Computer Vision
    • Machine Learning & Deep
    Artificial IntelligenceComputer VisionMachine Learning & Deep
    kkkelly@georgiasouthern.edulinkedin.com/in/kenard-kellyKenard KellyKenardKellyAdministrative Assistant II912-478-27272313Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer ScienceI am currently serving as an Administrative Assistant II in the Computer Science department. With over 5 years of experience in administrative roles within the academic environment, I have developed a strong foundation in organizational management, communication, and problem-solving, all of which are essential to supporting the dynamic and fast-paced world of computer science education and research.
    • Master of Science Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    • BBA Mangement emphasis in Entrepreneurship/Small Business
    • BBA Information Systems emphasis SAP
    BBA Mangement emphasis in Entrepreneurship/Small BusinessBBA Information Systems emphasis SAP
    wbelford@georgiasouthern.eduWilliam BelfordWilliamBelfordSenior Lecturer of English912-344-3256Gamble Hall 233Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. William Lee Belford, Jr. is from Savannah, Georgia.
    • Ph.D. Florida State University, 2006
    • M.F.A. University of Alabama, 2001
    • B.A. Sewanee, 1997
    M.F.A. University of Alabama, 2001B.A. Sewanee, 1997
    Research Interests
    • Creative Writing
    mvilleponteaux@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1hRD4e9CGjSYD49CcgbOePXwVkFLlNmWeMary VilleponteauxMaryVilleponteauxProfessor912-478-5905Newton 3304DStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishMary Villeponteaux came to Georgia Southern in 2006 after teaching at the University of Southern Mississippi for 17 years. She is the author of The Queen's Mercy: Gender and Judgment in Representations of Elizabeth I (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) and essays on Spenser, Shakespeare, and other Renaissance writers. She teaches Shakespeare and early British literature.
    • Ph.D., Louisiana State University, 1990
    • M.A., University of Sussex, 1981
    M.A., University of Sussex, 1981
    Research Interests
    • Shakespeare, Spenser, And Early Modern England
    pzellner@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1V7hygcrkmYNPFH6TeO8Rs3OvB2RF6oasPiper ZellnerPiperZellnerResearch AssistantBiological Sciences BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of BiologyResearch and Mentoring Program (2024-2025) fellow working in the field of ecological immunology.
    • B.S. Biology, Georgia Southern University, 2023
    Research Interests
    • Immunology
    • Public Health
    Public HealthEcological Immunology Research Lab
    eedwards@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1bWQSDPNk67CTrwYT-cD3eCx2cP7d0or_Elizabeth ProsserElizabeth ProsserAssociate Professor of Reading Education 912-478-5859College of Education, 3133Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingElizabeth Prosser is an associate professor of reading education in the Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading in the College of Education at Georgia Southern University, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses. She has published research on elementary and middle grades vocabulary development, and her current research interests focus on increasing home access to print with the pedagogical goals of increasing reading achievement, reading motivation, and vocabulary development.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching is grounded in sociocultural pedagogical theory. I recognize that both undergraduate and graduate students come to college from a variety of backgrounds and varying levels of preparation. I strive to create an atmosphere of trust where students take an active part in class as they discuss and share points of view as they socially construct knowledge. While I have constructive information that I want to get across to students, I want students to also learn from one another’s expertise. The overall goal for all courses I teach is for my students to put into practice information learned so that they continue to improve their practice.
    • Ph.D. in Reading Education, The University of Georgia, 2006
    • M.Ed. in Elementary Education, Georgia Southern University, 1994
    • B.S. in Elementary Education, Georgia Southern University, 1991
    M.Ed. in Elementary Education, Georgia Southern University, 1994B.S. in Elementary Education, Georgia Southern University, 1991
    Research Interests
    • Vocabulary
    • Sociocultural Pedagogical Theory
    • Home Access To Print
    • Reading Engagement And Motivation
    Sociocultural Pedagogical TheoryHome Access to PrintReading Engagement and Motivation
    canderson@georgiasouthern.eduRai AndersonRaiAndersonDiscovery Services Library Assistant912-478-51142220Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesCollection Services
    amandawilliams@georgiasouthern.eduAmanda WilliamsAmandaWilliamsAdministrative Assistant912-344-2556Fine Arts Hall Room 125Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtNA
    • Master of Science in Information Technology from Capella University (Graduated 2011)
    • Liberal Studies with minors in Biology and Library Media from Armstrong Atlantic State University (Graduated 2005)
    Liberal Studies with minors in Biology and Library Media from Armstrong Atlantic State University (Graduated 2005)
    creiber@georgiasouthern.eduCarl ReiberCarlReiberProvost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Professor912-478-5258Marvin Pittman Administration Building, Suite 2012, Statesboro & Burnett Hall, Suite 105, Armstrong CampusArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biology, Division of Academic AffairsCarl L. Reiber is the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at Georgia Southern University and Professor of Biology, serving the university since 2018. Beginning in 2020, he was named to the University System of Georgia’s Council on General Education. He is also Professor Emeritus, School of Life Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas.Dr. Reiber’s research focuses on the developmental physiology of cardio-respiratory regulatory mechanisms and their ability to change in response to environmental conditions. Dr. Reiber has been funded by the NSF, NIH, and DOE and has served as lead on several multi-million dollar grants that focus on building biomedical research infrastructure and student access to STEM disciplines.
    • Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1992
    • M.S., George Mason University, 1987
    • B.S., George Mason University, 1984
    M.S., George Mason University, 1987 B.S., George Mason University, 1984
    Research Interests
    • Developmental Physiology
    • Cardio-Respiratory Regulatory Mechanisms
    • Biomedical Research Infrastructure
    • Stem Education And Access
    cardio-respiratory regulatory mechanismsbiomedical research infrastructure STEM education and access
    sridgway@georgiasouthern.eduSara Emily Ridgway-JonesSara Emily Ridgway-JonesGraduate Degree Audit Coordinator 912-478-5678Statesboro - Veazey Statesboro CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies 10 years of service in various departments and a graduate of Georgia Southern
    • Georgia Southern University, B.S. 2013
    • Georgia Southern University, M.A. 2025
    Georgia Southern University, M.A. 2025
    melissaadams@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1O_J-zJQBq3Z0iqbLsQtkixdBpcoieXW1Melissa AdamsMelissaAdamsDirector of Research Operations912-478-7119Veazey Hall 3005Statesboro CampusOffice of Research and Economic DevelopmentOffice of Research and Economic DevelopmentAs Director of Research Operations, Melissa supervises the administrative staff and manages the day-to-day financial, technical, and logistical support necessary to sustain enterprise operations. Melissa is passionate about serving others and providing a high level of customer service to support the exciting initiatives of our faculty and staff at Georgia Southern.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Melissa is currently pursuing her Master of Accounting degree here at Georgia Southern to further enhance leadership and management skills.
    • M.A., University of Missouri-Kansas City, 2003
    • B.S. Psychology, Southeast Missouri State University, 1999
    B.S. Psychology, Southeast Missouri State University, 1999
    lmuller@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MF8MUWEXuaNpJrsg3VoTzJaRWzArvnwqLisa K. L. MullerLisa K. L.Muller912-478-0249Sanford Hall 3021 (Statesboro Campus)Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsLisa K. L. Muller serves G.S.U. as a Lecturer. She is also an attorney admitted to the State Bar of Georgia who practiced law in the area of civil litigation prior to her career in education. She currently instructs Communication Arts Students studying Public Relations and students studying other communications disciplines. She teaches in-person, hybrid, and online course formats. Specific courses include, but are not limited to: Intro. to P.R., P.R. Writing, P.R. Research, Campaigns, Intranational Comm., Senior Seminar, Event Management, Media Law, Advanced Law and Ethics, Crisis Communication, and Public Speaking. She taught courses in London through a study abroad program offered through the University System of Georgia Goes Global.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy centers around my belief that students should be offered a non-intimidating learning environment in which to accomplish motivating and challenging assignments to foster understanding. My prior education, community involvement, career development, and professional affiliations enable me to better instruct the students studying the concepts and applications of public relations and communications law.
    • Juris Doctor Degree (2001) The University of Georgia, School of Law, Athens, Georgia
    • Master of Arts Degree in Communications / Public Relations Concentration (2016) Western New England University, Springfield, Massachusetts
    • Bachelor of Science Degree in Public Relations (1998) Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia
    Master of Arts Degree in Communications / Public Relations Concentration (2016) Western New England University, Springfield, MassachusettsBachelor of Science Degree in Public Relations (1998) Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Georgia
    Research Interests
    • Communications
    • Law
    • Public Relations
    • Ethics
    • Generative A.I.
    LawPublic RelationsEthicsGenerative A.I.
    dagray@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18M2TpASJE89IyM_QqcKdQXx-AfiDb1CfDaniel GrayDanielGrayAssociate Professor912-478-1563MATH/PHYSICS BUILDING ROOM 1012-CStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDaniel Gray teaches a wide variety of undergraduate classes, and conducts research in Enumerative Combinatorics and Geometric Complex Analysis.
    • Ph.D., University of Florida, 2015
    • M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2010
    • B.S., Augusta State University, 2008
    M.S., Georgia Southern University, 2010B.S., Augusta State University, 2008
    Research Interests
    • Enumerative Combinatorics
    • Geometric Complex Analysis
    Geometric Complex Analysis
    tgiles@georgiasouthern.eduTimothy Giles Timothy Giles Professor 912-541-1400Online onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Timothy D. Giles retired in 2024, after 35 years at Georgia Southern University. His BA in English—Concentration in Writing—and a minor in Philosophy (1982), and his MA in English— Concentration in Professional and Technical Writing (1986) are from East Carolina University. He earned his Ph.D. with the University of Minnesota’s Rhetoric, Scientific, and Technical Communication program. A founding member of the Department of Writing and Linguistics, he developed the BA in Writing & Linguistics the professional and technical writing area, which is now part of the current BA in English.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Giles supports the social construction of knowledge as a foundation for his teaching philosophy, which means students need to be able to explain in writing, as well as verbally, the knowledge they would share with others. Being able to do so ranges from small group work in classes, to internships, where students can apply to their intended professions what they learned in the classroom.
    • Ph.D. University of Minnesota--Rhetoric, Scientific & Technical Communication
    • MA.--English, professional & technical writing emphasis
    • BA.--English, concentration in writing
    MA--English, professional & technical writing emphasisBA--English, concentration in writing
    Research Interests
    • Figurative Language In Scientific & Technical Communication
    • The Misuse Of Readability Formulas In Professional Writing
    • Technical Communication Pedagogy
    • Risk Communication
    The misuse of readability formulas in professional writingTechnical Communication PedagogyRisk Communication
    cwhite@georgiasouthern.eduWade WhiteWadeWhitePart-Time Lab Instructor912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    • B.S. Medical Laboratory Science, Georgia Southern University
    kaiken@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JVN9WZcAAAAJ&hl=enKarelle AikenKarelleAikenProfessor of Chemistry912-478-5238Nursing/Chemistry 3236Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsAs a teacher-scholar, Dr. Aiken engages in work focused on training the next generation of scientists. In addition to teaching, she mentors an organic research team of undergraduate and graduate students. Dr. Aiken has also served in various leadership roles such as an Assistant Dean for her college, a PI for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program (CEMITURE) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), a Faculty-Liaison for the Georgia Southern Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program, and a PD for the COSM IE3 Initiative grant funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). In research, she works collaboratively with colleagues on projects targeting medicinal and environmental applications.
    • Ph.D., University of New Hampshire, 2005
    • B. A., Williams College, 2000
    B. A., Williams College, 2000
    Research Interests
    • Synthetic Organic Chemistry
    dmincey@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1CtzzJg1s2ZlKDV5SGVD6zzggNq1ZfUF_Darnell MinceyDarnellMinceyAdministrative Assistant I912-478-8487Military ScienceStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceJoined the Eagle Battalion in 2011. Administrative functions waivers and Green to Gold
    • Georgia Southern University, 1995
    arainey@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1lDFYCZfWiPxcVsyqK7wSJTkkuP4A8fHOAllison RaineyAllisonRaineyAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5320Military Science, Rm. 1023Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Military ScienceJoined the Eagle Battalion in 2010. Oversee administrative functions, enrollment, and social media for the department.
    • Georgia Southern University, 2010
    jorvis@georgiasouthern.eduJeffery OrvisJefferyOrvisProfessor of Chemistry912-478-56813211 Nursing/ChemistryStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsBeen here since 1991
    Teaching Philosophy
    Don't tell them ... show them.
    • Doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry
    Research Interests
    • Nmr Spectroscopy
    yliang@georgiasouthern.eduDaniel LiangDanielLiangRetiree912-344-3264Armstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer SciencePh.D. in Computer Science from the University of Oklahoma in 1991, and M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Fudan University in Shanghai, China in 1986 and 1983, respectively. Prior to joining Armstrong State University (now merged with Georgia Southern University), I was an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Purdue University in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where I twice received the Excellence in Research award.
    • Ph.D. Computer Science
    • Bachelor degree Computer Science
    Bachelor degree Computer Science
    mljackson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1PMya9S8WEjRscuD1q9bvbwUoxOXcgEJLMelissa JacksonMelissaJacksonILL Librarian and Assistant Professor912-344-3125Lane LibraryArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity LibrariesMelissa Jackson currently serves as the ILL Librarian of Georgia Southern University. She began her work at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Spring 2000, and transitioned after consolidation with Georgia Southern University in 2018. She earned her MLS degree from the University of South Florida (1996).
    • Master of Library Science, University of South Florida, 1996
    • Master of the Arts in Religion, Florida State University, 1992
    • Bachelor of the Arts in Religion, Florida State University, 1990
    Master of the Arts in Religion, Florida State University, 1992Bachelor of the Arts in Religion, Florida State University, 1990
    dwatson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=166xkfPakJIMwR6hitI9zsHQdAhPxTpDDDarrien WatsonDarrien WatsonLecturer912-478-8546IAB 3085Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyDr. Darrien Watson is a Lecturer in Recreation and Tourism Management. He is responsible for teaching courses such as Conference and Event Planning, Marketing, and Youth Development. His research interest is leisure among race and ethnic groups in society and parks and recreation equity, and family leisure. His interest also involves the influence of culture in African American leisure and the navigation of barriers for diverse ethnic families. Dr. Watson aspires to utilize his research and teaching to be an advocate for recreational opportunities for underserved populations and contribute to increasing diversity in higher education.
    • Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024
    • M.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2020
    • B.S., Langston University, 2018
    M.S., University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2020B.S., Langston University, 2018
    Research Interests
    • Race And Ethnicity In Leisure
    • Family Leisure
    • Parks And Recreation Equity
    • African American Leisure
    Family LeisureParks and Recreation EquityAfrican American Leisure
    malnu@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=18_DgNQSC-gbFnsNB-f847S1e3zrgMfErhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fyQpFtsAAAAJ&hl=enAbid ShaikhAbidShaikhAssociate Professor912-478-0973Nursing/Chemistry building Rm 3233Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Shaikh earned his Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Boston under the supervision of Dr. Bela Torok where he worked on synthesis of chiral organofluorine compounds as potential therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease. After his graduation in 2007, he accepted a postdoctoral fellow position with Dr. Xudong Huang at the Harvard Medical School, and worked on development of novel MRI-contrast and PET-imaging agents for early diagnosis of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. He then joined Dr. Frank Schroeder’s lab at Cornell University to conduct postdoctoral research in the area of natural product synthesis before joining the faculty at Georgia Southern University in Fall 2010.
    • Ph.D. University of Massachusetts Boston (2007)
    • Postdoctoral: Harvard Medical School/Cornell University (2010)
    Postdoctoral: Harvard Medical School/Cornell University (2010)
    Research Interests
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Organofluorine Chemistry
    • Asymmetric Synthesis
    • Heterocyclic Chemistry
    • Natural Product Synthesis
    Organofluorine ChemistryAsymmetric SynthesisHeterocyclic ChemistryNatural Product SynthesisCOSM Core Research Lab
    kenglish@georgiasouthern.eduKarron EnglishKarronEnglishPart-Time Faculty912-478-56763054Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyPart-Time Fashion Merchandising/Apparel Design Instructor
    • Master of Fine Arts
    ssstewart@georgiasouthern.eduSheila StewartSheilaStewartPart-Time Faculty912-478-5864IAB Room 3060Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyPart-Time Interior Design Faculty
    • Master of Fine Arts
    amorris@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15LGiYrsM8qOqNSU22wnwkLYakG0rxUUQAshley Morris Ashley Morris Dr.Liberty CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishDr. Ashley Morris is a dedicated educator, leader, and community advocate with a passion for empowering others through education and service. With a Doctorate in Higher Educational Leadership, Dr. Morris has extensive experience in strategic planning, academic excellence, and non-profit development to her role at Georgia Southern University. Her academic career spans nearly a decade of teaching English at the college level, in addition to leadership roles in higher education administration.
    • EdD, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    • MA., Georgia Southern University, 2009
    • BA., Mercer University, 2007
    MA, Georgia Southern University, 2009BA, Mercer University, 2007
    cocak@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=15K-hW_2bn6_89wCFKBuDjIoATEYVU9zKhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MGRmKFQAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=aoCeren OcakCerenOcakDr912-478-00813110 College of Education BuildingStatesboro Campus, Online onlyCollege of EducationDepartment of Leadership, Technology & Human DevelopmentCeren Ocak is Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology at Georgia Southern University, USA. She previously worked as a curriculum developer and educational game designer, where she developed an interest in applications of technology to enhance teaching and learning practices. Her research primarily focuses on the embodiment of computational thinking, computer science education, and the design of learning environments that not only align with embodied learning principles but also integrate the social and technical aspects of computational systems, considering issues of justice, ethics, and biases.
    • Ph.D., Learning, Design, and Technology | University of Georgia, Athens, GA, U.S | Dec 2020
    • M.S, Curriculum and Instruction | Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey | Jun 2016
    • B.S., Elementary Science Education | Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey | Jun 2013
    M.S, Curriculum and Instruction | Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey | Jun 2016B.S., Elementary Science Education | Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey | Jun 2013
    Research Interests
    • Embodied Cognition
    • Computational Thinking
    • Computer Science Education
    • Ecological Psychology
    computational thinkingcomputer science educationecological psychology
    npalmer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=10fj_RA9K4rMpN3XjdOvHqodOr9iuldoyNathan PalmerNathanPalmerDr.912-478-78971059A Carroll BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyNathan Palmer, Ph.D., is a sociologist and Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University with a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Palmer specializes in exploring how individuals understand social inequality and develop a sociological imagination. His research and teaching integrate innovative approaches to sociological education, emphasizing structural explanations and interdisciplinary collaboration.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is rooted in evidence-based practices and a commitment to fostering critical thinking, student engagement, and inclusivity. I design courses to help students develop sociological reasoning through the SCI Model, emphasizing structural, cultural, and individual explanations of social phenomena. By integrating active learning and reflection, I strive to help students to connect sociological concepts to their lives. My approach is guided by continuous professional development and a focus on accessibility, ensuring that all students can thrive and achieve success in the classroom and beyond.
    • Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2017
    • M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008
    • B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006
    M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2008B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006
    Research Interests
    • Social Inequality
    • Understanding Social Phenomena
    • The Sociological Imagination
    • Explanations Of Inequality
    Understanding Social PhenomenaThe Sociological ImaginationExplanations of Inequality
    lmcgrath@georgiasouthern.eduLeticia McGrathLeticiaMcGrathAssistant Professor of Spanish912-478-1372IAB 2085Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. Leticia McGrath has taught all levels of Spanish at Georgia Southern University since 2000. She specializes in Hispanic film, Spanish theater, and 19th- to 21st-century Spanish literature, presenting and publishing her research worldwide, including in Spain, Peru, Mexico, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. Her books include Joaquín Dicenta: Spain’s Forgotten Dramatist (2004, Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs) and Joaquín Dicenta: La vida y la obra de un dramaturgo olvidado (2017, Editorial Pliegos, Madrid). Dr. McGrath developed Intermediate Spanish for USG’s eCore program, translated OSHA Infectious Diseases training slides, and serves as a subject matter expert for McGraw-Hill, creating exclusive LearnSmart content.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy, grounded in my commitment to student success—one of Georgia Southern’s core pillars—fosters an open learning environment that encourages lifelong learning. By exposing students to diverse perspectives and cultures, particularly from the Spanish-speaking world, I prepare them to embrace differences and grow as global citizens while enhancing their Spanish skills. I design courses to inspire creativity and critical thinking, offering opportunities for exploration, idea exchange, and practical application, all while improving Spanish proficiency. My goal is to motivate meaningful conversations, broaden cultural awareness, and equip students with the mindset to become proactive, informed global citizens.
    • Ph.D., University of Kentucky, 2000
    • M.A., Auburn University, 1995
    • B.A., University of Mobile, 1993
    M.A., Auburn University, 1995B.A., University of Mobile, 1993
    Research Interests
    • Modern Spanish Literature And Culture
    • Peninsular Spanish Theatre, With Special Emphasis On Social Drama And Film Adaptations
    • Hispanic Culture Through Film, With Special Emphasis On The Spanish Civil War And Historical Memory
    • Online Language Learning
    • Technology In The Language Classroom
    Peninsular Spanish Theatre, with special emphasis on social drama and film adaptations Hispanic Culture through Film, with special emphasis on the Spanish Civil War and historical memoryOnline Language Learning Technology in the Language Classroom
    Jrago@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1gt--toWIeICo8zsqqr_p3gWJZOIIwZW3Jane RagoJaneRagoNTT Associate Professor/Co-Chair Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies912-344-2937Gamble Hall 237Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishI have been teaching at Armstrong for 17+ years; living in Savannah, traveling, reading, and best of all spending time with students.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Student-led, inquiry-based, and always fun.
    • PhD, West Virginia University (2009)
    • MA., The University of Chicago (1999)
    • BA., Antioch College (1996)
    MA, The University of Chicago (1999)BA, Antioch College (1996)
    Research Interests
    • Gender Studies
    • Cultural Studies
    • British Literature
    Cultural StudiesBritish LiteratureGullah-Geechee Heritage Center, Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
    bmccoy@georgiasouthern.eduBrandon McCoyBrandonMcCoyInstructor912-257-3417Online OnlyOnline onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English
    • M.A., Georgia College, 2014
    Research Interests
    • First-Year Writing
    • 20Th Century American Literature
    20th Century American Literature
    lawilliams@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1n4lPDJgr0Tqq4oyODkWj7Y-IG7OLvBvvLeigh Ann Williams Leigh AnnWilliams Senior Lecturer 912-478-1866Newton 1124BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishM.A., Georgia Southern University, 1995
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching is something I love deeply. I enjoy teaching freshmen specifically because I like shepherding students into the university, helping them to acclimate to college life and to the rigors of academia. I believe that one should never stop learning, so professional development is an important aspect of my job. I also believe that students can enjoy learning and can improve their reading and writing skills through practice and various activities. My teaching approach involves treating students with respect and kindness while encouraging them to develop the literacy skills that all students need (no matter their field). I want all students to know that their ideas matter and that my classroom is a safe place to express those ideas.
    • MA. in English
    • BA. in English
    • Minor in Psychology
    • Various certifications
    BA in English Minor in Psychology Various certifications
    Research Interests
    • First-Year Writing
    • Creative Nonfiction
    • Narratives
    • Firsr-Year Experience
    Creative nonfiction Narratives Firsr-year experience
    amincer@georgiasouthern.eduAndi Beth MincerAndi BethMincerAssociate Professor912-314-2747AC251Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical ScienceNA
    • NA
    josephroberts@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1A4WsiTJJO7j3bhrVPSx0nAlrZ1zc2H8-Joseph RobertsJosephRobertsSenior Lecturer912-344-3309University Hall 292Armstrong CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesJoseph Roberts is a dedicated and passionate mathematics lecturer with over a decade of experience in teaching undergraduate mathematics. Holding a Master of Science in Mathematics from Missouri State University, Joseph Roberts has experience in Real Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations.With a commitment to fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, Joseph Roberts uses a variety of engaging teaching methods that cater to diverse learning styles. Known for creating an inclusive and supportive classroom environment, Joseph Roberts is deeply invested in helping students achieve their academic and professional goals.
    • Master of Science, Mathematics, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, 2015
    • Bachelor of Science, Mathematics (Comprehensive), Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, 2012
    Bachelor of Science, Mathematics (Comprehensive), Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, 2012
    bsmith@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1vO6SIeZw8fNjwxC38FPh-4ye1GwMzHp2Brian SmithBrianSmithVisiting Professor912-344-2591Gamble Hall, Room 140Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishI am from Augusta, GA, graduating from Augusta State University with a Masters in Education, Secondary Education, English. I taught at Georgia Military College, Augusta Satellite, for six years as a Professor of English, transitioning to a Visiting Professor of English at Georgia Southern University, Armstrong Campus.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe the ultimate goal of the university is to seek truth; thus, I utilize my instruction to foster mindsets and skillsets towards truth seeking. My curriculum challenges students to analyze their intellectual capacities, empowering their critical thinking to evaluate the ideas of their own minds, the minds of others towards, and ideologies of the past and present towards the ultimate pursuit of truth. What one thinks is less important than how they think.
    • MA. Secondary Education, English, Augusta University, 2016
    achall@georgiasouthern.eduAmy FrazierAmyFrazierpart time instructorArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    brupnik@georgiasouthern.eduBarbara RupnikBarbaraRupnikpart time instructorArmstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    elizabethdowns@georgiasouthern.eduElizabeth (Danna) DownsElizabeth (Danna)DownsPart-Time Faculty706-542-6147Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesDanna Downs is a Part-Time faculty member in the Department of Public & Nonprofit Studies.
    jlambeck@georgiasouthern.eduJacob LambeckJacobLambeckPart-Time Faculty706-542-1881Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesJacob Lambeck is a Part-Time Faculty member in the Department of Public & Nonprofit Studies.
    jbhall@georgiasouthern.eduJames HallJamesHallPart-Time Faculty912-478-1400Online onlyCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Public & Nonprofit StudiesJames Hall is a Part-Time Faculty member in the Department of Public & Nonprofit Studies.
    jmsmith@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1RFBUo_gMl0CsBNvkFQQGblqo-bjampGaJames SmithJamesSmithDr. James M. Smith, Jr.912-344-3196Gamble 232Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishEditor, Southern Poetry Review
    • Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1989
    edesnoyerscolas@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1WHbtOKrsh_E0ynOVo2zLGbEumeN5XAaeElizabeth Desnoyers-ColasElizabethDesnoyers-ColasProfessor, Communication and Africana Studies912-344-3190Jenkins 101Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsUsed story telling and narrative as an integral cultural oral communication tool. I focus on examining Womanist/feminist rhetoric in film and theater dialogue in the lyrical content of jazz, blues and rap music. I am a retired USAF Major as a Public Affairs officer who was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service. i served as a speech writer for senior military and civilian officials. I deployed to Operation Desert Storm, Dhahran Saudi Arabia as the Director of Public Affairs Protocol and the Joint Task Force Information Bureau, Haitian Refuge Humanitarian Rescue Effort, Guantanamo Bay Cub.
    • Ph.D. Communication, Regent University, 2003.
    • M.A. Public Relations, Regent University, 1987
    • B.A., Journalism, Central Wash. Univ. 1980
    • United States Air Force, Major, 1980-1995
    M.A. Public Relations, Regent University, 1987B.A., Journalism, Central Wash. Univ. 1980 United States Air Force, Major, 1980-1995
    Research Interests
    • Narrative, Black Story Telling
    • Colorism And Generation Z
    • Blacks In The Military
    • Academic Mentorship
    • Blacks And Mental Health
    Colorism and Generation ZBlacks in the MilitaryAcademic MentorshipBlacks and Mental HealthCenter for Africana Studies
    rramoutar@georgiasouhern.eduRia RamoutarRiaRamoutarDr.912-478-5055Nursing Chemistry buildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & PhysicsDr. Ria Ramoutar is a Principal Lecturer primarily teaching Principles of Chemistry and Survey of Chemistry courses. She has also taught Analytical and Biochemistry labs. Dr. Ramoutar’s research background is in Biochemistry, looking at the antioxidant activity of selenium and sulfur drugs on DNA damage. At GS, she has collaborated on projects studying the anticancer and antibacterial activities of triazole compounds synthesized by the Aiken group. Currently, she manages the department’s BSL I lab facility. Dr. Ramoutar is the advisor for the National Organization for Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) student organization and is on the advisory board for The Lab LLC, co-instructing FYE and CORE 2000 for COSM majors.
    • Ph.D., Clemson University, 2009
    • B.S., Claflin University, 2003
    B.S., Claflin University, 2003
    Research Interests
    • Antioxidant Activity Of Selenium And Sulfur-Based Compounds On Metal-Mediated Dna Damage
    • Anticancer And Antibacterial Activities Of Prodrugs
    • Chemical Education
    Anticancer and antibacterial activities of prodrugsChemical Education
    hwang@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/author?authorId=747829Hua WangHuaWangProfessor of Mathematics912-478-0366MP 2321Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical Sciences
    • PhD of Mathematics in 2005
    Research Interests
    • Combinatorics And Graph Theory
    • Math Modeling And Applications
    • Computer Science And Optimization
    • Mathematical Chemistry And Biological Mathematics
    Math Modeling and ApplicationsComputer Science and OptimizationMathematical Chemistry and Biological MathematicsJames H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science
    droebuck@georgiasouthern.eduDeborah RoebuckDeborahRoebuckDirector of TeamingOnline OnlyParker College of BusinessOffice of the DeanOver the last 40 plus years, Deborah Britt Roebuck has focused on helping individuals develop their leadership, teaming, and communication skills. She has served as Executive Director of the Siegel Institute for Leadership, Ethics, and Character for Kennesaw State University. At Coles College of Business at KSU, she served as Chair of the Department of Leadership and Professional Development and Director of the Executive MBA Programs as well as Professor of Management. In January 2020, she became the Director of Teaming for the WebMBA Program. In this role, she facilitates the growth and development of the WebMBA students in their cohort teams.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe individuals learn best when they are actively involved in their learning. I strive to use innovative approaches and an interactive style when coaching and facilitating student learning.
    • Ph.D. Georgia State University
    • Masters of Business Education Truman State University
    • Bachelors of Business Education Truman State University
    Masters of Business Education Truman State UniversityBachelors of Business Education Truman State University
    Research Interests
    • Communication
    • Leadership
    • Teaming
    ab46941@georgiasouthern.eduAustin BuchananAustinBuchananProfessor of the Arts, M.F.A, B.A.316-550-8452StatesboroStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtMaster of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Art and Visual Studies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Make everyone better,
    • Master of Fine Arts
    • Bachelor of Art and Visual Studies
    • High School Art Legend
    Bachelor of Art and Visual Studies High School Art Legend
    Research Interests
    • Inner Creative Ability
    rfulton@georgiasouthern.eduRob FultonRobFultonInstructor912-478-5138Sanford 1010Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsMFA 2006 Illinois State University
    • Master of Fine Arts
    devans@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EuTi1buniAex1x4iNtLEnmJCcvL5RFCYD’Erica EvansD’EricaEvansBusiness Development Coordinator912-478-059325 S. Terrell Street, Metter, GA 30439Statesboro CampusOffice of Research - Business Innovation GroupOffice of Research - Business Innovation GroupBachelors, Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • Business, Entrepreneurship, Communication
    Business Innovation Group (BIG)
    cynthiamassey@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1KvHeUgd4SgSn5OKqr3Frl-9wGkmilnRdhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/cynthia-masseyCynthia MasseyCynthiaMasseyAssociate Professor of Special Education912-478-5204University Hall #263Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationDr. Massey is an Associate Professor of Special Education in the Department of Elementary and Special Education at Georgia Southern University. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses with an emphasis on applying effective, evidence-based practices to prepare future educators for the diverse needs of their students. Her research focuses on the use of instructional technology, transition services for individuals with disabilities, and best practices in educator preparation.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Massey believes in nurturing future educators who are adaptable, compassionate, and skilled in evidence-based practices. Her teaching centers on fostering critical thinking, integrating instructional technology, and emphasizing practical applications that address diverse learner needs. With a foundation in inclusive teaching and transition planning, she aims to inspire her students to become innovative and resilient professionals, ready to make a meaningful impact in special education. Her goal is for each preservice teacher to graduate with the confidence and tools to support all learners most effectively.
    • Ph.D. Auburn University
    • Ed.S. Jacksonville State University
    • M.A. University of Central Florida
    • B.A Auburn University
    • Educator Preparation
    Ed.S. Jacksonville State UniversityM.A. University of Central FloridaB.A Auburn UniversityEducator Preparation
    Research Interests
    • Transition Services In Special Education
    • Instructional Technology
    Instructional Technology
    cboltongary@georgiasouthern.eduCynthia Bolton-GaryCynthiaBolton-GaryProfessor843-505-0856212 University HallArmstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Cynthia Bolton-Gary holds a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also earned her M.Ed. in Special Education from UNC Charlotte and a B.S. in Public Health from UNC Chapel Hill. Dr. Bolton-Gary has acquired several academic and leadership certificates, including certifications from Harvard Graduate School of Education. Dr. Bolton-Gary currently serves as a Professor in the College of Education at Georgia Southern University. Her extensive career in higher education includes roles such as: Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University System of Georgia and Interim Dean & Associate Dean at Armstrong State University (now part of Georgia Southern University).
    • B.S. Public Health - University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
    • M.Ed. Special Education - University of North Carolina Charlotte
    • Ph.D. Educational Psychology - University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
    M.Ed. Special Education - University of North Carolina CharlottePh.D. Educational Psychology - University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
    Research Interests
    • Educational Policy & Leadership
    • Instructional Quality & Evaluation
    • Educational Psychology
    • Data-Driven Decision Making & Improvement
    • Global & Interdisciplinary Collaboration
    Instructional Quality & Evaluation Educational PsychologyData-Driven Decision Making & ImprovementGlobal & Interdisciplinary Collaboration
    sthompson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1kufc_Mxe9ttioTkk9suyUdxiYD1ZVbNsSusan ThompsonSusanThompsonMs.912-877-1906Liberty CenterArmstrong Campus, Liberty CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is rooted in a supportive, student-centered environment but one with ambitious goals and expectations. My goal is to promote critical reading and thinking skills to support the academic expectations and writing goals of my students as much as I believe that honing those skills results in better prepared citizens of the world.
    • MA. Rhetoric and Composition The University of Central Florida
    • BA. English Armstrong State University
    BA English Armstrong State University
    Lholmen@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1eU18qoIqlE_cnjVTtD44PKVjTcysfqt3Lauren HolmenLauren HolmenArts Marketing Manager/Facilities Coordinator912-344-3169Fine Arts Hall Rm 139Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of Art, Department of Communication Arts, Fred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicLauren M. Holmen is the Arts Marketing Manager and Facilities Coordinator at Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Campus. She coordinates the Fine Arts Auditorium, Jenkins Mainstage Theatre, Jenkins Hall Blackbox, and the Fine Arts Gallery. Lauren manages the all front-of-house operations. She also handles marketing for the Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music, Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art, and the Department of Communication Arts. In her spare time Lauren enjoys dancing and supporting local productions.
    • B.S. Georgia Southern University B.S. General Studies 2013
    • M.S. South University M.S. Leadership 2015
    M.S. South University M.S. Leadership 2015
    asaad@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=11z9D6zW2uMojN5mNPtR2gJQ9bKvVHCMghttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ashraf-Saad-2Ashraf SaadAshrafSaadAssistant Dean912-344-3084University Hall 242Armstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Computer Science, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of Information TechnologyDr. Saad serves as Assistant Dean for the Armstrong Campus and Interim AD for Research in the AP College of Engineering and Computing. He holds the rank of professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of Computer Science.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Teaching through discovery for lifelong learning.
    • Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1996
    • M.S., Cranfield University, 1991
    • B.S., Ain Shams University, 1987
    M.S., Cranfield University, 1991B.S., Ain Shams University, 1987
    Research Interests
    • Machine Learning
    • Intelligent Systems
    • Hybrid Soft Computing
    • Computer Science Education
    • Climate Change Education
    Intelligent Systemshybrid soft computingComputer Science EducationClimate Change Education
    meganmurray@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EJ1PcqplNcVt9afwBumGsDg4iLIpI4SbMegan MurrayMegan MurrayGraduate Recruitment Coordinator912-478-2302Veazey Hall, Suite 1012Statesboro CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate StudiesGraduate Studies
    gchamblee@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=12DABf0uwXAPnVoQ5FbmI7IZiyEB5NV4bGregory ChambleeGregoryChambleeProfessor and Interim Department Chair912-478-5204College of Education Room 4101Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special Education, Department of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationDr. Chamblee, a native of North Carolina, began his career teaching in public schools before joining California State University Pomona’s Mathematics and Statistics Department, where he taught mathematics courses for preservice teachers and supervised student teachers. In 1999, he joined the Georgia Southern University’s College of Education faculty. His primary duties include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics education and supervising student teachers. Dr. Chamblee enjoys gardening, driving tractors, and playing golf outside of academia.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is to create life-long learners who are passionate about educating others and ‘paying forward’ their knowledge. I believe that engaging students actively in the content is essential to their learning. By fostering a student-centered classroom, I encourage curiosity, collaboration, and real-world connections to make learning meaningful and relevant. My approach incorporates diverse instructional strategies to cater to various learning styles, promoting active participation and critical thinking. Ultimately, my goal is to inspire students to become educators who will continue the cycle of sharing knowledge and fostering learning in others.
    • Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995
    • M.Ed., North Carolina State University, 1992
    • B.S.Ed., North Carolina State University, 1987
    • B.S., North Carolina State University, 1986
    M.Ed., North Carolina State University, 1992B.S.Ed., North Carolina State University, 1987B.S., North Carolina State University, 1986
    Research Interests
    • Integrating Technology In P-12 Mathematics
    • Using Differing Strategies To Teach Mathematics
    • Technology In All Areas
    • Curriculum Alignment
    Using differing strategies to teach mathematicsTechnology in all areasCurriculum alignment
    mfhe@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1KU2tSNVfT5zXpNvMIZIo_q0ZSLBPmfhiMing Fang HeMing Fang HeProfessor912-478-1546Room 3130Statesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & ReadingMing Fang He is Professor of Curriculum Studies at Georgia Southern University. She has been teaching at the graduate, pre-service, and in-service levels in the U. S., Canada, Hong Kong, and China. She explores education, curriculum, and life in-between the Eastern and Western philosophy. She has written about cross-cultural narrative inquiry of language, culture, and identity in multicultural contexts, cross-cultural teacher education, curriculum studies, activist practitioner inquiry, social justice research, exile curriculum, diaspora curriculum, narrative of curriculum in the U. S. South, and transnational and Asian diaspora studies.
    Teaching Philosophy
    An inquiry-oriented philosophy permeates all aspects of my teaching and supervision. I encourage my students to perceive their course or dissertation work as a quest for possibilities for cultivating humanity in an increasingly diversified world. I invite them to think of this quest as directly connected to their personal and professional concerns, research interests, and inquiries. I encourage my students to understand, synthesize, analyze, and criticize existing theory and practice, and to join the efforts to build an activist intellectual community where diverse voices are heard, diverse ways of teaching, learning, and researching appreciated, and diverse challenges and changes initiated.
    • I have been teaching at the graduate, pre-service, and in-service levels in the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, and China.
    • I explore education, curriculum, and life in-between the Eastern and Western philosophy with a focus on Confucius, John Dewey, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Daisaku Ikeda, Weiming Tu, Martha Nussbaum, and Edward Saïd.
    • I have written about cross-cultural narrative inquiry of language, culture, and identity in multicultural contexts, cross-cultural teacher education, curriculum studies, activist practitioner inquiry, social justice research, exile curriculum, diaspora curriculum, narrative of curriculum in the U. S. South, and transnational and Asian diaspora studies.
    • Master of Education and Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
    • Doctor of Philosophy in Education
    I explore education, curriculum, and life in-between the Eastern and Western philosophy with a focus on Confucius, John Dewey, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Daisaku Ikeda, Weiming Tu, Martha Nussbaum, and Edward Saïd. I have written about cross-cultural narrative inquiry of language, culture, and identity in multicultural contexts, cross-cultural teacher education, curriculum studies, activist practitioner inquiry, social justice research, exile curriculum, diaspora curriculum, narrative of curriculum in the U. S. South, and transnational and Asian diaspora studies.Master of Education and Bachelor of Arts in English Language and LiteratureDoctor of Philosophy in Education
    Research Interests
    • I Explore Education, Curriculum, And Life In-Between The Eastern And Western Philosophy With A Focus On Confucius, John Dewey, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Daisaku Ikeda, Weiming Tu, Martha Nussbaum, And Edward Saïd.
    • I Have Written About Cross-Cultural Narrative Inquiry Of Language, Culture, And Identity In Multicultural Contexts, Cross-Cultural Teacher Education, Curriculum Studies, Activist Practitioner Inquiry, Social Justice Research, Exile Curriculum, Diaspora Curriculum, Narrative Of Curriculum In The U. S. South, And Transnational And Asian Diaspora Curriculum Studies.
    I have written about cross-cultural narrative inquiry of language, culture, and identity in multicultural contexts, cross-cultural teacher education, curriculum studies, activist practitioner inquiry, social justice research, exile curriculum, diaspora curriculum, narrative of curriculum in the U. S. South, and transnational and Asian diaspora curriculum studies.
    mbasista@georgiasouthern.edu Michael Basista MichaelBasista Visiting Writing Instructor Newton Building 2225D Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishCurrently working as a Visiting Writing Instructor.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The classroom is a space in which interactions should serve to treat the classroom as a community. In doing so, not only will students have the opportunity to look at lessons through the different perspectives of their fellow students, but also through the perspective of their instructor.
    • Master's in English, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • Bachleor's of Science in Multimedia Film and Production, Georgia Southern University, 2022
    Bachleor's of Science in Multimedia Film and Production, Georgia Southern University, 2022
    Research Interests
    • American Literature
    • Creative Writing
    Creative Writing
    apease@georgiasouthern.eduAron PeaseAronPeaseSr Lecturer912-478-5936Newton 1123Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishMy teaching and research focus on multimodal composition and the representation of technology in American literature, analyzed through critical and socioeconomic frameworks.
    • Ph.D., University of Florida, 2010
    • M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1999
    • B.A., Central College, 1995
    M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1999B.A., Central College, 1995
    Research Interests
    • Rhetoric And Composition
    • Critical Theory
    • American Literature
    • Science Fiction
    Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureScience Fiction
    jdale@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=183AUuamPLJT7nrCprVspDar-4kl12GFKJanet DaleJanetDaleAssistant Professor912-478-5936Newton 3305EStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishJanet Dale has been faculty at Georgia Southern University since the Fall of 2013. She teaches first-year writing, creative writing, and literature courses for the Department of English.
    • M.F.A., Georgia College & State University, 2013
    • B.A., University of Memphis, 2009
    B.A., University of Memphis, 2009
    DCain@GeorgiaSouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EMrGYlOWXOIY8F9BkvBDDZVg_tKqJsuSwww.linkedin.com/in/danielpgcainDaniel CainDanielCainProgram Director: EAGLE Academy912-478-8407COE 3166FStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Elementary & Special EducationProgram Director of the EAGLE Academy at Georgia Southern University. With my 16+ years working as a practitioner that span across a variety of departments (including but not limited to): career development, student success, housing, academic advising, and alumni engagement.
    • Stony Brook University Master of Arts (M.A.), Higher Education/Higher Education Administration Master of Arts (M.A.), Higher Education/Higher Education Administration
    EAGLE Academy
    ktucker@georgiasouthern.eduKathy TuckerKathyTuckerEducation Coordinator912-478-11491201 Fair Road, Statesboro, GA 30458Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsBotanic Garden at Georgia Southern University
    • Education Specialist
    tparker@georgiasouthern.eduTina ParkerTinaParkerAdministrative Assistant II912-478-6105Veazey Hall Suite 2021Statesboro CampusAcademic Affairs The Office of Global Engagement
    mhuey@georgiasouthern.eduMegan HueyMeganHueyExecutive Assistant II 912-478-7412ITStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingOffice of the Dean
    • B.S. Georgia Southern University
    mhall@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1sEeek3MljqDQql9m8xwPmzQ8WgBn-TE4Michelle HallMichelle HallAdministrative Assistant912-478-1894Engineering 1120Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionNA
    • Hofstra University BA. in Communications
    wwood@georgiasouthern.eduWilliam WoodWilliamWoodLearning Commons Associate912-344-3011Learning CommonsArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesLearning CommonsN?A
    • MA. in History from Georgia Southern 2018
    • Enrolled in graduate school at Valdosta State University for a Masters in Library and Information Science. Anticipated graduation is May 2026.
    Enrolled in graduate school at Valdosta State University for a Masters in Library and Information Science. Anticipated graduation is May 2026.
    jstocking@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer StockingJenniferStockingBudget manager912-478-5649COE 1100IStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationOffice of the Dean
    • M.A., Bowling Green State University, 1995
    • B.A., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1991
    B.A., University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1991
    jcardell@georgiasouthern.eduJanee CardellJaneeCardellGrant Coordinator 912-478-0234Savannah Research LabsArmstrong CampusOffice of Research Office of Research Bachelor of Arts
    • Bachelor of Arts
    rschaffer@georgiasouthern.eduRose SchafferRoseSchafferLibrary Assistant912-478-2418Zach S. Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries Access ServicesStaff advisor for Hillel at Georgia Southern, chair of the University Libraries Exhibit, Display, and Art Committee, and volunteer for American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
    • B.F.A., Savannah College of Art & Design, 2021
    ckasay@georgiasouthern.eduColin KasayColinKasayAccountant I912-478-6041Veazey Hall Room 3013Statesboro CampusNot ApplicableOffice of Research Services & Sponsored ProgramsNot Applicable
    sholloway@georgiasouthern.eduStacey HollowayStaceyHollowayAdministrative Assistant III912-478-8644Veazey Hall 2000AStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesOffice of the Dean
    mdilworth@georgiasouthern.eduMichelle DilworthMichelle DilworthMarketing Manager912-344-3268Armstrong and StatebsoroArmstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusDivision of Continuing and Professional EducationMichelle Dilworth is a marketing professional with over a decade of experience, with a BA (2010) and MA (2012). Michelle excels in web management, design, strategic initiatives, communications, and campaign management. Currently serving as Marketing Manager for the Division of Continuing and Professional Education at Georgia Southern University, she leads comprehensive marketing initiatives to enhance brand visibility and audience engagement supported by market research and analysis.
    • B.A. , Quincy University, Quincy, 2010
    • M.A., University of Illinois, 2012
    M.A., University of Illinois, 2012
    thislop@georgiasouthern.eduTanah HislopTanahHislopCostume Shop SuperviorCentral Warehouse 1032Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsTanah has been the Costume Shop Manager at Georgia Southern since 2023. She has experience working at professional theatres such as the Utah Shakespeare Festival and Pioneer Theatre. She loves working with students and making stunning costumes for the productions on the GSU campuses.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I spend time teaching students about emerging technology in costuming. I also study history fashion and construction techniques. My shop is a bright and happy place where anyone is welcome to learn how to sew.
    • BS. in Theatre Arts from Southern Utah University
    jldavenport@georgiasouthern.eduJennifer DavenportJenniferDavenportAdministrative Assistant912-478-4848Information TechnologyStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information Technology
    sruffner@georgiasouthern.eduJessica RuffnerJessicaRuffnerPart-time Instructor912-344-2556Armstrong Fine Arts BuildingArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtJessica Ruffner is an art educator with thirteen years of elementary art teachingexperience. She currently teaches at Marshpoint Elementary in Savannah, Georgia where she has been teaching Kindergarten through 5th grade art for the past seven years. Mrs. Ruffner attended the University of North Florida where in 2011 she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in photography and a minor in education. In 2021, Mrs. Ruffner received her Master of Arts in art education from the University of Florida. Most recently in 2024, Mrs. Ruffner graduated from Augusta University with her Education Specialist degree in advanced educational studies with a concentration in art education.
    • BFA in Fine Arts
    • MA. in Art Education
    • Ed.S. in Advanced Educational Studies
    MA in Art EducationEd.S. in Advanced Educational Studies
    gcorley@georgiasouthern.eduGlenda CorleyGlendaCorleyAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5681Statesboro- Nursing/Chemistry bldgStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & Physics
    rcovington@georgiasouthern.eduCortney CovingtonCortneyCovingtonAdministrative Coordinator912-478-5111Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsOffice of the DeanMrs. Covington began her career as the Managing Editor of a literary journal while earning her MFA in Creative Writing. She then moved into university administrative work, where she remains while continuing to publish her personal works.
    • MFA in Creative Writing
    • BA. in Creative Writing
    BA in Creative Writing
    shutchins@georgiasouthern.eduSusan HutchinsSusan HutchinsAccountant 1912-478-2456Statesboro, GA 30460Statesboro CampusGeorgia Southern University Research & Service Foundation, Inc.Georgia Southern University Research & Service Foundation, Inc.Married to Mike; three children; 4 grandchildren. I enjoy crafts and quilting in my spare time. I also love to read and spend time with my family.
    • B.S. Accounting Degree 2013
    Georgia Southern University Research & Service Foundation, Inc.
    hpipkin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1hs4N-8N4VQ4yaf0nRns-MJrpxtKK0TSlHelen PipkinHelenPipkinAccountant II912-478-5076Veazey HallStatesboro CampusOffice of Research Services and Sponsored ProgramsOffice of Research Services & Sponsored ProgramsNA
    • BS./ACC, Indian Wesleyan University, 2014
    jdelaigle@georgiasouthern.eduJessica DeLaigleJessicaDeLaigleChild Development Specialist 912-478-2516Child Development Center Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyGeorgia Southern graduate 2009Child Development Center
    hlewis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Dhta7MWNd0WVEWs2Jl81REDxp-K3gDy5Holly LewisHollyLewisUltrasound Lab Instructor Armstrong CampusRadiology Department of Health Science & KinesiologyBS, GSU 2017
    ndjames@georgiasouthern.eduNicole JamesNicoleJamesPart-Time instructor912-478-2787Arts, 2022Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtNicole James is an educator, sculptor, installation artist, and serial crafter with a passion for an extensive variety of media and art forms. As such, she devotes her time to sharing this breadth of knowledge with others and taking on new projects to expand her own. Notably, in 2018, she collaborated with University of North Florida students and professors in an Interdisciplinary cast iron performance wedding, where she herself was the bride.Starting off as an interest developed through her own identity, she strives to develop a better practice for working with neurodivergent students. She has been teaching at Georgia Southern University since 2018.
    • MFA, Georgia Southern University, 2020
    • BFA, University of North Florida, 2015
    BFA, University of North Florida, 2015
    jpellegrino@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jfCp6dMdR3RO1k_tFWIcjUjEml6zhsInhttps://scholars.georgiasouthern.edu/en/persons/joe-pellegrinoJoe PellegrinoJoePellegrinoDr.912-478-58533308B NewtonStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishI taught my first college class in 1982, so I’ve been at this for a while. I enjoy working in the interstitial spaces between disciplines (like literature, religion, philosophy, and music) and modalities (like writing, web work, and other mediated expressions). That’s why I’m attracted to the hybridity in postcolonial lit. My pedagogical choices are always rooted in things I look like I’ve outgrown: a working-class background, a religious upbringing, and an unshakeable belief that an education should not just get you a better job; it should make you a better human.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I will put in the time to help students achieve rigor in their arguments and clarity in their writing. This is a matter of respect for the abilities I know they have. Expecting less than what they are capable of is insulting. Although I teach with technology, and at a distance, I believe in-person engagement with students cannot be replaced; a virtual education is just that, virtual. There is no online experience that equals the immediacy and efficacy of a class discussion with engaged students. Technology may democratize access to a college degree, but it also turns students into consumers of information, not producers of knowledge. Our students should graduate knowing how to think deeply, read closely, and write clearly.
    • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996
    • BFPA, Saint Louis University, 1988
    • MA., Duquesne University, 1984
    • BA., Duquesne University, 1981
    BFPA, Saint Louis University, 1988 MA, Duquesne University, 1984BA, Duquesne University, 1981
    Research Interests
    • Postcolonial Literature
    • Irish Literature
    • Modern And Contemporary Poetry
    • Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning
    Irish literatureModern and contemporary poetryScholarship of Teaching and Learning
    mprude@georgiasouthern.eduAlyson PrudeAlysonPrudeassociate professorNewton 3305BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesI study contemporary Himalayan Buddhism with a focus on the relationships between normative Buddhist and indigenous traditions.
    • PhD, Religious studies, UCSB
    rking@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Xf7Tw4NzzYuPBJQGLhKwElc_lsu8cmjDRobbi King GreeneRobbi KingGreenePart-Time Instructor912-344-2550Armstrong CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsDepartment of Clinical Science
    • M.Ed., Armstrong State University, 2016
    • BSRS, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2009
    • RVT
    BSRS, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 2009RDMS (ABD, OBGYN, BR)RVT
    crossetti@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=12ZsklCkM4-5ieNEWskqJzP7Te7hEdGWYhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_MXfeR4AAAAJ&hl=enChristian RossettiChristianRossettiAssociate Professor912-478-0756PCOB 3349Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Logistics & Supply Chain ManagementAccomplished researcher and educator with experience in supply chain, logistics, and operations management. Published impactful research in the aerospace, pharmaceutical, and healthcare industries focusing on Supply Chain Management, Strategic Sourcing, and Logistics. Expertise in multiple data acquisition and statistical analysis techniques. Award winning educator who has developed courses for Doctoral, Masters, and Undergraduate education. Team player who can lead or support research projects, program development, or administrative initiatives.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy focuses on enhancing students’ Knowledge, Skills and Abilities through Engaging, Enabling, and Ensuring. Using DMAIC from lean six sigma, I continuously refine my methods. I engage students with active learning and relevant coursework, motivating participation to enable success, and ensure learning through frequent measurement and feedback. By analyzing results and gathering feedback, I aim to achieve high learning outcomes and meet external stakeholders’ human capital needs.
    • Ph.D., Arizona State University, December 2006. Business Administration: Supply Chain Management
    • MS. Operations and Information Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2000.
    • B.Eng. Civil Engineering w/ emph in Structural Engineering
    MS Operations and Information Technology, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 2000.B.Eng. Civil Engineering w/ emph in Structural Engineering
    Research Interests
    • Supply Networks
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Buyer Supplier Relationships
    • Healthcare
    • Aerospace Industry
    Supply Chain ManagementBuyer Supplier RelationshipsHealthcareAerospace Industry
    cgourley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1R80IAYc6Vbh1Z0LoPAU1kx75eU0WsFMeCandice GourleyCandiceGourleyRegistration Specialist912-478-5551Armstrong CenterArmstrong CampusContinuing and Professional EducationContinuing and Professional EducationContinuing and Professional Education
    lloving@georgiasouthern.eduLakesha Loving Lakesha Loving Director of Clinical Practice 912-344-3155University Hall Suite 250Armstrong CampusCollege of EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Foundations & Reading, Department of Elementary & Special Education, Department of Middle Grades & Secondary EducationMrs. Loving is a veteran educator committed to helping young people achieve their goals through positive motivation. Mrs. Loving currently serves as Director of Clinical Practice at Georgia Southern University.
    • MS.- American College of Education 2016
    • MS.- Nova Southeastern University- 2006
    • BS.- Georgia Southern University- 1999
    MS- Nova Southeastern University- 2006BS- Georgia Southern University- 1999
    amills@georgiasouthern.eduAngela MillsAngelaMillsAdmission and Certification Officer912-344-2552UH 250BArmstrong CampusCollege of EducationOffice of the Dean
    • Bachelor of Arts, AASU, 2001
    • Graduate Certifcate, ASU, 2010
    • Master of Education, ASU 2016
    Graduate Certifcate, ASU, 2010Master of Education, ASU 2016
    melissabrown@georgiasouthern.eduMelissa BrownMelissaBrownStudent Services Coordinator 912-478-5668Veazy HallStatesboro CampusAcademic Affairs Office of Global EngagementMelissa Brown is a dedicated and skilled professional with three years of experience working at Georgia Southern University. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Savannah College of Art and Design and is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts at Georgia Southern University.Melissa is committed to delivering quality service, fostering collaboration, and contributing to a welcoming environment at Georgia Southern. She values continuous learning and strives to make a positive impact within the community.
    • Bachelors of Fine Art in Photography
    spaulk@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1hgeCXV3BvsqK9Ycs0KmmMbfxKgHMMN1kShannon PaulkShannonPaulkSenior Companion Program Coordinator912-478-0723Veazey HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyShannon Paulk, M.A., is the full-time Program Coordinator for the Georgia Southern University Area Senior Companion Program. With a background in political science and nonprofit coordination, she has contributed to impactful initiatives addressing wealth disparities and their intergenerational effects while working on various projects with the City of Statesboro's Office of the Mayor. Shannon is trained in both quantitative and qualitative research design, data analysis, and budget management, developed through her work in campaign and community-focused roles. She brings her expertise and dedication to overseeing volunteer activities and fostering meaningful community engagement.
    • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
    • Master of Arts in Social Science
    Master of Arts in Social Science
    Research Interests
    • Intergenerational Policy Impacts
    • Civic Engagement And Voter Behavior
    • Nonprofit Administration And Cross-Sector Collaboration
    Civic Engagement and Voter BehaviorNonprofit Administration and Cross-Sector CollaborationCenter for Social Gerontology
    tmorris@gerogiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Igt04wcPhmxK_OZaWXema7OnfL_rJeAXhttps://tonyraymorris.com/about/Tony MorrisTonyMorrisProfessor912-344-3123Gamble 204Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of EnglishIn addition to his fiction (Deep River Blues--Northampton House Press, 2020), Morris has published four books of poetry: Pulling at a Thread (2015), Greatest Hits (2013), Back to Cain (2005), and Fugue’s End (2004). Awarded the Louisiana Literature Prize, and the Tennessee Writers Alliance Award, and is published in over fifty national journals, including: Spoon River Review, Hawai’i Review, Southern Poetry Review, and many others. His poems are also widely published in anthologies, including: Georgia Poetry Anthology (Negative Capability Press, 2015), Southern Poetry Anthology: North Carolina(2014), What Matters (2014), Southern Poetry Anthology: Georgia (2012).
    Teaching Philosophy
    To help students learn and appreciate the best of writing and writing craft, and to develop into scholars of classical liberal arts.
    • Phd English
    • Master's Degree in English
    • Bachelor's Degree in English w/double minor in journalism and communications
    • Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts
    • Sewanee Writer's Conference Scholar
    Master's Degree in EnglishBachelor's Degree in English w/double minor in journalism and communicationsAssociate's Degree in Liberal ArtsSewanee Writer's Conference Scholar
    Research Interests
    • Creative Writing
    • Journalism
    • American Literature (Nineteenth And Early Twentieth Century)
    • British Romanticism
    JournalismAmerican literature (nineteenth and early twentieth century)British Romanticism
    kembrey@georgiasouthern.eduKatrina EmbreyKatrina EmbreyInterim Chair912-244-3385School of Nursing Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing
    ckaroki@georgiasouthern.eduCaroline KarokiCarolineKarokiInstructorSavannah GAArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsCaroline Karoki, MFA, is a filmmaker, media producer, and consultant with over 14 years of experience. She is a Southern Documentary Fund grant recipient, a Cucalorus and Working Films Works-in-Progress (WiP) Lab participant, and a South Pitch Finalist. While independently developing projects, she has freelanced in various roles on films and TV and worked full-time in corporate media production. She recently completed The Price of Hope, which was recently acquired for Educational Distribution by Good Docs. Caroline is a board member of Savannah Women in Film & TV and a member of DOC Savannah and Brown Girls Doc Mafia.
    • MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design
    nmoore@georgiasouthern.eduNina-Jo MooreNina-JoMooreAdjunct Professor of Communication 828-262-2171Jenkins 102Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsProfessor Emerita from Appalachian State University. Ph.D. From University. Of Maryland, MA from University of Georgia, BA from University of South Florida. Retired in 2021. Served as Associate Dean and Assistant Chair.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Experiential learning is I portant to a well-rounded education.
    • Ph.D in Communication Education, University of Maryland, 1987
    • MA. in Rhetoric & Public Address, Universiy of Georgia, 1982
    • BA. in Speech, English Secondary Education, University of South Florida, 1973
    MA in Rhetoric & Public Address, Universiy of Georgia, 1982BA in Speech, English Secondary Education, University of South Florida, 1973
    Research Interests
    • Nonverbal Communication
    • Intercultural Communication
    • Communication Theory
    • Rhetorical Criticism Theory
    Intercultural Communication Communication TheoryRhetorical Criticism Theory
    zutic@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1K6NE534mG1ouzvk7rq46nXqZ1sJBENzohttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IMWGo1wAAAAJ&hl=enZheni UticZheniUticAssistant Professor912-901-5422MP 3042Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesZheni Utic is an Assistant Professor of mathematics on the Statesboro campus at Georgia Southern University, where she has taught since 2021. Her research interests include Machine Learning methods applied to Cyber Security, Reinforcement Learning and Markov Decision Process.
    • Ph.D. Mathematics, University of South Florida
    • M.S. Economics, University of South Florida
    • M.S. Finance, University of South Florida
    M.S. Economics, University of South FloridaM.S. Finance, University of South Florida
    Research Interests
    • Machine Learning
    • Reinforcement Learning
    • Markov Decision Process
    Reinforcement LearningMarkov Decision Process
    mbattle@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1yy3GeuCRTsyxffgXtyiddIWCXPBiBf-nMilta Lydée BattleMilta LydéeBattleAdministrative Assistant912-478-5358Center for Art and Theater 2004BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesBetty Foy Sanders Department of ArtMilta Lydée (rhymes with Renée) Jones Battle is the Administrative Assistant for the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Arts. She has extensive experience providing administrative support to senior executives and managing complex administrative functions in higher ed, corporate and nonprofit organizations. While working in the office of the President at Washington Adventist University in Takoma Park, MD, she earned her B.S. in Psychology and plans to pursue a masters in counseling. In her spare time Lydée enjoys gardening, a passion she's discovered since moving to Georgia two years ago.
    • Bachelor of Science, Counseling Psychology
    rtootle@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1VaVtaRSvzgQ4vxe-P2pZrkP8RUOojvOQRevonna TootleRevonna TootleChild Development Assistant 912-478-5809789 Forest Dr. (Bldg#219)Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyChild Development assistant at the CDC on Statesboro Campus
    • AAS Early Childhood Education
    • Child Development Specialist
    Child Development Specialist
    aaroncharlescohen@gmail.comhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1W7EDpNUjfBS-MIXcDAGcvF1aK55tclg8Aaron CohenAaronCohenAaron Cohen, M.Arch (or Mr.)912-478-11491201 Fair Rd (Botanic Garden Admin)Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsBotanic Garden at Georgia Southern University
    • M.Arch., Savannah College of Art & Design
    • B.A. Economics, University of Maryland
    B.A. Economics, University of MarylandBotanic Garden
    cfutch@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1VW1DeGtziTj3yuyQnXzxw_lTXt2P5BhZSam FutchSamFutchDirector of Electronics and Research Techology912-536-2408Math/Physics Rm. 2031Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsOffice of the DeanMy name is Sam, and I have been working for Georgia Southern University in various positions for 11 years. Utilizing the USG Tuition Assistance Program I was able to graduate with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Southern in 2019. The past 4 years I have acted as the Director of Electronics and Research Technology for the College of Science and Mathematics. This role is extremely broad and very exciting. I have the privilege of working with many brilliant Faculty and Staff members, and I assist them with any equipment and infrastructure related issues and requirements.
    • B.S.E.E.
    COSM Core Research Lab, James H. Oliver Jr. Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Planetarium, Sustainable Aquaponics Research Center (SARC), United States National Tick Collection
    tbrookin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1lhRDzhonGEoE0PZpkQMdzzVqAR5e_WXSTina BrookinsTina BrookinsExecutive Assistant II 912-478-1957Foy Building 3006Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesOffice of the DeanMotivated, personable business professional with over 30 years of office and managerial experience. Excellent performance with bookkeeping, data entry, and account maintenance. Effective team management, strong organization and communication skills, attention to detail, and excellent written and oral communication skills in a fast-paced environment. Outstanding analytical skills with demonstrated ability to interpret and summarize data. Exceptional multi-tasking capabilities with effective time management and supervisory skills. I have excellent computer skills, including hardware and software knowledge and experience. I am proficient in Microsoft Office, graphic design software, and web design and maintenance.
    • AS Business Administration
    dglawrence@georgiasouthern.eduDebra LawrenceDebraLawrenceOffice Assistant 912-478-0141Newton 1118Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of English
    rgroomes@georgiasouthern.eduRobin GroomesRobinGroomesadministrative assistant 912-478-8002ENG 2125Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
    sferguson@georgiasouthern.eduSandra FergusonSandraFergusonLaboratory Coordinator912-478-2226Nursing/Chemistry Room 2001Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Biochemistry Chemistry & Physics
    lpires@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1S1vy3cSUvaK5W9-JbP19PFPeK-yBzgyMLarissa PiresLarissaPiresDr.912-478-0078Cone Hall Statesboro CampusFaculty CenterFaculty CenterInstructional Design Coordinator with focus in faculty development for teaching and learning success and faculty support. Historian per training, experienced Visiting Professor teaching Latin American history and World History.
    • Ph.D. in History of Science and Technology from Iowa State University, 2013.
    • MBA. Foreign Trade - Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil. 2006
    • B.A. International Relations - Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil. 2003
    MBA Foreign Trade - Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil. 2006B.A. International Relations - Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil. 2003
    Research Interests
    • Teaching And Learning In Higher Ed
    • Course Development
    • Gender Studies
    • Urban Development
    Course developmentGender studiesUrban development
    hrmoye@georgiasouthern.eduHeidi MoyeHeidiMoyeOffice Manager912-478-7911Cone Hall 0007Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyHeidi began working at Georgia Southern University in 2004 and has been at the Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) since 2007. During this time, she has earned both a Bachelors and Masters of Arts in History while leading the administrative team at the RCLD.
    • M.A., Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2012
    B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2012
    Research Interests
    • African American History
    • History Of The South
    • Civil War History
    History of the SouthCivil War HistoryThe Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    bsimmonsjohnson@georgiasouthern.eduBonita Simmons-JohnsonBonitaSimmons-JohnsonAdministrative Assistant II912-478-4747COBA Statesboro CampusParker College of BusinessDepartment of Information Systems & Analytics20+ years of Administrative Assistant experience, previously owned and operated several businesses which help to hone my administrative skills.
    • Two years of college majoring in Accounting.
    lnickles@georgiasouthern.eduLaura NicklesLaura NicklesAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5471Newton 3307BStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious Studies
    mdmoore@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1uqaUlLGwI3MohvTE-SmRwTmkJf5CNEXjMachelle MooreMachelleMooreAdministrative Assistant912-344-2763Hawes HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of History
    aphillips@georgiasouthern.eduAaron PhillipsAaronPhillipsCoordinator, Fred & Dinah Gretsch CollectionStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesOffice of the ProvostAaron is the Project Coordinator for the Fred and Dinah Gretsch Collection at Georgia Southern University. He oversees all internal and external projects related to the Gretsch partnership with Georgia Southern, including initiatives within the Georgia Southern Museum, the Fred and Dinah Gretsch Instrument, Artifact, and Document Collection, the Fred and Dinah Gretsch School of Music, and the Parker College of Business, as well as collaborations with the J.W. Marriott at Plant Riverside District, the National Association of Music Merchants, the Georgia Music Foundation, and the Country Music Hall of Fame.
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, Criminal Justice, 2012
    • M.A., The University of Alabama, American Studies, 2016
    • PhD, The University of Alabama, History, ABD
    M.A., The University of Alabama, American Studies, 2016PhD, The University of Alabama, History, ABD
    Research Interests
    • American History
    • Southern History
    • Memory Studies
    • Music History
    Southern HistoryMemory StudiesMusic History
    wmatti@georgiasouthern.eduWilma Matti Wilma Matti Instructor 912-478-7648Nursing/ChemistryStatesboro CampusWaters College of Health ProfessionsSchool of Nursing
    jacksimmons@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1YbYzPB8HNXHW4302gk05MMC5N_WaLFPXJack SimmonsJackSimmonsProfessor912-344-2653Gamble 203Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesJack Simmons was born in California. He attended university in Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Germany and now resides in Savannah, Georgia with his wife Katherine and his children, Savannah, Mary and Augustus. He is a professor of philosophy at Georgia Southern University, and when not surfing at Tybee or writing fiction, he likes to enjoy a Sazerac cocktail.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Doing is learning.
    • Ph.D. Philosophy
    Research Interests
    • Applied Discourse Theory: Science, Medicine, Bureaucracy And Art.
    Institute for Water and Health
    dlarkin@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1NHLjfS5OzsG2Gmw3s0ko6E63qMGeBipKDan LarkinDanLarkinAssociate Professor912-478-5471Newton 3308Statesboro Campus, Wexford, IrelandCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesMy research is centered around Ancient Greek Philosophy, more specifically Plato. My work has focused on rethinking Plato's understanding of divine intervention and the role it plays with regard to the acquisition of knowledge. Recently, I have shifted my focus to ignorance and love, and the roles they play throughout the Platonic dialogues. I am also currently serving as the Program Director of the Wexford Study Abroad program at Georgia Southern.
    • PhD - Philosophy - University of Memphis
    • MA. - Philosophy - University of Memphis
    • BA. - Philosophy - Villanova University
    MA - Philosophy - University of MemphisBA - Philosophy - Villanova University
    Research Interests
    • Ancient Greek Philosophy
    • Philosophy Of Religion
    • 19Th Century Philosophy
    Philosophy of Religion19th Century PhilosophyCenter for Irish Research & Teaching
    eweeks@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1MrdlRyWawEr0osZOPayK0eeGesKaIWAFElanor WeeksElanorWeeksAdministrative Assistant II912-478-0572Foy 3011Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesOffice of the Dean
    travenjackson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=173CyqNEaQqg85zRVG3d9Wu7l0jAA5_bhTraven JacksonTravenJacksonAdministrative Assistant912-344-3093SC202/UH242Armstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & Construction, Department of Computer Science, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Department of Information Technology, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    bbentley@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1G5uaaRvyKhLQKEEqt5r3ovNZvJuHD-B7Benjamin BentleyBenjamin BentleyLab Technician 912-478-7180Sanford Hall room 0103AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsRetired U.S. Army Sergeant. Broadcast Engineer.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Facilitator of higher learning
    • Bachelors of Science Electrical Engineering Technologies
    gwendolyn.starling@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fQRrQn2cG4TPjQuM2dSs6Bk9QIfM_rlrWendy FletcherWendyFletcherAdministrative Assistant912-478-5761Engineering 2121Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
    btharp@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1pu8WQtvftJpDX8Vb3imt2NR09CNc4SYhBrent TharpBrentTharpMuseum Director912-478-5021Rosenwald 2053AStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesMuseumBrent Tharp’s work and research have focused on Museum Studies and American Material Culture including his dissertation, “‘Preserving Their Form and Features’: The Role of the Coffin in the American Understanding of Death, 1607-1870.” He has worked professionally in the field for more than 30 years as Curator for the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, Director of the North Carolina Pottery Center, and Director of Georgia Southern’s museum since July 2000. Dr. Tharp has served in leadership roles in various boards including the Georgia Association of Museums and the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries, and serves an Assessment and Accreditation Peer Reviewer for the American Alliance of Museums.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy at Georgia Southern is to ensure that our students as visitors to the museum are building a foundation of life-long learning, but also, through employment, internships, and classes they are serving as curators, designers, educators, and more contributing to the museum’s operations and mission.
    • Ph.D., American Studies, College of William and Mary, 1996
    • MA., History, College of William and Mary, 1988
    • BA., History, Indiana University, 1986
    MA, History, College of William and Mary, 1988BA, History, Indiana University, 1986
    Research Interests
    • Museum Studies
    • American Material Culture
    • Coastal Georgia History
    American Material CultureCoastal Georgia historyMuseum
    tvo@georgiasouthern.eduTimmy VoTimmy VoLearning Commons Associate912-344-3011Learning CommonsArmstrong CampusUniversity Libraries
    christinawaugh@georgiasouthern.eduChristina WaughChristinaWaughLibrary Assistant912-478-5647Henderson Library, Access ServicesStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesHenderson LibraryPh.D., University of Michigan, 2000
    • Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2000
    Henderson Library
    mrempel@georgiasouthern.eduM.H. RempelM.H.RempelAssociate Professor912-478-5471Newton Building, P.O. Box 8023Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesPh.D. University of Toronto
    • Ph.D. University of Toronto
    swade@georgiasouthern.eduSabrina WadeSabrinaWadeCirculation Assistant912-344-3010Lane Library, Room 102Armstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    CGerdmann@georgiasouthern.eduChristopher GerdmannChristopherGerdmannLab Supervisor912-478-6077Engineering Building 1105Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Mechanical Engineering
    • Georgia Southern University
    jgee@georgiasouthern.eduJoshua GeeJoshua GeeLibrary Technical Assistant 912-478-5400Henderson LibraryStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity Libraries
    • B.A. History, Georgia Southern University, 2021
    loparker@georgiasouthern.eduLionel ParkerLionelParkerLibrary Assistant912-225-5002ILL dept.Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesIntern-Library Loan
    kgecawich@georgiasouthern.eduKelli Anne GecawichKelli AnneGecawichMedia & Circulation Associate912-344-3008Lane LibraryArmstrong CampusUniversity LibrariesUniversity LibrariesMedia & Circulation Associate at Lane Library
    • M.Ed. Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2022
    MLIS, Valdosta State University, 2022
    epatterson@georgiasouthern.eduErin PattersonErinPattersonProject Archivist912-478-8462Henderson Library, Special CollectionsStatesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesSpecial Collections Unit at University Libraries
    Teaching Philosophy
    Archival processing of the Gretsch materials
    • MLIS, University of South Carolina, 2016
    • BA., Mercer University, 2012
    BA, Mercer University, 2012
    jhammond@georgiasouthern.comhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1pADVw2eRskG_64NSVrYy5sLBRcpjgiiNEvan HammondEvanHammondIT Technician912-478-01612216Statesboro CampusHenderson LibraryHenderson LibraryIT technician, husband and father, musician
    lakers@georgiasouthern.eduLisa AkersLisaAkersData Manager/Assessment Coordinator912-478-5762COE Room 1103-BStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationOffice of Curriculum, Instruction, and Initial Educator PreparationLisa Akers is the Data Manager for the College of Education and provides information pertaining to enrollment, academic progress, and completion for administrators, faculty, and staff of the college as well as for Title II reporting purposes. She is also the Assessment Coordinator and manages accounts and assessments in Chalk & Wire for the College of Education.
    • B.B.A., Georgia Southern University
    jnbrown@georgiasouthern.eduJasmine BrownJasmineBrownCoordinator912-478-5544Williams Center, 1003Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeOffice of First and Second Year Experience
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2017
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2015
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2015B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2014
    dmaeweather@georgiasouthern.eduDantrell MaeweatherDantrellMaeweatherCoordinator912-478-5544Williams Center, 1004Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeOffice of First and Second Year Experience
    • M.Ed., Georgia Southern University, 2021
    • B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2016
    B.A., Georgia Southern University, 2016
    mshepherd@georgiasouthern.eduMiracle ShepherdMiracleShepherdAdministrative Assistant I912-478-5544Williams Center, 1001Statesboro CampusProvost OfficeOffice of First and Second Year Experience
    wpowell@georgiasouther.eduWilliam PowellWilliamPowellDirector Interdisciplinary Studies912-478-7128IAB 2014Statesboro CampusInstitute for Innovative and Integrated Studiesinterdisciplinary Studies20+ years in Higher Education management, service and innovation
    • MA., Appalachian State University, 1994
    • BS., Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992
    BS, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1992
    jinahpark@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1A7NrBoShh1bsgqHVwmZd_K0q34C7pxT5Jin Ah ParkJin AhParkHonors Program Coordinator912-478-5569Eidson HouseStatesboro CampusHonors Collegehonors college
    • Masters of Art, Georgia Southern University, 2024
    • Bachelor of Science, Georgia Southern University, 2020
    Bachelor of Science, Georgia Southern University, 2020
    mmccurdy@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=11AbDZ6HgKJvW9n4KEvwMM4yr2RCTtvLDMichael McCurdyMichaelMcCurdyDirector912-478-1509Cone Hall, 2026Statesboro CampusThe Faculty CenterThe Faculty Center
    Teaching Philosophy
    Interests include: Providing faculty with resources to balance their workloads; Building faculty resource spaces such as studios for audio, video, and podcast recording; Supporting the development of quality learning environments as they relate to the student experience.
    • M.S., Full Sail University, 2010
    • B. Music, University of Toronto, 1995
    B. Music, University of Toronto, 1995
    klarry@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1HVdrK5KHBUqr6IUZUgtrBeykLcBwCo8JKyra LarryKyraLarryCoordinator of Experiential Learning 912-478-5197Williams CenterStatesboro CampusOffice of Career and Professional Development Office of Career and Professional Development Kyra specializes in Human Resource Management, Career Development, and Organizational Leadership. As Coordinator of Experiential Learning in the Office of Career & Professional Development, she manages initiatives across three campuses, collaborates with faculty and employers, and oversees the Internship Scholarship Program.With a BBA in HR Management from Georgia Southern and an MEd in Learning, Leadership, and Organizational Development from UGA, Kyra is a lifelong learner dedicated to inspiring students. She also serves as the Professional Development Committee Chair for GACE and Staff Advisor for NSBE, excelling in building connections, leading initiatives, and championing professional development.
    • BBA, emphasis in Human Resource Management
    • M.Ed., Learning, Leadership, & Organizational Development
    • SHRM-CP
    M.Ed., Learning, Leadership, & Organizational DevelopmentSHRM-CPOffice of Career and Professional Development
    draymond@georgiasouthern.eduDeAndra RaymondDeAndra RaymondExecutive Assistant II912-478-0851Veazey Hall Statesboro CampusJack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies Graduate StudiesI'm an accomplished Executive Assistant II with a strong organizational support and administrative excellence background. With a master's degree in accounting, I bring a unique blend of analytical expertise and meticulous attention to detail to the role. Known for managing complex schedules, streamlining processes, and fostering seamless communication within teams, I'm a trusted professional dedicated to driving operational efficiency and supporting executive-level leadership. My accounting expertise enhances my ability to handle financial reporting, budget management, and strategic planning with precision and insight.
    • Master's in Accounting
    ttemple@georgiasouthern.eduTravis TempleTravisTempleBudget Analyst I912-478-2609Williams CenterStatesboro CampusWe work with all collegesWe work with all departments
    luvashiacollins@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1m44GPu7DZoSPIeShXVPlUO4rpJ4PoRzWLuv'Ashia CollinsLuv'Ashia CollinsMs. 912-478-5696Williams Center Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & Humanities, Waters College of Health Professions, Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health, Honors CollegeDepartment of Communication Arts, I am a double eagle. I earned both my undergraduate and graduate degrees from Georgia Southern University.
    rabarret@georgiasouthern.eduRachael BarrettRachaelBarrettCareer and Internship Advisor912-478-51971055 Williams CenterStatesboro CampusParker College of BusinessTwenty three years of experience in Career Services/Office of Career and Professional Development, working with student to achieve success in educational goals. Professionally certified through the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM-CP) organization. Additional qualifications in the National Association of Colleges and Employers in Career Coaching.
    • Master of Education, University of New Orleans, 2001
    • Bachelor of Science, Accounting, 1983
    • Society of Human Resources Management, SHRM-CP
    Bachelor of Science, Accounting, 1983Society of Human Resources Management, SHRM-CP
    ccofer@georgiasouthern.eduCaitlyn CoferCaitlynCoferDirector of Operations912-478-7778Williams Center, First FloorStatesboro CampusCareer & Professional Development
    acraig@georgiasouthern.eduAbigail CraigAbigailCraigAssessment Specialist912-478-8053Williams CenterStatesboro Campus
    lreefer@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1jr0idKzE2wJMLEoLEIcFhwpJhzhsK__BLaura Lowe-ReeferLauraLowe-ReeferInstructional Service Coordinator912-478-0101Cone Hall room 2032 Statesboro CampusThe Faculty CenterThe Faculty CenterI'm Laura Lowe-Reefer, I work at the Faculty Center on the Statesboro campus, where I've been supporting faculty, teaching, and learning for 15 wonderful years. My passion lies in helping faculty with instructional design, technology, course reviews, and pedagogy. When I'm not at work, you'll find me on our charming little farm with my husband. We have a delightful menagerie of animals, including chickens, rabbits, donkeys, turkeys, dogs, and a cat. And guess what? We just welcomed our second granddaughter. I love being a grandmother.
    Teaching Philosophy
    My teaching philosophy is learner-centric and holistic, recognizing that effective education goes beyond mere information transmission. I believe each learner is unique, with diverse backgrounds, learning styles, and preferences. I emphasize real-world relevance, ensuring instructional content is practically applicable. I integrate Universal Design, User Experience Design, and Accessibility, creating a learner-centered environment with a collaborative constructivist perspective. This approach fosters teaching, cognitive, and social presence through interactions among students, content, and instructors, encouraging curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity through active engagement and practical application.
    • Masters in Adult Education and Community Leadership
    • Masters Instructional Design/Technology
    • BS. Information Technology - Multimedia Animation
    Masters Instructional Design/TechnologyBS Information Technology - Multimedia Animation
    kathrynbryant@georgiasouthern.eduKathryn BryantKathrynBryantCoordinator of Programs & Events912-478-1322Williams CenterStatesboro CampusAcademic AffairsOffice of Career & Professional Development
    jkjones@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ryMvL3jqe3VO7czh_1PuDaCwqnMxTIejJosh JonesJoshJonesPre-Professional Advisor912-478-5197Williams Center 1018Statesboro Campus
    • B.S., Georgia Southern University, 2022
    djones@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1FlhOOnTGBvgqfQIvZFegQHkHfJq_dv_DChance JonesChanceJonesProgram Recruiter and Adult Transition Manager912-478-2307StatesboroStatesboro CampusAdult and Online LearningAdult and Online LearningCPT Dakota "Chance" Jones is currently assigned as the Assistant Operations Officer at 3-121 IN, 48th BDE of the Georgia Army National Guard. His previous assignments include Scout Platoon Leader, Rifle Platoon Leader, Gold Bar Recruiter, Operations Officer, Executive Officer, and Assistant Gunner. In his civilian career, he currently serves as the Program Recruiter and Adult Transition Manager at Georgia Southern University. His previous civilian positions and employment include Military Outreach Coordinator, Coordinator of Residency, Operations Manager, and Senior Military Science Instructor.
    • MBA., Georgia Southern University, 2023
    • BBA Finance, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    BBA Finance, Georgia Southern University, 2018
    stripathi@georgiasouthern.eduShamit TripathiShamitTripathi912-314-3334SavannahArmstrong CampusOffice of ResearchOffice of ResearchHelping GSU make data - driven informed decisions.
    • MSIS - Georgia State University
    abodruk@georgiasouthern.eduAdrianna BodrukAdriannaBodrukProject Manager - QEPWilliams CenterStatesboro Campus
    • Bachelor of Science in Public Relations
    ehoste@georgiasouthern.eduEmily HosteEmilyHosteAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5197Williams CenterStatesboro Campus
    dkessel@georgiasouthern.eduDiane KesselDianeKesselSenior Lecturer912-478-5396Foy Armstrong Campus, Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of MusicDiane Kessel is the flute instructor at Georgia Southern University. She earned her DMA in performance at the University of South Carolina with Jennifer Parker-Harley, her MM at Western Michigan University with Martha Councell-Vargas, and her BM at the University of Illinois with Jonathan Keeble. She has performed with the National Music Festival Orchestra, Greenville Symphony, Ohio Light Opera, Palmetto Opera, and Theatro Lirico D’Europa. Diane has won competitions and performed at festivals across the U.S., and her quintet recently toured China. A Cleveland native, she was principal flute with the Contemporary Youth Orchestra, performing with Jon Anderson, Pat Benatar, and Styx.
    • D.M.A. University of South Carolina
    • M.A. Western Michigan University
    M.A. Western Michigan University
    robert.harris@georgiasouthern.eduRobert HarrisRobertHarrisProfessor912-344-2872Fine Arts Hall, Room 125Armstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesFred & Dinah Gretsch School of Music
    • D.M.A. University of Washington
    • M.M. University of the Pacific
    M.M. University of the Pacific
    mredden@georgiasouthern.eduMark ReddenMarkReddenTheater Technical Director912-344-2556Fine Arts HallArmstrong CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsMr. Redden works in theatrical scenic construction, lighting and sound.
    • PLC
    labbott@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1zBQwQepQqK4m2VrnuTYnQsLg4_cKLW-JLisa AbbottLisaAbbottProfessor912-478-0530Sanford HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Communication ArtsLisa L. Abbott is a Professor and Director of Theatre. She teaches directing, acting and playwriting. Abbott supervises and trains the student stage managers and serves as the Marketing Director and Box Office supervisor for the Theatre program. Abbott has worked all over the United States as a director and stage manager. Her focus is on development of new works with Portland Center Stage, Pavement Productions, The Organic Theatre in Chicago, and Chicago Dramatists. Abbott is fascinated with the process of story development through movement and language. She was recognized by the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in 2015 with the Hilton Worldwide Award for Distinguished Director of a play for her work on Race; a play.
    • M.F.A Directing, University of Portland
    • B.S Theatre and Psychology, Colorado State University
    B.S Theatre and Psychology, Colorado State University
    shkim@georgiasouthern.eduSeonghoon KimSeonghoonKimAssociate Professor912-478-7289Engieering Building 1121Statesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionDr. Kim has been a tenured associate professor of Civil Engineering and Construction (CEC) at Georgia Southern University (GSU) since receiving his tenure at GSU in the fall of 2014. IIn that time, Dr. Kim has achieved strong standing in the areas of teaching, research, and service for the CEC department. Dr. Kim is actively involved in construction engineering and management research projects and has published more than 20 publications over the last fifteen years and more than 30 at GSU.
    Teaching Philosophy
    Dr. Kim taught ten core courses for Construction Management, including Estimating, Concrete, Steel, Building Codes, Building Material, Structures, Surveying, Project Management, Senior Project, and Cost Estimating. He enjoys teaching and building relationships with his students. As a CM faculty member, he instructed many CM competition students in heavy civil, commercial, and design build competitions. He developed reports for the ACCE and SACS assessments, and initiated integrating service learning into his class. In addition, he sustains interaction with industry practitioners, including estimators and project managers, to apply real world information and knowledge toward his teaching and research.
    • PhD, University of Kansas, 2008.
    • MS., Iowa State University, 2004.
    • BS., MyongJi University, 1996.
    • Research Interests
      • Productivity Measurements And Analyses
      • Cost Estimating And Scheduling
      • Sustainable Infrastructures
      • Improving Production In Urban Infrastructures
    MS, Iowa State University, 2004.BS, MyongJi University, 1996.
    Research Interests
    • Productivity Measurements And Analyses
    • Cost Estimating And Scheduling
    • Sustainable Infrastructures
    • Improving Production In Urban Infrastructures
    cost estimating and schedulingsustainable infrastructuresenergy harvesting using solar panelimproving production in urban infrastructures
    mhill@georgiasouthern.eduMatthew HillMatthewHill912-478-7138Central warehouseStatesboro CampusGeorgia Southern University MuseumDepartment of Political Science & International Studies, MuseumMatthew W. Hill has worked, consulted, and created exhibitions for museums in the US, Canada, Scotland, England, Ireland and Russia. He was a founding curator of the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix (Arizona). Besides academic pursuits, he has enjoyed a varied musical life that includes being a Nashville session player, art music composer, double bassist, and guitarist.
    • Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, 2014
    • MMus., University of Edinburgh, 2005
    • BMus, Edinburgh Napier University, 2004
    • Research Interests
      • Musical Instruments
      • Music History And Material Culture
      • Popular Music
    MMus., University of Edinburgh, 2005BMus, Edinburgh Napier University, 2004
    Research Interests
    • Musical Instruments
    • Music History And Material Culture
    • Popular Music
    Music history and material culturePopular music
    smjackson@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1Sbusn-C34CI3iRErshPTiR6sAcKabReqShawn JacksonShawnJacksonLab Supervisor912-478-60661100E Engineering BuildingStatesboro CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Civil Engineering & ConstructionShawn Jackson is a dedicated member of the Civil Engineering Department, overseeing the operation of 14 labs, including equipment maintenance, repair, and purchasing. With a background in geology, he brings a unique perspective to his work, combining technical expertise with hands-on problem-solving.Beyond the lab, Shawn is passionate about emerging technologies like 3D printing and artificial intelligence research. He also enjoys flying drones, hiking, and restoring vintage motorcycles. A lifelong adventurer, he has lived across the U.S., from Idaho and South Carolina to Texas, before settling in Georgia. When he's not working, he treasures time with his wife and three children, often capturing life’s moments through photography.
    Teaching Philosophy
    The purpose of education is the creation of autodidacts. We teach to cultivate the mind and stir curiosity. Once that flame is kindled, learning becomes a lifelong journey.
    • B.S., Geology Georgia Southern, 2014
    • Research Interests
      • Uas/Drones
      • 3D Printing
      • Materials Science
      • Artificial Intelligence
      • Asphalt Laboratory, Materials Research Laboratory, Water Environment Research Laboratory
    Research Interests
    • Uas/Drones
    • 3D Printing
    • Materials Science
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Asphalt Laboratory, Materials Research Laboratory, Water Environment Research Laboratory
    3D PrintingMaterials ScienceSurveying and GISArtificial Intelligence Asphalt Laboratory, Materials Research Laboratory, Water Environment Research Laboratory
    szheng@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://shijun-zheng.github.io/Shijun ZhengShijunZhengProfessor912-478-1338Math-Physics building Room 3306Statesboro CampusCollege of Science & MathematicsDepartment of Mathematical SciencesDr. Shijun Zheng received a Ph.D. in Mathematics at The University of Maryland, College Park. Following his postdoctoral positions at LSU and USC, Zheng joined the Mathematical Sciences department at Georgia Southern University. His research interests include Spectral Calculus and PDE in Quantum Mechanics in both analytical and computational domain. Zheng authored more than 35 papers and served as editor of five book volumes. Zheng teaches a variety of undergrad and grad courses, e.g., Calculus, Linear Algebra, ODE, Advanced PDE, Math for Scientists and Engineers. Zheng loves to work with students on their studies as well as research projects. HIs hobbies are music, ping-pong, tennis, soccer, and hiking.
    Teaching Philosophy
    A good teacher should be a great Communicator who is able to share with students a growth mindset.
    • PHD. University of Maryland 2003
    • Research Interests
      • Evolutionary Pde Arising In Physics
      • Numerical Modeling
    Research Interests
    • Evolutionary Pde Arising In Physics
    • Numerical Modeling
    Numerical Modeling
    mnetherland@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1VmEMlyLaEgmDTnx2-8VZDTfPDllYG7GiMegan NetherlandMeganNetherlandPart-time faculty912-344-3619Armstrong Campus, Online onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesMegan Netherland has served at GSU as a part-time faculty member since 2018. She received her Bachelors of Arts in liberal studies from Armstrong Atlantic State University in 2015.
    • M.A., Louisiana State University, 2017
    • B.A., Armstrong State University, 2015
    B.A., Armstrong State University, 2015
    klau@georgiasouthern.eduKam LauKamLauAssociate Professor912-478-5290Armstrong CampusAllen E Paulson College of Engineering & ComputingDepartment of Information TechnologyAssociate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Georgia Southern University
    • PhD
    pbrummell@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1ir5tAw0SuIbPGWnyZ5FHNqxOrLq0i86VPamela BrummellPamela BrummellAccess Services Supervisor912-478-5045Zach S. Henderson Library, Office 2300Statesboro CampusUniversity LibrariesDepartment of University Libraries My name is Pamela “Carley” Brummell, and I am an Access Services Supervisor at Zach S. Henderson Library on the Statesboro campus. I’m from Macon, GA and graduated from Georgia Southern University with a Writing and Linguistics degree. In my spare time, I enjoy reading fiction and writing poetry.
    aculver@georgiasouthern.eduAmber CulverAmberCulverStaff Assistant 912-478-1685Psychology Clinic 0213Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyHello My name is Amber Culver. I have been living in Statesboro, GA for a few years now by way of Mississippi. Being a Georgia Southern University Eagle means the world to me and I am so excited to continue my employment with such an amazing university.
    • BS.; Public Health
    • Research Interests
      • Psychology Clinic
    Research Interests
    • Psychology Clinic
    Psychology Clinic
    mnordahl@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1CKUbFiN1gixXGRCj3CAUYQqlz2DraOkuMarianne NordahlMarianneNordahlDirector of Child Development Center912-713-8206789 Forest DriveStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyTeaching young children has always been my passion. I loved my time in the classroom teaching Kindergarten, First and Second graders. As my children grew up, I returned to school to further my education in teaching which allowed me to oversee programs and become an elementary school principal.I am a Georgia Southern alumna, receiving my Masters in Teaching on the Armstrong campus. I acquired her Ed S in Leadership while working as an Elementary Principal before my current position as the Director of the GS Child Development Center.
    • Educational Specialist degree in Leadership
    • Masters of Arts in Teaching
    • Bachelors of Science degree in Social Work
    • Research Interests
      • Early Childhood Development
      • Special Needs Children
      • Reading And Literacy In Children
      • Child Development Center
    Masters of Arts in TeachingBachelors of Science degree in Social Work
    Research Interests
    • Early Childhood Development
    • Special Needs Children
    • Reading And Literacy In Children
    • Child Development Center
    Special Needs ChildrenReading and literacy in childrenAdult/children relationshipsChild Development Center
    cdeal@georgiasouthern.eduCaroline DealCarolineDeal912-478-0100Cone Hall #0010Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyMrs. Deal earned her Ed.S. in School Psychology from Georgia Southern University in 2005. She spent three years working in a K-12 setting with clients ranging in age from 3 to 21years. She has been at the Regents Center for Learning Disorders since 2008, she enjoys being a part of the evaluation team and providing students with tools to successfully complete their academic goals.
    • Ed.S. School Psychology
    • Research Interests
      • Learning Disabilities Related To Reading And Written Expression
      • The Regents Center For Learning Disorders
    Research Interests
    • Learning Disabilities Related To Reading And Written Expression
    • The Regents Center For Learning Disorders
    The Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    mquattlebaum@georgiasouthern.eduMeredith Lee QuattlebaumMeredith LeeQuattlebaumEducational Psychologist912-478-5380Cone Hall 0008Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyI have worked at the RCLD at Georgia Southern as an Educational Psychologist for the last ten years. I also have experience in the K-12 system as well as working with individuals with Autism who are seeking behavioral therapy. I am passionate about helping those with learning disabilities, AD/HD and anxiety. When not at work, I like to watch sports and spend time with my family.
    • Ed.S. Georgia Southern University, 2011
    • M.Ed. Georgia Southern University, 2009
    • B.A. University of South Carolina, 2008
    M.Ed. Georgia Southern University, 2009B.A. University of South Carolina, 2008
    sarahsingleton@georgiasouthern.eduSarah SingletonSarahSingletonOffice Assistant912-478-0100Cone HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyOffice AssistantSarah has been with the RCLD since January 2016. Her major responsibilities include greeting clients, processing all incoming and outgoing mail, answering incoming phone calls. Sarah also provides support to the clinical staff by proofreading reports, making psychoeducational formatting corrections, and creating the final copy. She also proofs and finalizes all outgoing letters from the RCLD. Sarah is fluent in Spanish, French, and English.
    • Research Interests
      • The Regents Center For Learning Disorders
    Research Interests
    • The Regents Center For Learning Disorders
    The Regents Center for Learning Disorders
    mbanks@georgiasouthern.eduMe'Osha BanksMe'OshaBanksChild Life Specialist912-478-5537Child Development CenterStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyChild Development Specialist; Preschool One Lead Teacher
    • B.S. in Child and Family Development, Emphasis in Child Development
    • Research Interests
      • Child Development Center
    Research Interests
    • Child Development Center
    Child Development Center
    kmcmillan@georgiasouthern.eduKelly McMillanKellyMcMillanAdministrative Assistant 912-478-5249Cone HallStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of PsychologyKelly joined the Regents Center for Learning Disorders at Georgia Southern University in January of 2015. She is currently earning her B.S.Ed. in Elementary Education while working full time as the administrative assistant in the RCLD.
    • Elementary Education, B.S.Ed. (in progress)
    cjthomp@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1fzxvthq_9juZxyWwlUzA1J-XDqv8_ScsChristina ThompsonChristinaThompsonEducation Preparation Coordinator912-478-0499College of Education Room 1103EStatesboro CampusCollege of EducationCurriculum, Instruction and Initial Educator Preparation
    JLJONES@GEORGIASOUTHERN.EDUhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1S7r3dgDW82-LbF_FaFUYU29ZDnoYpB22Jasmine JonesJasmineJonesAdministrative Assistant II912-478-5149Carroll Building 1003DStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology & AnthropologyMy name is Jasmine Jones!!! I am the administrative assistant II for the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. I begin my career at Georgia Southern University Statesboro Campus on November of 2021. I enjoy helping students and Faculties when help is needed for handling any problems or answering any questions. Here at Georgia Southern that is my main top priority to help assist.
    mgranado@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1tiLmuG4MKfbzPcV18jqEFAV0pzDA_yOmMichael Granado Michael Granado 912-478-5471Statesboro Newton BuildingOnline onlyCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of Philosophy & Religious StudiesPhD Candidate, Staffordshire University, M.A. Georgia Southern University, M.T.S. Emory University, B.A. Georgia Southern University.
    • PhD Candidate
    apinilla@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1saiepfnNrKO93wc2wRvUfA1iZTGvwagyAngela Pinilla-HerreraAngelaPinilla-HerreraAssociate Professor and Co-Director MA/mat Spanish912-478-7060IAB 2063Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesDepartment of World Languages & CulturesDr. Angela Pinilla-Herrera is a passionate educator and scholar in linguistics, committed to fostering Spanish language skills and critical thinking. Her courses, ranging from introductory to graduate levels, emphasize practical language skills, cultural awareness, and the social and cultural contexts of communication. As a scholar in sociolinguistics, Spanish in the U.S., and applied linguistics, she has published works, including a chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Teaching. Dr. Pinilla-Herrera also contributes to Georgia Southern University through various leadership roles. She is currently Co-Director of the Spanish MA & MAT, advocating for diverse communities both inside and outside the classroom.
    Teaching Philosophy
    I believe that pedagogy should be both affective and effective. Treating students with respect and engaging them as critical thinkers and global citizens is key to my approach to teaching.I focus on creating a comfortable, collaborative learning environment that promotes active participation and research. I encourage students to engage in discussions to take ownership of their learning and appreciate diverse perspectives. To this end, I use a variety of authentic materials and research from my expertise in sociolinguistics and second language pedagogy to challenge students' views on linguistic and cultural topics.
    • Ph.D. Linguistics. University of Minnesota
    • M.A. Linguistics. Arizona State University
    • B.A. Modern Languages. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá
    • Research Interests
      • Sociolinguistics
      • Spanish In The U.S.
      • Second Language Pedagogy
      • Discourse Analysis
    M.A. Linguistics. Arizona State UniversityB.A. Modern Languages. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá
    Research Interests
    • Sociolinguistics
    • Spanish In The U.S.
    • Second Language Pedagogy
    • Discourse Analysis
    Spanish in the U.S.Second Language PedagogyPragmaticsDiscourse Analysis
    lalston@georgiasouthern.eduLatoya AlstonLatoyaAlstonChild Development Specialist 912-478-5809Child Development Center Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyI’m the lead toddler one teacher at the child development center. I graduated from Georgia Southern University in 2012 and I have two children.
    • B.A. in General Studies, Minor in Child/Family Development, Georgia Southern University
    • Research Interests
      • Child Development Center
    Research Interests
    • Child Development Center
    Child Development Center
    bmcduffie@georgiasouthern.eduBritne McDuffieBritne McDuffieChild Development Specialist912-478-5537Child Development CenterStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyMy name is Britne Mcduffie! I am from McRae, Ga. My career as a Child Development Specialist (Toddler Teacher) began during my internship at Georgia Southern Child Development Center. I continued my work with young children after my internship by becoming the lead teacher in the Toddler Two classroom at Georgia Southern Child Development Center. As a lab teacher, my role is to serve as a role model and mentor to students who are working towards their degree in child development. My unwavering commitment to child development is the driving force behind my work. I am passionate about teaching young children within a learning environment and collaborating with others to make a difference for ALL children.
    Teaching Philosophy
    As educators, we play a pivotal role in shaping the minds of our future leaders. Our perspectives as teachers matter because we support children's development and growth alongside caregivers. Communication is the key to creating positive and supporting relationships with families, which in turn helps us as leaders support the children's development within a childcare setting. Together, we are building a learning environment where all are welcome and the children's learning needs are supported and met, aligning with our view as teachers. This is significant because, as leaders, we are molding the minds of our future leaders; we can only fulfill this by supporting and meeting the needs of these children.
    • Master of Psychology in Child and Adolescent Development from Capella University (Summer 2021)
    • Bachelor of Sciences in Child and Family Development from Georgia Southern University (Spring 2018)
    • Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Administration from Purdue Global (Fall 2024)
    • Research Interests
      • Infants And Toddlers Development
      • Language And Literacy
      • Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion
      • Child Development Center
    Bachelor of Sciences in Child and Family Development from Georgia Southern University (Spring 2018)Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Administration from Purdue Global (Fall 2024)Associate of Arts in Early Childhood Education from East Georgia State College (Spring 2016)
    Research Interests
    • Infants And Toddlers Development
    • Language And Literacy
    • Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion
    • Child Development Center
    Language and LiteracyDiversity, Equity, and InclusionCulturally Responsive ClassroomsChild Development Center
    madavis@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1EUHuRWAbCML82vs-EgZdhSG_blGyliFIMerrial DavisMerrialDavisAssistant teacher 912-478-5537789 Forest Dr, Statesboro Ga Statesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human EcologyAssistant teacher for toddler two at the child development center.
    • College degree
    • Research Interests
      • Child Development Center
    Research Interests
    • Child Development Center
    Child Development Center
    aclark@georgiasouthern.eduhttps://drive.google.com/open?id=1i9mU3nWIjH809Rk5jk0UkrATVGfGx31lAshleigh ClarkAshleighClarkAdmin III912-478-0844Foy 3015Statesboro CampusCollege of Arts & HumanitiesOffice of the DeanBorn and raised in Atlanta, GA, spent several of my childhood years in Savannah. Mother Nature is my best friend. I spend so much of my time basking in the essence of her beauty in every aspect. I’ve truly reached the gardening era of my life. All things yoga and meditation are daily rituals for me. Especially spending the last 8 years in various healthcare roles of administration, IT project analysis, and residency medical education. The experience I’ve gained really sharpened my skills and expanded creative endeavors. Shifting gears more into the education side of things, I look forward and welcome this new journey with open roads and clear direction.
    swashington@georgiasouthern.eduShari WashingtonShariWashingtonLead Teacher(912)478-1580Child Development CenterStatesboro CampusCollege of Behavioral & Social SciencesSchool of Human Ecology